St George’s C of E Primary School
w w w. s t g e o r g e s . c u m b r i a . s c h . u k
Welcome to
Our School Welcome to St George‛s C of E Primary and Nursery school. My name is Mrs Kent and I am the Head Teacher at this newly developed state-of-the-art teaching facility. Our ethos at St George‛s is ‘care, respect and commitment to high standards‛ and I believe that everything we do in school reinforces this ideal. Our aim is to nurture and educate each child as an individual. At St George‛s we believe that every child has their own needs and strengths, and we strive to ensure that they have the opportunity to succeed and achieve to the best of their ability.
We have strong links with both the church and community and use these to ensure our children leave as ‘well rounded‛ individuals ready to tackle every challenge life will ask of them. We aim to have the children leave us in Year 6 as independent, confident and happy young people who are proud of their achievements and can communicate and contribute in the wider world.
We want to ensure our pupils have the best start for their academic future
We always have the interests of your child at heart and strive to achieve the best for them. Mrs Kent Headteacher
St George’s C
E Primary School
A tour of
St George's We are a school with 213 children on role which includes a busy Nursery. The school has recently undergone a £3million, 18 month, renovation project. This has joined the previous separate KS1, KS2 and Nursery buildings and has produced a fantastic teaching/learning environment for all age groups. The offices and front entrance are now based on School Street with old offices being used as our new SENCO and inclusion areas. Nursery and Reception classes have a fantastic outdoor play area with sheltered outdoor provision and a variety of multisensory equipment for the children to use as they are learning. KS1 has a large wet play and cooking area which provides the children with interesting opportunities to learn.
KS2 is now organised in a fantastic open corridor which is utilised as an extra learning zone for intervention groups and other activities. The Year 5 and 6 classrooms have their own balcony area which is used by groups of children to learn in an outdoor setting. All classrooms are equipped with the newest whiteboards and ICT equipment as we look forward to preparing the children for the technological age they live in. To support this, children will have the chance to use iPads and other modern technologies to enhance their learning.
We all work very hard to ensure our children can access the most up-to-date teaching strategies and resources
We all work very hard to ensure our children can access the most up-to-date teaching strategies and resources which will allow them to achieve their maximum potential. Teaching and guiding young people in this complex world to be good, Christian children is an aim we strive to achieve
Care, Respect and a Commitment to High Standards
and one which OFSTED felt we succeeded in and judged the school as outstanding. Our most recent OFSTED report (2011) stated: “The school is effective in identifying and meeting the needs of pupils with special educational needs.”
OFSTED Report There is good leadership and management at all levels. All staff share a strong commitment to improvement and morale is high
The outstanding care, guidance
afforded to all pupils ensure they feel part of a family community where
respected and valued.
There is excellent provision for all aspects of pastoral care and pupils, parents and carers know that all staff want the very best for each and every child.
St George’s C
E Primary School
Aims The school aims to serve its community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice.
To offer equality of opportunity in a happy, stimulating, learning environment. To provide a balanced and challenging curriculum in which the children‛s skills are developed through first hand experience resulting in a high standard of education. To develop their ICT skills to prepare them for work in the 21st Century. To help children learn the importance of good manners and consideration for others by developing their own self esteem. To make everyone feel valued and confident. To enable children to achieve their full potential in an atmosphere of mutual care and respect. To promote a partnership in education between home, school and community whatever the cultural background.
Care, Respect and a Commitment to High Standards
Life at St George's UNIFORM
Our uniform consists of grey shorts, trousers, skirts and dresses, plus a white shirt and navy blue jumper or sweatshirts with our school logo. Black shoes must be worn and they should be a reasonable height. White polo shirts and navy sweatshirts are available from Identity, Cavendish Street, Barrow and Cumbria Sewing and Craft Centre on Crellin Street, Barrow. Please ensure all clothing is clearly marked with your child‛s name.
PUPIL HOURS Monday to Thursday Nursery
9.00 am -11.30 am
12.45 - 3.15 pm
8.55 am - 12.15 pm
12.57 - 3.15 pm
8.55 am - 12.15 pm
12.57 pm - 3.15 pm
Friday As above except we finish at 2.15 pm Gates will be opened at 8.45 am. kitchen. Dinner money should be paid before 9.30 am on Monday morning in a named envelope. Only in an emergency may dinner money be paid later in the week.
Reasonably priced school meals are now cooked in our own
Children are able to bring a packed lunch, however we do not allow chocolate or fizzy drinks as part of our Healthy Eating policy. Parents are asked to make a half term commitment if they wish their child to bring a packed lunch as our kitchen
orders food well in advance and adequate notice is required.
If you receive Family Income Support, you may be eligible for free school meals. Application forms are available from: The Education Office Nan Tait Building Abbey Road or call in at school for advice from the Secretary. Infant children receive a free piece of fruit and milk each day. Junior children may bring fruit to eat at playtime or purchase fruit from our daily fruit shop (20p). We also encourage the children to drink fresh water regularly during the day and promote having a water bottle in the classroom.
St George’s C
E Primary School
Curriculum At St George‛s we enjoy a wide, enjoyable and enriched curriculum which is designed to meet the needs of every child‛s ability and needs. There is a strong emphasis on reading, writing and maths, which are continually linked to all areas of the curriculum as we believe these skills will allow our children to succeed in later life. Through our curriculum we encourage the children to be independent learners and to make links with the outside world.
English is central to learning and its development is fostered in all areas of the curriculum. There are various areas - Speaking and Listening; Reading and Writing. All are part of a continuing process.
to work together in partnership. A variety of strategies to teach reading are used in both Key Stages.
Writing is used in many different contexts - diaries, stories, letters, accounts, etc. Many different tools are used, including word processors. Planning, drafting and evaluation techniques are employed, along with formal grammar and punctuation. High quality presentation is a priority throughout the school in all areas of writing.
Children are given many opportunities to talk through imaginative play, drama, reading, listening to poetry and stories, describing events, asking and answering questions and contributing ideas.
We strongly encourage the love and regular use of books and we ask that you do the same. Children are encouraged to read daily at home. Home to School Contact Books are used to enable parents and staff
Spelling is taught in a variety of ways at all levels. We use a structured spelling scheme beginning in KS1.
Care, Respect and a Commitment to High Standards
We aim to provide interest, enjoyment and enthusiasm in maths through experiences that are stimulating, exciting and relevant so that children are motivated to use maths in all areas of the curriculum with confidence. Children from Reception to Year 6 have a daily maths lesson. A typical lesson is structured with oral work and mental calculation. This involves whole class work to practise, sharpen and develop mental and oral skills. The main teaching activity includes both teaching input and pupil activities and a balance of whole class, grouped, paired and individual work.
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION The school values links with St George‛s Church. Religious Education is taught in all classes and the children meet regularly for Collective Worship. A member of the clergy team leads the Act of Collective Worship twice a month in church on Thursdays. Each week we hold Good Work
SCIENCE Through the process of scientific investigation using the skills of observation, prediction, fair testing, interpretation, drawing inferences and communication, the children gain knowledge of scientific concepts. They also develop a questioning mind along with the important social skills of co-operation and perseverance.
INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY We are fortunate to have excellent ICT resources in school. We are connected to the Internet with all computers networked throughout the building. We have Interactive Whiteboards and various other
St George’s C
equipment such as digital cameras, video cameras etc, that the children use regularly. ICT is taught as a separate subject and is used to enhance teaching and learning in other subjects.
E Primary School
Assembly, where children share their work with the school and receive rewards and praise. Parents are invited to Harvest Festivals, Carol Services and other celebrations. Our teaching is according to Christian but nondenominational principles. All children in school are now taught Christianity and Buddhism throughout both Key Stages with Judaism introduced at Key Stage 2.
Learning At St George‛s we feel it is important for every child to achieve their full potential. This includes challenging children of higher ability and supporting those with Special Educational Needs (SEN).
If a child finds it difficult to read, write, do maths, struggles with their behaviour, speech or social skills, he or she may need extra support in school. This support is beyond that which they would normally get in class. This child is said to have special educational needs (SEN).
INDIVIDUAL EDUCATION PLANS (IEPs) Children with the most significant or complex special educational needs have an IEP. This document helps the child, parents and school to plan what targets to work
toward next, and what things will need to be done to help a child reach those targets.
If a child has SEN, they will be allocated one, or occasionally two, ‘keyworkers‛. These staff are people the child works with regularly, and are the first person to contact if parents have any concerns.
WHO GETS EXTRA HELP IN SCHOOL? We use Cumbria County Council guidelines to help us identify those pupils experiencing an SEN. This includes: • Pupils working significantly below national expectations for their age • Pupils with a disability • Pupils with behavioural or emotional difficulties
WHAT SORT OF HELP IS AVAILABLE? Help outside lessons: sometimes pupils are
Care, Respect and a Commitment to High Standards
taken individually or in small groups to work on particular skills such as spelling, maths, anger management, talking and listening skills. Help in class: some pupils need additional support to understand the lessons. Help with social and emotional skills: sometimes pupils need additional support to manage their feelings, focus in lessons or show appropriate social skills such as sharing.
Activities & Trips At St George‛s we provide extensive opportunities for the children to participate in after school activities. These enable children who are interested in sport, craft, gardening, ICT and singing and dancing to carry on their interest after school. We also offer children a variety of educational trips throughout the year to enhance their curriculum and learning. In years 5 and 6 we have a week‛s residential trip to Waterpark near Coniston to participate in fabulous outdoor activities.
Year 4
Lakeside Morrisons Barrow Dock Museum Abbotswood Oasis Wildlife Park
• South Walney Nature Reserve • Conishead Priory • Dalton Wildlife Park • Ulverston Science Fair • Waterpark Day Visits
Year 1 • Grizedale Forest • Dalton Wildlife Park • Local Beaches
Year 5 • ASDA • Planet Pulse Leisure Centre • Grizedale Forest • Water Park Residential • Yottenfews • Water Treatment Works
Year 2 • St George‛s Church • South Walney Nature Reserve • Buddhist Centre Year 3 • St Mary‛s Church • Swarthmoor Hall • Friends‛ Meeting House • Tullie House Museum • Birdoswald Roman Fort • Coast Road • Buddhist Centre
St George’s C
Year 6 • • • •
Rheged Visitor Centre Grizedale Forest Conishead Priory South Walney Nature Reserve • Water Park Residential
E Primary School
Care &
Because of day-to-day contact with children, schools are particularly well placed to observe outward signs of abuse, changes in behaviour, or failure to develop. Parents should be aware therefore that where it appears to a member of school staff that a child may have been abused, the school is required as part of Cumbria Child Protection proceedings to report their concern to the Children‛s Services, Safeguarding.
Children of school age, must, by law, attend school regularly. If your child is to be away from school you need to ask the Head teacher to approve the
absence. You cannot yourself authorise a child‛s absence. Please try not to ask for leave of absence for a family holiday in term time. If unavoidable, two week‛s notice must be given, you may collect a form from the office requesting authorisation. Schools do not have to agree to absence for a holiday and we cannot legally authorise more than ten school day‛s absence in a school year unless there are exceptional circumstances. No permission will be given during KS1/KS2 SATs. If we do agree to a holiday in term time it is very important that your child comes back to school promptly. Where a child fails to return within ten school days of the agreed return date and there is no good reason for this such as illness, your child‛s name could be removed from the school roll—your child would no longer have a place at our school. Children‛s absence during term time can seriously disrupt the
continuity of learning. We run a traffic light system to monitor each child‛s attendance and this is fed back to parents on a regular basis.
If a pupil has a serious recurring medical problem it is important that the school is notified. If your child carries an inhaler please ensure it is clearly labelled with your child‛s name. If at any time during the day your child becomes unwell, or needs you for some reason, we will not hesitate to contact you. You are requested to leave a telephone number at school where we can contact you or a friend in an emergency. Please remember to tell us if your telephone number changes. Should your child require medicine during the school day, we prefer parents to visit school to administer it. If this is not possible listed staff are prepared to give your child medicine but only when a form has been completed which clearly explains the time the medicine should be taken. The exact dose only should be handed into the office. If your child has a medical appointment during school time, or if you need your child to leave the school during normal school hours please inform the class teacher either personally or in writing.
Care, Respect and a Commitment to High Standards
E Primary School
Tel 01229 894 612 Email School Street, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria LA14 2JN
01229 812813. Photography by Philip Hatfield Photography.
St George’s C
EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY We are committed to making our school a happy and safe place, where everyone feels welcome and able to contribute to the life of the school. We celebrate
diversity and recognise that we are all enriched by the differences that each individual brings to the school community. We do not tolerate
FORMAL COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE If you become concerned in any way about your child‛s education, it is important that you tell us about this. As a first step you should discuss your concerns with your child‛s teacher. If you are still concerned after talking with the teacher, you should arrange to meet the Head teacher. Obviously, we will do all we can to resolve your concerns and to
The information supplied in this document is in accordance with information at present available to the Governors and it is believed to be correct at the date of production (December 2011). In particular, nothing herein prejudices the
St George’s C
ensure you are happy with your child‛s education. There may be some occasions when parents wish to complain about matters relating to the curriculum and collective worship, which is the responsibility of the Governing Body and/or the Local Authority. Special formal arrangements exist for dealing with complaints of this kind. Copies of a
right of the Education committee or any of its sub-committees, or the Governors or the Head of the school to make any decisions relating to the school as it sees fit without regard to whether this will affect the accuracy of any matters contained in this publication. Further, neither the Governors nor the school, nor the Education Authority, nor the
E Primary School
Designed by
Julia Morrison Corporate Director Children‛s Services Cumbria County Council, 5 Portland Square, Carlisle, Cumbria. CA1 1PU
discrimination of any kind and ask that visitors abide by our code of practice. Thank you.
leaflet, which outlines these arrangements, are available from the school, as are copies of the full arrangements themselves. Advice on how to pursue a formal complaint is also available from: Information Unit Cumbria Education Service 5 Portland Square Carlisle CA1 1PU Tel (01228) 606060.
members of the Authority or the school are deemed responsible for any erroneous information in this document. Copies of any document referred to in this prospectus may be seen in school on request from the Head teacher.