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1961 1961 - 1979

( 民國 50 年至民國 68 年 )

外交困境與經濟起飛 Diplomatic isolation and economic takeoff

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1961 民國 50 年,陳誠副總統夫人陪美國詹森副總統夫人乘坐三輪車遊台 北市區。( 潘月康攝 ) Claudia Alta "Lady Bird" Taylor Johnson, wife of U.S. Vice President Lyndon Johnson, takes a tour of Taipei on a rickshaw, accompanied by the wife of Republic of China Vice President Chen Cheng.

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1961 1961

民國 50 年,慶祝台灣光復節,民間遊藝團體 踩高蹻遊行。( 陳永魁攝 )

民國 50 年,慶祝國慶日,有 176 輛花車參加大遊行。( 潘月康攝 )

Young performers on stilts take part in

One of 176 floats that form the 1961 National Day parade.

Taiwan Retrocession Day celebrations.

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民國 51 年,台北近郊的碧潭,星期假日遊人如織,遊艇生意興隆。

民國 50 年,參加救國團暑期青年戰訓潛水隊的青年學子,在高雄接

( 潘月康攝 )

受嚴格的蛙人訓練。( 薛湧攝 )

Bitan, located in the suburbs of Taipei City, is a popular tourist

Students who attend a military diving camp organized by the China

spot on weekends.

Youth Anti-Communist National Salvation Corps, now renamed the China Youth Corps, receive training on a beach in Kaohsiung.

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1961 民國 50 年,台北市警察局少年組帶回一群晚間遊蕩不歸的少年, 次日清晨要他們做體操,再由父母領回管束。( 潘月康攝 ) Youngsters caught wandering in the streets late at night are forced by the Taipei City Police Department’s juvenile squad to do exercise the next morning before they are allowed to go home with their parents.

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1961 民國 50 年,台北市中華商場附近景象。( 秦炳炎攝 ) A view of the Chunghwa strip mall.

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1962 民國 51 年,實驗農村每天供應學生一次免費牛奶,奶粉由聯合 國兒童基金會和基督教救濟協會合贈。( 陳永魁攝 ) Once a day, these school children from an experimental farming village are given free milk made from milk powder donated by the United Nations Children’s Fund and a Christian relief association.

1962 民國 51 年,在全台各地漁、農、礦村與山地推行基層民生 建設實驗農村。( 陳永魁攝 ) Experimental farming villages are designated in fishing, farming, mining and mountainous areas under a program to promote development at the grassroots level.

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民國 51 年,台視公司在台北賓館舉行試播酒會。節目主持人潘啟元 ( 左

民國 51 年,獲「世界小姐」亞后的李秀英小姐 ( 左 ) 返國,在台北

起 ) 在酒會中訪問中國小姐江樂舜、馬維君、楊靄雲。( 潘月康攝 )

松山機場受到各界人士熱烈歡迎。( 秦炳炎攝 )

Miss China beauty queens are interviewed by host Pan Chi-yuan (left)

Lee Hsiu-ying, runner-up at the Miss World pageant, waves to her

at a reception at Taipei Guest House celebrating trial broadcast of

fans on returning to Songshan Airport in Taipei.

Taiwan Television Enterprise.

1962 民國 51 年,行政院新聞局舉辦第一屆金馬獎,王雲五(右)頒「最 佳女主角獎」給尤敏(左)。( 潘月康攝 ) Yiu Ming (left) receives the Best Actress Award during the first Golden Horse film awards ceremony organized by the Government Information Office.

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1963 民國 52 年,以「梁山伯與祝英台」一片風靡全台的凌波,從香港飛抵台北,舉行記者招待會。( 潘月康攝 ) Huangmei opera singer Ling Po meets the press after flying to Taipei from Hong Kong. Butterfly Lovers , a film she starred in, was a sensational success in Taiwan.

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1963 民國 52 年,花蓮港開放為國際港,舉行慶祝大會,阿 美族原住民表演歌舞。( 陳漢中攝 ) Aboriginal Ami dancers perform as part of festivities celebrating the inauguration of Hualien Harbor as an international seaport.

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1968 民國 57 年,台灣醫學界第一次腎臟移植手術在台大醫院進行,為病人 吳祥振成功換腎。( 中央社 ) Doctors at National Taiwan University Hospital successfully perform the country’s first kidney transplant operation.

1968 民國 57 年,台北市三輪車全面禁止行駛,集中場擠滿淘汰的三輪車。 ( 潘月康攝 )


A pound for rickshaws after they are banned in Taipei City.

民國 55 年,傷殘服務中心內,患小兒麻痺症的兒童學習平衡 站立與走路。( 陳漢中攝 ) A little girl with polio learns to balance and to walk at a center providing assistance to the handicapped.

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1968 民國 57 年,國民義務教育延長至九年,台北市公共汽 車管理處開始行駛國中學生專車,共 105 條路線。 ( 陳漢中攝 )

Taipei City Bus Administration begins to offer special buses along 105 routes for junior high school students after compulsory education is extended from six to nine years.

1969 民國 58 年,三十一所大專院校聯合招生考試,圖為台 大體育館應試的考生。( 馮國鏘攝 ) These students at the arena of the National Taiwan University are sitting for the joint entrance examination for 31 universities and colleges.

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1962 民國 51 年,日本厚生省防疫考察團參觀台中青果運銷合作社,認為台灣香蕉防疫消毒工作甚為優異。( 潘月康攝 ) Inspectors from the Japanese Ministry of Health are impressed with quarantine measures taken for banana exports during a visit to a fruits transportation and sale cooperative in Taichung.

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1968 民國 57 年,為加強台灣香蕉在日本與中南美蕉 的競爭,改用紙箱包裝,首批共 1 萬零 181 箱。

1964 民國 53 年,香蕉裝船外銷,為台灣賺取大量

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( 潘月康攝 )

The first batch of more than 10,000 boxes of bananas is being prepared for exportation to

外匯。( 潘月康攝 )

Japan. In order to compete with exports from

The export of bananas is a major source of

Latin America, cartons were used instead of

foreign reserves.

traditional bamboo baskets.

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1965 民國 54 年,旅日棒球明星王貞治來台,在台北市立 棒球場表演他成名的稻草人式擊球。( 潘月康攝 ) Chinese-Japanese baseball player Wang Chen-

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chih, or Sadaharu Oh in Japanese, demonstrates


his signature “Scarecrow” batting style at the Taipei

民國 57 年,紅葉少棒隊王志仁搶壘,日本隊飛身接殺不及。( 中央社 )

Municipal Baseball Stadium during a visit.

Wang Chih-jen of the Hung Yeh (Red Leaves) little league baseball team steals a base in a game against their Japanese opponents.

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1969 民國 58 年,獲第 23 屆世界少年棒球大賽冠軍的中華 少棒隊載譽歸國,街頭擠滿歡迎群眾。( 陳漢中攝 ) Taiwanese players receive a hero’s welcome back home after winning the Little League Baseball World Series championship.

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民國 99 年,台北花博開幕煙火秀中,「台灣地圖煙火」,從淡水河上緩緩升起,伴隨忠孝橋面煙火,呈現碼頭夜間美景。( 孫仲達攝 )

民國 99 年,台北國際花卉博覽會新生三館中的夢想館首度公開亮相,媒體人員在二廳的「巨大花瓣迷宮」體驗互動科技。( 施宗暉攝 )

A light display in the shape of Taiwan rises from the Tamsui River as fireworks are released on a bridge nearby. The fireworks show was put

News media representatives experience interactive technology inside a maze of giant petals at Xinsheng Park, part of the Taipei International

on to celebrate the official opening of the Taipei Flora Expo.

Flora Expo.

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2010 民國 99 年,民眾在台北花博寰宇庭園區內駐足欣賞美麗的蝴蝶。 ( 徐肇昌攝 )

A visitor to the Taipei Flora Expo stops to admire a butterfly at the Global Garden area.

民國 99 年,參觀台北花博的民眾,在連結美術園區與新生園區的花 之隧道,悠閒度過假日時光。( 施宗暉攝 ) Visitors to the Taipei Flora Expo enjoy a leisurely stroll in a tunnel of flowers which connects the Expo’s Fine Arts Park and Xinsheng Park areas.

2010 民國 99 年,台灣高爾夫球好 手曾雅妮在英國公開賽以低 於標準桿 11 桿拿下冠軍,不 僅是台灣第一人,也是英國 公開賽自 1976 年舉辦以來, 最年輕的冠軍得主。( 黃貞貞攝 ) Yani Tseng wins the Women’s British Open with an 11-under 277, becoming the first golfer from Taiwan and the youngest ever to win the trophy since the tournament was first held in 1976.

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2010 民國 99 年,五都改制,除台北市維 持直轄市外,台北縣升格為新北市, 台中縣市、台南縣市、高雄縣市皆合 併改制為直轄市,12 月 25 日生效。 11 月 27 日舉行第一屆五都首長選舉。 In the first mayoral elections in five special municipalities held on Nov. 27. The status of Taipei City as a municipality under the direct supervision of the central government remained unchanged. Four other municipalities were created, effective Dec. 25, including an upgrade of Taipei County to become New Taipei City. Taichung, Tainan and Kaohsiung cities were each expanded by merging with neighboring counties bearing the same names.



圖 A 為郝龍斌 ( 中 ) 連任台北市長, 向選民謝票。 Hau Lung-pin (center) thanks voters after winning re-election as mayor of Taipei City

圖 B 朱立倫 ( 左 ) 當選新北市長。 Eric Liluan Chu (left) is elected mayor of New Taipei City.

圖 C 胡志強 ( 左 ) 當選台中市長。 Jason Hu (left) is elected mayor of Taichung City.

圖 D 賴清德 ( 中 ) 當選台南市長。 Lai Ching-te (center) is elected mayor of Tainan City.

圖 E 陳菊 ( 中 ) 當選高雄市長。 Chen Chu (center) is elected mayor of Kaohsiung City.

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2011 民國 100 年,台北大佳河濱公園舉行「中華民國建國一百年跨年慶典」,以國父肖 像煙火迎接新年。( 徐肇昌攝 ) Fireworks shaped like a portrait of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the founding father of the Republic of China, light up during a New Year’s eve event at a riverside park in Taipei held to launch celebrations of the republic’s centenary.

民國 100 年,台北 101 跨年煙火在進入 2011 年的瞬間,以 101 大樓為背景,特效 焰火組成的數字 100 垂直升起。( 孫仲達攝 ) Fireworks in the shape of number 100 rise in front of Taipei 101, one of the world’s tallest buildings, as the midnight countdown ushers in 2011 and the celebration of the Republic of China’s centenary.

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