Electronic Devices Cellular Phones/Electronic Communication Devices The Wallingford Board of Education (Board) recognizes that many students possess and use cellular telephones and other portable electronic devices. These devices serve an important purpose in facilitating communication between the student and his/her family. The Board recognizes that cellular telephones and other wireless communication devices can be either a valuable learning tool or a source of disruption in the learning environment. In order to maintain a secure and orderly environment, students use and possession of cellular telephones and other wireless communication devices shall be subject to the limitations set forth in this policy. Therefore, the use of electronic communication devices and other such technology at school is considered a privilege, not a right and may therefore be confiscated by a District Administrator, teacher, paraeducator, or coach when a violation of District policy occurs. Students are prohibited from using electronic communication devices, except as provided within this policy. An electronic device includes, but is not limited to, the following devices used for personal communication and entertainment: cell phone, smartphone, smart watches, video recording device, personal digital assistant (PDA), iPod, iPad, laptop computer, tablet computer, or other similar electronic device. For the purposes of this policy, the following terms are defined: “Instructional school day” means the moment a student enters the school building until the final dismissal bell. The “instructional school day” includes, but is not limited to, study halls and any other structured or non-structured instructional activity that occurs during the normal school day, including the administration of examinations, and regardless of whether a student is on campus or at an off-campus school-sponsored activity. “Kept in the off position” means powered completely off and is not simply set on a vibrate, silent, standby, hibernation or airplane mode. Students may possess cellular telephones and other wireless communication devices on school property and school-sponsored transportation, providing students adhere to the restrictions contained within this policy. Any unauthorized use of cellular telephones and other wireless communication devices during the instructional school day or at such times as not authorized by the school Principal or designee is prohibited as it disrupts the instructional program or distracts from the instructional environment. 1. Elementary and Middle School Students: Elementary and middle school students may possess cellular telephones and other wireless communication devices on school property and school-sponsored transportation, provided such devices are not visible, used, or activated and are kept in the “off” position throughout the instructional school day (arrival through dismissal). Students must keep their cellular phones and other wireless devices stored in a non-visible secure location during the instructional school day.
Electronic Devices Cellular Phones/Electronic Communication Devices (continued)
Students may use their cellular phones and other wireless communication devices while waiting for the beginning of the instructional day (arrival through dismissal) for personal use only and the use of earbuds or headphones is required. 2. Middle and High School Students: Middle and High school students may possess cellular telephones and other wireless communication devices on school property and school sponsored transportation, provided such cellular telephones and other wireless communication devices are not used or activated, and are kept in the off position throughout the instructional day. Student devices may be turned on and operated before/after the regular school day and during lunch and passing periods, or in an emergency situation that involves imminent physical danger. During instructional time, from the official school start time to end of the day school dismissal moment a student enters the school building until the final dismissal bell, which includes class periods, electronic devices must be kept powered off and out of sight unless: a. Permission is granted by an administrator, teacher, or school staff member; b. Use of the device is provided in a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 education plan; or c. It is needed in an emergency that threatens the safety of students, staff or other individuals. Parents should not expect to communicate directly with their children using their device during designated school time. Parents who need to communicate with their child in the case of an emergency should call the school office and communicate with school personnel the nature of their emergency. School personnel will then communicate as appropriate with the student impacted by the emergency. All students in possession of telecommunications devices, including, but not limited to personal cell phones, while on school property or while attending school sponsored or school-related activities will observe the following conditions: 1. Students will not use telecommunication devices in a manner that poses a threat to academic integrity, disrupts the learning environment or violates the privacy rights of others; 2. Students will not send, share, view or possess pictures, text messages, emails or other material depicting sexually explicit conduct, in electronic or any other form on a telecommunication device, while the student is on school grounds, at school-sponsored events, or on school buses or vehicles provided by the district;
Electronic Devices Cellular Phones/Electronic Communication Devices (continued) 3. When a school official has reasonable suspicion, based on objective and articulable facts, that a student is using a telecommunication device in a manner that violates law, school rules, or is contrary to the guidelines established above, appropriate actions will be taken to ensure a safe and appropriate learning environment is maintained. The District is not responsible for the loss, theft or damage of any electronic device brought to school. If the device is confiscated for violation of District policy and/or procedures, the District and its employees shall not be responsible for safekeeping, loss or damage. Legal References:
Connecticut General Statutes 10-233J Student possession and use of telecommunication devices
Policy Adopted: