MAY 2023
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed, Alleluia! You may have noticed the buzz in the Sims atrium and the colorful expansion of butterflies surrounding the cross following Easter. Each butterfly represents one person's commitment to volunteering at Redeemer. Each butterfly is a symbolic risk, "saying, yes, I want to serve God." What would Redeemer look like if everyone served in some way? What would Midtown look like if we all were pollinators in our community, spreading the love, welcome, and grace of Jesus through word and deed?
Have you filled out your butterfly yet?
Throughout the month of May, until Pentecost Sunday on May 28th, there will be a table in the Sims atrium with colorful butterflies and a host from the Faithful Connections Team. Pick a butterfly with the ministry you would like to serve in and write your name and email or phone number on it and place it in the basket. The following week, a member of that ministry team will contact you. If you don't know where to start, ask the table host, or start by serving on Sunday in one of the following ways: lector, usher, communion assistant, communion set up or clean up, or hospitality host. Together, the world will see Jesus through Redeemer.
ORGAN MODERNIZATION CAMPAIGN Our wonderful pipe Organ, located in the Sanctuary needs updating and modernizing. We are actively working with the organ manufacturer, Létourneau, on this process. The modernization includes updating the electronic components in the organ and replacing some of the pipes. This modernization will take a little over a year to complete and cost approximately $380,000. At the beginning of 2023, the Church Council authorized a down payment of approximately $130,000. Since mid-December, the campaign has quietly raised just over $50,000.This leaves us with a $200,000 balance to raise in the next twelve months. The Church Council has formed a Task Force to help plan and complete this important campaign. This team has been meeting for over a month planning the Kickoff and several fundraising events. The KICKOFF is scheduled for Sunday, May 21, 2023! The Organ Restoration Team will hold two Listening Events following the 9:00AM and 11:00AM Services. The Listening Events will include information regarding organ modernization and information on upcoming events. The schedule for Listening Events is listed below: Listening Post # 1 – 10:15AM – 11:00AM – Reception Room Listening Post # 2 – 12:15PM – 1:00PM – Rudisill Hall The Organ Modernization Task Force includes: Peg Wyse (Co-Chair) Frank Hull (Co-Chair) Carol Bell Bob Gibeling Ian Hamilton Mark Helsel Brian Ludvigsen Hannah Roberts Richard Spady Sarah Hawbecker Bob Boyd Questions about making a commitment or questions about the process should be directed to the members of the Organ Modernization Team. Feel free to email them or chat with them in the Sims Atrium after Church. We look forward to seeing you on May 21st!
“Carnival of the Animals” June 12-16 Registration is now open. Rising kindergarteners through 6th graders will experience music, art, and drama, all based on this year’s animal theme! The camp is from 9:00 am-4:00 pm, with free before and after care. Tuition for the week is $165 and includes all activities, snacks, and a T-shirt. Sibling discounts apply, and need-based financial scholarships are available. All are welcome, so tell your friends and neighbors. For more information or to volunteer, please contact Sarah Hawbecker at 404-874-8664, ext. 206, or Follow the camp and share our posts on Facebook at
WORLD LABYRINTH DAY is an annual international event sponsored by The Labyrinth Society. Every year on the first Saturday in May thousands of people around the world participate in this moving meditation for world peace and celebration of the labyrinth experience.
Baptism at Redeemer Greetings! If you or someone you know is expecting a child or interested in baptism at Redeemer at any age, we would love to celebrate this special milestone with your family! We have several dates available. Here are some details: We are returning to our pre-pandemic practice of holding Baptism Festivals. This means certain Sundays are designated for baptisms, and there may be several families celebrating a baptism at the same time. A single-family baptism will be offered after the late service on most Sundays through the end of the July. NOTE that we will discontinue scheduling individual baptisms at that time and all baptisms will take place on festival dates starting in August. Please inquire for more details on how scheduling works and to get the Baptism registration form.
2023 Remaining Festival Dates Sunday, May 28, 2023 at either service Sunday, August 16, 2023 at either service Sunday, October 15, 2023 at either service Sunday, December 31, 2023 at the 10:00 service (one service that day)
Why Baptism Festivals? Baptism is a sacrament celebrated in community. While we have done several baptisms after a worship service for safety reasons during the pandemic, it is important that the congregation be part of the baptism liturgy as much as possible. Grouping up baptisms on certain days allows us to use a special liturgy focused on baptism and truly highlight it as a special event, rather than it being a footnote to a service with a different focus. Also, it's fun! It's a great way to get to know other families, and your child will grow up with friends at Redeemer who share their baptism anniversary- a special bond that can follow them throughout life. In Christ, Deacon Mary Houck (she/her) Director of Children and Family Ministries 770-778-7085
b a L s ' r e k Changema Register Now! VBS is back, including After Care! Friends, neighbors, grandkids- all are welcome to join us as we explore how God's love transforms us and how we can work with God to make our world a better place. Find more details and register at these links:
Participants (infants - 5th grade)
Volunteers 6th gradeadult)
Save the Date CHildren and Family Ministry at REdeemer d! n e i r F a Invite yone is Ever ome Welc
il y C is B a m pin g ack!
Vacation Bible School June 5-9; 9 am -12:30 pm each day infants -5th grade Redeemer Week at Lutheridge (Arden, NC) first- 5th grades June 18-24 Family Fun Outing- Sunday, July 16 All ages. Activity TBA- ideas welcome! Backpack Blessing- Sunday, August 6 Fall Kick-Off- Sunday, August 20 Sunday School Resumes- Sunday, August 27 Family Camping Trip- Friday, Sept. 15 - Saturday, Sept. 16 Monster Mash and Pipe Screams- Friday, October 27 Family Advent Celebration and Christmas ProgramSunday, December 3
Gifted Rejoicing Spirits Worship Sunday, May 19 at 10:00 am This month at Rejoicing Spirits, we get a sneak peek at Pentecost and celebrate how the Spirit has gifted each and every one of us as members of the one body of Christ. We are excited to continue at our new time, 10 am on Sunday mornings in Rudisill Hall! Our May service will be Hybrid. You can join worship directly by clicking on this link.
Redeemer Youth Grades 6-12 Upcoming Events 07 MAY
Parent Gatherings
10 AM
High School Parents and Beyond Gathering meets on May 7. Middle School Parents Gathering meets on May 21.
21 MAY
10 AM
Confirmation is an important step in the spiritual journey of our youth. Confirmation meets throughout May to continue our study on "Small Catechism." May 7-Confirmation Bowl with Parents and May 21-Class Celebrations.
10 AM
High School Sunday School Come catch up and hang out with other High School Youth.
07 MAY
Youth End-Of-Year Party
12:30 PM - 2:30 PM
We'll have food, games, and lots of fun! Take a break from studying and hang out!
07 MAY
Graduate Recognition Blessing Join us for a reception following in Sims Atrium. We congratulate graduates of all degrees and ages – high school, college, and even doctoral grads!
14 MAY
Confirmation Service We will confirm our seven Confirmands and celebrate them after with a reception.
Thank you for supporting and helping donate to our High School Mission Trip. We reached our goal! Please feel free to continue to donate to support this great opportunity. Our High School Mission Trip will be Sunday, June 11-Saturday, June 17. Thanks for supporting our youth!
May 3-Graduate Recognition Information Due May 7-Confirmation (w/ Confirmation Bowl), HS Sunday School, HS Parents & Beyond Gathering, Graduate Recognition Sunday (Blessing during 11 AM worship service & Reception after), & Youth End-of-Year Party May 13-Confirmation Banquet (for 8th Graders & Families) May 14-Confirmation, HS Sunday School, and Confirmation Service during 11 AM Worship Service with Reception after May 21-Class Celebrations and MS Parents Gathering
Young Adult Ministry of the ELCA offers inspiration, opportunities and resources for young adults between ages 18-25 and for people who facilitate young adult ministry in their communities of faith. From retreats to small group studies to social action, ELCA YA has opportunities to connect with other young adults and grow in faith and action.
Meet in the atrium to walk to lunch together at a Midtown restaurant following 11:00 worship service. The church will cover the amount above $20 if desired. We want everyone to come!
Hiking 5.21.23
Following lunch together, hikers will carpool to Arabia Mountain in Dekalb County, for a 1.3 mile hike with fantastic views at the top. You can also meet the group there at about 2:45 pm.
Young Adult Leadership
Help plan or host upcoming events including a retreat we are planning for this fall. You can jump in any time by speaking to our team chairs- Jared Joella and Ann Ridenhour, team member Robert Boyd, or to Pr. Jenny or Dn. Mary. Our next meeting will be June 14th at 6:30pm at a restaurant near the church.
Happening in May Keystone Time Together Thursday, May 18 at 1-3 pm A 30-minute worship service with communion followed by coffee and time to be in fellowship together.
Register by clicking here
Keystone Ministry Zoom Team Meeting Wednesday 10-11 am Zoom link Building up full lives of faith with adults over 65
Upcoming Events June Sunday Weekly Bible Study 10-10:45 TBD Summer Day Spiritual Retreat July 20th Keystone Time Together 1-3 pm September 30 9:30-3 pm Aging Symposium: Scenarios from Experts and Resources to Help You and Loved Ones Plan to Age Wisely
Visit to Pitts Theological Library
s e i t i v i t c A l i r Ap
MAY IS MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS MONTH Redeemer will recognize Mental Health Awareness Month on Sunday May 21st in worship and in the atrium. Stop by the Wellness Ministry Table to share your story, find resources, and receive encouragement.
“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18
Mental Health Resources Georgia: NAMI Georgia non-crisis HelpLine 770408-0625 or General: National Alliance on Mental Illness BIPOC and LGBTQ Inclusive Therapist Directory Disasters and Traumatic Events (SAMSHA) Children and Youth: Child Mind Institute Veterans
If you are in crisis, call or text 988
A prayer for living with mental illness Mighty God, in Jesus Christ you know the spirits that cloud our minds and set us against ourselves. Comfort those who are torn by conflict, cast down, or lost in worlds of illusion. By your power, drive from us the powers that shake confidence and shatter love. Tame unruly forces within us, and bring us to your truth, so that we may know peace and accept ourselves as your beloved children in Jesus Christ. Amen.
Stephen Ministers are members of Redeemer trained to provide high-quality, Christ-centered, confidential, one-to-one care for people experiencing a difficult time in life.
Stephen Ministry fills a crucial caring need, providing an additional layer of crisis care and ongoing care through a team of well-trained, well-supervised, reliable laypeople. Redeemer Stephen ministers provide quality spiritual and emotional support and they know when it is time to make a referral to Mental Health Professionals.
If you or someone you know is in need of a Stephen Minister, contact Pastor Jenny (404) 874.8664 ex 224 or
COMMUNITY CORNER LCFM Featured Partners The history of Aniz, Inc. seems simple enough: in 1996, founder Zina Age started the organization to support people infected with -- and affected by -- HIV. Fast-forward to today, and Aniz, Inc. has served more than 100,000 people by providing therapeutic care and other programs to support each person’s emotional, physical and psychological needs. This includes members of the LGBTQIA+ communities as well as those dealing with substance abuse, homelessness, obesity and more. Aniz’s mission is to promote emotional and physical wellness by integrating holistic harm reduction and trauma care approaches when providing mental health, substance abuse counseling and peer support.
Second Helpings Atlanta has a seemingly straightforward goal: feeding the city’s hungry by means of rescued food. By rescuing surplus food from restaurants, supermarkets, and venues like Mercedes Benz Stadium and distributing it to agencies across Metro Atlanta, Second Helpings serves as a critical link between food donors and partner agencies who feed the hungry daily. Redeemer’s Lutheran Community Food Ministry (LCFM) is blessed to count itself as one of those partner agencies. ‘No one should have to choose between paying a bill or buying food,’ said Juliet Eden, Marketing & Outreach Coordinator at Second Helpings. Last year alone, Second Helpings was able to rescue 3,611,607 lbs of fresh, surplus food to create 3,009,672 equivalent meals. ANIZ INC. How can you help? Volunteer in the office, make wound and syringe kits and much more. Go to or call 404-521-4410. For more information about LCFM, go to
SECOND HELPINGS Want to learn more or offer your help? Go to For more information about LCFM, go to
Thank You
Lily Cooper and Troop 22009
Lily Cooper and her fellow scouts in Troop 22009 came to the Food Ministry one Sunday afternoon to make new centerpieces for the dining tables our clients/guests use. Her troop was working on a Good Neighbor badge. Lily’s mom Emily led a discussion about neighbors and ways to be a good neighbor, and the girls set to work. They created beautiful flowers to give the tables a fresh, spring look! The scouts earned a badge, learned how to be a good neighbor, and their creations will make some hungry neighbors feel welcome!
Stephanie Hart with Lily
May is the month we celebrate Midtown Assistance Center (MAC). MAC is now in its new location at the corner of Spring Street and North Avenue on the All Saints’ campus. MAC’s mission to provide emergency assistance to the working poor of midtown and downtown Atlanta to prevent homelessness and hunger during periods of crisis remains the same but the number of people and services we provide has grown. I say we because Redeemer is one of the founding churches that created MAC over 20 years ago. This new location provides expanded space which will allow us to help more and is very convenient to the North Avenue Marta Station for our clients. The new location has an expanded food pantry which will provide the clients with more choices. This is one of the things Redeemer can help with. May is when the need really increases since children will be out of school and do not receive free meals. For the month of May, there will be bins in the Sims Atrium where food can be dropped off and then taken to MAC. Below is a list of the needed items but there will also be flyers in the Sims Atrium. Redeemer has always been very generous in their giving to our neighbors in need. Hopefully, you have already seen and heard about the MAC 5K is Saturday morning May 13th. The race starts at 8:30 am at Park Tavern in Piedmont Park. Please arrive early to check-in. Redeemer has consistently had good turnout in prior years but we are hoping to win the award for the congregation with the most people to sign up. MAC's link to register is below. This year it is easier to register for a team. When it asks if you want to be on a team, select Yes and search on Redeemer Team Katy. This is in memory of Katy Hurley who was a very active member at Redeemer and on the board at MAC. Even if you can’t attend the 5K, you can sign-up and that counts toward our team numbers. This is MAC’s only fundraiser and you can run or walk the race. Hope to see you there! If you have any questions about MAC, the food drive, or the 5K. Please feel free to contact Richard Mauney at 404-775-3359 or Any support you can provide to MAC would be greatly appreciated.
CONGREGATIONAL CARE Bearing one another's burdens and mourning with those who mourn, we pray, Almighty God, source of all mercy and giver of comfort, graciously tend those who mourn, that, casting all their sorrow on you, they may know the consolation of your love; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Janet Adrian Entered the church triumphant April 18, 2023
We pray for her son, Nathan Adrian, daughter-inlaw, Megan, grandsons, Gabrielle and Daniel, and husband, Robert. Condolences may be sent to The Adrian Family 3190 Wildwood Dr SW, Marietta, GA 30060-6232
Elaine Hull
David Lee Schroeder
Entered the church triumphant April 8, 2023
Entered the church triumphant April 22, 2023
We pray for her son, Frank Hull, daughter-in-law, Erin, and grandchildren, William and Lauren. Condolences may be sent to The Hull Family 1865 Windham Park NE, Atlanta, GA 30324
We pray for his grandson, Creston Herold, and their whole family. Condolences may be sent to The Herold Family 2686 W Main St NW, Atlanta, GA 30318-1149
Elizabeth "Liz" Bair Entered the church triumphant April 10, 2023
We pray for her family, especially her daughter, Buffy, and their whole family.
A Memorial Service for Liz Bair will be held at Redeemer on Saturday, May 13th at 1 pm. Condolences may be sent to Buffy Currie 1093 Westbrooke Way NE Atlanta, GA 30319-4804
Donnell Lowe Entered the church triumphant April 27, 2023
We pray for his nephew, Larry Lowe, member of Redeemer's security staff, and his whole family. Condolences may be sent to Larry Lowe 1315 Vine Circle, McDonough, GA 30253
Joann Woodward Entered the church triumphant April 27, 2023
We pray for her sister, Barbara Richards, and her whole family. Condolences may be sent to Barbara Richards 1963 Riddlemore Row SE , Smyrna, GA 30080
If you would like to announce the death of a loved one in the newsletter so our congregation may pray for you, please email Pastor Jenny McLellan:
MAY BIRTHDAYS 1 Matthew Baer 1 Patrick Bello 1 Sam Berg 1 Ben Street 2 Isabel Benson 2 Douglas Carl 2 Josie Durdin 2 Evan Fowler 2 Cindy Holler 2 Liz Liston 2 Richard Spady 2 Shera Taylor 2 Alyce Wise 3 Barbara Dougherty 3 Hilly Holcomb 3 Nathaniel Pearson 3 Mallorie Platko 4 Karena Cramer 5 Allison Englert 5 Safiatou Robinson 5 David Sides 5 Summer St. John 6 Samuel Aldridge 6 Buffy Currie 6 Nicolas Deuson 6 Jonathan Fuller 6 Carl Tiegreen 7 Ezra Hawley 7 Theo Mulford 7 Matt Wessinger 8 Amanda Foushee 8 Ryder Keel 9 Lyla Fuller 9 Peter McLellan 9 Jennifer Meszaros 9 Cathy Ott 9 Hewan Peterson 10 Hogan Hans 10 Maureen Hetrick 10 Brendan Jackson 10 Stacie Kershner 11 Natalie Chu 11 Daniel Kershner 11 Molly McLellan 11 Thomas McPherson 11 Alisa Norvelle
11 Elyse Van Hoosear 11 Lydia Van Hoosear 11 Joe Wilkins 12 Chris Heath 12 Eva Sau 13 Dan Englert 13 Dylan Frost 13 Jerry Johnson 13 David Miller 13 Amy Nowatzki 13 Shannyn Serfozo 13 John Steinmetz 13 Melinda Yushak 14 Hugh Anderson 14 Elise Bansen 14 Rob Blatecky 14 Barb Liptak 14 Rick Nemeck 14 Mason Nieman 14 Heidi Stolte 15 Amy Hendershot 15 Stan Schubert 16 Krista Baire 16 Isabella Bensch 16 James Bensch 16 Martha Cantrell 16 Samuel DeKinder 16 Hallie Dillon 16 Cole Flournoy 16 Myrna Kysar 16 Kelly Schlegel 16 Elijah Thomas 17 Pam Amy-Cupp 17 Jake McCloskey 17 Michael McIntire 17 Colin Moore 17 Kristin Murnahan 18 Brannan Moss 18 Christian Nowatzki 18 Kathy Updegrove 18 Ilsa West 19 Megan Alexander 19 Madison Heath 19 Bob Palma 19 Sydney Sosebee 20 Cheryl Jackson 20 Alison Kyle
20 Andrew Pearson 20 Sidney Robinson 20 Penny Saunders 20 Felicity Smayda 20 Gisela Zimmer 21 Lori Deuben 21 John Hickman 21 Jennifer King 21 Carol Maxwell 21 Dylan Miranda 21 Sally Rosser 21 Sigrid Spitler 22 Sarah Boone 22 James Maxwell 23 Chelsea Beimfohr 23 Ella Kim 23 Alec Kraby 23 John Perantoni 23 Pat Volan 23 Terrell Weitman 23 Max Weterrings 24 Zach Heisler 24 Brandon Lambert 24 Hollis Lichtman 24 Katelyn Warren 25 Matt Barr 25 Lauren Hull 25 Cindy Noland 26 Emily Patterson 26 Matt Reynolds 26 Carrie Viberg 26 Ken Wayco 27 Cliff Burt 27 Emily Cooper 27 Marykay Gilbert 28 Jenny Mclellan 28 Stine Sides 29 Melita Hobby 29 Jeremy Smith 30 Jax Hunter 30 Bruce Lewis 30 Mary Powner 30 Randy Rekoske 30 Pargen Robertson 31 Todd Larsen 31 Scott Stinson 31 Cecelia Tiller