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theme 1 Excellent Member Experience
for all members to access what they value most. New members will benefit from an improved onboarding programme to ensure that they are familiar with the support we offer from the outset.
Our international presence and member support package will be refreshed and restructured so that we provide the most impactful service at international, regional and local levels. We will demonstrate our value by recognising the differences that exist among our international members, supplementing and varying our support as appropriate.
2 Build a strong, global professional community where members can connect virtually and in person whenever and wherever they choose
The Institute benefits from having member ambassadors and communities living and working in more than 150 countries around the world. The transient nature of the profession also means that it is common for many of our members to work beyond the geographical area of their home country. We are committed to expanding the value created from being connected to, and exchanging knowledge with, like-minded professionals beyond the structured learning programmes provided by the Institute. To achieve this, we will create a global platform where individuals and corporates can connect with one another, both in person and virtually, around themes that will be driven by the needs of our members and in specialist communities such as insurance broking, underwriting and claims. This will ensure our global community can connect and network at times and in ways that are the most convenient to them.
3 Evolve our membership categories and benefits so they remain relevant
The Institute covers the entirety of the insurance, financial planning, and mortgage advice sectors but the range of products and services available to support our members does not always cover their entire needs. There is an opportunity to increase the range and reach of our products, both in the UK and internationally, to meet the needs not only of our members but also non-member customers.
We know from member feedback received through our consultation in 2021 that much of what we offer continues to be high quality and fit for purpose, but we also recognise that we need to remain relevant to members over time. In order to do this, we will review and update membership categories and benefits as necessary and also communicate more clearly the difference between membership categories and relevant member designations.
4 Engage and support our volunteer networks to flourish
Our volunteer networks are vital to the Institute’s success. Local Institutes, specialist communities, PFS Regional Committees and International Goodwill Ambassadors are only a small part of our member volunteer community who champion and support the Institute and our members across the globe. These volunteer networks enable our members to share knowledge, expertise, and pathways to create a strong and inclusive system of support that is essential to our success.
We will engage and support our volunteers better than ever before increasing linkages between member groups, volunteer networks, individual members and corporates. We will develop a volunteer management plan to ensure consistent and effective support for all our networks. We will work closely with Local Institutes to develop a New Deal to enable them to continue to deliver member activities at a local level and to ensure our specialist communities are able to flourish and are better connected to wider CII communities. Together with PFS Regional Committees, we will curate events and activities which will be most impactful for our members. We will also refresh our international volunteer network, making sure these individuals are provided with great support so they can continue to champion the Institute at a global level. And where there is demand, we will create a sustainable, internationally focused volunteer group that has real impact.
5 Promote our members and the work they do at every opportunity
Institute members are the best ambassadors we can have. Their success is our success and by re-establishing our members at the heart of our work we will showcase the diverse talent and expertise that exists within our membership. Members will be our advocates at events globally wherever possible. In addition, we will leverage our relationships with UK and international partners, including UK government agencies and our International Affiliate Institutes to ensure that our members continue to be recognised as industry experts around the world. We will also expand our work with key stakeholders both in the UK and overseas and ensure working relationships are impactful for all.