Learning Pathways 2012

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Dear Parents/Carers and Students, Our curriculum offer has been further refined this year. This reinforces last year’s developments and is in line with the Government’s new proposals to condense Key Stage 3 to two years, and extend Key Stage 4 to three years, for all schools and academies na)onally. Students are again given the opportunity, where appropriate, to commence GCSE studies in Year 9, although there is also the opportunity to study non-accredited GCSE Access courses for progression to full GCSE the following year. Some GCSE’s/BTEC’s will be delivered in five hours per week and completed in one academic year. This brings added flexibility and choice, plus the opportunity to benefit from addi)onal English and Maths support if required. This also means that our vision for ‘Stage not Age’ educa)on and accredita)on can become a reality, with students able to study accredited courses when they are ready. It is important that you take )me to read our Learning Pathways offer carefully and view the accompanying Learning Pathways DVD. The DVD illustrates the relevant content and assessment details for each course. It is also extremely important to think through future progression routes to further educa)on, training and /or employment, before making choices and returning your forms.

Best wishes, Douglas Blackledge Principal and Chief Execu)ve

‘Suppor ng your children in their choice to achieve their personal best.’



Furness Academy is an 11-16 Academy specialising in Sport. We aim to give our students the skills and self-belief they need to develop into confident young adults. We want to help students to develop into independent learners who are able to make the best of the opportuni)es their lives bring them. Our focus is on individual students, whether their talents are in academic subjects or elsewhere. We want to make sure every student is included and that Barrow’s young people have access to the best possible educa)on and the widest possible range of career paths in the future.

SPONSORS The three Sponsors of Furness Academy are Furness College, the University of Cumbria and Barrow Sixth Form College. Furness Academy is one of the few academies in the country that boasts only educa)onal Sponsors, all of which have an in-depth understanding of the learning needs in Barrow. Furness College, Barrow Sixth Form College and the University of Cumbria are all at the forefront of Barrow’s educa)on system. All are proac)ve in the regenera)on of Barrow, and its co-sponsorship of the Academy forms part of their aim to create a culture of learning in the town.



APPRENTICESHIP PATHWAY WHAT QUALITIES AND SKILLS DO I NEED? • You must want to pursue a skilled appren)ceship with BAE, or similar engineering based

industry. • You must have an interest in working with your hands and be prepared for lots of

sawing and filing of Mild Steel. WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? This course offers you the opportunity to gain an understanding of the world of industry. You will be given the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the skills you need to be successful in pursuing a career in engineering. BAE have been involved in designing the course and will take an ac)ve part in providing materials and work experience opportuni)es for students. You will also experience a mock interview as part of the course. The course is aimed at students who are performing at or below GCSE grade C level and have shown an interest in Technology in previous years. HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED? • The course is skills based and, as such, has no examina)on. • Students will produce a professional por>olio, designed to be taken to interview, to show

poten)al employers the skills they have learned.



BTEC ART & DESIGN (Edexcel) WHAT QUALITIES AND SKILLS DO I NEED? • Enthusias)c about learning new techniques and working with different materials. • Interested in the work of other ar)sts.

WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? The course is divided into compulsory and specialist units including: 2D and 3D visual communica)on, contextual references in Art & Design, explore and develop Art & Design ideas, produce an Art & Design outcome, photography, fashion, tex)les and the media. HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED? The course will be assessed through a mixture of por>olio work and controlled assessment.



ACCESS ART (non-accredited) WHAT QUALITIES AND SKILLS DO I NEED? • An interest in art • Willingness to work in new and exci)ng ways

WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? The focus of this course is about learning new skills and techniques, art for fun and enjoyment plus developing working in an independent and personally directed manner. You will explore working with different materials in both two and three dimensional forms, having the opportunity to experiment with mediums such as paint, clay, print, computer generated art, photography etc. You will be able to research and inves)gate ar)sts and art forms of your choice along with crea)ng art work to your own personalised design briefs. HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED? The course is 100% course work. You will create a body of work which will be presented as a por>olio and final outcome pieces. The work completed on this course may be used towards entry for GCSE or BTEC if opted for at a later stage.

FINE ART GCSE (AQA) WHAT QUALITIES AND SKILLS DO I NEED? • Ability to work in a variety of media. • Willingness to maintain a folder and sketchbook containing evidence of personal research,

observa)ons, ideas, analysis and final outcome WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? You will work to your personal strengths and ideas in the following areas: • Developing and exploring ideas through inves)ga)on using a variety of media. • Analysing and evalua)ng images and artefacts. • Recording observa)ons, experiences and ideas. • Reviewing, modifying and refining your work as it progresses. • Presen)ng a personal informed outcome, realising inten)ons and making informed connec)ons with the work of others. HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED? You are required to present a selected por>olio of coursework plus a ten hour controlled test. The Coursework assessment carries 60% marks and the controlled test 40% marks.




To have studied Art at BTEC or GCSE level Possibly want to con)nue studying art in further educa)on Are considering a career in art

WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? This is an exci)ng course which is aimed at developing you as a young ar)st. The course is all about you refining your exis)ng art skills, experimen)ng with your ideas, inves)ga)ng the wider world of art and researching art based career opportuni)es. Crea)ve ideas and outcomes will be decided by yourself in discussions with your teacher aFer visi)ng Barrow Sixth Form College to inves)gate post 16 courses. You will be encouraged to exhibit your work in school, locally, na)onally and via the web. Art compe))on opportuni)es will also be presented to you. HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED? You will build a por>olio of art. You may also choose to complete the Art Award course up to gold level. Gold award is equivalent to AS level grade C.



ACCESS BUSINESS STUDIES (non-accredited) WHAT QUALITIES AND SKILLS DO I NEED? An interest in business enterprise. The ability to work with others as part of a team. Mo)vated and enthusias)c learner. Interest in how businesses work and what makes them successful.

• • • •

WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? This course will introduce you to a variety of business knowledge and will show you how to spot a successful business opportunity. You will learn why customer needs are central to starting a business, what the different types of market research are and how the data can be collected and understood. Throughout the course you will be expected to work in groups collaborating with others, and often presenting your findings in the style of Dragon’s Den. You will be given the opportunity to take part in an Enterprise Project, where you will be able to put into practice the skills you are learning, with further information from local entrepreneurs who will be invited into school to share their experiences and ideas with you. This course will encourage you to develop your business knowledge, work with others to build your confidence and enable you to present your ideas in a creative and inventive way. HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED? The course will divided up into projects. There is no final examination but the course is excellent preparation for GCSE Business Studies and will help you develop vital skills.

BUSINESS STUDIES GCSE (Edexcel) WHAT QUALITIES AND SKILLS DO I NEED? • Enthusias)c and mo)vated with good communica)on skills. • Good organisa)onal skills, mature aHtude, flexible thinking. • The ability to work as part of a team. WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? While studying this course you are likely to learn a lot of new things. You will be introduced to the world of small businesses and will look at what makes someone a successful business person. You will find out how to develop an idea and spot an opportunity, and turn that into a successful business. You will discover how businesses promote themselves and keep their customers happy. You will also learn how businesses manage both their finances and the people who work for them. HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED? Unit 1: Introduc)on to Small Businesses - Examina)on worth 25% Unit 2: Controlled Assessment worth 25% Unit 3: Building a business - Examina)on worth 50%



ACCESS CATERING (non-accredited) WHAT QUALITIES AND SKILLS DO I NEED? • Enthusias)c about food and food related issues. • Able to access ingredients for prac)cal work on a regular basis

WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? This is a prac)cal based course developing confidence and competency using a variety of ingredients, equipment and following Health, Safety and Hygiene standards. In prac)cal sessions you will be producing products within the following areas: meat and fish cookery, desserts, cakes and biscuits, fruit and vegetables, seasonal and celebratory cookery and outdoor cookery. HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED? The course is split into three hour and two hour sessions. Prac)cal work will take place during the three hour session. The two hour session will be given to discussion work, demonstra)ons, planning and recipe building. There is no examina)on with this course but internal assessment will take place through a final por>olio of evidence of work carried out.


Enthusias)c about food and food related issues. Able to access ingredients for prac)cal work on a regular basis.

WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? You will study four areas of work: food and nutri)on, meal planning and food produc)on, technological development and the catering industry. You will complete prac)cal tasks on a regular basis relevant to each of the areas of work. HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED? • •

Examina)on: 40% Controlled assessment 40% + 20%


CERTIFICATE OF PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS CoPE CERTIFICATE OF PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS (ASDAN) QUALIFICATION: • Level 1 – 25 points (equivalent to GCSE grade E/F) • Level 2 – 46 points (equivalent to GCSE grade B) • Wider Skills – Level 1/Level 2

WHAT IS CoPE? The Cer)ficate of Personal Effec)veness is a qualifica)on that offers imagina)ve ways of accredi)ng young people’s ac)vi)es. It promotes a wide range of personal quali)es, abili)es and achievements for young people, as well as introducing them to new ac)vi)es and challenges. WHAT QUALITIES AND SKILLS DO I NEED? • Be able to work independently and make connec)ons over different areas of learning. • Self-mo)va)on and good organisa)onal skills are essen)al for this course.

WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? You will gain credits by comple)ng different challenges. You must produce a por>olio of evidence, demonstra)ng the skills you have acquired throughout the course. HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED? There is no examina)on and the course is assessed con)nually through the por>olio.



ACCESS DRAMA (non-accredited) WHAT IS ACCESS DRAMA? By opting into Access Drama you will become part of a working, small scale Theatre Company to develop the skills and experience needed to perform in a range of different styles of drama. The aim of Access Drama is to create quality performances for a range of audiences in school and outside of the Academy. You will develop your own performance skills with many chances to perform and gain feedback in a supportive atmosphere. WHAT SORT OF PROJECTS COULD I DO ON THE COURSE? • • • • • • • •

Create pieces for year 7 and 8 students that will be shown in an assembly. Work with other school groups Create work for the school Christmas show. Visit venues for workshops. Work with different prac))oners. Go on trips to see live produc)ons. Work on the school show. Performance opportuni)es may include the Shakespeare Schools Fes)val and the Furness Academy Christmas Concert sketches/pantomime.

OPPORTUNITIES TO DEVELOP OTHER SKILLS SUCH AS: • Set design • Ligh)ng • Direc)ng • Costume/makeup design • Dance • Music • Script wri)ng • Adver)sing/marke)ng WHY CHOOSE THIS COURSE? ACCESS DRAMA will help you if you require more time to develop the skills which are vital for both GCSE Drama and BTEC Performing Arts.




BTEC PERFORMING ARTS LEVEL 2 EXTENDED CERTIFICATE The BTEC Extended Certificate is equivalent to one GCSE at grade A*-C. You will choose to specialise in one of the following pathways: • Ac)ng • Dance • Performance (Music) WHAT QUALITIES AND SKILLS DO I NEED? • • • • • •

Have an interest in performing arts and associated ac)vi)es. Want to develop your knowledge and skills in drama, dance and music. Enjoy researching and inves)ga)ng rather than just being taught. Want a chance of prac)cal experience. Have an interest in prac)cal performance (drama, dance or music). Be able to meet deadlines

WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? You will be treated as a professional performer and understand how to work well within the performing arts industry. The course is highly independent and you will regularly be asked to prepare your own work. It is a very practical course in which you will hone your skills as an actor, musician or dancer. Opportuni)es to view professional produc)ons. Create and rehearse for a number of performances. Make presenta)ons on different aspects of your research. Develop presenta)on skills using displays, audio-visual and computer-aided materials. Solo, paired and small group work. Research new topics using the internet, relevant textbooks, journals and industry produced publica)ons. • Tutor-led discussions. • Develop strategies to plan and evaluate your work effec)vely. • • • • • •

HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED? The course will be assessed through a mixture of por>olio work and controlled assessment.




Expressing yourself in an ac)ve and exci)ng way. Working in a group. Contribu)ng your ideas and taking on board those of others. Exploring ideas by puHng yourself in other people’s shoes. Playing many parts in different imaginary situa)ons. Crea)ng your own drama work. Looking at plays wriOen by other people.

WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? You will develop your improvisation and acting skills to a higher level. You will also look at plays in more detail and at different ways of bringing a script to life on stage. There will be more opportunities to explore themes and issues using a range of drama techniques. If you are more interested in the technical aspects of drama (for example set design or lighting) you could focus on these for part of the course. You will learn how drama is created, including all the acting and staging skills that are needed to put a piece of drama on to the stage. You will obtain many skills that are highly valued in any walk of life including teamwork and confidently presenting yourself in public. HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED? Two units of work are assessed under controlled conditions by your teacher and include both written and practical elements. You will explore themes, ideas and then a full play in a practical way supported by your written documentary response. You will perform the play with a visiting examiner in the audience. There are no written examinations but you will be required to perform in a play, as an actor or contribute a form of design to a production such as costume, lighting or sound. This third unit is marked by a visiting examiner.



ADVANCED DRAMA SKILLS (partially accredited) WHAT IS ADVANCED DRAMA? Advanced Drama allows you to experience professional theatre in many different forms. It is an A-Level standard of course and alongside you will prepare and perform in the Arts Award, which will give you UCAS points towards University or Drama School. You will be given the opportunity to work with a range of advanced styles and also take these out and teach others elements of what you have learnt. You will lead your own theatre company, choose a play to perform and produce the play from start to finish, performing, directing, advertising and even deciding on technical elements. WHAT SORT OF PROJECTS COULD I DO ON THE COURSE? • • • • •

Work with new prac))oners in a range of styles Discover brand new interes)ng and different ways of working Visit a variety of theatre pieces from different companies Develop skills through the produc)on of your own play which will be presented to a wide audience Develop advanced ac)ng skills ready for further and higher educa)on


Set design Ligh)ng Direc)ng Costume/makeup design Dance Music Script wri)ng Adver)sing/ marke)ng

WHY CHOOSE ADVANCED DRAMA? Advanced Drama is designed specifically for those who have already taken GCSE DRAMA and are looking to go on to further Drama qualifications. You should have been predicted a grade C or above in GCSE and have excellent independent working skills with high motivation.



ENGLISH GCSE (AQA) GCSE English Language GCSE English Literature WHAT QUALITIES AND SKILLS DO I NEED? • A desire to enhance wriOen and oral communica)on skills: for example, to develop the capacity to

write effec)vely and read with insight. • Enthusiasm for various types of reading including novels, plays, poems and media texts.

WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? You will study for a GCSE English Language qualifica)on. This will involve a range of literary texts, including writers like John Steinbeck. You will also study a variety of media texts ranging from moving image to magazines. You will have to produce your own wri)ng in various styles aimed at different audiences with an array of purposes. For example, you will have to entertain as well as inform and advise. HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED? Language • Examina)ons: 40% of the overall mark based on responses to media texts. • Controlled assessments: 60% of the overall mark of which: • 20% is based on speaking and listening tasks, plus 40% based on reading and wri)ng skills.

These are formal assessments held within the Academy based on our study of: extended reading; the produc)on of crea)ve wri)ng and a study of spoken language. Literature Examina)ons: 75% of the overall mark is based on a range of poetry, plays and novels. These will be assessed in two formal externally marked examina)on papers. Controlled assessment: 25% of the overall mark is based on your study of Shakespeare and the literary heritage. As with all controlled assessments, this will be set formally within the Academy.



ACCESS GEOGRAPHY (non-accredited) If you have enjoyed Key Stage 3 Geography and want to have the opportunity to take your study further without the pressure of GCSE studies, this may be the course for you. Alterna)vely, you may want to take the Geography GCSE in the future but may not feel ready yet. In this case, the course will act as a solid founda)on to further study. The course is designed so that there is much more )me to devote to each topic enabling more ac)ve ‘hands on’ learning for example, model making and crea)ve projects whilst s)ll gaining the knowledge and skills that you would need if you wanted to con)nue to do the GCSE in the future. You will have the opportunity to discover Geography and the world around us in new ways through the media and arts using techniques such as photography, film making and role play. The course will also provide opportuni)es to work on prac)cal elements outside of the classroom. WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? This course focuses on four main themes two of which are Human and two Physical. There is also the opportunity to take part in fieldwork ac)vi)es and prac)ce other Geographical skills including the use of maps, ICT and GIS (Geographical Informa)on Systems). The key themes of the course are: • Coasts • Ecosystems • Na)onal Parks • Popula)on These themes have been chosen specifically to enable us to get out of the classroom as much as possible to prac)ce our fieldwork skills and to experience geography outside of the classroom seHng in our local environment. A geography qualifica)on can lead to further study and a range of jobs such as pollu)on control officer, geologist, countryside ranger, weather forecaster, property developer, work in tourism, conserva)on, environmental planning, regenera)on, renewable energy, teaching, the media e.g. broadcas)ng. ASSESSMENT INFORMATION Two unit assessments are set by the examining board and two assessments are teacher set. You will be assessed four )mes in total and will produce a folder of work to provide addi)onal evidence of your studies and understanding (teacher statements can be used as an alterna)ve where necessary).



GEOGRAPHY GCSE Geography A (AQA) WHAT QUALITIES AND SKILLS DO I NEED? Do you want to know how and why some human activities are damaging the environment? Do you want to know how decisions are made that will affect the future of the planet? Are you interested in the natural world and how it was formed? Do you want to know how actions that we take locally have global effects? If you like to question the world around you and want to develop skills in map reading, GIS and fieldwork techniques, this is the course for you. WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? This course will offer you the opportunity to study a broad range of subjects of geographical importance from local issues like off shore wind farms and tourism to global concerns such as climate change, deforestation and water shortage. To do this, the course combines both Human and Physical Geography to enable you to understand the impact that human activities have on the earth and the scientific principles that underpin the planet’s changing nature. The key themes of the course are: • • • • • • •

The restless earth The living world Water on the land Changing urban Environments The Coastal zone Popula)on change Tourism

Geography fieldwork will give you the opportunity to put the knowledge that you have learnt in the classroom into practice. You will need to plan your enquiry and carry out the practical investigations, record your findings and critically analyse them. You will gain a knowledge and understanding of our environment and will be able to discuss solutions that may protect it for future generations. A Geography qualification can lead to further study and a range of jobs such as pollution control officer, geologist, countryside ranger, weather forecaster, property developer, work in tourism, conservation, environmental planning, regeneration, renewable energy, teaching, the media e.g. broadcasting.

HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED ? Examination: Sit two written exam papers worth 75% of the total mark and practical fieldwork investigation that you will write up individually. Controlled assessment: worth 25% of the total mark.



HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE GCSE SINGLE AWARD (OCR) WHAT QUALITIES AND SKILLS DO I NEED ? • An interest in health and/or social care (maybe as a future career). • An ability to contribute to ac)ve lessons - including discussions, presenta)ons and team challenges.

Keen research skills and the ability to work independently are also very important. WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE ? The focus of the course will be to develop your knowledge and understanding of the relevant professions as well as considering key issues rela)ng to personal development. You will study two units of work: • Understanding Personal Development and Rela)onships (examina)on unit) • Health, Social Care and Early Years Provision (controlled assessment)

HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED ? The assessment for this course is one controlled assessment (60%) and one examina)on (40%). The examina)on is taken in January and so it is important that students are commiOed. The controlled assessment is a lengthy piece of work which requires students to work independently on a number of key tasks.



ACCESS HISTORY (non-accredited) WHAT QUALITIES AND SKILLS DO I NEED? An interest in what happened in the past and a desire to broaden your knowledge, skills and understanding of Historical events WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? You will study a number of key skills and concepts which will develop your understanding of historical events. The topics you will cover are Murder and Conspiracy, Twen)eth Century Conflict, Migra)on and Local History, The Making of the UK and a research project. HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED? The History Upgrade is a non accredited course. However, enjoyment of the course and a demonstra)on of progression in the key skills may lead you towards the History GCSE in the future. One aim of the course is that your general literacy skills will improve.

HISTORY GCSE (Edexcel) WHAT QUALITIES AND SKILLS DO I NEED? • An ability to use evidence to study the lives and events of people in the past to reconstruct what happened and why. • A desire to develop your thinking powers, your ability to construct reasoned arguments and your ability to understand people’s ac)ons and the way modern life has developed. WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? You will undertake training in: solving problems, analysing evidence to reach a judgment, evalua)ng historical sources for reliability and usefulness, iden)fying cause of events and the consequences of them. You will develop your ability to evaluate how reliable the historic evidence is, decide how useful it is to your inves)ga)ons and come to logical and reasoned conclusions based on what you have found out. HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED? You will take three examina)ons and conduct a Coursework inves)ga)on spread through the two years. Each of the examina)ons and the Coursework assessment are worth 25% of the final mark. Modules are: • The development of Medicine and treatments from medieval )mes to the present day. • How surgery improved from 1840 to 1918. • Germany between 1919 and 1945.

Coursework Inves)ga)on: You will have the opportunity to inves)gate how the Vietnam War 1962/75 has been represented aFer the event and report your findings in a single piece of Coursework.


INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY OCR Na1onals Levels 1-4 GCSE’s WHAT QUALITIES AND SKILLS DO I NEED? Your Key Stage 3 educa)on will have equipped you with many of the skills you need to gain success in this qualifica)on, added to a willingness to learn and a desire to succeed you will leave school well equipped to deal with the modern ICT workplace. WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? You will complete a compulsory unit on ICT Skills for Business (equipping you for life in the workplace), and will then have a choice of units that will cater more to your individual interests, ranging from anima)on/video to crea)ng sound effects. All students will work towards a standard of one GCSE, another one to three could be available through your dedica)on and hard work. HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED? The course is 100% coursework with no wriOen examina)ons. This allows you to know exactly where you are, and what you need to do to reach the next level. To achieve a GCSE equivalent grade in this qualifica)on you must successfully complete three full units.



LAW GCSE WHAT QUALITIES AND SKILLS DO I NEED? • Enthusias)c and mo)vated with good wriOen communica)on skills • The ability to analyse documents to find relevant informa)on • The ability to present a reasoned viewpoint

What will I do on the course? Law gives you an understanding of the role of Law in today’s society. In addi)on to helping you acquire subject knowledge, studying Law helps to develop skills of selec)on, analysis, cri)cal thinking and decision making, and an awareness of the rights and responsibili)es of individuals. Whilst studying this course you will learn about: • • • • •

The English Legal System: Introduc)on to Law Courts and Processes People in the Law Sources of English Law

Law in Ac)on: Criminal Law, Family Law and Rights and Responsibili)es How is the course organised and assessed? Unit 1 The English Legal System - 1.5 hour wriOen examina)on worth 50 % Unit 2 Law in Ac)on - 1.5 hour wriOen examina)on worth 50%



MEDIA STUDIES GCSE (AQA) WHAT QUALITIES AND SKILLS DO I NEED? • An enthusiasm for learning about how television, radio, newspapers and magazines are produced. • An interest in planning and making media texts of your own.

WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? You will study two units which will teach you both how and why the professionals create media texts and how to produce your own. You will develop your ability to understand and analyse real media texts, and will also have the opportunity to create your own media products, using specialist technology. HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED? The Single Award: Unit 1: Inves)ga)ng the Media: wriOen examina)on – 1 hour 30 minutes – 60 marks – 40% of the single award marks. Unit 2: Understanding the Media: 90 marks - 60% of total marks. Three controlled assessments which increase in detail and number of marks awarded. Double Award: Units 1 and 2 are completed as above plus: Unit 3: Exploring Media Industries: examina)on – 1 hour 30 minutes - 60 marks – 20% of marks for the Double Award. Sec)on A – ten short answer ques)ons. Sec)on B – five longer responses to a media s)mulus. Unit 4: Responding to a Media Brief: set brief – 90 marks – 30% of marks. Research, planning and presenta)on to a ‘client’. Fully realised produc)on and evalua)on.



MATHEMATICS GCSE (AQA) WHAT QUALITIES AND SKILLS DO I NEED? • A willingness to develop your ability to problem solve, explore and develop mathema)cal ideas. • Students have to plan how to carry out a task, generate results, search for paOerns and evaluate

and conclude findings. WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? The course offers you the opportunity to explore mathema)cs and develop your problem-solving skills. You will develop your Func)onal Mathema)cs skills by using maths to problem solve as you would in many career areas. HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED? This is a modular Maths course. The GCSE assessment paOern is structured to enable candidates to show their ability in the subject. There are two overlapping levels: LEVEL F (FOUNDATION) - targeted levels: G, F, E, D, C. LEVEL H (HIGHER) – targeted levels: D, C, B, A, A*.

STATISTICS GCSE WHAT QUALITIES AND SKILLS DO I NEED? • GCSE Mathema)cs target of Grade B or above. • A keen interest in Sta)s)cs and its applica)ons in business, medicine, science and other fields.


WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? You will develop a critical appreciation of statistics, a quality considered increasingly important in a wide variety of careers and in everyday life. You will develop knowledge, skills and understanding of statistical methods and concepts. You will learn about the real potential of data, but also develop an awareness of its limitations. HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED? The specifica)on consists of a two-)er assessment with a controlled assessment task covering both )ers. Unit 1- WriOen Paper (75% of the total marks) Founda)on Tier Grades C – G Higher Tier Grades A* – D Unit 2 – Controlled Assessment (12.5% inves)ga)on, 12.5% wriOen assessment). Students must complete an inves)ga)on and an associated wriOen assessment.



ACCESS MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGES (non-accredited) WHAT QUALITIES AND SKILLS DO I NEED? A posi)ve aHtude towards language learning with an open mind towards other cultures and civilisa)ons • A willingness to have a go and not mind making mistakes and some prior knowledge of your chosen language •

WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? During the year, you will be following four themes: My World (meeting people, home life, and education and future plans); Holidays and Leisure (outings, activities, travel and accommodation, French cinema); Lifestyle (celebrations, health and fitness, and food and drink); Young Person in Society (region and environment, media, and work and choices). At the end of each theme, there will be a celebration of learning in a creative activity. HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED? This course can be followed purely for interest and enjoyment or as a stepping stone towards GCSE. You can choose one language from French or German. In both cases, you will experience the most success if you have already studied your chosen language at Key Stage 3. The emphasis will be on communication and having fun learning a foreign language. There will be regular assessments following each theme which could be used towards an external qualification if you wish although this is not a compulsory requirement of the course.



MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGES GCSE (AQA) WHAT QUALITIES AND SKILLS DO I NEED? • To be working at Level 4 or above (or 3a if your speaking and wri)ng skills are par)cular strengths) by

the end of Key Stage 3, and a willingness to work at home as well as at school. • A posi)ve aHtude towards language learning and an open mind towards other cultures and civilisa-

)ons. • The confidence to speak in the target language and not mind making mistakes. • A basic understanding of how the language works, e.g. sentence structure, verbs and tenses, adjec)ves. • The ability to be an independent learner and access a variety of resources, e.g. dic)onaries and wordlists, the internet and verb tables. · WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? During the year, you will study topics based on lifestyle, leisure, home and environment, and work and education. The course is challenging but rewarding and will provide you with practical language skills that can be used in a variety of settings. HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED? You can choose one language from French or German. In both cases, you must have already studied your chosen language at Key Stage 3. The GCSE course will consist of examinations and controlled assessments. The listening and reading examinations form 40% (20% each) of the final mark. The speaking and writing form 60% (30% each). A GCSE in a Modern Foreign Language is an essential component of the English Baccalaureate.



ACCESS MUSIC (non-accredited) There is no formal qualiďŹ ca)on. However, as an op)on, students may be able to prepare for and take Rock School/ABRSM/Trinity College of Music graded instrument/vocal examina)ons if they are of a suitable standard. WHAT QUALITIES AND SKILLS DO I NEED? The Music Performing Skills enrichment course is designed to prepare/up-skill you for taking GCSE Music or BTEC Performing Arts the following year. It may also be taken as a stand alone course that serves to develop your personal desire to learn an instrument but not necessarily lead to a qualiďŹ ca)on. You will need to be enthusias)c and commiOed to developing your individual instrumental/vocal performing skills. WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? Instrumental/voice tui on The greater part of this course will be spent on learning a chosen instrument or voice. You will receive a 30 minute 1-to-1 lesson each week from a visi)ng professional music teacher. Tui)on for one instrument/voice will be provided free of charge to students. Much of the remainder of your course )me will be spent in prac)ce )me and accessing the Music Gigajam scheme of learning to play an instrument. An op)onal second instrument may be learnt but a parental contribu)on would be required for this. You will also play your instrument/sing in groups during curriculum )me. Listening and Theory You will listen to relevant leading ar)sts in your chosen instrument/genre and study their music and skills. There will also be opportunity for students wishing to improve their general music knowledge and theory in prepara)on for GCSE. Composing You will also be introduced to Sibelius composing soFware and Digital Mul) track recording techniques as part of the course. Music Ac vi es You will be expected to aOend at least one extra curricular music ac)vity throughout the course: e.g. Up & Coming Rock Band Coaching; Singing Club; Ceilidh Band, Samba Band, Keyboard Club.



MUSIC GCSE (AQA) WHAT QUALITIES AND SKILLS DO I NEED? You will need to be enthusias)c and commiOed to music and willing to par)cipate in at least one musical ac)vity throughout the course. You are strongly advised to have studied an instrument at Key Stage 3 during years 7 and 8. If you have not received instrumental/vocal tui)on in years 7 and 8 then consider taking the Music Performing Skills Enrichment Course first. WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? General You will learn about five 'areas of study'. They will form the basis through which your performing, composing and appraising/listening skills are developed. The five areas of study are: Rhythm & Metre, Harmony & Tonality, Texture & Melody, Timbre & Dynamics and Structure & Form. You will explore these areas of study through three ‘strands’: The Western Classical Tradi)on; Popular Music of 20th and 21st centuries and World Music. Composing You will compose two pieces of music during supervised )me. They must relate to two or more of the areas of study and one of the given strands. You will record your composi)ons and produce a score for each of them. Performing You will perform two different pieces on an instrument/voice of your choice. One will be an individual performance and the other will be a group performance. Instrumental/voice tui on You will learn an instrument or have voice lessons. Tui)on for one instrument/voice will be provided free of charge to GCSE students. HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED? The course is divided into four units: Unit 1: Listening to and appraising music - 1 hour wriOen paper - 20% Unit 2: Composing and appraising music - externally assessed - 20% Unit 3: Performing music - controlled assessment - 40% Unit 4: Composing music - controlled assessment - 20%.




Possess a keen interest. Have leadership poten)al. A willingness to try new ac)vi)es and interact with different environments. A willingness to cooperate with staff and classmates to work as part of an effec)ve team. Be willing to develop understanding and apprecia)on of the environment and understand our impact upon it.

WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? • Health, safety and injury in sport/outdoor ac)vity. • Planning and leading sports/outdoor ac)vity. • Prac)cal outdoor and adventurous ac)vity (including kayaking, mountain biking, climbing, skiing, hill

walking and camp craF). • Fitness tes)ng (half module).

HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED? There are no examina)ons, assessment takes the form of coursework. Prac)cal sessions are largely completed off site and take place in all weathers. The majority of specialist equipment is provided by the school. Most prac)cal lessons arrive back at school aFer normal school hours.



ACCESS PE (non-accredited) This course is designed to provide an introduc)on and base of knowledge for the accredited courses the PE Department delivers. WHAT QUALITIES AND SKILLS DO I NEED? • A strong desire to learn about my poten)al to take an accredited course in PE in the near future. • A willingness to work hard at both the theory and prac)cal aspects of the course. • You will need to display high levels of personal responsibility by being well organised and respec>ul

when working with others. WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? The course will introduce aspects of GCSE PE, BTEC Sport and BTEC Outdoor and Adventurous Ac)vi)es for students who have an interest in taking an accredited course at a later date. The course will include both theory and prac)cal study with ongoing assessment of individual performance. Students will be expected to take on a variety of roles and work to develop their knowledge and skills in these areas. There will be the opportunity to gain accredita)on during this course which will be beneficial in following courses such as BTEC and GCSE. HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED? Ongoing assessment throughout the course to assess suitability for further study. Some prac)cal ac)vi)es may require a late return to school.



PHYSICAL EDUCATION - GCSE WHAT QUALITIES AND SKILLS DO I NEED • Be a proficient performer in a range of ac)vi)es and show a willingness to develop


tac)cs and skills. • Show willingness to develop knowledge and techniques, and work in a variety of roles in the spor)ng

environment such as player/ performer, coach, official, leader, choreographer and organiser. WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? The course is delivered through theory and prac)cal lessons. The theory aspect of the course concentrates on knowledge and understanding of factors affec)ng performers and terminates in a wriOen examina)on (two examina)ons on the double course). The examina)on contributes 40% of the final mark. Prac)cal work contributes 60% and candidates will be marked on prac)cal ability in four areas for the single course or eight areas for the double course. HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED? External examina)on 40%, - One examina)on single course Two examina)ons, Double course Prac)cal coursework 60%. Single course - four ac)vi)es Double course - eight ac)vi)es.

ADVANCED PE SKILLS (Post GCSE course) WHAT QUALITIES AND SKILLS DO I NEED The Advanced Skills PE course is suitable for Year 11 students who have completed the GCSE PE course and in some instances the BTEC Sport course to a high standard and are considering following either A/S or A Level PE at Sixth Form or College. WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? Advanced Skills PE is around 50% theory and 50% prac)cal lessons. Students will study areas of PE that will prepare them for both A/S Level and A level PE including Physiology, Sports Psychology and Contemporary Issues. There will be a coursework/ project based element of the course, looking at the different roles that are available through sport and physical ac)vity, such as sports official and coaching. The prac)cal part of the course will be centred on op)mising sports performance. Here, you will concentrate on improving your own performance and knowledge in a variety of sports and ac)vi)es. HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED? The course will be assessed via examina)on style ques)ons, project work, presenta)ons and prac)cal performance. Although the course in non-accredited, there will be opportuni)es to gain Leadership and Na)onal Governing Body awards.



SPORT (BTEC) WHAT QUALITIES AND SKILLS DO I NEED? Level 2 BTEC First Cer)ficate is equivalent to two GCSE’s • Enthusiasm for sports. • Self organisa)on and the ability to meet deadlines. • Enthusias)c about learning a variety of roles and responsibili)es within the spor)ng environment. WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? The course will include both theory and prac)cal work covering the following modules: • • • •

Health, Safety and Injury in sport Planning and Leading Sports Ac)vity Prac)cal Sport Fitness Tes)ng (half module)

HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED? The course will be assessed through a mixture of por>olio work and controlled assessments.



RELIGIOUS STUDIES GCSE (Edexcel) WHAT QUALITIES AND SKILLS DO I NEED? • An enquiring, cri)cal and reflec)ve approach to other religions and their cultures. • Ability to develop your own values, aHtudes and opinions in light of your learning. • To understand and assess differing religious/non-religious viewpoints.

WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? You will study two units – Religion and Life (based upon a study of Chris)anity) and Religion and Society (based on Chris)anity and Islam). In both units, you will inves)gate philosophical, moral and contemporary issues within society and consider your own and various religious responses. • • • • • •

Issues covered will include: Marriage and Family Life MaOers of Life and Death Peace and Conflict Crime and Punishment Environment and Medicine

HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED? The course is 100% examina)on. You will sit a 1 hour 30 minute examina)on in each unit. Internal modera)on is con)nual, whilst external modera)on will happen twice through the year. This means that you can have your work signed off, receive your cer)ficate within five working days, and not have to wait anxiously for your final grade.




A sensible, safe and organised approach to work. Interested in developing a range of work-related skills alongside Science theory and prac)cal work.

WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? • You will carry out assignments including prac)cal inves)ga)ons, presenta)ons, field studies, research

and essays in the following areas: Understanding Chemistry. • Energy and our universe. • Biology and our environment.

HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED? The course will be assessed through a mixture of por>olio work and controlled assessment..

CHEMISTRY, BIOLOGY AND PHYSICS GCSE (Edexcel Triple Award) WHAT QUALITIES AND SKILLS DO I NEED? • Level 6+ by the end of your Key Stage 3 studies in Science and Maths. • A keen interest in science and a willingness to read around the subject.

WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? These qualifica)ons include subject maOer from GCSE Science and GCSE Addi)onal Science, along with specialist extension units. The course aims to develop students’ understanding of the science around them that affects them in their everyday life and encourages students to con)nue on into further study at A-Level. HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED? There are four units per GCSE, marks are awarded as follows; 25% Unit 1, 25% Unit 2, 25% Unit 3 all assessed by external examina)on. The final 25% is taken from controlled assessments carried out in the classroom that focus on prac)cal, analysis and evalua)on skills. Each GCSE is made up of four units; one unit of Biology, Physics and Chemistry each worth 25% and assessed by external examina)on. The final 25% is taken from controlled assessments carried out in the classroom that focus on prac)cal, analysis and evalua)on skills.



CORE SCIENCE GCSE AND ADDITIONAL SCIENCE GCSE (Edexcel Dual Award) WHAT QUALITIES AND SKILLS DO I NEED? • Level 5+ by the end of your Key Stage 3 studies in Science and Maths. • A keen interest in science and a willingness to read around the subject.

WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? You will be awarded two separate GCSEs one for CORE Science studied largely in Year 10, another for ADDITIONAL Science studied in Year 11. You will study topics from Biology, Chemistry and Physics, but other areas such as Earth Science and Space are included. In addi)on to studying scien)fic theory, you will spend a substan)al amount of )me considering “How Science Works”. Here your work will include technological, social and industrial aspects of science. You will need to adopt a cri)cal, ques)oning frame of mind to understand the workings of science and how it impacts on society and our lives. HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED? Each GCSE is made up of four units; one unit of Biology, Physics and Chemistry each worth 25% and assessed by external examina)on. The final 25% is taken from controlled assessments carried out in the classroom that focus on prac)cal, analysis and evalua)on skills.



ACCESS TECHNOLOGY (non-accredited) WHAT QUALITIES AND SKILLS DO I NEED? • Good organisa)on skills and ability to problem solve. • The ability to research, develop and present ideas using a variety of media • An interest in Technology subjects • A wish to take a Technology GCSE at a later date WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? • You will have opportuni)es for prac)cal design and produc)on, working with a range of materials. Areas covered will include: • Wood, metal and plas)c • Electronic circuit and theory • Designing products and graphic communica)on • Research and analysis • CADCAM • Tex)les HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED? There is no examina)on. An internal cer)ficate will be awarded to students who complete the course. Assessment will be in the form of Na)onal Curriculum levels awarded as principle assessments for each module completed.

ELECTRONICS GCSE (AQA) WHAT QUALITIES AND SKILLS DO I NEED? • A keen interest in electronics and scien)fic circuit theory. • To cope with the circuit theory content of the course, a predicted grade B in Maths and Science is desirable. • An interest in Maths and Science. WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? This course offers you the opportunity to gain an understanding of the world of electronics and the opportunity to design and make a range of electronic products. Developing a comprehensive knowledge of electronic components and how they work will be an essen)al part of the course, as will learning an indepth understanding of theore)cal electronics. As such, the course does have a sizeable maths and science element, and you should have a good aOainment record in these areas. You will learn to use a range of electronic soFware packages for circuit design and construc)on. HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED? Examina)on: One wriOen examina)on worth 40% of the course. Controlled Assessment: The Major Project is in the form of course work, worth 60% of your final mark.



PRODUCT DESIGN GCSE (OCR) WHAT QUALITIES AND SKILLS DO I NEED? • An enthusiasm for learning about design and designers. • Good organisa)onal skills and an ability to problem solve.

WHAT WILL I DO ON THE COURSE? The aim of the Product Design GCSE is to develop innova)on and flair and it offers a unique opportunity to involve you in new approaches to Design and Technology. The course is divided into four dis)nct units, Developing and Applying Design Skills, Designing and Making Innova)on Challenge, Making, Tes)ng and Marke)ng Products and Designing Influences. HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANISED AND ASSESSED? The four units are assessed through a mixture of examina)on, coursework and por>olio produc)on.


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