Stories of Generosity
Share your Story
Everyone loves a good story. But even more significant than their entertainment value I propose that it is our stories who define who we are. And in sharing our stories we become and strengthen our community
As part of our Let the Vineyards Be Fruitful campaign, we are sharing our stories, experiences, and dreams for Redeemer, and we want to hear your story
Each week in worship, a question of the week will be offered to spark your reflection Then, we ask you to share your story (see the sidebar, right)
As we journey through this month until Commitment Sunday on October 29th, I invite you to share your stories of generosity and your hopes and dreams for our ministry together Imagine with all of us, grafted to the True Vine, Jesus Christ, the fruit God will produce through us for all to be nourished
Small Group Gathering: Sign up for a small group gathering to share and hear from others Sign up in the Sims Atrium or online here.
Generosity Board: write a name or brief note on the chalkboard in the Sims Atrium
Storytelling Suite: Record a video in the Wedding Parlor on Sundays. The camera is always running Just step in, sit down, and start sharing.
Upload a Video: Record yourself answering the question of the week that is emailed on Wednesday Upload the video from your phone or tablet to our Storytelling Cloud Folder
Write your Story: Type up your response and upload it to the same folder above.
Baptism at Redeemer
Greetings! If you or someone you know is expecting a child or interested in baptism at Redeemer at any age, we would love to celebrate this special milestone with your family! We have several dates available. Here are some details:
Wearereturningtoourpre-pandemicpracticeofholdingBaptismFestivals.Thismeanscertain Sundaysaredesignatedforbaptisms,andtheremaybeseveralfamiliescelebratingabaptism atthesametime.
Single-familybaptismswereofferedafterthelateserviceonmostSundaysthroughtheendof July NOTEthatwediscontinuedschedulingindividualbaptismsatthattime,andall baptismswilltakeplaceonfestivaldatesstartinginAugust.
Upcoming Festival Dates
October 8, 2023 (Columbus/Indigenous People's Day Weekend)
December 31, 2023, at 10 am (New Year’s Eve Combined Worship)
Saturday, March 23, 2024, at 11 am (during our Family Easter Vigil Service)
Saturday, March 30, 2024 at 7 pm (during the traditional Easter Vigil Service)
May 26, 2024 (Memorial Day Weekend)
Baptismisasacramentcelebratedincommunity.Whilewehavedoneseveralbaptismsaftera worshipserviceforsafetyreasonsduringthepandemic,itisimportantthatthecongregationbe partofthebaptismliturgyasmuchaspossible.
Groupingupbaptismsoncertaindaysallowsustouseaspecialliturgyfocusedonbaptismand trulyhighlightitasaspecialevent,ratherthanitbeingafootnotetoaservicewithadifferent focus.Also,it'sfun!It'sagreatwaytogettoknowotherfamilies,andyourchildwillgrowupwith friendsatRedeemerwhosharetheirbaptismanniversary-aspecialbondthatcanfollowthem throughoutlife.
In Christ,
Deacon Mary Houck (she/her) Director of Children and Family Ministriesmhouck@redeemer.org 770-778-7085
I am delighted to introduce myself as the Interim Director here at Lutheran Church of the Redeemer It is a privilege to be a part of this loving and close-knit community, and I am excited to embark on this journey with our precious little ones
My name is Kisha Johnson, and I came to MTLPS with 20 years of experience in early childhood education I have an associate degree in early childhood education and have had the privilege of working with young children and their families in various settings over the years My passion for nurturing young minds and hearts has led me to this wonderful opportunity to serve as your Interim Preschool Director
The first couple months of school were an incredible experience The enthusiasm and curiosity displayed by our young learners are truly inspiring. Our dedicated team of teachers and staff have been hard at work creating a safe, nurturing, and engaging learning environment for our little ones. We are committed to fostering their growth, both academically and spiritually MTLPS is currently hiring for two classrooms the 1’s classroom, which is only 8 hours a week, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 am – 1 pm, and the multiage children ages 3 and 4 Monday through Friday the hours are from 9 am – 1 pm. If you are interested and would like more information, please contact me I will be happy to answer any questions.
My email: preschool@redeemer org
Family Events October 2023
Monster Mash and Pipe Screams
Friday, October 27, 5:45-8:30 pm
Wear your favorite costume and join us for dinner, games, crafts, CANDY, and especially for the fan-favorite Pipe Screams concert- a selection of spooky music on the organ presented by our talented organists that's fun for all ages!
RSVP is not required- bring a friend!
Family Camp Weekend at Lutheranch
October 6-8
Spend a beautiful fall weekend at Lutheranch with your family Enjoy the changing fall colors while you experience all that Lutheranch offers, from pony rides to boating and fishing We will have a pumpkin decorating contest, wagon rides, and your favorite summer camp counselors will be there! Find more information and register at this link
$160 Per Person/Adult, $60 Per Person/Child age 4+, Children 3 and under are Free
Stars, Angels, Shepherds, Kings!!
Rehearsals Oct. 23, Nov. 6, 13, 27 and Dress Rehearsal on Saturday, December 2, program on Sunday, December 3
WeareagaincollaboratingwiththeRedeemerChildren'sMusicprogram toengageallourSundaySchoolkidsinthestoryofJesus'birth.Rehearsals willoccurduringSundaySchoolontheabovedates,withadressrehearsal thedaybeforetheprogram ParticipantsmustberegisteredforSunday School,soifyouhaven'tyet,registeratthislink.WatchyourCFMemailsfor moredetails
Family Advent Celebration
December 3: 10-11 am
After the children's program in the sanctuary, there will be brunch and Advent activities for the whole family in Sims Atrium. This is a great way to start the Christmas season grounded in faith and take home some tools to keep that focus throughout December.
Monday, January 15: MLK Day Family Project
February 9-11: Family Retreat
Saturday, March 23: Family Easter Vigil and Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 27: Family Fun Day- Berry Picking Outing
A Harvest of Generosity
Rejoicing Spirits Worship
Sunday, October 22 at 10:15 am
This month at Rejoicing Spirits, we explore Redeemer's fall theme- Let the Vineyards Be Fruitful; a Harvest of Generosity. What does it feel like to be generous or to receive generosity? How can we grow more generous hearts?
Animal Blessing
Saturday, October 14 at 11:00 am
JoinusonSaturday,October14that11:00amontheRedeemerGreenforablessingofthe animalsservice Wewilltakephotosofyouandyourpet(s)thatyouwillreceiveafterward, provideacertificateofblessing,andhavelightrefreshments
Pleasebringallpetsincarriersoronleashes,andonlybringpetsthatcantoleratean environmentwithotheranimalscloseby Parkinthe4thstreetlot,directlynexttoRedeemer Green
Kringles will be available to purchase on Sunday, November 5-Sunday, November 19. Thanks for supporting our youth!
Coming Up for Redeemer Youth...
High School Faith Formation
High School Parents and Beyond Gathering
Youth Synod Events and Summer Opportunities Meeting
No Confirmation and no High School Faith Formation
High School Faith Formation
Middle School Parents Gathering
High School Faith Formation
Middle School and High School Youth Group to Six Flags
High School Faith Formation (Café Sunday)
Kringle selling
High School Faith Formation
High School Parents and Beyond Gathering
November 17-18, the Redeemer Young Adults will gather at the Holy Trinity House at Lutheranch for fun, fellowship, and to explore faith together. We'll prepare simple meals together, enjoy the beautiful grounds at Lutheranch, and have opportunities for hiking, kayaking, and horseback riding. The retreat will begin Friday evening and end Saturday afternoon, so you will still have half your weekend free. More details to come, but you can register at any time.
Fest of Ale @ Atlanta Botanical Garden
Date TBD, 6-9pm (arrive when you can) Come and enjoy the fall foliage, a variety of decorated scarecrows, and a crisp glass of ale at the Atlanta Botanical Garden in Piedmont Park. Please watch our Discord chat for the date and to RSVP. We may be able to cover your ticket depending on how many are going.
Let the Vineyards be Fruitful
On Sunday, October 15, 10 am at El Vinedo (across the street from Redeemer), meet with Ann Ridenhour for a conversation about the practice of generosity. This is part of a series of gatherings across Redeemer this fall as we consider stewardship.
OctoberisPregnancyandInfantLoss AwarenessMonth 4in1isnot astatistic It’sme
The majority of women who experience a miscarriage blame themselves or feel guilt for losing a pregnancy. An additional factor that makes grief from pregnancylosscomplicatedisthattherewillusuallybenofuneralorotherrituals ofmourning,andthelossmayremainunacknowledgedbythefamilyandfriends.
Therearemanymisconceptionsaboutmiscarriageinsociety:astressfuleventor longstanding stress caused the miscarriages, or a mother’s lifestyle choices (alcohol, tobacco, etc) caused the miscarriage These misconceptions perpetuate women ’ s guilt over miscarriage and being hesitant to discuss it publicly
If you ’ ve experienced pregnancy or infant loss yourself, or if you know someone who has and would like grief support, contact Pastor Jenny McLellan at jmclellan@redeemer.orgor404-874-8664ex224.
Join thousands around the world by lighting a candle at 7 pm on October 15th as we remember our Little Ones Light a candle on your own or join Pastor Jenny and Abbey Schnaith for prayer and conversationonZoomLink
The Out of the Darkness Community Walk is a journey of remembrance, hope, and support in partnership with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention The walk route for Atlanta is contained inside Piedmont Park and is an estimated 186 miles This is a non-competitive walk, not a run. Through a Memory Wall, Beads of Honor, and community resources, the Out of Darkness Walk unites our communities and provides an opportunity to acknowledge the ways
Bearingoneanother'sburdensandmourningwiththose whomourn,wepray,
Almighty God, source of all mercy and giver of comfort, graciously tend those who mourn, that, casting all their sorrow on you, they may know the consolation of your love; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Robert “Bob” Gibeling Jr.
Entered the church triumphant
September 7, 2023
WeprayforJanEdwards,Bobʼscousin,andhis manyfriendsastheymournhisdeath. Condolencesmaybesentto JanEdwards
Nancy Klotz
Entered the church triumphant
September 13, 2023
WeprayforSheilaBrock,Nancyʼsdaughter, KelseyGoldfarb(granddaughter)andtheir wholefamilyandallofNancyʼsfriendsasthey mournherdeath Condolencesmaybesentto SheilaBrock
Beauty of Rest and Creation
October 20-22, 2023
$250/person, Double room
$305/person, Single room
Program Elements:
Comfortable lodging
Delicious homecooked meals
Bible Study & Worship
Socializing Spa Room (manicures, pedicures, facials, wax hands & aromatherapy)
Add On’s
Massage $65 (40 min)
Trail ride
$65 (2 hr)
Thank you all for welcoming me to Atlanta! I was raised in New York, met my husband in Arizona, and eventually moved to Chicago, where we raised two beautiful boys (one now lives in Atlanta) Most of my career was in banking, but after nine years of volunteering in Hospice, I felt called to continue helping older adults during end-of-life care I became the volunteer coordinator of the Hospice arm of a large Midwest Hospital until the pandemic occurred We were no longer able to send volunteers to longterm care facilities Perhaps impulsive, I decided to pack my bags and visit our son in Atlanta I noticed that every time we visited our son, people were smiling and laughing! Was it the sunny weather or the warm, Southern charm? In 2022, I decided to enroll in the master’s program at the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University, focusing on macro social work and gerontology.
I ask questions because it's part of being a macro social worker We conduct research and make assessments with the main goal of helping the greater good by serving others We advocate and advance human well-being at the individual, family, community, and organizational levels and try to treat people respectfully regardless of race, religion, gender, gender identity, or socioeconomic status. We pay particular attention to those who are marginalized
I've been so touched by the warmth exuded at Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, the laughter of many of the staff members, and the wonderful fellowship evidenced at the Wednesday night community dinner I feel very blessed and grateful to be a guest in "your home " Thank you, Lutheran Church of the Redeemer!
Please continue to welcome Sophia as she engages our community and works with Keystone Ministry and Redeemer’s Congregational Care Ministry. Welcome, Sophia!
SophiafoleyD E C E M B E R 1 0 T H
Bethlehem Comes to Midtown
Redeemer’s Live Nativity Team is back in action, planning a meaningful Sunday afternoon on the Redeemer Green to celebrate the perfect gift of Jesus to the world.
I don’t like wearing costumes. We have folks who do. No auditions!
I have other plans on the 10th. There are important jobs to do between now and Dec 10th.
There are plenty of other people at Redeemer who always volunteer. This is an urban legend! We all have a place at Redeemer and all ministries and events need more volunteers and leaders serving God together joyfully!
Meet Sarah Alexander Born March 16, 1927 Ms Alexander has been a resident at Lutheran Towers since 2003 Ms Alexander is a retired beautician and owned her own beauty salon for over ten years She has a grandson that she adores, a younger sister, and a host of nieces and nephews
Ms Alexander actively participates in activities and events at Lutheran Towers, enjoying her retirement years She has made many friends and is loved by everyone that she meets She has a kind spirit and a sweet personality. When asked why she loves Lutheran Towers, Ms. Alexander stated, “I love the location of the building. It is convenient for everything that I need. I also love the staff. They do a lot for the residents here. They take care of us like family. I feel safe with security, and I like the fact that we have extra lights and cameras.
During the Pandemic, Ms. Alexander became a champion of Lutheran Towers by consistently encouraging other residents to participate in online Zumba, Art, Nutrition Workshops, and the First Annual Lutheran Towers Health Challenge. Often, Ms. Alexander can be found offering sound advice to her neighbors by giving a peaceful take on situations.
Ms. Alexander’s personality has helped her to age gracefully. She has and continues to have a tremendous impact on her peers as well as staff. She provides a positive light of wisdom to staff. She's always consistent, on point, and serves as a positive role model. She is currently the floor representative for her floor. She continues to alert all her peers about important matters and events to keep them informed. Ms. Alexander continues to encourage her neighbors to participate in the in-person activities at Lutheran Towers. Most recently, Ms. Alexander has been advocating for her peers to complete an End-of-Life checklist in regard to Living Wills, Power of Attorney, and Burial information. There are certain attributes that are very important, including resilience, strong social support, engagement, and confidence in herself. Like many other residents, Ms. Alexander has been through depression, through migrations, and has lost loved ones. The difference with Ms. Alexander (which is extremely helpful for her positive aging) is that she understands that to flourish, she can accept and recover from the things she can’t change but also fight for the things she can. Thus, typically when you see Ms. Alexander voicing herself, she also comes up with solutions.
Ms. Alexander’s secret to living a long, peaceful life: “There really is no secret. Just treat people well and try to live a stress-free life!”
Ms. Alexander is 96 years old!
1 Douglas Dumont
1 Audrey Horne
1 John Schuerholz
1 Matthew Spady
1 Colin Van Hoosear
2 Rose Mary Kolpatzki
2 Susan Massar
2 Stanley Smith
2 Michelle Williams
3 Elise Anderson
3 Daniel Munster
3 Jon Pinyon
3 Cole Simo
3 Grant Stearsman
3 Eric Thornton
4 William Dumont
4 Ed Klassen
4 Aija Konrad
4 Joseph Lukas
4 Arthur Roche
5 Dorothy Beasley
5 Dorothy Brandes
5 Grace Gonzales 5 Terry Longstreth 5 John A. Martin 6
10 Camryn Carter
10 Ryan Cramer
10 Robert Gooch
10 Conrad Paetz
10 Althea Roy
10 Julian Sau
11 Tiffany Barnes
11 Lauryn Champion
11 Barbara Larsen
11 Benjamin Williams
12 Charles Borchers
12 Jonathan Hans
12 Brenda Ingham
12 Robert Jackson
12 Parry Ruder
12 Rebecca Wright
13 Melanie Altman
13 Suzanne Bridgers
14 Chris Boltz
14 Justin Isaacson
14 Mark Kuettner
14 Bob McCloskey
14 Alexander Rawden
14 Shaylin Rawden
14 Christopher Wayco
19 Barbara Brown
19 Jennifer Ehrich
19 Erin Hull
19 Adam Treibel
20 Lisa Bastin
20 Karen Boda
20 Emma Hickey
20 Whitney Ludvigsen
20 Jordan Lukas
20 Karen Schuerholz
21 Nathan Adrian
21 Jane Barrow
21 Henrik Brightwell
21 Kaylee Burnett
21 Linda Dougherty
21 Hannah Farhadi Ikner
21 Max LaPlante
21 Lisa Reagan
22 Josephine Anderson
22 Charles McDonald
22 Jonne Walter 23 Paul Hermann
29 Spencer Miller 29 Matthew
30 Laura McDonald
31 Robert Coursey
31 Brigitte Fessele
31 Thomas Herold
31 Laura Keel
31 Ivy Reynolds
31 Henry Treibel
31 Jeff Worth
17 Morgan Bitter 17 Emma Haase 17