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In response to your article ‘FCSA toughens codes of compliance and transparency’ (6 July, recruiter.co.uk), in my opinion, the new Code is still worthless because it still says (and I quote): “In conducting the review, FCSA’s assessors will rely on the information supplied by the business in question and will not conduct any independent verification as regards the accuracy or completeness of this.
“Accordingly, the FCSA and its assessors accept no responsibility whatsoever for any error or inaccuracy contained in the information, or for any loss or damage suffered by any person who relies on such information. For the avoidance of doubt, the FCSA (and its assessors’) review does not constitute any form of independent audit of the business in question and should not be held out to be, or be taken, as such.
“The review cannot, in itself, guarantee current, past or future compliance with relevant legislation, regulations and appropriate industry practices and neither should it be taken to mean that HMRC or any other professional or regulatory body will not enquire into any matt er that is subject to the requirements of the FCSA Code of Compliance.”
Fred Dures
SENIOR PARTNER, CONCILIUM SEARCH “Th ere are so many things to look forward to currently. I am excited for the in-person connection with friends and colleagues on days we are all in the offi ce, as well as fi nally meeting in-person the colleagues who have started with Concilium during lockdown. Th e past 16 months have allowed us to make some fantastic changes to how we work day-to-day at Concilium, so I am also very eager to see the further growth that occurs when these positive changes are coupled with a post-pandemic market.”
MANAGING DIRECTOR, DAVIDSON GRAY “As a massive live sports fan, it has to be having full stadiums again to help bring back the atmosphere. Being able to return to music gigs is another big plus. But from a business perspective, it’s seeing the speed of economic recovery really ramp up. We’ve already seen a boost in the economy in Q1 and Q2 due to an increase in consumer confi dence because of the success of the vaccine roll-out. Th e cash injection from consumer spending post-19 July will cascade into virtually all sectors, so seeing the recruitment industry in boom time will be awesome.”
MANAGING DIRECTOR, PERTEMPS “We are a people-centric business in a people industry. Th ere is no substitute for face-to-face meetings to build relationships, understand client needs and getting to know what makes a candidate tick. I’m looking forward to our staff being able to get back to that level of direct contact. We have made best use of available technology to keep in touch with employees, candidates and clients, but only when you actually meet someone do the ‘touchyfeely’ elements come to life and you really understand them. Plus, like most people I expect, I am looking forward to being able to go abroad on holiday again!”