Talk of the town summer 2013

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Talk of the Town The quarterly newsletter of Ulverston Town Council

Edition 3 Summer 2013


There is so much confusion and change in all levels of local government at the moment I think it is important that I spell out clearly what I hope to do as Mayor during the next twelve months to help ensure that Ulverston is best placed to benefit from the many initiatives to connect power to local people.

should be proud of this huge voluntary effort. It has begun to worry me that people from other towns often speak more fondly of Ulverston than many people who live here. I think many of us have begun to take things for granted, left things to others and even decided that what goes on in our Town Centre has nothing to do with us. That is a pity as the Town’s success depends very much on all of us, no matter where we live in the Town. As Chair of the Marketing Group on the Community Partnership, I would particularly welcome ideas for new festivals and new ideas for some of our long running festivals. I would also like to build on the good work of the last twelve months, building community links with the larger businesses in the town as well as our traditional links with the traders. They want their firms to be part of a positive prosperous Ulverston which will attract key workers to want to live in it.

I wish to further encourage and develop our festival town image. Ulverston is different from many other market towns in the country and we would be daft not to celebrate that. Community volunteers have worked hard over the last fifteen years to build up a repertoire of events which encourages people to visit the town, visit our shops and boost our economy. It is hard for people who may feel inconvenienced by a road closure or a parade to appreciate that hundreds of people join the Community Project of promoting this town for the good of us all as well as for our enjoyment. All of us

To let us know what you think about anything you’ve read in this edition, email us at or write to us c/o the Town Clerk. Let us know whether you would like us to publish your letter. We hope that will continue to be a place where people can put forward their views, and we will publish as many contributions as we can. If you would like to contribute to the next issue - due out at the beginning of August - or have an idea for a feature, or would like to highlight an upcoming event, contact Jane Harris:

If you would like to advertise in the next and future editions, contact Jane Harris on 01229 219360 or

If you wish to write to Ulverston Town Council, our postal address is: Mrs Jayne Kendall, Town Clerk, Town Hall, Queen St, Ulverston LA12 7AR. Telephone: 01229 585778. You will also find information on the web about Ulverston Town Council, what to do in Ulverston and local festivals. Useful websites are:

Finally I am particularly anxious that we continue to develop our links with South Lakes District Council to improve our town for all our residents. We are very pleased that during our Spring Clean Campaign, South Lakes looked to raise the standard of street cleaning throughout the town. Now we must begin to consider ways of improving some services such as the outdoor market by working with the District Council. We will also be considering ways of running some assets more efficiently, locally. So this year I shall be talking continuously about Community involvement and hoping you will all join me in promoting it at every level. Ulverston Town Council Latest news, Councillor contact details, minutes of Council meetings: The Ulverston web portal Information about the Council, what’s on, accommodation, shopping and attractions: Festivals A guide to festivals and events in and around Ulverston:

Town Council meetings are held and start at . (The time has recently changed form 7:15) You can find an agenda on the Council’s website a few days before the meeting. Forthcoming dates are: Monday 10th June Monday 8th July Monday 5th August Members of the public have an opportunity to speak during a 15 minute slot at the start and end of formal business, and we encourage you to come along and have your say.

The first annual Ulverston Spring Clean event on 21st March saw a willing band of volunteers turn out to tackle some of Ulverston’s grot spots. Fortunately it was a lovely day and we had Blast Furness on hand to encourage us with some specially composed rousing tunes. We also had great support from the SLDC street cleaning team and from Councillor Clare FeeneyJohnson, SLDC Cabinet Member for the Environment, who pitched in with a litter picker and a plastic bag. A big thank you to them for their help. Ulverston in Bloom ran a competition to design a ‘Keep Ulverston Tidy’ poster and stickers. The winning entry was from Trinity Vickers aged 7 of Croftlands Junior School, and here is her design (below). Well done Trinity.

Cumbria County Council’s local committee has approved funding for a new bus shelter at Rowan Avenue, a much needed replacement for the existing shelter.

Cumbria County Council elections were held on 3rd May, Ulverston has two County Council Wards, Ulverston East and West. The winning candidates were James Airey (Ulverston West, Conservative) and Mark Wilson (Ulverston East, Labour). Overall, the election resulted in a hung council, with no party gaining the 43 seats needed to win control. It has now been announced that the largest party, Labour, who won 35 seats, has formed a partnership with Liberal Democrat councillors to lead the council for the next four years. The new leader is Councillor Stewart Young (Labour). Turnout in South Lakeland was the highest of all the districts at almost 40%. You can find contact details for your County Councillor on page 15. and range of facilities. The average score for market towns nationally is 73%. The Ulverston Community Partnership Marketing Subgroup is looking at ways to attract more people to visit Ulverston and contribute to our local economy. To help us understand how Ulverston appears to the outside world, we have been working with the tourism charity Hidden Britain. One of the first things Hidden Britain did was to send a ‘mystery shopper’ to sample the Ulverston visitor experience. Ulverston scored a very creditable 85% on a range of criteria, including transport, parking, shops and market, tourist information, appearance of the town

According to Hidden Britain, Ulverston’s key strength is its “very good range of shops, services and catering establishments…well maintained and attractive town centre, few empty shops, some surprising specialist outlets including several of prime interest to visitors.” Biggest weakness is - you’ve guessed - the price of parking. The UCP Marketing Group is now working with Hidden Britain to develop plans for improving Ulverston as a visitor destination. If you have your own ideas please contact Judy Pickthall at

On 25th April SLDC’s Planning Committee made its decision on applications for a Sainsbury’s on land off the A590 at the Beehive and an as yet unknown supermarket operator on the site of Robinson’s Brewery in Brewery St. As many readers will already know, the Planning Committee voted 13-1 to reject the Sainsbury’s application on the grounds of its impact on the A590 and on neighbouring properties, and by a narrow margin of 7-6 to approve in principle the Robinson’s application. The final decision on the detail of the latter is delegated to SLDC officers, who will now draw up a list of conditions and negotiate with the applicant on the final shape of the scheme.

However, the task now is for the Town Council , SLDC and local residents to work together to make sure that the Old Brewery site and surrounding area is successfully regenerated. No-one wants to see a derelict eyesore at the entrance to Ulverston, so we need to do as much as we can to minimise any negative impact on local residents and on Ulverston town centre, and to make sure the development serves the interests of the town. JANE HARRIS

As has been the case in many other towns, both planning applications have generated a good deal of controversy, with strong views being expressed on both sides of the argument. At the Planning Committee meeting several people turned out to support the Sainsbury’s plan, while around 20 opponents spoke against both applications. It is fair to say that many people, including those in favour of a supermarket and those against, were disappointed by the decisions that were finally made.

than a liability. In the negotiations between UTC and SLDC about the issue of devolution, both Councils appreciate that any acquisition of financial liabilities has to be offset by the acquisition of assets. Few small market towns can boast a magnificent, multipurpose concert hall. For a town of some 12,000 people, like Ulverston, it is a remarkable and fortunate inheritance. Coronation Hall has a crucial role at the heart of our town’s cultural and commercial life. It is pivotal to many of our community endeavours, and accommodates a huge variety of activities, from orchestral concerts of the highest quality, to jazz, darts, drama, beer festivals, civic gatherings and exhibitions. You name it, the Coro can accommodate it. Such facilities are under tremendous pressure. The brutal funding cuts pressing on South Lakeland District Council (the Coro’s owner) is forcing SLDC to look very critically at expenditure which is outside of their statutory obligations, such as Ulverston’s Coro. They have been generous to it in the past, but can be so no longer. The costs of maintaining the Coro are very large (though the inclusion of local government “on costs” makes the situation worse). It is no secret that SLDC wants to find ways to address this problem. It is no secret either that the Town Council, much as it desires to, could not come within a country mile of taking on the costs involved. But, the situation is not one of doom and gloom. With some imagination and flexibility, and goodwill on all sides, The Coronation Hall will become in itself an asset rather

In addition to the possibilities arising from that bargaining, there is also the likelihood of huge support from the Ulverston Community – from user groups, including many talented citizens with a passionate commitment to the place; and hundreds who attend its offerings on a regular basis. The Mayor has asked me to begin the exploration of possibilities, and I am happy to do so, not least as an individual who has gained immense pleasure from events attended at the Coro. I want to study all the possible means of securing a flourishing future for the Coro- from “Friends of..” to “Community Development Association” status. In fact I want to look at any structure which would allow the Coro the flexibility to maximise its usage and profitability, and allow us to seek grant assistance from both public and private sources. It will be a big task, but I know that there are enough energetic and committed friends of Coronation Hall to make its future secure. If you are interested in helping secure the Coro’s future, and are prepared to put in some work to achieve it, please let me know. I can be contacted at 25, Fountain Street LA12 7EQ; 01229 480666; or via the Town Hall. CLLR COLIN PICKTHALL

We will publish further information as we have it and will call for any local people who are interested to get involved in the process. At our annual meeting on 13th May the Town Council unanimously elected Councillor Judy Pickthall as Ulverston’s Mayor and Councillor Helen Irving as Deputy Mayor. Both Judy and Helen are very much looking forward to the challenge of serving the people of Ulverston in the year ahead.

In April Ulverston Town Council launched into the Twitter-sphere. To get up to the minute news on events and happenings in Ulverston, or if you have something you want to talk to us about, follow us at @UlverstonTC.

At its meeting in April, the Town Council discussed the opportunities presented by the Localism Bill and in particular the provisions enabling local communities to draw up their own neighbourhood plans. The Town Council would be able to work with local residents to plan development for designated areas. The planning authority, SLDC, would support the planning process in Ulverston with advice and technical guidance and would have to approve the final plan after a referendum of local residents. The Town Council is able to apply for funding to buy in professional support with technical planning matters and community engagement, and once a neighbourhood plan is approved it can be used as a lever to attract further finding into the town. Councillors agreed that neighbourhood planning could benefit Ulverston and we have started informal discussions with SLDC officers about the process.

At its next meeting on 10 June the Town Council will be discussing its vision and strategy for the town. This is the plan that will guide our work for the next three years. A draft strategy document has been drawn up by a small working group led by the Town Clerk. It includes four main objectives for Ulverston: ● for Ulverston to have a thriving and sustainable town centre; ● for Ulverston to be a place for businesses and employers to invest; ● for Ulverston to be a place that people want to visit, and ● for residents to enjoy a cleaner, safer, more sustainable environment Once the general direction of the plan is agreed, we will ask for your comments on how the vision can be achieved. We hope to hold a launch event in the Summer and will publicise this on our website, on Twitter and, for those who prefer more traditional methods of communication, on the Town Council notice board.

potholes and how to report them. Maintaining the roads in Ulverston is the responsibility of Cumbria County Council, whose website has a page which enables members of the public to report potholes. If you wish to report road damage in your area, go to:

Two of Ulverston’s bus services have merged on a trial basis to increase availability for users and to test the financial viability of the service. Until the beginning of August five of the 11 journeys a day on the Service 70 route are being diverted to cover the Service 60. Cumbria County Council’s South Lakeland Local Committee is funding the trial. If enough people want to use the new routes they will carry on.

Ulverston Community Partnership (a separate body which acts autonomously but reports to the Town Council) has funding for projects to improve the town. As you may remember, Ulverston received £10,000 from the Government’s Mary Portas Fund, created to support efforts to regenerate Britain’s high streets. The Community Partnership has agreed to allocate the Portas grant as follows: . Senior Monument Keeper Mr Ken ● £500 to the Shop Front Improvement Barratt has retired after 20 years of Scheme for town centre shops voluntary service at the Sir John Barrow ● £4,500 to provide further support to Monument. He was presented with a Ulverston’s Festivals Certificate of Recognition at the Town ● £5,000 to improve signage to the Meeting in April. Mr Les Tallon has now town centre from the A590 taken over the post. We wish Ken well in his retirement and thank him for all UCP also agreed to use some of its he has done. funds to employ a freelance project officer on a temporary basis to progress some of the priority projects identified by the partnership. UCP has The Town Council has had a number of some projects in mind and would welcome suggestions from you, via the enquiries from residents about Town Council.

Ulverston Town Council looks after and manages seven sites within Ulverston, containing nearly 300 individual allotments. The allotments can be found at: ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Sandside, (opposite Cross Lane) Mill Dam (Off Garden Terrace) The Ellers (Off Lund Road) Hill Fall Tank Field (Off Morecambe Road) Dragley Beck (Behind the Scout Hut) Poplar Grove (between Poplar Grove and Ladies Walk)

The price for an allotment is £27.00 per year per full allotment. Each site has a volunteer who meets regularly with the Town Council as part of the allotments committee and provides lots of help and support to novice allotment holders. We did have a very long waiting list for

Ulverston’s war memorial was unveiled in 1920. It was designed by Professor W.G. Collingwood and is made from Sandstone Ashlar. The stone came from Birchover Quarries in Derbyshire. There was a considerable amount of debate around this time about the form a memorial to the fallen of the First World War should take and suggestions included a new hospital or even paying off the outstanding debt of £2,000 for the recently erected Coronation Hall! In the end thought the memorial was sited in Market Street where it remains to this day as a much loved and respected memorial to the fallen of both wars. The formal description of the memorial’s design reads

. It was listed a as is a grade II listed monument in 1992. As we approach the centenary of the commencement of the First World War in 2014, the Town Council as custodians of the memorial have launched an appeal to raise funds for its restoration. The sandstone has weathered badly over the years and there has been quite a lot of damage. Closer inspection reveals that the finials and crockets that were once on the top of the memorial have disappeared. It’s proposed that the sandstone ashlar be carefully restored and new stone finials made. Cleaning will be carried out in a sensitive and appropriate manner by a qualified conservation company and advice has been taken from the War Memorial trust on how this can be done. The total cost will be in the region of £15,000. The Council has made an application to the War Memorials Trust for a grant, and in addition some private donations have been received. It is unlikely that any grant will cover all of the cost and the Council is asking members of the community and community groups to consider making a donation to the fund.

allotments, but this has been reduced now and as long as those who apply are flexible then hopefully there will not be too long a wait. Some allotments are more popular than others, and it is very unusual for example for allotments to become available on Hill Fall, but there can be some availability on others. If you would like to go on the waiting list, just complete the form which you will find on the Town Council website (you can do this electronically or print it out and fill it in). You can also call in to the office or phone the Town Clerk for a blank form. As soon as an allotment comes available we will let you know. If you would just like to have a look around and see what looking after an allotment is all about, then call the office and we will arrange for you to meet up with an allotment volunteer. It does take time to look after an allotment, so it is worth having a look round and talking to other people about their allotment just to see what sort of commitment it might be. JAYNE KENDALL It is proposed that the memorial will be restored during 2014, in time for the formal commemoration of the outbreak of the First World War to be held throughout the country in August. A discussion on Ulverston’s commemoration of the anniversary is being led by the British Legion. Plans will appear in Talk of the Town as they develop. JAYNE KENDALL

No matter which political party an activist supports, we all have a common enemy – the letter-box. Delivering hundreds of leaflets should be an easy matter of healthful exercise. In fact, it is often a simple way of removing your knuckles. A large percentage of letter-boxes is a sort of rat-trap; an upward flap (with sharp edges) inside which is a pair of stiff brushes, often with another sharp-edged flap on the interior side. These are specially designed so that you have to push your fingers, with the leaflet, right through, scouring your knuckles. Not infrequently, the stiff brushes turn out in actuality to be the mouth of the guardian Alsatian. A good friend of mine , a councillor in Kirkby, Merseyside, had his middle finger bitten clean off and eaten by a dog when he was delivering election leaflets. In recent weeks, two of my colleagues in Ulverston had their fingers chomped by dogs lurking inside front doors, and lost a lot of blood. One was the now County Councillor Mark Wilson who said “it felt like being hit by a hammer with a nail sticking out of it.” Some brass, or steel, letter-boxes, without internal bristles, are so stiff that you almost need a crow-bar to get them open. Woe betide the leafleteer who lets the flap go with one hand while the other hand is still inside. You have an awful vision of your finger ends all lying inside on the door mat. You learn to bless those residents who have a simple letter container box fastened to the outside of the house – particularly if it is at the street end of a long drive! All of this makes one appreciate the work of the postman or postwoman. We politicos go through this trial by torture two or three times a year. Posties go through it every day –

APOLOGIES TO ALL – Crossword 2 was seriously flawed (it was missing one clue!). As recompense, I will up the book-token prize to £30 for Number 3. Number 3 is much easier (and has been closely vetted by the Mayor). Send your completed entry to the Town Hall by 30th June and the first correct one drawn will win the prize. COLIN PICKTHALL

but no doubt, being a shrewd lot, they have learned many strategies for avoiding knuckle-removal. It is clear why householders want to have letter boxes that avoid drafts & do not rattle in the wind. On one street I leafleted last week, every letter box had a tea-towel draped through it to prevent such nuisance. That also created the problem of how to get the leaflet through without dislodging the cloth. What can be done without giving up leafletting? For a start, everyone should be prepared to post a piece of paper, or a letter, through their own letter-box, just to see how vicious it can be. It would cost nothing and take up one a minute of time (unless their own dog decided otherwise). But then, maybe some home-owners see their “rat-trap” as a means of supplementing their dog’s diet, or sharpening its reflexes. Old-fashioned letter-boxes are much friendlier where they exist. About one house in thirty has no detectable letter-box at all, no doubt to avoid energy bills, and one resorts to sliding leaflets through windows, under doors, or propping them under the ironic “Welcome” mat. It’s sad, but we could never have regulations to create userfriendly letter-boxes,… Could we ? COLIN PICKTHALL

1. Colin retentive over local waterway. (5) 4. Don goes one better than caped crusader. (7) 8. Would-be admirals get full or half grips. (7) 9. Second class highway is in fact quite wide. (5) 10. “They wept like anything to see such quantities of --------“; Lewis Carroll. (4) 11. November 2nd., but not for everyone. (5, 3) 13. Hot country, home to British Rail and Alcoholics Anonymous. (6) 15. Deer over-performing. (6) 17. Hang around aimlessly in part(s) of Furness Abbey. (8) 19. Personal assistant hesitates in front of large cat. (4) 22. Pig house leads the French to fashion. (5) 23. Small drink used to push paint with stiff brush. (7) 24. Monkey’s pelt ? (4, 3) 25. The street plus makes for principled defiance. (5)


1. Able to be almost a star at card game. (7) 2. Two great cities make silky material. (5) 3. Two nothings make a terrifying cat. (4) 4. Twice to put potato powder on potatoes; Ah..h.. (5) 5. A tardy changed tuba seeks to list things properly. (8) 6. Satellite canine creates eccentric US musician. (7) 7. Giving assent to Blyton character. (5) 12 & 21. Untruthful Kleenex (6,2,4.) 14. Close follower/ apprentice (7) 16. Ancient affirmative tears at December 31st. (7) 17. For a cynic, “Packet” might finish off title of coffee outlet chain. (5) 18. A Norse converted to a Belgian Surrealist. (5) 20. Hamlet in Dunnerdale. (5) 21. (See 12)


On 27th March 2011 most of us will have taken part in the ten-yearly national Census by filling in a form about ourselves. We answered a range of questions about ourselves, including our age, health, marital status, living circumstances, work, qualifications and religion. The Office for National Statistics started releasing the results of the census in December last year, and we have taken a look at just a selection of the available information and what it tells us about the people of Ulverston. There are 11,678 of us living in the six electoral wards of Ulverston, almost equally divided between males (49%) and females (51%). We Ulverston people are, on average, slightly older than the national population. The average age of Ulverston residents is 44.4; for England the average is 39.3. The age profile varies from ward to ward. Over 30% of people living in Ulverston West are aged over 65, whereas the population of Ulverston East is generally younger, with over 60% aged under 45 and only 13% over 65.

Average age by ward

Age profile by ward




90% 80%

85 and over


70% 60%


50% 40%



30% 20%






10% 0%

0 North







Although the population is distributed roughly evenly between the six wards, Town Ward, with its large number of houses in a small area, is by far the most densely populated, with almost 60 people per hectare (more than London, which has 52 people per hectare). The average for England as a whole is only 4.1.






Number of people per hectare 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Town

Housing tenure Owned Outright Owned with a Mortgage or‌ Private Rented England

Rented from Council


Other Social Rented Living Rent Free Shared Ownership 0.0











Ulverstonians are more likely than the wider population to own their homes outright. Over 40% of Ulverstonians own their homes with no mortgage, whereas only 30% of people in England are in this position. Ulverston also has fewer people than the national average living in private rented or social rented (e.g. housing association), accommodation.

In terms of people’s background, Ulverston is a more homogenous town than the national average. 92% of Ulverston residents were born in England, compared with 83% for the country as a whole. 13% of the population of England was born outside the UK and Ireland; in Ulverston the proportion of people born outside the UK and Ireland is only 4%. Unfortunately there is no data on place of birth, as it would have been interesting to see how many people who live in Ulverston were born here.

Occupation Profe ssional Occupations Skilled Trades Occupations Elementary Occupations Associate Professional and Technical… England

Managers, Directors and Senior…


Caring, Leisure and Other Service… Administrative and Secretarial… Sales and Customer Service… Process, Plant and Machine Operatives 0.0





2 5.0

If the Census is to be believed, Ulverstonians are less likely to be in very good health than people in the country generally. Ulverston residents are more likely to describe their health as ‘good’ or ‘fair’. Could this be a matter of how people describe themselves rather than a reflection of difference in actual health? Or are these figures perhaps due to population of Ulverston being slightly older than the national average? The numbers of people in bad or very bad health are almost exactly the same as the national average.

Country of birth 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

Ulverston England


Other UK

Pr ov ides N o U npa id Ca re Pr ovi des 1 t o 19 Hour s Un pa id Ca r e a W eek Eng la nd Pr ov ides 50 or Mor e Ho urs U npa id Ca re a W eek

Ulv erst on

Pr ovi des 20 t o 49 Hour s Un pa id Ca re a W eek 0.0




80 .0 100.0

EU countries

Other countries

Ulverston is home to a high number of professionals (e.g. doctors, dentists, lawyers, accountants, teachers, engineers, vets). Almost 20% of Ulverston residents work in professional occupations, compared to 17.5% in England. We also have a relatively high number of people - over 4% higher than the national average - working in skilled trades, which is not surprising given the proximity of employers such as GSK and BAE Systems. Ulverstonians are less likely to work in secretarial and administrative jobs.

Health Ve ry Good Health Good Health England

Fair Health

Ulverston Bad Health Very Bad Health 0.0

P ro visio n o f u np aid care


10 .0





More Ulverstonians than the national average are engaged in providing unpaid care. In particular, a far higher percentage of Ulverston people are caring for someone for between 20 and 49 hours per week. Over 7% of the Ulverston population (compared to only 1% in England) are in effect caring for someone most of the time. This is an interesting statistic which could reflect a culture of family caring in the area, or perhaps a lack of suitable alternatives to unpaid care.

This is just a taster of the information we can see about ourselves. If you are interested in finding out more, the Census data is available online. You can look up a very wide range of statistics for your neighbourhood, district, region or country as a whole. The site is easy to use and very clear. To access the information, go to: JANE HARRIS

Many of Ulverston’s town centre businesses and services have displayed remarkable resilience in fighting to maintain their competitive edge, as they adapt to growing competition from larger retailers, changes in consumer behaviour and the impact of financial austerity measures. Some are doing this on their own, finding ways to survive and hoping for economic recovery, but wouldn’t it be more effective to do more together?

most striking indicator that BIDs are succeeding. The fact that so many have voted to continue beyond their first 5 years term is a vote of confidence in BIDs. Of the 48 BIDs that have held a second-term ballot, 94% have voted to continue for a further 5 These BIDs are essentially business-led years (source: Nationwide BID Survey, British BIDs 2012). initiatives where local businesses and organisations are invited to come It is likely that in the years ahead there together, in partnership with the local will be considerable challenge to authorities, to make decisions and Ulverston’s place as a vibrant and (most importantly) take action to dynamic commercial and service improve their town or city centres. A centre, so the question is this: is it now When the Government appointed well- BID can be established in any place time for a Business Improvement known retail consultant Mary Portas to where improvements, or services District in Ulverston? conduct an independent review into the additional to those already provided, future of Britain’s High Streets, many of are desired by the local business CHRIS KOLEK her findings came as little surprise to community. those trying to make a living in today’s NOTE: Local businesses, trade town centres. She said: “I believe our In the UK there are now well over a associations and Ulverston Town high streets have reached a crisis hundred BIDs established including a Council are discussing the possibility of point. I believe that unless urgent growing number of BIDs in towns of action is taken much of Britain will lose, similar size to Ulverston. They can only a BID for Ulverston. We will bring more news on this as the discussions irretrievably, something that is be established in line with the progress. fundamental to our society”. She found regulations laid down by Acts of evidence that all our towns and cities Parliament and therefore must secure a are facing unprecedented challenges majority support through a ballot of all and we can safely assume that many of non-domestic (or business) ratepayers these will be already having some within any defined BID area. impact on Ulverston. changed in recent years. Market towns such as Penrith and cities such as Lancaster have recently been voting to establish their own Business Improvement Districts, or BIDs as they are more commonly known.

So does it now make sense, perhaps now more than ever before, for businesses to collaborate, to work together more effectively, through joint initiatives that help the town to thrive, to become a place where people want to be, to visit, to shop, to work and to enjoy? Is the town of Ulverston realising its full potential or is there more, perhaps much more, that can be done to revitalise the town? Businesses of all sizes, and in a growing number of towns and cities, are recognising the need to work together in order to make things happen. The principles are nothing new but the means to organise how they achieve their ambitions have

BIDs have been around in the UK since 2005 and can only run for a maximum period of 5 years before being subject to a further ballot, again requiring a majority vote in favour in order to continue. This provides us with the

The New Homes Bonus is a Government grant which matches the Council Tax raised from bringing empty properties back into use. This year the local planning authority (SLDC) has received around £328,000, which it has decided to spend on ‘locally important projects’ and ‘affordable housing’. Private developers, Registered Social Landlords, Community Land Trusts or similar community organisations are eligible to apply for funding to help with the costs of providing affordable housing or bringing more empty properties back into use. Full details of the eligibility criteria and how to apply can be found on SLDC’s website: new-homes-bonus.

the funding for the project at a national and international level.

Cumbria County Council’s new portfolio holder for the Connecting Cumbria superfast broadband project has welcomed the announcement by the European Commission that Cumbria has received full Major Projects Approval. This represents the final step in the process of validating the contract signed with BT in November of 2012, and unlocks

I’m Tilly the Border Collie and this is my column. Here I tackle the weighty issues facing dogs and their owners in Ulverston. Right, so down to it: this time I want to talk to you about the inadvisable use of the street as a larder. Those of you paying attention (well done) may remember that I live with two other dogs with serious addictions: a Labrador who spends her life trying to liberate food from its packaging (there she is with me in the photograph; I am keeping an eye on things), and a Border Collie (I’m ashamed to say) who thinks that seagulls are the devil’s work. Tedious doesn’t cover it. But this isn’t about my domestic pain. I’ve been noticing recently that both of them are more and more distracted when out and about in Ulverston, and it’s linked to this business some of you have of storing bits of food on window sills, by the side of bins or on the pavements themselves. This is really a bit silly. It’s just not a safe place to store food. For a start, dogs all over Ulverston are going to be attracted by the smell and try and eat it. And other animals – seagulls for instance, are also going to try and nick it. Did you know we dogs have a sense of smell which is 1,000 times or more stronger than you humans? Well we do. Nothing escapes us, food-wise. Take the other day: there I was strolling down Market Street, and got the legs chopped from under me when the Labrador hurled herself across the street towards a piece of cheese. Cheese! Who stores cheese on the street? There’s lots else too: bits of half-eaten pies, burgers, biscuits. I wouldn’t mind, but no sooner have I been

Commenting on the announcement from the European Commission, Cllr David Southward, Portfolio Holder for Economic Development said: "We are delighted that this approval has now been formally agreed and the project can move forward at full speed. We are grateful for the support of the European Commission and BDUK in reaching this stage and will now continue the work with BT to ensure that Cumbria receives the best possible coverage of affordable superfast broadband." Over the last two months the Connecting Cumbria and BT project teams have been working together on the planning and preparation work necessary to ensure there would be no delay to the start of the program once final approval from the Commission was received. Over the next 2½ knocked over by the cheese-bound Labrador than the other one starts doing her nut because a bunch of seagulls are playing frisbee with a half-eaten pizza somebody has abandoned. It’s just not what you want. And on a serious note, it’s dangerous. Some of this food just isn’t the sort of thing we dogs should be eating. Chocolate, for instance. Did you know too much chocolate can kill dogs? Well it can, especially the dark type. I’ve looked it up, and it’s got a chemical in it that is, and I quote: “Very, Very Bad For Dogs”. It can kill us. Theo-something. I’m reminded of a very painful incident a few years back when the Little Owner Lady (LOL) was out, and the Labrador found a box of dark chocolates she’d left on an armchair. I tried to dissuade her from eating them, but it was like reasoning with a crocodile which has just spotted a herd of wildebeest on its riverbank. Unstoppable. She scoffed the lot, LOL came home and bang! Much wailing and shouting all round. Both of us dragged to the vet, both of us pinned down and injected with something horrible and both of us made to retch up the lot. AND I HADN’T EATEN ANY CHOCOLATES AT ALL. It was the injustice of the thing that got me. But I digress. The point is: please don’t store food on the streets, ever, and particularly not chocolate. I’ve been Tilly and this is me wishing you a fine foxglove season. Over and out. Woof! TILLY THE BORDER COLLIE

Talented young saxophonist Jess Gillam brought the feelgood factor to a packed Coronation Hall last Friday night (31st May). The audience enjoyed a great show from top saxophone player Snake Davis and his band The Suspicions, with a guest appearance from Jess, who did not look at all out of place in the company of seasoned professional performers. Not only did Jess impress with her mastery of the saxophone, she also organised and promoted the whole event - doing everything from booking the band to marketing, managing the budget and making sure every detail was in place to make the evening a success.

Jess started playing the saxophone aged 7. Her Dad, Doug, was a music teacher with the well-known Barracudas in Barrow, and when faced with a choice between a drumming workshop run by her Dad and a saxophone workshop, Jess chose the sax. She attained grade 8 (the highest of the grade exams) last July and is now working towards a performance diploma. Her ambition is to study the sax at the Royal Northern College of Music and to become a professional musician. Jess is well on the way to fulfilling her dreams. She attends the Royal Northern College of Music Saturday School and plays in the college orchestra, jazz band and a saxophone quartet. Recently she reached the national final of the Rotary Young Musician of the Year competition, winning the district and regional competitions to reach the final eight.

What is most striking about Jess is that she is completely unfazed and unimpressed by the attention that goes with being a performer. When she talks about what she does, her love of music and of the saxophone shines through. I asked her which aspects of playing the sax she liked best. “I love all of it playing in orchestras, being solo, teaching. Everything really. I like teaching because we have a laugh and it makes you a better musician - you learn from it.” Jess is quite clear that As we all tapped our feet, sang along hard work is just as important as or got up and danced, it was easy to musical talent. “I suppose there is forget that Jess is only just fifteen. In some degree of innate ability involved, this age of reality TV shows and people but mostly it’s hard work. I practise for being famous just for living in Essex or at least an hour every day, but it dating a Z list celebrity, it is doesn’t feel like a chore. I do it extraordinary to see a young performer because I love it and I can’t imagine who is so modest about her talents and anything else I would rather be doing.” achievements. For Jess, putting on concerts and performing in front of an Jess says she couldn’t have done all audience is all about the music. I asked this without the support of her Dad, her if she got nervous before going on Doug, and Mum, Shirley. “They’re very stage. “Not really. I just love playing supportive, but they aren’t pushy music and performing is the best thing parents. Dad drives me everywhere about playing an instrument. I practise and Mum really helped me to stick at it so much that I know the pieces really in the beginning.” Jess’ younger sister well, which helps. After a performance I Patsy, 10, is following in her sister’s always think about what I could have footsteps. She plays both the clarinet done better and then I do sometimes and the saxophone, attends the Royal get nervous.” Northern College of Music and is in the UVHS Junior Wind Band. Jess says:

“Patsy is already better than I was at that age. She’s really talented.” You can enjoy more great saxophone music and see Jess perform again in the last concert of her series at the Coronation Hall on Sunday 30th June. The Apollo Saxophone Quartet, featuring Jess’ saxophone teacher Rob Buckland, will be performing, with a guest appearance from Jess herself. The Apollo Saxophone Quartet has been internationally acclaimed as one of the UK's most innovative and exciting contemporary ensembles for the last twenty-five years. Established at the Royal Northern College of Music in 1985, the group set out to develop an original repertoire, drawing upon influences from a wide variety of cultures and disciplines, combining contemporary classical, jazz, folk and world music. Jess says: “It’s going to be a great night. Seating will be cabaret style and in the second half the music will be set to some amazing silent films, which will be playing in the background. The music will be really varied, some classical and some contemporary. They are all incredibly good saxophone players and I’m really looking forward to it.” Get your tickets from the Coronation Hall now, enjoy some virtuoso playing, and share in Jess Gillam’s infectious love of the wonderful sound of the saxophone. JANE HARRIS

The Apollo Saxophone Quartet (pictured above) will be appearing at the Coronation Hall, Ulverston on Sunday 30th June at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are £15 (£13 concessions) from the Coro Box Office. There will also be an afternoon workshop where participants will get the chance to learn a piece that will be played in the evening concert. You can book for this (grade 3 players and above) at the Coro.

The Ulverston Good Life Festival kicks off on Saturday 15th June with an Eco Fair at Ford Park. This exciting new festival is all about celebrating what is great about Ulverston, especially groups, organisations and businesses that are involved in sustainable activities and offer people some ideas about living a “good life”. There are nine days of events at Ford Park and all around town. For more information visit or phone Kim Farr on 01229 588164.

Coach House Cafe & Bistro, Ford Park : Furness Food Theme Night 6.30 to 9pm Book on 01229 581666

Afternoon Tea at Natterjacks on Queen Street 3 to 5pm £8 Book on 582190 DC Cycles “Road Side/Trail Side Repair Workshop 7-9pm Book on 585025

Yogalates 9.30 am with Mary at the Coach House in Ford Park

Volunteer Day at Ford Park: meet at the Garden Room any time between 10 am and 4pm (food growing, gardening, woodworking, crafts

Afternoon Tea at Natterjacks 34 Queen Street 3 to 5pm £8 Book on 582190

Cookery Demonstration by Rufino Ferreira : Cooking with local produce on a budget! 6.00pm to 8.30 pm at the Coach House Cafe in Ford Park. Book on 581666

Knit & Natter at Natterjacks 34 Queen Street 7pm

Lee Style Tai Chi Open Session 10 am to 12noon-Sarah McCormack East West Taoist Association at the Coach House in Ford Park

Roots & Shoots Open Morning 10am to 12pm Urswick Rd

Eco Fair at Ford Park 10 am to 4pm: stalls, family activities, health taster sessions,Try a Bike sessions, campaign groups, talks, music, art demonstrations, Made in Ulverston craft co-op, drumming workshop, food growing activities and garden tours,car boot sale, Ulverston Scrap Store recycled craft workshops, Eco Trail & Ulverston Brewing Company Coach House Ale launch

Young Artists drop in session 10-12pm & 2-4pm Stables Gallery, Buxton Place

Afternoon Tea at Natterjacks 34 Queen Street 3 to 5pm £8 Book on 582190 Lightburn Park 6.30 to 8.30pm Launch of the “Pride in your Park” Group - come & get stuck in replanting the sensory garden! Also Railway running + Blast Furness: Blast Away the Blues -come and join in with Ulverston’s very own funky community band. Open rehearsal -pick up a percussion instrument or bring your own brass/woodwind/percussion instrument

Ulverston Country Market Coronation Hall 9.15 to 11.45 Volunteer Day at Ford Park: meet at the

Gill Cycles Bike Ride 10 am at Ford Park Ring 581116 for details Look out for “Keep Cumbria Safe” art activity in town centre

Visit To Co Housing Project in Halton near Lancaster. Minibus leaving Ford Park at 11am. Ring 587726 to book a place

Coach House Cafe & Bistro at Ford Park : Vegetarian/Kitchen Garden Theme Night 6.30 to 9pm Book on 581666

Ulverston Open Gardens: programme available from Coronation Hall

Ulverston Scrap Store ( Old Library Building-door on Cavendish St) Open for materials 10 am Open Craft/Art Session using recycled materials 11am to 3pm

Young Artists drop in session 10-12pm & 2-4pm Stables Gallery, Buxton Place

Sir John Barrow Monument Open 1pm to 5pm

Open Day at the Medicine Garden, 10 Union Street 10 am to 5pm for taster therapy sessions Book on 580222

Find out about getting an allotment! Meet Robin Tate at Dragley Beck Allotments 6 to 7pm (behind scout hut)

Ulverston Open Gardens -programme available from Coronation Hall

Sir John Barrow Monument Open 1pm to 5pm

Ulverston Carnival Day. Fun for all ages in town centre and at Ford Park. Details from Peter Winston 01229 580640. Talon Best of the

● Eagles ● ● ● ● ●

Ballet Coppelia Apollo Sax Quartet Summer Festival: A Night at the Musicals Friday Night Live: return of the hugely popular live comedy night Pink Floyd Tribute

Furness Tradition Folk Festival. A weekend of folk music, song and dance around town. North Lonsdale Show. Being held for the first time in Urswick Village. A great family day out. August Summer Buddhist Festival. Teachings and empowerments.

Ulverston International

Breastfeeding Festival at the Coronation Hall

Music Festival The Good Life Festival (see feature) Open Gardens Weekend. A chance to visit private gardens and talk to enthusiasts. Ring 01229 480666 for details. 01229 584110


South Lakes Music Partnership presents Joseph Topping, Ulverston Sports Club 7:45. Tickets £8.

St Mary’s Catholic Primary School Gala 11:30 - 4 pm. Entrance 50p, children free

Lakes Got Talent auditions in Ulverston, Coronation Hall. It’s back and promises to be even bigger and better than last year. Apply at

(Sundays) Pennington Archers beginners courses for aspiring field archers. Cost £45 including NFAS coaching, equipment hire and insurance. Email for more information.

South Lakes Rock School Summer Charity Rock Show at the Coronation Hall 2pm. Admission £5, children under 7 £2.50. Call SLRS on 07729 742314 or email Students at SLRS are supporting ALICE's ESCAPES and Barrow RSPCA with money raised at this event. Helping us do this will be Ulverston legend Mr RALPH SPOURS who has agreed to SING - LIVE - on stage - if we raise at least £500! Please give generously! Donate at:

Ford Park Open Air Theatre 7:30pm, The Festival Players: Romeo and Juliet.

volunteers wanted. Could you spare a couple of hours a month to brighten an older person’s day? Contact Kay White on 01912 365039 or email

are adventure

weeks with a difference and focus on taster sessions in a variety of different sports. Each day starts at 9.00am from lakes leisure Kendal or Ulverston and finishes back at the centre at 4.00pm. Suitable for ages 7-11. Good fun is guaranteed! Dates: Monday 22nd July - Friday 26th July 2013 ULVERSTON Monday 29th July - Friday 2nd August 2013 - KENDAL Monday 5th August - Friday 9th August 2013 - KENDAL Monday 12th August - Friday 16th August 2013 - ULVERSTON Each week is just £145 so make sure you book places early!! : First annual Lakes Leisure Older People’s Fun Olympics (see advertisement), at Kendal Leisure Centre. Enter a community team from Ulverston and join informal games sessions at Ulverston Leisure Centre every Friday at 11.30. The cost is £1(introductory) including refreshments. : Try Sports Open Day: all sports are free and the community can come and have a go.

Conservative Tel No: 01229 585416 Email : (Deputy Mayor and SLDC Councillor) Conservative Tel No : 01229 581454 Email :

Labour Tel No : 01229 480666 Email :

Labour Tel No : 01229 581024 Email :

Conservative Tel No : 07731 883732 Email :

Labour Tel No : 01229 467831 Email : psjc@cooperwood.

(SLDC councillor) Conservative Tel No : 01229 480406 Email :

(SLDC councillor) Labour Tel No : 01229 583629 Email :

Conservative Tel No : 01229 588422 Email :

Labour Tel No : 07817680574 Email : paulsmith@colwyncity. (SLDC

councillor) Conservative Tel No : 01229 585305 Email :

Labour Tel No : 01229 584090 Email :

Conservative Tel No : 01229 583588 (SLDC councillor) patricia89.jones@

Labour Tel No: 01229 586404 Email:

(SLDC councillor) Labour Tel No : 01229 581970 Email :

Labour Tel No : 01229 219360 Email : (Town Mayor)

Conservative Tel No : 01229 586974 Email :

Thank you to the editorial commitee (Jayne Kendall, Mark Wilson, Colin Pickthall, Amanda Rigg, Margaret Hornby, Paul Smith) and to all who have contributed to this edition. Thanks again to Sophie Bennett for her design work and to HSP Milners for printing. Speaking of which, I just wanted to add a factual note. I was disappointed to see in recent county council election leaflets claims that the Town Council had ‘put up the council tax to produce a glossy magazine’. I would like to make it clear that Talk of the Town is funded from community development and publicity budgets which existed for a long time. Having a newsletter is one of the standards that a quality council is expected to meet, and that is why I volunteered to do this entirely in my spare time. The £3 per year increase in the precept (not council tax) has nothing at all to do with these budgets. Talk of the Town is printed on recycled paper and the fact that the paper is shiny has no bearing on the cost. Our printers order this paper in very large quantities, as it is the most popular type, and therefore it is also the most cost-effective. Talk of the Town is not intended to be biased or party political. I hope it keeps you informed about what the Town Council does, and I hope you enjoy reading it.

Labour Tel No : 01229 480666

Email : jpickthall@btinternet.

Conservative Tel no: 01229 868088 Email:

Labour and Co-operative Tel no: 01229 586404 Email:


Printed by HSP Milners, Ironworks Road, Barrow in Furness LA14 2PG Telephone: 01229 823392

To discuss your needs, call Jane on 01229 581827 or email

To advertise in , contact the Editor, Councillor Jane Harris, on 01229 219360 or Jayne Kendall, Town Clerk, on 01229 585778

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