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Eversource to customers: Watch out for scammers
from Town Times
Press Release
While many people make resolutions in the new year, scammers are resolute too –developing new schemes to steal money and personal information or other sensitive data by posing as Eversource representatives. Recently there’s been a rise in calls targeting utility customers, and the energy company is reminding residents and businesses to be on the lookout for the signs of a scam whether it’s in person, over the phone, or online.
While these scams can take many forms, one common scare tactic that’s used is the overpayment scam. Scammers will call claiming that the person overpaid their utility bill and request their personal bank account or credit card information to give a refund. In many cases, the scammer can manipulate the caller ID to display “Eversource,” creating a greater sense of confusion.
“Phishing” or “Smishing” scams are also increasingly common. That’s when a person receives a text message requesting personal infor-
Compost program
Currently, more than 120 local families/households participate in the Coginchaug Area Transition compost program. CAT aims to see that number rise to 300 by spring. Compost kits ($25) and extra bags ($3) are available at the Middlefield Building Office in the Community Center and at the Durham First Selectman’s office in Town Hall. Payment can be made with cash, or check (written out to Cogin- mation from scammers pretending to be from a reputable company.
“These scammers often prey on customers’ fears – threatening to shut off their power or use other deceitful tactics to scare people into giving up their money or personal information,” said Penni Conner, Eversource Executive Vice President, Customer Experience and Energy Strategy.
“We never demand instant payment over the phone or ask for personal information in an unsolicited call, text message, or email. If someone shows up at your home or calls you and demands immediate payment, don’t panic, and don’t pay, instead call us immediately at 800286-2000.”
Eversource also offers these additional tips to help avoid becoming a victim:
Eversource representatives do not require the use of prepaid debit cards, such as Green Dot MoneyPak, Vanilla or Reloadit prepaid cards. They will also never ask customers to pay using a Bitcoin ATM.
Eversource representatives never request customers meet at a payment center, such as a department or grocery store, to make a payment.
Customers should never provide personal, financial, or account information to any unsolicited person on the phone, at the door, or online, even if they seem legitimate.
Eversource does not solicit door-to-door or on the phone on behalf of thirdparty energy suppliers.
All Eversource employees carry photo identification; field workers wear clothing with the company logo and drive company vehicles.
Customers who are scheduled for disconnection due to nonpayment receive written notice that includes information on how to maintain their service.
Customers who doubt a call, in-person interaction, text, or email is legitimate should call Eversource directly to confirm the authenticity of the contact.
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Or, you can call us at 203-634-3933 and we can mail you a postage paid postcard to fill out and return. Without the necessary requester information, delivery of your Town Times to your home or business, will end.
Health talk
What are parasites? How do we know if we have them? Can we get rid of them?
People with any kind of chronic health issue are invited to attend a lecture by board-certified holistic health practitioner Dr. Anna
Marshall Saturday, Feb. 4, 10:30 a.m., at Haller Post 111, 112 Grove St., New Britain. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at eventbrite.com.
Get your diploma
Ready for a second chance to earn your high school diploma? Middletown Adult Education will help. Enrollment is free. Students may register at any time. Call for more information, 860-3436044.