The Lakes School
“Excellence through a caring, learning community�
The Lakes School
A Specialist Sports College with Science
Welcome to The Lakes School
The Lakes School
A Specialist Sports College with Science
Dear Parent/Carer The Lakes School is an 11 – 18 mixed comprehensive school and specialist sports college with around 680 students. We are immensely proud of the school and the achievements of our students. High academic performance, excellent standards of behaviour, attitude and appearance, and ensuring that all learners are happy, secure and stimulated are the goals which lie at the heart of our school. We care passionately about achieving the best for each young person and we will work tirelessly in partnership with you, the parents, to ensure that your child’s time at The Lakes School is as happy and successful as it can be. In addition to this prospectus, we are very happy to provide you with any other details or to show you around the school. I look forward to welcoming your child to The Lakes School and working with you in the future.
Dr David Selby
Vision The Lakes School is: • a place of excellence and enjoyment where each person strives to achieve their full potential in academic, personal and physical development by being challenged to be their best, • a caring place where each person sees their own contribution and is respected and valued as an individual, • a place of partnership between young people, parents, staff and governors and our wider local, national and international communities.
Values • • • • • • • • •
Be enthusiastic about learning Try to achieve your full potential Be equipped to learn Get involved in the challenging opportunities offered Make a positive contribution to school and community Show respect to all others in our community Be healthy and active Develop quality relationships Care for each other
• Respect our unique environment and appreciate its impact on our culture
Key Principles Learning: with every student having a broad range of experiences and challenges, both inside and outside the classroom, and receiving first class teaching to ensure that they achieve their full potential. Caring: where every student is safe and secure so that they can learn with confidence, and where consideration for others and self-discipline are developed. Community: to work as a sports college to be a centre for learning for our whole community and, through this, to provide the best possible opportunities for every person who uses the school.
Learning At The Lakes School we offer a challenging and stimulating curriculum which is aimed to meet the needs and aspirations of our students. To enable all students to achieve their very best, some subjects are grouped according to ability whilst others are taught in mixed ability classes. We inform parents about their children’s sets before the start of the academic year. Detailed handbooks give more information about individual subjects.
Key Stage Three (Years 7 to 9) All students follow the National Curriculum with its core and foundation subjects. Additionally, we enrich students’ academic experience by providing them with the opportunity to study two modern languages and drama. They also take part in outdoor and adventurous activities.
Teaching and learning are good
Key Stage Four (Years 10 and 11) The common core of National Curriculum subjects (English, Mathematics, Science, Physical Education and Religious Studies), is enhanced by a programme of personal, social and health education. In addition, we offer the following options: Art Media Studies Business Studies Music Catering Physical Education Dance Product Design Drama Religious Studies English Literature Sport and Outdoor Education French Textiles Geography German Young Apprenticeships History Diplomas Each student’s Key Stage 4 programme is planned to meet their individual needs, preferences and plans for the future. We use vocational and other work-based approaches in some areas, and have well established partnerships with South Lakes Federation and other educational providers including Kendal College and local employers to help us do this.
Key Stage Five (Years 12 and 13) Any of the subjects taken at Key Stage 4 can be continued in the sixth form together with: Critical Thinking Further Mathematics Leisure and Recreation
Psychology Sociology Travel and Tourism
Teachers set challenging targets to ensure all students make expected progress
The school provides a good curriculum in the main school and the sixth form
Academic Excellence We believe strongly that all students, whatever their ability, should be encouraged to fulfil their individual potential and their ambitions. Our target setting procedure means that all students aim high. Students are entered early for GCSE examinations where appropriate. Every year these policies lead to many outstanding academic performances. In recent years, several young people have achieved 9 or 10 A* or A grades each at GCSE, with individual students being regularly identified as achieving examination success in the top ten of all students across the country in a number of subjects.
Marking, Targets and Reports All work is marked in accordance with a common marking policy, which allows students and parents to see at a glance how well an individual is doing in any subject. Students are awarded a grade for academic achievement and for their attitude to learning. These are based on individual target grades for every subject, which are agreed at the beginning of each academic year. The school provides parents with formal progress reports three times a year but we welcome enquiries about any individual’s progress at any time.
Standards in the sixth form compare well with other schools in the area
Teachers engage students through interesting activities and provide helpful feedback
The Sixth Form We are justifiably proud of our excellent Sixth Form. Our results are good and above the national average. We offer a wide range of subjects and very good facilities. Our Sixth Form students are involved in all aspects of school life, as ‘buddies’ to new Year 7 students, as prefects, as positive role models to younger students and in helping with activities such as after school sports. They work hard in a stimulating atmosphere of co-operation and friendly competition.
Educational Visits Many departments take students on educational visits, locally, nationally and internationally. The purpose of such visits is to enhance the curriculum and give opportunities for active learning. Fieldwork is a regular part of Key Stage 3, GCSE and A level History and Geography. Theatre visits are frequently arranged for students in most year groups. Year 7 students take part in outdoor activities as part of their induction to the school in their first term. Recently students have visited Malawi, skied in France and Italy, visited Windermere’s twin town Diessen in Germany and shared in sports leadership.
The challenge in some outstanding lessons meant students achieved well
Care Pastoral Care We have a strong pastoral care system overseen by a deputy headteacher, heads of year and a team of form tutors. The form tutor sees students twice each day and is therefore able to monitor academic performance, attendance and behaviour. Students normally retain the same form tutor throughout Years 7 to 11 to ensure a continuity of relationship between tutor, student and parents.
Transition into The Lakes School When a student moves on to secondary school, parents and the student may have concerns with a larger building, more movement around school to different lessons and many new teachers and students. We use a range of successful strategies to help ease the transition process. These include:
• Taster days for all students in Year 5 from our feeder primary schools. • A full induction day for all Year 6 students transferring to The Lakes School. • Regular visits to all of our feeder primary schools by the head of Year 7 and our transition and special needs co-ordinators. • A parents’ evening for all parents of students in Year 6. • An open evening and open days for possible new students and their families. • The use of older students as ‘buddies’ for Year 7 tutor groups
Behaviour and Attendance Without excellent school attendance and good behaviour, students will not reach their full potential in education. We emphasise the quality of relationships between students, their peers and all adults working at school, and believe that this contributes to the good attitudes of our students. These relationships reflect the size and friendliness of the school. We know that students of all ages are very appreciative of our teachers’ efforts in providing quality education and a wide range of extra curricular activities. Taken together, we find that this means that our students want to come to school. We therefore expect attendance to be very good. Any attendance problems are followed up immediately by contact with parents. The school has an active behaviour policy which aims to promote selfdiscipline. We believe that it is more effective to praise good behaviour than to punish bad, although sanctions are also necessary for a minority of students. We expect parents to support our rewards and sanctions systems. We do not tolerate bullying of any kind. If relationships between students do become difficult, then this is acted on before problems can develop. We use our pastoral support staff supported by professional partners including our Connexions advisor, school nurse and education welfare officer, if needed.
Rewards Rewarding good work, effort and achievement is a constant feature of life at The Lakes School. We use a merit system which allows us to recognise individual success. Certificates are presented to students in our assemblies. We have a formal celebration assembly at the end of each term to reward students for their attitude to learning, progress, attendance, attitude and outstanding achievement.
The school’s induction procedures are effective in helping students settle quickly
The Students’ welfare is a high priority for staff and this contributes well to students’ personal development
The School Council The School Council is an important part of school life, giving the students a voice in the running of the school. They express their views and share in developing our work. The School and The Friends of The Lakes School provide the School Council with a budget for students to spend on agreed projects. It also provides representation on South Lakeland District Council’s Schools Council Forum and has been used for many years in the appointment process for all new staff at the school.
Special Needs Provision The Lakes School prides itself on being an inclusive school catering for all children from the community. In particular, we are a designated centre in the South Lakes area for students with physical or medical problems. The Learning Support Department consists of teachers and teaching assistants providing specialist teaching and in-class support for students with a wide variety of needs. It works throughout the school with the aim of guiding and helping students to achieve their full potential. All Year 7 students take reading, spelling and Cognitive Abilities Tests. These help staff identify which students may need extra help and to monitor their progress through school. In addition, our learning support staff are qualified to make detailed individual assessments. Some students have extra lessons to address any literacy difficulties; these can be as individuals or in small groups. In Years 10 and 11 students may have extra small group support for their GCSE work.
Care, guidance and support are a strength of this small school
The Lakes School is the community school for the central part of the South Lakes area. We aim to serve our community by providing the best possible experience for its young people but we also believe in developing links with the wider community. We have been recognised for this by the Government and are now a fully ‘Extended School’. Our school facilities are used by a wide range of people and organisations. We offer a weekly adult education programme and work with other partners to offer an increasing range of high quality sporting and other opportunities. Through this, we aim to lift the aspirations, expectations and achievements of the whole community, and to put The Lake School at the heart of it.
The Lakes School Environment We are fortunate to have a stunning location within the centre of the Lake District. The school itself is well resourced and is set in extensive playing fields with a modern floodlit artificial turf pitch.
A high proportion of students take part in and enjoy a good range of sporting activities, both during and after school
Students’ learning is good overall because of much good teaching
The Lakes School as a Sports College The Lakes School has been a specialist sports college since 2004. We believe that sport has the power and positive influence on students to motivate them to learn and to help them raise their level of achievement. This, in turn, raises whole school standards. We believe that sporting achievement and academic standards go hand in hand and, as a sports college, we aim for both of these goals. We believe that high quality PE and school sport can help self-confidence, self-discipline and concentration to be improved. We work very hard to ensure this happens for all of our students. We offer opportunities for all to participate and excel in a wide range of games and activities, both as part of the curriculum and outside of normal school hours.
Outdoor Activities
Sports Teams and Clubs
Outdoor education is a strong feature of The Lakes School and all students experience this from their Year 7 onwards. The Outdoor Adventure Activities Programme within Key Stage 3 (Years 7 to 9) includes abseiling, canoeing, climbing, kayaking and problem solving, as well as other activities.
Kick Boxing
Basketball Cross Country
At Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11) we have range of accredited courses in outdoor adventure, including BTEC Outdoor Education and other National Governing Body awards. The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme is a very popular programme with over 100 students involved every year. We offer the full range of Bronze, Silver and Gold awards.
Netball Roller Hockey
Additionally, we offer a very wide range of outdoor pursuit activities after school; these are open to all students and include: Camping Canoeing
Mountain Biking
Sailing Skiing
The school actively promotes a healthy lifestyle
The school sets challenging targets for its students
Other Enrichment Activities There is a rich variety of opportunity for students outside the formal curriculum of The Lakes School. Students are actively encouraged to get involved in the many activities available to them, and the school offers a number of clubs in addition to sport on a regular basis. After school activities include art, drama, information and communication technology, music, science and technology, as well as revision classes in many National Curriculum subjects. We also offer a wide range of educational visits and recent trips include Dove Cottage, the Slavery Museum in Liverpool, university visits, overseas visits to Morocco, Norway and Scotland and a variety of theatre visits. These activities allow our students to develop skills and interests that can be pursued in adult life.
Facilities The school has a public hall and stage, a large sports hall with a spinning room, a gymnasium and access to the swimming pool situated on our campus. All lessons are taught in specialist classrooms which include six laboratories and five ICT rooms. There is also a purpose built sports room and performance laboratory. There are numerous computers in classrooms and work areas throughout the school. We have a large and professionally staffed library. Work in the arts is supported by a performing arts studio, drama room and a music suite with superb rehearsal and practice facilities. These allow many students to make use of the peripatetic music teaching on offer, which ranges from classical instruments to electric guitar and drums.
The Staff Our teaching and associate staff teams are well-qualified and experienced. All classes are taught by specialist teachers.
The School Governors Our governing body takes an active interest in all aspects of the school and takes its work seriously. Contact between parents and the governors is always welcome and may be made through the Clerk to the Governors or direct to the Chair of Governors.
The Friends of The Lakes School Our ‘Friends of The Lakes School’ can include as members anyone linked to the school. All parents are automatically members. The enthusiastic committee organises regular social and fund raising events and members support the school in many large and small ways. Parents of new students are encouraged to take an active role in the Friends of The Lakes School. Their new ideas, support and assistance are always welcomed. Contact can be made through their secretary or Chair.
Quotes from Parents
“ “ “ “
Our child finds the teachers encouraging and particularly helpful
We are very pleased that our daughter has settled in so well, she enjoys school a lot. Her progress has made us very proud parents
My son seems very happy and is being challenged
I am pleased that my son has settled very well into school, and I am very happy with all aspects of the school. Thank you!
“ “ “
The way The Lakes School has arranged lessons has encouraged my son to believe in himself and his capabilities
We have a very happy child who enjoys attending The Lakes School
The School continues to improve in all aspects
“Excellence through a caring, learning community”
Visiting the School Any students who are considering coming to The Lakes School, or their parents, are welcome to see us at work - just telephone beforehand for an appointment to be shown round. The Lakes School Troutbeck Bridge Windermere Cumbria LA23 1HW Tel: 015394 62470 Fax: 015394 62473 Email: Web:
All quotations attributed to OfSTED are taken from the most recent OfSTED Inspection Report in April 2008, copies of which are available from the school.
For more information Copies of policies and other documents can be obtained from the school office by request. You can also visit the school website.