3 minute read
Community Center atrium garden update
from Town Times
By Karen Patterson
Work continues on the Durham Community Center atrium garden restoration project. Many thanks to First Selectman George Eames and the town crew for their help removing the old stumps and bringing in topsoil. Thanks also to our Master Gardeners, Ona, Flo and Tina, for their work researching and choosing the site-compatible native plants, designing the garden layout and working with Nature Works Garden Center to purchase the plants.
Half of the plants have arrived. And Flo, Tina, Lisa, Maryann and Karen got together with our garden plan, markers, shovels, trowels and soil amendments to start the planting phase. It was amazing to see the garden coming alive with all the new plants! More will arrive soon and our members will meet again to finish the planting.
Plans for our educational material are also being made and will include a take-home, tri-fold handout describing the garden and the Pollinator Pathway Project, details about native plants and how they provide food and shelter for the pollinators, and information on the importance of protecting our pollinators and providing safe habitats for them. There will also be information on how individual homeowners can make changes in their yards to create safer habitats for pollinators, including directions for registering their properties on the CT Pollinator Pathway.
We are very grateful for the opportunity to restore this amazing town garden and to see it all coming back to life with a new theme and purpose.
Middlefield Community Center
Food Bank. The Food bank is open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., by appointment only. Current needs: cleaning products, toilet paper, paper towels, pasta, sauce, peanut butter, jelly, gift cards to local grocery stores.
Antique sewing machine program. Tuesday, May 23, 6 p.m. Have an antique machine you’re curious about? Want to know its value? Join us for this informative program presented by Walling Sew & Van.
Volunteer. Volunteers are needed as servers at our Senior Lunch Program. Call 860-349-7121.
Foot care clinic. Friday, May 12, 9 a.m.to 12:30 p.m. Cost is $35. Call 860-3497121 for an appointment.

Set Back. Tuesdays at 1 p.m. Don’t know how to play? We’ll teach you.
Senior Book Club. Tuesday, May 9, 2 p.m. “Sarah’s Key”
FACEBOOK.COM/ by Tatiana De Rosnay. Available at the Levi E. Coe Library.
Thursday Evening Book Club. Thursday, May 20, 5 p.m. “A Walk in the Woods” by Bill Bryson. Available at the Levi E. Coe Library.
Senior bus trips. May 10, Mystic Aquarium; May 17, Mohegan Sun Casino; May 24, Van Wilgen’s Garden Center/lunch at Rose’s Orchard; May 31, Book Barn/ lunch at Skipper’s Restaurant. Call Middletown Area Transit at 860-346-0212, press 2.
Knit2gether. Knit or crochet every Thursday, 9:30 a.m., at the Middlefield Community Center. Also seeking donations of yarn.
Renter’s Rebate. The Renter’s Rebate program is available to area residents. Contact Pamela Deizel, Middlefield Assessor, at 860-3497111.
Senior Lunch Bunch. Join us Monday, Wednesday and Friday for lunch at the Middlefield Café. Lunch is provided by CRT. A $3 donation is suggested. For more information, call 860-349-7121.
MAY 6th from 8AM–1PM
United Churches of Durham
228 Main Street
Spring Tag Sale
Vendors welcomed!
All proceeds support our Mission Programs Reservations call (860) 349-3683
In Brief Road clean-up
Middlefield-Rockfall Community Road
Cleanup Day is Saturday, May 6. Volunteers can come to Peckham Park between 9 and 11 a.m. to collect bags, gloves and a trash picker. Then, return unused materials and collected trash to Peckham Park by 5 p.m. on Sunday, May 7 for the town crew to pick up. Rain date is May 7.

Bam (age 3) and his brother, Paint Face (2), must be adopted together. They were rescued from a bad situation, and are very bonded. With a quiet home, and time, they will come out of their shell and become more trusting and social. They are very sweet and like to play. Visit CatTalesCT.org/cats/Bam. For more information, call 860344-9043 or email info@CatTalesCT.org.

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