2 minute read
Nap on, Old Man Winter
from Town Times
Letters Policy
Dear Old Man Winter,
My hat is off to you, my good man. So far you have shown incredible restraint. Here it is February and I have yet to do any shoveling. I have yet to have a scary drive into work. We have not had that many bone-chilling days. I am pleased as punch, is what I am.
I don’t want to make it sound like it’s all about me but I am sure that you are aware of my loathing of shoveling your snow and driving on icy roads. For years, you, as well as everybody else, have heard me grumble. You have watched me shovel your white stuff
In Brief
Singers sought
The Middlesex Hospital Vocal Chords are looking to expand their tenor and bass sections. No auditions necessary; just a love of singing and a willingness to make a commitment. New members will be accepted through the end of January. Visit vocalchords20.org, check out the group on Facebook, or call 860-342-3120.
Ski club
The North Haven Ski Club encourages people interested in winter sports (skiing, snowboarding, cross country skiing, tubing, snowshoeing) to join and take advantage of the great discounts offered to members. Contact Annette Murphy: 203-927-3071 or dapdmurph@aol.com.
and then go into the house after only a few minutes because I was already pooped.
You have probably seen me, when you have made the roads treacherous, hunched over the steering wheel, putting a death grip on said steering wheel, barely able to breathe, praying fervently to safely reach my destination. I always try to be brave about winter, but I have not been doing very well with that.
So, my friend (and you know I have not always called you that), why this most welcome show of mercy? Have you taken pity on us after battering us with some very harsh weather over the years? Are you becoming more mellow in your old age? Perhaps you are vacationing in the Bahamas. We New Englanders are afraid to even say it: “What an easy winter we are having!” We whisper it, lest the gods hear us and decide to put an end to our run of good luck. Or you, Monsieur Winter, suddenly wake up – it is possible that you have been napping – and decide to make up for lost time. Please don’t do that.
Oh, there are always the naysayers, the ones who say we will pay, for sure. That February can be a brute of a month, and March, too, can have some unpleasant surprises. But I tell them – and this always falls on deaf ears – yes, but no matter what lies ahead, there is not that much time left before the birds are singing outside our windows and the buds start popping out. We’ve already put two winter months in the rear view mirror!
So, if you are napping, Old Man Winter, please don’t rouse yourself on our account. You need your beauty sleep. If you are in the Bahamas, feel free to stay. Just relax and order yourself another drink with an umbrella. And if you are simply feeling kindly toward us, please continue to do so.

Oh, I know the kids will be disappointed if you don’t anoint us with a ton of snow, but we can remind them that summer is a lot of fun, too, so let’s just look forward to that.
And if you come on strong this month, I will forgive you. You have already given us an easy December and an easy January. But do try to keep up the good work.
So Happy, Diana

Email Letters to the Editor to news@towntimes.com. Letters are limited to 300 words. We reserve the right to edit letters. Letters must be signed and names will appear in print. Include a phone number so the paper can contact you for verification. Letters must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Monday to be considered for publication that Friday.
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