God's Word This Season PREPARE THE WAY DECEMBER In today’s Gospel, Luke introduces John the Baptist. John is a fiery figure, who preaches a SECOND SUNDAY OF baptism of repentance, ADVENT and informs people about the coming of the Messiah.
John invites the people to prepare their hearts by changing their lives. This is indeed Good News. There is no time to waste: all people will see the salvation of God; they must prepare themselves. They must change whatever in their lives is holding them back, so that they will recognise the Lord when he comes.
This Advent season is an opportunity for us to think about our lives and to change whatever needs changing, so that we too will recognise the Lord when he comes.
DON’T WORRY; BE HAPPY! These are the very first words of today’s Mass: Be happy! “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice! THIRD SUNDAY The Lord is near!” (Phil. 4:4) OF ADVENT We all want to be happy. If only I had enough money that I didn’t have to go out to work! If only I had a bigger house, or a better car! If only I could afford a villa in the sun, or at least a nice, winter holiday! If only I could afford a
top-class education for my children! Have you noticed how many more people buy Lotto tickets when the prize money is bigger than usual? However, the happiness that Jesus offers is of a different kind. As Jesus tells us, it is in giving that we receive, in dying (to ourselves) that we live. True happiness is not about getting and hoarding and showing how better off we are than those around us. It is about trusting in the Lord; it is about giving and sharing. It is about thinking less of our
own needs and more of other people’s needs. But why does the liturgy talk about happiness today? Because in just a few days' time we will celebrate the birthday of the one who is the source of true happiness, Jesus our Saviour.
Today’s Readings Ba 5:1-9; Ps 125; Ph 1:4-6.8-11; Lk 3:1-6
Today’s Readings Zp 3:14-18; Ps Is 12:2-6; Ph 4:4-7; Lk 3:10-18
44 JUMPING FOR JOY DECEMBER Joy is infectious, and Mary couldn’t wait to share her good news with her cousin Elizabeth. She knew DAY SUN Elizabeth would rejoice FOURTH OF ADVENT with her. She was to bear God’s son, and such a joy must be shared. When Elizabeth heard the news, she was filled with the Spirit of God. The infectious joy caused the child in her womb to leap for joy. Generations had looked forward to the deliverance of Israel by the Messiah; this generation would see him; and generations to come would rejoice too. Joy would renew the world. John the Baptist rejoiced in the womb at the news that Jesus was to be born. This dour, harsh-sounding prophet was not motivated by anger or uncompromising zeal, as we might at first think. He was fuelled by joy. He was to announce Christ, baptise Christ, and die for Christ as a witness to the truth. All this he did, rejoicing that salvation was close at hand.
Today’s Readings Mi 5:1-4; Ps 79; Heb 10:5-10; Lk 1:39-45