July Newsletter 2024 - Redeemer Lutheran Church Atlanta, GA

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Summer Worship

After months of preparation, on June 23rd we began worshipping on Sunday in the Sims Atrium while a major overhaul of the sanctuary’s electrical system takes place. We are also taking advantage of this time to give the sanctuary a new coat of paint. Thanks to the hard work of our Worship Team, Altar Guild, and our sound and AV teams, and especially David Hanson, the transition has gone very smoothly. Our target date for returning to the sanctuary for Sunday worship is August 18.


August 18 8 AM - 1 PM


tailgate games for all giveaways & treats tailgate food explore redeemer’s ministry teams

discover the fall 2024 theme & offerings

invite a friend & meet the community

Baptism at Redeemer

Greetings! If you or someone you know is expecting a child or interested in baptism at Redeemer at any age, we would love to celebrate this special milestone with your family! We have several dates available. Here are some details:

AtRedeemer,weholdBaptismFestivals,specialSundaysdesignatedforbaptismswhen severalfamiliesmaybecelebratingabaptismatthesametime.

PleaseinquireformoredetailsonhowschedulingworksandtogettheBaptismregistration form.

Upcoming Festival Dates

September 1 (Labor Day Weekend)

October 6

December 29


Baptismisasacramentcelebratedincommunity.Groupingupbaptismsoncertaindays allowsustouseaspecialliturgyfocusedonbaptismandtrulyhighlightitasaspecialevent, ratherthanitbeingafootnotetoaservicewithadifferentfocus.

Also,it'sfun!It'sagreatwaytogettoknowotherfamilies,andyourchildwillgrowupwith friendsatRedeemerwhosharetheirbaptismanniversary-aspecialbondthatcanfollow themthroughoutlife.

In Christ, Deacon Mary Houck (she/her) Director of Children and Family Ministries mhouck@redeemer.org 770-778-7085


Backpack Blessing

Sunday School

SundaySchoolwillresumeonSunday, September8,10-10:45AM.Watchfor registrationinformationcomingsoon!

Spirits Rejoicing

Summer Break!

Worshipandfellowshipfrom10:15-10:45am oneSundaypermonthwillresumethisfall.

Rejoicing Spirits worship will return in August. In the meantime, we are rejoicing every day in who God created us to be! We hope you are too.


Redeemer’s Children and Family Ministries is inviting EVERYONE to spend an afternoon with us at TopGolf. We love spending time with all generations!


1:15 -3:30 PM




TopGolf is kind of like bowling, but it's a driving range where the golf balls know who hit them. The future is now! If you ' ve never been, this is the time to try. Golf skills are not required. And, you get a discount by going with Redeemer!

Adult: $25, Ages 3- 12: $15, 2 and under free.

Tickets include two hours of playtime, lunch, and (non-alcoholic) drinks Scholarships are available!!



We owe a HUGE thank you to everyone who helped us make VBS a success this year! From our station leaders to our small group leaders to our security staff to those who helped us purchase supplies. It was a week filled with fun and faith for kids and volunteers alike.

Thisyear’stheme was “Camp Firelight.” Wemet CounselorSam (wholooksalot likePr.Mark ) andLumenthe fireflywhoboth helpeduslearn thatGodiswith usonallour adventures,even thescaryones.

July13-16, Deacon Mary and Finley will attend a preevent for the ELCA Youth Gathering called the tAble. The tAble “blesses and encourages young people with a wide range of physical, cognitive and emotional disabilities so that they might grow as wise, faithful and courageous witnesses.”

OnJuly14, during the 11 AM service, we will conduct a commissioning to bless and send off our group to attend the gathering.

July16-20, 16 of our High School Youth and three Adult Leaders will head to New Orleans for the Youth Gathering. We are excited about this opportunity and look forward to sharing our experience at our Thank You Reception on Sunday, August 4.


The Young adult ministry is a group of people in their 20s & 30s creating welcome and support for one another, both at redeemer and in the midtown community!

Tubing & Picnic in


July 13 at ??

Join us as we float down the river and enjoy some great fun and food! It’s the perfect time of year! Questions or to rsvp contact pr. Jennifer.

lunch in midtown

July 21 at 12:15 PM

Following the 11 AM worship service on July 21st, our group will venture into midtown and enjoy lunch together! This is a great time of fellowship and also a great time to invite a friend to join us! we’ll meet in the Sims atrium and walk together!

InvitingallWomenoftheLutheranChurchoftheRedeemer! RegistertodayforSeptember20-22inHuntsville,Alabama https://seswelca.weebly.com/uploads/2/8/6/7/28677095/2024_registration_formf.pdf

FindalltheamazingreasonstojoinusinourNewsletter,theWEAVER At:https://seswelca.weebly.com/

Redeemer Readers Provide

Summer Reading

Onceagain,“RedeemerReaders”Mary MahoneyandJoanVernorhavegiventhe WellspringLivinggirlstheirmostrequested booksforsummerreading.AsMarywroteto thegirls(ages12to17),“JoanandIare lifetimereadersandspendagreatdealofour ʻsparetimeʼdoingwhatwelove–reading!We hopeyouwillalsobecomelifetimereaders,a habitthatwillserveyouwellinwhateverpath yourlifetakes.”Maryalwaysincludesacopyof herownbookGimmeShelter:TrueCatStories ofAbandonment,Rescue,andLove Theseare truestoriesofsheltercatswhoovercame manychallengesandhardships.Anartist friendofMaryʼsillustratedthebookbyphotos shehadtakenofeachcat.

ThankyouMaryandJoan! Ifyouoryourministryteamhasanideathatwill benefitthegirlsofWellspringLiving,pleasecontact RedeemingGrace:acarpen113@comcast.netor CharissaSchultzatcsdesign925@gmailcom

WellspringLiving’sGirlsResidentialProgram(ages12-17) providestrauma-informedcaretosurvivorsofDomesticMinor SexTraffickingintheserviceofphysical,emotionaland spiritualrestoration.

For Wellspring Living Girls

Redeemer’s Newest Members

Enrique Quezada

Esther Connor

Arthur & Michelle Meshach

Jim Belcher

George Mackey

Sophia Foley

The Higbee Family (Arthur, Linda, Grant, & Jackson)


Interested in joining Redeemer?

A new cohort will begin in September and we’d love to welcome any who are interested in learning more about our congregation and Lutheranism! Please email Pr. Jennifer for more information!

November 15-17

Women of all ages are invited to join us for a fantastic weekend retreat! Enjoy fellowship, activities, and a time of spiritual renewal. This year’s theme is flourish and we will explore ways God equips and empowers us to flourish no matter what stage of life we find ourselves in We want you to join us! Stay tuned for more details or email Pr. Jennifer.

To register CLICK HERE

If you are in need of care from the Redeemer Care Team, please click the link below Care can include rides, meals, encouragement cards, visitation, or other forms of care.


O Christ, in our suffering and sorrow you do not turn away from us. Draw near to those who mourn, offer us the gift of your Holy Spirit, and guide us in your love. Amen.


Marcia Davis

Sherry McHugh

As a youth at St Matthews in Charleston, our pastor, Paul Kinports, had formerly headed Youth Programming at the Philadelphia church headquarters, so we had a dynamic youth program. I was involved in Luther League, Youth Choir, Acolytes, LutherRidge camping, etc. -- In college at Clemson, I was in the Lutheran Student Assn , became a Regional officer, and attended the national gathering

While I continued going to church after graduation, for the next fifteen years I was less involved in other church activities due to three job relocations with BellSouth, military obligations, graduate school, marriage, and starting a family

In 1975, we moved from New Jersey to Atlanta and joined Rock of Ages in Stone Mountain, where we were introduced to Via de Cristo, a ministry that includes a structured three-day weekend retreat For the next fifteen years after attending my weekend, I was in leadership roles to facilitate additional Atlanta weekends. Upon moving to South Carolina in 1991 I was involved in starting Via de Cristo there. Via de Cristo is the most profound experience in my faith journey; as I learned what God’s Grace is all about.

One Story at a Time



One of the basic concepts of Via de Cristo is ACTION (serving others); so I have served on Church Councils in three congregations, taught Sunday School, participated in Lutheran Men in Mission (raising funds to start new congregations), etc. After retiring I continued helping others by doing volunteer work in the community as well as in church.

As we approached our eighties we decided to move back to Atlanta eight years ago to be closer to family. We joined Redeemer where I became interested in Student Ministry and Stewardship

While Stewardship is often seen as raising money, I believe that Stewardship of TIME AND TALENT is just as important as TREASURE since only by being hands-on in serving others are we able to live out our Christian faith. God’s Work, Our Hands!


Charlie Hairston (former Redeemer member) is excited to share with everyone his new book, Play Your Own Cards, now available on Amazon Books and all major retailers. Click here to read an excerpt.

This faith-based book focuses on overcoming challenges and is lovingly inspired by Redeemer and our esteemed pastors, Pastor Sims and Pastor Samuelson. Charlie will join Pastor Jonathan for a forum and discussion during the Sunday School hour (10 am) at a time TBD.

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