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from Town Times
CRHS scholarship
The Coginchaug High School Scholarship Fund will accept applications from Feb. 22 to March 22 at 2 p.m. All graduating seniors are encouraged to complete an application, which will be posted on Naviance. The committee can be reached at crhsscholarshipfund@ gmail.com.
Vocal Chords
The Executive Board of the Middlesex Hospital Vocal Chords is requesting applications for its annual scholarships to be awarded to students from Middlesex County pursuing a career in nursing or music. The $1,000 scholarships will be paid directly to the recipients at the Vocal Chords’ Spring Concert. Applications are available at school guidance offices and by calling Dianne at 860-344-0743. Application deadline is Friday, March 24. Visit vocalchords20.org for more information.
Rockfall Foundation
The Virginia R. Rollefson Environmental Leadership Scholarship, offered by The Rockfall Foundation since 2018, recognizes outstanding contributions by a high school senior residing in the Lower Connecticut River Valley for carrying out a program, project, or activity that benefits preservation, conservation, restoration or environmental education.
One $1,000 scholarship is awarded yearly to a student who demonstrates leadership and initiative.

For full details about the Virginia R. Rollefson Environmental Leadership Scholarship, visit rockfallfoundation.org.
Letters to the Editor Letters Policy
Thank you
The Mid-Lea Garden Club creates wreaths for the Levi Coe Library and various community buildings as well as arrangements in various planters throughout Middlefield each winter.

This is possible because of a generous donation made by the Herzig Tree Farm of Durham, which has provided greens to the club for several years now. Their annual support allows the club to beautify the Town of Middlefield each year for the holidays.
Mid-Lea Garden Club
Email Letters to the Editor to news@towntimes.com. Letters are limited to 300 words. We reserve the right to edit letters. Letters must be signed and names will appear in print. Include a phone number so the paper can contact you for verification. Letters must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Monday to be considered for publication that Friday.