November 2020 - Newsletter - Lutheran Church of the Redeemer Atlanta, GA

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Atlanta, Georgia |

STRATEGIC PLAN UPDATE Our Ministry Teams have been hard at work throughout the year implementing the Strategic Plan. The daily work of the teams is what moves us from a plan to reality. We experience the results of this effort in services, community outreach, events, small groups, classes, and more. Our team leaders have participated in a series of workshops to review their teams' missions, celebrate their accomplishments, and share and learn from what worked well and what could be improved as we go forward. In addition, we have adopted a new system to coordinate our activities and track progress and results. Most recently, in October and November, teams have been updating the specific strategies that they expect to use over the next three years, with a special focus on what we hope to accomplish in 2021. We are so thankful for our staff and volunteers' dedicated work to adapt their plans to the challenges we have faced this year. Our teams found innovative ways to achieve our goals, such as adapting the Food Ministry to serving "to go" meals almost overnight. Our Community Engagement team is working closely with our core spiritual and outreach partners to help us support one another in this time of extraordinary need. With our teams working together with aligned goals, Redeemer can continue to make meaningful impacts on our community.

Link to Strategic Plan

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