07.06.20 Service Sermon (English)

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Trinity Sunday 6-07-2020 What do I preach on a Sunday in the midst of a pandemic, in the midst of a social justice uprising, in the midst of a fascist threat of a Government that reminds me too much of Hitler’s gradual takeover of a democracy? What do I preach when the bible is being misused as a prop and the church as a backdrop after this political leader calling tear gas and force through the military against peacefully protesting citizens? What do I say about the Trinity in these days where the pain of many generations of African Americans has come to a tipping point? The veil has been pulled to the side. The evil and naked truth of policy violence, injustice, the lynching of innocent persons based on the color of their skin? What do I preach? I feel speechless. Initially I wanted to run away and hide. Just like Jona. Then I went out and protested, together with my bi-racial children. I wrote a statement against racial violence. The past 23 years, every night I anxiously listen for the garage door to open, for my African husband to make it home safely, without being stopped by police. What do I preach? What is there to say other than we are in “liminal” times. A liminal theology is a thinking of God in the midst of uncertainty and transition. Consequently, this is not so much a position or a method as it is a perspective, one that takes seriously the mysterious nature of society, culture, and everyday life. Being in the liminal space as we are today means being “in between.” It means exploring the boundaries, paying attention to the transitions, and the in-between times. Liminality is a threshold state where all we know becomes questionable. It lies on the boundary between the known and the unknown —with either being possible.

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