ЈЕДИНИЦЕ 2021 - 2022
RESEARCH UNITS 2021 - 2022
Research Unit Head |
Vladimir Mako, PhD, Full Professor Irena Kuletin Ćulafić, PhD, Assistant Professor
Research Unit Contact |
makovl@arh.bg.ac.rs kuletin@arh.bg.ac.rs
Research Unit Members |
Miodrag Šuvaković, PhD, Full Professor
Boško Drobnjak, Teaching Assistant
Danira Sovilj, PhD, Teaching Assistant
Dušan Stojanović, PhD, Teaching Assistant
Bojana Jerković Babović, PhD, Teaching Assistant
Mila Mojsilović, PhD, Teaching Assistant
Snežana Zlatković, Teaching Assistant
Tamara Popović, PhD Cand., Research Assistant
Đorđe Bulajić, Teaching Assistant
Tijana Mačkić, PhD student
Iris Puzović, PhD student
Aleksa Ciganović, PhD student
Maša Bratuša, PhD student
Sanja Gogić, PhD student
Milica Božić, PhD student
The main goal of LAB 01 research is the area of contemporary aesthetic conceptions as well as the recognition of their importance in the study of socio-cultural conditions of the latest trends in architecture. The variability and transformation of the reading of the aesthetic values of architecture through its socio-cultural determination, whether historical or contemporary, are studied in particular. This approach implies the application of the process of critical analysis of the value of contemporary concepts in architecture, but also other important issues that contribute to a broader scientific and creative approach to action in the field of architecture, as well as its connection with the overall visual artistic activity of the contemporary era. At the same time, the context of the comparative analysis of examples belonging to different cultural matrices is underlined, which indicates the importance of the transcultural aesthetic context of contemporary architectural practice. Our vision is to create links between the humanities, social sciences, and technical sciences through multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research of architecture, art, applied arts and other related disciplines.
Scientific/Artistic Fields of Research Unit
Architectural Design Urbanism Architectural Constructions
Architectural Engineering and Structural Systems Contemporary Architecture Visual Communications and Architectural Graphics Descriptive Geometry and Geometry of Architectural Form History, Theory and Aesthetics of Architecture and Visual Arts and restoration of Architectural Heritage Construction Technology, Installations and Management Fine Arts
Our vision is to create links between the humanities, social sciences, and technical sciences through multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research of architecture, art, applied arts and other related disciplines.

Prominent Activities and Results since 2020 |
(2020). The Possibilities of Preservation, Regeneration and Presentation of Industrial Heritage: The Case of Old Mint “A.D.” on Belgrade Riverfront. Sustainability, 12, 5264. Authors: Nikolić, M., Drobnjak, B., & Kuletin Ćulafić, I
(2020). Everyday Aesthetics in Architecture and Applied Arts. In: Prosen, M. (Ed.). First International Conference SmartArt – Art and Science Applied: From Inspiration to Interaction, pp. 87-106. Belgrade: Faculty of Applied Arts. Author: Kuletin Ćulafić, I (2022). Everyday Aesthetics in Architecture and Applied Arts. In: Prosen, M. (Ed.). Second International Conference SmartArt – Art and Science Applied: Experience and Vison. Belgrade: Faculty of Applied Arts. Author: Kuletin Ćulafić, I
Prominent Activities and Results in Academic 2021/2022 |
(2022). Everyday Aesthetics in Architecture and Applied Arts. In: Prosen, M. (Ed.). Second International Conference SmartArt – Art and Science Applied: Experience and Vison. Belgrade: Faculty of Applied Arts. Author: Kuletin Ćulafić, I (2021-2022). Collaboration with the School of Architecture, Unitec Institute of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand. Project Title: Distance and Diversity – The Emergence of Modernism in Serbia and New Zeland (all members of SCCAC-AR Laboratory and PhD students)

Research Unit Head |
Vladan Đokić, PhD, Full Professor
Research Unit Contact |
Research Unit Members |
Ana Nikezić, PhD, Associate Professor
Milica Milojević, PhD, Associate Professor
Jelena Ristić Trajković, PhD, Associate Professor
Verica Krstić, PhD, Assistant Professor
Anđelka Bnin Bninski, PhD, Research Associate
Aleksandra Đorđević, PhD, Teaching Assistant
Mladen Pešić, PhD, Teaching Assistant
Miloš Kostić, PhD, Teaching Assistant
Aleksandra Milovanović, PhD Cand., Research Assistant
Mirko Šćekić, PhD Student
Within the framework of the Morpho-lab, the key morphological characteristics of urban spaces will be considered, as well as their interdependence with functional characteristics and the cultural context in which they are located. Morphological features will be discussed typologically, based on the key features for their understanding. The overall phenomenon of the city’s structure will be observed morphogenetically, that is, as part of the historical continuity of its origin, development and changes over time and at different spatial levels. The goal of the laboratory relates to the harmonization of research with the modern trends in the development of the discipline in the world, emphasizing the multidisciplinary approach to contemporary topics that deal with the phenomena of morphology and typology of urban spaces.
Architectural Design
Urbanism Architectural Constructions

Architectural Engineering and Structural Systems Contemporary Architecture Visual Communications and Architectural Graphics Descriptive Geometry and Geometry of Architectural Form History, Theory and Aesthetics of Architecture and Visual Arts and restoration of Architectural Heritage
Construction Technology, Installations and Management Fine Arts
The goal of the MorhoLab relates to the harmonization of research with the contemporary trends in the development of the urban morhology in the world, emphasizing the multidisciplinary approach.
Prominent Activities and Results since 2020 |
(2021). MorphoLab. Implementation of EUROPE READR project and pavillion at the Republic square in Belgrade, Serbia (2021). Nikezić, A., Bnin-Bninski, A., Versteegh, P. (Eds.). METROMILIEU: Rural economy as a relational gap between inhabiting scales, University of Belgrade - Faculty of architecture and ARENA architectural research network. ISBN 978-86-7924-222-8
(2020) Djokić, V., Milovanović, A., Ristić Trajković, J. The Textuality of the Modernist Rural Landscape: Belgrade Agricultural Combine (PKB) as a Driver of the Urban Development of Third Belgrade, Land, 9(11), 452. https://doi.org/10.3390/land9110452 (2021) Milojević, M., Djokić, V., Pešić, M. Morfologija grada: praktikum, Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture, UDK: 711.42(075.8)(076), 711.61(075.8) (076), ISBN 978-86-7924-175-7, COBISS.SR-ID 40410889. [Urban morphology: practicum]
(2020) Đokić, V., Milojević, M., Djordjević, A., & Pešić, M. Urban morphology education in Serbia: Origin, genesis and new tendencies. In G. Strappa, P. Carlotti, & M. Ieva (Ed.), Proceedings of the 5th ISUFitaly International Conference URBAN SUBSTRATA AND CITY REGENERATION. Morphological Legacies as a Design Tool. 1, pp. 665-674. Rome: ISUFitaly.ISBN 978-88-941188-8-9
Prominent Activities and Results in Academic 2021/2022 |
(2021). Nikezić, A., Ristić Trajković, J., Milovanović, A. (2021). Future Housing Identities: Designing in Line with the Contemporary Sustainable Urban Lifestyle, Buildings, 11(1), 18; https://doi.org/10.3390/ buildings11010018
(2021-2022). Аpproval for organization, conceptualization and preparatory activities for ISUF 2023 (International Seminar on Urban form)
(2021). Ђокић, В. и Милојевић, М. Постиндустријски пејзаж: Трансформације урбане зоне Сењског Рудника [Post-industrial Landscape - Transformations of the Urban zone of the Senjski Rudnik] (2021). Djokić, V., Djordjević, A., Pešić, M., Milovanović, A. (2021). Urban Morphology and Urban Design Competitions in Serbia: Between Substantial and Procedural Aspects. XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form ISUF2021: Urban Form and the Sustainable and Prosperous Cities, 29th June – 3rd July 2021, Glasgow. Publication in process. (2022). Agata-Kantarek A., Kwiatkowski K., Korbel W., Djokic V., Djordjevic A., Nikovic A., Samuels I. Mapping post-socialist changes in urban tissues: a comparative study of Belgrade and Krakow. URBAN MORPHOLOGY, vol 26 (1):44-63

Research Unit Head |
Lidija Đokić, PhD, Full Professor
Research Unit Contact | lidija@arh.bg.ac.rs
Research Unit Members |
Milan Radojević, PhD, Assistant Professor
Tatjana Jurenić, PhD, Assistant Professor
Igor Svetel, PhD, Research Associate
Jelena Brajković, PhD, Research Associate
Aleksandra Čabarkapa, PhD, Teaching Assistant
Damjana Nedeljković, Teaching Assistant
Nikola Milanović, Teaching Assistant
Research regarding optimal lighting conditions applying energy efficient solutions. Study of lighting quality factors, lighting effects, lighting technology and the criteria for lighting design when both natural light and artificial lighting are applied.
Scientific/Artistic Fields of Research Unit
Architectural Design
Urbanism Architectural Constructions
Architectural Engineering and Structural Systems Contemporary Architecture Visual Communications and Architectural Graphics Descriptive Geometry and Geometry of Architectural Form History, Theory and Aesthetics of Architecture and Visual Arts and restoration of Architectural Heritage Construction Technology, Installations and Management Fine Arts
Study of lighting quality factors, lighting effects, lighting technology and the criteria for lighting design when both natural light and artificial lighting are applied.

Prominent Activities and Results since 2020 |
(2022). URBAN LIGHTING - From Basics To Applications. Belgrade: SoftLight Projects. Authors: Đokić, L., & Kostić, M. (2021). Exploring Regenerative Co-benefits of Biophilic Design for People and the Environment. In: Catalano, C., Andreucci, M.B., Guarino, R., Bretzel, F., Leone, M., & Pasta, S. (Eds.). Urban Services to Ecosystems Green Infrastructure benefits from the landscape to the urban scale. Cham: Springer Nature. Authors: Andreucci, M.B., Loder, A., McGee, B., Brajković, J., & Brown, M. (2021). Ed. Scale Jumping: Regenerative Systems Thinking within the Built Environment. A guidebook for regenerative implementation: Interactions, tools, platforms, metrics, practice. COST Action CA16114 RESTORE, Working Group Five: Scale Jumping. Bolzano, IT: Eurac. Authors: Reith, A., & Brajković, J (2020). Possibilities for the improvement of the access to MEP systems in apartment buildings. The Journal Technical Gazette, 27(5), pp. 1713-1721. Authors: Jurenić, T., Gašić, M., & Čabarkapa, A (2020). Photovoltaics on Landmark Buildings with Distinctive Geometries. Applied Sciences, 10, 6696. Authors: Devetaković, M., Đorđević, Đ., Radojević, M., Krstić-Furundžić, A., Burduhos, B.G., Martinopoulos, G., Neagoe, M., & Lobaccaro, G.
Prominent Activities and Results in Academic 2021/2022 |
(2022). URBAN LIGHTING - From Basics To Applications. Belgrade: SoftLight Projects. Authors: Đokić, L., & Kostić, M.
(2021). Facilities maintenance and management. Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture. Author: Radojević, M
(2021). Facility management: facility maintenance during the coronavirus pandemic. In: Jurenić, T., Nedeljković, D., & Čabarkapa, A.(Eds.). Proceedings of The Eighth national scientific and professional meeting with international participation Installations & Architecture 2021. Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture. Author: Radojević, M
(2021). Proceedings of The Eighth national scientific and professional meeting with international participation Installations & Architecture 2021. Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture. Editors: Jurenić, T., Čabarkapa, A., & Lojaničić, D

Research Unit Head |
Vladimir Lojanica, Arch, Full Professor
Research Unit Contact |
Research Unit Members |
Vesna Cagić Milošević, Arch, Full Professor
Jelena Ristić Trajković, PhD, Associate Professor
Marija Milinković, PhD, Assistant Professor
Pavle Stamenović, PhD, Assistant Professor
Verica Krstić, PhD, Assistant Professor
Grozdana Šišović, PhD, Associate Professor
Jelena Milošević, PhD, Assistant Professor
Maja Dragišić, PhD, Assistant Professor
Ksenija Pantović, PhD, Research Associate
Vesna M. Čolić Damjanović, PhD, Research Associate
Aleksandra Milovanović, PhD Cand., Research Assistant
Dalia Dukanac, Teaching Assistant
Bojana J. Babović, PhD, Teaching Assistant
Ivana Lovrinčević, Teaching Assistant
Hristina Meseldžija, Teaching Assistant Petar Cigić, Teaching Assistant Rade Mrlješ, PhD student
Nikola Mitrović, PhD student
Tamara Koneska, PhD student Katarina Nikolić, PhD student
Jelena Janković, PhD student Dezire Tilinger, Junior Researcher Tijana Žišić, Teaching Assistant
Milica Božić, PhD student Marija Milenković, PhD student
The research laboratory Heritage of Modernism aims to develop different perspectives of research and critical assessment of modernist heritage’s role, significance and potential (protection, promotion, revitalization, transformation, design, etc.). Through engagement in the laboratory, and presentation/ publication of results in relevant scientific publications, conferences and exhibitions, the goal is to ensure teamwork on specific applied research with an understanding of the specific sociopolitical, cultural and economic context. In achieving the stated goals, the following are of particular importance: 1) involving students in current, as well as in the development and implementation of new research projects and other research formats in the field of the heritage of modernism, 2) cooperation with other institutions in the field of education and culture (universities, events, galleries, museums, archives, etc.). In a broader context, the laboratory aims to shed light on the complex relationship and position of modernist heritage in the context of contemporary society, culture and the built environment. In a narrower sense, the special focus of the laboratory is on examining the possibilities of design methodological research tools (research by design) in the academic context of the architectural-urban discourse.
Architectural Design
Urbanism Architectural Constructions

Architectural Engineering and Structural Systems Contemporary Architecture Visual Communications and Architectural Graphics Descriptive Geometry and Geometry of Architectural Form History, Theory and Aesthetics of Architecture and Visual Arts and restoration of Architectural Heritage
Construction Technology, Installations and Management Fine Arts
The laboratory aims to shed light on the complex relationship and position of modernist heritage in the context of contemporary society, culture and the built environment.
Prominent Activities and Results since 2020 |
(2022). Organization and participation in the annual scientific meeting within COST Action 18137 Project. European Middle Class Mass Housing. Participants: Lojanica, V., Milinković, M., Šišović, G., Dukanac, D.
(2022). Research workshop on doctoral academic studies. Belgrade MCMH Apartment: Interventions and Catchwords. Realization: Milinković, M., Stamenović, P., Dukanac, D., & Milojević, M.
(2022). Participation with papers from the research workshop on doctoral academic studies “Interpretation of archival materials of modernism: projects of Nikola Dobrović” at the Symposium 125 years since the birth of the architect Nikola Dobrović. Participants: Lojanica, V., Dukanac, D.,Tilinger, D., Koneska, T., Božić, M., Žišić, T., & Milenković, M.
(2022). Instrumentalization of the phenomenon of fluidity in the architecture of the 21st century. PhD Thesis. Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture. Author: Jerković-Babović, B. (2021). Skansi, L. (Ed.). Between Art and Engineering: Studies on Postwar Architecture in Belgrade and Serbia. Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture. Authors: Jerković-Babović, B., Stojanović, H., & Lovrinčević, I.
Prominent Activities and Results in Academic 2021/2022 |
(2022). Organization and participation in the annual scientific meeting within COST Action 18137 Project. European Middle Class Mass Housing. Participants: Lojanica, V., Milinković, M., Šišović, G., & Dukanac, D. (2022). Research workshop on doctoral academic studies. Belgrade MCMH Apartment: Interventions and Catchwords. Realization: Milinković, M., Stamenović, P., Dukanac, D., & Milojević, M. (2022). Participation with papers from the research workshop on doctoral academic studies “Interpretation of archival materials of modernism: projects of Nikola Dobrović” at the Symposium 125 years since the birth of the architect Nikola Dobrović. Participants: Lojanica, V., Dukanac, D.,Tilinger, D., Koneska, T., Božić, M., Žišić, T., & Milenković, M.
(2022). Instrumentalization of the phenomenon of fluidity in the architecture of the 21st century. PhD Thesis. Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture. Author: Jerković-Babović, B

Research Unit Head |
Jelena Ivanović Šekularac, PhD, Full Professor
Research Unit Contact | jelenais@arh.bg.ac.rs
Research Unit Members |
Nenad Šekularac, PhD, Full Professor
Neda Sokolović, Teaching Assistant
Ana Kontić, Teaching Assistant
Researchers will deal with the influence of the constructive solution and the materialization of the architectural space on the architectural work, as well as the influence of the form and function of the architectural object on the choice of the constructive solution and the materialization of the architectural space. The goal of research in this laboratory is to create scientific abilities, critical thinking, academic skills in the field of architectural constructions, materials and construction physics and the development of creative abilities of researchers. The research will form a methodological framework of theoretical and practical knowledge through research projects in the field of technical and technological sciences and through a specific research subject in the field of architectural technologies. The outcome of the work in this laboratory represents the acquisition of the researcher’s ability to implement all acquired theoretical and practical knowledge on a specific task and specific problems that are dealt with in this research and which are necessary for the purpose of further successful scientific work and refer to the materialization of architectural space.
Architectural Design
Urbanism Architectural Constructions

Architectural Engineering and Structural Systems Contemporary Architecture Visual Communications and Architectural Graphics Descriptive Geometry and Geometry of Architectural Form History, Theory and Aesthetics of Architecture and Visual Arts and restoration of Architectural Heritage Construction Technology, Installations and Management Fine Arts
The goal is to create scientific abilities, critical thinking, academic skills in the field of architectural constructions, materials and construction physics.
Research Unit Head |
Mirjana Roter Blagojević, PhD, Full Professor
Marko Nikolić, PhD, Assistant Professor
Research Unit Contact | roterm@arh.bg.ac.rs marko@arh.bg.ac.rs
Research Unit Members |
Ana Radivojević, PhD, Full Professor
Ljiljana Đukanović, PhD, Associate Professor
Mirjana Devetaković, PhD, Assistant Professor
Đorđe Đorđević, PhD, Assistant Professor
Nevena Debljović Ristić, PhD, Assistant Professor
Ena Takač, Teaching Assistant
Jovana Tošić, PhD student
Jelena Šćekić, Junior Researcher
The main activities of the laboratory are the research of built heritage, collecting data in situ and in archives, analysing conditions and defining tangible and intangible values of buildings and sites, proposing presentation, remodelling, new functions and reuse of historical buildings and sites. The starting point of the research is the definition of recommendations/models related to the improvement of documentation, protection and use of cultural heritage - given through the presentation of interventions on the analysed examples. The goal is the improvement of the approach to exploration and documentation of historic buildings, especially cultural monuments, implementation of new investigation methods (HBIM – Heritage Building Information Modeling and non-contact 3D technologies) and implementation of the current international regulations for improving the performance of historical buildings in accordance with modern comfort requirements and principles of sustainable development.
Architectural Design
Urbanism Architectural Constructions
Architectural Engineering and Structural Systems Contemporary Architecture Visual Communications and Architectural Graphics Descriptive Geometry and Geometry of Architectural Form History, Theory and Aesthetics of Architecture and Visual Arts and restoration of Architectural Heritage Construction Technology, Installations and Management Fine Arts
The PROCULT aims to implement the new investigation methods and current international regulations for improving the performance of historical buildings.

Prominent Activities and Results since 2020 |
(2020). Belgrade housing modernisation in the first half of 20th century – transformation of spatial concept, construction and materialisation of multi-story residential buildings. Architecture and Urbanism, 51, pp. 46-719. Authors: Roter Blagojević, M., & Đukanović, Lj.
(2020). Trends for improvement of education and cooperation in the field of protection of architectural heritage at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture. In: Del Bianco, C., & Savelli, A. (Eds.). Proceedings of the Scientific Symposium Building Peace through Heritage - World Forum to Change through Dialogue (pp. 177-183). Florence: Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco Istituto Internazionale Life Beyond Tourism. Authors: Nikolić, M., Roter Blagojević, M., & Takač, E.
(2020). Revitalising the old industrial move along Danube waterfront. In: Đukić, A., Krstić-Furundžić, A., Vaništa Lazarević, E., & Vukmirović, M. (Eds.). 7th International Academic Conference on Places and Technologies: Keeping up with Technology to act Responsively with Urban Environment, Proceedings (pp. 370-379). Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture. Author: Nikolić, M
(2021). Remains of Belgrade evolution from medieval to modern city. In: Camiz, A., Ceylanlı, Z., Atala, Ö., & Özkuvancı, Ö. (Eds.). Cities in evolution. Diachronic transformations of urban and rural settlements, Book of abstracts VIII AACCP (Architecture, Archaeology and Contemporary City Planning) symposium, pp. 241. Istanbul: DRUM Press. Author: Roter Blagojević, M
(2021). A contribution to the research of the architecture of the Palace Complex in Terazije - the Prince’s Palace (Old Inn) and the Palace for Crown Prince Mihajlo. Heritage, XXII, pp. 185-205. Author: Roter Blagojević, M.
Prominent Activities and Results in Academic 2021/2022 |
(2021). Modern possibilities for protection, revitalization and presentation of industrial heritage in the case study of Bajloni Brewery in Belgrade, in Modernization and Globalization. Challenges and Opportunities in Architecture, Urbanism, Cultural Heritage, pp 222-226. Neples: La scuola di Pitagora editrice. Authors: Nikolić, M., & Takač, E
(2021). Methodology for Residential Building Stock Refurbishment Planning-Development of Local Building Typologies, Sustainability 13 (8), 4262. Authors: Đukanović, Lj., & Radivojević, A (2021). On-photo restitution and management of an angular size-illusion’s behaviour experienced in architectural/urban spaces, Technical Gazette 28 (5), pp. 1681-1690. Authors: Đorđević, Đ., & Devetaković Radojević, M.
(2021). World cultural heritage monuments in Kosovo and Metohija - problems and perspectives of protection, Architecture and Urbanism, 53, pp. 89-93. Authors: Nikolić, M., & Roter Blagojević, M (2021). Social value of Architecture that Comes in a Perfume Bottle. II International Conference on the History and Culture of Perfume, 1st - 3th December 2021, Madrid, Grupo de investigación CAPIRE- Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Author: Tošić, J

Research Unit Head |
Nenad Šekularac, PhD, Full Professor
Research Unit Contact | nenad.sekularac@arh.bg.ac.rs
Research Unit Members |
Jelena Ivanović Šekularac, PhD, Full Professor
Dejan Vasović, PhD, Associate Professor
Jefto Terzović, PhD, Assistant Professor
Neda Sokolović, Teaching Assistant
Darko Pavićević, Teaching Assistant
Milica Petrović, Teaching Assistant
Ana Kontić, Teaching Assistant
Isidora Ilić, Teaching Assistant
Aleksandar Vučur, PhD student
Ognjen Graovac, PhD student
Laboratory research includes practical and theoretical problems in the field of architectural engineering. They form a methodological framework of theoretical and practical knowledge through research projects in the field of technical and technological sciences. Encouraging the solution of specific problems in the field of architectural design is extremely important for the further training of researchers and their training for practical and scientific research work. Experimental research through the creation of simulation models and the testing of prototypes and models is an important area of research in this laboratory. Acquiring new knowledge and improving knowledge about the application of modern principles of constructive solutions during the rehabilitation and reconstruction of high-rise buildings is a special area that researchers deal with. Acquiring the ability to implement all acquired theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of architectural engineering, which is related to the problems of constructing architectural objects, is the result of the work of the laboratory. Developing scientific and academic skills, encouraging critical thinking, developing individual creative abilities of researchers and mastering practical engineering skills in the field of architectural design are the goals of the laboratory.
Architectural Design
Urbanism Architectural Constructions

Architectural Engineering and Structural Systems Contemporary Architecture Visual Communications and Architectural Graphics Descriptive Geometry and Geometry of Architectural Form History, Theory and Aesthetics of Architecture and Visual Arts and restoration of Architectural Heritage Construction Technology, Installations and Management Fine Arts
Experimental research through the creation of simulation models and the testing of prototypes and models is an important area of research in this laboratory.
Research Unit Head |
Marija Maruna, PhD, Full professor
Research Unit Contact |
Research Unit Members |
Ana Perić Momčilović, PhD, Senior Research Associate
Jelena Basta, Teaching Assistant
Danijela Savkić, PhD
Ljubica Slavković, PhD student
Ana Graovac, PhD student
Ksenija Radovanović, PhD student
Anica Teofilović, PhD student
Vesna Teofilović, PhD student
The Laboratory for Planning Culture and Spatial Policy Design (LKPDPP) is an academic platform for critical reflection on the contemporary practice of planning and urban governance in Serbia. Transitional circumstances and the reform of the regulatory framework fundamentally changed the attitude towards the activity of spatial development and opened up space for re-examination of its entire system. The goal of the LKPDPP is to look at the elements of planning culture in Serbia through a comparative perspective and consider ways of professional action. Research topics within the LKPDPP are particularly directed towards the issues of establishing a new planning paradigm in Serbia. The Laboratory for Planning Culture and Spatial Policy Design closely cooperates with the Laboratory for Collaborative Urban Practices on topics from the domain of theory and practice of urban governance.

Architectural Design
Urbanism Architectural Constructions
Architectural Engineering and Structural Systems Contemporary Architecture Visual Communications and Architectural Graphics Descriptive Geometry and Geometry of Architectural Form History, Theory and Aesthetics of Architecture and Visual Arts and restoration of Architectural Heritage Construction Technology, Installations and Management Fine Arts
The goal of the LKPDPP is to look at the elements of planning culture in Serbia through a comparative perspective and consider ways of professional action.
Prominent Activities and Results since 2020 |
(2021). A collaborative approach to identifying and defending the public interest in a neoliberal, politicized and polarized urban landscape. In: Milovanović Rodić, D., Slavković, Lj., & Maruna, M. (Eds.). In search of public interest: the scope of urbanism. Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture. Authors: Milovanović Rodić, D., & Maruna, M
(2021). In search of public interest: the scope of urbanism. Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture. Editors: Milovanović Rodić, D., Slavković, Lj., & Maruna, M
Prominent Activities and Results in Academic 2021/2022 |
(2022). Urban megaprojects in post-socialist Serbia: the example of the City on Water project. In: Rahman, M. (Ed.). A Handbook on Waterfront Development & Urbanism (forthcoming). New York: Routledge Press. Authors: Perić, A., & Maruna, M
(2022). 44. Salon of architecture - Grand Prix. Museum of Applied Art. In search of public interest: the scope of urbanism. Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture. Editors: Milovanović Rodić, D., Slavković, Lj., & Maruna, M. Authors: Petovar, K., Milovanović Rodić, D., Maruna, M., Trkulja, S., Đokić, J., Graovac, A., Drenovak-Ivanović, M., Radovanović, K., & Slavković, Lj. (2022).100 years of transformation of the concept of public interest in the spatial development of Serbia: understanding the social context. In: Šećerov, V., Đorđević, D.S., Radosavljević Z., & Jeftić, M.R. (Eds.). Local self-government in the planning and arrangement of space and settlements (137-149). Belgrade: Association of Spatial Planners of Serbia and University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography. Silver Lake, 16-18. June 2022. Authors: Čukić, I., Đokić, J., Graovac, A., Maruna, M., Milovanović Rodić, D., Perić, A., Radovanović, K., Savkić, D., Slavković, Lj. & Teofilović, A

Research Unit Head |
Dragana Vasiljević Tomić, PhD, Associate Professor
Vladimir MIlenković, PhD, Associate Professor
Research Unit Contact |
draganavt@arh.bg.ac.rs link@arh.bg.ac.rs
Research Unit Members |
Nevena Vasiljević, PhD, Associate Professor
Ivan Filipović, PhD, Teaching Assistant
Miloš Stojković Minić, Teaching Assistant
Sonja Dedić, Teaching Assistant
Duška Prodanović, PhD student
Filip Prica, PhD student
Ana Masnikosa, PhD student
Investigations of the spaces that include the phenomena of spatial inclusion, color and covered public spaces. Research of spaces that are not included (codified) in the Rulebook on accessibility, supplementing the rulebook, researching social inclusion and inclusion in higher education, creating a city landscape, researching the aesthetic value of the city. Determination of criteria for visual assessment of the image of the landscape for the needs of the typology of the landscape of Belgrade. The use of color as a building element, in the formation of criteria for the assessment of the image of the landscape, in relation to the color parameters, which influence the formation of the identity of the city’s image.
Architectural Design
Urbanism Architectural Constructions

Architectural Engineering and Structural Systems Contemporary Architecture Visual Communications and Architectural Graphics Descriptive Geometry and Geometry of Architectural Form History, Theory and Aesthetics of Architecture and Visual Arts and restoration of Architectural Heritage
Construction Technology, Installations and Management Fine Arts
The formation of criteria for the assessment of the image of the landscape, in relation to the color parameters, which influence the formation of the identity of the city’s image.
Prominent Activities and Results since 2020 |
(2022). A new teaching model for research / Bio-inspired design. In: Proceedings XIV scientific and professional conference with international participation “Smart cities and integration of technologies of the fourth industrial revolution 4.0”. Authors: Vasiljević Tomić, D., & Filipović, I
(2022). STRAND 2022 On Architecture: Philosophy of Architecture. 10th International Conference and Exhibition. Belgrade: Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Gallery of Science and Technology, December 2022. Exhibition Section Phenomenology of Architecture. HETEROTOPIA: BELGRADE’S ‘OTHER’ SPACES. Authors: Arsić, J., Vasiljević Tomić, D., & Filipović, I.
(2022). STRAND 2022 On Architecture: Philosophy of Architecture. 10th International Conference and Exhibition. Belgrade: Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Gallery of Science and Technology, December 2022. Exhibition Section Technology and Architecture. ARCHITECTURAL IDENTITIES: JAPAN. Authors: Vasiljević Tomić, D., Filipović, I., Arsić, J. with student participants.
Prominent Activities and Results in Academic 2021/2022 |
(2022). A new teaching model for research / Bio-inspired design. In: Proceedings XIV scientific and professional conference with international participation “Smart cities and integration of technologies of the fourth industrial revolution 4.0”. Authors: Vasiljević Tomić, D., & Filipović, I (2022). STRAND 2022 On Architecture: Philosophy of Architecture. 10th International Conference and Exhibition. Belgrade: Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Gallery of Science and Technology, December 2022. Exhibition Section Phenomenology of Architecture. HETEROTOPIA: BELGRADE’S ‘OTHER’ SPACES. Authors: Arsić, J., Vasiljević Tomić, D., & Filipović, I. (2022). STRAND 2022 On Architecture: Philosophy of Architecture. 10th International Conference and Exhibition. Belgrade: Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Gallery of Science and Technology, December 2022. Exhibition Section Technology and Architecture. ARCHITECTURAL IDENTITIES: JAPAN. Authors: Vasiljević Tomić, D., Filipović, I., Arsić, J. with student participants.

Research Unit Head |
Dragana Vasiljević Tomić, PhD, Associate Professor
Research Unit Contact |
Research Unit Members |
Vladimir Milenković, Associate Professor
Ivan Filipović, PhD, Teaching Assistant
Satoši Sano, Research Associate
The study and interpretation of identity in architecture is an extremely complex undertaking, for which the research of Japanese spatial manifestations is methodologically and theoretically indicative. Each identity is part of a cultural denotation system, simultaneously representing social life and categories of social politics. Identity is constructed by specific cultural contents and symbols, but always in relation to a specific context. When it comes to examining the case of Japan (including the spatial realm), it is constructed through its differentiation from Others, who are alternately understood as inferior or superior to Japan. By examining the spatial and social context during the constitution and promotion of (desired) architectural identities, competence is acquired for multidisciplinary research on various topics, primarily in the field of architecture and urbanism.
Architectural Design
Urbanism Architectural Constructions
Architectural Engineering and Structural Systems Contemporary Architecture Visual Communications and Architectural Graphics Descriptive Geometry and Geometry of Architectural Form History, Theory and Aesthetics of Architecture and Visual Arts and restoration of Architectural Heritage Construction Technology, Installations and Management Fine Arts
By examining the spatial and social context during the constitution and promotion of (desired) architectural identities, competence is acquired for multidisciplinary research on various topics, primarily in the field of architecture and urbanism.

Prominent Activities and Results since 2020 |
(2021). Guest lecture within the studio project M03 Architectural Identities: Sushi Academy. Creation and Management of Public-private Interface: Small Public Spaces Lived-in the City. Satoshi Sano, PhD, Senior Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology - Keio University, Tokyo, Japan.
(2022). Exhibition of architecture students’ works. Architectural Identities: Sushi Academy. Belgrade: House of King Petar I, Vase Pelagića 40, 15-22. March. The project was supported by: the Embassy of Japan in the Republic of Serbia, Municipality of Savski Venac, Traffic Institute CIP, Informatics and Faculty of Architecture - University of Belgrade.
(2022). Students work Exibition Nine Pavilions. Belgrade: Art Gallery Ilija M. Kolarac Endowment, 16-17 July. The project was supported by: the Embassy of Japan in the Republic of Serbia, the Ilija M. Kolarac Endowment, Informatics and Faculty of Architecture - University of Belgrade.
(2022). Guest lecture within the teaching of the second year MASA A09 Architectural Identities: Japanese Pavilion, 5. May. Phantom Architect: Yoko Ono’s Instruction, Instructure and Instructionalized An-Archē-Tecture. Gabriella Daris, PhD Cand., Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy at Kingston University London, Visiting Research Fellow, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan.
Prominent Activities and Results in Academic 2021/2022 | (2021). International cooperation within the research unit LAB10 Architectural Identities: Japan. Engagement of collaborators (researchers). Satoshi Sano, PhD, Senior Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology - Keio University, Tokyo, Japan.
(2021). Signed letter of Intent on cooperation between the Embassy of Japan and the Faculty of Architecture - University of Belgrade (Letter sent on October 28, 2021. Answer received on January 18, 2022). The letter defines mutual cooperation on the following activities:
- Introduction and study of contemporary Japanese architecture and urbanism in the curriculum of the Faculty of Architecture through a studio project, seminars, workshops, etc.
- Annual exhibitions and publications of student works related to the above-mentioned topic;
- Cooperation and cultural change between related universities and faculties in Serbia and Japan, with the aim of further improving the quality of education;
- Cultural exchange of prominent experts from both countries, through symposia, conferences, guest lectures, etc. in cooperation with the Embassy and its plan of cultural activities.
(2022). Guest lecture at the invitation of the Embassy of Japan in the Republic of Serbia and the Japanese Foundation, as part of the exhibition “Built Environment: Alternative2 Guide to Japan” at the Museum of Applied Arts in Belgrade, 20. May. An alternative2 guide to the Japanese built environment. Ivan Filipović, PhD, associate (researcher) from the research unit LAB10 Architectural identities: Japan, Graduate Teaching Assistant.
(2022). Examining the influence of the typology of embassies on the urban safety of public urban spaces in Tokyo. Second Scientific Conference Urban Security and Urban Development – UBUR 2022, Belgrade. (Book of abstracts and Proceedings in preparation). Authors: Vasljević Tomić, D., & Filipović, I.

Research Unit Head |
Aleksandar Ignjatović, PhD, Full professor
Research Unit Contact |
Research Unit Members |
Danica Stojiljković, PhD, Research Associate
Miloš Aranđelović, PhD, Research Associate
Katarina Taranović, PhD student
The Laboratory Architecture and Politics is focused on the study of ideological functions and political roles of architecture in different historical and social contexts. It aims at the critical contextualization and historicization of architecture, seen as ideological practice, society, and political power. Relying on various theoretical approaches — poststructuralist analysis, discourse analysis and cultural studies, the Laboratory is concerned with the duality of interrelationships of architecture and power.
On the one hand, architecture is appreciated within institutionalized systems of top-to-bottom hierarchy conceived and imposed by the elites (such as state-power); on the other hand, and more importantly, architecture is comprehended as a fundamental ingredient of capillary-power, which is more fundamental practice of political power. The Laborotory is dedicated to the study of various different roles that architecture, as a system of knowledge, has had in production and distribution of ideological narratives which construct collective identities and social and political subjects in the society.
Scientific/Artistic Fields of Research Unit
Architectural Design
Urbanism Architectural Constructions
Architectural Engineering and Structural Systems Contemporary Architecture Visual Communications and Architectural Graphics Descriptive Geometry and Geometry of Architectural Form History, Theory and Aesthetics of Architecture and Visual Arts and restoration of Architectural Heritage Construction Technology, Installations and Management Fine Arts
A&P aims at the critical contextualization and historicization of architecture, seen as ideological practice, society, and political power.

Prominent Activities and Results since 2020 |
(2022). The Bridge of King Alexander I in Belgrade and the Ambiguities of National Identity in Interwar Yugoslavia. Contemporary European History, pp. 1-21. Author: Ignjatović, A. (2021). Discussing the Past or Airing the Depots: Refashioning Exhibitions of Socialism in Serbia, In: Iordachi, C., and Apor, P. (Eds.). Occupation and Communism in Eastern European Museums: ReVisualizing the Recent Past, pp. 163-179. London: Bloomsbury. Authors: Ignjatović, A., & Manojlović Pintar, O.
(2021). The Afterlife of Roadsiders: Vernacular Stone Cenotaphs and the Socialist Memorial Sites in Serbia. International Round Table: Monuments Heritage and the First World War Cultural Memory, Institute of Social Sciences, Zagreb, September 9-10, 2021. Authors: Ignjatović, A., & Manojlović Pintar, O.
(2021). Shifting Identities of the Ottoman Vernacular, In: Anderson, R. (Ed.). European Architectural History Network. Sixth International Meeting, p. 101. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh, College of Art. Author: Ignjatović, A
(2021). Byzantium Perfected: Nation-building through Architectural Tropes in 19th- and 20th-century Serbia, Our Daily Byzantium: Medieval Heritage, Nation-building, and Politics in Serbia. University of Oxford, The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH), March 25, 2021. Author: Ignjatović, A
Prominent Activities and Results in Academic 2021/2022 |
(2022). The Bridge of King Alexander I in Belgrade and the Ambiguities of National Identity in Interwar Yugoslavia. Contemporary European History, pp. 1-21. Author: Ignjatović, A (2021). Discussing the Past or Airing the Depots: Refashioning Exhibitions of Socialism in Serbia, In: Iordachi, C., and Apor, P. (Eds.). Occupation and Communism in Eastern European Museums: ReVisualizing the Recent Past, pp. 163-179. London: Bloomsbury. Authors: Ignjatović, A., & Manojlović Pintar, O.
(2021). The Afterlife of Roadsiders: Vernacular Stone Cenotaphs and the Socialist Memorial Sites in Serbia. International Round Table: Monuments Heritage and the First World War Cultural Memory, Institute of Social Sciences, Zagreb, September 9-10, 2021. Authors: Ignjatović, A., & Manojlović Pintar, O.

Research Unit Head |
Aleksandra Đukić, PhD, Full Professor
Research Unit Contact | sandra@arh.bg.ac.rs adjukic@afrodita.rcub.bg.ac.rs
Research Unit Members |
Eva Vaništa Lazarević, PhD, Full Professor
Aleksandra Stupar, PhD, Full Professor
Tatjana Mrđenović, PhD, Research Associate
Jelena Marić, PhD, Teaching Assistant
Branislav Antonić, PhD, Teaching Assistant
Višnja Sretović Brković, Research Assistant
Aleksandar Grujičić, Teaching Assistant
Damjan Balkoski, PhD cand.
Milica Lazarević, PhD student Milorad Obradović, PhD student
Ilija Gubić, PhD student
Nikola Mitrović, PhD student
Slobodan Bulatović, PhD student
Jelena Božović, PhD student
Modern cities are characterised by: globalisation, networking and information and digital revolution, multiculturalism, migration, the impact of climate change, the rise of individualism and consumerism, the dominance of service sector and the growing importance of culture and tourism in shaping the city’s identity. In accordance with these new trends and new urban concepts and approaches, the goals of the UrbanLAB are: [1] To increase the quality of life in modern city through regeneration, renewal and revitalisation and innovative design of urban space; [2] To improve scientific and professional capacity within the urban design and planning of existing cities through the policies of urban regeneration and renewal, the innovative design of open spaces in city and urban digitisation; [3] To connect the research capabilities of the research unit and the faculty in the field of urban regeneration and renewal and urban design with similar research units, centres and institutions in the country and abroad through scientific projects, initiatives, and networks. New researchers and doctoral students will immediately be involved in the ongoing projects of the laboratory within INTERREG, ERAMUS+, COST, CEEPUS and bilateral research programmes.
Scientific/Artistic Fields of Research Unit
Architectural Design
Urbanism Architectural Constructions
Architectural Engineering and Structural Systems Contemporary Architecture Visual Communications and Architectural Graphics Descriptive Geometry and Geometry of Architectural Form History, Theory and Aesthetics of Architecture and Visual Arts and restoration of Architectural Heritage
Construction Technology, Installations and Management Fine Arts
The goal of the UrbanLAB is to increase the quality of life in modern city through regeneration, renewal and revitalisation and innovative design of urban space.

Prominent Activities and Results since 2020 |
(2020). The Evaluation of Urban Renewal Waterfront Development: The Case of the Sava Riverfront in Belgrade, Serbia. Sustainability, 12(16), 6620. Authors: Đukić, A., Marić, J., Antonić, B., Kovač, V., Joković, J., & Dinkić, N. (2021). The Effects of Open Space on Reducing Workplace Stress: Case Study of Business Park in the Post-Socialist Urban Setting. Sustainability, 13(1), 336. Authors: Marić, J., Đukić, A., Antonić, B., Furundžić, D., & Parežanin, V. (2022). The Transformation of Dorćol Power Plant: Triggering a Sustainable Urban Regeneration or Selling the Heritage? Sustainability, 14(1), 523. Authors: Simić, I., Stupar, A., Grujičić, A., Mihajlov, M., & Cvetković, M. (2022). International Student Workshop. “DANUBE/DANUrB+ CULTURAL PROMENADE”, DANUrB+ INTERREG Project in Sombor, Serbia, and Baja, Hungary, August 25-26, 2022. Organisers and tutors from the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade: Đukić, A., Marić, J., Antonić, B., & Mitrović, N. (2022). Second Scientific Conference “URBAN SECURITY AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT”, 01.07.2022. Organisers: Đukić, A., Antonić, B., Mitrović, N., & Gubić, I. Participants: Đukić, A., Vaništa Lazarević, E., Stupar, A., Antonić, B., Marić, J., Mitrović, N., Gubić, I., & Bulatović, S. Prominent Activities and Results in Academic 2021/2022 |
(2022). Second Scientific Conference “URBAN SECURITY AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT”, 01.07.2022. Organisers: Đukić, A., Antonić, B., Mitrović, N., & Gubić, I. Participants: Đukić, A., Vaništa Lazarević, E., Stupar, A., Antonić, B., Marić, J., Mitrović, N., Gubić, I., & Bulatović, S. (2022). The Transformation of Dorćol Power Plant: Triggering a Sustainable Urban Regeneration or Selling the Heritage? Sustainability, 14(1), 523. Authors: Simić, I., Stupar, A., Grujičić, A., Mihajlov, M., & Cvetković, M. (2022). International Student Workshop. “DANUBE/DANUrB+ CULTURAL PROMENADE”, DANUrB+ INTERREG Project in Sombor, Serbia, and Baja, Hungary, August 25-26, 2022. Organisers and tutors from the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade: Đukić, A., Marić, J., Antonić, B., & Mitrović, N. (2022). Industry and Pannonian City: The Transformative Role of Industry for the Modern Development of Middle-size Cities in Northern Serbia. In: Hein, C.(Ed.)(2021). Proceedings of the 19th IPHS Conference. Vol. 19: City Space Transformation, pp. 115-130, 19th International Planning History Society Conference. Delft, Netherlands, July 5-6, 2022. Delft: TU Delft. Authors: Antonić, B., & Đukić, A. (2022). Building camp for students in Golubac, Serbia, June 21-24, 2022. Construction of urban furniture and the creation of a new open public space. Organisers: Đukić, A., Marić, J., Antonić, B., Obradović, M., & Vaništa Lazarević, E.

Research Unit Head |
Ksenija Lalović, PhD, Associate Professor
Research Unit Contact | ksenija.lalovic@arh.bg.ac.rs
Research Unit Members |
Vesna Cagić Milošević, Arch, Full Professor
Aleksandra Stupar, PhD, Full Professor
Jelena Živković, PhD, Associate Professor
Biserka Mitrović, PhD, Associate Professor
Ljiljana Đukanović, PhD, Associate Professor
Ratka Čolić, PhD, Assistant Professor
Milena Kordić, PhD, Assistant Professor
Pavle Stamenović, PhD, Assistant Professor
Predrag Jovanović, Teaching Assistant
Jovana Bugarski, Teaching Assistant
Filip Petrović, Teaching Assistant
Jelena Ilić, Teaching Assistant
Dejan Todorović, Teaching Assistant
Mirjana Barać, Junior Researcher
Ivana Korica, Junior Researcher
Ana Šabanović, Junior Researcher
Filip Trgovčević, PhD student
Bojana Lević, Teaching Assistant
The lab investigates the roads in the quest for achieving sustainability. The research aims to answer the global call for climate action and nature conservation, searching for mechanisms and solutions that boost necessary urban paradigm shifts. Current global urban trends can be effectively couped only through the fundamental operational change of all governance levels, primarily local. The experiences indicate that the top-down approach failed in effective urban sustainable policies. There is an invisible boundary of constraints, a gap between the intentions expressed in urban policies and urban practices. By exploring this gap, researchers seek for modus operandi to bridge it. The research implies an integral position of observing the urban realities and co-creative practices that integrate different social structures. The communicative and collaborative methods play a crucial role in enabling the enaction of transdisciplinary, new knowledge and spreading the “seeds” of innovative practices. Taking over the leadership role, researchers act as agents of sustainable transformations. The acquired research knowledge is a basis for improving academic and professional education and practice in architecture and urbanism.
Scientific/Artistic Fields of Research Unit
Architectural Design
Urbanism Architectural Constructions
Architectural Engineering and Structural Systems Contemporary Architecture Visual Communications and Architectural Graphics Descriptive Geometry and Geometry of Architectural Form History, Theory and Aesthetics of Architecture and Visual Arts and restoration of Architectural Heritage Construction Technology, Installations and Management Fine Arts
The research aims to answer the global call for climate action and nature conservation, searching for mechanisms and solutions that boost necessary urban paradigm shifts.

Prominent Activities and Results since 2020 |
(2020). Participation in an international exhibition. Block 45 - Unblocking a sustainable future for New Belgrade. In: Catalogue of 30th International Urban Planners’ Exhibition. Nis, 8-13 November 2021. pp.10.04. Authors: Ley, A., Vojtová, L., Dietz, R., Goutrie, R., Lalović, K., Čolić, R., Maruna, M., Milovanović Rodić, D., Bugarski, J., Djordjević, A., Šabanović, A.
(2021). Multi-Level Perspective on Sustainability Transition towards Nature-Based Solutions and CoCreation in Urban Planning of Belgrade, Serbia. Sustainability 2021, 13, 7576. Authors: Mitić-Radulović, A., & Lalović, K
(2021). Research by students of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Belgrade on the possibilities of developing garden communities in Belgrade. Let’s plan garden communities togheter. Online Conference on the Opportunities of Urban Agriculture in Belgrade. Authors: Lalović, K., Čolić, R., Bugarski, J., & Šabanović, A.
(2021). The Methodology for Supporting Land Use Management in Collective Housing towards Achieving Energy Efficiency: A Case Study of New Belgrade, Serbia. LAND, 2021, 10(1), 42. Authors: Gajić, R., Golubović-Matić, D., Mitrović, B., Batarilo, S., Kordić, M
(2021). Assessing public open spaces in Belgrade – A quality of urban life perspective. Archnet-IJAR, Vol. 15 (3), pp. 505-523. Authors: Vuković, T., Salama, A.M., Mitrović, B., & Devetaković, M. Prominent Activities and Results in Academic 2021/2022 |
(2022). Influence of Modern Blocks’ Spatial Characteristics on Local Community Gathering Places Formation: Third Region of New Belgrade. PhD Thesis. Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture. Author: Jovanović, P. Members of the commission: Živković, J., & Lalović, K.
(2022). Energy Refurbishment of Serbian School Building Stock—A Typology Tool Methodology Development. Sustainability, 14, 4074. Authors: Ðukanović, Lj., Ignjatović, D., Ćuković Ignjatović, N., Rajčić, A., Lukić, N., & Zeković, B.
(2022). The Transformation of Dorćol Power Plant: Triggering a Sustainable Urban Regeneration or Selling the Heritage? Sustainability, 14(1), 523. Authors: Simić, I., Stupar, A., Grujičić, A., Mihajlov, V., & Cvetković, M.
(2022). Participation in an international exhibition. Accelerator Kragujevac – Arsenal Industrial Heritage. Exhibited work at the Salon of Architecture 30.3.2022. Belgrade: Museum of Applied Art. Authors: Rašković, I., Čolić, R., Atanasijević, J.V., Drvenica, S., Pavlović, I., Kostić, M., & Bugarski, J.
(2021). Participatory Urban Design for Touristic Presentation of Cultural Heritage Sites: The Case of Negotinske Pivnice (Wine Cellars) in Serbia. Sustainability 2021, 13, 10039. Authors: Đukanović, Z., Živković, J., Radosavljević, U., Lalović, K., & Jovanović, P.

Research Unit Head |
Uroš Radosavljević, PhD, Associate Professor
Research Unit Contact | yros@arh.bg.ac.rs
Research Unit Members |
Marina Miheljević, PhD, Assistant Professor
Aleksandra Đorđević, PhD, Teaching Assistant
Marko Milosavljević, PhD student
Sandra Čekić, PhD student
Melisa Alcan, PhD student
Place branding and urban regeneration are explored through dichotomies of economic commodification and neoliberal transformation of place values, by recognizing cultural identity, people needs and lifestyles, and discovering place values which can be incorporated into place branding strategies, thus enabling economic, social and cultural benefits. The research stance on the assumption that city governments and architects can contribute to the creation and strengthening of unique identity and values of particular places and social processes by using local resources to promote quality of life and achieve competitive advantage. The research reveals how specific identities, narratives, traditions, place and heritage can be capitalized into successful place branding strategy using various urban design and planning instruments for sustainable development and governance in the process of creating additional value in the place. The aforementioned relations explore the possibilities of transposing values and identities into contemporary mainstream urban and architectural design and regeneration of cities.
Scientific/Artistic Fields of Research Unit
Architectural Design
Urbanism Architectural Constructions
Architectural Engineering and Structural Systems Contemporary Architecture Visual Communications and Architectural Graphics Descriptive Geometry and Geometry of Architectural Form History, Theory and Aesthetics of Architecture and Visual Arts and restoration of Architectural Heritage
Construction Technology, Installations and Management Fine Arts
The research stance on the assumption that city governments and architects can contribute to the creation and strengthening of unique identity and values of particular places and social processes by using local resources to promote quality of life.

Prominent Activities and Results since 2020 |
(2022). Increasing student mobility between Serbia and the United State, Workshop and round table of the TESLAS two-way master student exchange program at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade on June 14, 2022. Organisator: Radosavljević, U (2021). Participatory Urban Design for Touristic Presentation of Cultural Heritage Sites: The Case of Negotinske Pivnice (Wine Cellars) in Serbia. Sustainability, 13(18), 10039. Authors: Đukanović, Z., Živković, J., Radosavljević, U., Lalović, K., & Jovanović, P. (2021). Educational projects linking place branding and creative use of cultural heritage: Case study of Novi Pazar, Serbia. Architectural heritage and urbanism. XI International Scientific and professional Conference Architectural heritage and Urban planning, pp. 240-249. Belgrade: Belgrade City Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments. Authors: Radosavljević, U., Đorđević, A., Đukić, A., & Petković, Đ.
(2020). Educational Projects for Linking Place Branding and Urban Planning in Serbia. European Planning Studies, Vol. 28 (7) pp. 1431-1451.Authors: Radosavljević, U., Đorđević, A., Živković, J., Lalović, K., & Đukanović, Z.
(2020). Strategic Planning and Management Model for the Regeneration of Historic Urban Landscapes: The Case of Historic Center of Novi Pazar in Serbia. Sustainability, 12, 1323. Authors: Muminović E., Radosavljević U., & Beganović D.
Prominent Activities and Results in Academic 2021/2022 |
(2022). Increasing student mobility between Serbia and the United State, Workshop and round table of the TESLAS two-way master student exchange program at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade on June 14, 2022. Organisator: Radosavljević, U
(2022). Urban project between public and private interest. In: Proceedings of the ninth scientific-expert meeting with international participation “Local self-government in planning and arrangement of space and settlements”. Serbia, June 16-18, 2022. Authors: Radosavljević, U., & Đorđević, A (2022). Implementation of legal regulations in the special purpose area of Tara National Park and Šargan-Mokra Gora Nature Park. In: Proceedings of the ninth scientific-expert meeting with international participation “Local self-government in planning and arrangement of space and settlements”. Serbia, June 16-18, 2022. Authors: Uroš Radosavljević, U., & Milosavljević, M
(2021). Participatory Urban Design for Touristic Presentation of Cultural Heritage Sites: The Case of Negotinske Pivnice (Wine Cellars) in Serbia. Sustainability, 13(18), 10039. Authors: Đukanović, Z., Živković, J., Radosavljević, U., Lalović, K., & Jovanović, P.
(2021). The role of education in the process of place branding and creative use of cultural heritage: Insights from small and medium-sized cities in Serbia. Architectural heritage and urbanism. XI International Scientific and professional Conference Architectural heritage and Urban planning, pp. 32-43. Belgrade: Belgrade City Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments. Authors: Radosavljević, U., & Đorđević, A

Research Unit Head |
Jelena Živković, PhD, Associate professor
Ana Nikezić, PhD, Associate professor
Research Unit Contact | jelena.zivkovic@arh.bg.ac.rs ana.nikezic@arh.bg.ac.rs
Research Unit Members |
Zoran Đukanović, PhD, Full Professor
Ksenija Lalović, PhD, Associate Professor
Ivana Rakonjac, PhD, Assistant Professor
Marija Cvetković, PhD, Teaching Assistant
Ana Zorić, PhD, Teaching Assistant
Anđela Karabašević, PhD. Cand., Research Assistant
Vanja Spasenović, Teaching Assistant
Mirjana Barać, Junior Researcher
Milja Mladenović, PhD student
Ana Petrović, Junior Researcher
Iva Lokas, PhD student
The Vital Places Lab investigates the relationships between the quality of life in cities and the design of the built environment. Our research is based on an ecological and pluralistic perspective of urban life and on understanding urban space as relational and socially produced. We adopt a multiscalar and interdisciplinary approach to investigate the relationships between man, nature, society, and space in order to identify and examine factors, structures, and processes that contribute to urban vitality, ecosystem health, and human well-being. Special attention is paid to: a) the relationship between urban form and nature, b) the pluralism of the use and meaning of urban space, c) the perception and experience of the built environment, and d) urban revitalization and place-making. The acquired knowledge serves as a basis for improving the educational process and practice in the fields of architecture and urban design in order to create responsible environments that will be better for people, nature, and society.
Scientific/Artistic Fields of Research Unit
Architectural Design
Urbanism Architectural Constructions
Architectural Engineering and Structural Systems Contemporary Architecture Visual Communications and Architectural Graphics Descriptive Geometry and Geometry of Architectural Form History, Theory and Aesthetics of Architecture and Visual Arts and restoration of Architectural Heritage Construction Technology, Installations and Management Fine Arts
VITA adopts a multiscalar and interdisciplinary approach to investigate the relationships between man, nature, society, and space.

Prominent Activities and Results since 2020 |
(2020). Model for assessing the impact of shopping centres on urban environment. Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture. Author: Cvetković, M. Member of the commission: Živković, J. (2020). The atmospheric whole of Skadarska street in Belgrade. In: Mandić B., & Atanasijević, J. (Eds.). Such small things: Intimate in art and culture, pp. 219-229. Kragujevac: University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Philology and Arts. Authors: Spasenović, V., & Rakonjac, I (2021). First Prize at the International competition. Architectural and urban planning competition for the conceptual solution Creative-Innovative multifunctional center “Ložionica”, Mostarska petlja, Belgrade. Authors: Karabašević Sudžum, A., Sudžum, V., Petrović, A., Matijević M., & Milić Z. (2021). Future Housing Identities: Designing in Line with the Contemporary Sustainable Urban Lifestyle. Buildings 2021, 11 (1), 18. Authors: Nikezić, A., Ristić Trajković, J., & Milovanović, A. (2021). Design models for increasing the recreational quality of abandoned open public spaces. Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture. + COMMENDATION in the Research and Experiment category of the 44th International Salon of Architecture in Belgrade for part of the research in the doctoral dissertation; 30.03 - 30.04.2022. Author: Zorić, A. Mentor: Nikezić, A. Member of the commission: Živković, J
Prominent Activities and Results in Academic 2021/2022 |
(2022). Increasing the Livability of Open Public Spaces during Nighttime: The Importance of Lighting in Waterfront Areas. Sustainability 2022, 14 (10), 6058. Authors: Rakonjac, I., Zorić, A., Rakonjac, I., Miošević, J., Marić, J., & Furundžić, D. (2021). Participatory Urban Design for Touristic Presentation of Cultural Heritage Sites: The Case of Negotinske Pivnice (Wine Cellars) in Serbia. Sustainability 2021, 13(18), 10039. Authors: Ðukanović, Z., Živković, J., Radosavljević, U., Lalović, K., & Jovanović, P. (2021). Urban-architectural and symbolic review of the memorial heritage of Kosovo and Metohija in the works of Svetomir Arsić Basara. Baština, 55, pp. 511-526. Author: Barać, M (2021). Cultural Heritage in (Virtual) Public Space: Urban Design and Mixed Reality. In: Proceedings of the XI scientific conference: Architectural heritage and urbanism, pp. 420-428. Belgrade: Belgrade City Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments. Author: Mladenović, M
(2021). First Prize at the International competition. Urban planning and architectural competition for part of the block between the streets: Kralja Milan, Svetozar Marković, Nemanjina and Kralja Milutin in Belgrade. Authors: Karabašević Sudžum, A., Sudžum, V., Petrović, A., Matijević M., Bekić A., & Milić Z.

Research Unit Head |
Zoran Đukanović, PhD, Full Professor
Research Unit Contact | duke@arh.bg.ac.rs
Research Unit Members |
Mariela Cvetić, PhD, Full Professor
Jelena Živković, PhD, Associate Professor
Nađa Beretić, PhD, Researcher Assistant
Predrag Jovanović, Teaching Assistant
Boško Drobnjak, Teaching Assistant
Stefan Slavić, PhD student
Tamara Vuković, PhD student
Katarina Taranović, PhD student
Miloš Gvozdić, PhD student
Tatjana Gavrilović, PhD student
The laboratory deals with the research of complex relations that are traditionally established in cities between two important social practices: art and urbanism, with special reference to contemporary interdisciplinary artistic, planning and design practices that are realized in contemporary cities and urban life. More precisely, the results of the laboratory are oriented towards researching the relationships that are established and realized between art, public art, city life and the urban environment through defining critical issues of art, i.e. public art, as one of the important components of the urban life and meaning of the city, in order to promote a new model of urban development, capable of integrating all aspects of sustainable development in the promotion of equality, wellbeing and shared prosperity. Accordingly, a special focus is oriented on researching the purpose, possibilities, scope and procedures of using participatory public art in the urban design of open public spaces.
Architectural Design

Urbanism Architectural Constructions
Architectural Engineering and Structural Systems Contemporary Architecture Visual Communications and Architectural Graphics Descriptive Geometry and Geometry of Architectural Form History, Theory and Aesthetics of Architecture and Visual Arts and restoration of Architectural Heritage Construction Technology, Installations and Management Fine Arts
The results of the laboratory are oriented towards researching the relationships that are established and realized between art, public art, city life and the urban environment.
Prominent Activities and Results since 2020 |
(2021). Public Art and Public City. In: Beretić, N. (Ed.). The environment of human species: Conversations, reflections and lessons on the city and the territory. Realised in collaboration: Università degli Studi di Sassari, Italy; Dipartimento di Architettura, Design e Urbanistica; Dottorato in Architettura e Ambiente; Public Art & Public Space, Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, Serbia; Azione collettiva diritto alla città; Tamalacà Srl, L’impresa spin-off sostenuta dell’Università di Sassari. Authors: Beretić, N., & Đukanović, Z. (2021). Webinar: Space and Society - Challenges and Opportunities for Cities in Pandemic. International Burch University, Faculty Of Engineering and Natural Sciences Sarajevo, Department Of Architecture; Srajevo, BiH. Lecture. PandemiCity: Dream, Hope And Fear. Author: Đukanović, Z. (2021). The event celebrates the fifth edition of the Italian Design Day. Italian Design Day is a global project launched by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in collaboration with the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities (MiBACT), Association of Industrial Design (ADI), Compasso d’Oro Foundation, ICE Agency, Confindustria, Milan Triennale, Salone del Mobile in Milan, Federlegno Arredo, and Altagamma Foundation. Đukanović, Z (2021). PaPsLab is partner in the two-year international project „CliCCHE - Climate Change, Cities, Communities and Equity in Health“ (n. 2021-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000032223). Partner institutions: Universita Degli Studi Di Camerino, Camerino, Marche, Italy; Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche, Roma, Italy; The Cyprus Institute, Lefkosia, Cyprus; Instituto Universitario De Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal and University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia. Đukanović, Z., Živković, J., & Jovanović, P.
(2022). Italian Design Day (IDD) is an initiative promoted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture; the Association for Industrial Design (ADI); the Compasso d’Oro Foundation; ICE Agency; Confindustria; the Milan Triennale; Salone del Mobile Milan; Federlegno Arredo and the Altagamma Foundation. The initiative serves to celebrate the excellence of Italian design in the world. This year’s theme is “Regeneration. Design and new technologies for a sustainable future”. Đukanović, Z
Prominent Activities and Results in Academic 2021/2022 |
(2022). Visiting professor at Università degli Studi di Sassari, Dipartimento di Architettura, Design e Urbanistica (DADU), Italy, from March 21 2022 to May 20 2022. Đukanović, Z. (2022). Influence of Modern Blocks’ Spatial Characteristics on Local Community Gathering Places Formation: Third Region of New Belgrade. PhD Thesis. Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture. Author: Jovanović, P. (2022). Participatory workshop for the implementation of the initiative of the Council of Parents of the Kindergarten “Lastavica” from Block 37 in Belgrade to improve the yard of the kindergarten based on the wishes of their children. Jovanović, P., Đukanović, Z., & Živković, J (2022). XI Pordenone Design Week. Convegno: Sostenibilità e Complessità: Aspetti Intrecciati del Mondo. Lecture. Città Socialmente Sostenibili. Author: Đukanović, Z. (2022). PaPsLab organized international „Teachers Training Workshop“, held at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture from June 15 to 18, 2022. The workshop was a training activity within ERASMUS + program (KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education - Call 2021), the two-year international project „CliCCHE - Climate Change, Cities, Communities and Equity in Health“ (n. 2021-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000032223). Đukanović, Z., Živković, J., & Jovanović, P.

Research Unit Head |
Dušan Ignjatović, PhD, Full Professor
Research Unit Contact | ignjatovic.dusan@arh.bg.ac.rs
Research Unit Members |
Nataša Ćuković Ignjatović, PhD, Associate Professor
Bojana Zeković, PhD, Assistant Professor
Nevena Lukić, Teaching Assistant
Nikola Miletić, Teaching Assistant
Bojana Lević, Teaching Assistant
The BUILDING FUND research LABORATORY is designed around a series of topics related to performance analysis, structuring and improving of the existing building fund. Through a wide range of research topics the primary focus is set on:
• The establishing and development of methodological approaches necessary for the formulation of building fund typologies, as well as the modalities of their application in the processes of valorization and management of the building fund having in mind different groups of users from individual to institutional, that is, various spatial levels from local to national.
• Examining the performance of buildings with the application of non-contact (thermal imaging) contact (measurement of heat flow) diagnostic methods, as well as determining the degree of air-tightness of buildings as a starting point for the development of a methodological approach to improving performance in the field of energy efficiency.
• Development of modalities of whole building improvement having in mind various design and technological challenges that are representing the basis for the formulation of a comprehensive strategy of sustainable and resilient development in the field of construction.
Architectural Design
Urbanism Architectural Constructions

Architectural Engineering and Structural Systems Contemporary Architecture Visual Communications and Architectural Graphics Descriptive Geometry and Geometry of Architectural Form History, Theory and Aesthetics of Architecture and Visual Arts and restoration of Architectural Heritage Construction Technology, Installations and Management Fine Arts
Researchers have at their disposal suitable technological equipment, various software packages as well as literature in the field, i.e. the possibility of direct participation in current and planned research projects.
Prominent Activities and Results since 2020 |
(2020). Imroving energy efficiency of kindergartens in Serbia: Challenges and potentials. Thermal science vol 24. No.6a, pp. 3521-3532. Authors: Ćuković Ignjatović, N., Ignjatović, D., & Zeković, B (2020). Energy rehabilitation of existing buildings: Design studio. Serbian Architectural Journal, Volume 12(3). Authors: Ignjatović, D., Zeković, B., & Miletić, N.
(2021). Methodology for Residential Building Stock Refurbishment Planning-Development of Local Building Typologies. Sustainability 2021, 13, 4262. Authors: Ignjatović, D., Zeković, B., Ćuković Ignjatović, N., Đukanović, Lj., Radivojević, A. & Rajčić, A. (2021). Energy typology of buildings in the territory of the city of Belgrade. Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture. Authors: Ignjatović, D., Ćuković Ignjatović, N., Rajčić, A., & Zeković, B (2022). Energy Refurbishment of Serbian School Building Stock—A Typology Tool Methodology Development. Sustainability 14 (7), 4074. Authors: Đukanović, Lj., Ignjatović, D., Ćuković Ignjatović, N., Rajčić, A., Lukić, N., & Zeković, B
Prominent Activities and Results in Academic 2021/2022 |
(2021). Ignjatović, D., & Ćuković Ignjatović, N. Energy typology of buildings with specificities by municipality in the territory of the city of Belgrade. Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture. Authors: Ignjatović, D., Ćuković Ignjatović, N.
(2022). Energy Refurbishment of Serbian School Building Stock—A Typology Tool Methodology Development. Sustainability 14 (7), 4074. Authors: Đukanović, Lj., Ignjatović, D., Ćuković Ignjatović, N., Rajčić, A., Lukić, N., & Zeković, B
(2022). Energy efficient refurbishment of municipal public buildings in Belgrade, Serbia. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XV – STEPGRAD 2022, pp. 160-169. Banja Luka: University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy. Authors: Miletić, N., Ignjatović, D., Ćuković Ignjatović, N., & Zeković, B
(2022). Challenges and potentials of green roof retrofit: a case study. International Conference Technological Imagination in the Green and Digital Transition. Authors: Miletić, N., Zeković, B., Ćuković Ignjatović, N., & Ignjatović, D.

Research Unit Head |
Aleksandar Videnović, PhD, Associate Professor
Research Unit Contact | viden@arh.bg.ac.rs
Research Unit Members |
Ivan Rašković, Arch, Full Professor
Milan Vujović, M.Sc, Full Professor
Danijela Milovanović Rodić, PhD, Assisatnt Professor
Miloš Aranđelović, PhD, Research Associate
The research laboratory is directed in the sense of responding to the real problematic general condition of rural areas. It aims to direct the reaction of science and profession to concrete artefacts in rural areas by synthesizing the areas that make up architectural-urban activity: intellectual design and methodological realization. These contents of the settlement are in a functional and existential problem, and represent paradigms of unfavorable conditions and tendencies that should be stopped and reversed. The laboratory would investigate the creation of a matrix of action on concrete models in rural settlements, on built-up contents of a predominantly public character. It is about devising an approach to the revitalization of abandoned, unused, and environmentally and structurally valuable closed and open contents, their repurposing, adaptation, rehabilitation and redesign is being considered, with the premeditation of realizing such interventions as a demonstrative example in the spirit of good practice and reputation, for further action in the reconstruction of rural settlements.
Architectural Design
Fields of Research UnitUrbanism Architectural Constructions
Architectural Engineering and Structural Systems Contemporary Architecture Visual Communications and Architectural Graphics Descriptive Geometry and Geometry of Architectural Form History, Theory and Aesthetics of Architecture and Visual Arts and restoration of Architectural Heritage
Construction Technology, Installations and Management Fine Arts
It aims to direct the reaction of science and profession to concrete artefacts in rural areas by synthesizing the areas that make up architectural-urban activity: intellectual design and methodological realization.

Prominent Activities and Results since 2020 |
(2020). Visitor Centres as a Contribution to Improving Urban-Rural Relations: From Primary Needs to Landmarks. In: Krstic-Furundzic,A., & Đukic, A. (Eds.)(2020). Handbook of Research on Urban-Rural Synergy Development Through Housing, Landscape, and Tourism, pp.193-214. IGI Global. Authors: Videnović A., & Aranđelović M
(2020). Rehabilitation and Repurposing of the Cooperative Homes in the Context of Socialist Built Heritage. In: Nepravishta, F., & Maliqari, A. (Eds.)(2020). Modernisation and Globalisation, Challenges and Opportunities in Architecture, Urbanism, Cultural Heritage, pp. 270-277. 3rd International forum on architecture and urbanism, (Albania). Tirana: Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Polytechnic University of Tirana. Authors: Videnović A., & Aranđelović M
(2020). Collective Housing as New Identity in Rural Areas. In: Đukić, A., Krstić Furundžić, A., Vaništa Lazarević, E., & Vukmirović, M. (Eds.)(2020). Keeping Up With Technologies To Act Responsively In Urban Environment, pp. 444-449. 7th International Academic Conference on Places and Technologies (Serbia). Belgrade: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture. Authors: Videnović A., & Aranđelović M
(2020). Multifamily Housing in the Villages of Serbia: From Inappropriate Spatial Appearances to Possible Elements of Urbanity. In: Borković, A., & Malinović, M. (Eds.)(2020). Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction, pp. 196-206. XIV International Conference STEPGRAD (Bosnia & Herzegovina). Banja Luka: University of Banja Luka Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy. Authors: Videnović A., & Aranđelović M (2020). Scientific monograph. Discontinuity of the City. Belgrade: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture. Authors: Videnović A., & Aranđelović M
Prominent Activities and Results in Academic 2021/2022 |
(2021). Through Logic to New Rurality: From Revitalization of the Existing Content to New Landmarks. In: Nikezić, A., Bnin-Bninski, A., & Versteegh, P. (Eds.). METROMILIEU: Rural economy as a relational gap between inhabiting scales, pp. 54-71. Belgrade: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture and ARENA architectural research network. Authors: Videnović A., & Aranđelović M
(2021). Contribution to the revitalization of villages: Affirmation of the importance of artistic artifacts in the rural environments of Serbia. Zbornik (Journal), Vol. 17, pp. 76-86. Belgrade: The Museum of Applied Art. Authors: Videnović A., & Aranđelović M
(2022). Repurposing and the Impact of New Facilities on the Potential Presentation of Industrial Heritage. Sustainability, 14, 5915. Authors: Aranđelović, M., Videnović, A., Gadžić, N., & Tomanović, D. (2022). Exhibition of student projects with a catalog monograph PUBLIC IN RURAL: REAFFIRMATION- Reconstruction of the cooperative home in Dejan, Vlasotince. Vlasotince: Cultural Center Gallery, 14-20. June. Organisers: Videnović, A., & Aranđelović, M.
(2022). Aesthetic contrasts of contemporary urban architecture: rare high achievements and prevailing wandering. In: Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction, pp. 653-658. XV International Conference STEPGRAD (Bosnia & Herzegovina). Banja Luka: University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy. Authors: Videnović A., & Aranđelović M

Research Unit Head |
Budimir Sudimac, PhD, Associate Professor
Research Unit Contact | sudimac@arh.bg.ac.rs
Research Unit Members |
Branko Pavić, M.Sc, Full Professor
Radojko Obradović, PhD, Associate Professor
Vladimir Mihajlov, PhD, Associate Professor
Ivan Simić, PhD, Assistant Professor
Ivana Rakonjac, PhD, Assistant Professor
Aleksandra Đorđević, PhD, Teaching Assistant
Ana Zorić, PhD, Teaching Assistant
Aleksandra Ugrinović, Teaching Assistant
Jana Petrović, PhD student
Bojana Mijatov, PhD student
Ana Nikolić, PhD student
Miljana Vasić, PhD student
Urban oasis presents an attempt to apply scientific methods and new approaches in the realization of architectural projects with elements of energy efficiency, sustainability and contemporary urban design. Through research, the relationship between architecture and greenery in architecture is spatially and programmatically redefined through the implementation of new technological solutions, aesthetics and spatial organization, along with the study of flexibility and adaptability. Elements of vertical greening are part of integrative architectural presentation and are the basis for identifying and solving aesthetic architectural dilemmas and energy potentials of architectural objects. The thematic framework refers to the research of vegetative potential as an element of urban design, treating it as part of the whole process of energy optimization of architectural elements, within which technological development and the development of awareness about the necessity of creating and reducing the use of traditional forms of energy enable the use of the potential of certain urban points.
Architectural Design Urbanism Architectural Constructions Architectural Engineering and Structural Systems Contemporary Architecture Visual Communications and Architectural Graphics Descriptive Geometry and Geometry of Architectural Form History, Theory and Aesthetics of Architecture and Visual Arts and restoration of Architectural Heritage Construction Technology, Installations and Management Fine Arts
Spatially and programmatically redefining relationship between architecture and greenery in architecture is

Research Unit Head |
Nataša Ćuković Ignjatović, PhD, Associate Professor
Research Unit Contact |
SaRA@arh.bg.ac.rs natasa@arh.bg.ac.rs
Research Unit Members |
Ana Radivojević, PhD, Full Professor
Budimir Sudimac, PhD, Associate Professor
Dušan Ignjatović, PhD, Full Professor
Danilo Furundžić, PhD, Assistant Professor
Slađana Marković, PhD, Research Associate
Nevena Lukić, Teaching Assistant
Nikola Miletić, Teaching Assistant
Ana Šabanović, Junior Researcher
Jelena Pavlović, PhD student
Tijana Žišić, Teaching Assistant
Marija Milenković, PhD student
SaRA was formed in 2017 as part of the Erasmus+ project KLABS (Creating the Network of Knowledge Labs for Sustainable and Resilient Environments) with the aim of enabling doctoral, specialist and master students to work on research in the field of sustainable and resilient architecture, as well as a direct exchange of experiences with colleagues involved in compatible research in the country and abroad. The activities of the SaRA laboratory are primarily related to projects that try to provide a high quality of life in the built environment, accessible to the widest population. Holistic approach to the problem of sustainable construction strives for long-term ecological, economic, cultural and social sustainability. In addition to standard IT devices, researchers also have at their disposal equipment for non-contact measurement (thermographic camera), software for testing building performance (Design Builder), equipment for remote conference work, and a handy library.
Architectural Design
Urbanism Architectural Constructions
Architectural Engineering and Structural Systems Contemporary Architecture Visual Communications and Architectural Graphics Descriptive Geometry and Geometry of Architectural Form History, Theory and Aesthetics of Architecture and Visual Arts and restoration of Architectural Heritage Construction Technology, Installations and Management Fine Arts
The activities of the SaRA laboratory are primarily related to projects that try to provide a high quality of life in the built environment, accessible to the widest population.

Prominent Activities and Results since 2020 |
(2020). Imroving energy efficiency of kindergartens in Serbia: Challenges and potentials. Thermal science, Vol 24 (6a), pp. 3521-3532. Authors: Ćuković Ignjatović, N., Ignjatović, D., & Zeković, B. (2020). Energy rehabilitation of existing buildings: Design studio. Serbian Architectural Journal, Volume 12(3). Authors: Ignjatović, D., Zeković, B., & Miletić, N. (2020). MASA 12050-04/Green Construction – Lessons of the Past. In: Đokić, V., Philokyprou, M., Nikezić, A., Sorbo, E., Sakantamis, K., Loren-Méndez, M. (Eds.)(2021). Review: Best Practices in Educating Sustainability and Heritage, pp. 180-185. Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture. Author: Radivojević, A. (2021). Methodology for Residential Building Stock Refurbishment Planning-Development of Local Building Typologies. Sustainability 2021, 13, 4262. Authors: Ignjatović, D., Zeković, B., Ćuković Ignjatović, N., Đukanović, Lj., Radivojević, A., & Rajčić, A.
(2022). Energy Refurbishment of Serbian School Building Stock—A Typology Tool Methodology Development. Sustainability 14 (7), 4074. Authors: Đukanović, Lj., Ignjatović, D., Ćuković Ignjatović, N., Rajčić, A., Lukić, N., & Zeković, B.
Prominent Activities and Results in Academic 2021/2022 |
(2022). Energy Refurbishment of Serbian School Building Stock—A Typology Tool Methodology Development. Sustainability 14 (7), 4074. Authors: Đukanović, Lj., Ignjatović, D., Ćuković Ignjatović, N., Rajčić, A., Lukić, N., & Zeković, B.
(2022). The Role of Brick in the Late Antique Architecture of the Central Balkan Roman Provinces. In: Book of Abstracts of The 1st International Conference With Workshop Science for Conservation of the Danube Limes, pp. 121-123. Belgrade: Institute of Archaeology. Viminacium, Serbia from June 27th to July 1st, 2022. Author: Radivojević, A
(2022). Energy efficient refurbishment of municipal public buildings in Belgrade, Serbia. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XV – STEPGRAD 2022, pp. 160-169. Banja Luka: University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy. Authors: Miletić, N., Ignjatović, D., Ćuković Ignjatović, N., & Zeković, B. (2022). Energy Efficiency Improvements of the Building Stock: Republic of Serbia Legislation Compliance to the European Union. In: Maksimović, S., Kosić-Jeremić, S. (Eds.). Proceedings of International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XV – STEPGRAD 2022, pp. 361-370. Banja Luka: University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy. Authors: Pavlović, J., Šabanović, A., & Ćuković Ignjatović, N.
(2022). Challenges and potentials of green roof retrofit: a case study. International Conference Technological Imagination in the Green and Digital Transition. Authors: Miletić, N., Zeković, B., Ćuković Ignjatović, N., & Ignjatović, D.

Research Unit Head |
Danijela Milovanović Rodić, PhD, Assistant Professor
Research Unit Contact | danijela@arh.bg.ac.rs
Research Unit Members |
Danijela Savkić, PhD
Ljubica Slavković, PhD student
Ksenija Radovanović, PhD student
Božena Stojić, PhD student
The Laboratory for Collaborative Urban Practices (LCUP) is a platform that supports different types of collaborative processes that result in sustainable solutions FOR and WITH communities. Within the laboratory: (a) research and teaching activities and the real development context are connected; (b) existing professional practices are critically reviewed; (c) different scientific disciplines’ values, knowledge and skills are integrated; (d) values, interests and needs of different stakeholders are communicated, in order to: (e) reach a minimum of common ground, that is a base for (f) articulation and implementation of socially and environmentally responsible and economically sound solutions . The Laboratory for Collaborative Urban Practices closely cooperates with the Laboratory for Planning Culture and Design of Spatial Policies (LPCDSP) in the domain of theory and practice of urban planning and governance.
Scientific/Artistic Fields of Research Unit
Architectural Design
Urbanism Architectural Constructions
Architectural Engineering and Structural Systems Contemporary Architecture Visual Communications and Architectural Graphics Descriptive Geometry and Geometry of Architectural Form History, Theory and Aesthetics of Architecture and Visual Arts and restoration of Architectural Heritage Construction Technology, Installations and Management Fine Arts
The Laboratory for Collaborative Urban Practices (LCUP) is a platform that supports different types of collaborative processes that result in sustainable solutions FOR and WITH communities.

Prominent Activities and Results since 2020 |
(2020). Establishment of the Community Center in the village of Paklestica on Stara planina, formulated and implemented through the collaborative practice of students and teachers of the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade, residents of the village of Paklestica, and civic initiatives Vladikine plocePaklestica and Odbranimo reke Stare planine, funded by private and civic organizations donation programs (2019-20). Project coordinator and co-author: Milovanović Rodić, D.
(2020). Toward collaborative governance: interactive urbanism). Belgrade: Center for cultural decontamination. Authors: Slavković, Lj., Maruna, M., Milovanović Rodić, D., & Radovanović, K
(2020). Integrating sustainability in higher planning education through international cooperation: Assessment of a pedagogical model and learning outcomes from the students’ perspective. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Vol. 21(1), pp. 1-17. Authors: Fokdal, J., Čolić, R. & Milovanović Rodić, D.
(2021). In a search of public interest: the scope of urbanism. Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture. Editors: Milovanović Rodić, D., Slavković, Lj., & Maruna, M. Chapter authors: Milovanović Rodić, D., Ljubica Slavković, Lj., & Radovanović, K.
(2022). 44th Salon of Architecture Grand Prix and Award in the category of Urbanism for the publication. Milovanović Rodić, D., Slavković, Lj., Maruna, M. (Eds.)(2021). In a search of public interest: the scope of urbanism. Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture. Chapter authors: Milovanović Rodić, D., Ljubica Slavković, Lj., & Radovanović, K.
Prominent Activities and Results in Academic 2021/2022 | (2021). A collaborative approach to identifying and defending the public interest in a neoliberal, politicized and polarized urban landscape. In: Milovanović Rodić, D., Slavković, Lj., & Maruna, M.(Eds.) (2021). In a search of public interest: the scope of urbanism. Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture. Authors: Milovanović Rodić, D., & Maruna, M. (2022). The Association of Urban Planners of Serbia’s Annual Award “NIKOLA DOBROVIĆ” for achieving professional results in the field of urban planning. Awarded: Milovanović Rodić, D. (2022). Study of the natural and cultural heritage of the villages of Boljev Dol, Braćevci, Vlkovija, Gornji Krivodol, Donji Krivodol, Izatovci, Kamenica, and Senokos on Stara planina, Dimitrovgrad municipality and revitalization projects of seven publicly owned buildings WITH and FOR the local community. Project coordinator and co-author: Milovanović Rodić, D. (2022-2024). Project “Empowering Participation in Culture and Architecture: Activating Public Resources for and with Community” (EPICA) funded by Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia. Coordinator of the Faculty of Architecture University of Belgrade team and researcher: Milovanović Rodić, D. (2022). DIMENSIONS OF E-SPACE: IS THERE PLACE FOR THE PUBLIC? Critical analysis of the proposal for a policy concept on the reform of e-Space and the reform of spatial and urban planning in the RS. In: Jevtić, A., & Drašković, B.(Eds). International conference, The 18th summer school of urban planning and sustainable development, pp. 229-238. Vrnjačka Banja, 19-21. May. Belgrade: Association of Urban Planners of Serbia. Authors: Radovanović, K., Milovanović Rodić, D., Graovac, A., Slavković, Lj., Jerinić, J., Maruna, M., & Đokić, J.

Research Unit Head |
Vladimir Mihajlov, PhD, Associate Professor
Research Unit Contact | vladimir.mihajlov@arh.bg.ac.rs
Research Unit Members |
Aleksandra Stupar, PhD, Full Professor
Ivan Simić, PhD, Assistant Professor
Aleksandar Grujičić, Teaching Assistant
Milja Mladenović, PhD student
The Laboratory for Urban Studies is a broader platform that considers the city as an experiment in vivo. Variables and interdependencies that influence the city structure are investigated: a) connections between physical and socio-economic phenomena in the city; b) interdependencies related to planning, designing and regulation in space, with an emphasis on understanding stakeholder`s interests, the logic of actions of participants in the production of space; c) interpretation and application of theories developed within various sciences: philosophy, anthropology, sociology, psychology, geography, economics, ecology; g) complexity, adaptability and resilience of socioecological systems; d) visionary ideas within which numerous interesting ideas were developed and transformed the scientific and political view of cities. The laboratory is intended as a platform for the development of scientific and fundraising projects. Also represents the basis for the PhD research projects in which students define their topics and test their theses.
Scientific/Artistic Fields of Research Unit
Architectural Design
Urbanism Architectural Constructions
Architectural Engineering and Structural Systems Contemporary Architecture Visual Communications and Architectural Graphics Descriptive Geometry and Geometry of Architectural Form History, Theory and Aesthetics of Architecture and Visual Arts and restoration of Architectural Heritage
Construction Technology, Installations and Management Fine Arts
The Laboratory for Urban Studies is a broader platform which considers the city as an experiment in vivo.

Prominent Activities and Results since 2020 |
(2020). (R)urban Synergy vs. Climate Change: The Impact of ICT Networks on the Process of Adaptation and Mitigation. In: Krstić-Furundžić, A., & Đukić, A. (Eds.). Handbook of Research on UrbanRural Synergy Development Through Housing, Landscape, and Tourism, pp. 261-279. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. Authors: Stupar, A., Mihajlov, V., & Simić, I
(2022) Transformation of Dorcol Power Plant: Triggering Sustainable Urban Regeneration, or Selling the Heritage? Sustainability, 14(523). Authors: Simić, I., Stupar, A., Grujičić, A., Mihajlov, V., & Cvetković, M.
(2021). Rising the significance of green infrastructure in Belgrade, Serbia: Pedestrian and bicycle mobility changes during the Covid-19. In: Proceedings, Making Healthy Cities for People, HURBE 2021, pp 155-167. Sarajevo: University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Architecture. Authors: Stupar, A., Mihajlov, V., & Simić, I.
(2022). Introducing the students’ participation, upgrading the curriculum: The case of the course Sustainable City, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture. VII International Online Conference on City Planning and Urban Design 2022 (CPUD22). Istanbul, April 2022. Authors: Mihajlov, V., Stupar, A., & Simić, I.
(2022). The Transformative infrastructure of Victorian London: Towards healthy and green cities. Second scientific conference on urban security and urban development. In: Faculty of Security Studies Annual, pp. 74-76. Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Security Studies. Authors: Simić, I., Stupar A., Mihajlov V., & Barać M.
Prominent Activities and Results in Academic 2021/2022 |
(2022) Transformation of Dorcol Power Plant: Triggering Sustainable Urban Regeneration, or Selling the Heritage? Sustainability, 14(523). Authors: Simić, I., Stupar, A., Grujičić, A., Mihajlov, V., & Cvetković, M.
(2021). Rising the significance of green infrastructure in Belgrade, Serbia: Pedestrian and bicycle mobility changes during the Covid-19. In: Proceedings, Making Healthy Cities for People, HURBE 2021, pp 155-167. Sarajevo: University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Architecture. Authors: Stupar, A., Mihajlov, V., & Simić, I.
(2022). Introducing the students’ participation, upgrading the curriculum: The case of the course Sustainable City, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture. VII International Online Conference on City Planning and Urban Design 2022 (CPUD22). Istanbul, April 2022. Authors: Mihajlov, V., Stupar, A., & Simić, I.
(2022). The Transformative infrastructure of Victorian London: Towards healthy and green cities. Second scientific conference on urban security and urban development. In: Faculty of Security Studies Annual, pp. 74-76. Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Security Studies. Authors: Simić, I., Stupar A., Mihajlov V., & Barać M.
(2021). Cultural Heritage in (Virtual) Public Space: Urban Design and Mixed Reality. In: Proceedings of the XI scientific conference: Architectural heritage and urbanism, pp. 420-428. Belgrade: Belgrade City Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments. Author: Mladenović, M

Research Unit Head |
Radojko Obradović, PhD, Associate Professor
Research Unit Contact | radojko.obradovic@arh.bg.ac.rs
Research Unit Members |
Jelena Milošević, PhD, Assistant Professor
Aleksandra Nenadović, PhD, Assistant Professor
Jelena Brajković, Research Associate
Jelena Ivanović, PhD, Assistant Professor
Andrej Josifovski, PhD, Assistant Professor
Milica Petrović, Teaching Assistant
Isidora Ilić, Teaching Assistant
Maša Žujović, PhD student
The laboratory is oriented toward innovations in designing and constructing structural systems in architecture. The laboratory realizes research on new digital production strategies, focusing on developing and implementing technologies that enable partially or fully automated design and construction of structural systems with improved performance that promote sustainability. The laboratory aims to provide researchers with a platform for collaboration, knowledge exchange, and technology transfer, as well as stimulate multidisciplinary work through the involvement of researchers from other fields and experts from the AEC industry who share similar interests. Such an integrative approach to researching structural systems in architecture encourages flexibility, collaboration, and networking. It should respond to the challenges of Industry 4.0 and environmental, social, and technological development. Researchers are encouraged to contribute to the lab through the realization of research, publications, participation in various activities, consideration of potential new research niches, and other knowledge-dissemination-focused activities.
Architectural Design
Urbanism Architectural Constructions
Architectural Engineering and Structural Systems Contemporary Architecture Visual Communications and Architectural Graphics Descriptive Geometry and Geometry of Architectural Form History, Theory and Aesthetics of Architecture and Visual Arts and restoration of Architectural Heritage
Construction Technology, Installations and Management Fine Arts
The laboratory realizes research on new digital production strategies, focusing on developing and implementing technologies that enable partially or fully automated design and construction of structural systems.

Prominent Activities and Results since 2020 |
(2020). A novel fuzzy hybrid neutrosophic decision-making approach for the resilient supplier selection problem. International Journal of Intelligent Systems 2020, 35(12), pp. 1934–1986. Authors: Pamucar, D., Yazdani, M., Obradović, R., Kumar, A., & Torres-Jiménez, M. (2020). Multi-criteria model for the selection of construction materials: An approach based on fuzzy logic. Tehnicki Vjesnik, 2020, 27(5), pp. 1531–1543. Authors: Obradović, R., & Pamučar, D. (2020). Geometrical realisations of the simple permutoassociahedron by Minkowski sums. Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics, 2020, 14(1), pp. 55-93. Author: Ivanović, J (2021). Implementing a Blended Design Studio Model in Architectural Engineering Education. International Journal of Engineering Education, 37(5): 1300-1312. Author: Milošević, J. (2021). Exploring Regenerative Co-benefits of Biophilic Design for People and the Environment. In: Catalano, C., Andreucci, M.B., Guarino, R., Bretzel, F., Leone, M., & Pasta, S. (Eds.)(2021). Urban Services to Ecosystems. Future City, Vol 17. Cham: Springer. Authors: Andreucci, M.B., Loder, A., McGee, B., Brajković, J., & Brown, M.
Prominent Activities and Results in Academic 2021/2022 |
(2021). Scale Jumping: Regenerative Systems Thinking within the Built Environment. A guidebook for regenerative implementation: Interactions, tools, platforms, metrics, practice. COST Action CA16114 RESTORE, Working Group Five: Scale Jumping, printed by Eurac Research (Bolzano, IT). Authors: Reith, A., & Brajković, J. (2022). Creating Sustainable Buildings: Structural Design Based on the Criterion of Social Benefits for Building Users. Sustainability. 2022, 14(4), 2133. Authors: Nenadović, A., & Milošević, J (2022). Eminent Structural Engineer: Academician George Zlokovic (1927-2017). Structural Engineering International, Vol. 32(3), pp. 427-429. Authors: Nestorović, M., & Milošević, J (2022). Good urban life. Belgrade International Week of Architecture (17; 2022; Belgrade). Exhibition catalogues, pp. 135-179. Association of Belgrade Architects, Cultural Center of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia. Authors: Brajkovic, J., & Calas, D. (2022). Reworking Studio Design Education Driven by 3D Printing Technologies. The International conference Technological Imagination in the Green and Digital Transitions, 30 June – 2 July 2022. University of Sapienza, Rome, Italy. Authors: Milošević, J., Nenadović, A., Žujović, M., Gavrilović, M., & Živković, M.

Research Unit Head |
Ivan Rašković, Arch, Full Professor
Research Unit Contact | ivan.raskovic@arh.bg.ac.rs
Research Unit Members |
Dejan Miletić, Arch, Full Professor
Miloš Kostić, PhD, Teaching Assistant
Tamara Popović, PhD Cand., Research Assistant
David Radović, PhD student
The work within the laboratory is directed towards different types of research (basic, applied and developmental), as well as work on projects to improve the spatial and programmatic qualities of protected spatial entities and objects, with a focus on architectural and urban planning. The goal of the research is the development of design methods and tools for action in a specific context, through research into the cultural, social and technical aspects of the organization of space, as well as the valorization and promotion of the found potential of the research subject. The basis of the development of research methodologies within the lab will be specifically defined in relation to the form of mutual scientific and technical cooperation with various institutions (Museums, local governments, faculties) in the Republic of Serbia with which the Faculty of Architecture has signed a cooperation agreement.
Architectural Design
Urbanism Architectural Constructions
Architectural Engineering and Structural Systems Contemporary Architecture Visual Communications and Architectural Graphics Descriptive Geometry and Geometry of Architectural Form History, Theory and Aesthetics of Architecture and Visual Arts and restoration of Architectural Heritage Construction Technology, Installations and Management Fine Arts
The goal of the research is the development of design methods and tools for action in a specific context, through research into the cultural, social and technical aspects of the space organization.

Prominent Activities and Results since 2020 |
(2020). Study of the materialization and design of objects in the surroundings of archaeological complexes - the archaeological complex of Medijana in Niš and the preparation of the Conceptual Design Project phase of the project of the archaeological center of Medijana in Niš. Authors: Rašković, I., Komlenić, M., & Đurić, M.
(2021). Study of the materialization and design of objects in the surroundings of archaeological complexes - the archaeological complex of Medijana in Niš and the preparation of the Construction Permit Project and Main Design Project phase of the project of the archaeological center of Medijana in Niš. Authors: Rašković, I., Komlenić, M., & Đurić, M.
Prominent Activities and Results in Academic 2021/2022 |
(2021). Student Workshop “ACCELERATOR – KRAGUJEVAC’’. Project Arsenal - Industrial heritage, Master’s thesis. May 19 2021, Rectorate building, Kragujevac. By the initiation of the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture and University of Kragujevac – Faculty of Philology and Arts. Coordinators: Rašković, I., Čolić, R ., & Atanasijević, J.
(2021). Pannel “ARSENAL – INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE”. Project Arsenal - Industrial heritage, Master’s thesis. May 20 2021, Rectorate building, Kragujevac. By the initiation of the University of Belgrade –– Faculty of Architecture and University of Kragujevac – Faculty of Philology and Arts. Coordinators: Rašković, I., Čolić, R ., & Atanasijević, J.

Research Unit Head |
Branko Pavić, M.Sc, Full Professor
Research Unit Contact | brankopavic@arh.bg.ac.rs
Research Unit Members |
Dejan Miljković, Arch, Full Professor
Ivan Šuletić, D.Arts, Assistant Professor
Sava Knežević, Teaching Assistant
The Laboratory for Architecture and Visual Language serves as a platform for conceptual elaboration and artistic research resulting from the synthesis of fine arts and architecture. It is problem-oriented on individual work, through analysis and understanding of different types of artistic practices and poetics. The Laboratory for Architecture and Visual Language provides resources for group work on artistic research and projects, and methodologically, it represents a space for experiments in different materials and theoretical research, through mentoring work.
Scientific/Artistic Fields of Research Unit
Architectural Design
Urbanism Architectural Constructions
Architectural Engineering and Structural Systems Contemporary Architecture Visual Communications and Architectural Graphics Descriptive Geometry and Geometry of Architectural Form History, Theory and Aesthetics of Architecture and Visual Arts and restoration of Architectural Heritage
Construction Technology, Installations and Management Fine Arts
The Laboratory for Architecture and Visual Language serves as a platform for conceptual elaboration and artistic research resulting from the synthesis of fine arts and architecture.

Prominent Activities and Results since 2020 |
(2021-2022). Workshop “Miracles everywhere”. November 2021- June 2022. Authors: Pavić, B., Šuletić, I., & Knežević, S.
Prominent Activities and Results in Academic 2021/2022 |
(2021-2022). Workshop “Miracles everywhere”. November 2021- June 2022. Authors: Pavić, B., Šuletić, I., & Knežević, S.

Research Unit Head |
Nevena Debljović Ristić, PhD, Assistant Professor
Research Unit Contact | nevenadristic@arh.bg.ac.rs
Research Unit Members |
Vladimir Mako, PhD, Full Professor
Jelena Ivanović Šekularac, PhD, Full Professor
Nenad Šekularac, PhD, Full Professor
Marko Nikolić, PhD, Assistant Professor
Irena Kuletin Ćulafić, PhD, Assistant Professor
Ena Takač, Teaching Assistant
Neda Sokolović, Teaching Assistant
Darko Pavićević, Teaching Assistant
Ana Kontić, Teaching Assistant
Research and development in the function of conservation of medieval heritage refers to the policies and strategies of preservation, protection and management of areas marked by rich cultural heritage in Serbia and the wider Region. The issues under consideration concern documenting the condition and registering the extent and limits of changes to the physical environment, the restoration of heritage building in relation to aspects of authenticity and integrity. Recognition and identification of sacred topography for the purpose of sustainable planning and conservation, in the environment of medieval cultural assets that are on the access list or are inscribed on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List, is carried out through reconnaissance of the area, applying a multidisciplinary approach to the matter (humanistic, scientific, technically). The improvement of conservation methodologies is implemented based on the Operational guidelines for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention. Research contributes to the formation of educational programs and the establishment of training and education systems through conferences, workshops, assistance and cooperation with other institutions, publication of results, communication and information.
Architectural Design
Urbanism Architectural Constructions
Architectural Engineering and Structural Systems Contemporary Architecture Visual Communications and Architectural Graphics Descriptive Geometry and Geometry of Architectural Form History, Theory and Aesthetics of Architecture and Visual Arts and restoration of Architectural Heritage
Construction Technology, Installations and Management Fine Arts
Research and development in the function of conservation of medieval heritage refers to the policies and strategies of preservation, protection and management of areas marked by rich cultural heritage in Serbia and the wider Region.

Prominent Activities and Results since 2020 | -
Prominent Activities and Results in Academic 2021/2022 |
(2022). Educational Programs - The Future of World Cultural and Natural Heritage - Knowledge • Communication • Presentation. 50th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention. Old Town Kotor, Kotor, Montenegro, 13 - 15. October. Participants: Debljović Ristić, Mako, V., Šekularac, N., Ivanović Šekularac, J., Nikolić, M., Kuletin Ćulafić, I., & Takač, E.

2021 - 2022
Project Leader / Project Coordinator for UB-FA |
Vladan Đokić, PhD, Full Professor
Contact email | hersus@arh.bg.ac.rs
Funding Programme |
Erasmus+, Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Strategic Partnerships for higher education
Role of UB-FA in project |
Leading Institution
Coordinating Institution |
University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture, Serbia
Partner Institutions |
IUAV University of Venice University of Cyprus Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Universidad de Sevilla – UNESCO Chair CREhAR
HERSUS proposes enhancing and testing innovative teaching practices in the field of sustainability of the built heritage. The project strives to enhance the competence and motivation of educators and researchers to include curricula elements that will have tangible results, preparing students and educators to become real actors of the environmental change. The reason for undertaking HERSUS consortium is based on the recognition that the framework of research, practice, and education in the field of architectural and urban design faces numerous challenges and thematic issues. These issues include social transformation, climate change, globalisation, urbanisation, and housing issues. Above mentioned challenges require vital research and continuous improvement of curricular and extracurricular activities in higher education, which in order to have a successful outcome, must be transnationally carried.
UB-FA Team Members |
Ana Radivojević, PhD, Full Professor
Ana Nikezić, PhD, Associate Professor
Nataša Ć. Ignjatović, PhD, Associate Professor
Jelena Živković, PhD, Associate Professor
Jelena Ristić Trajković, PhD, Associate Professor
Milica Milojević, PhD, Assistant Professor
Aleksandra Đorđević, PhD, Teaching Assistant
Mladen Pešić, PhD, Teaching Assistant
Bojana Stanković, PhD, Teaching Assistant
Ana Zorić, PhD, Teaching Assistant Nevena Lukić, Teaching Assistant
Aleksandra Milovanović, Research Assistant Tamara Popović, Research Assistant Svetlana Tolić
HERSUS aims to achieve a stable and sustainable education framework complementary to the globally established goals in the field of architectural and urban studies education.

Prominent Activities and Results |
(2021). Djokić, V.; Philokyprou, M.; Nikezić, A.; Sorbo, E.; Sakantamis, K.; Loren-Méndez, M. REVIEW: Best Practices in Educating Sustainability and Heritage; University of Belgrade—Faculty of Architecture: Belgrade, Serbia, 2021; Available online: https://hersus.org/io1-review-best-practices-in-educatingsustainability-and-heritage/
(2021). Djokić, V.; Sakantamis, K.; Chatzidimitriou, A.; Sorbo, E.; Loren-Méndez, M.; Nikezić, A.; Philokyprou, M.; Carrascal-Pérez, M. STUDY: Questionnaire for the State of the Art in Educating Sustainability and Heritage; University of Belgrade—Faculty of Architecture: Belgrade, Serbia, 2021; Available online: https://hersus.org/io2-questionnaire-for-the-state-of-art/ (2021). Djokić, V.; Nikezić, A.; Loren-Méndez, M.; Sakantamis, K.; Philokyprou, M.; Sorbo, E.; PéralLópez, J. STATEMENTS: Teaching through Design for Sustainability of the Bult Environment and Heritage Awareness; University of Belgrade—Faculty of Architecture: Belgrade, Serbia, 2021; Available online: https://hersus.org/statements-for-teaching-through-design-for-sustainability-of-the-builtenvironment-and-heritage-awareness/
(2022). Đorđević, A., Milovanović, A., Milojević, M.P., Zorić, A., Pešić, M., Ristić Trajković, J., Nikezić, A., Djokić, V. Developing Methodological Framework for Addressing Sustainability and Heritage in Architectural Higher Education—Insights from HERSUS Project. Sustainability, 14, 4597. https://doi. org/10.3390/su14084597
(2021). Djokić, V.; Nikezić, A. BOOKLET: Seminar for Teachers—Teaching through Design for Sustainability of the Built Environment and Heritage Awareness; University of Belgrade—Faculty of Architecture: Belgrade, Serbia. Available online: https://hersus.org/booklet-seminar-for-teachersteaching-through-design-for-sustainability-of-the-built-environment-and-heritage-awareness/ (2021). Sorbo, E., Anguillari, E., Tonello, S., Rossi, G., Alberti, F., Spironelli, G., Moretto, T., Tosato, M.. SYLLABUS Sustainable Reconstruction in Urban Areas. Iuav Univerzita di Venezia, Italy.
(2022). Philokyprou, M., Savvides, A., Thravalou, S., Michael, A., Pyla, P., Kontovourkis, O., Nodaraki, M., Hadjipetrou, T., Myrianthefs, D. SYLLABUS Adaptive reuse in Urban Areas. University of Cyprus 2021; Available online: https://hersus.org/elementor-20424/#dearflip-df_20422/1/
(2022). HERSUS Consortium. HERSUS Sharing Platform. 44. Salon of Architecture ZAOKRET, Commendation in the category of Experiment and Research.

Project Leader / Project Coordinator for UB-FA |
Ana Nikezić, PhD, Associate Professor
Contact email | ecoarch@arh.bg.ac.rs
Funding Programme |
Erasmus Mundus Lot 2 – Design Measures
Role of UB-FA in project
Project partner
Coordinating Institution |
Riga Technical University, Latvia
Partner Institutions |
Università degli Studi di Genova, Italy
University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture, Serbia
The ECOBUILT project responds to an increasing national and Europe-wide demand for professionals with a focus on sustainability who can manage the complexities of the planning process in various fields and at different scales. The objectives of the project are the following: (1) To design an integrated joint Master’s programme in Eco-friendly Built Environment. The programme will be designed in cooperation with associate partners and will be practice-oriented on the one hand and flexible in terms of individualized learning paths, while on the other hand being adaptive in terms of inclusiveness; (2) To develop common integrated regulations and rules concerning admission, selection, student performance, and degree awarding; (3) To ensure QA of the programme with regard to current European Standards of QA; (4) To develop a promotion strategy to recruit talented students from around the world.
UB-FA Team Members |
Ana Nikezić, Budimir Sudimac Vladan Đokić, Jelena Ristić Trajković, Aleksandra Milovanović, Aleksandra Đorđević, Mladen Pešić
Contributing to a Europe-wide demand for professionals with a focus on sustainability dealing with the complexities of the planning process in various fields and at different scales.

Project Leader / Project Coordinator for UB-FA |
Nikezić, PhD, AssociateContact email | cid@arh.bg.ac.rs
Funding Programme |
DAAD with funds of the German Federal Foreign Office (Programme East-West Dialogue: Higher Education Dialogue with Western Balkan Countries
Role of UB-FA
Project partner
project |
Coordinating Institution |
TH OWL: Detmold School of Architecture and Interior Architecture
Partner Institutions |
University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture, Saints Cyril and Methodius University (UKIM), North Macedonia,
Mass housing neighbourhoods (MHN) represent the leading pattern of urban transformation and expansion in the second half of the 20th century, and accordingly evaluation, regeneration and redesign of the MHN represent a necessary and challenging task in the contemporary research context. In the practical scope of MHN rehabilitation, various holistic approaches and design strategies are identified that affirm both ecological transition and social transformation of these urban settings. However, the level of application of such approaches across Europe varies greatly, and requires research initiatives of a comparative nature that open a cross-geographical debate at the European level.
UB-FA Team Members |
Ana Nikezić Aleksandra MilovanovićOpening up an academic debate on rehabilitation and sustainable integration of Mass housing neighbourhoods (MHN) into the urban development of cities at European level

Project Leader / Project Coordinator for UB-FA |
Aleksandra Đukić, PhD, Full Professor
Contact email | adjukic@afrodita.rcub.bg.ac.rs
Funding Programme |
INTERREG EU Danube Transnational Programme
Role of UB-FA in project |
Partner Institution
Coordinating Institution |
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (ВМЕ)
Partner Institutions |
17 ERDF, 2 IPA partners and 23 associated strategic partners from six countries (Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia)
DANUrB+ is a project by the INTERREG Danube cross-border program of the European Union, launched on July 1, 2020, with the aim of encouraging the rational use of cultural heritage and resources of peripheral and border towns and areas along the Danube. During its 30-month duration, the project creates opportunities to increase the attractiveness of selected settlements and cities and improves underutilized cultural heritage to strengthen the Danube cultural identity. The project activities will additionally: (1) develop the “Danube brand” for the city level; (2) provide an opportunity for better monitoring of the movements and needs of tourists; (3) support existing cultural tours and (4) increase the capacity of local participants for cooperation at the local and international level. DANUrB+ is a consortium of 17 ERDF and 2 IPA partners and 23 associated strategic partners from six countries, including the Budapest University of Technology and Economy (VME), which is the lead partner. The Faculty of Architecture of the University of Belgrade is the leading partner of the work package T1 “Research - determination of intervention points for the sustainable use of cultural heritage”, where it works on the analog and digital atlas of Danube cities. Associated strategic partners in Serbia are the cities of Sombor and Smederevo and the municipality of Golubac.
UB-FA Team Members |
Aleksandra Đukić, PhD, Full Professor
Eva Vaništa Lazarević, PhD, Full Professor
Aleksandra Stupar, PhD, Full Professor
Vladimir Parežanin, PhD, Assistant Professor
Ivica Nikolić, Assistant Professor
Branislav Antonić, PhD, Teaching Assistant
Jelena Marić, PhD, Teaching Assistant
Višnja Sretović Brković, Research Assistant
Aleksandar Grujičić, Teaching Assistant
Ana Nikezić, PhD, Associate Professor
Svetlana Tolić
DANUrB+ is a project launched with the aim of encouraging the rational use of cultural heritage and resources of peripheral and border towns and areas along the Danube.

Prominent Activities and Results |
(2021). International Partner Meeting. Sombor, Serbia. June 15-17. (2022). Building Camp for Students. Golubac, Serbia. June 21-24. Authors: Đukić, A., Antonić, B., Marić, J., Vaništa Lazarević, E., Obradović, M., & Mitrović, N. (2022). Online DANUrB+ Platform. link: https://www.danurb.eu/#/ for Serbian part: Đukić, A., Antonić, B., Marić, J., Grujičić, A., & Obradović, M. (2022). Exhibition of student studio works. Golubac, Serbia. March 9. Authors: Đukić, A., Antonić, B., Nikolić, I., Marić, J., & Grujičić, A. (2022). The Atlas of Danube Cities (analogue + digital book). Đukić, A., Antonić, B., Milovanović Rodić, D., Parežanin, V., Marić, J., Stupar, A., Grujičić, A., Vaništa Lazarević, E., Obradović, M., & Mitrović, N.

Project Leader / Project Coordinator for UB-FA |
Aleksandra Đukić, PhD, Full Professor
Contact email | adjukic@afrodita.rcub.bg.ac.rs
Funding Programme |
Erasmus+, Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Strategic Partnerships for higher education
Role of UB-FA in project |
Partner Institution
Coordinating Institution |
“Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest, Romania
Partner Institutions |
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Budapest, Hungary Slovak University of Technology (STU), Bratislava, Slovakia
Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Vienna, Austria Danube University Krems (DUK), Krems/Donau, Austria University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
Danubian SMCs is a KA203 project in the Erasmus+ programme. The project lasts 35 months. The focus of the project is on an interdisciplinary teaching, being primarily a collaborative educational project that emphasises both the transfer of knowledge between university partners and between teachers and students of all partners. At longer term, the project will show how Danubian small and medium-sized cities can be better known and valorized with unconventional and creative teaching methods, getting to an inclusive and stimulative attitude both for teachers and learners and for local stakeholders. Through this, the project will create a link to the creativity and innovation requirements on the labour market and the expected competences of the graduates in territorial planning field.
UB-FA Team Members |
Aleksandra Đukić, PhD, Full Professor
Eva Vaništa Lazarević, PhD, Full Professor
Danijela Milovanović Rodić, PhD, Assistant Professor
Branislav Antonić, PhD, Teaching Assistant
Jelena Marić, PhD, Teaching Assistant
Svetlana Tolić
At longer term, the project will show how Danubian small and medium-sized cities can be better known and valorized with unconventional and creative teaching methods.

Prominent Activities and Results |
(2020). Scales of urban decline in Serbia at the beginning of the third millennium: current trends and lessons for the future. In: Jevtić, A., & Drašković, B. (Eds.). The future of cities and urbanism, pp. 31-41. Scientific and professional meeting: Summer school of urbanism 2020. Prolom banja, Serbia, 1-3. July 2020. Belgrade: Association of Urban Planners of Serbia. Authors: Antonić, B., Đukić, A., & Marić, J. (2021). CREATIVE DANUBE training for teachers. Sombor, Serbia. June 15-17. Organisers: Đukić, A., Milovanović Rodić, D., Marić, J., & Antonić, B. (2022). Exhibition of student works. Golubac, Serbia. March 9. Authors: Đukić, A., Marić, J., & Antonić, B. (2022). Creative Danube - IO2 e-Book. Đukić, A., Milovanović Rodić, A., Marić, J., Antonić, B., & Vaništa Lazarević, E.

Project Leader / Project Coordinator for UB-FA |
Aleksandra Đukić, PhD, Full Professor
Contact email | adjukic@afrodita.rcub.bg.ac.rs
Funding Programme |
CEEPUS Programme
Role of UB-FA in project |
Leading Institution
Coordinating Institution |
University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture, Serbia
Partner Institutions |
University of Banja Luka – Faculty of Architecture, Civil Eng. and Geodesy, Bosnia and Herzegovina Czech Technical University in Prague – Faculty of Architecture, Czech Republic Budapest University of Technology and Economics – Faculty of Architecture, Hungary Tadeusz Kościuszko Krakow University of Technology – Faculty of Architecture, Poland Politehnica University of Timișoara – Faculty of Architecture and City Planning, Romania University of Maribor – Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Eng. and Architecture, Slovenia University of Montenegro - Faculty of Architecture, Podgorica, Montenegro Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skoplje - Faculty of Architecture, Skoplje, North Macedonia
„CROSS/HOUSE” is the academic network of CEEPUS Programme (2020-2022), which is an exchange programme for students and professors from the Danubian and neighbouring countries of Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. The target topic for this network is to form a higher-education platform for East-European housing studies in architecture and urbanism. The most noticeable reason to opt for this topic is a gap between the intensive housing development in this region in Europe and abundant related research in the one side and the lack of proper reflection of this dynamics in higher education in the other side. In accordance to this, the main aim of this network is to establish grassroots for the formation of prospective East-European housing studies at the faculties in architecture and urbanism that are the core of this network consortium.
UB-FA Team Members |
Đukić, PhD, Full Professor Branislav Antonić, PhD, Teaching AssistantThe target topic for this network is to form a higher-education platform for East-European housing studies in architecture and urbanism.

Prominent Activities and Results |
(2021). The impact of recent multi-family housing construction on the urban landscape in medium-sized cities of Vojvodina. In: Mrlješ, R. (Ed.)(2022).Architectural heritage and urbanism: Proceedings, pp. 216-226. Belgrade: Belgrade City Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments.
Authors: Antonić, B., Vaništa Lazarević, E., & Đukić, A.
(2022). CROSS/HOUSE student workshop. Between private and public: Transformation of open space usage and residential areas of New Belgrade, Serbia. Belgrade, Serbia. May 9-11.
Authors: Đukić, A., Marić, J., & Antonić, B.

Naslov publikacije | Title of the publication |
AF Profiles
Izdavač | Publisher |
Univeritet u BeograduArhitektonski fakultet
University of BelgradeFaculty of Architecture
Glavni i odgovorni urednik | Editor in chief |
Ana Nikezić Branko Pavić
Tehnički urednik | Technical Editor |
Aleksandra Milovanović
Koncept i prelom | Concept and layout |
Aleksandra Milovanović Tamara Popović Jelena Šćekić Aleksandra Đorđević
Mesto i godina izdavanja | Place and year of issue |
Beograd, 2022 Belgrade, 2022
Broj 1_2022 Issue 1_2022