May 2024 Newsletter

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Summer Worship

Beginning Sunday, June 23, our summer worship services will be held in the Sims Atrium.

The Property Team has planned work that requires scaffolding that will fill the nave: repairs to our 70+-year-old electrical systems, upgrades to our lighting systems, and painting. They expect the work to take 6-8 weeks, returning to the nave in early August. This work is not a part of the master plan.

The Worship Team is working to make sure that services in the Sims Atrium are familiar and comfortable.

The congregation will face the columbarium, with platforms for the lectern, pulpit and altar, complete with paraments, linens, cross, candles, and banners.

Crucifers, cantors, lectors and communion assistants will participate as usual.

Our singing will be supported by the Jazz Trio at 9 am and Sarah and Chase at piano and organ, and the Redeemer Choir at 11 am.

Communion will be served at two stations on the floor level.

Ushers will greet you with hymnals and bulletins at the Peachtree Street door and the parking lot entrances. Refreshments and hospitality will be provided in Rudisill Hall.

New audio speakers will help us hear clearly, and we will stream all services live through

MAY 2024
information in the June Newsletter.
Stay tuned for more specific

Greetings! If you or someone you know is expecting a child or interested in baptism at Redeemer at any age, we would love to celebrate this special milestone with your family! We have several dates available. Here are some details:

Wehavereturnedtoourpre-pandemicpracticeofholdingBaptismFestivals.Thismeanscertain Sundaysaredesignatedforbaptisms,andtheremaybeseveralfamiliescelebratingabaptismat thesametime.


Upcoming Festival Dates Baptism at Redeemer

Saturday, March 23, 2024 at 11 am (during our Family Easter Vigil Service)

Saturday, March 30, 2024 at 7pm (during the traditional Easter Vigil Service)

May 26, 2024 (Memorial Day Weekend)

September 1 (Labor Day Weekend)

October 6

December 29


Baptismisasacramentcelebratedincommunity.Duringthepandemicwedidseveralindividual baptismsduetohealthandsafetyconcerns.However,nowthatwearebacktofullworship services,itisimportantthatthecongregationbepartofthebaptismliturgyasmuchaspossible. Groupingupbaptismsoncertaindaysallowsustouseaspecialliturgyfocusedonbaptismand trulyhighlightitasaspecialevent,ratherthanitbeingafootnotetoaservicewithadifferent focus.Also,it'sfun!It'sagreatwaytogettoknowotherfamilies,andyourchildwillgrowupwith friendsatRedeemerwhosharetheirbaptismanniversary-aspecialbondthatcanfollowthem throughoutlife.

In Christ, 770-778-7085



Greetings Church Family,

As April comes to a close, we ’ re thrilled to share with you the exciting adventures and discoveries that have filled our preschool classrooms this month. It’s been a month full of growth and development for our little ones, from joyful learning moments to imaginative explorations

Exploring Nature’s Wonders:

Springtime has brought an abundance of learning opportunities as we’ve ventured outdoors to explore nature’s wonders. From observing the blooming flowers to listening to the chirping birds, our students have been immersed in the beauty of the natural world.

Creative Expression and Artistic Endeavors:

In our classrooms, creativity has been in full bloom! Through art projects, storytelling, and imaginative play, our preschoolers have expressed themselves uniquely and wonderfully From finger painting masterpieces to constructing structures with building blocks, their creativity knows no bounds.

Learning Through Play:

Play is not just fun – it’s a crucial aspect of early childhood development Allowing our students to learn and grow while having a blast Whether pretending to be construction workers or creating their own miniature city with blocks, playtime has been educational and enjoyable for all

Spread the Word: Enrollment Still Open!

We want to remind our community that enrollment for our half-day preschool program is still open, Spread the Word! If you know of any families looking for a nurturing and stimulating environment for their preschoolers, we would be delighted to welcome them into our MTLPS family Spread the Word about our program and help us create a community where every child can thrive

Thank you all for your continued support and involvement in our preschool community. Together, we’re creating a foundation for lifelong learning and success.

Wishing you all a joyful and blessed month ahead!

Scanthecode fordetailsand registration

Save he Date

Vacation Bible School

June 3-7; 9 am -1 pm each day

3 yrs-5th grade

Redeemer Week at Lutheridge (Arden, NC) first- 5th grades

June 16-21

Family Fun Outing- Sunday, July 14

All ages. Activity TBA

Backpack Blessing- Sunday, August 11

Fall Kick Off- Sunday, August 18

Family Camping Trip- Friday, August 23 - Sunday, August 25 at Camp Glisson near Dahlonega, GA

Sunday School Resumes- Sunday, September 8

Monster Mash and Pipe Screams- Friday, October 25

Family Advent Celebration and Christmas ProgramSunday, December 1 CHILDREN

InviteaFriend! Everyoneis Welcome
FamilyCamping isBack!
V OL! InformationandRegistration: June3-7,9am-1pm

It's been a great school year in Sunday School and CFM!

Rejoicing Spirits worship will return in August. In the meantime, we are rejoicing every day in who God created us to be! We hope you are too.

Summer Break! YoucanhelpusoutwithVBSfromthecomfortofyour ownhome!WehavelisteditemsweneedforVBSon thisAmazonWishList. Onceyouorderthem,theywillbedelivereddirectlyto thechurchandyourjobisdone!Ifyouprefertoshopin stores,contactDeaconMaryandwewillgiveyoualist. VBSSupplyDrive EndsMay12th Thankyouforyourgenerosity!
Worshipandfellowshipfrom10:15-10:45am oneSundaypermonthwillresumethisfall.


“Step Right Up”

Registration is now open. Rising kindergarteners through 6th graders will experience music, art, and drama, all based on this year ’ s animal theme! The camp is from 9:00 am-4:00 pm, with free before and after care. Tuition for the week is $165 and includes all activities, snacks, and a T-shirt. Sibling discounts apply, and need-based financial scholarships are available. All are welcome, so tell your friends and neighbors. For more information or to volunteer, please contact Sarah Hawbecker at 404-874-8664, ext. 206, or Follow the camp and share our posts on Facebook at


Redeemer Youth Grades 6-12

Upcoming Events

SavethedateforourEnd-of-YearYouthParty! GraduateRecognitionDayinformationwillbedue thisdaytoo.

MAY 12

SavethedateforourGraduateRecognitionSunday happeningonSunday,May12.Graduateswillreceive ablessingeitherduring9AMworshipserviceor11 AMworshipservice.Therewillbeashortreception aftereachservice.Congrats!

MAY 12 & MAY 19

Savethedate forourConfirmationSunday happeningduring11AMworshiponSunday, May19. PicturesbelowofourConfirmandsandsome ofourseniors.

May5:Youth End-of-Year Party (during Faith Formation hour-8th Graders will practice Faith Statements at 10:30), High School and Beyond Parents Gathering, and Graduate Recognition Information Due

May12:Graduate Recognition Sunday, Confirmation, High School Faith Formation, and Middle School Parents Gathering

May18:Confirmation Banquet (celebration for Confirmands, their families, and 8th Grade Small Group Leaders)

May19:Confirmation Sunday, Confirmation and High School Faith Formation Class Celebrations

June3-7:Vacation Bible School (Youth Volunteer Opportunities)


June10-14:Music and Arts Camp (Youth Volunteer Opportunities)

July16-20:ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans

SomepicturesfromJanuary-April2024(from lefttoright-”Souper”BowlofCaring,MSYouth Lock-In,ALLGAYouthGathering,Dunkin’ outing,HSYouthRetreat):



MAY 19 |

The Young adultministry is a group of people in their 20s & 30s creatingwelcome and support for one another, both at redeemer and in the midtowncommunity!


Join us for a low key, fun meal in midtown! Invite a friend to join you!

SUmmer planning for: book group monthly gatherings pub theology

Know a young adult who would like to get together with other young adults to build community? invite them to join us anytime!

Questions? contact Dn. Mary Houck or Pr. Jennifer Roberts


On April 13th members of the Keystone Group traveled to St Brendan’s in Cumming, GA to learn about the Mystery of the Shroud of Turin. It was a gorgeous spring day, filled with good fellowship and a lot of learning and thinking! We are grateful to our kind hosts!

Movie Matinee May 16th at 1 PM STEEL MAGNOLIAS RUDISILL HALL POPCORN & REFRESHMENTS Lunch Bunch May 23rd at 12 PM LONGHORN STEAKHOUSE (TUCKER) RSVP to Sheila Brock Fellowship Opportunities:
Movie Matinee May 16th at 1 PM STEEL MAGNOLIAS RUDISILL HALL POPCORN & REFRESHMENTS Lunch Bunch May 23rd at 12 PM LONGHORN STEAKHOUSE (TUCKER) RSVP to Sheila Brock Fellowship Opportunities:

New Members at Redeemer

On June 9th, we will be welcoming new members at Redeemer, and we are so excited!

In preparation for welcoming these new members, Pr. Jennifer is looking for some people who are willing to serve as “shepherds.” A Shepherd is someone who walks alongside our new members for the first year, checking in on them, helping them acclimate to Redeemer, and building relationships that are a natural fit.

If you are interested in serving as a shepherd for this new member group, please email Pr. Jennifer ( by May 17th.

Care Team

If you are in need of care from the Redeemer Care Team, please click the link below. Care can include rides, meals, encouragement cards, visitation, or other forms of care.



Women of all ages are invited to join us for a fantastic weekend retreat! Enjoy fellowship, activities, and a time of spiritual renewal around the theme of Flourish!

To register CLICK HERE or email Pr. Jennifer for a link.


Currently our congregational care team is looking for volunteers with compassionate hearts and willingness to share God’s love with others. Below you will find some openings on the congregational care team Please prayerfully consider if this is a place where your compassion and love for God can make a difference in someone ’ s life

Monthly Homebound Visitors (with Communion)

Rides for Medical Appointments

Meals for Individuals & Families

Home Care Assistance (periodically)


O Christ, in our suffering and sorrow you do not turn away from us. Draw near to those who mourn, offer us the gift of your Holy Spirit, and guide us in your love. Amen.


Husband of Susan Father of Ericka & Christopher

November15-17atLutheranch SingleRoom$329/person DoubleRoom$240/person


God of Tamar, surround those who struggle with infertility or have experienced miscarriage in your hope. Sit with them in their secret mourning, disappointment, and anger; send them loved ones to listen and offer their presence.

God of Rachel, comfort those who watch family and friends share their pregnancy joys yet continue to wait. As they smile and support others, send them people to offer encouragement and their presence to walk this journey when it gets long.

God of Naomi, comfort those who have known the bitter sting of a child's death. Send your Spirit to give peace that passes understanding and people to continue to hold them in love as they grieve, process, and find a different normal.

God of Joseph and Benjamin, send your Spirit to those who have lost their mother to death. Bring to mind memories of love and inspiration to carry on the legacy given to them by their mother. Send people to remind them of the sweet times and to offer their presence during the difficult times.

God of Moses' mother, you know the sacrifice, love, and brokenness of a mother who lays her baby into the arms of another family for adoption. Surround them with peace, courage, and support as the years pass by and they trust another family to love their child and have given one of the most selfless gifts

God of Pharaoh's daughter, you sew families together from all different kinds of peoples. Create bonds of love, trust, and security between all people who are raising children that have come into their care either through various circumstances, adoption, or by the joining of families.

God of Mary, continue to knit together your creation in the wombs of first time mothers Grant joy, peace, and excitement in the hearts and minds of all those who anticipate welcoming this gift of new life into the world.

God of Elizabeth, impart joy into the womb of women who are expecting at an odd stage of life Throughout the uncertainties give friends and family to walk alongside them and continue to offer support.

God of Hagar, bless those who journey motherhood alone Grant grace and support for those who work until exhaustion and continue to do everything in their power to support their child(ren). Call people to support, love, and assist mothers who are doing their best

God of Jesus & John, bless those who must commend the care of their mother into the hands of others and those who care for another’s mother as if she is their own

God of Comfort, wipe away the tears of those whose relationship with their mother was marked by trauma, abuse, or abandonment Offer the Spirit and people to walk the long road of courage, strength, and healing as your children heal from disappointment and brokenness. Make them brave and strong.

God of all the ages, give strength and rest for those who are watching (or have watched) their mother age, and disappear into the long goodbye of dementia. Grant them patience and the support of people who can offer a helping hand as they navigate the difficult journey of care.

God of all people, we praise you for women who run the race alongside one another in a common sisterhood. Whether a woman who does not wish to be a mother, not married, or find unique ways to support the lives of others around them. Give us bold love for one another and the realization that we need one another no matter where we find ourselves in life

Mothering God, gather us into your tender love. As we are nourished by your body and blood, may our own bodies and blood nourish the world in your love! Amen


TheMidtownRaceforMAC5KreturnstoPiedmontParkonMay 11,2024!ByjoiningtheRedeemerLutheranGroupyouwillbe supportingtheMidtownAssistanceCenterʼsmissiontoprevent homelessnessandhungerinourcommunity Whetheryou'rea seriousrunnerorjustlookingforafundayoutwithyourfamily andfurryfriends,theMidtownRaceforMAC5Kisagreatwayto getactiveandsupportaworthycause!Ifyouhavequestionsfeel freetocontactNathanMiller,nathanmiller1977@gmail.comor 7706334551

May is the month we celebrate Midtown Assistance Center (MAC). MAC’s mission to provide emergency assistance to the working poor of midtown and downtown Atlanta to prevent homelessness and hunger during periods of crisis remains the same but the number of people and services we provide has grown I say we because Redeemer is one of the founding churches that created MAC over 20 years ago.

Beginning Sunday, May 5 the community at Redeemer will have the opportunity to help support those in need during the challenging transition as schools close for the summer. As families face the added burden of providing meals without the support of school programs, we will begin to collect food donations to assist the MAC organization. Your generosity has always shone brightly, and now, more than ever, your contributions can significantly impact those struggling with the rising costs Look out for the bins in the Sims Atrium, where you can drop off food items and grab a flyer to spread the word. If you have any queries or wish l b h h l f l f h h ill

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also Matthew 6:21

Raised as a Southern Baptist and later Methodist in Junior High & High School in Ft. Lauderdale, the only stewardship I knew was that our single mother, with only an 8th-grade education, took my sister and me to church and youth group activities - usually with a dime as a “tithe ” During college and my twenties, I rarely attended church. I worked in banking for four years before entering and graduating from law school. After several years of general practice in Ft Lauderdale, I was offered and accepted a Law Department litigation position at Lincoln Financial Group in Ft. Wayne, IN.

The turning point in my faith story is, after beginning to date Cindy, my future wife, her parents made not-so-subtle hints such as “Get that boy to our church ” I went, and we were married, and I joined St. John Lutheran Church (ALC then ELCA) After a couple of years, I was asked to join the Elders Board. That board’s chairman gave me an offer I could not refuse: “Don, you won’t have to do much.” I mean, how could a guy refuse this offer? Looking back, I see that such a lackadaisical attitude toward Christ’s church certainly bled into other aspects of that church I had no real understanding of that church’s finances except that money - or not enough of it - was a chronic issue and that it conducted an “Every Member Visit” stewardship campaign


We had been giving $10 a week, which I thought was quite generous And yet, I had no understanding of how this church, which had one pastor, a secretary, a K - 8 elementary school with 200 students, plus 14 elementary school teachers, a principal,and a music teacher, were funded. Having conveniently remembered my Mother’s tithing lesson when the stewardship visitors came to ask for our pledge for the next year, I told them we would increase our pledge by 10% I remember feeling rather proud that I followed the Bible on this.

Fast forward several years, and I was elected to the Church Council. It was then that I understood the sacrifices this mostly blue-collar, inner-city parish had been making to support its mission: Provide the parish children with a Lutheran scholastic education Not long after that, a neighboring ELCA pastor preached for our Stewardship Sunday. Pastor Willeke was a diminutive, softly-spoken man Yet, he premised his message on the desires of our hearts. Let me tell you, if one is listening and can be honest with oneself, Matthew 6:21 preaches really well because we know it’s true. I, the lawyer, was convicted For us, our hearts were now focused on raising our daughters, which meant within our church’s primary mission. Focusing on Matthew 6:21, we realigned our priorities to do our part to support the overall mission of the wider church, even ones “that didn’t apply or appeal to us ” And this is the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

One Story at a Time Mission

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