APRIL 2023
April 8 | Holy Saturday Family Easter Vigil 10:00 AM
Easter Vigil 7:00 PM
Seven Last Words from the Cross 12:00 PM
10:00 AM JAZZ
Neighborhood Stations of the Cross 1:30 PM Choral Tenebrae Worship 7:00 PM
Breakfast served all morning Zittrouer Hall Scrambled eggs, Biscuits with sausage gravy, Fresh cut fruit, Turkey bacon, Pork sausage, Cheddar cheese grits, Coffee, Orange juice, Cranberry juice
WORSHIP AND MUSIC Healing Service of the Word with Anointing at 7 pm
As we follow Jesus on the way to the cross, come and receive healing from him who bears all our sins and afflictions. This service of healing is for anyone who is in need of God's healing in any aspect of their lives. While the church does not replace the gifts of God that come through the medical and scientific community, through the Word, prayer, and laying on of hands, the church offers the gifts we receive through Jesus: God's presence of strength and comfort in times of suffering, God's promise of wholeness and peace, and God's love embodied through the community of faith.
Good Friday Choral Tenebrae at 7 PM
When Jesus came to John to be baptized, John responded: “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!". This acclamation became part of the Latin Mass as early as 700 AD, which we echo each week as we prepare to receive communion: Lamb of God...Agnus Dei. On Good Friday evening, the choir and congregation respond with singing to the Passion narrative as it is read. This year we sing the "Agnus Dei" from settings of the mass by Bach, Britten, Handel, Haydn, Pärt, Rutter, Vaughan Williams, Vierne, repeating the same text, but with vastly different music that reflects the changing emotions of the story of Jesus' arrest, denial, trial, crucifixion and burial. The service ends quietly around the wooden cross, awaiting the Vigil on Saturday night.
Singers wanted for the Easter Vigil Choir!
The Vigil of Easter is the culmination of the service of the Three Days, which begins on Maundy Thursday. This powerful service, held at 7:00 pm on Saturday, April 8, is a journey from darkness to light, and is the first of our resurrection celebrations. All ages are welcome to sing in the Vigil Choir! The only rehearsal is at 5:30 preceding the 7:00 service. Please RSVP by contacting Kira at kgarvie@redeemer.org.
Join us as we welcome Bishop Axel Piper and Pastor Christoph from our Companion Synod - The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria – Church District of Augsburg and Swabia.
Bishop Piper will preach at the 9 am Jazz service.
Pastor Christoph will preach at the 11 am service.
Later that evening they will travel to Savannah for a celebration and signing of a 10-year extension agreement as companion synods. To join the celebration and learn more RSVP for dinner by April 3. Click here: https://www.elca-ses.org/BavariaPartnership The gathering begins at 5:30 PM
WEDNESDAYS AT REDEEMER Wednesdays at Redeemer Early Bird Bible Study 4 pm | Reception | Reception / Zoom Join David Ott as he leads a study and discussion of Genesis. 6:00 PM Pastor's Class | Rudisill Hall & Zoom April 19 & 26 Book Discussion: The Sermon on the Mount: A Beginner’s Guide to the Kingdom of Heaven by Amy-Jill Levine This year our gospel readings come mostly from Matthew. Matthew groups most of Jesus’ teaching into the famous Sermon on the Mount. These three chapters tell us that the kingdom of heaven is not some abstract place with pearly gates and a bunch of angels flapping their wings. The kingdom of heaven occurs when people take the words of Jesus in these chapters to heart and live into them. CHERUBIM (ages 4-1st grade) 6:15-6:45 pm SERAPHIM (2nd-6th grade) 6:00-7:00 pm REDEEMER RINGERS (3rd-6th grade) 6:45-7:15 pm Contact Sarah at shawbecker@redeemer.org or 404-874-8664 if you have questions.
Worship at 7:00 PM April 12, 19, 26
Holden evening prayer
Wednesday Night Dinner Join your Church friends with a tasty Wednesday Night Dinner at Redeemer. Remember, we recently dropped our prices. We offer meals for $6.00/per adult and $5.00 for Children and Seniors. The menu for each week is listed below: April 12 - Hot Dogs, Cole Slaw, Chips, Dessert, and a Beverage April 19 – Pizza, Garden Salad, Dessert, and a Beverage April 26 - Spaghetti & Meatballs, Garden Salad, Dessert, and a Beverage We hope to see you for Dinner in Sims Atrium on “Wednesday at Redeemer.” For more information, please contact Bob Boyd (bboyd@redeemer.org) or Seth Brown (sbrown@redeemer.org).
Baptism at Redeemer Greetings! If you or someone you know is expecting a child or interested in baptism at Redeemer at any age, we would love to celebrate this special milestone with your family! We have several dates available. Here are some details: We are returning to our pre-pandemic practice of holding Baptism Festivals. This means certain Sundays are designated for baptisms, and several families may celebrate baptism at the same time. A single-family baptism will be offered after the late service on most Sundays through the end of July. NOTE that we will discontinue scheduling individual baptisms at that time, and all baptisms will take place on festival dates starting in August. Please inquire for more details on how scheduling works and to get the Baptism registration form.
2023 Remaining Festival Dates Saturday, April 8, 2023 at the Family Easter Vigil Service, 11 am or the evening Easter Vigil Service at 7 pm Sunday, May 28, 2023 at either service Sunday, August 16, 2023 at either service Sunday, October 15, 2023 at either service Sunday, December 31, 2023 at the 10:00 service (one service that day)
Why Baptism Festivals? Baptism is a sacrament celebrated in the community. While we have done several baptisms after worship service for safety reasons during the pandemic, it is important that the congregation be part of the baptism liturgy as much as possible. Grouping up baptisms on certain days allows us to use a special liturgy focused on baptism and truly highlight it as a special event rather than it being a footnote to a service with a different focus. Also, it's fun! It's a great way to get to know other families, and your child will grow up with friends at Redeemer who share their baptism anniversary- a special bond that can follow them throughout life. In Christ, Deacon Mary Houck (she/her) Director of Children and Family Ministries mhouck@redeemer.org 770-778-7085
b a L s ' r e k a m e g n a h C VBS is back, including After Care! Find more details and register at these links:
Participants (3yrs - 5th grade)
Volunteers 6th gradeadult)
Family Events April 2023 Family Easter Vigil and Egg Hunt Saturday, April 8: 10:00 am- 12:30 pm Join us Saturday morning, the day before Easter, for our Family Easter Vigil worship ation: re inform and celebration. We will start with fun Easter activities, a petting zoo, for moincluding uck Hofamilies. ryfor a M n o c a followed by a special version of the Easter Vigil liturgy designed The e D r.org mejoy e e d re @ k c service will move us from Good Friday's sadness to Easter morning's and mhou 5 708Redeemer 778-your celebration! Last but not least, stay for some egg hunt7fun 70-with rg friends- ages 0-5th grade. No RSVP required. Invite aw friend! .redeemer.o ww
Redeemer Weeks at Camp If you haven't already, please think about signing up for camp this summer. It is a really powerful way for your kids to grow in faith that they will love! You can sign up any week at any of the Novus Way camps, but these weeks in these locations there will be Redeemer leaders at the camp to spend time with your campers. Redeemer Week at LutheRIDGE in NC: June 18-24 (Pr. Mark, Dn. Mary, Carrie Herold) Redeemer Week at LutheRANCH in GA: June 25- 30 (Pr. Mark, Dn. Mary, Kate Elkins) If you or your camper are hesitant about camp, Lutheranch might be a great choice. It's closer, the week is a little shorter, and the total number of kids is much smaller, meaning there is a lot of individual attention from their amazing staff.
ADULT FAITH FORMATION Join Don Noland and Pr Jonathan for a six-week study of a proposed new social statement for the ELCA starting April 16th during our faith formation hour. This is your opportunity to let your voice and input be made to churchwide and to help create the statements that we present to the world. The ELCA is developing a social statement on government, civic engagement, the relationship of church and state, and related matters, as called for by the 2019 ELCA Churchwide Assembly. The task force now offers a six-session study curriculum for use throughout our congregations. It provides a guide into the issues and invites participant feedback for the task force. For more information, click on this link: https://elca.org/civicsandfaith
Pr Ron and Pr Jonathan will be leading a discussion around recent statements by Bishop Eaton and Bishop Strickland supporting the rights of our Transgender siblings. If you are interested in being part of this discussion, please join us after the 11:00 service on April 16th. You can contact Pr Jonathan for more information at jtrapp@redeemer.org.
Hearts on Fire
Rejoicing Spirits Worship Sunday, April 23 at 10:00 am In this Easter season, we will explore how Jesus sets our hearts on fire with the truth! We are excited to continue at our new time, 10 am on Sunday mornings in Rudisill Hall! Our April service will be Hybrid. You can join worship directly by clicking on this link.
Redeemer Youth Grades 6-12 Parent Gatherings Middle School Parents Gathering will meet on April 16 and May 21. High School and College Parents Groups will meet on April 23 and May 7.
Faith Formation Confirmation Confirmation is an important step in the spiritual journey of our youth. Confirmation meets throughout April to continue our study on "Small Catechism." Confirmation will not meet on April 9.
High School Sunday School High School Sunday School meets throughout the month of April. Come catch up and hang out with other High School Youth. High School Sunday School will not meet on April 9.
Our Middle and High School Youth will make goodie bags for Grace House and care packages for college/higher education youth. If your student would like to receive a Care Package, please email Hillary by Sunday, April 9, for a special mailing surprise. Our Youth Spring Mission Project will be from 12:30-2:00 pm on Sunday, April 16. Please let Hillary know if you can attend. If you would like to donate supplies, please get in touch with Hillary. *Service hours can be obtained as long as you stay and help with the event.
Our Youth End of Year Party is happening on Sunday, May 7, from 12:30 -2:30 pm. We'll have food, games, and lots of fun! Take a break from studying and hang out! Please try to RSVP to Hillary by Sunday, April 30. You can show up the day of, but we want to make sure we have enough food for everyone.
On Sunday, May 7 graduates will receive a blessing during 11:00 worship, followed by a reception in Sims Atrium. We congratulate graduates of all degrees and ages – high school, college, and even doctoral grads! Graduates should contact Hillary no later than May 3 to be listed in the bulletin. Congratulations graduates!
Save the date: Our Confirmation Service will happen on Sunday, May 14, during the 11 AM service. We will confirm our seven Confirmands and celebrate them after with a reception.
April 2-High School Youth Mission Trip Fundraiser Continues April 2-Confirmation, High School Sunday School, and Youth Parents Lenten Group will meet April 9-HIgh School Youth Mission Trip Fundraiser Continues and information for Post-HIgh School and College Care Packages Due April 9-No Confirmation or High School Sunday School April 16-Confirmation, High School Sunday School, and Middle School Parents Gathering will meet 4/23-Confirmation, High School Sunday School, and High School Parents and College Parents Gathering will meet 4/30-Confirmation, High School Sunday School, Youth Gathering Interest Meeting, and RSVP for Youth End-of-Year Party
Young Adult Ministry of the ELCA offers inspiration, opportunities and resources for young adults between ages 18-25 and for people who facilitate young adult ministry in their communities of faith. From retreats to small group studies to social action, ELCA YA has opportunities to connect with other young adults and grow in faith and action.
REDEEMER YA APRIL EVENTS Renaissance Festival 4.29.23 April 29th - Highland Fling Weekend (Fairburn, GA). Bagpipes, drums and kilted characters abound, plus special contests! Buy your own ticket ($27) online here. We will meet at 2 pm at the entrance. Bring your whole clan!
Lunch Out 4.16.23 Meet up for lunch at a Midtown restaurant following ll am worship service ($20)
Young Adult Leader Meeting 4.12.23 Help plan upcoming events including a retreat. The meeting will be hybrid so you can join us at 7:30 pm after Wednesday worship at Redeemer or from your home. Zoom link
Visit the WELCA Website, https://seswelca.weebly.com/ to download the most recentWELCA Newsletter, the WEAVER, and the Convention registration Form for Augusta, GA Be with us for the FUN: Sept. 15-17!
In March Northside Circle learned about Christopher’s Haven for kids receiving cancer treatment at Emory’s Proton Center from Tawanda Searcy, Family Service Manager. We learned so much about the amazing care the staff provides families throughout treatment. We meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Contact Carol Maxwell to join us: maxwell91705@bellsouth.net
April Events Keystone Bingo at Redeemer Thursday, April 13th at 1 pm Pitts Theological Library Exhibit Room
Try your luck at Keystone’s bingo! See if you’re among the few who will win a prize B4 the day is through.
Pitts Theological Library Guided Exhibition Tour Friday, April 28th | 11 am-1 pm
Upcoming Events Keystone Time Together May 18th, 1-3 pm Spiritual Retreat TBD in May Summer Time Tea TBD in June Keystone Time Together July 20th 1-3 pm
Books printed before 1501 are known as incunabula, meaning “in the cradle” of the printing press era. This exhibition explores how printed books were made, decorated, and bound, as well as their content, the book trade, and the enduring influence of incunabula in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Meet at Redeemer at 10:30 am to carpool to Emory's campus. The free Exhibition tour will be followed by lunch at the Cox Hall Food Court. Participants will buy their lunch (about $10-15). Register at the following link: https://form.jotform.com/230807952121047 Visit the Exhibition Homepage: https://digital.pitts.emory.edu/s/digitalcollections/page/sacred-art
Congregational Care Highlight: Visitation Ministry
Visitation ministry extends the ministry of Jesus through Redeemer beyond our walls and strengthens the bond between our faith community and hospitalized or at-home individuals. Visitation Ministers embody the love they first received from God through Jesus by offering communion, listening compassionately, and sharing our common faith with those whom they visit. If you are interested in becoming trained as a monthly communion Visitation Minister, contact Pastor Jenny McLellan at 404-874-8664 ex 224.
Request an At-Home Visit Redeemer's Visitation Ministry has prepared lay ministers to bring monthly communion to our members in their homes. If you are unable to attend church in person and would like to receive a monthly visit with the gift and sacrament of Holy Communion or a visit from clergy, please contact Pastor Jenny McLellan.
Good Friday Labyrinth Walk April 7th 10 am-7 pm
Contemplate the passion of our Lord Jesus by walking the Labyrinth on Good Friday, April. The path will be available in Rudisill Hall from 10 am to 7 pm. For more information about the Labyrinth, visit Redeemer’s website: https://www.redeemer.org/care/labryinth/
You're Invited!
New Member Welcome April 23rd 11 am
Join us for light refreshments and meet the newest members of Redeemer.
g nin all i a Tr eF te* til th o n N se ED u a e N *Pl TPO OS is P
Stephen Ministers are members of Redeemer trained to provide high-quality, Christ-centered, confidential, one-to-one care for people experiencing a difficult time in life.
7 Reasons to Become a Stephen Minister In Stephen Ministry, members of our congregation are trained and equipped to meet once a week, one to one, with someone going through a difficult time. Stephen Ministers provide a caring presence, a listening ear, and comforting words—supporting care receivers throughout their journey. Here are a few reasons to think about as you prayerfully consider whether Stephen Ministry is the right place for you to serve:
1. Make a real difference in the lives of people who are hurting. 2. Help our congregation ensure that no one suffers alone. 3. Learn what to say and do—and what not to say and do—to care effectively for people who are suffering. 4. Be part of a group of caring Christians who support each other as they care for those who are hurting. 5. Be involved in a meaningful ministry that uses your spiritual gifts. 6. Deepen your faith as you see God at work through your ministry. Ask for enny J 7. Join a worldwide tradition of caring ministry. r o t o as Training to become a Stephen Minister will begin in September. To learn more about the training, visit: https://www.stephenministries.org/stephenministry/default.cfm/1520
P tion t a c i l p an ap ea becom ster i n Min e h p e St Y TODA
A Prayer for Potential Stephen Ministers God of mercy, you have blessed us each with unique gifts and called us all to ministry. As we look to train a new class of Stephen Ministers, there are those among us whom you have blessed with gifts of compassion, patience, faith, mercy, and encouragement. Work in the hearts of these individuals so that they may hear and answer your call. We ask this through the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen. For more information about Stephen Ministry at Redeemer, contact Pastor Jenny McLellan at jmclellan@redeemer.org
Najah Naima "Pookie" Sabree Entered Eternal Rest on March 23rd, 2023
Youngest daughter of youngest daughter of Naim Sabree and niece of Shawn Draughn, both of whom serve on Redeemer's Safety Team. Please hold their families in your prayer as they grieve her death.
Bearing one another's burdens and mourning with those who mourn, we pray,
Almighty God, source of all mercy and giver of comfort, graciously tend those who mourn, that, casting all their sorrow on you, they may know the consolation of your love; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts We have followed Jesus' risky journey to the cross and celebrated his resurrection. Now how are you going to respond to his incredible gift of grace and life? How are you going to risk yourself: your time, talents, and treasure in service to the one who risked it all for us?
Sunday April 16 and 23 10-10:45 am
If you want to serve but don't know where to start, explore your spiritual gifts and identify your talents with us. Join Pastor Jenny McLellan and Alisa Norvelle on Sunday, April 16, and April 23 at 10 am in this short class "Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts." After two weeks, you will know your gifts and talents and develop a plan to use them. This spring, let us be as generous as our God, in our homes, at our places of work and school, at our church, and in our community. This spring, let us be as generous as our God is to us
COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Diversity and Justice Ministry Update by Karen Cramer This past September 2022, Redeemer hosted an Equitable Dinner conversation. We had many non-members attend the dinner. We started out sharing our intentions for the evening, and one of the African American women non-members who attended said she immediately felt comfortable because I started my statement saying, “I’m here because, as a white woman, I know that I continue to have much learning and work to do.” She said she immediately felt that Redeemer was a safe space. I’m really glad that there are opportunities for non-members to come to Redeemer for volunteering, voting, learning, and for worship and that the words and actions of our members, our pastors, our staff, and our volunteers help them to feel welcome.
At the Equitable Dinner, we learned more about the Atlanta Race Massacre, where in 1906, white mobs killed dozens of Black Atlantans, wounded scores of others, and inflicted considerable property damage. This violence was perpetuated because many whites were uncomfortable with the advances of the Black elite. It reminded me of what I’ve learned about the destruction of Black Wall Street in Tulsa’s Greenwood District. One of my favorite communities in Atlanta is The Gathering Spot on the Westside. It’s a private, members-only club focused on supporting and empowering the Black community. I have been to many “gatherings” there because they are extremely welcoming and supportive of nonprofits. My favorite memory at the Gathering Spot was going to Mayor Andre Dicken's Election Night Results viewing party. The Gathering Spot was completely packed, and it was a thrill to be in the jubilant crowd when my friend won the election. Did you know that one of the businesses that The Gathering Spot supports is called Greenwood? Greenwood is a mobile platform inspired by the early 1900s Greenwood District, where the recirculation of Black wealth occurred all day, every day, and where Black Businesses thrived. The modern-day Greenwood is online and focused on building and keeping wealth in the Black and Latinx community. I will circle back to the theme of wealth building in the Black community. In January, Redeemer was the proud host of the Synod’s MLK Jr Service.
I was delighted that our Redeemer Children’s Choir members were part of the worship service. The music with the Trey Clegg Singers, Atonement’s Liturgical Dancers, and amazing preaching from State Senator Reverend Kim Jackson was fantastic. Last month, in February, we celebrated African American History Month with a delicious lunch in our Lutheran Community Food Ministry and a special display in the Sims atrium. Our Diversity and Justice Ministry had been planning a civil rights pilgrimage for Redeemer members, but we are now supporting the Southeastern Synod’s Civil Rights Pilgrimage to Atlanta and Montgomery, and Selma in Alabama. The pilgrimage begins at St John's Lutheran Church in Atlanta. Why St. John’s, you might ask? St. John’s was instrumental in establishing The Druid Hills lynching marker, which was installed in 2021. The marker commemorates Porter Turner, a taxi driver who was killed in August 1945 by the Ku Klux Klan. St. John’s is also a champion of LGBTQ rights. In 2007, not long ago, St. John’s stood by their gay pastor when he was removed from the ELCA clergy roster. In 2010, thankfully, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America voted to allow gay clergy members in committed relationships. Upon reflecting on the congregation’s role, Pastor Bradley Schmeling shared, “We didn’t know it at the time, but in the end, we are playing an important role in moving the whole Lutheran Church forward.”
COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT He said, “I think policy change would have come in the ELCA … but I feel like the trial and public witness that [St. John’s] congregation gave at that time helped move the church faster and farther along.” In Atlanta, the Synod civil rights pilgrimage will go to the MLK National Historic Park and the National Center for Civil and Human Rights. In August, Redeemer’s Diversity and Justice Ministry hosted a field trip to the Center. If you haven’t been, the lunch counter demonstration is a particularly moving and powerful experience. It’s so powerful that they provide much-needed tissues for you after the experience. I also enjoyed learning more about the detailed planning for the March on Washington (where they would stay, what they would eat, and the schedule for the day) and contrasting that with the Women’s March on Washington that I participated in in January 2017. On the bottom floor of the center, there is an amazing collection of MLK’s writings, and I especially enjoyed seeing the correspondence from a very young John Lewis to MLK in his schoolboy penmanship. Speaking of John Lewis, In Alabama, the Synod civil rights pilgrimage will go to the Legacy Museum in Montgomery, the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, and the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham. The registration for the civil rights pilgrimage is sold out, showing the demand for learning and reflection in our community. Our Diversity and Justice Ministry is planning additional learning and reflection opportunities in 2023. Pastor Ron Bonner’s weekly bible study continues with a more in-depth study of various works related to Liberation Theology and why it is so important for us to continue understanding its value in today's world. This month of March, we are celebrating women’s history month with a display of artifacts in the Sims atrium. Our plans include book and movie discussions and hosting a special Lutheran Community Food Ministry meal for Juneteenth, the federal holiday commemorating the emancipation of enslaved African Americans. I wanted to close the Diversity and Justice update by asking a question. What if Diversity and Justice were more than just a ministry at Redeemer? What if diversity and justice was reflected in all we do at Redeemer? We have made progress. Diversity and justice are incorporated into sermons, worship, bible study, and into our food ministry. What if we took it even further and centered on building Black wealth in our master planning process? In 2019, the median wealth of Black households in the United States was $24,100, compared with $189,100 for white households. The average Black household had $142,330 in 2019 compared with $980,549 for the average white household. This means that, on average, Black households had 14.5 percent of the wealth of white households, with an absolute dollar gap of $838,220. In Atlanta, a Black boy born in poverty only has a 4% chance of moving to the middle class in their lifetime. Our city is the worst in the US for economic mobility. 96% of the time, where you are born in Atlanta determines your life outcomes. My friend Andre Dickens was one of the 4%. From Adamsville to Mayor of Atlanta. What if our Redeemer city block was known for producing the 4%? For increasing the 4%? What if our block was known for academic excellence that leads to great careers? Can we move children from poverty to prosperity in one generation? That’s the potential we have for our master planning process. We have the opportunity to build a beloved community on our block. When we consider new programming as part of our master planning process, we have the opportunity to develop mixed-ages affordable housing, early childhood education (because 90% of brain development happens before kindergarten), after-school tutoring, mentoring, and workforce development programs. We could make the children born on Redeemer’s block some of the most blessed in our city. We can transform a generation of youth who can transform our city. We have the opportunity to utilize Redeemer’s land and resources to build Black wealth on our block, in our neighborhood, and our city. We have a huge opportunity, an awesome opportunity, a just opportunity here on Redeemer’s blessed block.
APRIL BIRTHDAYS 1 Tori Adamson 1 Daniel Adrian 1 Reese Dumont 1 Ally Hattermann 1 Edward Scherlacher 2 Julian Glantz 2 Kennedy Mason 3 Shirley Glenn 3 Victoria Rubel 4 Gabriel Adrian 4 Carol McCloskey 5 Charlie Anderson 5 Mendal Bouknight 5 Bob Boyd 5 Hope Englert 5 Eric Hassel 6 Luka Feldman 6 Carrie Herold 6 Mary Hinely 6 Aaron Hobby 6 Derek Nowatzki 6 Mike Pfaff 7 Shurleen Dorough 7 Alexis Gilbert 7 Karin Greeson 7 Miriam Guthrie 7 Teri Hansen 7 Jonathan Keller 7 Brigitte Merkel 8 Dan Bello 8 Hanna Cramer 8 Pete Franetovich 8 Cheryl Madean 8 Peyton Mayo 8 Morris Mitchell 8 Mel Smith 9 Luke Harrison 9 Nick Stolte 9 Sam Wessinger 9 Joan Williams 10 Jessica Burnett 10 Bran Foster 10 Stephanie Hart 10 Peter McGaffigan 10 David Meilander 10 Grace Peterson
11 Beverly Christner 11 Lew Engle 11 Paul Hilburger 11 Daniel Lee 11 Hope Ogunsile 11 Maynard Zipf 12 Catharine Dressel 12 Creston Herold 12 Jennifer Isaacson 13 Mahala Broad 13 Thatcher DuPriest 13 Calista Fortin 13 Linda Heisler 13 Art Mathews 13 Katherine McDermott 13 Becca Olsen 14 Eric Brewer 14 Walt Carpenter 14 Miriam Coonan 14 Sarah Hawbecker 14 Addison Liverman 14 Hayley Whitmore 15 Kennedy McWilliams 15 Helen Puckhaber 15 Donna Ruder 15 Carla Williams 16 Amy Carpenter 16 Belinda Heath 16 Charlie Moss 16 Ken Sexton 16 Cooper Wells 17 Amelia Arslanian 17 Colin Banks 17 Christina Coursey 17 Andy Kmetz 17 Melanie Stolte 18 Herb Bastin 18 Kelly Charlson 18 Emily Claire 18 Tim Eastling 18 Abbie Lin Smith 19 Robert Boyd, Jr. 20 Maggie Kyle 20 Christian McKeithen 20 Erik McKeithen 20 Richard Rudolph 20 Emma Schroer
21 Stephanie Greene 21 Cheryl Iverson 21 Alison Steinmetz 21 Dan Williamson 22 Heidi Brothers 22 Sharon Jeffries 22 Erin Lolley 22 Caron Morgan 22 Tom Swanson 22 Kay Volan 22 Harold Webber 23 Jr. Dillard 23 Kai Dillard 23 Bill Ide 23 Danielle Lambert 23 Paul Walter 23 Alexa Whitmore 23 Brett Wise 24 Shari Herrity 24 Kendrick McWilliams 24 Virginia Peterson 25 Julie Lawrence 25 Broderick Lott 25 Janet Sosebee 25 Wade Thornton 26 Michael Kien 26 Claire Puckhaber 26 Adison Wells 27 Heidi Hellman 27 Lynette Walker 27 Kimmy Worth 28 Stephen McKersie 28 Jenny Peterson 29 Debbie Herrity 29 James Mulford 29 Liam Puckhaber 29 Stellan Simo 30 Jack Rafferty 30 Samantha Sayar