Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2
Corinthians 9:6-7
Dear Members and Friends of the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer,
Grace and peace to you in the name of our generous and loving God!
As we reflect on this past year, we do so with gratitude for the many ways God has blessed our church and called us to be a blessing to others Our theme, "Created to Be Generous," has shaped our ministry, reminding us that generosity is not simply something we do it is at the very core of who we are as God's people
Throughout the year, we have witnessed generosity in action: in the sharing of time, talents, and treasures; in the outpouring of love and care for one another; and in our service to the wider community From acts of kindness within our congregation to outreach efforts that extend beyond our walls, we have seen the abundant ways God is working through us to bring hope, healing, and joy to the world.
Our worship has been enriched by the generous gifts of music, preaching, and prayer. Even as we were displaced from our beloved sanctuary while major restoration work was underway, our worship and praises continued to "raise the roof" and extend our message of love around the world through our Livestream that continued uninterrupted. Our ministries have flourished through the selfless dedication of volunteers and leaders. Our community has been strengthened as we have shared in one another’s burdens and celebrations. And through our mission efforts, particularly through our partnerships with our Core Spiritual partners and our local mission partners, we have extended the love of Christ to those in need, embodying the truth that generosity is a reflection of God’s own giving nature
The generosity we have received through God's grace is most clearly stated at the communion table: "this is by body given for you, this is my blood shed for you " In ever-expanding circles of service and support, we extend that generous offering in everything we do This year, that offering became explicit a public welcome statement adopted by our church council: "Let our message be clear: all are welcome to participate fully in the life of our congregation "
As we move into a 2025, let us continue to embrace this calling. May we remain steadfast in the knowledge that we are created in the image of a generous God a God who gives freely, abundantly, and without hesitation. May our generosity be sign of welcome to the world, a testimony to the grace and love we have received.
Thank you for your faithfulness, your generosity, and your commitment to the mission of Lutheran Church of the Redeemer. May God continue to bless us as we seek to be a blessing to others.
With gratitude and hope,
The Rev. Mark H. Larson Senior Pastor
Dear Faithful Redeemer Members, Family, and Friends,
This Annual Report provides an overview of 2024, a year in which the Redeemer community made some momentous choices. These decisions will shape and guide our future efforts to advance our mission of serving our neighbors and spreading the Gospel
At the same time, 2024 was a year of continuity, as our many active Ministry Teams carried out their missions: in faith formation, family ministry, feeding the hungry, fellowship opportunities, property care, worship planning, refugee support, inspirational music, congregational care, community engagement and much more As you read through the reports from these teams, remember that each one of them reflects the fruit of many volunteers offering their time and talent to be the hands of God, doing God’s work
Of course Redeemer is first and foremost a community of faith, consisting of people. We’ve had many new members join Redeemer this year, and we have welcomed several new brothers and sisters in Christ through the sacrament of baptism--promising to support and guide them along their faith journey as fellow believers. We’ve also mourned the loss and celebrated the lives of some Saints of our community who have recently passed. In addition, in 2024 we said good-bye to some of our staff who moved on to new calls. We’ve also welcomed a new Director of Operations and Finance, a new Youth Ministry Director, and a Director for Congregational Care.
Although an annual report is focused on one year in the life of Redeemer, it’s helpful to look at the context-how we got here and where we ’ re hoping to go from here The choices we ’ ve made and the missions we ’ ve pursued were shaped and informed by previous efforts and choices For instance, in February 2024, after seeking extensive feedback from the Congregation, the Council adopted Redeemer’s first comprehensive Welcome Statement Encouraged by our dear friend Bob Gibeling, whom we lost in 2023, Redeemer articulated what we already believed--and were living--in order to send a clear message to our community and the world that ALL are welcome here Bob spent much of his life advocating for and practicing inclusion for all in the Lutheran Church Bob’sencouragement led us to do what many felt was long overdue His bequest to Redeemer will help us reach out to many who have been excluded or marginalized in the church, helping to ensure that our actions match our welcoming words.
The following month, at our annual meeting in March 2024, the Congregation voted to take the next step in envisioning Redeemer’s future campus, by approving the use of funds (designated for this purpose) to enter into the pre-development stage of the Facility Master Plan. Currently, conceptual designs are being developed, and preliminary cost estimates are being formulated. The team is also monitoring the real estate market in preparation for securing a development partner for our property north of 4th Street.
This latest step came about as a result of previous efforts and decisions. Our Strategic Plan of 2019 called for developing our property to further support our mission. Later, a campus master planning process was initiated by Council and approved by Congregation vote in March 2022. The resulting Facility Master Plan, created with broad Congregation input, was presented to the Congregation in December 2023 Council recommended pursuing Phase 1 of this plan, and the Congregation approved That’s how we got to where we are today in this process There are still many choices and commitments to make before seeing this dream to fruition, but significant progress was made in 2024
A third initiative undertaken in 2024 is still in the early stages of development At Redeemer we ’ ve often described ourselves as “the best kept secret in Midtown” We entered the year with a goal of changing that Initially the Congregation Council formed a task force to explore how we might increase our community engagement and evangelism. Many people stepped up on multiple fronts to help with telling Redeemer’s story, helping to make Redeemer more welcoming and accessible, and connecting with the steady flow of newcomers to our neighborhood and city.
Congregation feedback, gathered during various recent planning workshops, has reflected a strong desire at Redeemer to step up our outreach to the unchurched and to provide alternative worship opportunities beyond our traditional and jazz services. In response to this recurring interest, a new Evangelism ministry team is being formed. In 2025 we hope to call a new pastor for mission development in order to develop new outreach and evangelism opportunities and to identify worship and fellowship needs which are not currently being met at Redeemer. Doing so will require a financial commitment, as well as the active participation of the Congregation, who approved the 2025 budget, which includes funding for this new pastoral position
These are exciting times at Redeemer We’re blessed with a variety of resources, a dynamic setting, and a clear mission Inspired by the commitment and achievements of prior generations at Redeemer and building on the work
Many non-profit organizations have taken to releasing their annual report in the form of an “Impact Report”. I like the idea of considering the impact of Redeemer’s many ministries and activities. As I mentioned, each of these ministry teams is making an impact because of members and volunteers who give their time and talents,working with dedicated and skilled staff. All of this is made possible by those who have given their financial “treasure”, through pledged and other offerings. My heartfelt thanks to all who gave of themselves in any and every way. If you ’ ve not gotten involved yet, and the stories in this report inspire you to make an impact, I encourage you to share your time, talent, and treasure in whatever ways you ’ re inspired and able to do.
In God’s Peace,
Jeff Guthrie
2024 Congregation Council President
l l G o d ’ s p e o p l e . W e a f f i r m a n d v a l u e t h e l i v e s o f e v e r y o n e , i n c l u d i n g a l l w h o h a v e b e e n m a r g i n a l i z e d b y a b i l i t y , a g e , g e n d e r , g e n d e r
i d e n t i t y , m e n t a l o r p h y s i c a l h e a l t h , p o v e r t y , r a c e ,
s e x u a l o r i e n t a t i o n , o r a n y o t h e r c i r c u m s t a n c e . L e t
o u r m e s s a g e b e c l e a r : a l l a r e w e l c o m e t o p a r t i c i p a t e f u l l y i n t h e l i f e o f o u r c o n g r e g a t i o n
The Worship Ministry is blessed to serve with our staff and volunteers to assure that the Word of God is preached and sacraments administered in a faithful manner, to His glory. We also strive to maximize lay leadership and service participation in a number of worship leadership roles, both during our services and behind the scenes, and our volunteers are extremely generous with their time!
This year, we were grateful for updates to the sanctuary that will enable and enhance our worship, both in person and online, for years to come! With sound and lighting upgrades and a lovely new paint color, we can welcome members and visitors to the beauty, dignity, devotion, and meaning of our worship services. To accomplish this long-term goal of renovation in the sanctuary, the Worship team created wonderful services in our Sims Atrium for the summer months, being able to rejoice in the view of our beautiful columbarium fountain and garden, showing behind our Sims atrium altar area and featuring some of our palms from Palm Sunday.
We are grateful to ALL who, with their generosity of time and talents, made these moments and this progress possible! The pastors, choirs, bells, Altar Guild, ushers, lectors, communion assistants, and youth all led our worship with excellence Chrismon, lily, and poinsettia decorators made our highest holy seasons very special
We welcomed greater participation in worship leadership from our youth, a building effort since the end of COVID disruption We held more training sessions and were able to prepare additional crucifers, acolytes, banner bearers, and communion assistants.
The Altar Guild, in particular, had a very full year serving God through the preparation and decoration of God’s house (in the sanctuary and beyond!) with sincere dedication to glorify God and provide settings that enable us to assemble for worship.
We also participated in Fall Kick-off with revamped/updated/concise role descriptions for use with a new Worship Team QR code so more people can learn online about the joys (and specifics!) of volunteering in our worship ministries
The Rejoicing Spirits worship service’s fourth anniversary was celebrated (it began in February 2020), along with its first full year of enhanced attendance in the 10:15 timeframe
We are so thankful for the dedicated current core-group of Worship Ministry volunteers, offering their time and talent. Our most significant need and goal for the new calendar year includes extending our welcome to all who are interesting in learning more and joining us in Worship Ministry roles.
We hope to participate in more strategic planning for our new evangelism/outreach pastor as that affects worship, and also to resume our Worship retreats to explore topics outside of what we can do in Sunday and Wednesday services
We also expect to complete our major organ restoration work that began in 2022, and if time permits, our next goal will be to update some of our aging paraments.
Carol Bell, Chair; Pastor Mark Larson, Staff Liaison; Derek Peterson, Council Liaison
David Hansen and Sarah Hawbecker, Music
Carol Maxwell, Altar Guild Chair; Heidi Couch, Banners; Jonne Walter, Linens
Jim Maxwell, Ushers
Charissa Schultz and Frank Hull, Jazz Service
Mindy Tanzola, Rejoicing Spirits
Stephen McKersie, Stanley Schubert
The Digital Media Team is responsible for supporting classroom audiovisual systems, Sims Atrium monitors, social media, and online worship services. In 2024, our primary initiative was to replace the Sanctuary audio system, a project driven by evolving FCC regulations. This update not only addressed regulatory changes but also provided an opportunity to enhance the technology supporting both in-person and online worship To facilitate the update, Redeemer moved worship to the Sims atrium Under the leadership of David Hansen, our team relocated three Livestream cameras, ran thousands of feet of audio, video, and ethernet cables, and refurbished parts of the existing system to improve its reliability and performance in a budget-conscious manner.
Upgraded and restored Sims atrium displays with new and enhanced hardware and software. Launched an archival project, beginning with the preservation of Pastor Robert Sims' Music and Message Sermons.
Replaced Sanctuary audio microphones and digital mixing equipment for improved sound quality Ensured uninterrupted worship services in the Sims atrium during the audio system upgrade project
Expand our team by welcoming everyone from beginners to experienced pros.
Enhance our volunteers' technical skills to better support and complement our staff.
Enable our team and congregation’s ability to showcase and tell the stories of Redeemer’s events and community impact.
Staff Leaders: Seth Brown, Robin Durdin, David Hansen
Volunteer members: Michael Adamson, Jeff Elkins, Kathryn Grogg, Sally Rosser, Council Liaison: John Thomas
Redeemer’s concert series, sponsored by our members and visitors and known as the Friends of Music, continues to attract our Midtown neighbors and music lovers from across the greater metro Atlanta area. A hallmark of Redeemer’s concert series is providing a wide range of music, featuring various artists, instruments, and choral performances each season This season ’ s concerts included cello, violin, trumpet, organ, and piano, and featured a local girls' choir
Organ Anniversary Concert: Friday, January 19, 2024~ 7:30 pm
We celebrated the 21st anniversary of the inaugural concert of the church’s Létourneau pipe organ, Opus 80. Nicole Keller, Assistant Professor of Music, Organ and Sacred Music, University of Michigan, performed on the 59stop, 73-rank instrument Attendance: In-person, 58; Online Views: 84; Total 142
Bach Birthday Bash: Friday, March 15,2024 ~ 7:30 pm
This favorite annual concert celebrates the music and life of one of the greatest composers, Johann Sebastian Bach. Featuring a variety of instrumental and choral music, the program provided an opportunity for the audience to sing several chorales. Attendance: In-person, 83; Online Views: 118; Total 201
Family & Friends Concert, Sunday, August 25, 2024 ~ 2:00 pm
To show appreciation for the donors who make the concert series possible, the concert was preceded by a luncheon catered by Steve Miles The concert that followed featured Jonathan Fuller on cello, Yvonne Toll on trumpet, Wayne Gilreath on organ, and Sarah Hawbecker on piano and organ Attendance: In-person: 77; Online views: 164; Total: 241.
Pipe Screams, Friday, October 25, 2024 ~ 7:30pm
This annual favorite, Redeemer’s Halloween Spook Fest, featured scary pipe organ music for kids of all ages! Attendees are encouraged to wear costumes. Sarah Hawbecker performed on our 59-stop Letourneau pipe organ Attendance: In-person, 60; Online Views: 86; Total 146
Harvest Home Concert: Saturday, November 23, 2024 ~ 7:30 pm
The Harvest Home Concert is Redeemer’s musical celebration of Thanksgiving, a quintessentially American holiday that transcends all barriers. This year, we welcomed the Midtown High School Mastery Treble Choir, led by Kevin Hill, along with soloists from Redeemer, Georgia State University, and the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus. The concert aims to appeal to a wide audience, including people from the community who might not attend a church service. Attendance: In-person, 165; Online Views: 314; Total 479
Continue our outreach into the community As a stretch goal, we plan to feature a world-renowned string quartet
Carol Bell, Cliff Burt, Kevin Chunn (Council Liaison), Sarah Hawbecker, Mark Helsel, Jim Maxwell, David McGahan, Penny Scarpucci, Jonne and Paul Walter, Peg Wyse
The Children and Families Ministry team finds itself rich in acts of generosity. From the dedication of our volunteers who generously share their time each week to how our community comes together in times of need or crisis, we thank God for the spirit of generosity and abundance that pervades our ministry and our church. We want to highlight one event, in particular, when our team was able to embody this spirit of generosity through a service project to benefit our neighbors at the Lutheran Community Food Ministry At our annual Advent celebration, for the second year in a row, our team decided it was important to include a service element for our children and families as we prepared our hearts for Christmas As a way to model for our children the generosity of God-made flesh in Jesus, we wanted to incorporate a reminder into our event that the Advent/Christmas season is not just about receiving but also about giving. Through the generosity of two Thrivent Action team grants and in partnership with LCFM volunteers (namely Stephanie Hart and Karen Cramer), our team was able to purchase supplies to make 80 winter care kits, including hats, gloves, hand warmers, granola bars, hard candies, and hygiene items. On the day of our event, children and families came together to assemble the kits and write encouraging notes to include in the bags These kits were then passed on to LCFM to be distributed to our unhoused guests and neighbors We hope that through intentional acts of service, our children and families will continue to reflect on what it means to be generously blessed and how we might give to others.
Our Sunday school ministry continues to flourish, with strong participation in this year ’ s Christmas pageant, which helped boost attendance in the fall months We're also grateful for our ongoing partnership with Rejoicing Spirits, where both groups regularly come together for their monthly worship service, fostering meaningful connections
This summer, our VBS week was a resounding success. For the first time, we teamed up with St. Mark, enjoying fantastic volunteer collaboration and welcoming campers from their congregation.
Family camping was back after a multi-year hiatus. We had a great time at Camp Glisson’s outpost, hiking, swimming, sharing meals together, cooking smores by the campfire, and enjoying one another’s company.
Monster Mash was a standout event this year, with many attendees calling it the best Pipe Screams concert yet! This annual tradition continues to be a highlight, offering fellowship for children, youth, and their families Additional fun events included a spring berry-picking adventure at Washington Farms and a summer outing at Top Golf
Our annual holiday events - the Family Easter Vigil and Egg Hunt in the spring and our Advent kickoff celebration in December - were well attended. These events are key opportunities for us both to teach the foundational stories of our faith, as well as to grow in fellowship and community with one another.
Expand our ministry to include families defined more broadly - namely, to include families with older children in the youth program in CFM events Our spring family retreat will be the first event that will work toward this goal this year (We continue to love having youth volunteers at many of our events, including the Easter and Advent celebrations, Monster Mash, etc )
CFM intends to submit a proposal to council addressing the availability of pronoun stickers for name tags at all Redeemer events. We see this as an opportunity to embody the welcoming spirit of Christ and to live into our own welcome statement by removing barriers to full participation and inclusion for all. We see CFM as a leader in this effort, as we strive to raise children who will see the work of being fully welcoming as inherent to who we are as a church.
We hope to conduct a curriculum review for our Sunday school this year, so that we might evaluate whether our current program best fits our mission and our needs, or if there is another curriculum that might work better
Emily Cooper and Whitney Ludvigsen, Co-Chairs
Deacon Mary Houck, Staff Lead
Team Members: Michelle Spady, Liz Kim, Carrie Herold, Cheryl Maier
Council Liaison: Richard Spady
One of the key moments of 2024 was the trip to The Gathering in New Orleans last summer, where our youth got to worship, learn, serve, and connect with 16,000 other ELCA youth! We had 14 youth go on the trip, accompanied by three adult chaperones. Because of the pandemic, this was the first time since 2018 that our youth have had the chance to attend such a large event and share that experience with so many people across our denomination
We refreshed our Confirmation curriculum with a new curriculum, with multiple off-site experiences in the 8th-grade year to see how Lutherans live out faith in the world through our missions and also to better understand other faith traditions We confirmed 10 Youth in May 2024
Many of our youth volunteered with the Children & Family Ministry at summer Redeemer programs including Music and Arts Camp and Vacation Bible School, and some of them routinely help out with Sunday School. They’ve also been active in Easter Children’s Celebration, Monster Mash, Souper Bowl of Caring, among other opportunities to serve at church and in the broader community.
Additional events included: a day for all youth at Six Flags Over Georgia, lock-ins at the church and at the Chunn House, a high school retreat at Lutheranch, a Confirmation Kick-Off day of bonding at Sojourner’s Adventure Treetop Quest, and Redeemer Week at Lutheridge
Engaging with youth throughout the summer through service trips and fellowship events.
Continuing to develop and refine our confirmation curriculum to prepare our youth for the challenges and opportunities of living out faith in our contemporary circumstances
Seeking opportunities for intergenerational connection, learning, and fellowship
Stephanie Pinyon and Jana Thomas (co-chairs)
Hallie Dillon, Tina Gooch, Creston Herold, Charlotte Herold (MS Rep), Liesl Merkel, Fiona Peterson (HS Rep), Jenny Peterson,
Nate Humpherys and Pr Jonathan (staff liaisons)
Doug Dumont and Derek Peterson (Council co-liaisons)
Rejoicing Spirits (our monthly worship service for people of all abilities) meets from 10:15-10:45 during the education hour in Rudisill Hall monthly and collaborates with children’s Sunday School, Confirmation, and HS youth. Having children and youth rejoice with us creates great energy and opportunities for worship leadership We also have regular participants join us via Zoom This year, Hollyn Kershner joins us each month from college in southern GA She updates all of us on her adventures and joins in our singing and prayers Our December Rejoicing Spirits was particularly fun! It was a combination of our RS community and Sing and Play We sang carols with the Dad Band, made Christmas ornaments, and rang in the season by making lots of joyful noise!
Seeing our “Rejoicers” come alive each month at a worship service where they are valued for their gifts and talents and can be worship leaders
Supporting our members with special needs as they grow in faith while participating in Confirmation and Youth activities
Continuing to educate our children and youth about how to affirm and include people with special needs
Seeing our members with special needs fill important leadership roles at Vacation Bible School, the Family Easter Vigil, Monster Mash, and acting as greeters, lectors, and song leaders.
Supporting member Finley Love in attending the tAble event, a pre-event at the National Lutheran Youth Gathering for youth with special needs. Finley spent three days getting to know other youth with special needs, growing in faith, sharing her poetry at the talent show, bowling up a storm, and helping to lead worship with Bishop Elizabeth Eaton.
We have made some overtures and hope to continue building a relationship with the disability services branch of Inspiritus.
To host fellowship events for those with special needs in our community and their caregivers.
To continue working with the Master Planning team on how to make our grounds, facilities, worship, and online presence more accessible to people of all abilities.
Team members: Lila Cooperider, Janet Preston, Carol Bell, Peg Wyse, Mindy Tanzola
Council Liaison: Jeff Guthrie
Staff Liaison: Dn Mary Houck
The Faith Formation Team would like to lift up the work of our small groups that often times goes unseen. From the way that the Bloomers take care of our church grounds and help the congregation present our best face to our neighbors and visitors to how our Faithful Hands team knits countless hats and scarves that are given to our food ministry, Redeemer is blessed to have so many members who give their time and talents to serve others through the church Our quilters not only make blankets but they make hundreds of pillowcase dresses for children in Nicaragua Our Bible Study leaders offer classes that not only help to strengthen the faith of our members, they also create a community that is inviting to our neighbors Our Lenten Small Groups give us the opportunity to not only learn but to share our lives with others. And these are just a handful of the stories. The Faith Formation team would encourage all of our members to find a small group they can be a part of, or to start your own!
Fall Kickoff and seeing so many people excited about the ministries of Redeemer
Our Lenten Book Study and the opportunity to learn more about our baptism
Combining our Faith Formation, Small Group, and Library Ministries into a single ministry team
Increasing engagement in our Lenten Small Groups this year
Revitalizing our library and promoting its greater use
Identifying new topics for faith formation classes.
Kristin Guthrie, Chair
Pat Cornwell, Council Liaison
Karin Mayo
David Barnes
Dana Norden
Rick Farris
Wren Carlson
Alexis Young
Deacon Mary Houck
The Rev Dr Jonathan Trapp
Pastor Jennifer’s wisdom and her "spirit of generosity” inspired us to plan for both the short- and long-term needs of everyone, engage in meaningful worship, and fellowship together. We pray for her new ministry as the pastor of Saint John’s Lutheran Church and thank the Lord for her interim leadership through 2024.
Generosity was evident as Keystone members carpooled to events for those who couldn’t drive. Tim Eastling generously filled his new car with four of us just a day after picking it up from the dealer. We all enjoyed a Shroud of Turin exhibit that afternoon.
Random acts of kindness and words of counsel and encouragement addressed the needs of others.
Miss Shirley delighted us all with her incredible baking for our movie matinees and other events Her generosity enriched our fellowship and waistlines
Sheila Brock organized some amazing “Dining Out” socials at local restaurants These events provided wonderful opportunities to enjoy meals and get to know each other better
Kim Wozniak continued her movie matinee introductions even after moving to Tennessee Having her share via Zoom offered valuable context and information before we watched each of our films
As Oscar and Lourdes dela Cruz relocated to the Philippines, we were thankful to have Miss Betty continue strengthening our partnership with The Lutheran Towers, stepping into Oscar’s role as our liaison to residents.
We are excited to partner with Allison Lizdas, our new staff liaison Her extensive experience in ministry planning and implementation will revitalize Keystone We pray for Allison as we celebrate her ordination as a deacon this spring Welcome to Keystone!
We want to offer ongoing service opportunities for our Keystone members. Shirley Johnson is already working on a partnership with Grace House at Georgia Tech more details will be coming soon.
We plan to “reset” our ministry to better meet the needs of many Redeemer family members in the 55+ age range. This includes scalable and ongoing fellowship, worship, and community-focused activities.
Ed Scherlacher, Chair
Sheila Brock
Kim Wozniak
Betty Stewart
Oscar dela Cruz
Shirley Johnson
Tim Eastling
Esther B Connor
Sophia Foley, Redeemer Intern
Council Liaison, Karen Cramer, Council Liaison
Pastor Jennifer Roberts, Staff Liaison
Members of our 20s and 30s group bring fresh skills, talents, interests, and perspectives to our faith community. It is a point of pride that this ministry connects people with other Redeemer ministries both internal and external to utilize those gifts. Our team members have participated in study groups, helped host events, supported other ministry teams, and served on the Council This group consistently demonstrates generosity in time and talent, even as we navigate busy careers, advance our education, and build essential relationships They are passionate about the unique witness and mission of Redeemer and the impact it can have on the world they are helping to create
Adding new members to our leadership team and welcoming Nate Humpherys as a new staff liaison.
Welcoming new Redeemer members and visitors in their 20s and 30s
Exploring Atlanta together by visiting a variety of local haunts such as the St Patrick’s Day Parade, trivia night at the Vortex (we won!) and Bold Monk Brewery
Establish a regular monthly fellowship event on Second Thursdays
Host a retreat for the 20s and 30s age group
Connect our members to opportunities for service at Redeemer and in the community that both utilize their gifts and grow their faith
Dan Levy and Cheyenne Elliot, Co-Chairs
Deacon Mary Houck and Nate Humpherys, staff liaisons
Team Members: Jared Joella, Ann Ridenhour, Alex Pruitt
Council Liaison: Ann Ridenhour
Redeemer’s Visitation Ministry serves our members who are no longer able to attend church in person. These Visitation Receivers, many of whom were very active in Redeemer’s ministries and programs, are connected with a dedicated and faithful Visitation Minister. Once a month the Visitation Ministers take communion, visit with them, and keep them updated on the latest news from Redeemer. There are other volunteers who send birthday cards and monthly “thinking of you ” cards. Some visitors have taken their laptop or tablet and shared archived services on Redeemer’s Livestream. These relationships often develop into lasting friendships.
At this time, we have 18 Visitation Receivers and 16 Visitation Ministers. The Visitation Ministers receive training on best eucharistic practices, are mentored as needed, are provided with a communion kit, and receive ongoing support from Redeemer staff and the ministry coordinators They are also given opportunities to share their experiences during team meetings
With the arrival of Allison Lizdas we are looking forward to new ideas and ongoing commitment to the Visitation Ministry This photo of Betty Carlson and Marie Aiken was taken during a visit from Suzanne Sims and Peg Wyse
The Community Engagement Ministry was blessed in 2024 to pursue our faith by promoting opportunities and events to ignite Redeemer’s Vision: Through Redeemer, the World Will See Jesus. We shared God’s love for all people and strived to equip Redeemer’s expanding community to love and serve our neighbors using four methods: Advocacy, Outreach, Evangelism, and Service
ADVOCACY included:
o Human Rights Trafficking awareness, issues, and prevention through in-depth continued education,
o Atlanta Community Food Bank Hunger Walk/Run and Midtown Assistance Center Hunger Walk/Run participation, and
o Christmas Gift Trees for Inspiritus and Wellspring Living Girls involvement in seeking to touch the hearts of those eager to share their generosity.
OUTREACH included:
o Atlanta Streets Alive Events welcoming those passing-by from Redeemer’s Peachtree Street sidewalk,
o Fall Kick-Off Sunday eagerly representing our role as “Created to be Engaged” by inviting several Outreach Community Partner Organization representatives to join us, and
o Oktoberfest @ Redeemer Event sponsoring an outdoor festival with our mid-town Atlanta neighbors to offer traditional music, food, games, and festivities for everyone to enjoy
EVANGELISM included:
o Redeemer Prayer Wall placement welcoming our members and neighbors the opportunity to share their hopes, dreams, and desires by writing on the Wall, then sharing their expressions during worship services, and
o Holiday Music & Caroling Event with Redeemer’s Brass Ensemble gathering on Redeemer’s Peachtree Street sidewalk for our mid-town neighbors to reflect toward the Christmas season.
SERVICE included:
o Community Outreach Partner Organizations proposal presented for financial support from Council and approved through the generosity of Redeemer members, to further enhance and support our Partner’s service and commitment to our community,
o For the Nino’s support in their desire to offer much needed assistance to the people of Nicaragua; ever striving to offer Medical, Educational and Spiritual assistance to the villagers and projects such as establishing the children’s school in Managua, and
o Hope thru Soap support, as this organization has shown an overwhelming commitment to Redeemer’s unsheltered guests. Their monthly visits include showers, haircuts, offer of clothing, plus the coordination of other social service avenues such as: mental health and substance abuse care plus, infectious disease testing from Aniz and Mercy Care
We are grateful for Redeemer’s openness to our diverse interests this year, which allows us to connect, interact, and express our faith boldly in service to those less fortunate We hope to leverage our abilities as we work toward our future goals
Actively pursue in more depth, the opportunities of education and involvement with our Refugee programs both in this country and abroad through Inspiritus,
Gratefully accept the full potential offered in working with Atlanta Habitat for Humanity toward transforming communities by giving people access to affordable homeownership in safe, vibrant neighborhoods with opportunities to thrive, and
Actively seek the visions and initiatives of all the Redeemer Ministries and members, creating a connection between ourselves and with our valued community neighbors toward His Glory, in such ways as: Family Picnic at Piedmont Park or Summer Concerts the Green.
Amy Carpenter
Sharon Jeffries
Janet Preston
Elise Thomas
Carol Swisher, Co-Chairperson
Leith Fitch, Council Liaison
Don Cornwell
Don Noland
Sally Rosser
Carol Maxwell, Co-Chairperson
Rev. Mark Larson, Staff Liaison
Stephanie Hart
David Ott
Curt Stamp
"The Diversity and Inclusion Ministry Team met several times this year to develop a mission plan for our collaborative work It was decided that we would lead an initiative for Redeemer to determine whether to become a Reconciling in Christ congregation, following the criteria established by the ELCA's Reconciling Works One criterion for membership has already been met, as Redeemer has adopted a formal "Welcome Statement" that clearly indicates that:
“We serve a God of abundant grace and generosity Our worship is centered on the invitation that Christ offers at the communion table: all are welcome in this place. That welcome flows through all we do and say. We open our arms to everyone who comes to share our love of God and all God’s people. We affirm and value the lives of everyone, including all who have been marginalized by ability, age, gender, gender identity, mental or physical health, poverty, race, sexual orientation, or any other circumstance
Let our message be clear: all are welcome to participate fully in the life of our congregation.”
We began by educating ourselves. The team participated in a learning session to understand gender terminology and the social, political, and economic challenges faced by individuals within the broader LGBTQIA+ community. This session was led by Erica Fletcher, a member of our team We plan to present this insightful session to our larger congregation soon
Our next step is to form a working group to guide a discernment process with our congregation, allowing us to make a recommendation to the church council this year
We encourage everyone to participate in this vital process for our congregation's future
Co-Chairs: Amy Talboy and Don Noland
Erica Fletcher
Glen Fletcher
Cheyenne Elliot
Jay Lutz
Christina McCoy
Carol McCloskey
Leslie Misch
Sharon Jeffries
Paul Hermann
Sharon Hermann
Lauren Gaia
Grace, mercy, and peace to you from our Risen Savior,
Grace House continues to live into its name on campus Along a busy street on which thousands of students traverse each semester, surrounded by fraternity and sorority houses, Grace House stands out as a table of refuge and support. There is no clearer time to see hospitality and welcome than Thursday afternoons when we open our doors and welcome campus in for coffee. Each Thursday, we welcome around 250-300 students through our doors and serve them. Some grab coffee and head to class or the library, some stay to study or socialize, and some grab resources such as food from the food pantry or Narcan. This time not only allows students to refresh and recharge themselves without hurting their wallets while also giving us a chance to interact with students, hear about their lives, and learn how we can better serve the campus community. This opportunity each week to share God’s generosity and welcome helps us to live out our Baptizmal calling in the world!
It has been particularly heartwarming this year to see the response of one student, Ali Grace House first met Ali, last year when she was a regular for coffee She became very curious about Grace House, and when a class project was assigned to perform a cultural study of a space on campus she chose Grace House She put together a phenomenal project and gave us a fascinating outsider's perspective on Grace House This year Ali has remained a regular at coffee but this year she is behind the coffee bar serving She loved the impact that Grace House had on her and she wanted to give back
Thanks to your generous support, Grace House is able to extend that generosity to students and the wider campus community. Your contributions enable our campus ministers to create a welcoming and inclusive community where students can thrive academically, spiritually, and personally. Your support empowers students to make a difference in the world and to live their lives with purpose and generosity.
Besides coffee Grace House has had a phenomenal year on and off of campus. We also have hosted numerous events that have impacted the campus. We are always blessed to welcome students to campus during the Week of Welcome. This year, we gathered on the back deck to play Just Dance and make slime, discuss inclusion in the church, welcome students from various denominations to our space, and teach students how to safely administer Narcan The work of our food pantry continues to be a lifeline to the campus; thanks to food donations from churches like Redeemer and others, carpentry work from Jim Maxwell, and the work of our Interns, we were able to give approximately a metric ton of food last year to students We had an incredible opportunity to join the saints and Lutheran Towers for a karaoke night before Winter Break Our students love traveling over to the Towers and singing their hearts out with the residents Finally, we had a blast joining together with The Collective for a “SelfLove Valentine's Day”. It was an amazing opportunity for the two communities to come together and share in time for self-love and self-care.
"Grace House hopes to continue serving the campus community, expand our programming and continue to solidify our financial base. This upcoming year, we plan to expand the way we can offer direct services to campus; each year, students continue to need access to food and resources As we are now solidifying our student base, we are working to expand our teaching and service opportunities We hope to give students more chances to engage with their faith and give back to their community We are also aware of the changing world, and we need to find pathways for financial stability and a long-term plan for ministry on campus
Grace House is led by the Reverend Andrew Rickel as the Campus Pastor Up until December, Father Matt Pritchard served as our Director of Partnerships Finally, Sammi Watson and Michael Williams are our two Passion Collective Interns. Sammi serves as our Coffee House Manager, and Michael serves as our manager of Direct Services.
Housing insecurity has surged due to the COVID-19 pandemic, lack of affordable housing, wages that haven’t kept up with inflation, and public policies that have limited education, income, healthcare, and housing for the marginalized. In Atlanta, 2,867 people were deemed homeless in 2024 (sheltered and unsheltered) which is an increase of 7% over the prior year (Atlanta Mission, pre-PIT Count)
For over 40 years, Lutheran Community Food Ministry (LCFM) has operated to provide the food insecure of Atlanta with a hot meal, every Monday-Friday, in a safe, friendly, and dignified environment On average, we serve 120 meals per day in addition to feeding the unhoused every Wednesday night at a community dinner followed by Pastor Mark’s class and worship. We also distribute 40 lunches each weekday to residents of Lutheran Towers and to food-insecure students at Georgia Tech.
Today, we are seeing colder than usual temperatures with a greater need for warm coats, hand warmers, blankets, scarves, gloves, and undergarments At a recent Thanksgiving feast held in Zittrouer Hall, we gave away over 200 hygiene kits to the unhoused with each containing water, wipes, toothbrushes, toothpaste, socks, and snacks Many of them felt so touched by the care provided and, on their way out said, “Thank you and may God bless you ” For the unhoused, eating a hot meal in a familiar and safe place brought them much comfort and gave them a feeling of community. This is why we do what we do.
LCFM served nearly 50,000 meals to the food insecure in 2024.
We served over 200 meals on Thanksgiving and distributed over 200 hygiene kits.
We added a new food partner in 2024, Gusto! thanks to Seth Brown
We updated the LCFM video which can be viewed using this link: LCFM video 2024 o(tap on above link, then go to bottom of website page to view video)
We look forward to continuing our food service to the unhoused and food insecure.
In addition to our list of dedicated community partners such as the Public Defenders’ Office, the Veterans Administration (Atlanta), Hope through Soap, Georgia Harm Reduction, and Aniz, Inc , to name a few, we seek additional partners who can aid in further harm reduction, advocacy, housing, health services, counseling, and employment.
We hope to have more volunteers! If you would like more information or to volunteer, please email our volunteer coordinator at: lcfm@redeemer.org
Wren Carlson, Chair
Karen Cramer
Lew Engle
Grace Gonzales
Stephanie Hart, Volunteer Coordinator
Stacey Sandifer
Seth Brown, Staff Liaison
One of our residents was convinced that she had a bedbug infestation even though we assured her this was not the case as we had just conducted a building-wide bedbug inspection, and her apartment was clear She said she could feel them jump on her as soon as she entered her apartment Of course, what she described couldn’t possibly be bedbugs, but she was so consumed with fear that we couldn’t reason with her. We conducted another inspection at her request, and we even did a liquid treatment, but she became even more fearful, crying and pleading for help! In our work we have a physical tool for every problem, but we realized that this problem would require a spiritual tool: empathy. Two members of the maintenance team escorted the resident to her apartment but entered ahead of her so she could see that no bugs were jumping on anyone. We then did a thorough inspection with her by our side, inviting her to be our partner in the process When we had completed the inspection, the resident sat down in her apartment (something she hadn’t felt safe to do for some time) and thanked God over and over She immediately settled in and got some much-needed rest We are so encouraged that we are empowered to employ a person-centered approach to our work which results in our residents feeling validated and safe.
Commodity Food Box (provided by the Atlanta Community Food Bank) – 40 residents participated in the program monthly
480 food boxes distributed (January – December)
Received grants to operate the Grocery Store
Successfully replaced the fire pump.
Purchased flooring to update vacant units.
Acquired new PTAC units.
In 2025 we will install new host motors for both elevators, a door lock monitoring system (DLMS) for 3rd floor bridge elevator, and a new roof.
Executive Director, Karon Nixon
Director of Operations, Cristina Lopez
Business Services Manager, Nicole Porter
Resident Relations Specialist, Ursula Hodge
Evening/Weekend Concierge, Kevin Dunn & Felicia Wallace
Front Desk Receptionist, Tiffany Thornton
Director of Supportive Programs & Services, Josie Jangdhari
Supportive Services Coordinators, Tawanda Searcy & Ashley Thornton
Director of Community Engagement, Liana Sisco
Program Coordinator, Candice Cox
Director of Physical Plant, Rodney Williams
Manager of Physical Plant, Joe Burns
Physical Plant Specialist, Harry Osayimewn
Housekeeping, Dafne Calderon
The Redeemer quilters continued their 35-year tradition of providing quilts as tangible symbols of warmth and provision as well as of care and compassion to those in need. This ministry embraces the message that we were and are “Created to be Generous” as the hands and heart of Jesus In August of 2024, we delivered over 100 care-crafted quilts to Trinity Lutheran Church in Lilburn as part of the larger distribution effort of Lutheran World Relief. (LWR)
The quilters have always worked productively and purposefully, knowing that their quilts met a worldwide population with varying needs. This past year, we learned from LWR that our quilts were part of the relief effort for those in need in Asheville, North Carolina in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. Our group was touched and moved to know that our work brought immediate aid to nearby neighbors, creating a profound connection of our purpose and work with those so nearby.
The quilters continue to receive donations from members, and we are most appreciative of the tangible support and invested belief in this long-standing ministry. Amid inherent changes within the group, the core ministry and work remain solid and viable in terms of both purpose and collegiality. New participants are always welcome with a role available for all.
As we enter the new year, we are saddened and moved by the devastation of nature and the cruelty of too many. To that end, the quilters’ work remains essential and ongoing to provide aid and support in concert with our partners at Lutheran World Relief and with our fellow disciples in Christ.
"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
For the past 13 years, Redeeming Grace has not only served to educate the congregation about the crime of child sex trafficking but has also worked within the Girls’ Residential Program (ages 12 to 17) of Wellspring Living to be a part of the transformational care of these child survivors. At the request of the staff, we have led many classes of “life skills” from nutrition to hygiene to manners and etiquette. A new focus in 2024 was the hosting of field trips. We are not trained teachers, psychologists, or therapists. We just step out in total faith - following the lead of the Holy Spirit. The 2024 highlights are:
·Hosted 4 Sundays of Advocacy and Awareness in January and February 2024 in Redeemer Sims Atrium.
·Hosted a congregational Policy Workshop led by Street Grace, January 25
·Participated (2 members) in Advocacy Day at the Capitol, February 27
·“Redeemer Readers” purchased the summer reading list (9 books) for the Wellspring Living girls
·Hosted a field trip for the Wellspring Living girls: Chick-fil-A lunch and bloom stitching workshop at Plant House Decatur on July 2
·Hosted a field trip for the Wellspring Living girls for a performance of Black Nativity at Georgia Tech’s Ferst Center of the Arts on December 14
·Sponsored the annual Angel Tree in Sims Atrium and collected $2,165 in gift cards for the girls of Wellspring Living co-hosted by Kathy Hill and Northside Circle
We also would like to explore more partnership opportunities such as we have with Northside Circle and Redeemer’s Library Committee which purchased the girls’ summer reading requests last summer. Redeeming Grace also welcomes you to our small ministry group. Please join us!
Redeeming Grace (Galvanizing Resources Against Child Exploitation): In 2024 - Jo Adams, Amy Carpenter, Leith Fitch, Marlit Hayslett, Kathy Hill, Sharon Jeffries, David Ott, Latanya Rhone, Valrie Sanders, Charissa Schultz, Joyce Smith, Carol Swisher, Amy Talboy, Peg Wyse
Faithful Hands participated in the 2024 Fall Kick Off in August, information about the ministry was provided along with free prayer shawl pattern ideas. Many expressed interest in learning how to knit and crochet. Faithful Hands also sponsored the 2024 Scarf and Hat Challenge to make scarves and hats for our neighbors who join us for the Redeemer Food Ministry Over a 100 handmade items were distributed at the Christmas Holiday Luncheon During the November 24th, all the scarves, hats and prayer shawls were displayed in the sanctuary and Pastor Larson offered a blessing that the items be a comfort and healing to those that receive them.
Develop Programs to teach members and friends how to knit and or crochet items to help our neighbors in need. For Redeemer and Lutheran Towers.
Participate in Fall Kick Off to let members know about this opportunity to learn and serve.
Plan an event to celebrate the sacred nature of “Making” handmade items, quilting, knitting, crocheting, embroidery, wood working that can be created for our neighbors in need and the sacred art that beautifies the church
The Faithful Hands Ministry is a ministry group of people in churches of all denominations that make prayer shawls and handmade items. The shawls are distributed to people who need the comfort of God’s love. Here at Redeemer Lutheran Church, we are a group of “ Makers”who use our talents to provide prayer shawls to anyone in need. The purpose of the prayer shawl is to give someone a tangible example of God’s love and care.
Prayer shawls are given to those who have suffered the loss of a family member or friend, the sick and the lonely, those in need of comfort Baptismal prayers shawls can be given to the family of the baptized
Faithful Hands each year knit and crochet hats and scarves for our community neighbors that are in need and participate in our daily food ministry. It’s convenient because most of the “making” knitting or crocheting, can be done at your own home, but occasionally there are planned group time at the church.
Anyone can join Faithful Hands and we are always looking for new members Yarn is provided for the prayer shawls and scarves/hats We pray over the shawls as we are knitting/crocheting them The shawls are then distributed as needed by our Pastoral staff Other handmade items are given out through the year by the food ministry during the winter months We are always looking for new ideas and patterns for our shawls and different avenues for distribution. If you have questions,or have any interest in getting more involved. Please feel free to reach out to Pat Cornwell at 404.217.2871 or find Faithful Hands on our Redeemer Website under Ministries section. www.redeemer.org
Redeemer Women’s Retreat held at Lutheranch in November 2024 – It was a wonderful weekend, a time of fellowship and rest from the chaos of the world around us. We celebrated each other and built a community as Sisters in Christ. The theme was “Flourishing – the importance of recognizing and leaning into our relationship with Christ through our prayers, presence, and practices.” We explored how each of these aspects allows us to be children of God and grow our faith. We believe that gathering together brings us closer to one another and nurtures our relationship with Christ. We were blessed to have Rev. Patti Axel as our facilitator for the weekend and to lead Sunday worship.
Prayers – We spent time in daily prayers, morning watch, at meals, vespers, and in worship. Presence – We explored how we can feel closer to Christ in our hearts and souls Practice – We nurtured our relationship with Christ through self-care practices and by sharing our gifts, especially handmade gifts of healing
Redeemer Women’s Retreat is scheduled for October 3-5, 2025
1. HVAC-Capital City Mechanical Services (Annual)
2. Facility Wide Kitchen Equipment-Atlanta Equipment Co. (Annual)
3. Elevators-Bagby (Annual)
4. Campus Wide Roofing-T. L. Gowin & Company, Inc. (Annual)
5 Campus Wide Electrical Systems-CRAFT ELECTRIC & MAINTENANCE (No contract Call in Every Few Years?,
Last Inspection July 2018)
6 Entry Access, Security Cameras, and Burglar Security-Edge CCTV
7. Fire/Smoke Alarm System -Everon (né ADT)
8. Hand Held Extinguishers and Zittrouer Kitchen Hood Sprinkler System-Fire X
Completed reroofing of Roof #2 (Sims atrium front classrooms & entry foyer) and Roof #3 (chapel)
Completed Electrical and Lighting Upgrade & Modernization in Sanctuary-A few possible adjustments in work
Completed Painting of Sanctuary
Completed Replacement of Zittrouer Kitchen Grease Traps
Contracted to Replace Roof Top Unit HVAC #7-Completed January 2025
Completion of Organ Pipework Currently Set for Fall 2025 Need definition of scaffolding requirements from Orgues Létourneau Ltée Contract for Scaffolding
Contract for Additional Scaffolding to Access Light Bars above Sanctuary Arch Steps Arrange for Kenny Camp to Rewire Light Fixtures per David Hansen/Dick Cordell. Re-aim as Required. Pricing for installation of Bosom’s Chair to facilitate future access to lighting mentioned above. After Completing Campus Wide Roof Inspection by L. Gowin & Company, Inc., in January 2025. Address any items of note and evaluate case for application of roof coatings
Explore installation of new Sims atrium window fire curtain outside of damaged fire curtain on northeast atrium window overlooking columbarium
Voting Members: Rob Blatecky, Dick Cordell, Mark Helsel, Cindy Larson, Art Mathews, Jim Maxwell, Jay Puckhaber, Elise Thomas
Emeritus: Paul Rosser
Council Liaison: Lew Engle
Ex officio: Seth Brown, Brandon Davis , Pastor Mark Larson
Thanks to all team members for their time and expertise.
Mark Helsel, Chairman
The Stewardship Ministry had a highly successful 2024, thanks to its dedicated team members: Jeff Guthrie, Beth Farris-Robison, Don Noland, Alisa Norvelle, Henry Puckhaber, Anne Ridenhour, and John Thomas, along with support from Rev. Tim Brown, the Director for Congregational Stewardship for the entire ELCA
Pastor Tim’s suggestions were crucial in developing our new pledge drives, which encourage individuals to build community and forge new friendships by sharing our Redeemer stories. We all cherish Redeemer and have many stories to share! Henry Puckhaber and Beth Farris-Robison courageously showed us how it’s done by sharing their stories of welcome and stewardship during the fall Temple Talks. The rest of us had the chance to express our hopes and dreams (along with some coffee, wine, and fellowship) within our small groups. We hope everyone had the opportunity to attend one of these meetings, get to know one another a bit better, and learn about Redeemer’s new Evangelism initiative and Campus Master Plan
Stewardship also coordinated for Rev. Ana Lugo, Regional Gift Planner for the Florida-Bahamas Synod, to share insightful ways to remember Redeemer in our estate planning This type of giving enables us to keep contributing even after we have joined the communion of saints.
Let’s face it. Making a financial commitment to the future during uncertain times is an act of faith. We never know what tomorrow will bring, but we can trust in God’s generosity and give back a small portion of what He has so faithfully provided us. And Redeemer answered the call! Twenty-six families pledged for the first time, and 70 families increased their pledges. To be clear: Stewardship members never know the names of those who pledge or the amounts, but we do know the overall totals for budgeting purposes.
Check the bulletin for Stewardship events in 2025! We aim to continue fostering community through various events and seminars, including a funeral planning party and opportunities to explore your own spiritual gifts.
We entered the predevelopment phase in 2024 with excitement following the release of the 2023 Facility Master Plan to the congregation. The plan encompasses many of the hopes and dreams of our members and allows our campus to grow to further support and expand our mission- “…to create a community that in word and deed reflects the love of Christ Through worship, community, and service, Redeemer equips people to be living testaments to the Lutheran faith in Atlanta and beyond.”
During this predevelopment phase, our goal was to verify and refine. With a vote of confidence in March, the Facility Master Plan budget allocation was approved which enabled us to move forward with our consultants to create a more visible and accessible Redeemer. In that effort, on May 5 we held four afternoon work sessions led by our consultants. Each group focused on areas of our plan in which our consultants needed further guidance. Our members showed up in force to share their input in the areas of Worship & Music, Contemporary Worship Space, Technology, Outdoor Spaces, Hospitality and more Some of our amazing members even split their time between sessions to share their talents in multiple areas. One of our most enthusiastic participants in the Facility Master Plan was our dear friend Judge Dorothy Beasley. Before her passing, she was a faithful member of the Advisory Committee and was especially excited to voice her support for an accessible chapel off Peachtree Street She even signed up for three of the four working sessions of the Master Planning Workshop. Her knowledge and fervor are greatly missed, but we hope the plans for the new chapel encompass all her hopes and dreams of increasing Redeemer’s outreach to our community After a whirlwind day of information gathering our architectural consultants spent months utilizing that input to finalize a Concept Plan in which additional consultants contributed in the areas of theater design, structural engineering, mechanical, plumbing & electrical engineering, civil engineering, fire/life safety & accessibility, and cost estimating. We look forward to sharing the results with the congregation at our next Listening Post.
Throughout 2024 we continued our engagement with the community Midtown Alliance has been a wonderful neighbor and collaborator as we begin to imagine Redeemer’s future footprint in Midtown. Members of the Management Team continued their work with the Midtown Alliance Steering Committee for Public Life Action Plan to stay connected with our community and keep them apprised of our plans for Redeemer’s growth in Midtown. In October, with the continued support of Midtown Alliance, we joined our fellow members and neighbors for the Oktoberfest block party event hosted by Redeemer’s Community Engagement Ministry Team We are blessed to be a part of this wonderful community, and we strive to only expand and improve our service to those we call neighbors
March Listening Post-3/3/24
Congregation Vote for Master Planning Funding -3/17/24
Master Planning Workshop-5/5/24
Visits to Trinity Church in New York-3/24 & Lutheran Church of Hope in Iowa-8/24 (*No church funds used)
Received Concept Design Draft Report-12/24
After updating Congregation Council on 1/4/25, share final Concept Design with Congregation on 2/2/25 and maintain communication with Congregation at quarterly Listening Posts
Financial Feasibility-Work with Financial Analysis Coordination Team (FACT), Council and Atlantabased Land Broker to identify developers utilizing Request for Information (RFI) process. This would include interviewing major developers to gauge market, capital and other influences on local development
Explore further information about selected program areas that refine our focus (Contemporary Worship, Biergarten, Outdoor Space, Food Ministry/Kitchen/Dining etc.).
Thank you, Redeemer! We are grateful for your generosity of time, talent and treasure in our journey of verification and refinement this year. As we continue to work towards fulfilling the goals of our Strategic Plan, we are blessed to have a congregation that is “Created to be Generous” and that has enabled our Facility Master Planning Committee to continue to build upon Redeemer's legacy of faith, worship, and service We look forward to the next steps in our faithful journey together!
Nikki Chunn, Project Coordinator
Doug Dumont, Council Liaison
Janet Preston, Co-Chair
Jay Puckhaber, Co-Chair
Anne Ridenhour, Council Liaison
Paul Rosser, Advisory Committee Chair
Sally Rosser, Community Liaison Chair
Pam Amy-Cupp
John Blend
Amy Carpenter
Susan Cordell
Dick Cordell
Jeff Guthrie
Fenwick Huss
Bill Ide
Dewey Ingham
Marilyn Kelm
Dick Mueller
David Ott
Jenny Peterson
Paul Rosser, Chair
Sally Rosser
Jonne Walter
Paul Walter
Tom Bohannon, Chair
Kevin Chunn
Frank Hull
Dewey Ingham
Dick Mueller
Jenny Peterson
Jay Puckhaber
Richard Spady
Contemporary Worship/Theater
Family Life Center
IT-Traditional & Contemporary
Outdoor Spaces
Worship & Music
Young People
Congregational Report for 2024
Last Report on file 2023
Baptized membership at end of 2023 1
Baptized members received during 2024 2
a By Baptism: Children
b. By Baptism: Adult
c. By Affirmation of Faith
d. By Transfer
Baptized members removed during 2024 By Death 1 By Transfer 2. For other reasons 3. Total
Baptized membership end of 2024 1641
Total Confirmed membership end of 2024 1340
Number of baptized youth confirmed in 2024 10
In 2024 number of weeks this congregation worshipped On-site 52 Online 52
Average weekly worship attendance in 2024 On-site 207 Online 181
Total number of people actively participating in 2024 1641
Race/ethnic origin
African American/Black 21
Latino/Hispanic 5
Multiracial 6
White 1609
In 2024 Operations, we recorded $2 13M in unrestricted revenues and $2 17M in operating expenses While revenues were below our budgeted projection, we adjusted expenses accordingly to result in a small net decrease in net assets of approximately $37,000 Operating expenses were down substantially year over year as we adjusted to lower contributions and the suspension of our preschool program.
Our fund balance as of December 31, 2024 was $2.6M. We recorded approximately $164,000 of receipts in 2024 and $223,000 of market gains. We drew $1.07M in expenses as we completed several much needed property related projects, including our sanctuary electrical upgrades, roof replacements, HVAC repairs, and the painting of our sanctuary. This also included expenses for our Facility Master Plan pre-development budget approved by the congregation in March 2024 to create a Phase 1 Implementation Plan And we deployed funds towards our operations in line with our budget
Looking ahead, the 2025 budget approved by the congregation enables a new initiative on evangelism, outreach and mission development. We expect to complete our Organ Restoration Project; thank you to all who have contributed, we are nearly at our fundraising goal. Work will also continue on our Facility Master Plan Phase 1 Implementation Plan. In property capital, we will continue to invest in HVAC and roof needs. We also expect additional contributions and market gains/losses on our investments.
Thank you to all who contributed in 2024 as well as those who have increased your pledges into 2025 Your offerings and donations directly support our mission together
Under the leadership of Chair, Fred Dressel and Treasurer, Mike Bell, the Finance Team had a busy year as we managed through several transitions and applied a strategic lens to our financial position
Steered expenses to match contributions as the year progressed, advising Council on status.
Streamlined 2025 budget development process and provided Council with recommendations on 2025 contribution expectations and expense implications.
Facilitated preparation of our 2025 Comprehensive Budget which enables a focus on evangelism, outreach and mission development
Conducted 6 listening posts with the Congregation, supporting the Congregation’s approval of the budget
Completed an audit of 2023 financials
Continue to monitor the finances of Redeemer and advise the Congregation Council.
Improve our monthly reporting and make it more easily accessible to the congregation.
Initiate regular quarterly fund reporting for better visibility balances, contributions, drawings and market gains/losses by fund.
Continue to streamline and simplify our financials and approach to 2026 budget and reinvigorate our work across related teams
Fred Dressel, Chair
Mike Bell, Treasurer
Frank Hull, Financial Secretary & incoming Treasurer
Alisa Norvelle, incoming Financial Secretary
Kevin Chunn
Richard Mauney
Scott McDonald
Brandon Davis, staff liaison
And special thanks to our Audit Committee members for their work on our 2023 audit: Scott McDonald, Lindsey Dumont and Danielle Lambert