RecLIFE | Spring 2019

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Rec Sports




The Department of Recreational Sports employs approximately 1,400 student staff each year. These students go through many hours of training that provide a work force with the customer service skills needed to be successful. As a way to demonstrate our appreciation for the work of our student staff and graduate students, the department offers ten $1,000 scholarships to current student staff. These scholarships are made possible by the support of former students and friends that donate to the Department of Recreational Sports Scholarship Program. Another opportunity for the Department to express our gratitude to the student staff is through the Student Appreciation Banquet. This banquet recognizes the employee of the year from each unit in the Department of Recreational Sports. These students are the best of the best and the leaders that assist in providing student success opportunities. Student success appears throughout the department; however, I want to highlight one group of student leaders in particular: The Sport Club Executive Committee. This committee, pictured on the front cover, consists of five members that are elected by the Sport Club Association and one Graduate Assistant to aid them. These individuals serve as the leadership of the Sport Club Association and fulfill the responsibilities that provide the opportunity for student success. The Executive Committee makes recommendations for annual funding to each club, provides input and implements new policies and procedures, and much more. This committee is a positive example of student leaders helping with student success. To support a specific Sport Club or Rec Sports scholarship, please visit Thanks & Gig’Em!


JAMES M. WELFORD Director of Development Department of Recreational Sports RECLIFE MAGAZINE | PAGE 2

CONTENTS New In Town: Emily Patterson


Spreading Aggie Values: Eric Hunter


Sport Club Executive Committee


Sport Club Endowments


Sport Club National Champions


Leaving a Legacy: Tony Scazzero


Rec Sports Spring Reunion


Student Staff Scholarships



Michele Schevikhoven


Maggie Talbot

Director of Development - James Welford Marketing Director - Michelle Briggs Assistant Director of Communications - Kelly VonDrehle


NEW IN TOWN The Texas A&M Department of Recreational Sports extends a warm and welcoming “Howdy!” to newly hired Assistant Director of Facilities, Emily Patterson. Emily grew up in Cicero, Indiana where she attended Purdue University. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Nutrition, Fitness, and Health. After graduating, she moved on to graduate school at Arizona State University where she earned her Master of Education degree in Higher and PostSecondary Education. Emily chose Rec Sports at Texas A&M for many reasons. She says, “I thought it was cool that A&M had passions, traditions, and that the students have a love for this school.” She had heard great things about A&M; that it was friendly, welcoming, and encouraging. These qualities made Emily confident in her decision to join the Aggie Family.

Emily Patterson


Emily noted that one of her favorite aspects about working at Texas A&M is that the people she works and interacts with can have genuine, meaningful conversations. She says, “I’m a social person in nature, so having the opportunity to freely talk to everyone is a bonus.” Since her start on January 7th, 2019, Emily has made plans to expand on the standards set before her. She is striving to improve processes and keep up the momentum in the facilities area; being the new person, Emily wants people to realize that she is an asset to the team and will create beneficial change. Her creative, personable, and hardworking personality makes her a perfect fit to help students at the Rec find opportunities for success. From everyone at the Department of Recreational Sports, welcome to the family, Emily!

SPREADING AGGIE VALUES Eric Hunter, former Assistant Director at Texas A&M University

responsibility was hiring student employees. Hunter

Recreational Sports, has retired from the University of South

stayed in Facilities for four years but went through

Florida after 30 years of service. Hunter graduated with a

job rotations that eventually moved him to the

degree in Political Science and Physical Education from the

area of Intramural Sports for two years. Through

University of South Florida. He then attended the University of

this experience, he acquired a variety of skills not

Southern Mississippi where he received his Master’s degree in

limited to teamwork, flexibility and adaptability, and

Recreational Administration.


In 1979, Rec Sports welcomed Hunter to its team of outstanding

Hunter’s first job after college was at Rec Sports

staff. He worked as the Facilities Coordinator where his main

working under former Director, Dennis Corrington. Hunter says that the staff was “close-knit” and set

Darcy and Eric Hunter

goals to empower students in fun and creative ways. Hunter loves that Texas A&M Rec Sports has given him the opportunity to learn and grow in his professional career. He claims that his experience here gave him a boost in the job market. Hunter believes that where you are from matters, and being from Texas A&M really makes a statement. Hunter has acquired many friends, colleagues, and partners through his work at Texas A&M Rec Sports. He found qualities and standards at A&M that he took with him to his other jobs. He was inspired by the standards set for our students here, and he wanted to share and expand those to other universities. Hunter left Rec Sports to continue his journey back at the University of South Florida. He and his wife, a former Aggie herself, took the opportunity to be closer to family. Using what he learned from Rec Sports at Texas A&M, Hunter worked his way up to the position of Associate Director at the University of South Florida. After 13 years of service, Hunter retired as Director at the University of South Florida. Texas A&M Rec Sports thanks Eric Hunter for his dedication to the students, colleagues, and universities he has served.



EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE GEORGE MICHAEL SWIFT, PRESIDENT George Michael Swift—President of the Sport Club Executive Committee, outfielder on the Sport Clubs baseball team, Business Honors graduate in Accounting, and soon-to-be graduate student with a Master’s degree in Financial Management in May of 2020—takes pride in his many positions and responsibilities. George Michael puts a strong emphasis on connecting the Sport Clubs and inspiring members and officers of the Executive Committee. He works to increase awareness of Sport Clubs on campus and brainstorms how to connect with and include the community. Serving the community “really shows what Aggies can do,” he says. When George Michael first joined the committee, he came with a drive and a passion to help his peers and his community. As an outfielder for the Texas A&M Baseball Club, George Michael pushes his team to improve in their skills and their passion. He isn’t afraid of a challenge, claiming, “I had a coach that told me ‘every day you should be grateful to play on this field and play a sport you love.’” George Michael reminds himself and his peers and teammates of this lesson to encourage everyone to embrace every opportunity and challenge that comes along—academic and athletic alike. These opportunities have allowed George Michael to become a leader, both personally and professionally. He has learned how to make sacrifices in life in order to excel. He reminds himself to embrace every day and to enjoy the little things. “At the end of the day, I’m doing what I love,” he says. George Michael is now prepared for his bright future, thanks to all of his hard work and dedication to Texas A&M University.

COURTNEY COLLARD, GRADUATE ASSISTANT Courtney Collard is the Graduate Assistant for Sport Clubs at the Department of Recreational Sports. One of her many responsibilities as a Graduate Assistant is to support the Executive Committee as a person in the office rather than their superior. She provides them with resources and acts as a liaison for the professional staff. During their meetings, Courtney lets the students take charge by taking a back seat in making decisions. She acts as the administrative voice to ensure that the committee chooses the direction in which they want to go while guiding them through the process. She also helps the committee with any academic, social, or personal problems that might arise. She lends her thoughts to help them in difficult and challenging situations; she is someone they can turn to for help. Courtney has created many goals for herself and for the Executive Committee. She wants the committee to continue to raise the bar and find new and creative ways to help the community. She also wants to bond the Sport Clubs together so they create relationships and grow and learn from each other. As for her personal goals, Courtney wants to continue to help the students of the committee and the Sport Clubs grow and develop as professionals and leaders. Courtney’s experience working with students and athletes sparked her interest in this position. She saw that this program had dedicated students ready to face any challenge, and she was excited to help them develop and become successful.


JACOB FENGER, HEAD OF SOCIAL MEDIA AND PUBLIC OUTREACH Jacob Fenger is the head of Social Media and Public Outreach on the Texas A&M University Sport Club Executive Committee. He graduates in May of 2019 with a Master’s degree in Computer Science and is a member of the Men’s Polo Team on campus. Jacob’s role in the committee is to maintain the Sport Clubs’ Facebook and Twitter accounts. He says, “I try and post original content on those pages in order to help promote special events as well as member or team highlights.” In his Sport Club, Jacob uses the experience he gained from playing while an undergraduate to motivate and assist new and current members. He constantly sets goals for himself that drive him to find areas that need improvement and allow him to excel and succeed in all aspects of his life. Jacob applied to be on the Executive Committee because he enjoys a challenge, and placing himself in uncomfortable situations allows him the opportunity to grow as a person and as a leader. Jacob says working on the committee has only had a positive impact and that he has made countless friendships and memories. He looks toward the future with confidence in his abilities, claiming, “The leadership skills that I have gained from being on this committee for the past school year are some of the most important skills that I will need in the future. This includes being able to delegate work, manage time, and stick to a timeline for projects.”

CHRISTINA LEWANDOWSKI, COMMUNITY SERVICE CHAIR Christina Lewandowski is the Community Service Chair on the Sport Club Executive Committee, President of the Women’s Water Polo Club, and a Class of ’19 Resource Development major with a Business minor. One of Christina’s major projects is the planning and organization of the annual Sport Club Can Drive. Outside of the committee, Christina runs practices, submits paperwork, and manages relationships between players, officers, and coaches while maintaining a high level of athleticism. She says, “The way that I challenge myself is to find a word that represents my year and use that word to push my actions in my day-to-day life.” Christina’s word was ‘commitment’ which drives her to give everything she has to the responsibilities in front of her. When asked why she took the opportunity in the Executive Committee, Christina said, “I’ve been president of Water Polo for the past two years, and Executive Committee presented the opportunity to continue growing myself professionally, but also allowed me to give back to new officers.” The opportunities given to Christina from her position in the Executive Committee have allowed her to grow as a person as well as a professional. She has learned important skills about teamwork, collaborative thinking, and problem solving that will allow her to excel in her future career.


CHARLIE ARNOLD, HEAD OF EVENTS Charlie Arnold, President of the Cycling Club, is in charge of events on the Sport Club Executive Committee and will graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering in May of 2019. On the committee, Charlie works to help his fellow members, various Sport Clubs, and advisors with anything they might need. He coordinates events and helps with fundraising and preparation. Charlie says he wants to be a resource to clubs, members, advisors, the community, and anyone else who might need assistance. As Cycling Club President, Charlie makes sure his team is on task and runs smoothly. He works with their sponsors to ensure they are represented and informed. He also motivates and pushes the team to get excited for training and to perform at their best. He believes the team should have fun and enjoy themselves while they ride. Charlie challenges himself on and off the bike. He believes that hard work and practice create success. Being able to prioritize tasks and push himself to accomplish his goals allows him to excel in all aspects of his life. Balancing three responsibilities can be difficult. Charlie acknowledges that to succeed is to give and take. Sometimes school wins over a social event, and other times his training has to be cut short in order to study or attend a committee meeting. At the end of the day, he says, it’s about the success and the rewarding feeling he gets from putting all he has into his responsibilities and seeing the outcome. Charlie was inspired by signs the community made on one of their training routes that said “Go Cycling Team!” He wanted other clubs to have that kind of support and recognition, so he applied for the Executive Committee.

MADISON MAYNARD, TREASURER Madison Maynard serves as Treasurer and Allocations Director for the Executive Committee, President of the Gymnastics Club, and is a future Supply Chain Management graduate (May of 2020). She runs the allocation clinics, greets and thanks all attendees, and deals with money and budgeting for the committee and the Sport Clubs. On the Gymnastics Club, Madison is the administrative head of the team. She makes sure the team is meeting with advisors, shows up to practices, meeting, events, and competitions on time, and ensures that all processes run smoothly for the team. Madison is in the Maroon and White Fellowship, and from the meetings she attends, she has learned how to use the situations she is put in to grow and learn as a person and a leader. She has learned how to evaluate and prioritize situations and events so she can better understand how to handle them. This drive is what allows her to be successful academically, athletically, and professionally. Madison is all about organization—she balances all of her responsibilities by planning and scheduling effectively so she can participate in as many activities as possible. Madison has learned how to say no in order to maintain her commitment to other responsibilities. Her knowledge of budgeting and allocating has allowed her to flourish in her role. “Joining the Gymnastics Team was kind of an afterthought, but once I did, it changed my life. It gave me the opportunity to join the committee,” says Madison. Through these opportunities, she is able to see the affect she has on the Sport Clubs and the community. Learning new perspectives, communication styles, and leadership skills will propel her into a successful and rewarding career in the future.


ENDOWMENTS SAILING Chris Helms, proud President of the Texas A&M Sailing Club, says the team has a strong focus on “community, family, and support.” Helms claims that sailing is a niche sport made up of close-knit groups. The team values each member and wants to see the team succeed, so they hold student-run fundraisers to support their goals. Former members and other supporters donate to their endowment to ensure the team has the resources to take advantage of every opportunity available. The donations they receive and the money they raise goes toward equipment such as lifejackets and boat parts, and toward creating a scholarship to benefit team members. The team’s goal for scholarships is not only to reward the current members, but to encourage other sailors to join the team so they can grow and improve their club. When the team receives a donation, they send out a “Thank You” letter, no matter what the amount is. To show their gratitude and appreciation, the team hosts events like crawfish boils, tailgates, and regattas. This allows current and former members to stay connected as well as offer updates to supporters. The team practices and works hard to perform well in the regattas they participate in. Helms says, “We are striving to get more yacht clubs to host events and get other schools to participate in them to raise money.” This goal will open more opportunities to socialize, earn money, recruit members, and expand the playing field. With the help of their supporters, the Texas A&M Sailing Club will feed their ambitions and accomplish bigger and better goals.

CYCLING The Texas A&M University Cycling team is a group of dedicated and passionate students who have a love for this sport. The team’s President, Charlie Arnold, and Treasurer, Matheus Miraglia, speak out about all of the hard work this Sport Club has done over the years and the support they receive that keeps them motivated. The Cycling Club has one endowment called the Cycling Team Endowment, which was built by multiple donations from various supporting companies and former members. Through business contracts with their supporters, the team has been able to purchase new equipment such as bike bags and a new trailer. The team hopes to raise enough money to fund scholarships for its members so they can encourage more cyclists to join the team. Arnold says he wants the team to be successful in the upcoming National Championship race, which will be accomplished primarily by being prepared. With their new equipment and gear, the team is able to strengthen their skills and strategies. The Cycling Club holds events like tailgates, fundraisers, and tables at some of their races for supporters, donors, and former members. The people who contribute to this hardworking team want to see the current and future members succeed and give them all of the opportunities possible to do so. The Cycling team is grateful to those who push them to be the best that they can be, and they show that gratitude freely.


JUDO Patricia Randall is the President of the Texas A&M University Judo Club. She comments on the hard work that team members have to do on the mat and financially. The team currently has one endowment, formed in 2006, which provides student scholarships. Randall hopes that the endowment will grow enough to allow the club to create a fund for travel expenses. The team writes all donors and supporters a thank-you letter and features them on their website and during fundraising events. The team also sends supporters official Texas A&M Judo apparel, window decals, and other merchandise to show their appreciation and to allow them to support the team publicly. Many of the former team members that support this club remember what it was like to be student and have to find ways to cover tournament expenses, so they want to provide current team members with opportunities to succeed. With financial burdens lowered, the team can focus on practicing and strengthening their skills.

MEN’S RUGBY Connor Kelly, President of the Texas A&M University Men’s Rugby Club, comments on the team’s four endowments: The Tom and Margaret Loftus Academic Scholarship, which awards a scholarship to one team member; the Men’s Rugby Team Scholarship, which is their biggest endowment and funds multiple scholarships; the Gareth Jones Rugby Endowment, which provides scholarships and sends the team to tournaments every year; and the Men’s Rugby Excellence Fund, which holds the team’s cash earned from raffles. The club’s endowments allow the team to accomplish their goals and relieve financial stress for some members. Kelly says they use the endowments to cover operational costs like travel expenses and participating in the National Championship. The club works with Old Maroon, a donation group compiled of alumni that help host tailgates and fundraising events to raise money for the endowments. Kelly says the team sends out thank-you letters to everyone who donates, as well as a newsletter to keep supporters informed and updated regarding current members and their accomplishments.

GYMNASTICS The Texas A&M University Gymnastics Team is home to a group of extremely passionate and hard-working men and women. The team has one endowment that is funded by donations from former members and supporters. This endowment provides scholarships to four members out of 40 on the team. Madison Maynard, club President, says that she wants the endowment to grow so that they can award more scholarships and afford new equipment. Unlike other clubs, the gymnastic team puts on multiple student-run fundraisers like “flips for tips” where they stand outside of the Rec Center before every home game and flip for money. They also participate in Yankee Candle fundraisers, profit chairs, and sell club merchandise. This team works extremely hard to raise money for their club so that they can afford to compete in the National Championship and reach all of their goals. Maynard says the club sends out a newsletter containing updates, schedules, achievements, and member highlights to everyone who donates. This is a way to connect with former members and donors and show them how their donations benefit the team.


ARCHERY The Texas A&M University Archery Club is a group of amazing students with a passion for archery. The team is supported by three different endowments: the Deerfoot Archery Scholarship, the Frank Thomas Archery Scholarship, and the Holly McCoy Archery Scholarship. Club President Mick Jarrett claims, “What we’ve accomplished as a team wouldn’t be possible without our donors.” The Deerfoot Archery Scholarship was started by Joan C. Read. One of the coaches, Frank Thomas, was involved in the beginning of the camp as a counselor, and through him, the team has helped to maintain the archery section of Camp Deerfoot. As a thank-you to Frank and the program, the owner of the camp started the endowment for the club. The Frank Thomas Archery Scholarship was started by a donor/former member who wanted to give back to the organization. The Holly McCoy Archery Scholarship was started by Holly McCoy, who is a former team member. She had someone who supported her during her time at Texas A&M and wanted to give back to others because of that. These endowments go specifically toward scholarships for team members. Because of this, the club is able to recruit members on a national level and encourage out-ofstate students to come to Texas A&M without the burden of out-of-state tuition. The team extends their gratitude to supporters by sending thank-you letters for every donation, hosting tailgates, updating them with pictures and achievements, and staying in contact with former members. With 20 national titles under the club’s belt, it’s no wonder the team is driven to be the best in both archery and in life.

SOCCER The Texas A&M Men’s Soccer Club is a very competitive program that competes across the country at a high level. The club members have a huge passion for the game and make lasting friendships through the club during their time at Texas A&M. With the support of student fundraisers and donations from former members and supporters, the club is able to provide exclusive scholarships to every member. Club President, Casey Sherman, says, “Our Annual Danny Kenney Memorial Golf Tournament serves as a fundraiser for both the club and the endowment. Half of the profits from the tournament are put in the endowment, while the other half is used for club purposes.” The Kenney family initiated this endowment in honor of their son, Danny Kenney, a former Men’s Soccer Club member, who passed away. The family wants to give back to the club and support all current and future members. Each year, the team strives to accomplish their goal of performing well at Nationals and winning the championship. This hard-working team is a dedicated and strong group of men who have a passion for soccer. Every contribution to their endowment ensures that their team members are taken care of. The team sends thank-you letters conveying their appreciation to everyone who supports the team and informs them of how their contributions benefit the team. They also send out newsletters to alumni and donors to update them on the club’s success and growth while inviting them to participate in future activities with the team.


WATER SKI Five years ago, a former member of the Texas A&M Water Ski Club made a small donation to the team which turned into a self-funded endowment. The endowment continues to grow as the team fundraises and accepts outside donations from supporters and former members. The money in this fund currently goes toward buying and repairing their equipment, but President Cullen Parker plans to create scholarships for individual members when the endowment is big enough. To keep in touch with their alumni and supporters, and to show their appreciation, the club does a letter drive where the donor is given the option to donate to the endowment itself or to the team’s equipment fund. In previous years, the letter drive was not something the club took advantage of; however, the club is now taking the letter drive more seriously and using it as an opportunity to support the team’s goals. Instead of just one page, it is now 15 pages and includes updates on the team’s standings and goals, player information, and achievements. Since this improvement, the letter drive has tripled donations to the club. Parker says the club wants to grow member-wise. They recruit members in their spring off-season so that the new members gain experience in the spring tournaments and are more prepared and comfortable to compete in the fall tournaments and the National Championship. This team shows their gratitude to their supporters and alumni in more ways than just the letter drive. They write handwritten letters to anyone who donates to the team and send out invitations to attend tournaments, and they also plan to host a tailgate so former members and supporters can socialize with the club.

SPORT CLUB NATIONAL CHAMPIONS NCVF COLLEGIATE NATIONALS Women’s Volleyball Div. I and Div. III National Titles NATIONAL COLLEGIATE WRESTLING ASSOCIATION Ty’rae Carter – Men’s National Champion 149lb Weight Class Named Outstanding Wrestler for the Tournament TRAP & SKEET ACUI NATIONAL CHAMPIONS Meagan Harrington – Female High Over All Champion Hunter Eitze – International Skeet National Champion Brandon Schmidt, Dominic Gross, Will Van Dusen, Hunter Eitze, and Greg Garrett – Sporting Clays Team National Champions NATIONAL ASSOCIATION INTERCOLLEGIATE GYMNASTICS CLUBS NATIONALS Women’s Level 9 Team – National Champions (Emily Scott, Taylor McDoniel, Renee Woodruff, Lauren Porter, Kelly Faught, Isabel Mlo) Taylor McDoniel – Level 9 Women’s Vault and Floor Champion Renee Woodruff – Level 9 Bean and All-Around Champion Anna Lightfoot – Level 8 Floor Champion Jared Miscisin – Men’s All-Around Champion The team received the Regional Club of the Year Award for the South Central Region. RECLIFE MAGAZINE | PAGE 12

NATIONAL COLLEGIATE JUDO ASSOCIATION COLLEGIATE NATIONALS Patricia Randall, +78kg Standard, 1st place Emma Whitlock, +78kg Novice, 1st place USA POWERLIFTING COLLEGIATE NATIONALS Women’s Equipped Team – National Championship (Kyra Rodriguez 47kg, Eliana Umbach 47kg, Elma Lopez 52kg, Leena Salinas 57kg, Shelby Gray 63kg, Robyn Ramon 63kg, Victoria Torres 72kg, Cassidy Estrada 84+kg) Kyra Rodriguez – 49kg Equipped Female Elma Lopez – 52kg Equipped Female Arnold Delgadillo – 59kg Equipped Male Josh Brown – 105kg Equipped Male USA POLO ASSOCIATION NATIONAL INTERCOLLEGIATE CHAMPIONSHIPS Men’s & Women’s Intercollegiate National Champions NATIONAL CHEER (NCA) & NATIONAL DANCE ASSOCIATION COLLEGE NATIONALS Cheer Squad – All-Girl Intermediate Collegiate National Champions

LEAVING A LEGACY The Texas A&M Department of Recreational Sports congratulates the Men’s Lacrosse coach, Tony Scazzero, on his 500th winning game. Scazzero was born in Fort Lee, Virginia where he played baseball, football, and basketball throughout high school. Half way through his senior year, Scazzero joined the school’s lacrosse team, sparking his interest in the sport. He attended college at Cornell University and received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics. During his time at Cornell, Scazzero joined the University’s successful lacrosse team and played until he graduated. After graduating, Scazzero moved to College Station to work at a restaurant owned by his brother. Lacrosse is a niche sport, and the players form a tight-knit community, so Scazzero was always looking for an opportunity to play in a game. After participating in a game with the Texas A&M team against the Dallas men’s team, Scazzero was offered the position of Head Coach for the Texas A&M Lacrosse Team. In April of 1978, he began his journey at the Department of Recreational Sports. Scazzero says he has always had a natural interest in athletics and coaching. He was raised in a family of successful athletes, so he had constant exposure to sports. When asked how he felt about winning his 500th game as the head coach, Scazzero said, “It’s a heck of a milestone and an amazing achievement, but it’s also a distraction. Our objective is to get better as a team, and winning that 500th game, it was tough to stay focused.” He says it is also a testament to the students’ amazing ability. Without their passion and dedication, the team would not have gone as far as they have. Using what he has learned from playing and coaching lacrosse, Scazzero offers some insight to current and future players and coaches: “Great players all learn about focusing on what is happening around them and being able to adjust and adapt in the game. It is important to use your strengths and learn from your weaknesses. Remember that the process is more important than the end result; you are learning life skills when you play and coach the sport. When you have a passion for the sport, you get a natural and gratifying process and result. Coaching allows you to give back to something that gave to you.” Scazzero plans to continue as the Head Coach of the Men’s Lacrosse Team where he will strive to set his goals higher and higher for the team to accomplish. As the team heads into the National Championship, the Department of Recreational Sports wishes him and the team the best!


REC SPORTS REUNION Rec Center alumnus, Christy Parkhurst, Class of ’92, attended this year’s Rec Sports Reunion. She reminisced on her time at the Rec, where she served in various roles for the Department. She was a building supervisor, created the schedules, worked at the front desk, and occasionally assisted Rick Hall, who is now the Director of the Department of Recreational Sports, all while studying in school. Christy keeps in contact with both Rick Hall and James Welford, Director of Development, since she worked with them throughout her college career. Christy also commented on the freedom the job gave her; she made her own flexible schedule, cross trained in multiple positions, and was able to stay organized and ahead on work and school responsibilities. Another former employee that attended the Rec Sports Reunion was Shawn DeFord, former Intramural Sports official. Shawn worked as an official for many years but found employment within the offices near the end of his college career. He started working for the Department in 2002 and left in 2008, after receiving both his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Texas A&M University. Shawn says he learned skills that transitioned into real life; skills that have helped him in his career. He comments on the relationships

and friendships he made during his time at Rec Sports, stating that he really got to know the people he was working with and made lasting connections.


Texas State

SEPT. 14


SEPT. 21


OCT. 12


OCT. 26

Judo Alumni Tailgate vs. Mississippi State

NOV. 2


NOV. 16

Cycling Team Alumni Tailgate & Gymnastics Club Tailgate vs. South Carolina

Christina Leal and Jeff Gore

Whiteside Family



Pictured (left to right): Rick Hall; Rec Sports Scholarship: Cynthia Martinez; W.L. Penberthy Intramural Scholarship: Leah Perry; Dennis Corrington; Rec Sports Scholarship: Sarra Regimand; Rec Sports Scholarship: Ashley Luna; Dennis Corrington Leadership Scholarship: Giavoni Donato; Rec Sports Scholarship: Valerie Ortega; David & Mary Chovanec Facility Scholarship: Jonathan Baumler; James Welford; Patsy Kott Outdoor Adventures Scholarship: Casandra Owens; Rec Sports Scholarship: Carissa Rogers

Chris and Megan Roznovski, Class of 2011, are supporters of the Patsy Kott Outdoor Adventures Scholarship. Chris was originally hired by Patsy where he worked in many positions from 2008 to 2012. Patsy’s passion for student success and adventure resonated through her staff. She supported, cared for, and loved her staff wholeheartedly. For this reason, Chris and Megan decided to give back to the Outdoor Adventures program and to honor Patsy for all that was done for them. The Roznovski’s encourage other Aggies to join in support by giving back in order to provide current Aggies with new opportunities.


Department of Recreational Sports Texas A&M University 4250 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-4250


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