Surviving the storms

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LOCKDOWN 2020 CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………………………….……….……………….3 • Setting the Scene.

2. TEN TOUGH TIME TACTICS……………………………………………………………………………..……………6 • A Useful Coping Strategy.

3. TIME OUT!.......................................................................................................................21 • The Compass and Clock.

4. STRESSED OUT?...………………………………………………………………………………………………………28 • Pace, Pressure, Problems and Painful People.

5. THE HOLISTIC PERSON……………………………………………………………………………………………….35 • Mental, Physical, Emotional, Social, Spiritual and Financial.

6. 2020 AND BEYOND…………………………………………………………………………………………………...50 • Managing the Future.

7. CONCLUSION ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………57 • The Way Forward.



Today is Friday the 27th March 2020. It is the first day of a 21- day lockdown in South Africa. Across the world, many people are experiencing this lockdown situation. The aim of the lockdown is to slow down the spread of the corona virus. This virus pandemic is bringing us as a world to our knees. It is always good to be humbled in life. This virus could well knock the arrogance out of those who feel that they are invincible and who seldom think of those in need. The world is made up of wise, stupid and evil people. Yes, there are many selfish people in our world, but also many who are kind and caring. I always deeply admire those people who are willing to place their lives in danger, for the sake of those in need.

Two days ago, I received a very interesting message on my phone. The message was written by the very famous and wealthy Bill Gates. The first paragraph can be seen below…

“I am a strong believer that there is a spiritual purpose behind everything that happens, whether that is what we perceive as being good or being bad. This virus is reminding all of us that we are equal, regardless of our culture, religion, occupation, financial situation or how famous we are. This disease treats us all equally, perhaps we should too.” (Bill Gates.) 3

Both Prince Charles and the famous actor, Tom Hanks, have been struck with this dangerous virus. Money and fame are obviously not a guarantee that the virus will respect a person’s bank balance or worldly fame. We are all fragile and flawed. Even Arnold, the terminator, would find it difficult to wipe this virus off our planet. He only has power up to a point. There are thousands of very clever people working very hard to find a cure and treating those who have been infected. We need to be grateful to those who are putting their lives in danger in order to protect the population. I saw last week that two doctors in Iran have lost their lives, while reaching out to those in need. Diseases are a reality for millions. Last year in South Africa, 64 000 people died as a result of flu. Another 70 000 died from TB. Deaths from heart diseases and cancer would also be very high.

Tsunamis, tornados, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods and droughts have been experienced by millions. They bring devastation and test the endurance of those who have been negatively impacted by them. I read a very enlightening book by Scott Peck called – ‘The Road Less Travelled.’ The first three words in the first chapter read as follows – ‘Life is difficult.’ He shares that the sooner we accept the fact that we are going to have difficulties in life, the better off we will be. When we experience difficulties, we will not be shocked, as we are expecting them to come knocking at our door.


There are no guarantees on planet earth. When people purchase a new car, the salesperson offers them a guarantee. Unfortunately, when each of us arrived on planet earth, we were offered no guarantees. We were not guaranteed a certain number of years, a life free of problems and a free ride. For millions, life is not a walk in the park. It is more like a walk through the minefield of life.

The purpose of this booklet is not to paint a negative picture. We obviously cannot just stick our heads in the sand like ostriches and pretend that everything is fine. My aim is to empower people with a range of coping skills that will assist them to manage the INNER JOURNEY better, as we all face a very uncertain future.



About twenty years ago, I read a book written by Doctor Robert Schuller. He was a very famous Methodist minister who passed away five years ago at the age of 89. The book was called – ‘Tough Times Never Last, but Tough People Do.’ He was a very popular speaker with a huge amount of credibility. One evening he was invited to talk to a large group of farmers who were going through a tough drought. He prepared his speech and realised that it was going to be a big challenge to give these farmers a good boost. When he arrived, he was greeted by the gentleman who had arranged the seminar. He was informed to stay away from all the positive stuff, as the farmers were taking a lot of strain. His whole speech was filled with positivity, so he was not sure what he should say. Instead of using his speech, he just shared his own story. From the time he was a youngster, he had experienced many tough times. The farm on which he grew up was hit by a tornado. The farm was devastated, but his father was an incredibly resilient man. He did not believe in having a pity party. He put together a survival plan for the family. After he had finished delivering his modified talk, the following words popped into his head – Tough times never last, but tough people do! The farmers all rose to their feet and started cheering. The minister had connected with the hearts and minds of these farmers, by sharing his own hardships.


I was invited in 1998 to be the guest speaker at a teacher’s day. The teachers were going through a tough time as the education department decided to relocate teachers to some rather unsuitable areas. The teachers were rather stressed out and I was asked to give them some much needed encouragement. I designed a Ten Tough Time Tips Talk, that I felt would positively impact the hearts and minds of the teachers. A devastating virus has resulted in millions being locked in and we all need plenty of encouragement. Let me share the ten tips with you, as most of them will be helpful, if we apply them.

1. Mental Toughness – The quality of our lives, are greatly influenced by the quality of our thinking. There is a verse in the bible that really grabbed my attention. It shares that we must be careful what we think, as our lives are shaped by our thoughts. There are many things that can have a negative impact on our thinking. In South Africa, where I live, crime and corruption are two cancers that are eating away at our national foundation. Our economy is also taking strain and our unemployment levels are very high. These factors tend to have a negative impact on the mindsets of the people.


As citizens of a country, we have very little control over this virus. We can wash our hands, cough into a handkerchief and keep our distance from others. Beyond this, we are in the hands of the government and medical officials. Other people can also contribute to the situation getting better or worse. We do however have control over our minds. It is a real challenge to plant positive thoughts into our minds during difficult times, but it can be done. Growing negative thoughts in our heads, hurts ourselves and others. For this reason, it is a much better move to cultivate positive thoughts.

2. Worse Off – I know that there are millions of people across the world who are worse off than I am. My wife and I moved out of our home last year due to financial challenges. We are renting a flat on the fifteenth floor at the Beaches. The flat has four bedrooms and the view of King’s Beach is magnificent. As I sit typing, I can hear the waves rolling in and it is such a great sound. I feel very blessed to be locked down in a flat that has such a breath-taking view. For many years I carried a small card in my shirt pocket. The card said, “Count your blessings, not your worries.” People can develop a more positive mindset, by focusing on what they have. How we look at ourselves, life and our situations, greatly influences our mindsets.


3. One Day – All we have is one day at a time. The past has gone, and the future has not yet arrived. One writer shared that we need to compartmentalise our lives. This means that we need to live one day at a time. Living in the past or building up too many tomorrows, is not a good idea. We have been ordered to stay in our homes for 21 days. As I sit typing, we are on day number two. I was meant to be in Zambia for the whole week, but my trip was postponed. This resulted in me having to withdraw my invoice. The financial loss is significant, but it is outside my control. I was very grateful to be asked to do a few days work in the Sundays River Valley this week, for a citrus company. This helped to reduce the loss and for this, I am very grateful. Not receiving a monthly salary can be rather stressful. I must look for work, secure work and then deliver the work. For the next 21 days I am not allowed to look for work or do any work. Worrying about securing work after the lockdown is over, is not going to help my situation. At this moment in time, there is nothing that I can do to find work. I need to use each day as productively as I can and find time to relax. Nobody on their death bed wished that they had worked more overtime.


4. Stronger Person? – Tough times can either flatten a person or make them tougher. I was interviewed for SABC 2 and never ever dreamt that I would one day end up on television. One of the questions that I was asked reads as follows, ‘Alan who inspires you?’ Nick Vujicic’s name popped into my head. You may well know that Nick was born with no arms and legs. There was no medical reason for this, and it was a real mystery. When he was ten years old, he thought of ending his life. He planned to drown himself in the bath, as he felt that nobody would really love him because of his physical disabilities. He decided not to kill himself, as he felt that this would cause great pain for his parents. Today he is married to a beautiful woman and has four special children.

He has travelled the world inspiring both young and old people. He has achieved an incredible amount of success and has positively impacted the lives of millions. He decided not to quit, but to be a climber. I believe that his deep faith in God, his strong mind and his ability to rise above his feelings, all contributed to his miracle story. He also has such a positive winning attitude. Nick is a possibility thinker, who has done so many things that people would have felt are not possible. I have a video of his life, that I have shown to thousands of people. Watching him play soccer, ride a horse, dive of a diving board, putting a golf ball into the hole, playing computer games and doing many other difficult tasks, is amazing. Nick is as tough as nails, but he really has a tender heart. He is a wizard with young people and connects very well with adults. 10

5. Positives – During tough times one needs to focus on the positives. For millions, this may be extremely difficult to do. Just yesterday I saw a documentary on those living in a refugee camp. The virus is a massive threat, but so is poverty and homelessness. One water tap is being shared by hundreds of refugees. Millions of people have fled their countries due to war. Many have died while crossing oceans, hoping to find a safer place to live. I would find it very difficult to tell these people, to focus on the positives. It may be true that these suffering refugees are surrounded by family and friends. They may have eyes to see, ears to hear and hands to act, but these positives may be insufficient. When people barely have the basics (shelter, food, clothing, water‌), it may be challenging for them to discover some positives.


During the Second World War, an American pilot was captured by the Japanese. He spent more than three years in a pit in the ground. There was very little room to move and there were no comforts at all. To maintain his sanity, he decided to maximise the power of his mind. Every day in the pit, he played a game of golf in his mind. It took him about six hours. He saw himself in his mind driving to the golf course in his luxury motor car. He then went to the changing room to put on his golf clothes. After getting dressed, he had some breakfast and then headed for the practice range.

Once on the course, every shot was played in his mind. Before entering the war, his best score was an 88. After the war was over, the pilot headed for his home course to have an actual game of golf. He had not touched a golf club for more than six years. He had only played golf in his mind while sitting in a pit in a Japanese prison camp. He shot an 82 which was six shots better than his best score ever. Many of us are not refugees or prisoners of war. It may be much easier for us to count our blessings and not our worries. I am in lockdown, but I have three meals a day. I sleep in a very comfortable bed, have a warm shower every morning, exercise for thirty minutes a day, sit in a comfortable couch, have a beautiful view of Nelson Mandela Bay, have a special wife and many other things to be grateful for.


6. Faith – I find that being a person with a very strong faith, makes a massive difference. I am not a big fan of just calling out to God in times of trouble. Our ‘Faith Walk’ is a daily one and we need to be connected to God in both good and bad times. Jesus was God in the flesh, and he knew what hard times were. He suffered many hardships, but also had many glorious moments of victory. It is interesting to note how people who do not have much time for God, call out to him when they are in trouble. I spent many months up on the border fulfilling my military obligations. Walking all day through the bush and sleeping in the ground at night, was part of the deal. I was in a leadership position and had 30 soldiers that I had to lead. When the bullets started flying, it was interesting to hear some ungodly soldiers call out to God for help. I am most certainly not a military fanatic and the army was not my passion. I was called up by my country and decided to make the best use of this opportunity. I taught Martin when he was 9 years old and today, he is the managing director of a company. He went to the British army after school and felt a strong connection to this way of life. He did very well in the army, but he saw it as a season in his life. I do some work for the organisation that he works for and it is great to stay connected more than 30 years after being his teacher.


I could write a whole booklet on Faith, but that will come later. We need to have faith in ourselves. Having a strong belief in oneself is very important. Doubt and hopelessness are qualities that need to be avoided. One of my favourite bible verses reads as follows – “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and He will direct your paths.� For millions of believers, trusting God is a way of life. I have trusted God during many storms in my life and some amazing things have happened.

I cannot prove that God helped me, but I know in my heart that He did. I just feel that it is much wiser to have a strong faith, than no faith at all. The millions who have a strong faith have everything to gain and nothing to lose. If I discover when I die, that faith was all a big fairy story, I have lost nothing. However, if I discover that everything that was written in the Word of God was true, what an incredible eternal life I am going to have. I have never enjoyed gambling and people that have no faith, are taking a massive gamble. 14

7. Past Successes – It is much wiser to focus on one’s successes that one’s failures. We need to celebrate our successes and learn from our failures. I once saw a quote that grabbed my attention. It shared that success is never permanent and that failure is never final. All great achievers have experienced many failures. Thomas Edison brought light into our world. He failed hundreds of times during his many experiments. He learnt from each failure and this helped him to achieve many successes. The success that I am focusing on in this section, is success during the storms. Not everybody is able to rise above the storms that come their way. Some collapse in a heap, while others tackle the storm head on and gain a victory. People who get through the storms of life, are champions in my eyes. Successfully navigating the storms requires plenty of mental and emotional strength. A never say die attitude is a hallmark of those who have survived the storms.


Dieter was a naughty boy who was involved in some really bad stuff. As he mentioned in the video that I have, he mixed with the wrong crowd. He was placed in Boys Town, which is a school for troubled teenagers. He took up karate and in his final year he was appointed as the head boy. He joined special forces after school and achieved many notable successes. One day he dived into a river to cool off. His head hit a sandbank, which resulted in him becoming paralysed.

This new storm was so severe, that he contemplated taking his own life. He was able to defeat the demons of hopelessness and build some new dreams. The video clip is one of the most inspiring videos that I have ever seen. Watching him paint the most amazing paintings with his mouth, teach karate out of his wheelchair and record motivational talks while lying flat on his back, is something to behold. He feels that we are much tougher than we think we are. He has also achieved so many significant successes, while confined to a wheelchair. During tough times, do not forget the times that you have made it through other storms.


8. Reach Out – I have always loved helping others in need. One cannot help everybody, but I encourage people to focus on their circle of influence. Every day as we journey through life, opportunities arise for helping others. With this lockdown, we are being isolated from others. It is rather difficult to help others when social distancing is being reinforced. There are thousands of people who are reaching out to those in need. The doctors, nurses, police, traffic officials, ambulance drivers, cashiers, pharmacists and many others are out and about. They are placing their lives at risk, to help those in need.

They say that it is more blessed to give than to receive. One does not always have to give material blessings. Some people are using social media to bless others. Teachers are going online to support their pupils. Mothers are supporting other mothers when it comes to activities for children. I have just received a call from my friend Richard, who lives a thousand kilometres away. We have not spoken this year and it was great to hear from him. He just called to find out how we were doing. I just sent a message to a friend of mine in Zambia. He starts a new job tomorrow on the Emerald Mine which is in the Copper Belt. I just wanted to send him best wishes, as he starts this new chapter in his career. We can all find ways to reach out to others, especially during tough times. 17

9. Interesting Project – This book is an example of an interesting project. During this lockdown I am sure that many people are working on a wide range of projects. Others may just be sitting in front of the television, with their minds in neutral. An interesting project helps people to focus on something else, besides the problem. My wife has been spring-cleaning our four- bedroom flat, which is a big job. I am writing books and making short videos for my on-line people empowerment programmes.

This morning on television a saw a young Indian boy working on a creative project. He was building a frame and gluing a soft surface on the front. He then stuck hundreds of toothpicks into the soft surface. I was wondering what he was making. He lives in an apartment and I saw him making his way to the ground floor. He hung his frame on the outside of the building. He then pulled a toothpick out of the frame and used it to push the button. He was aware of the virus and was preventing people having to use their finger, to push the bottom. Bless him for his thoughtfulness. 18

10. Be Open – In life we find open and closed people. The words introvert and extrovert are often used. We also find people who are more on the tender side while other people would be more on the tougher side. I designed a ‘Personality Model’ using four animals. They are the Friendly Deer, Busy Beaver, Tough Tiger and Mischievous Monkey. An open and tender person would be a Friendly Deer. A closed and tough person would be a Tough Tiger. This final point is not so much about personality, but about being open to receiving guidance and support. During tough times, one needs to be open to the love and care that others want to give. Some people are very proud and struggle to accept help.


My Mom is an amazing human being. She trained as a nurse and is the most kind and caring person that I have ever met in my 63 years of living. I have run my own business for the past twenty- five years. I have been through some tough times and my Mom has always been there for me, without me having to ask for anything. I was hit by a motor car and broke both my legs. I do not receive a salary, so I could not just afford to lie at home and feel sorry for myself. I remember my Mom pushing me in a wheelchair to the check in counter at the airport. She shared with me sometime later that when she walked away, she burst into tears. Other people have also reached out to me when the going has been tough. To all these people, I am deeply grateful.

I hope that you have found these ten coping strategies meaningful. The secret is to apply them, and this is always the challenging part. Knowing and understanding lays the foundation. We all know that actions speak louder than words. The doing part is the difficult part as it requires dedication and discipline.


C. TIME OUT! Time is a very precious gift and there is no guarantee of tomorrow. In South Africa a 21- day time out strategy has been implemented. It caught us all by surprise and so far, we have been in lockdown for 10 days. For millions it has been a big adjustment, especially for those in poorer areas. Trying to practice social distancing in a crowded shack, is a massive challenge. I have just looked up at the television and seen that so far 75,945 have died from this nasty virus. If you had told these more than seventyfive thousand people at the end of 2019, that they would not see Easter 2020, they would have looked at you with a very surprised look. How many more people will not see Christmas 2020, because the virus is going to end their journey? Death is nothing new to all of us and nobody will get out of this life alive. We all know that death is a reality for each of us, but we do not know the date of our death.

I am so grateful that I was born. My father was a navigator bomber during the war which ended in 1945. He did not share much about this chapter in his life. I do however know that he had some very close shaves with death. My Dad felt very fortunate to have survived a war, in which millions lost their lives. He was able to meet my amazing Mom and experience the joy of becoming a Father of three boys. He made the most of his life and achieved many successes. He died in 1999 at the age of 77, but he had lived a full life. He maximised his potential and must have died with very few regrets. 21

I value every day and see each day as a gift to treasure. I have a sermon booklet written in 1956 by the famous Dotor Norman Vincent Peale. This was the year that I was born on the 4th June. The booklet has the following title – ‘Learn Enthusiasm and Change Your Life.’ On the first page of the booklet, the following words caught my eye. The words said, ‘Isn’t it a curious thought. Suppose you had never been born. Think of what you would have missed out on.’ There are so many reasons why I am glad that I was born. Millions may not be as positive as I am, as their lives have been one big struggle. I am not sure how many people take their lives each year. I know that suicide is always a tragedy and it is even sadder when a young person takes their life.

I started teaching at the Grey Junior School in 1984. Mrs. Palmer was the school secretary and she called me to the office in my first week of teaching. She shared with me that I should spend eight hours at school, eight hours with my family and eight hours sleeping. I smiled at her and thanked her for sharing her wisdom with me.


Many will feel that it is not so simple. People are working longer hours and traffic jams are stealing more of people’s time. I qualified myself in 2015 as a Life Coach and Business Mentor. When I work with individuals, I always keep in mind that I am working with a Holistic Person. I will cover this a bit later in my booklet. I also focus on assisting people to live a Balanced Life. I have identified six areas that I believe need to be considered. They are‌.








Health and Happiness


Sports and Hobbies


Friends and Community

We all need to strive to live balanced lives and this is a big challenge. How much time do you allocate every day to these six areas?


During this lockdown, people have so much more family time together. For some this will be a very good time as quality time together will be a possibility. In other families where relationships are not all that good, it could complicate matters. We all know that abuse, intimidation, manipulation, anger, frustration and other negative relationship behaviours, are destructive. Hopefully people will see this forced time together as an opportunity to spread kindness and consideration around.

Over the past twenty- five years I have facilitated my Time Management programme many times for organisations. I am grateful to the famous Stephen Covey for enlightening me regarding the compass and the clock. He was famous for his Seven Habits book and his First Things First book. In this book he shares about the compass and the clock. The compass is focused on the four areas below.










We need to be very clear regarding our values. Values are those things that are important to us and that we hold close to our hearts. Faith and family are just two examples of what I call macro values. Micro values are more focused on specific behaviours. Politeness, patience, kindness, joy, helpfulness and consideration are just a few examples of micro values. We prove that certain macro values are important in our lives when we live out the appropriate behaviours. Spending time on these two important areas, always takes dedication and discipline.

In 2015 I had to complete an assignment for my coaching qualification. I was surprised when I was able to write down 55 dreams / visions that have become a reality in my life. I know that many thousands of hours were spent in making these dreams come true. I worked out that I have spent in the region of 30 000 hours standing up in front of people. It has been over a thirty- seven- year period, so I have been able to pace myself.


I am 63 years old, but I still have dreams that I am working on. The bible shares that without vision, the people perish. We all need to have dreams that inspire us and give us hope. A new dream of mine is the 14- day amazing Inzuzo Adventure for overseas youngsters. Goals flow from our values and visions, so these also need to be put in place. These goals are very specific, and a few goals will have to be achieved, for the dream to become true. Many of us have so many balls in the air, that we must prioritise.

The clock has a different focus, when it comes to making the best use of one’s time. We all know what a schedule is. When I joined Volkswagen SA in 1990, I found the plant tour fascinating. It was a real eye opener to watch a car go from the press shop, to the body shop, to the paint shop and then on to final assembly. I discovered that there was a production schedule that stipulated the cars to be built in a certain time period. Pupils have a timetable that outlines the classes for the week. The periods are normally 30 minutes in length and a bell goes when the period is finished. We are so locked into time and our lives are ruled by our watches. 26

Under the clock, the following are focused on. -





Managing Interruptions




People Skills

There are thieves of time such as traffic, mechanical breakdowns, delayed flights, power failures, lockdowns and other thieves. People can also steal other people’s times. Think of people who are inconsiderate and take up other people’s time with unproductive conversations and activities

When I designed my Time Management programme 25 years ago, I came up with an introductory T.I.M.E management recipe. Let me share with you, what each of the four letters stand for.

Take not time for granted. We are all fragile and tomorrow may not be a reality. Invest your time wisely. Spend time living out your values, visions and goals. Motivated to balance your life. All work and no play are not a good idea. Empower yourself with all the relevant time management skills. 27

Appreciate the time that you have had so far and build up as many good memories as possible. Do not count on tomorrow but prepare for it. Build your dreams one day at a time but realise that you need to live each day as if it is your last day. Each 24 hours is a gift and we all need to make the most of each day.


There are no doubt millions of people whose stress levels have risen because of the virus. Stress is called the silent killer, as it eats away at people on the inside. When I designed my Stress Management programme in 1994, I came across the following definition.

“Stress is the non-specific response of the body to any demand made upon it, real or imagined.�

This means that stress normally targets the weaker parts of the body. Demands are made upon us every day by government, organisations, family, friends and ourselves. If the demands are too great, people start to buckle under the strain. I share with people in my programme, that stress levels are impacted upon by the 4 Ps. 28

PACE – The pace of life has increased. I feel that technology, travel and global competition are the main factors impacting the pace of life. Life often just seems like a mad rush. The Japanese say that we need to slow down in order to go faster. Being proactive is far wiser than being reactive. Proactive people think ahead and put a plan in place. Things in life do not always go according to plan. A month ago, Donald Trump shared on television that the virus curve will soon start to drop. Just the opposite is happening, as the death rate increases every day. There is a saying that reads as follows – ‘If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.’ People who are well planned, highly organised and in control, will cope better with the pace of life.

PRESSURE – I have done a lot of work for the tyre industry. I am very grateful to companies such as Bridgestone, Continental Tyre and Tiger Wheel and Tyre for making use of my services. I learnt so much while working in the tyre industry. One of the things that I discovered, was that the amount of pressure in a tyre is a very important factor. Too much pressure or too little pressure can have a negative impact on the lifespan of the tyre and the performance. The pressure needs to be just right. 29

The same applies to people. No pressure can lead to rust-out, while too much pressure can lead to burn-out. People cope with pressure differently. Some people just seem to be able to absorb a lot of pressure and they do not crack. World leaders at present are under massive pressure. People working in the medical field are also taking massive strain. They are fighting an invisible enemy that is becoming very difficult to defeat. Their workloads are crazy, and this creates exhaustion. On top of this, the possibility of becoming infected, creates even more stress.

Teamwork is vital during times of intense pressure. Teams that exhibit a high degree of synergy and team members who truly support one another, reduce the pressure. Having all the required resources and a high degree of competence, also reduces the pressure.


PROBLEMS – Our world is being bombarded by so many problems. Earth is groaning and so are the inhabitants. Unfortunately, man has created many of the problems that we are facing today. Floods, forest fires, earthquakes and other natural disasters are often not man’s fault. Crime, corruption, wars, broken marriages, child trafficking, drugs and other problems are man- made. So, who is to blame for this corona virus? Trump is blaming the Chinese and the World Health Organisation. It is sad to see that he feels that his slate is completely clean. Many feel that Trump did not listen to the warnings from some very knowledgeable people. Arrogant, stubborn and selfish people can create many problems.

About five years ago a very bright gentleman predicted such an epidemic. He felt that it was just a matter of time before a virus attacked the whole world. Man’s inhumanity towards animals, unhygienic practices and global travel have all contributed to this international disaster. The stress levels are through the roof. People must know how to manage their minds, master their emotions and have the right attitude during such turbulent times that we are going through. Unfortunately, most education systems do not really empower people with these critical life-skills. 31

I was invited to share at a Methodist breakfast back in the late 90s. The members were going through a rather tough time. I designed a talk which I called ‘Surviving the Storms.’ I also shared with the people a video of the Goshen United Methodist church which was flattened by a tornado in 1994. The lady minister lost her child in this tragedy. The roof fell on the spot where young Hannah was sitting. It is a very moving and sad story. The church members built an alter in the car park and they still had their Palm Sunday service. I shared a simple recipe with them, which can be seen below.

• Stay strong and brave

• Think of future possibilities

• Overcoming one’s emotions

• Recognising your need for support

• Motivated to keep going

We live in a very stressful world, due to the abundance of problems. Unfortunately, many of our problems are created by fragile and flawed human beings.


PAINFUL PEOPLE – There are some wonderful people out there, who reduce stress levels. They are thoughtful, kind and caring. Painful people seem to be on the increase and the pace, pressure and problems are no doubt getting to them. People who are arrogant, self-centred, manipulative, intimidating, rude, pushy and inconsiderate, make interacting with them very stressful. The purpose of life is to help one another and not to hurt one another. We all need to strive to be people who make the world a better and safer place.

They say that hurting people often hurt other people. People who are in pain, can often be painful. They could be suffering from mental, emotional, physical or spiritual pain. They may take their pain out on others, especially those who are close to them. This is not always the case. I have seen people who are going through a hard time, become gentler and more considerate. We must never be stereotyped and label all people in pain as painful people.


In my Stress Management programme, I help people to discover a wide range of stress management techniques. Nutrition and exercise are two very important areas when it comes to stress. During the lockdown, it is so easy to top up on all those comfort foods. They do not serve our bodies and give us the quality fuel that we need. Sure, have a treat, but also eat good food. I have managed to exercise for 30 minutes on 11 out of the 13 days. Exercise is a great stress reliever, but discipline is required when it comes to putting on those exercise shoes. On television I saw a young man who has run a marathon on his veranda during the lockdown.

I find reading positive books, watching inspirational movies, praying and listening to great music, also very helpful. Being surrounded by a good support system also makes a big difference when it comes to reducing stress. Hobbies, fun games, puzzles and just relaxing are all helpful in the struggle with stress. All the best, as you strive to reduce your stress levels by considering my stress recipe you have just read. You may already be living out a number of these stress management techniques. Polishing is always a wise move.



Countries, organisations, families, medical specialists, sales consultants, ministers, people empowerment specialists, teachers and others, need to always consider the ‘Holistic Person.’ Many people are broken, and this would mean that they are not whole. When I pick up a beautiful glass jug, I am always very careful. It may look magnificent and perfect in my hand, but it is fragile. I am sure that you have dropped something before. Dropping a fragile glass jug on a tiled floor, will leave the jug shattered.

Broken glass will end up lying all over the tiled floor. It will be a challenge to pick up all the broken glass. To put the jug back together again, will be an almost impossible challenge. A person may look perfect on the outside, as our modern- day society has found many ways to positively impact a person’s image. Image is what we see, and it is most certainly not the complete picture. I have heard people talk of a wolf in lambs clothing. Ted Bundy was a good-looking man who dressed very professionally. People were shocked when it was discovered that he was a serial killer. We are all fragile and flawed. 35

Mentally tough people with magnificent bodies may appear to be invincible. They appear not to have a fragile bone in their bodies. Let their child be in a horrific accident and the invincible person is brought to their knees. We should all have a sign hanging around our necks, which reads as follows – ‘Fragile, handle with care!’ I am sure that there are many so called tough people, who have been hit by the corona virus and died. We all hang by a thin thread and life has a way of cutting that thread in an instant. Think of the tragic Twin Towers disaster. People went innocently to work and in an instant, they were gone. Thousands lost their lives because of hatred. Those who flew the planes into the buildings were filled with hatred and not love.

I am hoping that there will be more love spread across the world, after the virus has been brought under control. I spent six years working in a corporate environment. Before that I spent six years in a classroom teaching ten-year olds. I was surprised to see how much finger pointing and blaming went on the corporate world. This blaming would often take place between the production and quality departments. If the car was not up to scratch, people would start to apportion blame. It is pointless to do this as it does not solve the problem. Rather look for the root cause of the problem and work as a team to find a suitable solution.


A biological expert shared on television yesterday, that it is critical to find out where the corona virus originated. They believe that it came from a bat. The virus then spread to other animals, which are kept alive in food markets. These animals are surrounded by people who are selling and buying. The reason for searching for the source, is not to blame others, but to find a workable solution. Trump is blaming the Chinese and the World Health Organisation. This is not going to help as it is dividing people. It is wonderful to see how many nations are working together as a team, to tackle this deadly virus.

When looking at the holistic person, I focus on six areas. In the workshops that I facilitate, I often ask the group for answers related to the holistic person. Nobody has ever been able to give me all six areas. I get given bits and pieces, but not the whole picture. I ask the people for permission to coach them. I always receive a positive response and I then ask all the people to stand. I teach them a memory technique that I put together. I act out the six and people follow my actions and words. I start by pointing to my mind, I then make a physical pose, this is followed by a very tearful looking face and then a moment of dancing. For the last two I place my hands together in a prayerful pose and lastly reach into my back pocket. While we are performing these actions, we are all saying the following words. I am a Mental, Physical, Emotional, Social, Spiritual and Financial being. 37

Let me share briefly on each of the six.

MENTAL – I have spent more than 25 years studying books on the mind and using my everyday life experiences to learn more about the mind. In 2007 I was asked by Volkswagen SA to design a programme. I called the programme ‘Your Magnificent Mind’ and ran it many times. I could write a whole book on the mind, but I do not want to bombard you with too much information. I would rather just share with you a meaningful and helpful recipe, that is not too difficult to put into practice. Our brains are like computers and our minds are the software. Every day we need to take ownership of this amazing gift and programme it correctly. Our minds are so powerful and even the bible says the following – ‘Be careful what you think as your life is shaped by your thoughts.’

Our education system does not really teach mind, memory and life-skills. This is very unfortunate, as school leavers and adults are often not adequately equipped for the journey of life. When Nelson Mandela was sent to prison, he made up his mind not to engage with the enemy. The white man in this case was the enemy. 38

When people make up their minds about something, it is often very difficult to change their thinking. Mandela’s heart was also hard and his emotions towards the oppressors, had become like concrete. He was not willing to reach out his hand to people who had caused his people so much pain. The Mandela video clip that I show people is very powerful. Madiba shared with Oprah that prison was good for him as it gave him a lot of time to think. Oprah asked Madiba if he needed 27 years, which caused the audience to laugh.

He felt that changing oneself is a very difficult task and I agree. We all need to make positive changes, so that we become better people. Mandela was able to change his mind, soften his heart and reach out his hand to the enemy. He believed that the brain dominates the blood. This means that the mind has power over our emotions. Get your mind right first and your emotions will be positively impacted. I share the Big Six with people, when I am empowering them with a recipe for your mind. They are See, Think, Talk, Weed, Read and Mix. Let me just share briefly on each one.


See – Our eyes are so powerful and a very special gift. During the lockdown, millions of people have been glued to the television and to images on their phones. We look and listen to the good news and the bad news. There is more bad news related to the corona virus. Thousands are dying and medical staff are feeling overwhelmed. We are all hoping for more positive news and salute those who are performing such a magnificent job to save lives. We all need to strive to see our successes and not our failures. Focusing on the opportunities rather than the obstacles is also much wiser. I always try and see what I have rather than what I do not have. This makes me so much more positive and helps me to live with an attitude of gratitude. Seeing the poor people, makes me want to reach out more to those in need.

Please be kind to yourself and see yourself in a positive light. If you are struggling to do this, work on those areas that are having a negative impact on the way that you see yourself. It could be a simple thing like your weight. I know that it is no easy task to shed the extra kilograms but take it one day at a time. Be a person who genuinely strives to see the future possibilities. I am aware that we live in a world where tomorrow is never promised to each of us. Thousands of people die every day, but that should not stop us from working every day on our future dreams. Build you future dreams one day at a time and see the building blocks of your dreams appear before your eyes. 40

Think – Our minds are in continual motion. Everyday thousands of thoughts are imprinting themselves on our minds. Our thoughts are influenced by so many factors. Our upbringing, culture and education can greatly influence our thinking. This virus attacks people’s respiratory systems. Mattie Stepanek had a big impact on my life. He suffered from a lung disease and died at the age of fourteen. His three brothers and sisters died before they even reached five years of age. At three years of age he was writing poetry and he became famous across the world. He had a magnificent mind and was not only highly intelligent, but also very positive. He did not believe in having a pity party because he was hooked up to the oxygen and busy dying. He saw life as an adventure and lived every day to its fullest.

Be fully aware of the thoughts that are in your mind. Become a positive possibility thinker and see the profound impact that it will have on your life. This virus attacks the lungs but has also greatly affected people’s minds. The fear of the virus has crept into the minds of millions. We fear a very uncertain and difficult future and negativity can become a cancer that destroys all hope. I have a very strong faith and believe that all things work together for the good of those who love God. He loves us, so it is only natural that we should love him. Not all things are good, but good things can come out of bad situations. I have a deep desire to be a Godly man who knows how to manage his mind, master his emotions, have a positive winning attitude and how to honour God in everything that I do. This is a massive challenge, but my number one dream. 41

Talk – Tony Robbins is a famous international speaker and an author of many books. He believes that life is all about the way that we talk to ourselves and about the actions that we take. I purchased his 30- day programme more than 20 years ago and found it very enlightening. It sounds too simple, but if we talk to ourselves and others in an empowering and encouraging manner, we are off to a good start. We all know that actions speak louder than words, so meaningful action is vital. I set a goal many years ago that I strive to live out every day. The goal reads as follows – I will think empowering thoughts and speak positive words. If every human lived out this goal, magic things would happen.

Weed – The television is on in the background and the 1999 Masters golf is being shown. Augusta is the most beautiful golf course, that I have ever seen. I do not think that you will find a weed on this majestic course. The colourful flower beds, tall trees, lakes and rolling fairways are something special. It is a tough golf course and has brought many golfers to their knees. When a player is struggling, it is easy for weeds to start occupying their minds. Weeds are negative thoughts that often enter our minds uninvited. They are harmful and can cause people to suffer. They must be removed as quickly as possible. The replacement theory needs to be used. Replace the negative thought with a positive thought as quickly as possible. You may have been asked to prepare a presentation for a group of senior managers. Presenting may not be your first love or greatest strength. Instead of letting thoughts of failure and fear fill your mind, let successful thoughts take over. 42

Read – If you have reached this spot in my booklet, well done! I love reading and writing books. They say that all leaders need to be readers. I believe that everybody needs to be a reader. My heart goes out to those people who are not able to read. I believe that they have been robbed of a very valuable skill. Reading can make a person so much wiser. Having a wealth of information at one’s fingertips, is so empowering. Read books that inspire you and help you to grow. Mix – Young people are greatly influenced by their parents and their peers. Many children have been messed up by their parents. We do not choose our parents and if you have great parents, be deeply thankful. We do not decide who is in our class at school. When kids move up a standard, their best friend may end up in another class. For a whole year they sat side by side and now they are separated.

Bullying remains a problem in schools. It is so sad to see a child suffering at the hands of another person. Adults can also be nasty and sometimes it is because they were picked on at school. I have heard stories of people who have risen to senior positions and then treated people very poorly. After a bit of digging, it was discovered that these nasty leaders were given a hard time in their youth. Mix with those people who are good for your soul, people who bring out the best in you. We cannot always choose our work colleagues, but we can choose our friends. We cannot blame others, if our minds are messed up. My heart goes out to those who have been badly treated or who suffer from a medical disorder related to their minds. This makes it so much tougher to have a great mind that is serving us, rather than causing us to 43

suffer. I am more focused on those people who have no genuine excuse for being so negative and who do not work diligently at maximising the power of their minds. Put what you have discovered into practice and see the Big Six really work for you.

PHYSICAL – I am 63 years old and my body has served me well. It takes a lot longer to get out of the couch nowadays, but my body has done a lot of mileage. I have played squash at a high level for more than 40 years and have walked thousands of kilometres around more than 80 golf courses. My knees do ache a bit, but I am still very active. I have captained provincial golf, squash and swimming teams. Without my ball skills, leadership skills and physical body, this would have been impossible. In 2008 I was hit by a motor car and broke both my legs. We often take walking and running so for granted, until it is taken away. I still managed to play golf on one leg and with one arm, after the one leg had healed.

After the operation on my legs, they struggled to keep me awake. It was soon discovered that I suffered from sleep apnoea. I have been sleeping with a mask for more than 10 years and the extra oxygen is greatly appreciated. I stop breathing more than forty times a night and the machine just keeps my airways open. I live in Port Elizabeth, the windy city, so am used to having the wind pumping up my nostrils. How is your body doing? 44

Thousands of people across the world are suffering physically at present. Our lungs are a critical part of our bodies. I have sat next to people who are struggling to breath and it is very disheartening. The corona virus as you well know, is a respiratory disease. Without enough oxygen, our bodies are in big trouble. We only get one body and we need to take good care of it. People will stop at the garage in their new Audi. They firmly tell the petrol attendant to take good care of their car. The best oil needs to be used, the fuel must be first class, the tyre pressure needs to be spot on and the windows need to be spotless. After the Audi owner gives these specific instructions, he heads for the shop which is a short walk from his car. He comes out of the shop with fizzy drinks, sweets, chocolates, crisps and a couple of fresh donuts. He does not seem too concerned about taking good care of his body. He climbs into his beautiful Audi and starts to fill up his fuel tank with all the unhealthy food that he has just purchased.

I shared under the section on stress, the importance of nutrition and exercise. We do not have total control over the health of our bodies. Genetic inheritance could result in high blood pressure, diabetes, heart defects and a variety of other medical problems. This nasty corona virus does not give preferential treatment. It is an enemy and not a friend. Innocent people are infected. Soldiers come back from wars with broken bodies. People become paralysed in accidents. Our bodies are fragile and very open to infections and injury. Enjoy a sweet treat but do your best to take good care of yourself physically. 45

EMOTIONAL – I am certain that this virus has resulted in global fear and frustration. Both these are feelings that do not serve us. Emotions across the world are at a knife edge. Think of those who have lost loved ones and those who have loved ones in critical condition. They are no doubt riding an emotional roller coaster. My wife has just shown me a video clip of our president sharing a message. He informed all South Africans that he mentioned the 16th April as the end date for the 21-day shutdown, but he did not mention the year. I burst out laughing, so did the president and the lady next to him in the video. I am not sure if everybody enjoyed his sense of humour. People are feeling rather sensitive after 14 days of lockdown. There is a teacher in China who has been in his home for 72 days, so we are not so badly off. Our emotions fluctuate throughout the day. It is dangerous to let negative emotions control our lives. We cannot just live life by how we feel.

I often do not feel like knocking on doors to find work or feel like travelling to foreign countries to do the work. For the past fourteen days I have only not exercised on one of the days. If I let my feelings control me, I would not have exercised on any of the days. I really felt a strong urge to write this book. The idea just popped into my head a few days before the lockdown started. I thought that it would just be a short 30 minute read, but my fingers seem to just keep going. I am feeling excited as I am nearing the end. I am not sure what the future is like for such a book, but I will explore future possibilities. Mattie Stepanek felt that a true champion has the inner strength. He was loved my millions and he was able to remain excited, even though 46

he was dying. Master your feelings so that they do not defeat you. The Big Six that you have just discovered, will help you embrace feelings that help you to fly.

SOCIAL – The focus here is on relationships. We are normally surrounded by people, except during lockdown. My wife and I are together in our flat. Visitors are not allowed, so things are rather quiet at present. The one person that you cannot escape from, is yourself. We all need to build great relationships with ourselves. Getting along well with yourself, is a very important starting point. We must learn to like ourselves and be kind to ourselves. This does not happen by accident; meaningful action is required. How we value ourselves, what we believe about our ourselves and how we feel about ourselves, all influences the relationship that we have with ourselves. Having a good education and a meaningful job, strengthens a person’s self-worth. Making positive progress in life and being treated respectfully by others, also influences our self-worth.

I struggled academically at school and failed grade 9 and grade 12. My self-belief in the classroom was not good at all. I gained my colours for rugby, swimming and tennis while at Kingswood College. My belief in myself when it came to sport, was very good. I never dreamt that I would study for nine years after school. Passing all nine years was good for the relationship that I had with myself. My perspective of myself changed. If we get on well with ourselves and know how to build sound relationships, we will score well under this section. Some people are just naturally good with people, while others need to work hard at this area. 47

SPIRITUAL – This is often one of the toughest areas to talk about. I am not talking here about religion. I feel that religion is a problem, as it often divides us. Wars have been fought over religion. I am local pastor / preacher in the Methodist church. Even within the Christian faith, believers have their differences. Different churches worship differently. Our daily walk with God, is what is important. Some people have a close walk with God, while other believers’ worship and walk with God at a distance. If a person tells you that it is well with their soul, what does this mean? The word spiritual and soul seem to be closely connected. The word soul is described as the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being that is regarded as immortal.

People are often more comfortable talking about team spirit and not the Holy Spirit. We live in a very materialistic world, where the spiritual side is often neglected. Godly people who focus heavily on the spiritual side, place a high priority on love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self-control. Our fragile, dangerous and hostile world most certainly needs people to live out more of these positive qualities. The corona virus has brought millions of people to their knees. They may not be kneeling in prayer, but their knees may well be shaking from fear. I find that having an eternal / spiritual perspective, is so helpful. I am sure that many people who have a strong faith, will agree with me. I feel that we are just passing through this temporary dwelling place. Some die young while others live to a ripe old age. Believing that the spiritual part of me will never die, is so comforting. It is difficult to comprehend the concept of eternal life, but it brings such peace and hope. 48

FINANCIAL – Does money make the world go around? I do know that without money, life becomes a real struggle. A business that is making a loss and not a profit, is not going to survive. Some people feel that money is the root of all evil. There are some very generous wealthy people, who bless others with their wealth. Unfortunately, there are far more people who involve themselves in crime and corruption, in order to make lots of money. The world economy is busy taking a hard knock, as many businesses are closed. Many businesses are going to go under as a result of this crippling virus. Unemployment figures are going to rise, and poverty is going to become an even bigger problem.

Governments talk of billions and trillions. I cannot get my head around such large sums of money. Where is this money coming from? America is perceived as being one of the most powerful countries in the world, but they are in massive debt. One cannot just keep on printing money and dishing it out. Over the past 25 years running my own business, I have experienced what I would call, a few financial miracles. I have come close to closing my business on about three occasions, due to financial shortfalls. After this lockdown, I am not sure what the future hold for my business. I struggle to find work in the city that I live, so I must travel. The future is very uncertain, but I am a positive possibility thinker who has a strong faith. Many individuals are suffering at present and struggling financially. Money is important as without it, we cannot fulfil our purpose and live out our dreams.



Nostradamus was a French physician who lived in the 16th century. He predicted the rise of Adolf Hitler, the assassination of President John Kennedy and some are claiming that he also predicted this coronavirus. Prophets living in Old Testament times, also made some amazing predictions that came true. In general, human beings are not able to predict the future. The future is often full of surprises, some are good while others are bad. We must learn to live with uncertainty and realise that we live in a very fragile world made up of vulnerable people.

I loved watching the movie, ‘Back to the Future.’ Michael J Fox was one of the lead actors and he became very famous. When he was struck by Parkinson’s Disease, he was only 29 years old. He kept it hidden for more than seven years. This horrible disease changed his whole life. He never sat around and felt sorry for himself. He set new goals and continues to make a positive contribution. It is impossible to go back in time. We can learn from the past, but history is a thing of the past. 50

Over the past twenty years, I have run my two- day Personal Mastery programme many times. On day one, I share with people a very interesting and useful recipe. It falls under the heading, ‘The Journey to Excellence.’ It focuses on how to manage the past, master the present and create the future. There are fifteen ingredients in this recipe. I am just going to share the five ingredients that are focused on the future. The five can be seen below. PROACTIVE – How well prepared was the world to tackle this virus? Proactive people are very well prepared. The size and impact of this virus has caught us all by surprise, especially world leaders. There is finger pointing taking place, but this is not helpful.

I have just heard Gordon Brown talking on the television. He was the former prime minister of England. He strongly feels that countries need to come together in a unified manner. A collective global effort is required, if a suitable solution is going to be found. The tension between America and China is a concern. They are two very powerful and influential countries. Every country needs to make a positive contribution when it comes to a global solution. At an individual level, it is difficult to be proactive, when we are locked in. As a business owner, I am thinking of all the things that I can do to prepare myself for life after lockdown.


VISION – When I founded my own business in 1995, I called it Visionary Consulting. I linked up with my brother Michael about ten years ago and that is why my business is now called Red Cherry Consulting. A dream popped into my head about three days before the lockdown started. The dream was to write a booklet about the lockdown. I did not really know what I was going to write about. I just wanted to write a book that people would find meaningful and helpful. I am just about finished the book after a 17- day journey. The writing part of the dream is over. Getting it to as many people as possible, requires a strategy. I will start by emailing it to as many people as possible. Hopefully those people, will pass it on to others.

We must all keep on dreaming, even though the future is very unpredictable. I have a few dreams that I am working on and I plan to keep working on them. Ten years ago, I had a dream to design a School Leaver Academy. I have designed the whole academy. School leavers will learn critical life and business skills. They will also focus on a sport of their choice and have some amazing adventures on motorbikes and mountain bikes. For a variety of reasons, this dream has not yet come true. I have not given up on this dream and hope that it will still become a reality.


COURAGE – I often ask people in my workshops what courage is. I seldom receive a satisfactory answer. For courage to be demonstrated, there must be fear. I have a book on my shelf called – ‘Feel the Fear and do it Anyway.’ I invite a person, who has courage, to come to the front of the room. I remember being invited to share at a medical conference. There were about 500 people in the room and a lot of them were anaesthetists. One of the specialists looked a bit nervous as he walked to the front, but I was grateful for his help. The two of us acted out courage. I asked him just to follow my actions and repeat my words. My definition reads as follows –

Courage is your ability to step out in faith, in yourself and in God in the face of fear. To push through your fear, by doing that thing that you are scared to do.

People who remain in their comfort zone for most of their lives, will never maximise their potential. People who are comfortable, battle to take a risk. To fly high in life, one needs to take many calculated risks. Commitment, confidence and courage are three critical success ingredients.


SMART – When helping people to remember this one, I often hold up a box of smarties. It has been discovered recently that countries that have insisted that people wear masks, are much better off. More experts are beginning to think that it is a smart move to wear a mask. Masks help you to protect yourself and others. In these smart countries, people are manufacturing masks from peoples’ homes. Even a double layer of t-shirt material works very well.

How do we know at school that people are clever? Those who score in the 80s are clever. Intelligent grade 12s, aim for six As. I was at school with some very clever friends who always came in the top three in class. I normally came in the bottom three. Clever youngsters are not always smart, when they enter life after school. Smart people are street wise and they know how to make the right moves. You can find clever stupid people. They are highly intelligent but seem to do stupid things.

I have seen parents allowing a young child to stand on the front seat of the car. One day I wound down my window, while I was stopped at a robot. I caught the attention of the mother, whose child was standing on the front seat. I politely shared with her what happens, if a car suddenly stops. I have seen videos of children flying through the windscreen. The mother agreed with me that her child was very precious and put 54

on the child’s seatbelt. Smart people know that managing their minds, emotions and attitudes professionally, is a wise move. I went to the doctor earlier today because my ears were causing problems. The cleaning lady and I were having a conversation while I was waiting for the doctor. She shared that in the township where she lives, that many people feel that this virus is a big joke. They are wondering the streets, not wearing masks or keeping their distance. Our president felt that it was the smart thing to do, to extend the lockdown to the end of April. Smart people are well planned, highly organised and in control. They learn from their mistakes, are hungry to learn, work efficiently and carefully weigh up their options.

CELEBRATE – We are not sure when victory over the coronavirus will be achieved. Now there is suffering and limited celebrations. Those who have recovered from the virus, I am sure had a celebration with their family and friends. When dreams become a reality, a celebration is called for. South Africa won the world cup rugby for the third time last year. There were massive celebrations across the country. I think that the world will celebrate when a vaccine is discovered, and the virus is brought under control.


People celebrated in the streets when the second world war came to an end. Those on the losing side did not celebrate. Many Japanese soldiers committed suicide as the loss was too painful to face. Japan and much of Europe was in ruins. Millions continued to suffer, even after the war finished. Even small victories need to be celebrated. Continue to have hope and work on your dreams. We do not know what the future holds. Keep dreaming, stay positive, strengthen your faith and take meaningful action every day. If we all do this, we will not be defeated. I have shared my Quitter, Camper and Climber talk at many conferences. I refuse to quit and giving up is not a part of my make- up. Now we are being forced to camp, by the lockdown. Be a climber who keeps moving upwards and onwards.



If you managed to find an hour to read this booklet, well done! I hope that you found it a good investment of your time and energy. Three days before lockdown, I decided that I would write a book called Lockdown 2020. I was not sure exactly what I would put into the book. I just knew that I wanted to offer something that would empower, encourage and entertain people during this coronavirus challenge. I cannot make the magic. The magic takes place when we put into practice useful recipes that we discover. This is often the toughest part, as it requires dedication, focus and discipline. A smart move would be to find a few ingredients in my recipe and to focus on those. Do not try and polish everything at once. Work on one thing at a time and as you start to make it a part of your daily routine, you can add to it. Stay mentally and emotionally strong, as this will lay an excellent foundation. All the best for the future and thank you for journeying with me through this book.

All of the best! Warm Regards

Alan Glover



‘Winning Hearts and Minds’ was an awesome read! ( Bev – Car Hire Regional Manager. ) • What a wonderful book that Alan has written! ( Jenny – Sales Director ) •



Alan Glover - Managing Director CHERRY PLACE 161 HEUGH ROAD WALMER TEL : 041 5815335 FAX: 086 528 9244 CELL : 082 659 2890 Email: Website:


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