Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022, PAGE 1 August 21-27, 2022 RIDGEWOOD & APARTMENTSWESTRIDGE CALL 414/355-5027 Rental Office located at 7901 W. Glenbrook Rd. North of Brown Deer Rd./Off of 76th St. Includes: • Heat • Water • Appliances • Window Coverings • Locked Lobby & Intercom • Laundry Facility • Community Room and Patio •On-Site Management • 24 Hr. Emergency Maintenance• Scheduled Activities • Elevators • Storage Lockers • Small Pets Welcome 1 BEDROOM AAPARTMENTSGE62ANDOLDERENTBASEDONINCOME EHO ImmediateOpenings WE STOP UTILITY SHUTOFFS FREE CONSULTATION • Debt Consolidation • Bankruptcy • STOP Foreclosures • STOP Repossesions • STOP Creditor Harassment • KEEP Your Gas/Electric $50 OFF* *=Bring this ad and receive $50 OFF of Attorneys Fees. *We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy and consolidations 414-207-4600 CALL TODAY! 626 E. WISCONSIN AVE. 14TH FLOOR MILWAUKEE, WI. 53202 (INSIDE WISCONSIN GAS BUILDING) Attorney Brett J. Pfeifer PaymentPlans We Will Hire You To Be The Caretaker Of A Family Member Or Friend. You Choose. Apply Today!!! Your Client Must Have Midicaid Insurance to Qualify for Services Title 19, Manage Health Services, Network Health Plan 414-935-2689 $10/hr THE RED BOOK THE HEARTBEAT OF YOUR COMMUNITY A Weekly Community TV Magazine and Shopping Guide TV WEEKLY FREE

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Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022, PAGE 3 CHANNEL GUIDE ......................6 SENIOR CLASSIFIEDS..........................50-54CLASSIFIEDRECIPE...............................................45HOROSCOPE........................................44RELIGION..............................................41WORDCROSSWORD......................................32COLORINGMEAL................................................20PAGES.......................................31SEARCH.............................................37ORDERFORM......................49 TABLE OF CONTENTS NOTICE No portion of TV WEEKLY The Red Book may be reproduced or copied in part or whole without the written consent of the TV WEEKLY The Red Book FOR INFORMATIONADVERTISINGCALL 262/370-6429 TV WEEKLY The Red Book is a weekly community shopping publication. Submissions and all correspondence should be mailed to: TV WEEKLY PLEASE NOTE: Error of Responsibility We take care to avoid typographical errors; however, in the event of an error, we are responsible only for the first incorrect insertion of an ad and only if, in our opinion, there is a loss of value. We do not assume any responsibility for any reason, for an error in an ad beyond the cost of the ad itself, or pro-rated portion thereof. Any change constitutes a new ad. Management reserves the right to reject, revise & properly classify all advertisements. Ad positioning has no bearing on the results you receive and cannot be guaranteed. ADS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE PROOFED BY THE CLIENT. TV WEEKLY IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DISPUTED ADVERTISED PRICES BETWEEN OUR CLIENT & CONSUMER. P.O. Box 172 Pewaukee, WI 53072 Phone: 262/370-6429 Email: Website: Circulation and rate card information is recorded with The Advertising Checking Bureau, (ACB) in Columbus, OH. August 21-27, 2022 Dominic Morgan (Patrick Dempsey) founds a company that targets tech firms that the Chinese are eying in “Devils” Tuesday on The CW. WE BUY JUNK CARS! DOLLARTOPPAID! CALL / TEXT 262-501-6128 Compramos Carros Chatarra Hablamos Español

PAGE 4 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022 Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429 5:00SUNDAY8/21/22A.M. AllTheWipeoutRaceInWith Laila Ali In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley Buck Rogers in the 25th Century Tomorrow’s World Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood WISN 12 News This Morning Sunday 5AMNew Scandinavian Cooking Laura McKenzie’s Traveler Tyler Perry’s House of Payne Movement Center Church with Pastor Goodwin Dyson: Designs for Living SeasonsNCISNCIS:LoonsSportsCenterLivePostgameNewOrleansontheFly J W Paid Program Adam Ruins RidiculousnessEverything SpongeBob SquarePants Reba Bluey 5:02 A.M. Paid Program5:30 A.M. TMJ4 News Today The Andy Griffith Show Sunday Mass Jewish Jesus Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Curious Traveler America’s Black Forum Tyler Perry’s House of Payne Cars.TV Nick’s Wild Ride With Nick Hoffman Stop Brain Fog Tomorrow’s World Today The Potter’s Touch Adam Ruins PaidRidiculousnessEverythingProgram SpongeBob SquarePants Reba Bluey 6:00 A.M. CBSWipeout58Morning News at 6am Xploration Awesome Planet Saved by the Bell In Search of the Lord’s Way * Clifford the Big Red Dog , Good Morning America 0 Molly of Denali 2 The Armstrong Williams Show 4 Tyler Perry’s House of Payne 8 Connect MKE : Denim & Co. Clearance > SportsCenter ? Heliconia Reels A NCIS: New Orleans B NCIS D Michael Youssef G Counting Cars I Gold Rush J Flipping Vegas Q Adam Ruins Everything T Ridiculousness W True Crime: Identity Theft X Kamp Koral: SpongeBob’s Under Years Æ The Golden Girls ± Bluey 6:30 A.M. & Xploration DIY Sci _ Saved by the Bell ) Michael Youssef * Nature Cat 0 Wild Kratts 2 Urban American Outdoors 4 Tyler Perry’s House of Payne 8 Mountain Faith Living ? Sportsman’s Adventures D Harvest with Pastor Greg Laurie Q Adam Ruins Everything T Ridiculousness X SpongeBob SquarePants Æ The Golden Girls ± Bluey 7:00 A.M. # American Dad! $ Sunday Today With Willie Geist % CBS 58 Sunday Morning & FOX 6 Wake-Up News at 7 _ Time of Grace With Pastor Mike Novotny ) 8 Catholic Mass * Dr. Fuhrman’s End Dieting Forever! , WISN 12 News This Morning Sunday 7AM 0 Hero Elementary 2 Jesse Duplantis 4 Tyler Perry’s House of Payne > SportsCenter ? MidWest Outdoors A NCIS: New Orleans B Premier League Mornings D Amazing Facts G Counting Cars I Gold Rush: Dave Turin’s Lost Mine J Flipping Vegas Q World’s Dumbest ... T Ridiculousness W The Twilight Zone X SpongeBob SquarePants Æ The Golden Girls ± Big City Greens7:30 A.M. # American Dad! _ Racine & Me ) Manna-Fest With Perry Stone 0 Alma’s Way 2 Full Measure With Sharyl Attkisson 4 Tyler Perry’s House of Payne 8 Christian Worship Hour ? A Fishing Story With Ronnie Green D David Jeremiah T Ridiculousness W The Twilight Zone X SpongeBob SquarePants Æ The Golden Girls ± Big City Greens8:00 A.M. # American Dad! $ Meet the Press % CBS News Sunday Morning & FOX 6 Wake-Up News at 8 _ Saved by the Bell ) Last Man Standing 0 Curious George 2 Daily Living with Father Chapin 4 Martin 8 Truth of God : Sunday Mornings with Pat & Dan > 2022 Little League Baseball World Series Game 17: Teams TBA. ? Due North Outdoors A NCIS: New Orleans B Premier League Soccer Leeds United vs Chelsea. D Joel Osteen G Counting Cars I Gold Rush: Dave Turin’s Lost Mine J Flipping Vegas Q World’s Dumbest ... T Ridiculousness W The Twilight Zone X SpongeBob SquarePants Æ The Golden Girls ± Big City Greens8:30 A.M. # American Dad! _ Saved by the Bell ) Last Man Standing 0 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 2 Connect MKE 4 Martin ? Made for the Outdoors D Paid Program T Ridiculousness W Movie › “Peppermint” (2018, Action) Jennifer Garner, John Gallagher Jr. A vigilante seeks justice against her family’s killers. X SpongeBob SquarePants Æ The Golden Girls ± Hamster & Gretel 9:00 A.M. # American Dad! $ Positively Milwaukee with Carole Meekins & FOX News Sunday _ The Flintstones ) Last Man Standing * Memory Rescue With Daniel Amen, MD , UpFront 0 Rick Steves’ Europe: Great German Cities 2 Wisconsin Water & Woods 4 Martin 8 Catholic Mass ? Passion For The Hunt A NCIS: New Orleans D Movie “The Perfect Marriage” (2006, Suspense) Jamie Luner, William R. Moses. A woman plots to murder her husband to inherit a fortune. G Counting Cars I Naked and Afraid J Tiny House Nation: Back to the Build Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X SpongeBob SquarePants Æ Movie “Wedding Bells” (2016, Romance-Comedy) Danica McKellar, Kavan Smith. Two commitment-phobes find unexpected romance at a wedding. ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 9:30 A.M. # Friends $ Alliant Energy’s Power House % Face the Nation _ The Flintstones ) Last Man Standing , This Week With George Stephanopoulos 2 Mad Dog & Merrill Midwest Grill’n 4 Martin 8 Living by the Word with Pastor Julius R. Malone ? Rooster Tales Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X SpongeBob SquarePants ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 10:00 A.M. # Friends $ & Paid Program _ The Flintstones ) Last Man Standing 2 ? Larry Smith Outdoors 4 Martin WE BUY ALL JUNK CAR’S No Title no problem Anthony’s Towing $600 & up (414)324-1393

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PAGE 6 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022 Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429 8 In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley : Dyson: Designs for Living > 2022 Little League Baseball World Series Game 18: Teams TBA. A NCIS: New Orleans B Premier League Mornings G Counting Cars I Naked and Afraid J Living Smaller Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X SpongeBob SquarePants ± Big City Greens10:30 A.M. # Friends $ Building Wisconsin % Time of Grace With Pastor Mike Novotny & Paid Program _ The Jetsons ) Last Man Standing * Rick Steves Fascism in Europe , Matter of Fact With Soledad O’Brien 2 Never Fear Power Outages 4 Martin 8 Ukraine in Crisis! ? John Gillespie’s Water & Woods B Premier League Soccer Newcastle United vs Manchester City. J Living Smaller Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X SpongeBob SquarePants ± Big City Greens10:52 A.M. W Movie ››› “Looper” (2012, Science Fiction) Bruce Willis, Joseph Gordon-Levitt. A mob hit man realizes that his target is his older self. 11:00 A.M. # Friends $ % Paid Program & True Crime: Identity Theft _ Gilligan’s Island ) Last Man Standing , WNBA Basketball Dallas Wings at Connecticut Sun. 0 Dr. Fuhrman’s End Dieting Forever! 2 Pastor’s Study : In the Kitchen With David ? Destination Polaris A NCIS: New Orleans D Movie “The Husband She Met Online” (2013, Suspense) Jason GrayStanford, Meredith Monroe. A woman meets a man who becomes obsessive and controlling. G Pawn Stars I Naked and Afraid J Zombie House Flipping Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X SpongeBob SquarePants Æ Movie “Romance in Style” (2022, Romance) Jaicy Elliot, Benjamin Hollingsworth. Sparks fly between a fash ion designer and a publisher. ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 11:02 A.M. 4 Celebrity Family Feud 11:30 A.M. # Movie ›› “Click” (2006, Comedy) Adam Sandler, Kate Beckinsale. An archi tect’s new remote controls his universe. $ Gymnastics U.S. Championships, Junior Men’s - Day 1. % Cornhole ACL Pro Shootout. & 2 Paid Program _ Gilligan’s Island ) Last Man Standing 8 Served at Camp Lejeune or New River Air Base? ? P1 Racing Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X SpongeBob SquarePants ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 12:00 P.M. & Paid Program _ Gilligan’s Island ) Last Man Standing * The Big Band Years (My Music Presents) 2 Portable Power For Your Home! 8 Hearts of Heroes > 2022 Little League Baseball World Series Game 19: Teams TBA. ? Inside The Brewers A Movie ››› “Shazam!” (2019, Action) Zachary Levi, Mark Strong. Shazam squares off against the evil Dr. Thaddeus Sivana. G Pawn Stars J Movie ›› “A Good Day to Die Hard” (2013, Action) Bruce Willis, Jai Courtney. John McClane and his son battle Russian villains. Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X SpongeBob SquarePants ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir WALLACE INSURANCE AGENCY 6815 W. Capitol Drive #205 Call Today 414-539-4624 Life, Medicare, Health Dental & Vision Insurance Visit Our Website @ Call 414-539-4624 TODAY! Monday - Friday 9am-5pm OTHER HOURS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY SPEAK WITH A INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENT DO YOU HAVE MEDICARE? DO YOU NEED LIFE INSURANCE? Vision premiums low as $11/mo! MEDICARE SPECIAL ENROLLMENT FROM 1-1-2022 TO 12-31-2022 MACHO’S TOWING LLC CASHFOR YOUR JUNKCARS CHANNEL GUIDE August 21-27, 2022 2 3 2 5 2 4 2 6 2 7 2 9 2 10 2 12 2 16 2 18 2 20 2 24 2 26 2 30 2 31 2 33 2 34 2 36 2 39 2 41 2 42 2 48 2 52 2 55 2 56 2 62 2 65 TBS Superstation WTMJ Milwaukee, WI WDJT Milwaukee, WI WITI Milwaukee, WI WMLW Milwaukee, WI WGN Chicago, IL WMVS Milwaukee, WI WISN Milwaukee, WI WMVT Milwaukee, WI WVTV Milwaukee, WI BET Black Entertainment WCGV Milwaukee, WI QVC QVC Network ESPN Sports Network FSP FOX Sports TNT Turner Network USA USA Network LIFE Lifetime HIST History DISC Discovery A&E Arts & Ent. COURT Court TV MTV Music TV SCIFI Sci Fi NICK Nickelodeon HALL Hallmark DISN Disney SUNDAY CONTINUED

Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022, PAGE 7 GET PAID NO TITLE NO PROBLEM PAYING UP TO AND$500UP! WE PAY MORE FOR YOUR UNWANTED VEHICLES $$$ (262)305-8604 $$$ Now accepting new clients Caregivers pay Negotiable Pay Rate Let us help you reach a state of well-being Wellness Personal Care Service is a home care agency providing personal care assistance and companion/sitter services. We are committed to ensuring that our clients lead a dignified and independent lifestyle in the comfort and safety of their own home. Call us today: (414)998-0410 Acceptable Methods of Payment -T19, Iris, MHS, Network or Private Pay Milwaukee WI 53222 APPLICATIONS NOW BEING ACCEPTED Monday - Thursday 1pm-3pm RegisteredHIRINGNOWNurses $250 Referral fee (after client is approved)

PAGE 8 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022 Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429 12:11 P.M. Celebrity Family Feud 12:30 P.M. PBR Team Series Stampede Days. Last Man Standing Outback Adventures With Tim Brewers Pregame Premier League Goal Zone Impractical Jokers SpongeBob SquarePants 1:00 P.M. BMW Championship, _ Gilligan’s Island ) Last Man Standing , 2022 Little League Baseball World Series 0 Memory Rescue With Daniel Amen, MD 2 Ukraine in Crisis! 8 Rock the Park ? MLB Baseball Milwaukee Brewers at Chicago Cubs. B NASCAR Cup Series Countdown to Green D Movie “Newlywed and Dead” (2016, Drama) Shenae Grimes-Beech, Samantha Ferris. A young newlywed begins to doubt her husband’s love. G Pawn Stars I Naked and Afraid Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X SpongeBob SquarePants Æ Movie “A Summer Romance” (2019, Romance) Erin Krakow, Ryan Paevey. A Montana ranch owner falls for a real estate developer. ± Jessie 1:20 P.M. 4 Celebrity Family Feud 1:26 P.M. W Movie ››› “The Goonies” (1985, Children’s) Sean Astin, Josh Brolin. Young misfits find a 17th-century pirate’s treasure map. 1:30 P.M. & PBC Countdown _ Gilligan’s Island ) Last Man Standing 8 Rock the Park Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X SpongeBob SquarePants ± Jessie 1:45 P.M. # Movie ›› “The Change-Up” (2011, Comedy) Ryan Reynolds, Jason Bateman. An overworked lawyer and his carefree buddy switch bodies. 2:00 P.M. _ Gilligan’s Island ) Last Man Standing * Paul Anka: His Hits and a Tribute to Frank Sinatra 2 Made in Hollywood 8 Did I Mention Invention? : Dyson: Designs for Living > WNBA Preview Show B NASCAR Cup Series Go Bowling at The Glen. G Pawn Stars J Movie ›› “White House Down” (2013, Action) Channing Tatum, Jamie Foxx. Paramilitary soldiers take over the White House. Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X SpongeBob SquarePants ± Ultra Violet & Black Scorpion 2:30 P.M. % Through the Fire: Ready to Battle for a BIG3 Championship & NHRA Drag Racing Lucas Oil Nationals. _ Gilligan’s Island ) Last Man Standing 2 Moviefone TV 4 Movie ››› “Rush Hour” (1998, Action) Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker. Mismatched police partners seek a kid napped girl. 8 Rescue Me With Dr. Lisa A Movie ›› “Justice League” (2017, Action) Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill. Batman, Wonder Woman and other heroes unite to battle evil. Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X SpongeBob SquarePants ± Ultra Violet & Black Scorpion 3:00 P.M. % BIG3 Basketball Championship. _ Gilligan’s Island ) Last Man Standing 0 Eat Your Medicine: The Pegan Diet With Mark Hyman, MD 2 Raw Travel 8 Heartland : Ring Video Doorbell > WNBA Basketball Washington Mystics at Seattle Storm. D Movie “You May Now Kill the Bride” (2016, Suspense) Tammin Sursok, Ashley Newbrough. A stepsister will do anything to be the bride. G Pawn Stars I Naked and Afraid Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X SpongeBob SquarePants Æ Movie “A Royal Runaway Romance” (2022, Romance-Comedy) Philippa Northeast, Brant Daugherty. Sparks fly between a princess and her bodyguard. ± Ultra Violet & Black Scorpion 3:30 P.M. _ Gilligan’s Island ) Last Man Standing * Classical Rewind (My Music) , Top 10 2 Chasing Down Madison Brown Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X SpongeBob SquarePants ± Big City Greens We buy ALL Cars / Trucks 414-217-4023 Damaged Broken Wrecked Junked Totalled Non-Running Unwanted 5611 W. North Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53208 Ph. (414)871-8774 Open 7 days a week 10am-7pm Walk in or Appointment Fatima’s African Hair Braiding • French Braids • Feed-in Braids • Goddess Braids • Box Braids • Weave • Dread Locks • Tribal Braids • Triangle Braids • Lemonade Braids• Single Braids & Micro Locks SUNDAY CONTINUED

Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022, PAGE 9 WE BUY JUNK CARS! CALL US TODAY, WE PAY TOP DOLLAR! (414)458-9719 TOWING • WINCH OUTS • LOCK OUTS Your Health is Our #1 Concern 7149 W. Grandtosa Ct. Milw. WI. 53218 SIGN ON BONUS FOR PCW with Client Office 414-210-5020 • Mobile 414-380-1334 website • email Insurance: T19, Icare, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, MHS, Molina and Network Health PlanCompetitiveHourlyRateLocatedonBusLine

PAGE 10 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022 Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429 4:00 P.M. # Movie ››› “Role Models” (2008, Comedy) Seann William Scott, Paul Rudd. Two wild guys become mentors to two impressionable youths. _ Full House ) Last Man Standing 2 Movie ››› “Baby Boom” (1987, Comedy) Diane Keaton, Harold Ramis. Manhattan exec suddenly inherits baby girl, moves to Vermont. 8 Bob’s Burgers : To Be Announced ? Brewers Postgame G Pawn Stars I Naked and Afraid Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness W Movie ›› “Fast & Furious” (2009, Action) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. Fugitive Dom Toretto and Brian O’Conner resume a feud in Los Angeles. X SpongeBob SquarePants ± Big City Greens4:30 P.M. _ Full House ) Last Man Standing , Small Town Big Deal 8 Bob’s Burgers ? Destination Polaris B NASCAR Cup Series Post Race Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X Movie ›› “Sonic the Hedgehog” (2020, Comedy) James Marsden, Jim Carrey. Live action/animated. Sonic must stop the evil Dr. Robotnik from ruling the world. ± Big City Greens5:00 P.M. $ TMJ4 News at 5 % CBS Weekend News _ The Andy Griffith Show ) Last Man Standing * Les Misérables 25th Anniversary Concert at the O2 , ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 0 Kenny Rogers Farewell Concert Celebration: All in for the Gambler 4 Movie ›› “Rush Hour 2” (2001, Action) Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker. Detectives battle a Hong Kong gangster and his henchmen. 8 Family Guy : Gourmet Holiday - Christmas in July > Baseball Tonight: Sunday Night Countdown ? American Ninja Warrior A Movie ›› “Aquaman” (2018, Action) Jason Momoa, Amber Heard. Aquaman must save Atlantis from his power-hungry brother. B Movie ››› “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1” (2010, Fantasy) Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint. Harry sets out to destroy the secrets to Voldemort’s power. D Movie “Here Kills the Bride” (2022, Suspense) Ashlee Fuss, Erin Pineda. A woman investigates her brother’s unex pected marriage. G Pawn Stars I Naked and Afraid J Biography: WWE Legends Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness Æ Movie “Dating the Delaneys” (2022, Romance) Rachel Boston, Paul Campbell. Three generations of women explore modern-day dating. ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 5:30 P.M. $ NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt % CBS 58 News at 5:30pm & Judge Judy _ Collector’s Call ) Last Man Standing , WISN 12 News at 5:30PM Sunday 8 Family Guy Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 6:00 P.M. # The Big Bang Theory $ Gymnastics U.S. Championships, Senior Women’s. % 60 Minutes & Call Me Kat _ M*A*S*H ) NewsNation Prime , America’s Funniest Home Videos 2 Family Feud 8 Two and a Half Men > MLB Baseball Boston Red Sox vs Baltimore Orioles. ? Boxing EntroBox: Kenneth Sims Jr. vs. Christian Mino. G Pawn Stars I Naked and Afraid XL: Uncensored All-Stars Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness W Movie ›› “Fast Five” (2011, Action) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. Dom Toretto and company ramp up the action in Brazil. ± Movie ›› “Teen Beach 2” (2015, Musical Comedy) Ross Lynch, Maia Mitchell. Characters from a movie musical get stuck in the real world. 6:30 P.M. # The Big Bang Theory & The Great North _ M*A*S*H 0 Roy Orbison Forever 2 Family Feud 8 Two and a Half Men Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness7:00 P.M. # The Big Bang Theory % Big Brother & NFL Preseason Football Baltimore Ravens at Arizona Cardinals. _ Movie ›› “Perry Mason: The Case of the Defiant Daughter” (1990, Mystery) Raymond Burr, Robert Culp. Mason helps a girl’s father fight a false murder charge. ) NewsNation Prime , Celebrity Family Feud 2 World’s Funniest Animals 8 Whacked Out Sports : Dyson: Designs for Living D Movie “Big Lies in a Small Town” (2022, Suspense) Rhonda Dent, Kristina AMAZING FACES CHILDCARE CENTER 3727 WEST VILLARD AVENUE MILWAUKEE, WI 35209 Phone: 414-464-4447 NOW ENROLLING 4 weeks - 14 years Open Monday through Friday 6:00am to 8:00pm •Transportation Available •Nutritious Meals •Before / After School Care •Creative Curriculum •Field Trips •24 Hour Surveillance Cameras •Private & Subsidy Pay Accepted “Where We Place Smiles On Your Faces And In Your Hearts” NOWTEACHERSLeadHIRING $150 Hiring Bonus Lowest Prices with the Highest Quality ****We Sell Tires & Batteries**** NIC’S Towing & Salvage LLC TOP DOLLAR 414-578-6768PAID! WE BUY JUNK CARS Brakes • Struts • Hubs • Suspension & SUNDAYExhaustCONTINUED

Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022, PAGE 11 Paras. A small-town doctor kidnaps a young mother’s teen daughter. G Colosseum I Naked and Afraid XL J Biography: WWE Legends Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X Movie ›› “Shrek Forever After” (2010, Children’s) Voices of Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy. Animated. Shrek finds himself in an alternate version of Far Far Away. Æ Chesapeake7:30ShoresP.M. # The Big Bang Theory 2 World’s Funniest Animals 4 Movie › “Rush Hour 3” (2007, Action) Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker. Carter and Lee battle Chinese gangsters in Paris. 8 Whacked Out Sports Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness7:55 P.M. ± To Be Announced8:00P.M. # The Big Bang Theory $ America’s Got Talent % The Equalizer ) NewsNation Prime , The $100,000 Pyramid 0 Joe Bonamassa: Live From the Ryman 2 Penn & Teller: Fool Us 8 Boundless : Susan Graver Style A Animal Kingdom G Colosseum Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness Æ Movie “One Summer” (2021, Drama) Sam Page, Sarah Drew. Jack takes his children to his late wife’s hometown. ± The Villains of Valley View 8:01 P.M. I Naked and Afraid 8:05 P.M. B Movie ››› “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2” (2011, Fantasy) Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint. Harry may have to make the ultimate sacrifice. 8:30 P.M. # The Big Bang Theory Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness ± The Villains of Valley View 8:47 P.M. W Movie ›› “Central Intelligence” (2016, Action) Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart. A CIA agent recruits an ex-classmate for a top-secret case. 9:00 P.M. # Love Life % NCIS: Los Angeles _ Ed Sullivan ) NewsNation Prime * Abba Forever — A Celebration , The Final Straw 2 The National Desk 8 Last Man Standing : To Be Announced > SportsCenter ? The Rally Rewind A Animal Kingdom Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X Friends ± Jessie 9:01 P.M. J WWE Rivals9:02 P.M. I Naked and Afraid 9:03 P.M. D Movie “Temptation Under the Sun” (2022, Suspense) Annika Foster, Mike Markoff. A detective searches for a killer on an exotic island. G History’s Crazy Rich Ancients 9:30 P.M. # Movie ››› “Friends With Benefits” (2011, Romance-Comedy) Justin Timberlake, Mila Kunis. Complications unfold when two friends add sex to their relationship. _ Carol Burnett and Friends 0 Joanne Shaw Taylor Live 8 Last Man Standing Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X Friends ± Jessie 9:34 P.M. G History’s Crazy Rich Ancients 10:00 P.M. $ TMJ4 News at 10 % CBS 58 News at 10pm & FOX 6 News at 10 _ The Dick Van Dyke Show ) NewsNation Prime , WISN 12 News at 10 Sunday 2 Full Measure With Sharyl Attkisson 4 Vicious 8 The King of Queens : Dyson: Designs for Living > SportsCenter ? 18 Holes With Natalie Gulbis and Jimmy Hanlin A Movie ››› “Shazam!” (2019, Action) Zachary Levi, Mark Strong. Shazam squares off against the evil Dr. Thaddeus Sivana. Q 101 Places to Party Before You Die T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ The Golden Girls ± Hamster & Gretel 10:02 P.M. I Naked and Afraid 10:03 P.M. G Colosseum 10:04 P.M. J WWE Smack10:30Talk P.M. % CBS 58 News at 10:30pm _ The Dick Van Dyke Show * Bee Gees: One Night Only , WISN 12 News at 10:30 Sunday 2 Celebrity Page 8 The King of Queens ? Swing Clinic With Jimmy Hanlin Q 101 Places to Party Before You Die T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ The Golden Girls ± Hamster & Gretel 10:34 P.M. J WWE’s Most Wanted Treasures 10:35 P.M. & FOX 6 Sports10:37BlitzP.M. $ TMJ4 News at 10:5710:30P.M. B Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 11:00 P.M. $ Paid Program % S.W.A.T. _ The Honeymooners ) NewsNation Prime , UpFront 2 Celebrity Page 4 Sacrifice 8 The Goldbergs : Susan Graver Style ? World Poker Tour WPT Cash Game, No Limit Holdem - Part 2. I Naked and Afraid XL Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ The Golden Girls JR’s Junking & Towing We Buy All Junk Cars! No Title...No Problem Jumpstarts & Lockouts 414-888-3727 WE PAY $500 & up Osas African Hair Braiding 7514 W Appleton ave. suite #4 (414)439-9805 • Open 24hrs. - 7 days a week We’re professional hair braiding from 16 years, and we want to show our customers our love and kind appreciation through our work. We etc......KnotlessMicrodo:BraidsBraids Walk-insAllowed HelpBraidersWanted Check me out on InstagramFacebook,&YouTube!

PAGE 12 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022 Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429 ± Big City Greens11:01 P.M. D Movie “Big Lies in a Small Town” (2022, Suspense) Rhonda Dent, Kristina Paras. A small-town doctor kidnaps a young mother’s teen daughter. 11:03 P.M. G Colosseum J Biography: WWE Legends 11:05 P.M. & In Depth With Graham Bensinger 11:16 P.M. W Movie › “Peppermint” (2018, Action) Jennifer Garner, John Gallagher Jr. A vigilante seeks justice against her family’s killers. 11:30 P.M. $ Time of Grace With Pastor Mike Novotny _ The Twilight Zone , Matter of Fact With Soledad O’Brien 0 Rick Steves Island Hopping Europe 2 Raw Travel 8 The Goldbergs > SportsCenter Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ The Golden Girls ± Big City Greens11:35 P.M. & Seinfeld 11:45 P.M. # Movie ›› “Ocean’s 8” (2018, Comedy) Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett. 11:58 P.M. B Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 12:00 A.M. $ Good to Know % S.W.A.T. _ Alfred Hitchcock Hour ) Dan Abrams Live * Rick Steves’ Europe , Forensic Factor 0 Songs at the Center 2 Relief from Inflammation 4 Sacrifice 8 Murdoch Mysteries : Shoe Shopping With Courtney ? MLB Baseball Milwaukee Brewers at Chicago Cubs. Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ The Golden Girls ± Jessie 12:01 A.M. I Naked and Afraid 12:03 A.M. G Colosseum12:05 A.M. & Weather Gone12:30ViralA.M. $ Sex and Menopause * Queen Elizabeth’s Secret Agents 0 David Holt’s State of Music 2 Funny You Should Ask Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ The Golden Girls ± Jessie 12:45 A.M. A Movie ›› “Detective Pikachu” (2019, Children’s) Voice of Ryan Reynolds, Justice Smith. Live action/animated. Detective Pikachu searches for his missing ex-partner. 1:00 A.M. $ H2O Steam Fx Pro % SEAL Team _ CBS 58 News at 10pm ) Banfield , WISN 12 News Encore 0 Classic Gospel 2 The World’s Funniest Weather 4 Martin 8 Bloodline Detectives : Just Reduced - Fashion & Accessories > SportsCenter B Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Q World’s Dumbest ... T Ridiculousness X Seinfeld Æ Frasier ± Jessie 1:02 A.M. I Naked and Afraid 1:04 A.M. D Movie “Temptation Under the Sun” (2022, Suspense) Annika Foster, Mike Markoff. A detective searches for a killer on an exotic island. J WWE Rivals1:05 A.M. & Business of Being Black With Tammi Mac G History’s Crazy Rich Ancients 1:30 A.M. $ RightThisMinute _ CBS 58 News at 10:30pm * Queen Elizabeth’s Secret Agents 2 Made in Hollywood 4 Martin T Ridiculousness X Seinfeld Æ Frasier ± Ultra Violet & Black Scorpion 1:34 A.M. W Movie ››› “Serenity” (2005, Science Fiction) Nathan Fillion, Gina Torres. A spaceship crew gets caught in a deadly conflict. 1:35 A.M. G History’s Crazy Rich Ancients 2:00 A.M. # Movie ›› “The Boss” (2016, Comedy) Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Bell. An ex-con and her former assistant build a brownie empire. $ Meet the Press % Inside Edition Weekend _ CBS 58 Sunday Morning ) Last Man Standing , Just for Laughs Gags CARTERACADEMYCHRISTIANCAMPUS New to MPCP program you are required to submit Proof of Income (2021) & Proof of Residency. Continuing Families only require proof of Residency. Parent Application is to be completed online. CCA Computer Lab is available during and after school hours. *Students are accepted on a first come first serve basis. Please Stop By And Enroll Your Student Today! NEW ADDRESS 5249 N. 35th Street Serving Grades Serving5268414-395-3757K4-5thN.35thStreetGrades6th-12th414-466-3284 Are Accepting Applications for 2022-2023SchoolYear Carter’s Provides: •Door to Door Transportation •Hot Breakfast & Lunch Program •After School Tutoring/Basketball (414)731-7223 (414)732-6416 (414)233-0833 (414)544-4092 SUNDAY CONTINUED

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PAGE 14 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022 Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429 0 Austin City Limits 2 Moviefone TV 4 Martin 8 Go Nitro : Susan Graver Style ? Brewers Postgame B Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Q World’s Dumbest ... T Ridiculousness X Seinfeld Æ Frasier ± Ultra Violet & Black Scorpion 2:02 A.M. I Naked and Afraid 2:03 A.M. G Colosseum 2:05 A.M. & Fox Soul Sunday J WWE Smack2:30TalkA.M. % Pawn Stars ) Last Man Standing * Queen Elizabeth’s Secret Agents , Live with Kelly and Ryan 2 HouseSmarts 4 Martin 8 Greatest Sports Legends: Then and Now > SportsCenter ? Destination Polaris T Ridiculousness X Seinfeld Æ Frasier ± Jessie 2:34 A.M. J WWE’s Most Wanted Treasures 3:00 A.M. $ Early Today % CBS Overnight News _ Peter Gunn ) Last Man Standing 0 Song of the Mountains 2 Open House 4 Tyler Perry’s Meet the Browns 8 Cars.TV : Belle by Kim Gravel - Fashion ? AVP Pro Beach Volleyball Tour A Charmed B Law & Order: Special Victims Unit I Vegas Rat Rods Q Paid Program T Ridiculousness X Mike & Molly Æ Cheers ± Bunk’d 3:01 A.M. G Paid Program3:02 A.M. D True Crime: Identity Theft J Paid Program3:05 A.M. & Weather Gone3:30ViralA.M. $ Early Today _ Peter Gunn ) Last Man Standing * 10thirtysix , ABC World News Now 2 Today’s Homeowner With Danny Lipford 4 Tyler Perry’s Meet the Browns 8 Whacked Out Sports G Business in a Box 2022 Q Paid Program T Ridiculousness X Mike & Molly Æ Cheers ± Jessie 3:32 A.M. D Paid Program J True Crime: Identity Theft 4:00 A.M. # Family Matters $ Early Today % CBS Morning News & Judge Judy _ Highway Patrol ) Elementary * Outdoor Wisconsin , America This Morning 0 Classic Gospel 2 Daily Flash 4 Tyler Perry’s Meet the Browns 8 The Immortals > SportsCenter A Charmed B Law & Order: Special Victims Unit G Q True Crime: Identity Theft I Vegas Rat Rods T Ridiculousness W The Twilight Zone X Mike & Molly Æ Reba ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 4:02 A.M. D Paid Program J Oxygen Therapy Innovation 4:30 A.M. # Family Matters $ TMJ4 News Today % CBS 58 Morning News at 4:30am & FOX 6 Wake-Up News at 4:30 _ Dragnet * Consuelo Mack WealthTrack , WISN 12 News This Morning 4:30AM 2 Business First With Angela Miles 4 Tyler Perry’s Meet the Browns 8 The Outdoorsman With Buck McNeely G Q Paid Program T Ridiculousness W The Twilight Zone X Mike & Molly Æ Reba ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 4:31 A.M. J Paid Program4:32 A.M. D Paid ProgramWEEKDAYS5:00A.M. # Family Matters $ TMJ4 News Today % CBS 58 Morning News at 5am & FOX 6 Wake-Up News at 5 _ Dragnet ) Early Morning * Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum , WISN 12 News This Morning 5AM 0 Lost River Sessions (Mon) Roadkill on Masterpiece (Tue-Wed) Atlantic Crossing on Masterpiece (Thu-Fri) 2 The National Desk 4 Tyler Perry’s Meet the Browns 8 America’s Court With Judge Ross : Denim & Co. Clearance (Mon) Jayne’s Closet (Tue) Destination Denim (Wed) Hello Fall (Thu) David’s Great Big Christmas (Fri) > SportsCenter ? Inside The Brewers (Mon) Destination Polaris (Tue) 18 Holes With Natalie Gulbis and Jimmy Hanlin (Wed) Inside the Association (Thu) Made for the Outdoors (Fri) A Charmed B Chicago P.D. (Mon) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Tue-Thu) Chicago Fire (Fri) D Creflo Dollar G Amazing Facts I Street Outlaws: America’s List (Mon) Moonshiners (Tue) Strange Evidence (Wed) Flying Wild Alaska (Thu) World’s Top 5 (Fri) PAID! (414)315-4005TowsStartingat$50NON-RUNNINGWRECKEDDAMAGED No Title Needed CHICO’S TOWING SERVICES 24 Hrs. Lockout - Jump Starts Fast N Friendly Service We Start at $500 & up Any Vehicle MechanicAvailableServices (414)308-3028 We Buy Junk Cars Paying up to $1,500 for junk vehicles • Fast Service • Reliable • Cheap & Affordable • Roadside Assistance • FlatBed Towing • Lockout Services • FlatTire Service Towing (Competitive Rates) SUNDAY CONTINUED

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Fashion Deals With
2 The
W The Last Kingdom (Thu) The Twilight Zone (Fri) X SpongeBob SquarePants Æ Reba ± Bluey (Mon-Thu) 6:00 A.M. # George Lopez $ TMJ4 News Today % CBS 58 Morning News at 6am & FOX 6 Wake-Up News at 6 _ Toon in With Me ) Morning in America With Adrienne Bankert Molly of Denali , WISN 12 News This Morning 6AM Wai Lana Yoga National Desk Tyler Perry’s House of Payne Angela Miles Fashion Deals Leah Williams (Mon) Mally: Color Cosmetics (Tue) EV Rider Mobility Scooters (Wed) : To Be Announced (Thu) Fri-YAY! Leah Williams (Fri) SportsCenter MLB Baseball (Mon-Thu) MLS Soccer (Fri) A Charmed B Chicago P.D. (Mon) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Tue-Thu) Chicago Fire (Fri) D Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life G Ancient Aliens (Mon, Fri) Pawn Stars (Tue) Modern Marvels (Wed-Thu) I Moonshiners (Tue) Expedition: Back to the Future (Wed) Flying Wild Alaska (Thu) Dude, You’re Screwed (Fri) J Parking Wars (Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri) Court Cam (Wed) Q Home Title Theft is Real! Home Title Lock Protects Your Title 24/7 (Mon) Paid Program (Tue-Fri) T Catfish: The TV Show (Mon-Tue) Ridiculousness (Wed-Fri) W Eureka (Wed) The Twilight Zone (Fri) X PAW Patrol Æ Reba ± Alice’s Wonderland Bakery (MonThu) Bluey (Fri) 6:16 A.M. X PAW Patrol (Mon) 6:30 A.M. # George Lopez * Wild Kratts 0 Wai Lana Yoga 4 Tyler Perry’s House of Payne 8 Dental Implants Will Change Your Life D The Balancing Act (Mon-Tue) Designing Spaces (Wed) Military Makeover (Thu-Fri) G Pawn Stars (Tue) J Parking Wars (Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri) Court Cam (Wed) Q Adam Ruins Everything T Ridiculousness (Wed-Fri) W The Twilight Zone (Fri) X PAW Patrol (Tue-Fri) Æ Reba ± Bluey (Mon-Thu) The Doc is 10! (Fri) 6:32 A.M. W The Last Kingdom (Thu) 6:50 A.M. X PAW Patrol (Mon) 7:00 A.M. # George Lopez $ Today % CBS Mornings & FOX 6 Wake-Up News at 7 _ Leave It to Beaver ) Morning in America With Adrienne Bankert * Hero Elementary , Good Morning America 0 Body Electric 2 The National Desk 4 Living Single 8 Supreme Justice With Judge Karen : Get Ready, Gorgeous With Ali (Tue) Fall Style Story (Wed) Bethlehem Lights Seasonal Lighting (Thu) > Get Up A Charmed B Chicago P.D. (Mon) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Tue-Thu) Chicago Fire (Fri) D Grey’s Anatomy G Ancient Aliens (Mon, Fri) Pawn Stars (Tue) The Engineering That Built the World (Wed) Mountain Men (Thu) I Moonshiners (Tue) Expedition: Back to the Future (Wed) Flying Wild Alaska (Thu) Dude, You’re Screwed (Fri) J Parking Wars (Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri) Court Cam (Wed) Q Adam Ruins Everything T Catfish: The TV Show (Mon-Tue) Ridiculousness (Wed-Fri) W Eureka (Wed) The Twilight Zone (Fri) X PAW Patrol (Tue-Fri) Æ Reba ± Bluey 7:24 A.M. X PAW Patrol (Mon) 7:28 A.M. W Movie (Mon)7:30“Looper”A.M.
J David Jeremiah Q True Crime: Identity Theft (Mon) Paid Program (Tue-Fri) T Catfish: The TV Show (Mon-Tue) Ridiculousness (Wed-Fri) W Movie (Mon) “Criminal”
8 Business First With
Æ The
W The Twilight Zone (Tue, Thu-Fri) Eureka (Wed) X Young Sheldon Æ Reba ± Sofia the First (Mon-Thu) Sofia the First: The Floating Palace (Fri) 5:30 A.M. # George Lopez _ My Three Sons * Arthur 0 Step It Up With Steph (Mon) 4 Tyler Perry’s Meet the Browns 8 Justice With Judge Mablean ? Brewers Pregame (Mon-Thu) Destination Polaris (Fri) D Life Today With James Robison G David Jeremiah J Paid Program Q Oxygen Therapy Innovation (Mon) Paid Program (Tue-Fri) T Ridiculousness (Wed-Fri) W Movie (Tue) “Death Wish”
# George Lopez _ Leave It to Beaver * Alma’s Way 0 Allaire Back Fitness 4 Living Single 8 Supreme Justice With Judge Karen G Pawn Stars (Tue) J Parking Wars (Mon-Tue, Thu) Court Cam (Wed) Q Adam Ruins Everything T Ridiculousness (Wed-Fri) W Movie (Fri) “Hulk” X PAW Patrol (Tue-Fri) Æ Reba ± Marvel’s Spidey and His Amazing Friends 7:33 A.M. W The Last Kingdom (Thu) 7:45 A.M. W Movie (Tue) 7:56“Parker”A.M. X PAW Patrol (Mon) 8:00 A.M. # 2 Broke Girls & FOX 6 Wake-Up News at 8 _ Perry Mason ) Morning in America With Adrienne Bankert * Curious George 0 Classical Stretch: By Essentrics 2 Dental Implants Will Change Your Life 4 Martin 8 Justice With Judge Mablean : Susan Graver Style (Mon, Thu) Joan Rivers Classics Collection (Tue) Belle by Kim Gravel - Fashion (Wed) : To Be Announced (Fri) ? Brewers Postgame (Mon-Thu) Due North Outdoors (Fri) A Charmed B Chicago P.D. (Mon) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Tue-Thu) Chicago Fire (Fri) D Grey’s Anatomy G Ancient Aliens (Mon, Fri) Pawn Stars (Tue) The Engineering That Built the World (Wed) Mountain Men (Thu) I Fast N’ Loud (Mon) Moonshiners (Tue) Expedition: Back to the Future (Wed) Flying Wild Alaska (Thu) Dude, You’re Screwed (Fri) J Parking Wars (Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri) Court Cam (Wed) Impractical Jokers Catfish: The TV Show X PAW Patrol (Tue-Fri) Golden Girls ± Bluey 8:02 A.M. Eureka (Wed) 8:27 A.M. PAW Patrol (Mon) 8:30 A.M. 2 Broke Girls Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 0 Sit and Be Fit 2 Larry Smith Outdoors (Mon) Paid Program (Tue-Fri) Martin 8 America’s Court With Judge Ross Destination Polaris (Mon) Made for the Outdoors (Tue) 18 Holes With Natalie Gulbis and Jimmy Hanlin (Wed) Swing Clinic With Jimmy Hanlin (Thu) Rooster Tales (Fri) G Pawn Stars (Tue) J Parking Wars (Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri) Court Cam (Wed) Q Impractical Jokers X PAW Patrol (Tue-Fri) Æ The Golden Girls ± Bluey 8:35 A.M. W The Last Kingdom (Thu) 8:58 A.M. X PAW Patrol (Mon) 9:00 A.M. # 2 Broke Girls $ The Morning Blend % Let’s Make a Deal & FOX 6 Wake-Up News at 9 _ Matlock ) Blue Bloods Donkey Hodie , Live with Kelly and Ryan 0 Joseph Rosendo’s Travelscope 2 Never Fear Power Outages (Mon) Paid Program (Tue-Fri) 4 black-ish 8 Justice for All With Judge Cristina Pérez : Denim & Co. Clearance (Tue) Quacker Factory by Jeanne Bice (Wed) Gundry MD (Fri) First Take ? MLS Soccer (Mon, Wed) American Ninja Warrior (Tue) AVP Pro Beach Volleyball Tour (Thu) John Gillespie’s
Water & Woods (Fri) A Supernatural (Mon-Wed) NCIS: New Orleans (Thu-Fri) B Chicago P.D. (Mon) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Tue-Thu) Chicago Fire (Fri) D Grey’s Anatomy G Ancient Aliens (Mon, Fri) Pawn Stars (Tue) The Engineering That Built the World (Wed) Mountain Men (Thu) I Fast N’ Loud (Mon) Moonshiners (Tue) Expedition: Back to the Future (Wed) Airplane Repo (Thu) Dual Survival (Fri) J The First 48 (Mon) Kids Behind Bars: Life or Parole (Tue) Court Cam (Wed) 60 Days In (Thu) Court Night Live (Fri) Q The Carbonaro Effect T Catfish: The TV Show X PAW Patrol (Tue-Fri) Æ The Golden Girls ± Bluey 9:03 A.M. W Eureka (Wed) 9:29 A.M. X PAW Patrol (Mon) 9:30 A.M. # 2 Broke Girls * Elinor Wonders Why 0 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions 2 Paid Program We are NOW ACCEPTING PERSONAL CARE WORKERS WITH THEIR OWN CLIENTS. Get well PAID to take care of your loved one at the comfort of their homes. Available Services • Dressing •••GroomingFeedingToileting • Household Services (light housekeeping) • Activities of Daily Living Please call: (414)628-2774 or (414)885-2678 We now accept clients with the following: MEDICAID, MHS & ICARE *Tailoring our products & services to fit your needs Phone: 414-914-1585 Fax: 414-461-2009 • • Snow Removal • Handyman Service • Residential & Commercial Clean-Outs • Property Maintenance • Junk Removal / Hauling • Moving Helpers • Landscaping •Delivery **WeReferrals!!!**Welcome *Summer Cleaning* WEEKDAYS CONTINUED
PAGE 16 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022 Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429

2 Daily Flash 4 Martin 8 Divorce Court ? Discover
& Jenna % The Young and the Restless & FOX 6 News at 11 _ The Waltons ) Blue Bloods * Dinosaur Train , WISN 12 News at 11AM 0 Paint This With
Hot Deals — Beauty Edition
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# Friends $ Today With
Dog 0
# Friends * Clifford
# Friends $ TMJ4 News at Noon % CBS 58 News at Noon & The Wendy Williams Show _ Gunsmoke ) Blue Bloods * Sesame Street (Mon,
G Pawn
4 black-ish 8 Lauren Lake’s Paternity Court ? MidWest Outdoors (Fri) G Pawn Stars (Tue) J Court Cam (Wed) Q The Carbonaro Effect X PAW Patrol (Tue-Fri) Æ The Golden Girls ± Bluey (Mon-Thu) The Doc is 10! (Fri) 9:37 A.M. W The Last Kingdom (Thu) 10:00 A.M. # Friends $ Today 3rd Hour % The Price Is Right & Real Milwaukee _ In the Heat of the Night ) Blue Bloods * Sesame Street (Mon, Wed-Fri) The Monster at the End of This Story (Tue) , The View 0 Quilting Arts 2 The Balancing Act 4 Martin 8 Couples Court With the Cutlers : Mally: Color Cosmetics (Fri) ? American Ninja Warrior (Tue) Larry Smith Outdoors (Fri) A Supernatural (Mon-Wed) NCIS: New Orleans (Thu-Fri) B Chicago P.D. (Mon) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Tue-Thu) Chicago Fire (Fri) D Grey’s Anatomy G Ancient Aliens (Mon, Fri) Pawn Stars (Tue) The Engineering That Built the World (Wed) Mountain Men (Thu) I Fast N’ Loud (Mon) Moonshiners (Tue) Unearthed (Wed) Airplane Repo (Thu) Dual Survival (Fri) J The First 48 (Mon) Kids Behind Bars: Life or Parole (Tue) Court Cam (Wed) Inmate to Roommate (Thu) The Carbonaro Effect T Catfish: The TV Show X Face’s Music Party (Mon) PAW Patrol (Tue-Fri) The Golden Girls ± Mickey Mouse Funhouse (Mon-Thu) Bluey (Fri) 10:03 A.M. W Movie (Mon) “Death Wish” 10:05 A.M. W Movie (Wed) “The Purge: Anarchy” 10:26 A.M. W Movie (Tue) “Gods of Egypt” 10:30 A.M. Peterrific Roger Sarah Bansemer Wisconsin (Fri) Pawn Stars (Tue) Court Cam (Wed) The Carbonaro Effect W Movie (Fri) “The Mummy” PAW Patrol (Mon-Thu) The Golden Girls ± Bluey 10:40 A.M. W Movie (Thu)10:55“Sharknado”A.M. Mickey Mouse11:00 A.M. Hoda Jerry Yarnell Hot Deals (Mon, Wed-Fri) (Tue) the Line A Supernatural (Mon-Wed) NCIS: New Orleans (Thu-Fri) B Chicago P.D. (Mon) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Tue-Thu) Chicago Fire (Fri) D Grey’s Anatomy G Ancient Aliens (Mon, Fri) Pawn Stars (Tue) The Engineering That Built the World (Wed) Mountain Men (Thu) I Fast N’ Loud (Mon) Moonshiners (Tue) Unearthed (Wed) Airplane Repo (Thu) Dual Survival (Fri) J After the First 48 (Mon) Kids Behind Bars: Life or Parole (Tue) Court Cam (Wed) The First 48 (Thu) 60 Days In (Fri) Q World’s Dumbest ... T Catfish: The TV Show X PAW Patrol (Mon-Thu) Kiri and Lou (Fri) Æ Movie (Mon) “Date With Love” (Tue) “One Winter Weekend” (Wed) “A Taste of Summer” (Thu) “Over the Moon in Love” (Fri) “One Winter Proposal” ± Bluey 11:30 A.M. the Big Red This Old House (Mon, Wed) Relative Justice (Tue, Thu-Fri) Stars (Tue) Court Cam (Wed) PAW Patrol Bluey 12:00 P.M. Wed-Fri)
Monster at the End of This Story , GMA3: What You Need to Know 0 It’s Sew Easy 2 Access Daily 4 Celebrity Family Feud 8 Judge Jerry : Women With Control - Featuring Attitudes by Renee (Mon) AnyBody Loungewear (Tue) Fire Light Lab Grown Diamond Jewelry (Wed) Countdown to Christmas - Holiday Decor (Thu) Isaac Mizrahi Live! (Fri) MOVERS • Residential & Commercial • Local & State Wide Moving • Fully Insured & Bonded • Senior Discounts Call us TODAY! 414-550-2939 NOW ACCEPTING NEW CLIENTS!!! MEDICAID T19 MHS NETWORK HEALTH MOLINA COMMUNITY CARE ANTHEM AND SUPPORTIVE HOME CARE ILIFE PREMIER GTI FALL 2021 REFERRAL SPECIAL: $200 TELL YOUR FAMILY, NEIGHBORS OR A FRIEND!!! CALL: 414-395-3160 And See If You Qualify 4201 N. 27th St. Milwaukee WI. 53216
8 Paid Program
0 Painting and Travel With
# Friends * Pinkalicious &
2 The Doctors 4 Celebrity Family Feud 8 Relative Justice :
> SportsCenter ? Live on

PAGE 18 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022 Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429 > 2022 Little League Baseball World Series (Mon-Wed) SportsCenter (Thu-Fri) ? NASCAR Race Rewind (Mon-Tue) The Card Life (Wed) 18 Holes With Natalie Gulbis and Jimmy Hanlin (Thu) Sports Stars of Tomorrow (Fri) A Supernatural (Mon-Wed) NCIS: New Orleans (Thu-Fri) B Chicago P.D. (Mon) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Tue-Thu) NASCAR Racing (Fri) D Grey’s Anatomy G Ancient Aliens (Mon, Fri) Pawn Stars (Tue) The Engineering That Built the World (Wed) Mountain Men (Thu) I Fast N’ Loud (Mon) Moonshiners (Tue) Unearthed (Wed) Airplane Repo (Thu) Dual Survival (Fri) J After the First 48 (Mon) Kids Behind Bars: Life or Parole (Tue) Court Cam (Wed) The First 48 (Thu) 60 Days In (Fri) Q World’s Dumbest ... T Catfish: The TV Show X PAW Patrol ± Big City Greens12:22 P.M. W Movie (Mon)12:30“Parker”P.M. # Friends $ TMJ4 News at 12:30PM % The Bold and the Beautiful * Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 0 Sara’s Weeknight Meals 8 Judge Jerry (Mon-Tue, Thu) Paid Program (Wed, Fri) ? Inside The Brewers (Wed) 18 Holes With Natalie Gulbis and Jimmy Hanlin (Thu) Northwoods League Now (Fri) G Pawn Stars (Tue) J Court Cam (Wed) X PAW Patrol ± Big City Greens12:31 P.M. W Movie (Wed) “Now You See Me” 12:45 P.M. W Movie (Thu) “Sharknado 2: The Second One” 1:00 P.M. # Friends $ Days of our Lives % The Talk & Nick Cannon _ Bonanza ) Blue Bloods * Curious George , General Hospital 0 America’s Test Kitchen From Cook’s Illustrated (Mon-Thu) The Jubilee Pudding: 70 Years in the Baking (Fri) 2 Chicago Fire 4 Celebrity Family Feud 8 Jerry Springer : Jayne’s Closet (Mon) Beekman 1802 Beauty (Tue) Hello Fall (Wed) > This Just In (Thu) SportsCenter (Fri) ? MLB Baseball A Supernatural (Mon-Wed) NCIS: New Orleans (Thu-Fri) B Chicago P.D. (Mon) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Tue-Thu) ARCA Racing Series (Fri) D Grey’s Anatomy G Ancient Aliens (Mon, Fri) Pawn Stars (Tue) The Engineering That Built the World (Wed) Mountain Men (Thu) I Fast N’ Loud (Mon) Moonshiners (Tue) Unearthed (Wed) Airplane Repo (Thu) Dual Survival (Fri) J The First 48 (Mon, Thu) Inmate to Roommate (Tue, Fri) Court Night Live (Wed) Q World’s Dumbest ... T Catfish: The TV Show W Movie (Fri) “The Mummy Returns” X Middlemost Post (Mon-Thu) X Movie (Fri) “Trolls World Tour” Æ Movie (Mon) “A Winter Princess” (Tue) “All of My Heart: Inn Love” (Wed) “Chasing Waterfalls” (Thu) “Autumn in the Vineyard” (Fri) “Love on Iceland” ± Big City Greens1:15 P.M. X Middlemost Post (Mon-Thu) 1:19 P.M. W Movie (Tue) “The Scorpion King” 1:30 P.M. # Friends * Wild Kratts 0 Cook’s Country (Mon-Thu) X SpongeBob SquarePants (Mon-Thu) ± Big City Greens (Mon, Wed-Fri) Hamster & Gretel (Tue) 2:00 P.M. # Friends $ RightThisMinute % The Drew Barrymore Show & TMZ Live _ The Rifleman ) Blue Bloods * Nature Cat , Tamron Hall 0 Memory Rescue With Daniel Amen, MD (Mon) Eat Your Medicine: The Pegan Diet With Mark Hyman, MD (Tue) This Land Is Your Land (My Music) (Wed) Forever Painless With Miranda Edmonde-White (Thu) Kenny Rogers Farewell Concert Celebration: All in for the Gambler (Fri) 2 Funny You Should Ask 4 Movie (Mon) “This Christmas” (Tue) “Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Witness Protection” (Wed) “Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son” (Thu) “Tyler Perry’s The Single Moms Club” (Fri) “All Eyez on Me” 8 Maury : Susan Graver Style (Mon) Gourmet Holiday (Wed-Thu) The Perfect Accessory With Jen Coffey (Fri) > Little League World Series (Mon) 2022 Little League Baseball World Series (Tue-Thu) This Just In (Fri) A Movie (Mon) “Crazy Rich Asians” (Tue) “Red Dawn” (Thu) “Total Recall” (Fri) “Godzilla: King of the Monsters” A Supernatural (Wed) B Chicago P.D. (Mon) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Tue-Thu) NASCAR Xfinity Racing Series (Fri) D Grey’s Anatomy (Mon-Tue) Castle (Wed, Fri) Rizzoli & Isles (Thu) G Ancient Aliens (Mon, Fri) Pawn Stars (Tue) Forged in Fire (Wed) Mountain Men (Thu) I Fast N’ Loud (Mon) Moonshiners (Tue) Unearthed (Wed) Airplane Repo (Thu) Dual Survival (Fri) J The First 48 (Mon-Tue, Thu) Inmate to Roommate (Fri) Q World’s Dumbest ... T Catfish: The TV Show (Mon-Tue) Ridiculousness (Wed-Fri) X SpongeBob SquarePants (Mon-Thu) ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 2:30 P.M. # Friends $ The List _ The Rifleman * Odd Squad 2 Stop Brain Fog (Mon) Paid Program (Tue-Thu) Funny You Should Ask (Fri) T Ridiculousness (Wed-Fri) X SpongeBob SquarePants (Mon-Thu) ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 2:50 P.M. W Movie (Thu) “Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No!” 3:00 P.M. # Friends $ The Kelly Clarkson Show % Dr. Phil & Judge Judy _ Wagon Train ) Blue Bloods * Secrets of Selfridges (Mon) Antiques Roadshow (Tue) Secrets of Althorp — The Spencers (Wed) Nature (Thu) NOVA (Fri) , The Ellen DeGeneres Show 0 Rick Steves Fascism in Europe (Thu) 2 Family Feud 8 The Steve Wilkos Show : Earth Brands Footwear (Tue) > NFL Live (Fri) ? MLS Soccer (Mon) Tennis (Tue) 18 Holes With Natalie Gulbis and Jimmy Hanlin (Wed) World Poker Tour (Thu) Due North Outdoors (Fri) A Lucifer (Wed) B Chicago P.D. (Mon) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Tue-Thu) D The First 48 (Mon) Grey’s Anatomy (Tue) Castle (Wed, Fri) Rizzoli & Isles (Thu) G Ancient Aliens (Mon, Fri) Pawn Stars (Tue) Forged in Fire (Wed) Mountain Men (Thu) I Fast N’ Loud (Mon) Deadliest Catch (Tue) Expedition Unknown (Wed) BattleBots (Thu) Gold Rush: Dave Turin’s Lost Mine (Fri) J The First 48 (Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri) Court Night Live (Wed) Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes (Mon-Wed) Fast Foodies (Thu) Impractical Jokers (Fri) T Deliciousness (Mon) Catfish: The TV Show (Tue) Ridiculousness (Wed-Fri) X The Patrick Star Show (Mon-Thu) SpongeBob SquarePants (Fri) Æ Movie (Mon) “June in January” (Tue) “Feeling Butterflies” (Wed) “Where Your Heart Belongs” (Thu) “A Country Wedding” (Fri) “Love on the Menu” ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 3:03 P.M. W Movie (Mon) “Fast Five” 3:04 P.M. W Movie (Wed) “Now You See Me 2” 3:25 P.M. W Movie (Tue) “Journey 2: The Mysterious Island”3:30 P.M. # Friends & Judge Judy 0 John Denver: Country Roads: Live in England (Wed) Roy Orbison Forever (Fri) 2 True Crime: Identity Theft (Mon) Paid Program (Tue-Thu) Family Feud (Fri) ? 18 Holes With Natalie Gulbis and Jimmy Hanlin (Wed) Made for the Outdoors (Fri) B Austin Dillon’s Life in the Fast Lane (Fri) Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes (Mon-Wed) Fast Foodies (Thu) Impractical Jokers (Fri) T Deliciousness (Mon) Ridiculousness (Wed-Fri) X SpongeBob SquarePants (Mon-Wed, Fri) X Movie (Thu) “Sonic the Hedgehog” ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 3:45 P.M. X Movie (Wed) “The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie” 4:00 P.M. # Young Sheldon (Mon-Thu) Friends (Fri) $ TMJ4 News at 4:00 % CBS 58 News at 4pm & FOX 6 News at 4 _ Adam-12 ) NewsNation: Rush Hour * Secrets of Westminster (Mon) Escape to the Chateau (Tue) Secrets of Chatsworth (Wed) The Mystery of Chaco Canyon (Thu) Impossible Builds (Fri) , WISN 12 News at 4 0 Rick Steves: Why We Travel (Mon) Aging Backwards 3: Fast Track With Miranda Esmonde-White (Tue) 2 25 Words or Less 8 Hot Bench : LOGO by Lori Goldstein (Mon) Destination Denim (Tue) Gourmet Holiday (Wed) Fri-YAY! With Alberti and Amy: Style Edition (Fri) > Little League World Series (Mon) 2022 Little League Baseball World Series (Tue-Wed) Around the Horn (Thu-Fri) ? Swing Clinic With Jimmy Hanlin (Wed) Live on the Line (Thu-Fri) A Movie (Tue) “Armageddon” A Lucifer (Wed) B Chicago P.D. (Mon) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Tue-Thu) NASCAR Cup Series (Fri) D The First 48 (Mon) Grey’s Anatomy (Tue) Castle (Wed, Fri) Rizzoli & Isles (Thu) G Ancient Aliens (Mon, Fri) Pawn Stars (Tue) Forged in Fire (Wed) Mountain Men (Thu) I Street Outlaws: Full Throttle (Mon) Deadliest Catch (Tue) Expedition (414)215-8110 We Buy VehiclesJunk BIGG FELLAS TOWING, LLC We sell used battries at comparable prices! Receive express towing at ratespremium Text messages are acceptable HolidaysOpen Weekends& WEEKDAYS CONTINUED Speed performance allowing you to stream & download shows, music, photos, large files and more on multiple devices 866-573-9928 EARTHLINK INTERNET HIGH SPEED INTERNET Enjoy big-time Internet speeds without spending big bucks! Get Connected for as low as $ 14.95/mo. • 50X faster than DSL!!** • Reliability and high speed with fiber optic technology • Fast download time for streaming videos, music and more! 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4 Movie ››
2 In the
Madea uses tough love on a Wall Street banker and his family. 8 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ? Inside The Brewers D Sleeping With a Killer Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Ridiculousness X Friends 8:02 P.M. G Ancient Aliens 8:30 P.M. # The Big Bang Theory _ Green Acres ? Brewers Pregame Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes DID YOUR CAR BREAK DOWN? ...IN NEED OF A RENTAL? ...CALL BEST DEALS ON WHEELS We414-535-1111Oer: CASH RENTALS! NO CREDIT CARD HASSELS! STOP TODAY!IN 5250 N. 76th St. BESTWHEELSONDEAL 7219 W Fond Du Lac Ave. 578-2888 Opencuttlooseautoworks.comMon.-Fri.8:30am-5pmLIKEUSONFACEBOOK We can SAVE you up to $200 on your Deducible for most repairs. Remember Body Estimates are always FREE! Cutt-Loose Auto Repair Services Offered: Diagnosis, Tune-ups, Brakes, Suspension, Steering, Welding, Engine andReplacement.Transmission Financing Available - Call for Details Auto Repair Loans Available Comfortable Waiting Room with WiFi Brake, Steering & Suspension Inspection $19.99 + tax With Coupon Regular Price $29.99 Expires 8/31/22
Unknown (Wed) Gold Rush: Dave Turin’s Lost Mine (Fri) J Movie (Mon) “The Magnificent Seven” J The First 48 (Tue, Thu-Fri) Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes (Mon-Wed) Fast Foodies (Thu) Impractical Jokers (Fri) T Ridiculousness (Mon, Wed-Thu) Catfish: The TV Show (Tue) Fresh Out Live (Fri) W Movie (Fri) “The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor” X Movie (Mon) “Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted” (Tue) “The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water” X SpongeBob SquarePants (Fri) ± Tangled: The Series (Mon-Tue) Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure (Wed-Fri) 4:15 P.M. T Ridiculousness (Fri) 4:30 P.M. # Young Sheldon (Mon-Thu) Friends (Fri) _ Adam-12 0 Rick Steves Island Hopping Europe (Thu) 2 25 Words or Less 8 Hot Bench > Pardon the Interruption (Thu-Fri) ? Inside the Association (Wed) A Movie (Mon) “The Intern” (Thu) “Terminator: Dark Fate” (Fri) “Rampage” Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes (Mon-Wed) Fast Foodies (Thu) Impractical Jokers (Fri) T Ridiculousness (Mon, Wed-Fri) ± Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure (Fri) 4:55 P.M. W Movie (Thu) “Sharknado: The 4th Awakens” 5:00 P.M. # Young Sheldon (Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri) The Big Bang Theory (Wed) $ TMJ4 News at 5 % CBS 58 News at 5pm & FOX 6 News at 5 _ The A-Team ) NewsNation: Rush Hour * Secrets of Scotland Yard (Mon) 10thirtysix (Tue) Finding Your Roots With Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (Wed) American Experience (Thu) Impossible Builds (Fri) , WISN 12 News at 5 0 Amanpour and Company 2 Family Feud 4 Tyler Perry’s Sistas 8 The Goldbergs : Beekman 1802 Beauty (Tue) Countdown to Christmas - Holiday Decor (Thu) > SportsCenter (Thu-Fri) ? Live on the Line (Mon-Wed) The Rally (Thu-Fri) A Lucifer (Wed) B Chicago P.D. (Mon) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Tue-Thu) D The First 48 (Mon) Grey’s Anatomy (Tue) Castle (Wed, Fri) Rizzoli & Isles (Thu) G Ancient Aliens (Mon, Fri) Pawn Stars (Tue) Forged in Fire (Wed) Mountain Men (Thu) I Deadliest Catch (Tue) Expedition Unknown (Wed) BattleBots (Thu) Gold Rush: Dave Turin’s Lost Mine (Fri) J The First 48 (Tue, Thu-Fri) Court Cam (Wed) Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes (Mon-Wed) Fast Foodies (Thu) Impractical Jokers (Fri) T Ridiculousness (Mon, Wed-Fri) Catfish: The TV Show (Tue) Æ Movie (Mon) “Love and Sunshine” (Tue) “Pearl in Paradise” (Wed) “Matching Hearts” (Thu) “A Royal Winter” (Fri) “Love on the Sidelines” ± Tangled: The Series (Mon) Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure (WedThu) ± Movie (Tue) “Descendants 3” (Fri) “Descendants 2”5:30 P.M. # Young Sheldon (Mon, Thu-Fri) MLB on TBS: Leadoff (Tue) The Big Bang Theory (Wed) $ NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt % CBS Evening News With Norah O’Donnell * Outdoor Wisconsin (Tue) , ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 2 Family Feud 8 The Goldbergs B Austin Dillon’s Life in the Fast Lane (Fri) J Court Cam (Wed) Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes (Mon-Wed) Fast Foodies (Thu) Impractical Jokers (Fri) T Ridiculousness (Mon, Wed-Fri) W Movie (Tue) “Now You See Me” X Movie (Wed) “Sonic the Hedgehog” ± Tangled: The Series (Mon) Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure (WedThu) 6:00MONDAY8/22/22P.M. # Young Sheldon $ TMJ4 News at 6 % Jeopardy! & FOX 6 News at 6 _ M*A*S*H ) On Balance With Leland Vittert * PBS NewsHour , WISN 12 News at 6 0 Rick Steves’ Europe 2 Family Feud 4 Tyler Perry’s The Oval 8 Last Man Standing : Fall Style Report > Monday Night Countdown ? Made for the Outdoors B Chicago P.D. D The First 48 G Ancient Aliens I Street Outlaws: Full Throttle Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Ridiculousness W Movie ›› “Central Intelligence” (2016, Action) Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart. A CIA agent recruits an ex-classmate for a top-secret case. X Movie ››› “The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water” (2015, Children’s) Voices of Tom Kenny, Bill Fagerbakke. Live action/animated. SpongeBob SquarePants comes ashore for an adventure on land. ± Disney’s Magic Bake-Off 6:30 P.M. # Young Sheldon $ Milwaukee Tonight % Wheel of Fortune & TMZ _ M*A*S*H , Entertainment Tonight 0 Rick Steves’ Europe 2 Family Feud 8 Last Man Standing ? The Rally Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Ridiculousness7:00 P.M. # The Big Bang Theory $ American Ninja Warrior % The Neighborhood & Don’t Forget the Lyrics! _ The Andy Griffith Show ) NewsNation Prime With Marni Hughes * Antiques Roadshow , The Bachelorette 0 BBC World News America 2 Roswell, New Mexico 4 Celebrity Family Feud 8 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit : Fashion’s Night In > NFL Preseason Football Atlanta Falcons at New York Jets. A Movie ››› “The Blind Side” (2009, Drama) Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw. A well-to-do white couple adopts a homeless black teen. B WWE Monday Night RAW D The First 48 Presents Critical Minutes G Ancient Aliens I Street Outlaws: Endgame J Movie ›› “The Accountant” (2016, Suspense) Ben Affleck, Anna Kendrick. An agent tracks an accountant who works for criminals. Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Ridiculousness Æ Movie “My One & Only” (2019, Romance) Pascale Hutton, Sam Page. A contestant on a dating show starts to fall for someone. ± Movie ››› “Frozen” (2013, Children’s) Voices of Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel. Animated. A young queen’s icy powers trap a kingdom in eternal winter. 7:30 P.M. # The Big Bang Theory % Bob Hearts Abishola _ The Andy Griffith Show 0 BBC World News Outside Source Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Ridiculousness8:00 P.M. # The Big Bang Theory % NCIS & Beat Shazam _ Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. ) Abrams Live James Taylor: One Man Band Dark “Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Protection” (2012, Comedy) Tyler Perry, Eugene Levy.
Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022, PAGE 19
* Antiques Roadshow 0

T Ridiculousness W Movie ›› “Journey 2: The Mysterious Island” (2012, Adventure) Dwayne Johnson, Michael Caine. A dis tress signal leads a teen to an island of treasures. X Friends 8:45 P.M. ± Hamster & Gretel 9:00 P.M. # The Big Bang Theory $ Weakest Link % NCIS: Hawai’i & FOX 6 News at 9 _ Hogan’s Heroes ) Banfield * Escape to the Chateau 2 The National Desk 8 Two and a Half Men ? MLB Baseball Milwaukee Brewers at Los Angeles Dodgers. Q Movie ›› “Click” (2006, Comedy) Adam Sandler, Kate Beckinsale. An archi tect’s new remote controls his universe. T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ The Golden 9:01Girls P.M. , Claim to Fame9:03 P.M. D Phrogging: Hider in My House 9:05 P.M. G Ancient Aliens9:10 P.M. ± Big City Greens9:30 P.M. # The Big Bang Theory _ Hogan’s Heroes 0 John Denver: Country Roads: Live in England 2 The National Desk 8 Two and a Half Men A Movie ››› “The Blind Side” (2009, Drama) Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw. A well-to-do white couple adopts a homeless black teen. T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ Golden 9:35Girls P.M. Big City Greens10:00 P.M. # American Dad! $ TMJ4 News at 10 % CBS 58 News at 10pm & FOX 6 News at 10 _ Carol Burnett and Friends Prime With Marni Hughes Secrets of Althorp — The Spencers , WISN 12 News at 10 2 The National Desk 8 The King of Queens : Encore by Idina Menzel — Fashion > SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt B Brand. A warrior battles an evil ruler and a sorceress. X Friends Æ The Golden Girls ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 10:34 P.M. $ The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon 10:35 P.M. % The Late Show With Stephen Colbert & You Bet Your Life With Jay Leno , Jimmy Kimmel11:00Live!P.M. # American Dad! ) Dan Abrams Live * Secrets of Chatsworth 0 Rick Steves Island Hopping Europe 2 DailyMailTV 4 Martin 8 Schitt’s Creek : Beekman 1802 Beauty > SportsCenter I Street Outlaws: Endgame T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ The Golden Girls ± Jessie 11:01 P.M. B Chicago P.D. D The First 48 Presents Critical Minutes 11:03 P.M. G Ancient Aliens J Movie ›› “The Accountant” (2016, Suspense) Ben Affleck, Anna Kendrick. An agent tracks an accountant who works for criminals. 11:05 P.M. & Seinfeld 11:15 P.M. Q Movie ›› “Click” (2006, Comedy) Adam Sandler, Kate Beckinsale. An archi tect’s new remote controls his universe. 11:30 P.M. American Dad! 0 PBS NewsHour DailyMailTV Martin 8 Schitt’s Creek Ridiculousness Friends Æ The Golden Girls ± Jessie 11:35 P.M. & Seinfeld The Twilight11:37Zone P.M. $ Late Night With Seth Meyers The Late Late Show With James Corden , Nightline 12:00 A.M. # Wipeout ) Banfield Rick Steves’ Europe 2 Dish Nation Martin 8 The
PAGE 20 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022 Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429
) NewsNation
Snake in the Grass T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ The Golden Girls ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 10:01 P.M. I Street Outlaws10:03 P.M. D Phrogging: Hider in My House 10:04 P.M. J 60 Days In 10:05 P.M. G Ancient Aliens 10:30 P.M. # American Dad! _ Perry Mason 2 The National Desk 8 The King of Queens T Ridiculousness W Movie ›› “The Scorpion King” (2002, Adventure) The Rock, Steven
Simpsons : Breezies Intimates Collection > SportsCenter ? Brewers Postgame A Movie ››› “A Star Is Born” (2018, Romance) Bradley Cooper, Lady Gaga. A country music star falls in love with a talented singer. T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ Frasier ± Jessie 12:01 A.M. D Sleeping With a 12:02KillerA.M. B Chicago P.D.12:04 A.M. G Ancient Aliens12:05 A.M. & Extra _ Alfred Hitchcock Presents 12:06 A.M. , Rachael Ray12:30 A.M. * Amanpour and Company 0 Curious Traveler 2 Access Daily 4 Martin 8 Family Guy ? Made for the Outdoors T Ridiculousness W Movie › “Jigsaw” (2017, Horror) Tobin Bell, Matt Passmore. A killer forces his victims to play sadistic games. X Friends Æ Frasier ± Jessie 12:35 A.M. & Access Hollywood _ Alfred Hitchcock Presents 12:37 A.M. $ TMJ4 News at 10 % Inside Edition1:00 A.M. # Wipeout ) On Balance With Leland Vittert 0 America’s Test Kitchen From Cook’s Illustrated 4 Martin 8 Bob’s Burgers : Cuddl Duds - Live in Layers > SportsCenter ? Due North Outdoors T Ridiculousness X Seinfeld Æ Frasier ± Jessie 1:03 A.M. B Snake in the1:04GrassA.M. D Phrogging: Hider in My House 1:05 A.M. & FOX 6 News at 10 _ Mannix 1:06 A.M. , The Good Dish G Ancient Aliens1:07 A.M. $ Paid Program % Friends 1:30 A.M. * Antiques Roadshow 0 Cook’s Country 2 Storage Wars 4 Martin 8 Family Guy ? A Fishing Story With Ronnie Green Q 101 Places to Party Before You Die T Ridiculousness X Seinfeld Æ Frasier ± The Villains of Valley View 1:35 A.M. & Paid Program1:37 A.M. $ Paid Program % CBS 58 News at 10pm 2:00 A.M. # Wipeout ) Camp Meeting 0 Lewis 2 The Liquidator 4 Real Husbands of Hollywood 8 Bob’s Burgers : Beekman 1802 Beauty > SportsCenter ? Boxing EntroBox: Christopher Diaz vs. Bryan De Gracia. Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Catfish: The TV Show X Seinfeld Æ Frasier ± The Villains of Valley View 2:01 A.M. I Street Outlaws2:03 A.M. B Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 2:04 A.M. D Phrogging: Hider in My House 2:05 A.M. & Smile Healthy Milwaukee, with ClearChoice Dental Implant Centers _ Cannon G Ancient Aliens J 60 Days In 2:06 A.M. , Live with Kelly and Ryan SENIORPROGRAMMEAL August 15 - 19, 2022 MONDAY Roast Beef Honey Wheat Bread Creamy Cucumber Salad FreshChipsOrangeLemonBar TUESDAY Submarine CarrotHoagieSandwichBunRaisinSaladTropicalFruitAppleJuiceYogurt WEDNESDAY Asian Chicken Salad Grilled Chicken, Mixed Greens, Mandarin Oranges, Vinaigrette, Chow Mein Noodles, Almonds Hawaiian Dinner Roll Baker'sApplesauceChoiceDessert THURSDAY Ham & Multi-GrainCheeseBreadSpinachSaladBlackBeanSaladNectarinePineappleCake FRIDAY Taco Salad Taco Meat, Cheese, Tomato, Peppers, Onion, RiceTortillaDressingLettuce,ChipsPlumKrispieTreat To register for a meal, diners must call their dining site 24 hours in advance. Diners must call between 9:30am and 11:30am to place a meal res ervation. Carry out meals are distributed using a drive-through service model. There are also limited delivery opportunities available and diners should call their dining site for more information.) senior dining office: 414-289-6995 For Affordable Senior Housing Income-Based Rent Must be 62 or older or disabled 1 BRs & Studios w/ on-site: • Elevators • Laundry • Maintenance • Management • Two Large Community Rooms • Overnight Security 2121 N. 2nd Street • 264-3494 Equal Housing Opportunity MONDAY CONTINUED

Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022, PAGE 21 MUNHUPTTEBERINYOURPHONEJUSTINCASE MUNHUPTTEBERINYOURPHONEJUSTINCASEPUT THE NUMBER IN YOUR PHONE JUST IN CASE PUT THE NUMBER IN YOUR PHONE JUST IN CASE Flatbed Towing • Lockouts • Tire Change MILWAUKEE TOWING AND JUNKING “Drive Safe But Put The Number In Your Phone Just In Case” 414-627-TOWS(8697) UP TO $1,000 FOR JUNK CARS! “WE DO PICK UPS IN MILWAUKEE TOW LOT”!!! Call us today for advertising 262-370-6429 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022 PAGE 21

PAGE 22 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022 Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429 2:07 A.M. $ RightThisMinute % The Drew Barrymore Show 2:30 A.M. * Antiques Roadshow 2 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen 4 Real Husbands of Hollywood 8 Maury Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes W The Twilight Zone X Seinfeld Æ Frasier ± Jessie 2:35 A.M. & You Bet Your Life With Jay Leno 2:37 A.M. $ The Kelly Clarkson Show 3:00 A.M. # Wipeout ) Know the Cause 2 ES.TV 4 Real Husbands of Hollywood : Shoe Shopping With Courtney > SportsCenter A Cold Case I Street Outlaws: No Prep Kings Q Oxygen Therapy Innovation T Catfish: The TV Show W Paid Program X Mike & Molly Æ Cheers ± Bunk’d 3:01 A.M. G Paid Program3:02 A.M. B Dateline D J Paid Program3:05 A.M. & FOX 6 News at 9 _ Barnaby Jones 3:06 A.M. , ABC World News Now 3:07 A.M. % CBS Overnight3:30NewsA.M. $ Smile Healthy Milwaukee, with ClearChoice Dental Implant Centers ) Joseph Prince * Secrets of Althorp — The Spencers 0 Great Scenic Railway Journeys 2 Recipe.TV 4 Real Husbands of Hollywood 8 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen G W Paid Program Q Emeril Forever Pans X Mike & Molly Æ Cheers ± Jessie 3:32 A.M. D J Paid Program4:00 A.M. # Family Matters $ Early Today % CBS Morning News & Judge Judy _ Highway Patrol ) Q W Paid Program , America This Morning 0 Roadkill on Masterpiece 2 Daily Flash 4 Real Husbands of Hollywood 8 Shepherd’s Chapel : Breezies Intimates Collection > SportsCenter A Charmed G Larry King’s Prostate ReportSecrets To Prostate Health Revealed I Street Outlaws: No Prep Kings T Catfish: The TV Show X Mike & Molly Æ Reba ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 4:01 A.M. B Dateline 4:02 A.M. D Stop Brain Fog J Paid Program4:30 A.M. # Family Matters $ TMJ4 News Today % CBS 58 Morning News at 4:30am & FOX 6 Wake-Up News at 4:30 _ Dragnet ) G W Paid Program * This Old House , WISN 12 News This Morning 4:30AM 2 Business First With Angela Miles 4 Real Husbands of Hollywood Q Act Fast! Last Chance to get your Slim Cycle X Mike & Molly Æ Reba ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 4:31 A.M. J Paid Program 4:32 A.M. D Paid ProgramTUESDAY8/23/226:00P.M. # MLB Baseball New York Mets at New York Yankees. $ TMJ4 News at 6 % Jeopardy! & FOX 6 News at 6 _ M*A*S*H ) On Balance With Leland Vittert * PBS NewsHour , WISN 12 News at 6 0 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions 2 Family Feud 4 Tyler Perry’s The Oval 8 Last Man Standing > 2022 Little League Baseball World Series Game 28: Teams TBA. ? Destination Polaris B Law & Order: Special Victims Unit D Grey’s Anatomy G Pawn Stars I Deadliest Catch: On Deck J The First 48 Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Catfish: The TV Show X Movie ››› “The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie” (2004, Children’s) Voices of Tom Kenny, Bill Fagerbakke. Animated. SpongeBob must find King Neptune’s stolen crown. 6:30 P.M. $ Milwaukee Tonight % Wheel of Fortune & TMZ _ M*A*S*H , Entertainment Tonight 0 10thirtysix 2 Family Feud 8 Last Man Standing ? The Rally Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes 7:00 P.M. $ America’s Got Talent % FBI & So You Think You Can Dance _ The Andy Griffith Show ) NewsNation Prime With Marni Hughes * Finding Your Roots With Henry Louis Gates, Jr. , Cinderella: The Reunion, A Special Edition of 20/20 0 BBC World News America 2 Leonardo 4 Celebrity Family Feud 8 Chicago Fire : Shoe Shopping With Courtney and Jane A Movie ››› “Ready Player One” (2018, Science Fiction) Tye Sheridan, Olivia Cooke. A teen finds adventure in a virtual reality world in 2045. B WWE NXT D Grey’s Anatomy G Pawn Stars I Deadliest Catch J The First 48 Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Catfish: The TV Show Æ Movie “Snowkissed” (2021, Romance) Jen Lilley, Chris McNally. Sparks fly between a writer and her adven turous tour guide. ± Movie ››› “Mulan” (1998, Children’s) Voices of Ming-Na Wen, Eddie Murphy. Animated. A Chinese maiden dis guises herself as a man. 7:30 P.M. _ The Andy Griffith Show 0 BBC World News Outside Source Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes 7:45 P.M. X SpongeBob SquarePants 8:00 P.M. % FBI: International _ Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. ) Dan Abrams Live * American Experience , Movie ››› “Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella” (1997, Musical) Whitney Houston, Brandy. A young woman learns the power of positive thinking. 0 Celebrating Billy Joel — America’s Piano Man 2 Devils 4 The Murder Inc Story 8 Chicago Fire : Beekman 1802 Beauty > ESPN Films ? 18 Holes With Natalie Gulbis and Jimmy Hanlin D Grey’s Anatomy J The First 48 Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant W Movie ›› “Now You See Me 2” (2016, Adventure) Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo. Four magicians must steal a pow erful computer chip. X Friends 8:01 P.M. I Deadliest Catch8:02 P.M. & Fantasy Island G Pawn Stars 8:30 P.M. _ Green Acres ? Brewers Pregame Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes X Friends 8:35 P.M. ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 9:00 P.M. % FBI: Most Wanted & FOX 6 News at 9 _ Hogan’s Heroes ) Banfield * Frontline 2 The National Desk 4 Tales 8 Two and a Half Men : Girls’ Night in With Courtney & Jane ? MLB Baseball Milwaukee Brewers at Los Angeles Dodgers. Q Movie ››› “Independence Day” (1996, Science Fiction) Will Smith, Bill Pullman. Earthlings vs. evil aliens in 15-mile-wide ships. T Catfish: The TV Show X Friends Æ The Golden Girls ± Big City Greens9:01 P.M. $ Password I Deadliest Catch J The First 48 9:03 P.M. D Grey’s Anatomy 9:05 P.M. G Pawn Stars 9:08 P.M. B Movie › “Tyler Perry’s A Madea Family Funeral” (2019, Comedy) Tyler Perry, Cassi Davis. Madea and the gang plan a funeral in small-town Georgia. 9:30 P.M. # MLB on TBS: Closer _ Hogan’s Heroes 0 Abba Forever — A Celebration 2 The National Desk 8 Two and a Half Men X Friends Æ The Golden Girls ± Big City Greens LENNIX TOWING & SALVAGE • 24 Hour Tow Service •••AffordablePricesRoadsideAssistanceAnywhereTowing Ca$h Paid for Junk Cars! (414)375-9667 Open 24/7 We are NOW ACCEPTING PERSONAL CARE WORKERS WITH THEIR OWN CLIENTS. Get well PAID to take care of your loved one at the comfort of their homes. 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PAGE 24 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022 Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429 10:00 P.M. # Young Sheldon $ TMJ4 News at 10 % CBS 58 News at 10pm & FOX 6 News at 10 _ Carol Burnett and Friends ) NewsNation Prime With Marni Hughes * Baseball , WISN 12 News at 10 2 The National Desk 4 The Murder Inc Story 8 The King of Queens > SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt A Titans T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ The Golden Girls ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 10:03 P.M. D Grey’s Anatomy 10:04 P.M. J The First 4810:05 P.M. G Pawn Stars10:30 P.M. # Young Sheldon _ Perry Mason 2 The National Desk 8 The King of Queens T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ The Golden Girls ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 10:34 P.M. $ The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon 10:35 P.M. % The Late Show With Stephen Colbert & You Bet Your Life With Jay Leno , Jimmy Kimmel10:56Live!P.M. W Eureka 11:00 P.M. # Young Sheldon ) Dan Abrams Live 0 Rick Steves Island Hopping Europe 2 DailyMailTV 4 Tales 8 Schitt’s Creek : Gourmet Holiday > SportsCenter A Movie ››› “Ready Player One” (2018, Science Fiction) Tye Sheridan, Olivia Cooke. A teen finds adventure in a virtual reality world in 2045. I Deadliest Catch T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ The Golden Girls ± Jessie 11:01 P.M. D Grey’s Anatomy 11:03 P.M. G Pawn Stars J The First 4811:05 P.M. & Seinfeld 11:30 P.M. # Young Sheldon 0 PBS NewsHour 2 DailyMailTV 8 Schitt’s Creek T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ The Golden Girls ± Jessie 11:35 P.M. & Seinfeld _ The Twilight11:37Zone P.M. $ Late Night With Seth Meyers % The Late Late Show With James Corden , Nightline 11:38 P.M. B Snake in the11:58GrassP.M. W Eureka 12:00 A.M. # George Lopez ) Banfield * Rick Steves’ Europe 2 Dish Nation 4 Martin 8 The Simpsons : LOGO by Lori Goldstein > SportsCenter ? Brewers Postgame Q Movie › “Fantastic Four” (2015, Action) Miles Teller, Michael B. Jordan. Four young superheroes battle Doctor Doom. T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ Frasier ± Jessie 12:01 A.M. D Grey’s Anatomy I Deadliest Catch12:03 A.M. J The First 4812:04 A.M. G Pawn Stars12:05 A.M. & Extra _ Alfred Hitchcock Presents 12:06 A.M. , Rachael Ray12:30 A.M. # George Lopez * Amanpour and Company 0 10thirtysix 2 Access Daily 4 Martin 8 Family Guy ? 18 Holes With Natalie Gulbis and Jimmy Hanlin T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ Frasier ± Jessie 12:35 A.M. & Access Hollywood _ Alfred Hitchcock Presents 12:37 A.M. $ TMJ4 News at 10 % Inside Edition12:38 A.M. B Austin Dillon’s Life in the Fast Lane 12:59 A.M. W Eureka 1:00 A.M. # George Lopez ) On Balance With Leland Vittert 0 America’s Test Kitchen From Cook’s Illustrated 4 Martin 8 Bob’s Burgers > SportsCenter ? Swing Clinic With Jimmy Hanlin T Ridiculousness X Seinfeld Æ Frasier ± Jessie 1:01 A.M. I Deadliest Catch1:04 A.M. D Grey’s Anatomy J The First 481:05 A.M. & FOX 6 News at 10 _ Mannix 1:06 A.M. , The Good Dish G Pawn Stars 1:07 A.M. $ Paid Program % Friends 1:09 A.M. B Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 1:30 A.M. # George Lopez * Finding Your Roots With Henry Louis Gates, Jr. 0 Cook’s Country 2 Storage Wars 4 Martin 8 Family Guy ? Golf Life T Ridiculousness X Seinfeld Æ Frasier ± Ultra Violet & Black Scorpion 1:35 A.M. & Paid Program1:37 A.M. $ Paid Program % CBS 58 News at 10pm 2:00 A.M. # Wipeout ) Camp Meeting 0 Wild Weather 2 The Liquidator 4 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 8 Bob’s Burgers : Gourmet Holiday > SportsCenter ? Breaking Par A Cold Case Q 101 Places to Party Before You Die T Ridiculousness W Eureka X Seinfeld Æ Frasier ± Ultra Violet & Black Scorpion 2:04 A.M. D Grey’s Anatomy 2:05 A.M. & Sex and Menopause _ Cannon G Pawn Stars J The First 482:06 A.M. , Live with Kelly and Ryan B Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 2:07 A.M. $ RightThisMinute % The Drew Barrymore Show 2:30 A.M. * American Experience 2 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen 4 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 8 Maury ? The Card Life Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Ridiculousness X Seinfeld Æ Frasier ± Jessie 2:35 A.M. & You Bet Your Life With Jay Leno 2:37 A.M. $ The Kelly Clarkson Show 3:00 A.M. # Wipeout ) Know the Cause 0 NOVA 2 ES.TV 4 Tyler Perry’s Meet the Browns : Earth Brands Footwear > SportsCenter ? World Poker Tour WPT Cash Game, No Limit Holdem - Part 1. A Cold Case I Bering Sea Gold Q Paid Program T Ridiculousness W Eureka X Mike & Molly Æ Cheers ± Bunk’d 3:01 A.M. G Paid Program3:02 A.M. D J Paid Program3:04 A.M. 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± Movie ›››› “Beauty and the Beast” (1991, Children’s) Voices of Paige
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Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022, PAGE 25 3:06 A.M. , ABC World News Now 3:07 A.M. % CBS Overnight3:30NewsA.M. $ G Q Paid Program ) Joseph Prince * Frontline 2 Recipe.TV 4 Tyler Perry’s Meet the Browns 8 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen T Ridiculousness X Mike & Molly Æ Cheers ± Jessie 3:32 A.M. D J Paid Program4:00 A.M. # Family Matters $ Early Today % CBS Morning News & Judge Judy _ Highway Patrol ) G Q Paid Program , America This Morning 0 Roadkill on Masterpiece 2 Daily Flash 4 Tyler Perry’s Meet the Browns 8 Shepherd’s Chapel : Mally: Color Cosmetics > SportsCenter ? World Poker Tour WPT Cash Game, No Limit Holdem - Part 2. A Charmed I Bering Sea Gold T Ridiculousness W Eureka X Mike & Molly Æ Reba ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 4:02 A.M. B Law & Order: Special Victims Unit D J Paid Program4:30 A.M. # Family Matters $ TMJ4 News Today % CBS 58 Morning News at 4:30am & FOX 6 Wake-Up News at 4:30 _ Dragnet ) G Q Paid Program * This Old House , WISN 12 News This Morning 4:30AM 2 Business First With Angela Miles 4 Tyler Perry’s Meet the Browns T Ridiculousness X Mike & Molly Æ Reba ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 4:31 A.M. J Paid Program4:32 A.M. D Paid ProgramWEDNESDAY8/24/226:00P.M. # The Big Bang Theory $ TMJ4 News at 6 % Jeopardy! & FOX 6 News at 6 _ M*A*S*H ) On Balance With Leland Vittert * PBS NewsHour , WISN 12 News at 6 0 Joseph Rosendo’s Travelscope 2 Family Feud 4 Tyler Perry’s The Oval 8 Last Man Standing > 2022 Little League Baseball World Series Game 32: Teams TBA. ? The Rally A Lucifer B Law & Order: Special Victims Unit D Castle G Forged in Fire I Expedition Unknown: Unearthed J Court Cam Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Ridiculousness W Movie ››› “Independence Day” (1996, Science Fiction) Will Smith, Bill Pullman. Earthlings vs. evil aliens in 15-mile-wide ships. 6:30 P.M. # The Big Bang Theory $ Milwaukee Tonight % Wheel of Fortune & TMZ _ M*A*S*H , Entertainment Tonight 0 Around the Corner with John McGivern 2 Family Feud 8 Last Man Standing J Court Cam Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Ridiculousness ± Descendants: The Royal Wedding 7:00 P.M. # All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite $ America’s Got Talent % Big Brother & MasterChef _ The Andy Griffith Show ) NewsNation Prime With Marni Hughes * Nature , The Conners 0 BBC World News America 2 Mysteries Decoded 4 Vicious 8 Dateline : In the Kitchen With David - PM Edition A Movie ›› “Terminator: Dark Fate” (2019, Science Fiction) Linda Hamilton, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Sarah Connor and a cyborg human battle a new Terminator. B Law & Order: Special Victims Unit D Married at First Sight G Forged in Fire I Expedition Unknown J Court Cam Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Ridiculousness Æ Movie “My Favorite Wedding” (2017, Romance-Comedy) Maggie Lawson, Paul Greene. A woman starts to fall for the best man at her friend’s wedding.

PAGE 26 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022 Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429

Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022, PAGE 27 O’Hara, Robby Benson. Animated. A maid en trades places with her captive father. 7:30 P.M. _ The Andy Griffith Show , The Goldbergs 0 BBC World News Outside Source ? Brewers Pregame J Court Cam Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Ridiculousness8:00 P.M. % The Challenge: USA _ Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. ) Dan Abrams Live * NOVA , Abbott Elementary 0 Classical Rewind (My Music) 2 Wellington Paranormal 4 Sacrifice 8 Dateline > ESPN Films ? MLB Baseball Milwaukee Brewers at Los Angeles Dodgers. B Law & Order: Special Victims Unit G Forged in Fire J Court Night Live Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Ridiculousness X Friends 8:01 P.M. $ Chicago Fire8:08 P.M. I Mysteries of the Deep 8:30 P.M. _ Green Acres 2 Wellington Paranormal Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Ridiculousness X Friends 8:31 P.M. , Home Economics 8:35 P.M. ± Hamster & Gretel 9:00 P.M. # BattleBots $ Chicago P.D. % S.W.A.T. & FOX 6 News at 9 _ Hogan’s Heroes ) Banfield * American Experience , Press Your Luck 2 The National Desk 4 Sacrifice 8 Two and a Half Men : Laura Geller Makeup Studio B Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness W Resident Alien X Friends Æ The Golden Girls ± Big City Greens9:03 P.M. D 5 Guys a Week G Forged in Fire9:10 P.M. I Mysteries of the Deep 9:30 P.M. _ Hogan’s Heroes 0 Memory Rescue With Daniel Amen, MD 2 The National Desk 8 Two and a Half Men A Movie ›› “Total Recall” (2012, Science Fiction) Colin Farrell, Kate Beckinsale. A factory worker begins to think he’s really a spy. Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ The Golden Girls ± Big City Greens10:00 P.M. $ TMJ4 News at 10 % CBS 58 News at 10pm & FOX 6 News at 10 _ Carol Burnett and Friends ) NewsNation Prime With Marni Hughes * Rivers of Life , WISN 12 News at 10 2 The National Desk 4 Vicious 8 The King of Queens : Today’s Top Tech > SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt B Law & Order: Special Victims Unit J Court Cam Q 101 Places to Party Before You Die T Ridiculousness W La Brea X Friends Æ The Golden Girls ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 10:03 P.M. D Married at First Sight G Forged in Fire10:10 P.M. I Expedition Unknown 10:30 P.M. _ Perry Mason 2 The National Desk 8 The King of Queens J Court Cam Q 101 Places to Party Before You Die T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ The Golden Girls ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 10:34 P.M. $ The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon 10:35 P.M. % The Late Show With Stephen Colbert & You Bet Your Life With Jay Leno , Jimmy Kimmel11:00Live!P.M. # Young Sheldon ) Dan Abrams Live * Nature 2 DailyMailTV 4 Sacrifice 8 Schitt’s Creek : Bethlehem Lights Seasonal Lighting > SportsCenter ? Brewers Postgame Call Today For our low prices.....414-462-8911 We Rebuild Starters & Alternators We also sell new 5222 N 124th St. Hours of Business: Monday to Friday 7:00am-6:00pm Serving The Greater Milwaukee Area For Over 35 Years M J AUTO ELECTRIC WEDNESDAY CONTINUED

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Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022, PAGE 29 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR JUNK CARS! We start at $700 & up Any Cars, Trucks & Vans 414-243-4024

PAGE 30 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022 Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429 B Law & Order: Special Victims Unit I Expedition Unknown J Court Night Live Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness W Movie ››› “Independence Day” (1996, Science Fiction) Will Smith, Bill Pullman. Earthlings vs. evil aliens in 15-mile-wide ships. X Friends Æ The Golden Girls ± Jessie 11:01 P.M. D Married at First11:03SightP.M. G Forged in Fire11:05 P.M. & Seinfeld 11:30 P.M. # Young Sheldon 0 PBS NewsHour 2 DailyMailTV 8 Schitt’s Creek ? World Poker Tour WPT Cash Game, No Limit Holdem - Part 2. Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ The Golden Girls ± Jessie 11:35 P.M. & Seinfeld _ The Twilight11:37Zone P.M. $ Late Night With Seth Meyers % The Late Late Show With James Corden , Nightline 12:00 A.M. # Young Sheldon ) Banfield * Rick Steves’ Europe 2 Dish Nation 4 Sacrifice 8 The Simpsons : To Be Announced > SportsCenter A The Closer B Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ Frasier ± Jessie 12:05 A.M. & Extra _ Alfred Hitchcock Presents G Forged in Fire12:06 A.M. , Rachael Ray12:08 A.M. I Mysteries of the Deep 12:30 A.M. # Young Sheldon * Amanpour and Company 0 Around the Corner with John McGivern 2 Access Daily 8 Family Guy ? The Card Life Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ Frasier ± Jessie 12:35 A.M. & Access Hollywood _ Alfred Hitchcock Presents 12:37 A.M. $ TMJ4 News at 10 % Inside Edition1:00 A.M. # George Lopez ) On Balance With Leland Vittert 0 America’s Test Kitchen From Cook’s Illustrated 4 Martin 8 Bob’s Burgers : To Be Announced > SportsCenter ? 18 Holes With Natalie Gulbis and Jimmy Hanlin A The Closer B Law & Order: Special Victims Unit J Court Cam Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X Seinfeld Æ Frasier ± Jessie 1:04 A.M. D 5 Guys a Week G Forged in Fire1:05 A.M. & FOX 6 News at 10 _ Mannix 1:06 A.M. , The Good Dish 1:07 A.M. $ Paid Program % Friends 1:10 A.M. I Mysteries of the Deep 1:30 A.M. # George Lopez * Nature 0 Cook’s Country 2 Storage Wars 4 Martin 8 Family Guy ? Swing Clinic With Jimmy Hanlin J Court Cam Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X Seinfeld Æ Frasier ± Raven’s Home 1:35 A.M. & Paid Program 0 Atlantic Crossing on Masterpiece 2 The Liquidator 4 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 8 Bob’s Burgers : Bethlehem Lights Seasonal Lighting > SportsCenter ? 18 Holes With Natalie Gulbis and Jimmy Hanlin A The Closer B Law & Order: Special Victims Unit J Court Cam Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness W The Twilight Zone X Seinfeld Æ Frasier ± Raven’s Home 2:03 A.M. G Forged in Fire2:04 A.M. D Married at First2:05SightA.M. & Paid Program _ Cannon 2:06 A.M. , Live with Kelly and Ryan 2:07 A.M. $ RightThisMinute % The Drew Barrymore Show 2:10 A.M. I Expedition Unknown2:30A.M. * NOVA 2 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen 4 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 8 Maury ? Golf Life J Court Cam Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness W The Twilight Zone X Seinfeld Æ Frasier ± Jessie 2:35 A.M. & You Bet Your Life With Jay Leno 4 Tyler Perry’s Meet the Browns : Gourmet Holiday - Christmas in July > SportsCenter ? Breaking Par A The Closer B Law & Order: Special Victims Unit I Street Outlaws: No Prep Kings: Team Attacks J Q W Paid Program T Ridiculousness X Mike & Molly Æ Cheers ± Bunk’d 3:01 A.M. G Paid Program3:02 A.M. D Paid Program3:05 A.M. & FOX 6 News at 9 _ Barnaby Jones 3:06 A.M. , ABC World News Now 3:07 A.M. % CBS Overnight News 3:30 A.M. $ G J Q W Paid Program ) Joseph Prince * American Experience 2 Recipe.TV 4 Tyler Perry’s Meet the Browns 8 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen ? The Card Life T Ridiculousness X Mike & Molly Æ Cheers ± Jessie 3:32 A.M. D Paid Program4:00 A.M. # Family Matters $ Early Today % CBS Morning News & Judge Judy _ Highway Patrol ) G J Q W Paid Program , America This Morning 0 Atlantic Crossing on Masterpiece 2 Daily Flash 4 Tyler Perry’s Meet the Browns 8 Shepherd’s Chapel > SportsCenter ? World Poker Tour WPT Cash Game, No Limit Holdem - Part 2. A The Closer B Law & Order: Special Victims Unit T Ridiculousness X Mike & Molly Æ Reba ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 4:02 A.M. D Paid Program4:30 A.M. # Family Matters $ TMJ4 News Today % CBS 58 Morning News at 4:30am & FOX 6 Wake-Up News at 4:30 _ Dragnet ) G J Q W Paid Program * This Old House , WISN 12 News This Morning 4:30AM 2 Business First With Angela Miles 4 Tyler Perry’s Meet the Browns T Ridiculousness X Mike & Molly Æ Reba ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 4:32 A.M. D Paid Program THURSDAY 6:008/25/22P.M. # Young Sheldon $ TMJ4 Packers Pregame Show % Jeopardy! & FOX 6 News at 6 _ M*A*S*H ) On Balance With Leland Vittert * PBS NewsHour , WISN 12 News at 6 0 Around the Farm Table 2 Family Feud 4 Tyler Perry’s The Oval 8 Last Man Standing > 2022 Little League Baseball World Series Game 34: Teams TBA. B Law & Order: Special Victims Unit D Rizzoli & Isles G Mountain Men I BattleBots J The First 48 Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X Movie ›› “Trolls World Tour” (2020, Children’s) Voices of Anna Kendrick, Justin Timberlake. Animated. Six troll tribes unite to save music from becoming extinct. ± Disney’s Magic Bake-Off 6:30 P.M. # The Big Bang Theory $ Green Bay Packers Pregame Show % Wheel of Fortune & TMZ _ M*A*S*H , Entertainment Tonight 0 Wisconsin Foodie 2 Family Feud 8 Last Man Standing ? Due North Outdoors Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness6:59 P.M. W Movie › “Sharknado 5: Global Swarming” (2017, Action) Ian Ziering, Tara Reid. Fin and April must save their son from a sharknado. 7:00 P.M. # The Big Bang Theory $ NFL Preseason Football Green Bay Packers at Kansas City Chiefs. % Young Sheldon & MasterChef _ The Andy Griffith Show ) NewsNation Prime With Marni Hughes * Rick Steves’ Europe , Press Your Luck 0 BBC World News America 2 Bump 4 Celebrity Family Feud 8 Dateline D ON’ T JU S T K INDA T V DIRECTVON IRECT 877.590.6415 IV Support Holdings Contact your local DIRECTV dealer! • ACCESS 70,000+ SHOWS AND MOVIES ON DEMAND Requires subscriptions to top-tier PREMIER programming. Other packages will have fewer shows and movies. • $ 7 9 99MO. For 12 mos. + taxe and ees CHOICE PACKAGE 185+ Channel s * W/ 24-mo. agmt. Prices higher in 2nd year. Regional Sports Fee up to $11.99/mo. is extra & applies. DOWNLOAD YOUR DVR RECORDINGS to your devices at home and watch o ine anywhere.** THE MOST LIVE SPORTS IN 4K HDR Limited 4K HDR programming available. 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See directv-fees for additional information. Di erent o ers may apply for eligible multi-dwelling unit and telco customers. DIRECTV SVC TERMS: Subject to Equipment Lease & Customer Agreements. All o ers, programming, promotions, pricing, terms, restrictions & conditions subject to change & may be modi ed, discontinued, or terminated at any time without notice. Some o ers may not be available through all channels and in select areas. Visit or call for details. O ers may not be combined with other promotional o ers on the same services and may be modi ed or discontinued at any time without notice. Other conditions apply to all o ers. 2022 DIRECTV. DIRECTV and all other DIRECTV marks are trademarks of DIRECTV, LLC. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. WEDNESDAY CONTINUED

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D Rizzoli & Isles G Alone: The Skills Challenge 9:10 P.M. ± Big City Greens9:30 P.M. # The Big Bang Theory _ Hogan’s Heroes * Wisconsin Foodie 0 Movie “On Broadway” (2019, Documentary) Alec Baldwin, Christine Baranski. Broadway comes back from the brink to help save New York. 2 The National Desk 8 Two and a Half Men > SportsCenter A Movie ››› “Kong: Skull Island” (2017, Adventure) Tom Hiddleston, Samuel L. Jackson. Explorers encounter a gigantic ape and monstrous creatures. Q 101 Places to Party Before You Die T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ The Golden 9:34Girls P.M. G Alone: The Skills Challenge 9:35 P.M. ± Big City Greens10:00 P.M. # American Dad! $ TMJ4 News at 10 % CBS 58 News at 10pm & FOX 6 News at 10 _ Carol Burnett and Friends ) NewsNation Prime With Marni Hughes * Great Lakes Now , WISN 12 News at 10 2 The National Desk 8 The King of Queens : Bethlehem Lights Seasonal Lighting Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ The Golden Girls ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 10:01 P.M. B Chrisley Knows10:03BestP.M. D Rizzoli & Isles G Alone: Frozen10:04 P.M. J The First 4810:05 P.M. W Movie ›› “Hulk” (2003, Fantasy) Eric Bana, Connelly. 10:30 P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M.
# The Big Bang Theory _ Green Acres * Ask This Old House > The Herbies Preseason Special B Austin Dillon’s Life in the Fast Lane Q Impractical Jokers X Friends 8:45 P.M. ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 9:00 P.M. # The Big Bang Theory % CSI: Vegas & FOX 6 News at 9 _ Hogan’s Heroes ) Banfield * Outdoor Wisconsin , The Con 2 The National Desk 8 Two and a Half Men : David’s Great Big Christmas ? High School Football WFCA Large School All-Star Game. Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness W The End Is Nye X Friends Æ The Golden 9:01Girls P.M. B Snake in the Grass I BattleBots J Inmate to Roommate9:03P.M.
% The Late Show With Stephen Colbert & You Bet Your Life With Jay Leno , Jimmy Kimmel11:00Live!P.M. # American Dad! ) Dan Abrams Live * American Experience 0 The World of Wisdom & Wonder 2 DailyMailTV 4 Martin 8 Schitt’s Creek : Obsessed With Handbags > SportsCenter ? Due North Outdoors B Austin Dillon’s Life in the Fast Lane I BattleBots Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ The Golden Girls ± Jessie 11:01
D Rizzoli & Isles11:03
# American Dad! 0 PBS NewsHour 2 DailyMailTV 4 Martin 8 Schitt’s Creek ? Rooster Tales B Austin Dillon’s Life in the Fast Lane Q 101 Places to Party Before You Die T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ The Golden Girls ± Jessie 11:35
PAGE 32 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022 Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429
Scientist Bruce Banner transforms into a powerful brute.
& Seinfeld _ The Twilight11:37Zone P.M. $ Late Night With Seth Meyers % The Late Late Show With James Corden , Nightline 12:00
# American Dad! _ Perry Mason * MotorWeek 2 The National Desk 8 The King of Queens B Chrisley Knows Best Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ The Golden Girls ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 10:34 P.M. $ The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon 10:35
: The Joy of Christmas ? High School Football WFCA Small School All-Star Game. B Chrisley Knows Best D Rizzoli & Isles G Alone: Frozen I BattleBots J The First 48 Q Impractical Jokers T Jersey Shore: Family Vacation Æ Movie “Dating the Delaneys” (2022, Romance) Rachel Boston, Paul Campbell. Three generations of women explore modern-day dating. ± Movie ››› “The Princess and the Frog” (2009, Children’s) Voices of Anika Noni Rose, Bruno Campos. Animated. A fateful kiss leads to an epic adventure. 7:15 P.M. A Movie ›› “Rampage” (2018, Action) Dwayne Johnson, Naomie Harris. Three giant, mutated beasts embark on a path of destruction. 7:30 P.M. The Big Bang Theory _ The Andy Griffith Show * Adelante 0 BBC World News Outside Source 2 Whose Line Is It Anyway? B Chrisley Knows Best Q Impractical Jokers7:31P.M. % Ghosts 8:00 P.M. # The Big Bang Theory % Big Brother _ Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. ) Dan Abrams Live * This Old House , Generation Gap 0 John Williams: The Berlin Concert 2 Great Chocolate Showdown 4 Movie ›› “Tyler Perry’s The Single Moms Club” (2014, Comedy-Drama) Nia Long, Amy Smart. Single mothers from dif ferent backgrounds form a support group. 8 Chicago P.D. > Heisman Trophy Preview Show B Chrisley Knows Best D Rizzoli & Isles G Alone: Frozen J 60 Days In Q Impractical Jokers T Buckhead Shore X Friends 8:02 P.M. & Welcome to 8:30FlatchP.M.
G Alone: Frozen J The First 4811:05
# Movie ››› “Superbad” (2007, Comedy) Jonah Hill, Michael Cera. Co-dependent teens hope to score booze and babes at a party. ) Banfield * Rick Steves’ Europe 2 Dish Nation 4 Martin 8 The Simpsons : Explore Your Style With Vanessa THURSDAY CONTINUED
& Seinfeld 11:30

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PAGE 34 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022 Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429 > SportsCenter ? High School Football WFCA Small School All-Star Game. A The Closer B Chrisley Knows Best Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ Frasier ± Jessie 12:01 A.M. D Rizzoli & Isles12:03 A.M. G Alone: Frozen J 60 Days In 12:05 A.M. & Extra _ Alfred Hitchcock Presents 12:06 A.M. , Rachael Ray12:30 A.M. * Amanpour and Company 0 Wisconsin Foodie 2 Access Daily 4 Martin 8 Family Guy B Chrisley Knows Best Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ Frasier ± Jessie 12:35 A.M. & Access Hollywood _ Alfred Hitchcock Presents 12:37 A.M. $ TMJ4 News at 10 % Inside Edition1:00 A.M. ) On Balance With Leland Vittert 0 America’s Test Kitchen From Cook’s Illustrated 4 Martin 8 Bob’s Burgers : Laura Geller Makeup Studio > SportsCenter A The Closer B Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X Seinfeld Æ Frasier ± Jessie 1:01 A.M. I BattleBots 1:04 A.M. D Rizzoli & Isles J Inmate to Roommate1:05A.M. & FOX 6 News at 10 _ Mannix G Alone: The Skills Challenge 1:06 A.M. , The Good Dish1:07 A.M. $ Paid Program % Friends 1:10 A.M. W Movie ›› “The Mummy” (1999, Adventure) Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz. A mummy seeks revenge for a 3,000-yearold curse. 1:30 A.M. * Around the Corner with John McGivern 0 Cook’s Country 2 Storage Wars 4 Martin 8 Family Guy Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X Seinfeld Æ Frasier ± Raven’s Home 1:35 A.M. & Paid Program G Alone: The Skills Challenge 1:37 A.M. $ Paid Program % CBS 58 News at 10pm 2:00 A.M. ) Camp Meeting * Adelante 0 Atlantic Crossing on Masterpiece 2 The Liquidator 4 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 8 Bob’s Burgers : Obsessed With Handbags > SportsCenter ? High School Football WFCA Large School All-Star Game. A The Closer B Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X Seinfeld Æ Frasier ± Raven’s Home 2:03 A.M. G Alone: Frozen2:04 A.M. D Rizzoli & Isles2:05 A.M. & Paid Program _ Cannon J The First 482:06 A.M. , Live with Kelly and Ryan 2:07 A.M. $ RightThisMinute % The Drew Barrymore Show 2:15 A.M. # Movie ›› “Ted 2” (2015, Comedy) Mark Wahlberg, Voice of Seth MacFarlane. Teddy bear Ted must legally prove his personhood. 2:30 A.M. * This Old House 2 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen 4 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 8 Maury Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X Seinfeld Æ Frasier ± Jessie 2:35 A.M. & You Bet Your Life With Jay Leno 2:37 A.M. $ The Kelly Clarkson Show 3:00 A.M. ) Know the Cause * Ask This Old House 0 Atlantic Crossing on Masterpiece 2 ES.TV 4 Tyler Perry’s Meet the Browns : Countdown to Christmas - Holiday Decor > SportsCenter A The Closer B Law & Order: Special Victims Unit I Gold Rush: Dave Turin’s Lost Mine Q Paid Program T Ridiculousness X Mike & Molly Æ Cheers ± Bunk’d 3:01 A.M. G Paid Program 3:02 A.M. D J Paid Program3:05 A.M. & FOX 6 News at 9 _ Barnaby Jones 3:06 A.M. , ABC World News Now 3:07 A.M. % CBS Overnight3:30NewsA.M. $ G Q Paid Program ) Joseph Prince * Outdoor Wisconsin 2 Recipe.TV 4 Tyler Perry’s Meet the Browns 8 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen T Ridiculousness X Mike & Molly Æ Cheers ± Jessie 3:32 A.M. D J Paid Program4:00 A.M. $ Early Today % CBS Morning News & Judge Judy _ Highway Patrol ) G Q Paid Program * Wisconsin Foodie , America This Morning 0 Atlantic Crossing on Masterpiece 2 Daily Flash 4 Tyler Perry’s Meet the Browns 8 Shepherd’s Chapel > SportsCenter ? Due North Outdoors A The Closer B Law & Order: Special Victims Unit I Gold Rush: Dave Turin’s Lost Mine T Ridiculousness W The Twilight Zone X Mike & Molly Æ Reba ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 4:02 A.M. D J Paid Program4:30 A.M. # Family Matters $ TMJ4 News Today % CBS 58 Morning News at 4:30am & FOX 6 Wake-Up News at 4:30 _ Dragnet ) G Q Paid Program * This Old House , WISN 12 News This Morning 4:30AM 2 Business First With Angela Miles 4 Tyler Perry’s Meet the Browns ? Rooster Tales T Ridiculousness W The Twilight Zone X Mike & Molly Æ Reba ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 4:31 A.M. J Paid Program4:32 A.M. D Paid ProgramFRIDAY8/26/226:00P.M. # Young Sheldon $ TMJ4 News at 6 % Jeopardy! & FOX 6 News at 6 _ M*A*S*H ) On Balance With Leland Vittert * PBS NewsHour , WISN 12 News at 6 0 Wisconsin Life 2 Family Feud 4 Tyler Perry’s The Oval 8 Last Man Standing > Little League Home Run Derby B NASCAR Xfinity Series Countdown to Green D Castle G Ancient Aliens I Gold Rush: Dave Turin’s Lost Mine J The First 48 Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X Movie ›› “Trolls World Tour” (2020, Children’s) Voices of Anna Kendrick, Justin Timberlake. Animated. Six troll tribes unite to save music from becoming extinct. 6:30 P.M. # Young Sheldon $ Milwaukee Tonight % Wheel of Fortune & TMZ _ M*A*S*H , Entertainment Tonight 0 Outdoor Wisconsin 2 Family Feud 8 Last Man Standing ? Brewers Pregame A Movie ››› “Kong: Skull Island” (2017, Adventure) Tom Hiddleston, Samuel L. Jackson. Explorers encounter a gigantic ape and monstrous creatures. B NASCAR Xfinity Racing Series Wawa 250 Powered By Coca-Cola, Qualifying. Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness W Movie ››› “Twister” (1996, Action) Helen Hunt, Bill Paxton. Storm chasers race to test a new tornado-monitoring device. 7:00 P.M. # Movie ›› “Pitch Black” (2000, Science Fiction) Radha Mitchell, Vin Diesel. Vicious creatures stalk the survi vors of a spaceship crash. $ American Ninja Warrior % Secret Celebrity Renovation & WWE Friday Night SmackDown _ The Andy Griffith Show ) NewsNation Prime With Marni Hughes * Washington Week , Shark Tank 0 BBC World News America 2 Killer Camp 4 Celebrity Family Feud 8 High School Football Arrowhead at Homestead. : NuFACE Anti-Aging Innovations > MLS Soccer Los Angeles FC at Austin FC. ? MLB Baseball Chicago Cubs at Milwaukee Brewers. D Castle G Ancient Aliens I Gold Rush: Dave Turin’s Lost Mine J The First 48 Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness Æ Movie “An Unexpected Christmas” (2021, Romance-Comedy) Bethany Joy Lenz, Tyler Hynes. A man makes a deal with his ex to pretend they’re a couple. ± Movie ››› “Tangled” (2010, Children’s) Voices of Mandy Moore, Zachary Levi. Animated. A bandit provides Rapunzel’s ticket out of her prison tower. 7:30 P.M. _ The Andy Griffith Show * Firing Line With Margaret Hoover 0 BBC World News Today Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness8:00 P.M. % Blue Bloods _ Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. ) Dan Abrams Live * Midsomer Murders 0 Straight No Chaser: The 25th Anniversary Celebration 2 World’s Funniest Animals 4 New York Undercover : Obsessed With Handbags Bill Gordon & Associates, a nationwide practice, represents clients before the Social Security Administration. Member of the TX & NM Bar Associations. Mail: 1420 NW St Washington D.C. Office: Broward County Florida. Services may be provided by associated attorneys licensed in other states. 888-632-7546 SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BENEFITS FOR OVER 25 YEARS! 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PAGE 36 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022 Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429 D Castle G Ancient Aliens I Gold Rush: Dave Turin’s Lost Mine J The First 48 Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X Friends 8:01 P.M. , 20/20 8:30 P.M. _ Green Acres 2 World’s Funniest Animals Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X Friends 8:45 P.M. * Midsomer Murders ± Hamster & Gretel 9:00 P.M. $ Dateline NBC % Blue Bloods & FOX 6 News at 9 _ Hogan’s Heroes ) Banfield 2 The National Desk 4 New York Undercover : Bumble and bumble. - Hair Care A All Elite Wrestling: Rampage B NASCAR Xfinity Series Post Race Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness W The End Is Nye X Friends Æ The Golden 9:01Girls P.M. J The First 48 9:02 P.M. I Outback Opal Hunters 9:03 P.M. # Movie ›› “The Chronicles of Riddick” (2004, Science Fiction) Vin Diesel, Colm Feore. A fugitive fights an invading ruler and his army. D Castle G Ancient Aliens9:10 P.M. ± Hamster & Gretel 9:15 P.M. > MLS Soccer Seattle Sounders FC at Portland Timbers. 9:30 P.M. _ Hogan’s Heroes 0 ’60s Pop, Rock & Soul (My Music Presents) 2 The National Desk B Movie ››› “Doctor Strange” (2016, Action) Benedict Cumberbatch, Chiwetel Ejiofor. The Ancient One introduces Dr. Stephen Strange to magic. Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ The Golden 9:34Girls P.M. * Inspector Morse9:35 P.M. ± The Villains of Valley View 10:00 P.M. $ TMJ4 News at 10 % CBS 58 News at 10pm & FOX 6 News at 10 _ Carol Burnett and Friends ) NewsNation Prime With Marni Hughes , WISN 12 News at 10 2 The National Desk 4 The Murder Inc Story 8 The King of Queens : DaretoShareBeauty With Shawn ? Brewers Postgame A Movie ››› “Space Cowboys” (2000, Adventure) Clint Eastwood, Tommy Lee Jones. NASA reunites four aging flyboys for an urgent mission. Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ The Golden Girls ± Ultra Violet & Black Scorpion 10:01 P.M. W Resident Alien10:02 P.M. I Outback Opal Hunters 10:03 P.M. D Castle 10:04 P.M. J The First 4810:05 P.M. G Ancient Aliens10:30 P.M. _ Perry Mason 2 The National Desk 8 The King of Queens ? Inside The Brewers Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ The Golden Girls ± Raven’s Home 10:34 P.M. $ The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon 10:35 P.M. % The Late Show With Stephen Colbert & You Bet Your Life With Jay Leno , Jimmy Kimmel11:00Live!P.M. ) Dan Abrams Live 2 DailyMailTV 4 Tales 8 Schitt’s Creek : iRobot Home Innovations - Featuring Roomba ? 3 Wide Life I Gold Rush: Dave Turin’s Lost Mine Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ The Golden Girls ± Raven’s Home 11:01 P.M. D Castle 11:03 P.M. G Ancient Aliens J The First 4811:04 P.M. W Movie ››› “Gremlins” (1984, Fantasy) Zach Galligan, Phoebe Cates. A lovable little creature spawns hundreds of evil beings. 11:05 P.M. & Seinfeld 11:23 P.M. # Movie ››› “Game Night” (2018, Comedy) Jason Bateman, Rachel McAdams. A murder mystery party turns into a wild and chaotic night. 11:30 P.M. 0 PBS NewsHour 2 DailyMailTV 8 Schitt’s Creek > SportsCenter ? Brewers Pregame Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ The Golden Girls ± Jessie 11:35 P.M. & Seinfeld _ The Twilight Zone 11:37 P.M. $ Late Night With Seth Meyers % The Late Late Show With James Corden , Nightline 12:00 A.M. ) Banfield * Rick Steves’ Europe 2 Dish Nation 4 Martin 8 Chicago P.D. : Dooney & Bourke > SportsCenter ? MLB Baseball Chicago Cubs at Milwaukee Brewers. B Snake in the Grass I Gold Rush: Dave Turin’s Lost Mine Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ Frasier ± Jessie 12:01 A.M. D Castle 12:03 A.M. J The First 4812:05 A.M. & Extra _ Alfred Hitchcock Presents G Ancient Aliens12:06 A.M. , Rachael Ray12:30 A.M. * Amanpour and Company 0 Outdoor Wisconsin 2 Access Daily 4 Martin A Movie ›› “Godzilla: King of the Monsters” (2019, Science Fiction) Kyle Chandler, Vera Farmiga. Godzilla collides with Mothra, Rodan and King Ghidorah. Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X Friends Æ Frasier ± Jessie 12:35 A.M. & Access Hollywood _ Alfred Hitchcock Presents 12:37 A.M. $ TMJ4 News at 10 % Inside Edition1:00 A.M. ) On Balance With Leland Vittert 0 Celtic Dreams: Daniel Hope’s Hidden Irish History 4 Martin 8 Chicago P.D. > SportsCenter B Dateline Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Ridiculousness X Seinfeld Æ Frasier ± Jessie 1:02 A.M. I Outback Opal Hunters 1:04 A.M. D Castle J The First 481:05 A.M. & FOX 6 News at 10 _ Mannix 1:06 A.M. , The Good Dish G Ancient Aliens1:07 A.M. $ Paid Program % Friends 1:30 A.M. * Midsomer Murders 2 Storage Wars 4 Martin Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Ridiculousness X Seinfeld Æ Frasier ± Raven’s Home 1:34 A.M. W Movie ››› “Gremlins 2: The New Batch” (1990, Fantasy) Zach Galligan, Phoebe Cates. The destructive gremlins descend on a Manhattan high-rise. 1:35 A.M. & Paid Program1:37 A.M. $ Paid Program % CBS 58 News at 10pm 1:38 A.M. # Movie ›› “Tag” (2018, Comedy) Ed Helms, Jon Hamm. Five competitive friends play a no-holds-barred game of tag. 2:00 A.M. ) Camp Meeting 0 The Burren: Heart of Stone 2 The Liquidator 4 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 8 Two and a Half Men : iRobot Home Innovations - Featuring Roomba > SportsCenter ? Brewers Postgame B Dateline Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Ridiculousness X Seinfeld Æ Frasier ± Raven’s Home 2:02 A.M. I Outback Opal Hunters 2:04 A.M. D Castle 2:05 A.M. & Paid Program _ Cannon G Ancient Aliens J The First 482:06 A.M. , Kickin’ It: With Byron Allen 2:07 A.M. $ RightThisMinute % The Drew Barrymore Show 2:15 A.M. * Midsomer Murders2:30A.M. 2 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen 4 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 8 Two and a Half Men ? Inside The Brewers Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Ridiculousness X Seinfeld Æ Frasier ± Jessie 2:35 A.M. & You Bet Your Life With Jay Leno 2:37 A.M. $ The Kelly Clarkson Show 3:00 A.M. ) Know the Cause , Just for Laughs Gags 0 The Burren: Heart of Stone 2 ES.TV 4 Tyler Perry’s Meet the Browns 8 Family Guy : NuFACE Anti-Aging Innovations > SportsCenter ? High School Football Serra at Long Beach Poly. A NCIS: New Orleans B Dateline I Mysteries of the Deep Q World’s Dumbest ... No Clipping Required. The AARP® Auto Insurance Program from The Hartford 1 ON AUTO INSURANCE ON AVERAGE, AARP MEMBERS ENJOY $5072 SAVINGS Your savings could be even more! when they switch from companies like Call The Hartford now to request a FREE money-saving quote. 1-844-892-0345 No coupon necessary. Not an AARP member? If you’re 50 or over, request a FREE quote and more information today! 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Speci c features, credits and discounts may vary and may not be available in all states in accordance with state lings and applicable law. Applicants are individually underwritten and some may not qualify. In Texas, the Auto Program is underwritten by Redpoint County Mutual Insurance Company through Hartford of the Southeast Genera Agency, Inc. Hartford Fire Insurance Company and its af liates are not nancially responsible for insurance products underwritten and issued by Redpoint County Mutual Insurance Company. Average savings amounts based on information reported by customers who switched to The Hartford from other carriers between 1/1/20 and 12/31/20. Your savings may vary. 3Gift is a limited time offer and not available in all states. Email address required in most states. Allow 4-7 weeks for delivery. Bottle not included. *Based on customer experience reviews shared online at as of October 2021. 006131 FRIDAY CONTINUED

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PAGE 38 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022 Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429 T Ridiculousness X Mike & Molly Æ Cheers ± Bunk’d 3:01 A.M. G Coin Collecting with Mike Mezack 3:02 A.M. D J Paid Program3:04 A.M. * Inspector Morse3:05 A.M. & FOX 6 News at 9 _ Barnaby Jones 3:07 A.M. % Forensic Files3:30 A.M. $ Relieve your foot pain with WalkFit! % Forensic Files ) Joseph Prince , Paid Program 2 Recipe.TV 4 Tyler Perry’s Meet the Browns 8 Bob’s Burgers T Ridiculousness X Mike & Molly Æ Cheers ± Jessie 3:32 A.M. D J Paid Program3:38 A.M. # Fast Foodies4:00 A.M. # Family Matters $ ) , Paid Program % Forensic Files & Beautiful Homes & Great Estates _ Petticoat Junction 0 Great Performances 2 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen 4 Tyler Perry’s Meet the Browns 8 Shepherd’s Chapel : DaretoShareBeauty With Shawn > SportsCenter A NCIS: New Orleans B Dateline I Auction Kings Q World’s Dumbest ... T Ridiculousness W The Twilight Zone X Mike & Molly Æ Reba ± Bluey 4:02 A.M. D J Paid Program4:30 A.M. # Family Matters $ ) Paid Program % The Andy Griffith Show & MyDestination.TV _ Petticoat Junction , Ron Hazelton’s HouseCalls 2 Laura McKenzie’s Traveler 4 Tyler Perry’s Meet the Browns I The Direction T Ridiculousness W The Twilight Zone X Mike & Molly Æ Reba ± Bluey 4:31 A.M. J Paid Program4:32 A.M. D Paid ProgramSATURDAY8/27/225:00A.M. # The Cube $ TMJ4 News Today % Pet Vet Dream Team & ) D J W Paid Program _ The Beverly Hillbillies * Antiques Roadshow , WISN 12 News This Morning Saturday 5AM 2 Today’s Homeowner With Danny Lipford 4 Tyler Perry’s House of Payne 8 Real Green : Explore Your Style With Vanessa > SportsCenter A NCIS: New Orleans B NCIS I Legendary Locations Q truTV Top Funniest T Ridiculousness X SpongeBob SquarePants Æ Reba ± Bluey 5:30 A.M. % The Andy Griffith Show & Into the Outdoors _ The Beverly Hillbillies ) D J W Paid Program 0 Antiques Roadshow Recut 2 Raw Travel 4 Tyler Perry’s House of Payne 8 The American Athlete ? Sports Stars of Tomorrow I Sport Fishing Television Q truTV Top Funniest T Ridiculousness X SpongeBob SquarePants Æ Reba ± Bluey 6:00 A.M. # The Cube % CBS 58 Morning News at 6am & Xploration Outer Space _ Popeye and Pink Panther’s Party ) 2 D W Paid Program * P. Allen Smith’s Garden Home , Good Morning America 0 Molly of Denali 4 Tyler Perry’s House of Payne 8 The Armstrong Williams Show : AM Style With Leah Williams > SportsCenter ? Epic Trails A NCIS: New Orleans B Premier League Mornings G Mountain Men I Major League Fishing J Zombie House Flipping Q truTV Top Funniest T Ridiculousness X SpongeBob SquarePants Æ Reba ± Bluey 6:30 A.M. & Life 2.0 ) 2 D W Paid Program * Growing a Greener World 0 Wild Kratts 4 Tyler Perry’s House of Payne 8 Connect MKE ? MidWest Outdoors B Premier League Soccer Southampton vs Manchester United. Q truTV Top Funniest T Ridiculousness X SpongeBob SquarePants Æ Reba ± Bluey 7:00 A.M. # American Dad! $ Today % CBS Saturday Morning & FOX 6 Wake-Up News at 7 _ The Tom and Jerry Show ) Real with Rebecca Walser * Woodsmith Shop , WISN 12 News This Morning Saturday 7AM 0 Hero Elementary 2 8 D Paid Program 4 Martin > SportsCenter ? Nick’s Wild Ride With Nick Hoffman A NCIS: New Orleans G Mountain Men J Zombie House Flipping Q The Carbonaro Effect T Fresh Out Playlist W Movie ›› “The Mummy Returns” (2001, Adventure) Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz. Two evil forces pursue the son of adventurer Rick O’Connell. X SpongeBob SquarePants Æ The Golden Girls ± Big City Greens7:30 A.M. # American Dad! ) 2 8 D Paid Program * The American Woodshop 0 Alma’s Way 4 Martin ? Due North Outdoors Q The Carbonaro Effect X SpongeBob SquarePants Æ The Golden Girls ± Big City Greens8:00 A.M. # American Dad! & FOX 6 Wake-Up News at 8 _ Bugs Bunny and Friends ) Movie ›› “San Andreas” (2015, Action) Dwayne Johnson, Carla Gugino. A rescue pilot must save his family after an earthquake. * This Old House 0 Curious George 2 Jack Hanna’s Into the Wild 4 Martin 8 Science Now > Outside the Lines ? Rooster Tales A NCIS: New Orleans D Paid Program G Hard Truths of Conservation I Deadliest Catch J Zombie House Flipping Q The Carbonaro Effect T Ridiculousness X SpongeBob SquarePants Æ The Golden Girls ± Big City Greens8:30 A.M. # American Dad! $ Vets Saving Pets * Ask This Old House 0 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 2 Jack Hanna’s Into the Wild 4 Martin 8 Pure Outdoor ? Larry Smith Outdoors B Premier League Mornings D Paid Program G Hard Truths of Conservation Q The Carbonaro Effect T Ridiculousness X SpongeBob SquarePants Æ The Golden Girls ± Hamster & Gretel 9:00 A.M. # Friends $ Earth Odyssey With Dylan Dreyer % Lucky Dog & Builder’s Showcase _ Maverick * Outdoor Wisconsin , Good Morning America 0 Growing a Greener World 2 Jack Hanna’s Into the Wild 4 Martin 8 D Paid Program : Saturday Morning Q > College GameDay ? John Gillespie’s Water & Woods A NCIS: New Orleans B Premier League Soccer Brentford vs Everton. G Mountain Men I Homestead Rescue J Zombie House Flipping Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X SpongeBob SquarePants Æ Movie “Bottled With Love” (2019, Romance) Bethany Joy Lenz, Andrew W. Walker. A fisherman finds a bottle contain ing a love letter. ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 9:30 A.M. # Friends $ Earth Odyssey With Dylan Dreyer % The Henry Ford’s Innovation Nation & 8 D Paid Program * Les Stroud’s Beyond Survival 0 P. Allen Smith’s Garden Home 2 Jack Hanna’s Into the Wild 4 Martin ? MidWest Outdoors Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X SpongeBob SquarePants ± Big City Greens9:58 A.M. W Movie ›› “The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor” (2008, Adventure) Brendan Fraser, Jet Li. A young archaeolo gist awakens a cursed Chinese emperor. 10:00 A.M. # Friends $ Wild Child % Mission Unstoppable & 8 Paid Program _ Wagon Train * Escape to the Chateau , Wildlife Nation With Jeff Corwin 0 This Old House 2 The Open Road With Dr. Chris 4 Movie ›› “Big Momma’s House” (2000, Comedy) Martin Lawrence, Nia Long. An FBI agent goes under cover to protect a woman and her son. ? Discover Wisconsin A NCIS: New Orleans D To Be Announced G Mountain Men I Homestead Rescue J Zombie House Flipping Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X SpongeBob SquarePants ± Big City Greens10:30 A.M. # Friends $ One Team: The Power of Sports % Hope in the Wild & 8 Paid Program ) Movie ›› “San Andreas” (2015, Action) Dwayne Johnson, Carla Gugino. A rescue pilot must save his family after an earthquake. , oh baby! 0 Beads, Baubles, and Jewels 2 Ready, Set, Pet ? Made for the Outdoors Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X SpongeBob SquarePants ± Big City Greens11:00 A.M. # Movie ›› “Bruce Almighty” (2003, Comedy) Jim Carrey, Morgan Freeman. A frustrated reporter receives divine powers from God. $ The Voyager With Josh Garcia % Paid Program & FOX College Football Pregame _ The Big Valley * Antiques Roadshow , Hearts of Heroes 0 Quilting Arts 2 America’s Heartland 8 The Young Icons > High School Football St. Joseph Prep (PA) at St. Thomas Aquinas (FL). ? Destination Polaris A Movie ›› “The Guardian” (2006, Drama) Kevin Costner, Ashton Kutcher. A Coast Guard trainer makes a swimming champ his protege. B Premier League Mornings FRIDAY CONTINUED SATURDAY CONTINUED

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PAGE 40 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022 Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429 divorce? ic relationship… Struggling to move past your divorce? years ago ic relationship… I’m Dheemarie troducing… (10 modules + 2 coaching calls) Heal your heartbreak Build confidence Stop blaming yourself Move FORWARD faster Create the life you always dreamt of Reintroduce you to YOU Make self love + self a PRIORITY THRIV course recovery and restore Struggling to move past your divorce? Two years ago ic relationship… Hello! I’m Dheemarie Introducing… (10 modules + 2 coaching calls) Heal your heartbreak Build confidence Stop blaming yourself Move FORWARD faster Create the life you always dreamt of Reintroduce you to YOU Make self love + self care a PRIORITY ! recovery and restore Struggling to move past your divorce? Two years ago ic relationship… Hello! I’m Dheemarie Introducing… Heal your heartbreak Build confidence Stop blaming yourself Move FORWARD faster ate the life you always dreamt of Reintroduce you to YOU Make self-love + self-care a PRIORITY This course Struggling to move past your divorce? ic relationship… Dheemarie troducing… (10 modules + 2 coaching calls) Heal your heartbreak Build confidence Stop blaming yourself Move FORWARD faster ate the life you always dreamt of Reintroduce you to YOU Make self-love a PRIORITY THRIVE! Struggling to move past your divorce? Two years ago ic relationship… Hello! I’m Dheemarie Introducing… (10 modules + 2 coaching calls) ate the life you always dreamt of Reintroduce you to YOU Make self-love + self-care a PRIORITY This course recovery and restore Struggling to move past your divorce? Two years ago ic relationship… Hello! I’m Dheemarie Introducing… (10 modules + 2 coaching calls) Heal your heartbreak Build confidence Stop blaming yourself Move FORWARD faster ate the life you always dreamt of Reintroduce you to YOU + THRIVE! This course DESERVE Struggling to move past your divorce? Two years ago ic relationship… Hello! I’m Dheemarie Introducing… (10 modules + 2 coaching calls) Heal your heartbreak ate the life you always dreamt of care a PRIORITY This course recovery and restore DESERVE –Struggling to move past your Two years ago Hello! I’m Dheemarie Introducing… (10 modules + 2 coaching Heal your heartbreak Build confidence Stop blaming yourself Move FORWARD faster Create the life you always dreamt of Reintroduce you to YOU Make self-love + self-care a PRIORITY THRIVE! This course recovery and restore DESERVE Struggling to move past your divorce? Two years ago ic relationship… Hello! I’m Dheemarie Introducing… (10 modules + 2 coaching calls) Heal your heartbreak Build confidence Stop blaming yourself Move FORWARD faster ate the life you always dreamt of Reintroduce you to YOU love This course recovery and restore DESERVE Struggling to move past your divorce? Two years ago ic relationship… Hello! I’m Dheemarie Introducing… (10 modules + 2 coaching calls) Heal your heartbreak Build confidence Stop blaming yourself Move FORWARD faster ate the life you always dreamt of Reintroduce you to selfYOU-care a recoveryPRIORITYandrestore DESERVE To sign up Struggling to move past your divorce? Two years ago ic relationship… Hello! I’m Dheemarie Introducing… (10 modules + 2 coaching calls) Heal your heartbreak Build confidence Stop blaming yourself Move FORWARD faster ate the life you always dreamt of Reintroduce you to selfYOU This course recovery and restore DESERVE To sign up –Struggling to move past your divorce? Two years ago ic relationship… Hello! I’m Dheemarie Introducing… (10 modules + 2 coaching calls) Heal your heartbreak Build confidence Stop blaming yourself Move FORWARD faster ate the life you always dreamt of care a PRIORITY This course recovery and restoreTo sign up Struggling to Hello! I’m Dheemarie Introducing… (10 modules Heal your heartbreak Build confidence Stop blaming yourself Move FORWARD faster Create the life you always Reintroduce you to YOU Make self-love + self-care THRIVE! This course DESERVE Struggling to move past your divorce? Two years ago Hello! I’m Dheemarie Introducing… (10 modules + 2 coaching calls) Heal your heartbreak Build confidence Stop blaming yourself Move FORWARD faster Create the life you always dreamt of Reintroduce you to YOU love This course To sign up –To sign up Struggling to move past your divorce? Two years ago ic relationship… Hello! I’m Dheemarie Introducing… (10 modules + 2 coaching calls) Heal your heartbreak Build confidence Stop blaming yourself Move FORWARD faster Create the life you always dreamt of Reintroduce you to YOU Make self-love + self-care a PRIORITY THRIVE! This course recovery and restore DESERVE To sign up PAGE 40 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022 Call us today for advertising 262-370-6429

I tell Him I will try to be more mild and meek I will try to love my enemy and turn the other cheek tell Him where I might have gone astray promise Him that I will mend my ways tell him of the troubles on earth down here most of all, I tell Him how much I love Him so Ellen
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Bailey relationship… divorce? ic relationship… divorce? relationship… past your divorce? ic relationship… coaching calls) PRIORITYofandrestore divorce? ic relationship… divorce? relationship… Struggling to move past your divorce? ic relationship… (10 modules + 2 coaching calls) confidenceheartbreakyourselfFORWARDfasteryoualways dreamt of you to selfYOU-care a recoveryPRIORITYandrestore DESERVE To sign up –sign up
I share with Him a list I have mentally compiled tell Him of the goodness others have shown to me ask Him to look after them and their families tell him about those who are in need of help ask Him to show me how I can help them myself tell Him I will look for the best in those I meet I meet them in church or upon the street
below But
Talking to the Lord live through the day and do my daily chores kneel by my bed at night and talk to the Lord thank Him for the sunshine and the friendly smiles

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D Movie “Tempting Fate” (2019, Drama) Alyssa Milano, Steve Kazee. Gabby’s marriage is jeopardized by her feelings for another. G American Pickers I Homestead Rescue J Move or Improve Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Ridiculousness X Movie ›› “Trolls World Tour” (2020, Children’s) Voices of Anna Kendrick, Justin Timberlake. Animated. Six troll tribes unite to save music from becoming extinct. Æ Movie “Autumn Dreams” (2015, Romance-Comedy) Jill Wagner, Colin Egglesfield. A couple is forced to reunite to annul their marriage. ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 11:30 A.M. $ Premier League Soccer Arsenal vs Fulham. % 2 Paid Program & College Football Nebraska vs Northwestern. , 2022 Little League Baseball World Series International Final: Teams TBA. 0 It’s Sew Easy 8 Career Day ? A Fishing Story With Ronnie Green B Snake in the Grass J Move or Improve Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Ridiculousness ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 12:00 P.M. % Inside Edition Weekend _ Gunsmoke * Pati’s Mexican Table 0 Best of Sewing With Nancy 2 At Home in Wisconsin 8 Pets.TV ? AVP Pro Beach Volleyball Tour G American Pickers I Homestead Rescue J The First 48 Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Ridiculousness ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 12:30 P.M. % Movie ››› “Road to Perdition” (2002, Crime Drama) Tom Hanks, Paul Newman. A Depression-era mob enforcer and his son flee after a fatal betrayal. * Steven Raichlen’s Project Fire 0 Fons & Porter’s Love of Quilting 2 Paid Program 8 Nashville Insider B Movie ››› “The Goonies” (1985, Children’s) Sean Astin, Josh Brolin. Young misfits find a 17th-century pirate’s treasure map. Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Ridiculousness W Movie ›› “Volcano” (1997, Action) Tommy Lee Jones, Anne Heche. Earthquakes and lava ravage Los Angeles. ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 1:00 P.M. # Movie ›› “Evan Almighty” (2007, Children’s) Steve Carell, Morgan Freeman. God commands a newly elected congress man to build an ark. _ Bonanza ) Blue Bloods * Welcome to My Farm 0 Knit and Crochet Now! 2 Paid Program 4 Movie › “Big Momma’s House 2” (2006, Comedy) Martin Lawrence, Nia Long. An FBI agent reprises his disguise, posing as a heavy nanny. 8 The Texas Music Scene : iRobot Home Innovations - Featuring Roomba D Movie “Their Killer Affair” (2017, Suspense) Melissa Archer, Brandon Beemer. A detective suspects a killer may be someone close to her. G American Pickers I Homestead Rescue J The First 48 Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X SpongeBob SquarePants Æ Movie “Her Pen Pal” (2021, Romance) Mallory Jansen, Joshua Sasse. A woman reconnects with her French child hood pen pal. ± Ultra Violet & Black Scorpion 1:30 P.M. $ 2022 TOUR Championship Third Round. * Christopher Kimball’s Milk Street Television 0 Fit 2 Stitch 2 Paid Program 8 The American Athlete Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X SpongeBob SquarePants ± Ultra Violet & Black Scorpion 1:45 P.M. A Movie ››› “Space Cowboys” (2000, Adventure) Clint Eastwood, Tommy Lee Jones. NASA reunites four aging flyboys for an urgent mission. 2:00 P.M. _ Rawhide ) Blue Bloods * Weekends With Yankee 0 Nature 2 Street Magic 8 High School Football Arrowhead at Homestead. : IT Cosmetics > College Football Countdown ? Loons Live Pregame G American Pickers I Homestead Rescue J Panic 9-1-1 Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X SpongeBob SquarePants ± The Villains of Valley View 2:30 P.M. % Movie ››› “The Hunt for Red October” (1990, Suspense) Sean Connery, Alec Baldwin. Moscow, D.C. and CIA analyst track rogue Soviet captain and sub. * Ciao Italia , 2022 Little League Baseball World Series United States Final: Teams TBA. 2 Raw Travel > College Football Stephen F. Austin State vs Jacksonville State. ? MLS Soccer Houston Dynamo at Minnesota United FC. Q 101 Places to Party Before You Die T Ridiculousness X SpongeBob SquarePants ± The Villains of Valley View 2:56 P.M. W Movie ››› “Twister” (1996, Action) Helen Hunt, Bill Paxton. Storm chasers race to test a new tornado-monitoring device. 3:00 P.M. # Movie ››› “Game Night” (2018, Comedy) Jason Bateman, Rachel McAdams. A murder mystery party turns into a wild and chaotic night. & FOX College Football Extra _ Have Gun — Will Travel ) Blue Bloods * The Migrant Kitchen 0 NOVA 2 Chasing Down Madison Brown : Denim & Co. Clearance B Movie ››› “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2” (2017, Science Fiction) Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana. The team unrav els the mystery of Peter Quill’s parentage.
You may feel a need to get moving today, Capricorn. Almost everyone at times prefers quiet activities, books, art, and even just sitting around to physical activity. But your health can suffer if you’re too inactive. Fresh air, exercise, and sunshine are vital to your well-being. Don’t resist the urge to get up and do something active. Chances are good that you’ll really enjoy it. Aquarius, you’ll probably find that you have a ton of energy to put into all kinds of activities. Finish any work that still needs completion, consider doing some cleaning and organizing, or see about getting out for a little warm weather fun. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s active. You’ll need a place for all that energy to go and quiet activities won’t cut it today.
Today, Sagittarius, your ability to stand up for your decisions and not let others sway you may be enhanced. This will be especially strong if you’ve solved a problem. You may find that others often try to change your decisions, but not today. Things are working in your favor and you’ll feel new strength as a result. Follow your heart.
If you feel tired, Aries, you may need to close your eyes and listen to soothing music. You work hard most of the time, so do your body and mind some good and just relax and listen to your favorite music. Even a few minutes will make a difference. You can always use the quiet time to plan if you feel you need to accomplish something.
If you’ve been feeling tired or sick lately, this will probably turn around for you today, Libra. Bouts of moodiness can be a real drain. Your emotional state has a pronounced effect on the way your body feels. Be sure to take care of your feelings as well as your body. If there are things that need to be worked out, do that now. The two really do go together. You usually place a lot of importance on self-control. Today this skill will come in handy when you receive some wonderful news that might otherwise move you to tears. Don’t carry it too far. Under these circumstances, it’s OK to let it out a bit. Your hard work and dedication to your career are paying off. News about possible advancement could arrive. It’s a very eventful day.
This is an excellent day to express your natural creativity, Pisces. The arts will more than likely be very important to you. You may find that nothing brings you more pleasure on days like this. Consider putting this to good use by painting, sculpting, or doing crafts. You’ll find the perfect thing for you is engaging in art activities with a focus on giving.
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Your active side may really show today, Virgo. While you can be extremely focused on “thinking” work, you can also love keeping active and enjoy physical work. When you have a project like cleaning your home, you can be quick when you put your mind to it. This is a good day to get a lot accomplished. You’ll probably enjoy it very much and bask in the satisfaction afterwards.
You may find that today brings great physical strength and energy, Cancer. You may want to do some really chal lenging, physical work. This is the day for it, so why not go to it? Do some yard work or clean out closets, cupboards, drawers, and filing cabinets. Consider donating items that you don’t use anymore or sell things online to make a couple bucks. Get into doing things today, Leo. Activities that require focus or creativity are supported. Your physical strength and energy will compel you to do something active. If you’ve been feeling tired or under the weather, this can put an end to it. Consider artistic projects that take strength, such as building something out of wood or carving. Make something special for someone.
Today could bring some strong feelings, Taurus. This may not be new, as you generally tend to feel things deeply. Finding a way to express this could sometimes be tough for you. While you’re creative, it isn’t always easy to find the right activity to get you going. Visit an online bookstore and look for some appealing craft or art books. They may spark ideas for expressing yourself.
Gemini, consider that artistic expression can happen in many ways. It isn’t always about drawing a picture, singing a song, playing music, or acting. The way you arrange your home or workspace is an artistic expression, as are how you dress and do your hair. Each thing you do is an expression of your style. You are uniquely artistic. Enjoy this gift today.
Aries (March 21-April 20) Taurus (April 21-May 20) Gemini (May 21-June 20) Cancer (June 21-July 20) Leo (July 21-August 21) Virgo (August 22-September 22) Libra (September 23-October 22) Scorpio (October 23-November 22) Sagittarius (November 23-December 20) Capricorn (December 21-January 19) Aquarius (January 20-Febuary 18) Pisces (Febuary 19-March 20)

InDirectionsastockpot, over medium heat, combine the tomatoes, on ion, cloves and chicken broth. Bring to a boil, and gently boil for about 20 minutes to blend all of the flavors. Remove from heat and run the mixture through a food mill into a large bowl, or pan. Discard any stuff left over in the food mill. In the now empty stockpot, melt the butter over medium heat. Stir in the flour to make a roux, cooking until the roux is a me dium brown. Gradually whisk in a bit of the tomato mixture, so that no lumps form, then stir in the rest. Season with sugar and salt, and adjust to taste. Spaghetti Sauce with Ground Beef
Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022, PAGE 45 D Movie “Suburban Swingers Club” (2019, Drama) Dana Davis, Jesse Ruda. A young couple are targeted by a homicidal neighbor. G American Pickers I Lone Star Law J Panic 9-1-1 Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X SpongeBob SquarePants Æ Movie “Romance in Style” (2022, Romance) Jaicy Elliot, Benjamin Hollingsworth. Sparks fly between a fash ion designer and a publisher. ± Big City Greens3:25 P.M. ± Big City Greens3:30 P.M. & Horse Racing Travers Stakes. _ Wanted: Dead or Alive * The Migrant Kitchen 2 HouseSmarts Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X SpongeBob SquarePants 3:50 P.M. ± Big City Greens4:00 P.M. _ The Rifleman ) Blue Bloods * America’s Test Kitchen From Cook’s Illustrated 0 American Experience 2 Today’s Homeowner With Danny Lipford 4 Movie › “Blue Streak” (1999, Comedy) Martin Lawrence, Luke Wilson. Thief tries to retrieve a cache from a police station. : iRobot Home Innovations - Featuring Roomba G American Pickers I Lone Star Law J The First 48 Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X SpongeBob SquarePants 4:15 P.M. A Movie ›› “Armageddon” (1998, Science Fiction) Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton. A hero tries to save Earth from an asteroid. ± Big City Greens4:30 P.M. _ The Rifleman * Cook’s Country 2 Open House ? Loons Live Postgame Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X SpongeBob SquarePants 4:40 P.M. ± Big City Greens5:00 P.M. # Movie “Tag” (2018, Comedy) Ed Helms, Jon Hamm. Five competitive friends play a no-holds-barred game of tag. % CBS 58 News at 5pm & PBC Fight Camp _ The Three Stooges ) Blue Bloods * Wisconsin Foodie , WISN 12 News at 5 Saturday 0 Seeing Canada 2 Family Feud 8 Greatest Sports Legends: Then and Now : Dooney & Bourke ? Inside The Brewers D Movie “Temptation Under the Sun” (2022, Suspense) Annika Foster, Mike Markoff. A detective searches for a killer on an exotic island. G American Pickers I Lone Star Law J The First 48 Q Impractical Jokers T Ridiculousness X SpongeBob SquarePants Æ Movie “Hidden Gems” (2022, Romance) Hunter King, Beau Mirchoff. Sparks fly between a woman and a scuba diver. 5:05 P.M. ± Movie ››› “Happy Feet” (2006, Children’s) Voices of Elijah Wood, Robin Williams. Animated. An emperor penguin expresses himself through tap-dancing. 5:20 P.M. _ The Three Stooges5:30P.M. % CBS Weekend News & MLB on FOX Pregame * Around the Corner with John McGivern , ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 0 PBS News Weekend 2 Paid Program 8 Game Time With Boomer Esiason > College Football Scoreboard ? Brewers Pregame Q Impractical Jokers T Movie ›› “The Longest Yard” (2005, Comedy) Adam Sandler, Chris Rock. Prisoners train for a football game against the guards. W Movie ›› “2012” (2009, Action) John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor. A global cata clysm nearly wipes out humanity. X SpongeBob SquarePants 5:40 P.M. _ The Three Stooges6:00P.M. $ NASCAR Cup Series Coke Zero Sugar 400. % Jeopardy! & MLB Baseball _ The Three Stooges ) NewsNation Prime * The Lawrence Welk Show , WISN 12 News at 6 Saturday 0 Antiques Roadshow 2 Family Feud 8 American Ninja Warrior > College Football Howard vs Alabama State. ? MLB Baseball Chicago Cubs at Milwaukee Brewers. B Movie ››› “Doctor Strange” (2016, Action) Benedict Cumberbatch, Chiwetel Ejiofor. The Ancient One introduces Dr. Stephen Strange to magic. G American Pickers I Lone Star Law
Tomato Soup
1Ingredientspoundground beef 1 medium onion, chopped 4 cloves garlic, minced 1 small green bell pepper, diced 1 (28 ounce) can diced tomatoes 1 (16 ounce) can tomato sauce 1 (6 ounce) can tomato paste 2 teaspoons dried oregano 2 teaspoons dried basil 1 teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon ground black pepper
CombineDirectionsground beef, onion, garlic, and green pepper in a large saucepan over medium-high heat. Cook and stir until meat is browned and crumbly and vegetables are tender, 5 to 7 minutes. Drain grease. Stir diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, and tomato paste into the pan. Season with oregano, basil, salt, and pepper. Simmer spaghetti sauce for 1 hour, stirring occasionally.
&LicensedInsured 414-430-8084 We Buy Junk Cars •Flatbed Service •Lockout•Tire•JumpServiceStartChanging•Winching •Local & Long DistanceLicensed to Carry
4Ingredientscupschopped fresh tomatoes 1 slice onion 4 whole cloves 2 cups chicken broth 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons white sugar, or to taste

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Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022, PAGE 47 Viper Auto Locksmith Oscar Garcia Locksmith viperautolocksmith@gmail.comSpecialist 262-606-7049 Key Making on @viperautolocksmithSite Spare/Extra Key Keyless Entry Smart Key High Security Transponder Key Remote Repair/Replace Lost Key Service Lockout Services

# American Dad! % 48 Hours ) NewsNation Prime * Agatha Christie’s Poirot , America’s Funniest Home Videos
(2006, Drama) Kevin
PAGE 48 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022 Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429
Inside Jokes T Movie › “Joe Dirt” (2001, Comedy) David Spade, Dennis Miller. A mullet-head ed janitor relates his personal tale of woe. X Friends ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 11:01 P.M. D Movie “Bodyguard Seduction” (2022, Suspense) Jessica Morris, Ross Jirgl. A wealthy businesswoman falls for a sexy bodyguard. Æ The Golden11:03Girls P.M. G American Pickers J The First 4811:05 P.M. , Entertainment11:30TonightP.M. 0 Rick Steves’ Europe 4 Martin 8 Whacked Out Sports ? Brewers Pregame B Snake in the Grass Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes X Friends ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 11:31 P.M. Æ The Golden11:35Girls P.M. & TMZ 12:00 A.M. % Major Crimes _ Lost in Space ) Dan Abrams Live * Father Brown 0 Antiques Roadshow 2 The Liquidator 4 Martin 8 414 Video Spotlight : philosophy - beauty > SportsCenter ? MLB Baseball Chicago Cubs at Milwaukee Brewers. Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes X Friends ± Jessie 12:01 A.M. I Lone Star Law Æ The Golden12:03Girls A.M. $ 1st Look J Cold Case Files12:05 A.M. , Forensic Factor12:30 A.M. 2 Storage Wars 4 Martin B Austin Dillon’s Life in the Fast Lane Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes W Movie ››› “Salt” (2010, Action) Angelina Jolie, Liev Schreiber. Accused of being a counterspy, a CIA agent goes on the run. X Friends ± Jessie 12:31 A.M. Æ The Golden12:32Girls A.M. $ Open House NYC 12:35 A.M. & Extra 1:00 A.M. # Movie ›› “Bruce Almighty” (2003, Comedy) Jim Carrey, Morgan Freeman. A frustrated reporter receives divine powers from God. % Bull _ CBS 58 News at 10pm ) Banfield * Agatha Christie’s Poirot 0 Jamie Oliver: Together 2 Paid Program 4 Martin 8 The Texas Music Scene : TATCHA - Skin
J The First 48 Q Impractical Jokers X Movie ›› “Trolls World Tour” (2020, Children’s) Voices of Anna Kendrick, Justin Timberlake. Animated. Six troll tribes unite to save music from becoming extinct. 6:20 P.M. _ The Three Stooges6:30P.M.
0 Movie ››› “Gaslight” (1944, Suspense) Charles Boyer, Ingrid Bergman. A diabolical husband tries to drive his wife insane. 2 Masters of Illusion 8 Murdoch Mysteries : Belle by Kim Gravel - Fashion G American Pickers J Cold Case Files Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Movie ››› “Wedding Crashers” (2005, Comedy) Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn. Partygoers spend a wild weekend with a politician’s family. X Friends 8:01 P.M. I Lone Star Law8:30 P.M. # American Dad! 2 Masters of Illusion B Movie ››› “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2” (2017, Science Fiction) Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana. The team unrav els the mystery of Peter Quill’s parentage. Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes X Friends 8:40 P.M. ± Hamster & Gretel 9:00 P.M. # Bob’s Burgers % 48 Hours & FOX 6 News at 9 _ Batman ) NewsNation Prime , The $100,000 Pyramid 2 Polka! Polka! Polka! 4 Martin 8 Bloodline Detectives > College Football Scoreboard ? Brewers Postgame Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes W The End Is Nye X Friends 9:01 P.M. I Lone Star Law J American Justice Æ Movie “Roadhouse Romance” (2021, Romance-Comedy) Lauren Alaina, Tyler Hynes. Sparks fly between a lieutenant and a TV director. 9:03 P.M. D Movie “Tempted by Danger” (2020, Suspense) Keshia Knight Pulliam, Gabrielle Graham. An attorney begins a relationship with an obsessive man. 9:05 P.M. ± Hamster & Gretel 9:30 P.M. # Bob’s Burgers _ Batman 4 Martin > Boxing Jose Pedraza vs. Richard Commey. ? The Card Life Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes X Friends ± Big City Greens10:00 P.M. # Bob’s Burgers $ TMJ4 News at 10 % CBS 58 News at 10pm & FOX 6 News at 10 _ Star Trek ) NewsNation Prime * Death in Paradise , WISN 12 News at 10 Saturday 0 Great Performances 2 Movie ››› “Baby Boom” (1987, Comedy) Diane Keaton, Harold Ramis. Manhattan exec suddenly inherits baby girl, moves to Vermont. 4 Martin 8 World Poker Tour : Susan Graver Style ? World Poker Tour WPT Cash Game, No Limit Holdem - Part 2. Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes W Movie ›› “The Book of Eli” (2010, Adventure) Denzel Washington, Gary Oldman. A lone warrior carries hope across a post-apocalyptic wasteland. X Friends ± Big City Greens10:01 P.M. I Lone Star Law10:04 P.M. J American Justice10:05 P.M. G American Pickers10:15 P.M. A Movie ›› “Armageddon” (1998, Science Fiction) Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton. A hero tries to save Earth from an asteroid. 10:29 P.M. $ Saturday Night Live 10:30 P.M. # Bob’s Burgers % CBS 58 News at 10:30pm 4 Martin Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes X Friends ± Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 10:35 P.M. & Beat Shazam , Big 12 Sports11:00SaturdayP.M. # Movie ›› “Vacation” (2015, Comedy) Ed Helms, Christina Applegate. Rusty Griswold and family take a road trip to Walley World. % Major Crimes _ Kolchak: The Night Stalker ) NewsNation Prime * Austin City Limits 4 Martin 8 Game Time With Boomer Esiason : Scott Living Mattress With the Scott Brothers ? Inside The Brewers I Lone Star Law Q Impractical Jokers: Care SportsCenter Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Ridiculousness X Seinfeld ± Jessie 1:01 A.M. Chicago P.D. I Lone Star Law Æ Frasier 1:02 A.M. Open House NYC 1:04 A.M. Movie “Tempted by Danger” (2020, Suspense) Keshia Knight Pulliam, Gabrielle Graham. An attorney begins a relationship with an obsessive man. American Justice1:05A.M. , Top 10 1:06 A.M. American Pickers1:15A.M. Guardian” Costner, Kutcher.
A Movie ›› “The
A Coast Guard trainer makes a swimming champ his protege. 1:30 A.M. $ Time of Grace With Pastor Mike Novotny _ CBS 58 News at 10:30pm 2 The Armstrong Williams Show 4 Martin 8 Nashville Insider Q Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes T Ridiculousness X Seinfeld Æ Frasier ± The Villains of Valley View 1:35 A.M. & In Depth With Graham Bensinger 2:00 A.M. $ Paid Program % Bull _ Land of the Giants ) Last Man Standing 0 NOVA 2 Black College Quiz Show 4 Martin 8 The Armstrong Williams Show : Scott Living Mattress With the Scott Brothers > SportsCenter REQUEST A FREE generatorhomewithpowerPrepare262-696-9050QUOTE!foroutagesaGeneracstandbyFREE 7-Year Extended Warranty* A $695 Value! Limited Time O er - Call for Details Special Financing Available Subject to Credit Approval *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. SATURDAY CONTINUED
% Wheel of Fortune , Big 12 Sports Saturday 2 Family Feud Q Impractical Jokers6:40P.M. _ The Three Stooges7:00P.M. # American Dad! % FBI: International _ Svengoolie ) NewsNation Prime * Father Brown , America’s Funniest Home Videos
0 The Jubilee Pudding: 70 Years in the Baking 2 Great Chocolate Showdown 4 Martin: The Reunion 8 Heartland : iRobot Home Innovations - Featuring Roomba D Movie “Bodyguard Seduction” (2022, Suspense) Jessica Morris, Ross Jirgl. A wealthy businesswoman falls for a sexy bodyguard. G American Pickers I Lone Star Law J The First 48 Q Impractical Jokers Æ Movie “Game, Set, Love” (2022, Romance) Davida Williams, Richard Harmon. A former tennis pro agrees to coach her friend and bad boy. ± Movie ›› “Happy Feet Two” (2011, Children’s) Voices of Elijah Wood, Robin Williams. Animated. The son of Mumble, the tap-dancing penguin, is afraid to dance. 7:15 P.M. A Movie ››› “Independence Day” (1996, Science Fiction) Will Smith, Bill Pullman. Earthlings vs. evil aliens in 15-mile-wide ships. 7:30 P.M. # American Dad! Q Impractical Jokers8:00P.M.

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PAGE 50 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022 Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429 12/3scheduleCallSomething3565andRummage8/27Street.chairs.someFurniture….SomeFurniture,ment,Auto,Rain–EveryYARD8/27yourEverythingGO!EVERYTHINGDaycareSHAPE8/27414-252-2462everything..BuySuper9/3414-517-1160.dowsprinter,routers,desktops,MacBooks,HardcoreAUTOMOTIVEFORSALEElectronics:laptops,Dvdplayers,printer,WiFiMicrosoft,win7,8&10.CallGarageSaleWeandSellalmostCallorTextOFYOUEVERYDAYSHAPEWEAR(S-8XL)•Waisttrainers•CompressionGarments•ColumbianFajas•Bras/$5,000orbestoffer.youneedforstartupbusiness.SALE2022...Friday–SaturdaySunday10am-5pm.orShine.Plumbing,ElectricequipPowertools,LawnToys,Babynewused.Ele.Wheel4689N.19thSaleSaturdaySunday9am-5pm.N.MLKDr.foreveryone.414-248-7533toanappointment. HELP WANTED Little Academy Learning Center. Now Hiring Lead and Assistant Teachers. Now Enrolling Children 4wks to 13yrs – 7 days a week. Starting pay $12.00 hour –Transportation available on a first come basis. Call Ms Dillion @ Food9/10414-933-8216prep,cleaning & more. Must be flexable and be able to lift 100lbs. 9/10(414)430-0773.CenterRooms262-719-1332BUILDINGS...WE9/3blessThankquestion.Edwinathecomereunion.wide.choice.foodPlease202210)WashingtonmakeG.Obama.a5:48.Obey9/10470-662-6656.MISCGodMatthewItistimetomakechangesaidPresidentMrs.EdwinaScottisgoingtothatchangePlace:Park(Area/Date:August20,/Time:10:30am.bringyourownanddrinksofyourEventworldFamilyFellowshipComeone,all.Let’,MayGodyou.REALESTATEBUYHOUSES/RENTALSforrent28th&$150weekly. Room for rent, furnished with cable, washer and dryer. No couples. $500 25639/17(414)888-0677.-2bedrooms upper $800.00. 414-352-6031. Rooms9/10 for rent, utilities included, fully furnished. Mature adults. Only $500. 3421 N. 22nd St. Shawn 414-507-9226. Yellow10/29 balloon rooms 4 rent. Women only. No Kids, weekly or bi-week ly. Call YB Fully9/17262-595-7113.atfurnished rooms for rent, clean mature, no couples, shared kitchen, bathroom & livingroom. Utilities, WI-Fi included. Contact: Quality9/17(414)745-5599.Curtiscleanrooms for rent in nice location, bi weekly or mo. 40 and older. $400 special 1 day only 414-807-7164. ***60188/15 N. 62nd St. Nice 2 br. Upper spa cious closets, appliances included, window blinds, carpeted through out, off street parking, hook up for washer & dryer. Rent assistance ok, Mature adults….No Pets….avail able now fullBdrm.9061B8/27414-339-9297.****$760.N.95thSt.3Tri-levelcondo,basement,laundry, 1 ½ ba. Very 9/3262-245-3923.clean. Furnished rooms for rent, mature adults only. You share bath, kitchen, and living room. Utilities, cable included $115 to $175 per week. Contact Rob at 414-458-2735. 28489/10 W. Wisconsin Ave. R/A ok., Beautifully ren ovated. 1 Br. apartments $650 includes heat. $1,800 minimum income. 414-916-0060. 10/15 Room 4 Rent - No Drugs, No Felonies. Semi Furnished. $400 per month, $200 security. Must be very clean per son. N. 37th & Galena. 99728/27414-348-2980W.Fond Du Lac Ave. 3 Bdrm. 1 ½ ba. 2 story condo. Central, air conditioning, inside parking, water included $1,120. 262-245-3923. Fully9/3 furnished rooms Beautiful home setting$500. Men only, 55 and older, no couples, no smoking. Cable, WiFi, washer & dryer avail able. Security cameras on premises. 414-803-0339. 8/27 c 3421 N. 9th st. Furnished room available $500 monthly clean. Call Harold 414-236-9094, Al 414-699-9738 or Greg Rooms03/26/23414-312-8434.(c)forrent, utilities included, fully furnished. Mature adults. Only $500. 3421 N. 22nd St. Shawn 414-507-9226. 32188/27 W. Cherry St. lower, 2 bedrooms. $600.00. 414-352-6031. 9/3 MOVE IN SPECIAL $195 Rooming house–Extra large furnished rooms with all utilities. 725 S. 20th St. (20th & National) MEN ONLY. Shown daily. Fully9/3414-600-3500.Callfurnishedroom 4 rent. Weekly and month ly. All utilities included: Stove, fridge, and micro wave. Nice and clean. Absolutely no disrespect, begging nor foolishness. Location: Northside near Burleigh and Capitol on bus route. Over 55 MALE ONLY and work ing. Please call after 5:30pm or weekends only. 8/27Kevin.414-484-0680.natement,remodel,deck,dows,Drywall,Large&Home0339.onable.washersmoking.older,$500.BeautifulFully3/25/23414-759-7769.nished.onNice9/24Available(262),55andnocouples,noCable,WiFi,&dryeravailSecuritycameraspremises.414-803-8/27cSERVICESImprovementrepairservice.andsmalljobs.painting,windoors,porchandkitchenandbathattic&baseceramictile,lamifloors.CalltodayAskforFreeestimates. IN-COLUMN CLASSIFIEDS FOR AS LITTLE AS $5.00... CALL 262/370-6429 AUTOMOTIVE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MISC HELPRENTALS.WANTED SERVICES
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Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022, PAGE 53 DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS FOR AS LITTLE AS $15.00...CALL TODAY 262/370-6429 APPLIANCEREPAIR FREE REPAIR ESTIMATES FREE PHONE ESTIMATES FREE TRIP CHARGE W/REPAIR FREE gift • REFRIGERATORS • FREEZERS • WASHERS • DRYERS • STOVES • OVENS • HOT WATER HEATERS • FURNACES • PLUMBING • HEATING • AIR CONDITIONING WORK NORVILLE (30yrs experience) 305-3200 God Bless America 4/2 J.A.P Junking & Towing Paying Top Dollar For unwantedyourvehicles No Title....No Problem We Pay Guaranteed!More (262)305-8604 Now you can buy professional strength pest control supplies that the experts use. Our professional staff, with over 25 years of experience, is ready to give you the advice you need to tackle all your pest control problems Mon. - Thur. 8am-4pm Fri. 8am-12pm / Sat. 10am-2pm 4107 W. North Avenue Milwaukee, WI 414-731-6478414-616-1420 • Bed Bugs • Mice • Rats • Ants • Bees • Wasps • Fleas • Squirrels • Racoons and MORE SHAPE OF YOU Everyday(S-8XL)Shapewear • Waist trainers • Compression Garments • Columbian Fajas • Bras / 50%accessoriesOFF 262-899-1532 ROOMS FOR RENT •Newly renovated •Utilities •Furnished •WiFi •Secure •Mature adults •$450 and up 414-600-3113 414-312-2286or We Cut grass, yard clean up, edging etc. Give us a call to Schedule an appointment. 414-213-5443 Complete yard Care. Rooms For Rent Drug Free • Mature Adults 50 & Above Clean, Quiet, Furnished Cable Available • Monthly Rental Call (414)690-7216 FOR SALE ENGINE & TRANSMISSION 2000 Chrysler 2.7 Engine & Transmission James - (414)374-7997 Used Engine InstallationTransmission&Available callENGINE414/374-7997AskforJamesFORSALE&TRANSMISSION 1999 Cadillac 4.6 Northstar Engine & Transmission James - (414)374-7997 Used Engine InstallationTransmission&Available call - 414/374-7997AskforJames V.I.P. Food delivery No upcharges on food. (flat rates) Pay upon delivery (cash orders) (cash apps. Must pay first) $5 (1-4 miles), $7 (5-7 miles), $10 (8-11 miles) from restuarants. 2 stop special $1 off. Call or text your order to (262)429-4082

PAGE 54 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022 Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429 DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS FOR AS LITTLE AS $15.00... CALL 262/370-6429 We Buy Junk 578-6768Cars299-9471 FastInsulin,WeDIABETICFORCA$HTESTSTRIPSANDSUPPLIESalsobuythefollowing:DiabeticPills,InhalersANDMORE...localpickup TOP DOLLAR PAID 414-375-9767CALL Unabletowork?DeniedBenefits?Wecanhelp! Social Win...NoDisabilitySecurityLaw.BillGordon&Associates.Award / No Fee. All immediateCallconsidered.casestodayforhelp! (888)632-7546 John’s Auto & TowingFast Service WE BUY JUNK CARS Call (414)732-9542John (414)243-4441or CHEAPEST APPLIANCE REPAIR In Milwaukee!!! High quality service at the best price!!! Washers & Dryers, Stoves, Refrigerators, and Dishwasher. All brands and models. Call Kells, technically trained appliance tech at: 773-679-1407 V.I.P. Rides (area restrictions) Flat fees. Must pay upon entering car or Ridesbeforehand.$2.25Flat Fee plus 75¢ per mile. We wait $2.00 per 5 mins. Best Deal out here!!! Call or text your ride needs to (262)429-4082 FOR SALE ENGINE & TRANSMISSION 2011 Chevy Impala 3.5 Engine & Transmission James - (414)374-7997
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PAGE 56 TV WEEKLY August 21-27, 2022 Call us today for advertising: 262-370-6429 We start at $700 & up Any Cars, Trucks & Vans 414-243-4024 WE PAY TOPFORDOLLARJUNKCARS! BANKRUPTCY LOMBARDO LAW OFFICE Millwaukee’s affordable bankruptcy attorney GET RID OF BAD DEBT! Call NOW! (414) 543-3328 Milwaukee North Office: 12201 West Burleigh #3, Milwaukee WI 53222 Milwaukee South Office: 2230 South 108th Street, Milwaukee WI 53227 (414) 543 3328 We are a debt relief agency and we help people file for relief under the bankruptcy code. • STOP Repo / Lower Car Payment • STOP Lawsuits / Garnishments • STOP Utility Shutoffs • STOP Foreclosures • FREE CONSULTATION • Affordable & Easy payment options • 4.9 of 5 star Google Rating! • Evening & weekend appointments Chapter 7 filed for as low as $599! * Chapter 13 filed for as low as $0! * *Attorneyfees Use your tax refundto file bankruptcy! Previous Bankruptcy? NO PROBLEM!