Thank you to everyone for making Holy Week and Easter so special.
Thank you to everyone for making Holy Week and Easter so special.
Greetings! If you or someone you know is expecting a child or interested in baptism at Redeemer at any age, we would love to celebrate this special milestone with your family! We have several dates available. Here are some details:
Wearereturningtoourpre-pandemicpracticeofholdingBaptismFestivals Thismeanscertain Sundaysaredesignatedforbaptisms,andtheremaybeseveralfamiliescelebratingabaptism atthesametime.
Single-familybaptismswereofferedafterthelateserviceonmostSundaysthroughtheendof theJuly.NOTEthatallbaptismswilltakeplaceonfestivaldatesgoingforward.
Saturday, March 23, 2024 at 11 am (during our Family Easter Vigil Service)
Saturday, March 30, 2024 at 7pm (during the traditional Easter Vigil Service)
May 26, 2024 (Memorial Day Weekend)
September 1 (Labor Day Weekend)
October 6
December 29
Baptismisasacramentcelebratedincommunity.Whilewehavedoneseveralbaptismsaftera worshipserviceforsafetyreasonsduringthepandemic,itisimportantthatthecongregationbe partofthebaptismliturgyasmuchaspossible.
Groupingupbaptismsoncertaindaysallowsustouseaspecialliturgyfocusedonbaptismand trulyhighlightitasaspecialevent,ratherthanitbeingafootnotetoaservicewithadifferent focus.Also,it'sfun!It'sagreatwaytogettoknowotherfamilies,andyourchildwillgrowupwith friendsatRedeemerwhosharetheirbaptismanniversary-aspecialbondthatcanfollowthem throughoutlife.
In Christ, Deacon Mary Houck (she/her)
Director of Children and Family Ministries
As we enter the month of April, weʼre thrilled to share heartwarming updates and delightful momentsfromourbelovedpreschoolministry.Thankyouforyourcontinuedsupportandtrust inusaswestrivetonurtureandeducateourcommunity'syoungestmembers
With the arrival of spring, our preschoolers have been immersed in a world of wonder and exploration. From budding flowers to chirping birds, our classrooms have been abuzz with excitementasourlittleonesexploreandlearnabouttheseason'sbeauty.
EnrollmentforourSummer Programisnowopen,andwe encourageyoutosecureaspot foryourchildandembarkon thisexcitingjourneywithus.
Summerisatimefor exploration,fun,andgrowth, andourprogramisdesignedto offerjustthat.Webelievethat summerisnotjustaseasonbut astateofmind–atimeto embracenewexperiences, forgefriendships,andmake unforgettablememories.Our SummerProgramaimsto cultivatethisspiritandprovide ourchildrenwithasummer theywillcherishforever.
Itʼs that time of year again – enrollment is open for the upcoming fall semester at Midtown Lutheran Preschool!Ifyouhavefriends,family,orneighborslookingforacaringandenrichingpreschoolexperience, weinviteyoutosharethenewswiththem.Donʼtmisstheopportunitytosecureaspotforyourchildorloved ones.
Redeemer families are heading to Washington Farms (about an hour East of Atlanta) to pick strawberries and have some fun on the farm! We will meet at 10 am to pick berries and start activities at 11:00 You can also choose to do just one or the other
Tickets for activities MUST be purchased in advance; scholarships are available Follow this link for more details and to register
Please pencil in these events on your calendar! You don’t have to make any commitments right now, but we hope you will consider them as you ’ re planning for your family. At both events, the schedule can be flexible if you can’t stay the whole time (although, we recommend having ALL the fun!) Getting away from daily routines with church friends is a powerful way to build friendships at all ages and to grow in faith.
When: Friday, August 23- Sunday, August 25, 2024
Where: Camp Glisson (near Dahlonega)
When: Friday, March 14- Sunday, March 16, 2025
Where: Lutheranch (near Tallapoosa)
What: A great chance to connect with Redeemer friends old and new. Tent camping in an area for just our group, with access to bathrooms. We will spend lots of time in fellowship, cook meals together, swim, and enjoy the beautiful setting of this camp, including a natural waterfall! We close with worship on Sunday morning
What: You’ll stay in hotel-like rooms at the retreat center, and meals are prepared by Lutheranch staff. Learn and grow with Redeemer friends! We spend some time learning as families, enjoying the activities Lutheranch has to offer, affirm each other’s gifts in a (very casual) talent show, and more!
Registration is now open. Rising kindergarteners through 6th graders will experience music, art, and drama, all based on this year ’ s animal theme! The camp is from 9:00 am-4:00 pm, with free before and after care. Tuition for the week is $165 and includes all activities, snacks, and a T-shirt. Sibling discounts apply, and need-based financial scholarships are available. All are welcome, so tell your friends and neighbors. For more information or to volunteer, please contact Sarah Hawbecker at 404-874-8664, ext. 206, or Follow the camp and share our posts on Facebook at
Our preschool friends are opening up their summer day camp to anyone who wants to register this summer! It’s a loving, fun, educational way for your little one to spend the summer You can choose which weeks your family would like to participate. Check out the registration form for more details and to register.
MTLPS programming Monday -Friday 8:45 am -12:45 pm
$250 per week
Ages 2-4
Deadline to register- April 15
Rejoicing Spirits Worship
Sunday,April14 at10:15am
Click here for summer fun!
ThismonthatRejoicingSpirits,weexploreGod’svisionforwhowearebecomingsothatwecan shareGod’slovewiththeworld
Wemeetat10:15amonselectSundaymorningsinRudisillHall Allagesandabilitiesarewelcome RejoicingSpiritsisa'non-hushing'servicewhereeveryonecanbethemselves.
On Sunday, April 14, we will make Care Packages for our post-high school, college & higher education students. Please send Hillary your student’s mailing address by Sunday, April 7 for a special mailing surprise.
Save the date for our End-of-Year Youth Party! Graduate Recognition Day information will be due this day too.
MAY 12 & 19
Save the date for our Graduate Recognition Sunday, which will be held on Sunday, May 12.
Save the date also for our Confirmation Sunday, which will be held during 11 AM worship on Sunday, May 19. Pictures of our Confirmands and some of our seniors are below.
April7:Information due for Care Packages, Confirmation, and High School Faith Formation
April14:Confirmation, High School Faith Formation (8th Graders Visiting), and High School and Beyond Parents Gathering (8th Grade Parents Visiting)
April21:Confirmation (5th Graders Visiting), High School Faith Formation, and Middle School Parents Gathering (5th Grade Parents Can Visit)
April28:Confirmation Bowl and High School Faith Formation (Cafe Sunday)
May5:Confirmation (8th Graders Practice Faith Statements), High School Faith Formation, High School and Beyond Parents Gathering, Graduate Recognition Information Due, and Youth End-of-Year Party
May12:Graduate Recognition Sunday, Confirmation, High School Faith Formation, and Middle School Parents Gathering
May18:Confirmation Banquet (celebration for Confirmands, their families, and 8th Grade Small Group Leaders)
May19:Confirmation Sunday, Confirmation and High School Faith Formation Class Celebrations
The Young adult ministry is a group of people in their 20s & 30s creating welcome and support for one another, both at redeemer and in the midtown community!
7 PM - Room 121 or zoom
APRIL 23 Trivia night
8 PM - Vortex (Little 5 Points)
APRIL 28 Lunch in midtown
12:30 - after worship
details coming soon!
4 pm | Reception | Reception / Zoom
Join David Ott as he leads a Bible Study and discussion.
6:00 PM Pastor's Class | Rudisill Hall & Zoom
Often on Sunday mornings, our second lesson is read but not addressed in the sermon Throughout the season of Easter, we will be reading from First John. Beginning on April 24, join us as we discuss this letter addressed to a divided church The writer of 1 John challenges the claims from rival versions of the faith, tests each one, and then fully discredits them His advice on how to respond to such dangerous beliefs? Demonstrate the ideal Christian life.
SERAPHIM (2nd-6th grade)
6:00-7:00 pm
REDEEMER RINGERS (3rd-6th grade)
6:45-7:15 pm
Contact Sarah at shawbecker@redeemerorg or 404-874-8664 with questions, or show up at the next rehearsal
Please join us for a quiet and contemplative worship in the middle of your busy week
Wednesdays at Redeemer Community Meal in partnership with Lutheran Community Food Ministry
Wednesday Night Dinner will be provided by Lutheran Community Food Ministry This will allow us to provide a free, nutritious meal to anyone who wishes If you can, please make a generous donation (perhaps what you would spend on a family dinner at home) to support this daily feeding ministry. Cash and credit cards are accepted.
Redeemer’s Women of the ELCA invite you to save two dates in 2024!
Be on the lookout for registration forms in the next month.
For Convention information now contact Diana Palma at
For Spring Meeting information now contact Louise Iconis at
“We believe Jesus Christ is our cornerstone, the apostles and prophets are our foundation, and Redeemer’s older adults are the keystone of the household of God!”
APRIL Monthly Worship & Dessert Fellowship
3 13
12 PM - 1 PM at Redeemer
Visit the Shroud of Turin
9 AM - 2 PM in Cumming, GA
Following the Lenten season and Easter Holy Day, the Keystone Group will take a day trip to St Brendan’s in Cumming, GA to view the Shroud of Turin This trip will include time together touring the historical features at St Brendan’s, Scripture readings and discussion, and lunch together
We will carpool together from Redeemer, leaving at 9 AM and returning at around 2 PM The cost of the experience is free, but each person will cover their own lunch when we stop.
To arrange for rides, please RSVP to Pr. Jennifer by April 21st. (
Monthly Movie Matinee: Jerry & Marge Go Large
1 PM - 4 PM in Rudisill Hall
Monthly Lunch Bunch: 12 PM - 2 PM at Manuel’s Tavern RSVP to Sheila Brock
If you have questions or need more information, please contact Ed Sherlacher or Pr. Jennifer Roberts.
Pictured above are Keystone members enjoying a delicious dinner at Petite Violette in February for a wonderful time of fellowship!In my youth, I was in and around our church A LOT! My mom was our church’s secretary, and as I matured, I began to see that the programs I liked took people, and usually a qualified staff member, to make sure activities for us kids actually happened (lock-ins, pizza & soda, trips). When I became a church member in my own right as a young adult, I don't recall any particular sermons about stewardship that resonated with me. In fact, I didn't know what that word meant! But I began to realize that - to have the staff (including my mom) and the facilities and programs - a lot of people must be volunteering to help and giving money continuously to make that happen.
Recently, when I became more active again at Redeemer, I took the “Spiritual Gifts Assessment Tool” in the New Member Class with Pastor Jenny If you haven’t taken it, please do (on I learned that stewardship is one of my strongest spiritual gifts That’s when I began to really connect the dots between my faith and the mission of my church - Redeemer. It was up to us to participate with time and money by sharing God’s blessings with God’s greater mission in the world through my fellow members of Redeemer I now think of giving as my opportunity to share more deeply and responsibly in the support of our helping ministries here and around the world Thank you!
by Beth FarrisYou are invited to join the Southeastern Synod and Deacon Ross Murray for an online discussion about his book The Everyday Advocate on April 9th at 7:30pm EST In The Everyday Advocate, Deacon Ross encourages Christians – through stories and of his own experiences – to discern their call to advocate for justice and shows them how to respond faithfully by taking practical steps in everyday life. He also helps faith leaders guide people through their calling to advocacy and to connect with communities that can use their passions and talents.
Deacon Ross will be one of our keynote speakers and this year ’ s Synod Assembly He serves as the vice president at the GLAAD Media Institute and is the founding director of the Naming Project, a faithbased youth ministry and summer camp for LGBTQ youth and their allies.
Please read the book prior to the online discussion You can read more about Deacon Murray, The Everyday Advocate, and purchase your copy at his website rossmurrayorg
TheMidtownRaceforMAC5KreturnstoPiedmontParkonMay 11,2024!ByjoiningtheRedeemerLutheranGroupyouwillbe supportingtheMidtownAssistanceCenterʼsmissiontoprevent homelessnessandhungerinourcommunity Whetheryou'rea seriousrunnerorjustlookingforafundayoutwithyourfamily andfurryfriends,theMidtownRaceforMAC5Kisagreatwayto getactiveandsupportaworthycause!Ifyouhavequestionsfeel freetocontactNathanMiller,nathanmiller1977@gmail.comor
Here at Redeemer, we are here to support you in times of joy and sorrow, health and sickness, surrounded by others or times of loneliness. We practice a ministry of presence.
In order to support you in your time of need, we ’ ve developed a Care Menu and Communication Tool that you can utilize to let us know of your needs or wants
If you need care of any kind, access the care menu to customize the kind of care that meets your needs
If you ’ re expecting a baby or have had a baby recently, access the family care menu to customize the kind of support desired.
Visit the Redeemer Website at and click on “CARE” and then click
You can also CLICK HERE to find the CARE MENU
Reach out directly to Pr. Jennifer Roberts through email, phone call, or text. Find her information on this page under her picture. or CLICK HERE for the FAMILY CARE MENU.
“Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you fulfill the law of Christ.”
- Galatians 6:2
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.”
-Matthew 5:4
O Christ, in our suffering and sorrow you do not turn away from us. Draw near to those who mourn, offer us the gift of your Holy Spirit, and guide us in your love. Amen.
Father of Diana Palma
Sister of Sheila Brock
Daughter of Joyce Smith
Husband of Patty Bell
Partner of Kevin Foltz
Mondays at 7 PM (Zoom) beginning April 8th
Caring for others, specifically those you love, is a holy honor, but it is also one that can be difficult and lonely
Join our group for a time of support and discussion centered on those who care for others as we explore the spirituality of caregiving
Join Pr Jennifer as we share stories and support for one another, as well as discuss portions of the book No Act of Love is Ever Wasted (By: Thibault & Morgan) beginning April 8 - May 20 Reading is not required to participate.
Sundays at 10 AM (Library) beginning April 14
Are you looking for an inclusive and supportive congregational home? Do you want to know more about Lutheran theology, Redeemer history, and the ministry opportunities here?
Join Pr Jennifer, Pr Mark, and John Garrigan in a six week session that covers Lutheran theology, Redeemer history, and the various ways you are invited and equipped to live out your faith here at Redeemer!
If you are interested in joining Redeemer as a member, please visit the website (www redeemer org) and click on “I’m New” and then click on “Becoming a Member” and fill out an inquiry form!
If you have questions or concerns before joining the class, please reach out to Pr. Jennifer ( and schedule a time for lunch or coffee.
If you’d like more information or want to speak to someone about joining Redeemer, please CLICK HERE or visit and click “I’m New” and “Becoming a Member.”