2 minute read
We’re getting a kitten
from Town Times
take him back. I didn’t. He was a keeper.)
Kitty Shiloh and I are eagerly awaiting a kitten. He doesn’t know that he is waiting for one, but I know. I try to clue him in, though. I tell him, on a daily basis, that soon he will have a buddy. You may remember that my dear Dakota left this world in February. Shiloh does not like being an only child. And this house needs two kitties. Toward that end I have been busy filling out applications to rescues for adopting a kitten. In the very near future I will be visiting litters from two rescues. I am so excited. I am already in love with all of them, sight unseen. Who doesn’t like a baby anything?
I have a particular method for getting just the right kitten. I sit on the floor and see who comes to me. He or she picks me. Right up the leg and onto my shoulder they go, and it has worked out
Plant, tag sale
The annual plant and tag sale presented by the MidLea Garden Club will be held Saturday, May 6, 9 a.m. to noon, outside the Middlefield Community Center. Hardy perennials will be offered at very reasonable prices. Tag sale items will be available inside.
The Lower CT River Valley Council of Governments will beautifully every time. They have all been angels. Based on past experience, I am prepared for Shiloh to be less than pleased for a few days after our new arrival. Dakota was privy to two kittens entering our home first Shamus, who passed away at the age of 7 from cardiomyopathy; and then, Shiloh.

She did not take it well at first. Quite the curmudgeon she was, even hissing at me (mind you, this was the sweetest kitty on the planet) in order to get her point across. “What have you done, bringing this total stranger into my house?” I believe that was her point.
(Kind of like when my 2year-old, all those many years ago, did not like his baby brother arriving on the scene and told me, in no uncertain terms, that I could

In Brief
hold a residential paper shredding event Saturday, May 13, 9 a.m. to noon, at the East Hampton Water Pollution Control Authority, 20 Gildersleeve Dr. This event is free to residents of the RiverCOG region, which includes Middlefield and Durham. For more information, visit rivercog.org.

Be Kind
Middlefield Lions’ “Be Kind” signs are $30. To place an order, e-mail Lions President
Dakota took it so hard that I had to watch her every minute and I had to separate them when I wasn’t home, lest she bring him harm. But then she grew into a love for them that defied description. She had never had kittens of her own, but she let Shamus “ nurse ” from her. He was apparently missing his mama. And she spent a good deal of time cuddling up with Shiloh, licking his head. So I know that Shiloh will also move past any reservations he may have at first. And who knows? He might fall in love with her at the get-go. So I have been preparing for baby. I have a wonderful bed for her to cuddle up in. I am all set with kitten-appropriate food and litter. I have toys galore. I will make sure that she can easily get in and out of her window box. I walk around the house making sure everything is safe for her. I don’t think I prepared this much for the birth of my own kids.
“Soon,” I whisper to Shiloh. “Soon.” He’s being a lot more patient than I am.
Birdie Curtis at curtisbirdie@ hotmail.com. Include your address and phone number.
Payment can be made via Venmo (@Middlefield-Lions) or check (payable to Middlefield Lions Club). Send checks to: Middlefield Lions, P. O. Box 1, Middlefield CT, 06455. Include your address, e-mail and cell number.
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