October 03, 2018 | Issue 3

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The Oracle Wednesday, October 3, 2018 • Volume 114 • Issue 3

What’s going down in

H-town Today 10 a.m. to noon

Red Wave Prepares for season Check out the rest of the story on page 8

Today at 6 p.m.

A CNN Top Hero of the Year Doc Hendley, author of “Wine to Water” will be sharing his experience in Arkansas Hall Audotorium.

Bogdon Pochynok (middle), Garrrett Sullivan (right) compete in the backstroke event at the Red/Gray Intrasquad. Photo by Misty Morris

Sat. Oct. 6

Family Day offers face painting, bouncy houses activties and games. Check out the free event.

Students testing their saliva to see how stressed a test can make them

Henderson State University Football vs Oklahoma Baptist University - Hall of Honor 2:00 p.m.

Reprint from Forge 2018 edition Story by Ashley Smith Editor in Chief

Mon. Oct. 8

Stress is no stranger to college students. Even with stress relief workshops during finals, university offered counseling, and your family telling you “you’re doing too much,” students dedicated to university find themselves overwhelmed mentally and physically. Some of these people are Dr. Emilie Beltzer, assistant professor of psychology, and Dr. David Bateman, associate professor of chemistry and director of undergraduate research, who set out to research the impact of stress during this transitional time in students’ lives. With help from Dr. Holly Morado, instructor of mathematics, the team of three began organizing and planning how the study was going to work. Though the research is at a standstill, for now, the possibility of knowing how the stress develops, where it comes from, and how to help students manage it was enough reason to begin collecting samples to start the tedious process. Using students from Dr. Morado’s intermediate algebra classes, willing participants were swabbed on a lecture day to measure their cortisol level. A person also may not understand the toll stress takes on the body and the health issues that come with it. Dr. Beltzer designed and handed out surveys before and after certain classes. Students were then swabbed before and after an exam;

Wind Ensemble Concert starts at 4:30 p.m. Free Admission Henderson’s Got Audition at 6:00 p.m.


Tues. Oct. 9

Justin Kinkel-Schuster is coming to play folk music. 7:00 p.m. Henderson’s Got Auditon 6:00 p.m.


Wed. Oct. 10 Philosophy Club movie night 6:15 p.m. Reddie day 8:00 a.m.

Thurs. Oct. 11

National Depression Screening Day

Fri. Oct. 12

Henderson State University Women’s volleyball vs Southwestern Oklahahoma state University 6:30 p.m.

Sat. Oct. 13

Henderson State University Women’s Volleyball vs Northwestern Oklahoma State University 2:00 p.m.

Tues. Oct 16 Annual FIFA tournament will start at 4 p.m. in the Charles Dunn Recreation Center.

Wed. Oct. 17

Henderson’s Got Talent 7:00 p.m.

Thurs. Oct. 18

Henderson State University Women’s Volleyball vs Arkansas Tech University 6:30 p.m. Homecoming Pep Rally 7:30 p.m.

Sat. Oct. 20

Henderson State University Football vs Southeastern Oklahoma State University HOMECOMING 2:00 p.m.

Senior Portraits & Yearbook Photos Mon.-Thurs. Oct. 29-Nov.1 Garrison

a day students were predicted to be more stressed than usual. Lecture day samples gave Dr. Beltzer and Dr. Bateman a baseline to compare exam day stress to because students were found not to be at a high level of stress. They saw that as the exam went on, cortisol levels went down. Anticipatory stress seemed to be higher than the actual pressure of taking the exam. This ant icipator y stress differs from our evolved flight or fight reaction. This reaction occurs when a person is faced with danger, and how they respond deter m i nes if t hey “get” away or if they confront the threat itself. With anticipatory stress, the danger is undefined and general rather than a physical occurrence. “You can use that to look at something that is very important,” Dr. Beltzer said. “People can stress themselves out simply by what’s happening in their heads. It’s nothing that’s in real time, in front of you or an immediate reaction.” Another way stress was tested used America’s number one fear: public speaking. Dr. Beltzer gathered two students and randomly assigned one to give a speech and one to observe the speech. After a bit of time to plan, the speaker would give their no notes, minimally prepared presentation in front of Dr. Beltzer and the observing student. The prediction was on point: the speaker showed signs of discomfort, began losing eye contact, and some-

times even went silent for the duration of the time they were supposed to speak. The observer’s reactions were unexpected, though. Empathy was shown through the observer becoming uncomfortable themselves. As the stress levels went up in the person speaking, stress levels also went up for the person observing. “We had evaluated between two to three courses per semester for three semesters,” Colton Lechak, senior biochemistry major and student assistant to the study, said. “The analysis [of the data] took about an hour per course sample. Naturally, time added up.” Collecting the samples became the biggest obstacle. For willing students and the professors to find the same time to meet to collect samples is a hard enough task on its own, and asking for spit in a tube didn’t help. “We had a couple of students that were up and coming, really excited for it, but you can never plan for that,” Dr. Bateman said. “It’s the training and getting people certified to work with human subjects, that is very detailed and very tedious to learn.” Once they are trained and ready to go, things tend to run smoothly. “It makes it a lot easier for everyone involved.” Dr. Bateman said. A STEM field student himself, Lechak just wanted to look out for his peers. His chance to be in the study was the perfect opportunity for him, and students around him experi-

enced the familiar and well-known problem of test anxiety. “One of the potential outcomes is improving aspects of education like student study habits, administration procedures or even to improve teaching style,” Lechak said. “These possibilities only help the knowledge given by instructors and received by students. It’s a win-win for everyone.” For Dr. Bateman, it’s the little things. Over the years, he and his colleagues had seen a rise in students wanting to major in STEM studies, but few graduated within the fields. This decline applied not only to his place of teaching but to the whole state as well. Other st udies have shown that the best predictors of persistence in the STEM are their performance in college algebra, a subject students tended to struggle. “I’ve given my class a more structured approach because of this research,” Dr. Bateman said. “I know where they’re coming from now. When they know what to expect, they are more at ease, prepared and therefore less stressed.” Dr. Beltzer’s background in researching stress only sparked the interest even more. “Being able to be curious about something and dig into it is what excites me,” Dr. Beltzer said. “[On researching stress] What can I learn from personality traits? What coping mechanisms will help them? Understanding individual differences are key to finding a solution.”

Compared to Dr. Bateman who would like a general stress coping approach, Dr. Beltzer wants to see how an individual’s background plays into how they approach and manage. Creating stress management methods for everyone may be possible, but individualizing methods may or may not prove to be more effective. Dr. Alan Reifman, professor of human and development studies at Texas Tech University, agrees with a unique approach. “Some people are optimistic by nature and others pessimistic,” Dr. Reifman said. “Some coping strategies might be effective for one person but not for the other. It would be great if future research could sort that out.” As the team of researchers trek on, preliminary results are just the beginning of finding a solution for stressed-out students. Eventually, more than students can benefit from these types of studies. As data is analyzed and results are recognized, aspects of education can be improved. Minds and bod ie s c a n be i mproved. “We’re trying to give numbers to and do something about the stress that we have all felt for years when we go in to take a test,” Dr. Bateman said. “Whether it be a driving test or a math test, everyone needs to learn how to manage their stress better.”


Campus News

Wednesday October 3, 2018

the oracle

Vote for gun safety with moms to help end violence

Moms Demand Action common-sense gun laws, because they believe that our generaSept. 25 was Na- tion needs to vote, and tional Voter Regis- be represented. M o m s tration Day, Demand which is why Action had the organizavoter regtion, Moms istration Demand Acforms, abtion, was sentee balon campus. lot forms, Moms Deorgan izamand action tion joining Dr. Laura Storm is an organiforms, and zation that a pamphlet wants to stop gun vioon U.S. Congress lence with the ComHayden mon-Sense Gun Laws. candidate, Shamel. An absentee Their main goal is to get students registered ballot allows someone to vote and to make to vote via mail if they students aware of the were to be unable to Story By Miranda Diaz News Editor

vote on the right day in their registered county. They can also be used by college students who live around campus, but are registered to vote in a different county or state to be able to vote without having to go to the county or state they are registered in. You can also sign up to be a part of their organization, or, if you are not a mom, you could sign up to be a part of their other organization, Students Demand Action. You may remember the protest held by this group where people walked out of

class at a certain time to protest the shooting in Parkland, Florida earlier this year. A branch is involved on our campus. Moms Demand Action promotes and supports Hayden Shamel, a U.S. Congress candidate believes in the common-sense gun law. Shamel is running for the Democrat party this election season. Other policies they organization is against include the arming of teachers. While trained and experienced safety officers are okay to be armed,

Getting information out to the students.

Photo By: Larry Massey teaching professionals are not who they want carrying guns in schools. Moms Demand Action wants you to get the vote out this election season. Don’t for-

get, the change starts with you, and you can start that change with a vote. For more information, contact Dr. Laura Storm or find them on Facebook.

HSU is first college in the state for official esports team By next semester, a unique kind of sporting event will be happening on campus

Story By Kabryn Grayson Student Reporter

We are about to be the first college in Arkansas to have an official esports team offering scholarships for players. So many people play video games that it probably excites you, right? If it doesn’t, you probably know somebody else anxiously awaiting the arrival of esports. The evergrowing activity of esports takes multi-player, singleplayer strategy games and makes them come to life. Esports has turned online gaming into a spectator sport. Evolution of the sport is thanks to millions of fans. Players take part in their favorite games while the fans watch. Cheering is allowed. Some attend live events or watch online. Twitch, a streaming service, allows users to live stream video games.

Games waiting to be played include “League of Legends,” “Call of Duty” and “Fortnite.” “It’s another way of competing, of forming a community,” John Price, director of esports and professor of communication, said. “I made friends when I was fifteen that I still have now well into my thirties.” After working in a professional esports organization for three obvious Price has experienced the closeness of the gaming community first hand. “It’s not homogenous,” Price said. “It’s a massive community with small niches.” It sounds like eSports has a lot to offer. There are more similarities than differences between esports and traditional sports. “It’s much like pickup games of basketball at a park,” Price said. “You make friends with the people you’re competing against and playing with.”

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Dr. John Price, director of eSports, checks out what the players are up to.

Students are looking forward to this coming to campus. “Everyone is born with the own unique capabilities,” Destiny Buckley, sophmore, said. “Esports allows others to showcase that.” Athletes of this sport can be anyone. “It’s not limited to a certain type of people,” Nena Igbokidi said. “That’s why I like it.” Staff is working on building a gaming room on the second floor of Garrison for the esports team.

The lab will be open seven days a week, and will have three to four open lab hours. The equipment is available to more than just esports members. Staff and faculty are also welcome to visit. Price, as well as his student worker, Jack Harrison, will be in the lab to answer questions and assist students once it is complete. An intramural team is also in the process of starting up for noncompetive players and

Photo Courtesy of HSUToday When they start student gamers, but playing in the spring, the team is going to “Overwatch” will be make its debut first. the game to premiere An introductory meeting was held last the team. As of now, HenderMonday where they son is the third unidiscussed scholarships versity to introduce an and the ins and outs of esports related club or the lab. team. Arkansas Tech Another reason in Russellville and the and incentive for stuUniversity of Arkandents to get involved is scholarships. Stu- sas in Fayetteville predents with a 2.0 and cede us with an esports above can apply to get club, but just barely. money towards their Tech debuted their team in 2017. tuition funds. Students interested A second standard in joining the team or is simply being a good seeking information student and having can email esports@ good standing with hsu.edu. Henderson.

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Students forget to take care of themselves .For free, you can receive reminders to take a break for yourself and get a clear head. You can track your progress and learn how to effectively meditate.


With those pesky partner projects and group projects everybody hates, get your group organized with this one. You can create channels for different groups. A popular app on this campus itself, think about making your life and academicseasier and a bit more organized.


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What do moms and college students have in common? They want to save money! After buying a product at one of your favorite stores just scan your receipt and Ibotta puts money towards your account.


Creating a resume at the end of your college career can be hard when you have forgotten everything. Keep up with volunteer hours, references and work study jobs with this convenient app.

The Delph

the oracle

Wednesday October 3, 2018

Income inequality can’t stop and won’t stop


If the one percent is where you want to be after graduation, you probably have a long way to the top Story By Ashley Smith Editor in Chief

Math is a subject that is tough for some people, like how English is hard for others. Unfortunately, you don’t have to be good at either one to notice the imbalance of incomes for working citizens in our state. CNBC recently released information from the Ecnomoic Policy Institution that lists what it takes to be in the top one percent of each state. Guess what that amount was for Arkansas? If you guessed $255,050, you would be correct. Even though it was the next to last state in the list of most unequal incomes, the $250,050 figure still seems like a pretty high amount to reach. The states with the largest income gap Calif., N.Y. , Texas, Fla. and Ill. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the median income in 2012-2016 for the state is $42,336 with 16.4 percent falling under the standard for poverty. An entry level job after college might make that amount, or even half of that, if you score big time.

Are the standards ridiculously high to become one of the richest in these United States of America? Some think so. “I think that six figure salaries are almost completely out of the question,” Paco Bradley, who graduated earlier this year after majoring in intergrated studies, said. “Especially for most people with just a bachelor’s degree.” The cost of college continues to go up along with the amount of student loans people are borrowing. Scholarships and wages seem to be going down. This makes it more difficult for students coming from an average household to even entertain the thought of “making it” one day. “Usually people would say that if you work harder you deserve to earn more money,” Jordan Jones, digital art and design graduate of 2016, said. “Well from what I’ve seen the people that work hard are the ones who aren’t making enough while the ones who barely work are raking it in based on their position title or their privelege.”

Every dollar counts: if you want to be rich, think twice before spending that money

Photo Courtesy of MCT Campus

Thinking of cracking the one percent can serve as motivation for some people as they come humble college beginnings. Students like Makala Perry, unior medical technology major, are willing to do the hard work and see where it goes.

“If you know people that could get you connected business wise,”Perry said. “Networking is a part of it. Relationships are everywhere. There are endless opportunities and what seems unachievable can be possible.”

No matter where you are at financially right now, there will always be someone with more or less than you. If the one percent is too far for you, try setting smaller financial goals and working your way towards those in the meantime.

We all know it would be a better place if there was no income gap. It might be a lesson for the rich though. Besides, as Biggie Smalls said, “the more money we come across the more problems we see.”

Amity Trade Days continues bringing a sense of wonder If you’re up for a thirty-minute road trip, the annual flea market has a lot to offer.

Amity Trade Days: Oct.5, 6 and 7 (this weekend!) Oct.6: Car and Tractor Show Swap Meet Nov. 9, 10, 11 Dec.7, 8, 9 Don’t drive too fast or you’ll miss the sign!

Photo Courtesy of Amity Trade Days Story By Miranda Diaz News Editor

One of the largest flea markets in the area, Amity’s Trade Days has more to offer than just antiques and merchandise. Food, drinks and live music are always promised when spending a Saturday looking at all it has to offer.

To get to Amity, it is a bit of a drive. Get in your car, drive like you are going to WalMart, and keep going. It will take you about thirty minutes to get to the sleepy town of Amity. Roads are curvy and narrow, so make sure to drive the speed limit.

An easy Google search can get you where you need to go.

Map Created in Mapbox Once you make it to Amity, there’s a giant sign that you can see from the road that will point you to the right way. Follow it and find the Trade Days where you’re sure to find something to love. Just remember, there is a $2 fee for parking.

There are antiques, toys, and interesting items for everybody. Complete with over 54 vendors and even more acres, finding a gift for someone won’t be a problem. You can sell your stuff as well if you are interested in becoming a vendor.

“I usually go to the flea market in Caddo Valley,” Marissa DeFoor, graduate of 2017, said. “I am so glad I decided to try Trade Days, and it was worth the drive.. My mom and I love it.” This season they will begin their first annual

car show and swap meet. If you are interested in becoming a vendor or know anybody else who is, visit their website at amitytradedays. com.

Most agree that Canvas is doing better than Blackboard...so far, that is In a school that’s been through different learning management systems, will Canvas take the cake?

Story By Ashley Smith Editor in Chief

Since 2013, our school has gone through multiple websites for teachers and students to connect, submit assignments, and hold online classes. Angel, Blackboard and now Canvas have graced us with their presence in becoming the Holy Grail

for discussion boards and (hopefully) the syllabus for that one class because it is lost. After being introduced over the summer and replacing Blackboard, this platform offers an organized way to easily look at your classes and the information.

“Blackboard was too complicated for me,” Kenzi Land, sophomore criminal justice major, said. “Once you get used to navigating Canvas, it is very easy to use.” The mobile app offers the ability to look at your grade percentage the minute you are logged into your account. With other platforms used in the past, it was a treasure hunt to find the grade. MyHenderson can be a struggle to get used to as well, but it is not widely used for sharing information from teachers. “I like Canvas better,” Kameron Posey, junior vocal music education major, said. “Not really for mobile, but for the computer it is much better.”

Other students prefer to use the mobile app. “I like how the website looks exactly like the app,” Madison Roberts, sophomore psychology major, said. “It’s more organized and clean.”

Most users agree that it’s more organized than platforms used in the past. “It is definitely easier to read and more clean looking.” Ashley Massey, senior, said.

The learning management system students use can affect their time at the university. Canvas has pretty good student reviews so far, and hopefully it stays that way.

Interested in business or media? Why not both? Get involved with your own student led public relations department: Reddie Media Group! Come by our office across from the Information Desk.

Arts & Music

the oracle

Wednesday October 3, 2018


Legion of Nerds hosted Nerdcon last week

Photo by Cle’Varus Oney, Student Reporter Some of the cosplayers were dressed as Negan, Doctor Strange, Harley Quinn, and others. There were cosplay, Smash Brothers competitions and a Spa City Wargamers demonstration of bolt action. Story by Cle’Varus Oney, Student Reporter

Th i s Pa s t we e kend, September 28-30, HSU’s Legion of Nerd’s hosted Nerdcon. Nerdcon is a gathering of everything nerdy, all in our easily accessible Garrison center. There seemed to be so many things prepared for those who went, and the Legion of Nerds were welcoming

to everyone who came to have a peek at what was going on. One vendor had Japanese drinks, snacks, and large plushes that could be bought for a reasonable price. Our own psychology professor and author of Batman and Psychology: A Dark and Stormy Knight, Travis Langley, represented the Popular Culture Psychology

series. It’s a book series that delves deep into the minds of your favorite pop culture heroes and villains. Members of the Spa City Wargamers came to give a hands-on demonstration of bolt action, a board game based on World War II using miniature solders, tanks, and land. The Wargamer rep-

resentatives had no lack of energy while explaining the rules to those who hadn’t played the game before. The cosplay contest let students represent their favorite characters and fandoms. One of the judges for the contest was Greg Harrison, an alumnus of our school, in an amazing Dr. Strange

Cosplay. Some cosplays could remind you of your favorite show, wh ile ot hers could double as Halloween costumes because of the nightmare fuel they provided. All of the costumes were well put together. As you walk into the Smash Brother’s tournament, all you hear is the clicking of controllers echoing

throughout the room. Even those who’d already lost could continue playing smash at a different table. Nerdcon was a fun event for those deep into nerd culture and those who wouldn’t consider themselves nerds. The Legion of Nerds welcomes more people to join them in future events.

Grace Dane on her art and “The Cure” Story by Patrick Williams, Student Reporter

This past week I got to sit down with Grace Dane of the Art Department, studio major, and super senior and learn about her exhibit, “The Cure”, and what it means to her. The most recent work she did was her black and white prints. She got the inspiration from pictures of her parents and grandparents when they were her age. “I based them off of pictures I found at my

grandmother’s house of my mom in the 70s, which is hilarious if you like to make fun of your parents. I do,” said Dane, as to where she got her inspiration. She wanted to take all of these old family portraits and recreate them in an artistic rerendering in her own image. Her exhibit also includes many oil paintings, most of which were done last year by Dane, but she wanted to include them in this exhibit.

“The Cure” is being presented on Tuesday, October 2 on the second floor of Huie Library on Henderson State University campus. Dane plans to start preparing for her next pieces based off of her and her friends’ mugshots. As for the Art Department as a whole, they went and painted the Clark County Humane Society’s windows this past weekend.



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Awards hopefuls: are any coming out this month? Story by Pete Tubbs, Arts and Entertainment Editor

Awards season is officially upon us, and that means that the moviegoing audience will get less big-budget blockbusters and more adult centered dramatic fare. October is usually known as the first quarter of the season, so these are the films that are future awards hopefuls that release this month.

A Star is Born This Bradley Cooper directed film stars him, Lady Gaga, Dave Chappelle, and Sam Elliot. It’s the fourth version of the classic tale of love and fame. It is receiving some of the best reviews of the year so far, and is expected to be one of the highest grossing releases of the month to boot. There’s no reason to think that this one

can’t at least be nominated for the top five Oscars: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Actor, and Best Actress. It releases this Friday. First Man Ryan Gosling stars as Neil Armstrong in this film that covers the pre-launch of the Apollo 11 spaceship. The film is directed by the youngest Best

Director winner of all time Damien Chazelle, so it’s not hard to see that this one’s got some potential.

and Supporting Actor, as well as an Adapted Screenplay nomination. It has a limited opening on the 19. Bohemian RhapBeautiful Boy sody This Steve Carrell Rami Malek stars and Timothee Chal- as Freddie Mercury amet starrer is about in this musical biopic a drug addict and that covers a few years his father struggling in the tumultuous life through life. It’s based of the band Queen. on the true story of Look for this one to be the Sheff family. Look eligible for Best Actor, for this one to be eli- Supporting Actor, Best gible for Best Actor Picture, and Best Orig-

inal Screenplay. Other movies releasing this month that could have a chance include “Suspiria,” “Boy Erased,” “Bad Times at the El Royale,” and “Can You Ever Forgive Me?” Whether or not these films win any awards come the end of the year, most of them are surely to be major critical and commercial hits regardless.


Arts & Music

Wednesday October 3, 2018

the oracle

Not all costumes... also fun and games

Competitors at NerdCon went hard

Photo by Brianna Barkley, Student Reporter The cosplayers were no doubt some of the most passionate people at NerdCon this year. They dressed as a host of characters from Iron Man to Supergirl, to Black Panther, and even some clones from “Star Wars.”

Story by Brianna Barkley, Student Reporter

If you thought NerdCon was uneventful, then you were sadly mistaken. Whether it be tabletop games, LARPing, or competitions with cash prizes, this past weekend was one for the books. The Cosplay Competition had some hearty competitors. There were 9 cosplayers competing on day one. They include an original MBL (Jonathan Ramsey), Rick from the Walking Dead (Raquel Baes), Kingdom Hearts (Rachael Bennett), Negan from The Walking Dead (Ryan Devison), Voraliod (Colin Boster), Strems Gate (Taylor Liggett), Harley Quinn (Peyton Bradshaw) – 3rd place winner, Owari no Seraph (Teyaira Bonds) – 2nd place winner, and the first place winner Nier (Parker Bomar). For the entirety of the weekend there is a final first place winner: The Dragon Priest from Skyrim (Nicole). The Smash Bros Melee Tournament was an outstanding success. 30 people signed

up for the singles tournament and there were 8 doubles teams competing, including the 86th ranked player in the world: Uncle Mojo. The winners were very excited about the outcomes, and they had lots to say.

Third Place Doubles:

They did not have a team name, but their tags are Chamberlin and Paladn_. Chamberlin, age 34, resides in Memphis, Tennessee, and Paladn_, age 16, is from Little Rock. “Yes, I’m happy about the results,” Chamberlin said. “There were some close losses, but it was all legit.” Most of the players were dressed as popular characters. For instance, Paladn_ played as “Fox,” and Chamberlain used to play as the “Sheik” character. The game, although it may not seem like it, takes some getting used to. “Grind the game,” Chamberlain said. “Eventually you will learn, and eventually you will get good.” Paladn_: “Its all

muscle memory.”

Second Place Doubles:

The Meme Team consisted of Suezo, age 24, and Zook, age 22. They both live in Memphis, TN. In terms of the tournament results, Suezo thought that the team had mixed feelings. “We feel neutral about it. They just figured us out. The only thing we would have changed is that we would have been more patient. The Meme Team was no different from the others. The two also had specific characters. “I played as Marth,” Zook said, “and my teammate here played as Sheik.” “The game is character specific,” Suezo said. “So make sure you put your time into practicing.”

First Place Doubles:

The players on Texa$$ are, as you probably would have guessed, from Texas. The players are Uncle Mojo, age 28 from Houston, and Sandy, age 20 from Corsicana. Sandy had some thoughts on the big

change from their previous standing in the game. “We came back from losers.” The game, although won, was not perfect. “[We] played sloppy at first,” Uncle Mojo said, “but, then, I was like, man, let’s go for the money. We had so much fun.” In terms of characters, Sandy was Captain Falcon and Uncle Mojo was Fox. The advice from team Texa$$ didn’t differ much from the other team’s secrets to success. Uncle Mojo said, “practice consistently and idolize the right players.” “Go back and review your videos,” Sandy replied. “Also, don’t forget to have fun.”

Third Place Singles.

Suezo wasn’t only a part of the Second Place Doubles team, he also was the victor of Third Place Singl. es. He said, “I did better than I expected in Singles, but I wish I would have gotten more sleep the night before.” Suezo did’t choose

to change his character and stayed with sheik. He wasn’t torn up about not taking home the top prize. “I just want to give a bit of good luck to all of them out there,” he said.

Second Place Singles”

Zook once again took home the Second Place Title, but this time, he had the victory all to himself. “I’m happy with the results,” he said. “I probably would have wanted to come to practice earlier, though.” Like his previous partner Suezo, Zook chose to stick with the same character he was before, Marth. To Zook, the key to success is simple. “The only thing I can think of is just always practice,” he said.

First Place Singles:

Also part of the First Place Doubles vistors, Uncle Mojo also managed to take home the big prize of the day. Interview is as follows: “[It] Feels great [to

win].” Uncle Mojo said. “[It’s] not the most important thing, but I had fun and met some friends.” Uncle Mojo’s character didn’t change, either. “I have a thing for playing as Fox, what can I say,” Mojo said. On what’s most important, Uncle Mojo shared, “just get involved and make friends!” “I love the game and the people here,” Uncle Mojo said. “I’m going to be back next year.” Chamberlain expressed just how good a hobby he believed this was. “Even if you’re a married man with children,” he said, “[I] wouldn’t want to do anything else.” Bandy only had one simple thought to share. “I love Arkansas.” Overall, the tournaments at NerdCon had some great competition, whether it be Smash Bros or Cosplay. It’s a shame we must wait a whole year for it to come back.

In the era of “ fake news,” don’t you want to read something that you trust? Well, do you trust yourself? If the answer is yes, then sign up for the d@#m Oracle. You can write true sh!t and get paid for it. Or you can take pictures or design stuff. Ya’ know, if you’re into that stuff. Find more information at the Oracle Office right across from the information desk or contact oracle@hsu.edu.



Wednesday October 3, 2018

the oracle

The Rise and Fall of Bill Cosby Update in regards to the court case of William Henry Cosby Jr.

The Oracle 1100 Henderson Street Arkadelphia, Arkansas 71923 hsuoracle.com oracle@hsu.edu

Editorial Staff: Ashley Smith Editor in Chief Jade Wolfe Assistant Editor Pete Tubbs Arts and Entertainment Editor Aaron O’Quin Online Editor Miranda Diaz News Editor Larry Massey Photo Chief Paris Dugan Photo Editor Cortez Akins Sports Editor Graphic Designer Amanda Cordell

Cosby being cuffed and escorted by police. Photo Courtesy of MCT Campus ing besmirched and Jae-Kur Lockhart torn down is beyond Opinions Editor me,” Deshae Craig, William Henry senior human servicCosby Jr., more comes major, said. “What monly known as Bill more can a man want Cosby, has been under fire in regards to when he can have alalleged sexual assault most anything?” Cosby was also orand misuse of debilidered to pay a $25,000 tating drugs on unsusfine as well as court pecting women. As of costs. He has also Sept. 25, “America’s been listed as a sexuDad” was sentenced ally violent predator three to ten years in a state prison for sexual which requires a lifetime registration. assault. This situation be“How you can go gan in 2004 when from an icon in the Cosby gave pills to lives of so many to be-

an unsuspecting Andrea Constand. While many wanted to know why Constand waited so long to address it, she actually reported the incident in 2005. “You can never put a timeline of expectancy on when someone will reveal certain traumas,” Jireh Keys, junior business management major, said. “I have no proof that Cosby did what he was accused of but I feel terrible for the women allegedly assaulted.” They settled out of court a year following the police report after prosecutors declined to press charges. Years following the Cosby scandal, several other women started coming forth with more information and accusations against Cosby. Due to the laws of the statute of limitations, only Constand’s case was eligible for a court hearing. Initially the case with Cosby ended in a hung jury. In April

Is he falsely accused? A subjective look at the trial that everyone is talking about.

Markayla Wyatt RMG Manager Kamisha Murray Advertising Manager Clark Jarrett Advertising Manager

Opinions expressed in this paper are not necessarily those of the student body, faculty, staff, college administration or The Oracle.

ied across many platforms. Some people say that Cosby deserves everything that is coming to him. Other spectators are saying the opposite and that he shouldn’t have such a harsh sentence – or even a sentence at all. While this has all been occurring, Cosby has been mostly tight-lipped about the trial and its happenings. However it has been said that Cosby doesn’t feel any remorse because he doesn’t believe he has done anything. “He has no reason to be offended or remorseful about anything if he didn’t do anything wrong,” said Craig. All in all, I will keep my opinions about this case to myself at the risk of offending any one but everyone here at the office, including yours truly, would love to know your opinion on this case and Bill Cosby’s conviction.

Kavanaugh vs. Ford

Reddie Media Group

Letters to the editor may be emailed or snail mailed. We won’t judge. Just keep the cursing to a minimum. Letters may be edited for clarity and or space.

on 2018, Cosby was convicted of three counts of aggravated indecent assault of drugging and assaulting Constand. Constand said that she looked up to Bill Cosby and that what he did crushed her innocence and her spirit. Former actress – Kathy McKee, has also accused Cosby of rape. “Out of the large number of people that have accused Bill [Cosby] of rape, how many of these accusations are actually accompanied with proof?” asked Keys. What some people may not know is that rape is one of the hardest crimes to convict someone of if it is not immediately handled at the time? What some people may not know is that rape is one of the hardest crimes to convict someone of if it is not immediately addressed and handled at the time of the incident. Reactions to Cosby’s conviction and sentencing have var-

Story By Bunky Raines Contributing Reporter Spit, sweat and tears flew from the faces of senators as the Christine Blasey Ford hearing was held on Thursday, September 17 in Washington D.C. Here’s a look at how this carnivalesque battle of the right and left is affecting Henderson students. I heard from a

Photo Courtesy of MCT Campus Henderson professor it is important to look who said his class at both sides of this watched the hearing equation. Let’s ask the with very little questions necessary to opposition to Ford’s remain objective. testimony. I thought None of us maybe some of the were at that obscure students might’ve party 36 years ago, and held a different there is no evidence. viewpoint, but were All of the witnesses afraid to voice it out of Ford named said they fear of being labeled a couldn’t corroborate misogynist. the allegations. The Maybe I’m wrong, question we must but in any case, I feel ask ourselves if Ford

Staff Advisor: Steve Listopad slistop@hsu.edu Contact us on Twitter, Facebook, or by email if you feel a need to share your perspective. The Oracle Office is located across from the Information Desk in the Garrison Center.

Editorial Cartoon Courtesy of MCT Campus

might’ve had a reason to fabricate such a story. Senator Lindsey Graham had some thoughts on the matter. He was red-faced, pointing fingers and shouting at Democrats at the hearing. “What you all want to do is destroy this guys life, hold this seat open and hope you win in 2020,” Graham said. “Boy you all want power! God, I hope you never get it!” Is it possible that this is a smear campaign, designed by Democrats, in order to take more power? We must at least consider this possibility. It becomes a question of credibility in an environment where few are credible, the Senate. I wouldn’t trust a single one of them to run my kid’s

lemonade stand. They’d embezzle all the money, drink all the lemonade and then blame the opposition. At the end of the day, you just have to ask yourself what you find to be credible. As for me, I think a “he said/ she said” scenario, with no evidence and a strong possibility of an ulterior motive for political gain, is not enough to justify the attack against Kavanaugh. Let’s not take all this too seriously, though. If you have a different opinion, I’ll still be your friend. I don’t require that you think like me. Diversity is important, even when it’s of the intellectual variety. Let’s celebrate our differences. Male or female, red or blue, you love me and I’ll love you.


Wednesday October 3, 2018



the oracle


Last Week’s Answers

Brewster Rockit: Space Guy Comic By: Tim Rickard

Check out your future here? Horoscopes for the week By Nancy Black Tribune Content Agency

Cancer (June 21-July 22) -- Today is a 9 -- Today Today’s Birthday (10/03/18). Cash flow rises and tomorrow are good for making money. this year. Steady home improvement satisfies. Spending it comes easier, too, so watch out. FactDiscover a valuable surprise. Family joys this check your intuition. Keep a positive balance. winter lead to a turning point between friends. Your career takes off next summer before a Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Today is a 9 -- You’re domestic challenge requires attention. Provide getting stronger. Don’t steamroll anyone in optimism and support. Prioritize love and your enthusiasm. Sometimes the best action is none. Consider other views. Compromise for a collaboration. mutually agreeable solution.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Today is an 8 -Make financial decisions for a few days. Not everyone agrees; don’t take action without team alignment. Get terms of a deal in writing.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Today is a 7 -- Look back for insight on the road ahead. The next two Aries (March 21-April 19) -- Today is a 7 -- days favor peaceful introspection and private Follow your heart over the next few days. productivity. Adapt to changes at the top. Go for substance over symbolism. Wait for developments; you don’t have the full picture. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- Today is a 7 -- Refine your team strategy for a few days. Distractions Relax. abound, and things may not go as planned. Taurus (April 20-May 20) -- Today is a 6 -- Focus Not everyone likes the situation. Investigate all on home and family today and tomorrow. Clean options together. and clear clutter. Automatic reactions lead to Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- Today is an 8 -- Focus regrettable outbursts; think before you speak. on career matters through tomorrow. You might decline a social event to finish a task. Postpone Disagree respectfully. what you can for a tempting prize.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- Today is a 7 -- Don’t push yourself too hard, or risk your health. Take extra care with sharp tools. Review plans from multiple angles. Wait for better conditions.

To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) -- Today is an 8 -Creative thoughts and ideas abound. Capture them on film, paper or another medium. Craft stories and images. Consider your words carefully. Generate new possibilities.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- Today is a 7 -Slow down and let things develop with your partner. Avoid arguments and controversy. Disagreements spark with scant provocation. Relax, and talk things over later.

(Astrologer Nancy Black continues her mother Linda Black’s legacy horoscopes column. She welcomes comments and questions on Twitter, @LindaCBlack. For more astrological interpretations like today’s Gemini horoscope, visit Linda Black Astrology by clicking daily horoscopes, or go to www.nancyblack.com.)

(c)2018 bY NANCY BLACK. DISTRIBUTED Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- Today is an 8 -- BY TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY, LLC. ALL Follow a dream. Study a subject of your passion RIGHTS RESERVED. over a few days. Go to the source. Travel and explore something long imagined.



Wednesday October 3, 2018

the oracle

Photo by: Faith Cadmus

The Reddies defend the net from the Oklahoma Baptist attack

Reddies lose streak, gain confidence HSU defeats Southern Nazerene, Oklahoma Baptist after falling to Harding By Cortez Akins Sports Editor Coming into this game, Gigi Garramone was named Great American Conference player of the week for the second time this season, and the Reddies were on a 14 game winning streak. The streak ended Monday as the Henderson State Reddies fell to the Harding Bison 3-1. To begin the first set the Bison started off with a 2-0 lead. The Reddies did not back down however and came back to tie the game at two. A score by Adrianna Hartmann gave Henderson the first lead of the game, and the Reddies went on a run, followed by a kill from Courtney Bolf and an ace from Zuzana Ondruskova raising Henderson a seven-point lead at 12-5. The Reddies continued their onslaught, and after

another score from Hartmann and Bolf, Harding called a timeout to regroup with the score being 17-5. After their timeout, Harding came out and scored two consecutive points before serving into the net and giving the Reddies another point. The first set ended after a series of incredible volley’s by both teams and Hartmann closed it out with a kill to give the Reddies the first set. The second set was different for both teams. The game started with Harding leading 4-1 before the Reddies went on a run of their own and tied the game at five. The Bison then put their foot on the gas and went on a 7-2 run. With the score being 12-7 the Bison didn’t look back and later increased their lead to 10 making the score 23-13. Henderson was not

to win the set 25-20 Set four started with both teams match each score for one of their own. After being tied 7-7, Harding took the lead 14-11 before Henderson, fighting to defend their streak and stay undefeated in conference, responded with a 6-0 of their own. “The great thing run However, the Bison fought back about the streak and reclaimed their ending is that we lead and inevitably the set, 25-20. get to start a new “I loved the way we came out in the one.” first set; we battled,” Coach McDaniel said. “We didn’t account for them punching back. I liked the with both sides fightway we served the ball ing for control of the and the way that we match. The set was attacked the ball in the tied at four before the Reddies scored four middle, but overall we in a row pushing the didn’t have enough to score to 10-6, tying the fight back.” The Reddies may score at 14. Ondrushave lost but they still kova gave Henderson have a lot in front of a one-point lead, but them, they are second the Bison fired back in conference at 4-1, and went on a 7-1 run able to overcome such a large lead and Harding would win set two 25- 14. With the match tied 1-1 set three winning set three was critical for both teams. The third set was close,

behind Harding, and 15-3 overall. “The great thing about the streak ending is that we get to start a new one,” Coach McDaniel said. “We hold on to the wins and losses through the night and then in the morning we move on to the next one.” After their loss, the Reddies looked to get back to their winning ways but they would have to get past Oklahoma Baptist University Bison, who came into the week tied with Henderson in the GAC with an in-conference record of 4-1. To start set 1 Henderson scored first but Oklahoma Baptist soon jumped to an 8-2 lead which led to a timeout. After the timeout the Reddies began to close the deficit and bring the set within three at 10-7. Courtney Bolf led the charge and scored a kill. The Bison kept Henderson at bay however, and won by

a score of 25-16. The second set was close but Henderson found a way to win. The score was tight most of the way through the set. The score was 4-4, then later 17-17. Henderson pulled away and went on a 8-2 run to win 25-19. In set third set OKBU jumped out to a 6-5 lead before henderson started to take control. With the score being 10-8, Henderson began to pull away. Henderson went on to win 25-22. Henderson went on to win set 4 and win the match 3-1. HSU handled business againstSouthern Nazarene on Saturday, September 29th winning in three straight sets to push their record to 6-1 in conference and 17-3 overall. Following the teams success this weekend, Adrianna Hartmann was named GAC Player of the Week.

Just keep swimming: Red Wave look to make a splash this year is going to be good,” Dominic Swain said. “We have a lot of people working hard and putt ing in t he hours to be the best they can be. Our freshman is working well, and they are hungry to win.” Unlike other sports, the freshmen are expec ted to compete immeadiately along with the rest of their teammates; they are expected to make a Wit h head coac h Story by Cortez Akins finished third, and the large contribution to women’s team finished Coak Matthews at the Sports Editor the team. Swain is on fourth, the Red Wave helm expectations are the sprint team and Big teams with big look to win the New high and realistic. With does the 50-meter freeawards, the Red Wave South Intercollegiate new players coming style. The swimmers are about to make a Swim m i ng Con fer- into the program, cohecompete all season for splash into the season. ence Championship siveness is important. seeding in the conI expect great things, After the men’s team this season.

ference tournament, though the men and women do not compete against each other, their points go to the overall team total. S e n ior B e n E a s t swims on the distance team. “The challenging thing about the distance team is trying to stay mentally in the race. The mile takes 16 to 17 minutes, and you go through a lot of different emotions when you’re trying to keep pace.” East said. Practice makes perfect for our swimmers. “During practices, you have to practice swimming t h o s e


long races, and the repetition makes things easier when it’s time to do it for real.” East said. Freshman Emma Sewell swims mid-distance. Mid-distance swims the 200’s and 500’s, being on a new team in college can be challenging for freshman students to adjust to “Swimming at the college level is different but it’s fun,” Sewell said. “Practice is good, and the team is close, so I like it.” The season looks like it will be a fun and memorable one, and the Red Wave seem to be ready for it.

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