Newsletter December 2024

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Thisyear'sAdventThemeisinspiredbyhymn #726intheELW.Thetext,writtenbyMayLouise Bringle,isfullofexpectancy,restoration,and renewalbothforthenaturalworldandthe humancommunityIneveryverse,the“weary world”isbalancedwithapromiseddayof change:“thepromiseddayofjustice,”“the promisedfeastofplenty”and“thepromised greenofEden”

Light Dawns on a Weary World

Light dawns on a weary world when eyes begin to see all people's dignity.

Light dawns on a weary world: the promised day of justice comes.


The trees shall clap their hands; the dry lands, gush with springs; the hills and mountains shall break forth with singing!

We shall go out in joy, and be led forth in peace, as all the world in wonder echoes shalom.

Love grows in a weary world when hungry hearts find bread and children's dreams are fed.

Love grows in a weary world: the promised feast of plenty comes.

Hope blooms in a weary world when creatures, once forlorn, find wilderness reborn.

Hope blooms in a weary world: the promised green of Eden comes. Refrain

Livingwithexpectancyisnotaboutwaitingforafarofffuture,butexpectingGod'snewworldoflight, loveandhopetobreakintoourworldtoday.Wheneverdignityisrecognized,thehungryarefed,andthe naturalworldispreserved,lightdawnsonawearyworld.

Here's praying that your Advent is full of expectancy.

The Call Committee for the Associate Minister for Congregational Care and the church council of Lutheran Church of the Redeemer are pleased to announce the hiring of Ms. Allison Lizdas as our Director of Congregational Care Allison will begin her ministry at Redeemer on January 12, 2025, taking over the responsibilities of coordinating our care ministries, ministry with seniors, and membership engagement

Allison is in the process of being certified for ordination as a Minister of Word and Service (Deacon) early next year Once she completes this process, a formal congregation vote will be announced to extend a call to Allison.

Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with Allison’s story as we prepare to welcome her to our staff in 2025.


Allison Lizdas and Family Director of Congregational Care

Southeastern SynodPrior to that, she served as Director of Lay Ministries at Lutheran Church of the Resurrection (LCR) in Marietta, GA She is an experienced organizer, administrator, and educator Allison takes pride in her strong work ethic and excellent communication and interpersonal skills. As the parent of a child on the autism spectrum, she believes everyone is a beloved child of God and deserves love and respect Allison has worked in a variety of volunteer roles, including helping to plan the Southeastern Synod’s Guatemala Gala, serving on congregational councils, teaching Sunday school, and leading small group ministry Allison has also held leadership roles in the PTA of her children’s schools

graduating in the spring of 2025 She is seeking ordination in Word and Service to become a Deacon in the ELCA

Allison graduated from Penn State with a degree in Accounting and received her Master’s in Education from the University of Hartford Before having children, Allison taught middle school. Allison has been married to Dan for 26 years, and together, they have two children and two rescue dogs. Dan works in supply chain finance at Coca-Cola and has been with Coke for 22 years. Matteus graduated from Georgia State University in 2022 and is currently working at Chick-Fil-A. Ellie graduated from Berry College in 2024 and is a Fullbright grantee currently teaching English in Spain In her spare time, Allison loves to knit, read, and travel.

Christmas Eve 2024

11:00 am German Church Atlanta Service

Traditional worship in the German language with Holy Communion

1:00 pm Worship Worship includes traditional carols with Holy Communion.

3:00 pm Family and Children’s Service

A Christmas message with lessons and carols for children with Holy Communion.

*6:00 pm Jazz Service Worship begins with the prelude featuring the Redeemer Jazz Trio with Holy Communion.

*8:00 and *11:00 pm Christmas Services

The celebration begins with a musical prelude of instrumental and choir music. Services include traditional carols with Holy Communion.

*Prelude begins 30 minutes prior to service.

Sunday, December 29

One service at 10 am


Christmas Program and Family Advent Celebration

Dress Rehearsal on Saturday, December 7 from 9:30-11:30 AM Program on Sunday, December 8 at 10 AM (cast call at 9:30)

We are once again collaborating with the Redeemer Children's Music program to engage all our Sunday School kids in the story of Jesus' birth, performed in the sanctuary Then, there will brunch and Advent activities for the whole family in Sims Atrium Whether or not your child is in the program, we hope you’ll join us!

This is a great way to start the Christmas season grounded in faith and take home some tools to keep that focus throughout December. All ages welcome; no RSVP required. Bring a friend!

Family Christmas Eve Worship

At3:00pmonChristmasEveworshippersofall agesareinvitedforafamily-friendlyservice!We lovetohaveourkidshelpoutandleadthisspecial servicefortheirfriends,families,andourvisitors (worshiphelpersarriveat2:15pm).Pleasefillout thisshortformtoexpressinterestifyouwould liketohelp.DeaconMarywillthenworkwithyou tofindtherightroleforyourchild..

Save the Date!



VBS!: June2-6,2025




NordicLodge708andScandinavianFestivalInc.arepleasedtopresenttheannual“SanktaLucia”celebrationon SundayDecember15th,6:00PM,attheLutheranChurchoftheRedeemer. Admissionisfree.

This candlelit, music-filled celebration features traditional and contemporary Swedish Christmas music. The service will be sung and spoken in Swedish and English. Choral performances feature the St. Lucia choir, composed of children, women, and men from the local Swedish-American community Ms Mia Peters will conducttheperformance.

TheSt.LuciatraditioniscelebratedonDecember13inSwedenandsomeareasinFinland.Themainceremonyis aprocessionofsingingchildrenledbyasingle“Lucia,”ayoungwomanwearingawhitegown,redsash,anda crown of candles. She is attended by her handmaidens and “star boys,” also dressed in white gowns and all carryingcandles

Afterthecelebration,areceptionfeaturingcoffeeandsweetswillbeheldintheSimsAtrium Admissionisfreebutdonationsarewelcome.


Is the holiday cheer missing this year for you? Then join us for a

Is the holiday cheer missing this year for you? Then join us for a



Renewed Love

Rejoicing Spirits Worship

Sunday,December15 at10:15am By


20'S/30'S GROUP


Lunch Together Dec 15

Meet in Sims Atrium following the late service (at about 12:15) to walk together. We will have lunch and catch up on life somewhere near Redeemer. No RSVP required.

Second Thursdays

Starting in January, we will meet on the Second Thursday of each month at 7 pm for fellowship together. Friends are welcome!!

January 9: Bonfire hosted by Dan and Alex at their home in Grant Park (ask Nate Humphereys for details)

February 13: Sceptre Brewing Arts

Holiday Music & Caroling

plus, an opportunity to join in singing Carols at 5:00 p.m. for 30-45 minutes, followed by Brass Ensemble music through reminder of Event, while sipping Hot Apple Cider 1 4 S A T U R D A Y D E C

3:30 pm - 7:00 pm Front Steps of Redeemer on Peachtree St


For 13 years, Redeemer members have had the opportunity to shop for the girls of Wellspring Living! These children (ages 12 – 17) have been sexually trafficked and are on a path of restoration with God’s grace and the care of Wellspring Living. On the back of each ornament on the Angel Tree in Sims Atrium will be a suggested gift card Gift cards in any amount will be used for the girls’ school and craft supplies, meals, clothing, special outings, or for stocking the boutique where the girls can “shop” for special items as rewards for scholastic achievement. Write the value on your gift cards and place them in the box by the tree. The tree will be available from November 17 through December 15 Thank you, Kathy Hill and the women of Northside Circle for the creation of the ornaments. For questions, contact Charissa Schultz or Amy Carpenter via Realm


We have resettled an unprecedented number of refugees this year of 600+. As the weather turns cold, purchasing coats for every family member can be a significant expense. We are working to gather coats for all clients who have arrived this year. If you are able to donate even one coat, it would greatly impact families of 9 or 11 who face the need for hundreds of dollars in warm clothing.

Coat Drive

Tags with names, gender, age, and size will be available on our Hope Tree starting November 15. If you prefer to make a monetary donation to the Hope Tree Christmas fund, we will use those funds to purchase the necessary winter coats.

Goshen Valley

Giving Tree

Goshen Valley Drive

Help us make a brighter Christmas for kids in foster care!

How to Participate


Follow this link to find Amazon lists for Goshen Valley Ranch, Goshen Homes, and Goshen’s New Beginnings program for young adults transitioning from foster care. Choose your items and pay for them online by Dec. 15. They will be shipped directly to Goshen Valley, your job is done!!


Help us give hardworking foster parents a break by stocking them up on household supplies. Find the Giving Tree in Sims Atrium and take a tag (or two!)

Bring your items by Dec. 15 and place them under the tree. Your job is done !

We'recollectinghatsandscarvesfortheFoodMinistries'HolidayMealsthisThanksgivingandChristmas.If youcanmakeascarf,cowl,orhat,byThanksgiving,great!Ifnot,youhaveuntilChristmastocontribute. Knitorcrochetasmanyasyoulike justensurescarvesareatleast60incheslonganduseanypatternyou enjoy

ThisisawonderfulwaytosupportthosewhorelyonourFoodMinistry.Completeditemscanbedroppedoff intheFall2024ChallengeboxinRoom119.Yarnisavailableinplasticcontainersinthesameroom.For questionsorpatternideas,ʼsrevivethistradition.

Baptism at Redeemer

Greetings! If you or someone you know is expecting a child or interested in baptism at Redeemer at any age, we would love to celebrate this special milestone with your family! We have several dates available. Here are some details:

At Redeemer, we hold Baptism Festivals, special Sundays designated for baptisms when several families may be celebrating a baptism at the same time. Please inquire for more details on how scheduling works and to get the Baptism registration form.

Upcoming Festival Dates

Sunday, December 29 at either service

Sunday, February 16 at either service

Saturday, April 19, 2023 at the Family Easter Vigil Service, 11 am or the evening Easter Vigil Service at 7 pm

Sunday, May 25, 2023 at either service


Baptismisasacramentcelebratedincommunity.Groupingupbaptismson certaindaysallowsustouseaspecialliturgyfocusedonbaptismandtruly highlightitasaspecialevent,ratherthanitbeingafootnotetoaservicewitha differentfocus.

Also,it'sfun!It'sagreatwaytogettoknowotherfamilies,andyourchildwillgrow upwithfriendsatRedeemerwhosharetheirbaptismanniversary-aspecialbond thatcanfollowthemthroughoutlife.

In Christ, Deacon Mary Houck (she/her) Director of Children and Family Ministries 770-778-7085

LutheranTowersishonoredtopresentanextraordinaryopportunitytoownapieceofartfromtherenowned RobertWest,aresidentofourcommunityandacelebratedrailroadartist.Fordecades,Westhascapturedthe essenceofAmericaʼsrailroadswithvibrant,technicallyprecisepaintingsthatblendtheexcitementoftrain travelwiththeoften-overlookedstoriesofAfrican-Americancontributionstotheindustry.Astheworldʼsonly Blackfull-timerailroadtechnicalillustrator,Westʼsuniqueartistrypreservesthelegacyofpioneerslikehis grandfather,AllenParrish,aPullmanPorterwhoworkedtirelesslyduringaneraofsegregation.Through Westʼswork,thehistoryoftherailscomesalivewithdepth,honor,andbeauty.

Inagenerousgesture,Mr.WesthaspaintedanexquisitedepictionoftheiconicFoxTheater,whichhehas graciouslydonatedtoLutheranTowersforasilentauction.Thispaintingwillnotonlyadornthewallsofone luckybidderbutwillalsoserveahigherpurpose thefundsraisedwilldirectlybenefittheresidentsof LutheranTowers.

Donʼtmissyourchancetoownthismeaningfulpieceofart,whilesupportingavitalcause.Apreviewofthe paintingisincludedbelow

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