Wallingford Board for Youth's Volunteer Awards

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tve can do no great tlii1tlJs-only sma£[ tlifnfJs with urea!: rove.'" -:Jl4.otFier'l1iert!S4

".Jtpessimist, tliey say, sees a Brass ofwater as beinfJ halfempty;

an optimist sees tlie same BLass as IiafJfulL

'But a [JivinIJyerson sees a B{ass of water andstarts lOokinB for

someone wno mioht be tliirsty. n -y. vona£a{ia/£

'I'he Wa{fingford'Boardfor youth yresents the eighteentFi annua{

youth Yo{unteer AwardS


"'Too often we un.derestimaie tlie power of a toucfi, a smit£, a Hruf

WOTli". a (isteninB ear, an Iionest comp(iment~ or tlie smalli!.st act of

ca:ri.nfJ, alI ofwliicft have tlte potentialto turn a life arO'll.Ylcl"

-Loo 11vscaIJ{i4

wurulerfuC is it tJiat nobody needwait a singfe moment hefore sta:rtina to improve the worUL" -.Jlnne frani


"In every community tliere is work to be done. In every nation tliere are wuu:ru1S to lieal. In every fieart tliere is yower to tfo it."

Wednesday, .Jtyrn28,


-.:'A(~ 'Williamson

Irolim.teers are the on[y ltuman hei:nIJs on tlie face of the eartJi wlio rejfect this nation's compassion, unselJisfi. carine, patience, andjust yCarn £irve for one another. " -frma 'Bo7nfJec~

1Wbert 'Earley .Jluditorium WalTi:nnfordT'own J{aJ[

"You may not liave saveda fur of money in your Ilfe, hut if you nave saved:a tot of lieartachesfor other folks, you are a pretty ricJi man. n -Setli. 'Parier "you give littfe wlien you aive of 'lour yossessi.orts. It is when you aive of yourself tfiat you trufy nive. -xafUj( (jiDrlUt JJ

'j've seen anamet arJfJeCs wearinjJ tfie aisEfUise of OTt£i:rLary peoyfe [iVtnn ordinary ftves. -Tracy CJiapmo.n II

maIie a Civine 6y wliat we net, but we 11tJ1.ie a fife: by wliat we give_ "'We


wSir 'Winston Churchill­

lYII8I HalIIDih klHI JIZZ ElselllJle [O. . . .el bY lean DeIIIJetCIIia


IIlrllhKdol TUrDer.. DIrecIor, Hi. 1 _ ' IIdaI Smkes


1e¥.lIIaQaI'etJay.. l1IIiI'JenII. WId. . . . IIr 1Il0l

IOanIlor YHIIl Awarm

Brlnze PmifellOallw••

Silver PresltlelHal Awn

(I01d PresldeJtiallwards

Jrlidael F. SIIIlllwanl

(KeIeI1ed by Janis SIMJI


MaJor W"dDlll W.IJidIfISoD, Jr.


O'ale1'E1ler JldRsIIIleIis wiD be St!I1aI illBediaidy (1II1Wi11' Ike JI'OimL

PrtVidrlI bY GIrlS bIdS, LT Jn1Is CHJxIl, lrtIIt #188

Thank you for attending this syeciaf event. your yresence is a vaEua6fe

gift to tfie






& Social






'1fie yuryose Of tlits evening is to recoBnLze and lionor tlie voCunteer efforts of tliese remarkabCe students. Wliife it is a requirement for graduation now, the stucCents honoree;( this eveninB have Bone avove ana veyona in tfieir giving back to tfie community. '"

'Presiaene~ ..~.:wara 'ECiBi6iCity ~quirements .7IfJes 5 to 14 yea:r'S

'.Bronze -'lwara "'50'74 liours Siwer .;ltwarc{ -----75-99 nours

go (a -'lwara ········-100 or more noun !A(Jes 15 to 25 years 'Bronze .Jlwara···..100·174 nours " Siwer Awara ·······-175-249 nours (}oCt£.Jlwara·········-250 or more nours

SIlYEIIl wm "(jiving li.iI£s cfotfies aruffood is one thing but it's mllch more imyortant to teach them that otfi£r yeoy£.e besiaes tliem.sefves are important, andtFiat the vest tfima tJiey can ao witfi their fives is to use tfiem in tfie service of otheryeoyfe." -Vofores J-fue.rta



8Is8Idc Bun.we (enter Maaic HealIlIWe hII1tr bSoIIk HeaIIlDre f.ftItr.r IJSGIIiC IleIUIIr.are I.'aIk:r IUI'~' .. fIJiIU I.bRl JIiI50Rk HelUlIr.are IDler JIIStIit ItaDme leaer bSOaic BeaUbl:lre t:ntr.r lim loIi~1 Grmb

AIUOdIBmR IbUerIY Dar} ¥kIII1a JimII 0I'ISItIIIf,r fIlTeII

bfIIf.fiIe tirit1IB

PI NIdIIISII . WAlllNGfOltD tllNIfI!JII11AlfJ/lJJ Ana briIa lJfres MilYII bdres NIno Duieli111ila KkII Jartel

Trtdi 1ar1e1

r,rtDerow Jolm [aJltDo, Jr. RiEbell'mile RdNmfamso Nir.tle t:t11lIe laDY. EIilabeflllerU JaDdt lema Vldolia (oamm

JellMloimJ JlGJitel (rOte

Jose Daniel Del!adt

JDleVIllIQ ruIsIite WallellJ

SpaJim tolWUily 01 DL (j(JfJJ JIYA8IJ

SJIDi9 (......my ,I WIIIl. S()iIIIiSl CHRIIiIJ II N.

Yilib " Social SmItes IllIb' 50ciaJ Smkt.S Inlb & 50daI Stllices Bur laIb 01 fa1i11a OHdI 1011. &5IWd StnkeS om ladJ of faOIIa 00UCb Jllno lIIiaIIe kklOl SDnIsIltolllllllifY 01 WIiI. SpalHl ClnullIlUy .. WIll. lor ladY oj falilli Orudl lOr lIllY 01 fMllil OIrdi laltb & 50did Strikes

"is' fImmUIIUy II WB.

MOIoasseo taJab .....o

AIIJStB IeIiIlJPD IallaltbillllJl. c:mIe JIIItleI

IIIlrJI Rf.1I11_ lmlReyes

lama Sill

lmlaJil IIIIreW I. TImer IJYOiI Varney IIn1eo VirtoIO

Masnk IIeaDtare (fBer Jlasllk leaDallt (elder JlilStllt ItAIIIlElfe teoHr HastJit kdkwe (ada' Jlastik If.aDwe (ndrJ: JllSUit IrAtDwe (eota' JlaStlit Br.a1llWe (f.Idfr. lastlk kaDtue (euler D'idlI8JS & Girls 0Ib

YtIIOI " SOCiaI5mkeS JlaStlit IeaI1lWe f.eDler JIaSIIIk HeaUbt:are £elter lJllill-_~

bIerDD IaI ((ISS mDdIlOn 4\ GiI1S 0.Bb

£MawnllY aWilnJ I:IIt. SiIIa)


KaDon le,esJJ EIvialtpez 4JetIYIR JaykN' bt!Detli laileyHlI_


HikeMeaMt Valeria JIeIIJIoI JIaJIbew Ntuel £mioIn JloseI Jib.. NaJierllnu Slc,bDie Napierkomi F.nIfl1o 0I1Je0twJ !leo_ 4HtfKJIiml IndrtwPtU IirSfiJ PdeJa KeVil Pu,JawsIIl IJue Pln'aZlo Ia'ier Bamirez 6IlIialdliamt Ilm!leI

'1I3D Jase ~ Jr. r.1I1lJB


IyA.... _

I,.... " SodaI5erYi:es [001 BIll SdIoIJ ..... 'tmBlly 01 WI.

litJIIl S'mIIs

Joutl " 5tCiaJ smites IlIR'kb len " 6irfs 0Ib OUr ... fid1JIa DIutIt lor lillY 01 ,.... tburtl 1*1dIIoJS &GIrls M .


5IraIi5lr...1Idy oi IUd.

I.*Y 1ieIIeIID

lor I.dy II faOIra 0IDJtl 1001. &Stdll Smtus Boy 5tHf Roo, 5 fiill 1I.S..l 1Il.1I01y TriIHJ Budl om lady .. flllllt Duell JIUll &SeciaI knm fill[ lildJ Ir lIIiIIiI 0Ia1tb 011' lady II Jalima 1lIJn:k JIoru NiOIe Sdlool _ill [tlllllIDity Of WIiI. SJanbb (OmmilJ If WIll. S(JaJIsl c.madfJ olllfd.. N8l1l filDlS VoL fire BeJlt




1 don't kntrw 1¥liat your rfest.my wi{[he, hut un.e tfiinel li.now: the only ones amone yau wfio 'lyif[ be rea{[y fiayyy are tfiose wfio nave sVUfJht aru:(JOUnt£' now to serve. n -.Jl£6ert Schweitzer-

COIl III SdIooI COIl. Sd1III I I . , S8I:iid Stnkes . . . .St:bItI l1li' J.ajJ of,.. 0.0 18111 , SOdJIIeniCes


JOQIISblsky DIzIbeOI SJUUi KeIUie-. 1mI ....... IIiIlT_ ~,

lodl '" SodJI semces ,. ." SItiid knkt:s OIIrllllJ .. fI8IU I.'IIIn:b our lIllY 01 fiDU DIIrdI II1II1. TriIiIJ OII'Cl ad_kHOI ....... II faliIIa bel

MJ Yuqu UllHaYerDI Nktle YJeIII JIiIa Will

NoJlb hills 'II. Rre ....


fidem DIIaBa Jese bfOllllllDa liIIsIJ III1JI JHdlllIIb 1J1UOJ1e1


UIIISIJ L1IrItoe DlIiI (ontyr.n

lirt'allreu DtIIiItiIIe1 PIiIO'ttIIIDJII

0Ir LadJ II falllll. DmtI Spuisb (o1lBllilJ 1I1'1iL ~ leal1Mlre klfer I I . &18da15trJkeS _lit Ir.iIDGIR kIder NISUk llrAllllraIe I.eo1f:r NISOIk lleilBllGl:e (miff IIrlltlJ 01 fiItiIIa lbrO SpoIsb roJ8IIIi1J II WIiL .... ladJ II fl1i11a 00Irl

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