Time is money in any business. The more time it takes to fill a position the greater the impact on an organization’s bottom line. Consider that the average time it takes a U.S. employer to fill a job vacancy is 25 working days. The longer a job remains vacant, the more difficult it becomes to fill the position–if a job hasn’t been filled within the first month there is a 57% chance it will remain open for three months or more, according to a report by Indeed.com. Let’s look at some things recruiters can do to streamline the recruiting process.
Manually entering candidate data into a system is time consuming and costly. There is simply no reason to enter data manually with the variety of tools and software available today. Parsing software that extracts and stores crucial data from candidate resumes, such as contact information, can dramatically reduce data entry time.
Archaic systems that require candidates spend hours manually retyping or copy/pasting their resume and filling out page after page of information just to submit an application are old news. Make the application process as simple as possible, and remember, the best way to find great candidates is through pre-employment screenings (via phone interviews, for example) and through
The person best suited for the job you’re looking to fill may already exist in-house. Hiring from within increases the likelihood that you’ll get the right candidate into the position you’re filling, since you already know the person and can easily evaluate their performance in their current role. Hiring in-house candidates also boosts morale, as it sends the message that you’re paying attention to the talents and abilities of your team members.
Instituting a referral program that incentivizes your employees to refer qualified candidates is an excellent way to find great new talent. It also has the bonus of boosting employee morale, as it sends the message that you trust your employees’ judgment. Your employees won’t mind the extra cash, either.
There’s no way around it—checking references and performing background checks are timeconsuming. But they are absolutely necessary. Even if a prospective employee’s current and former employers provide little information aside from dates of employment and job titles, you want all the information you can get to make an informed decision. Most importantly, past transgressions that surface after an employee has been hired can come back to haunt you legally.
Technology has changed the game for recruiters, helping to streamline the process. Recruiting software is an excellent tool that helps recruiters and hiring managers: •Collect resumes from email attachments •Gather applications from all sources in one place •Upload resumes in bulk •Parse contact info from resumes •Detect duplicate candidates automatically
One of the most inexpensive ways to attract great candidates is through your website. Your website should clearly outline your company’s vision, mission, values, goals, and products/services. Ideally, it will also contain an employment section that describes open positions and outlines why prospective candidates should want to work with your company.
Recruiterbox is the developer of advanced recruiting software to help companies efficiently track job applicants. The intuitive, easy-to-use software helps recruiters manage dozens or even hundreds of resumes and interviews per week. Created by Aplopio Technology, Inc., the Recruiterbox system was designed with busy hiring managers in mind. To learn more about the company’s innovative software, visit Recruiterbox.com.