Giving Generously | 1
The Rev. Mark H. Larson Senior Pastor
This year's Stewardship Appeal is "Let the Vineyards be Fruitful Lord." Our theme is inspired by the hymn we often sing as we bring our offerings to the altar:
Let the vineyards be fruitful, Lord, and fill to the brim our cup of blessing. Gather a harvest from the seeds that were sown, that we may be fed with the bread of life. Gather the hopes and the dreams of all; unite them with the prayers we offer. Grace our table with your presence, and give us a foretaste of the feast to come.
The vineyard is a well know biblical image for the kingdom of God. God is the owner and head gardener of the vineyard, but God depends on workers, or stewards, to take care of the garden. As stewards in the vineyard we have the responsibility to nurture and harvest the bountiful crop so all can benefit from God's grace. Gather a harvest from the seeds that were sown... This line reminds me of Jesus' parable of the wild gardener who scatters seed with abandon (Matthew 13). For over 120 years the Redeemer has been harvesting the seeds that God has scattered here in Midtown, our region, and the entire world.
This year we lost one of our beloved siblings in Christ, Bob Gibeling. Having grown up in this congregation, he shared a deep love for Redeemer. Nothing gave Bob more delight than giving tours of our sanctuary and explaining the meaning behind every window and wood carving. I don't think anyone had such a vast collection of stories of the great moments and unique individuals that are part of the legacy of this amazing congregation. Now, we are the stewards of this special vineyard. We gather the seeds that have been faithfully sown across generations so that we can continue to grow God's kingdom. Gather the hopes and the dreams of all... Even as we share our stories and reflect on how this community has impacted our lives, we look forward to what God has in store for our future: • We dream about new facilities that are accessible and welcoming to all • We dream about ways we can more effectively share our story to all people moving into Atlanta • We dream about ways we can gather more often in fellowship and community • We dream of new ways to welcome and serve all people. To make these hopes and dreams come true, we need your help. This year's main goal is to have every family pledge in any amount with which they are comfortable. Pledging financially is one tool that helps us grow in our faith and generosity. Pledging also helps us budget our ministry needs for the coming year more accurately. If you have made a financial pledge to Redeemer in the past, thank you. You are nurturing the seeds that helps keep our congregation grow vibrant and healthy. Please pray and consider making a pledge again this year. If you have never pledged, or don't really understand what pledging is all about, please look over the Why Pledge? article later in this brochure. We truly believe that God is doing great things through Redeemer. We hope you will join us in making our hopes and dreams come true.
VISION Through Redeemer the World Will See Jesus.
MISSION To create a community that in word and deed reflects the love of Christ. Through worship, community and service, Redeemer equips people to be living testaments to the Lutheran faith in Atlanta and beyond.
VALUES Love of God. Love of neighbor. Love of each other.
GOAL ONE To build a community of Christ’s disciples, who in word and deed reflect the love of Christ.
GOAL TWO To strengthen Lutheran Church of the Redeemer (Redeemer) as a center for social action, community collaboration, learning and spiritual growth, focusing on hunger and homelessness, justice and inclusion, and mental health and wellness.
GOAL THREE To deepen our relationships with one another and welcome others into a nurturing and caring community.
GOAL FOUR To build on Redeemer’s identity and reputation as a center for social action, community collaboration, learning and spiritual growth.
GOAL FIVE To ensure the sustainability and long-term vitality of Redeemer’s witness and mission by managing and using our resources to honor God. .
W h a t do e s my o f f e r i n g do ? Every dollar that you give to Redeemer goes toward accomplishing our mission. Together we nurture disciples of all ages as we GROW FAITHFULLY. Together we use our God-given gifts and resources to SERVE BOLDLY in a hurting world. Together we faithfully maintain and care for our facilities so they most effectively serve our mission as we BUILD OUR FUTURE. It is interesting to note that our mission budget is almost evenly divided among all three goals.
GROWING FAITHFULLY: 35% of our budget As we worship, pray and study, we grow as disciples. We are deeply grounded in our Lutheran identity. Our theology is generous and grace filled. Our worship is centered on the invitation that Christ offers at the communion table: all are welcome in this place. That welcome flows through all we do and say.
2023 Highlights • Our worship attendance continues to grow as more and more people get back into the spiritual practice of in-person worship. • We welcomed our fourth Organ Scholar as we continue to nurture musicians who will serve the church long into the future. • Rejoicing Spirits, our worship experience in support of families with special needs, moved to Sunday mornings to allow greater participation. • Our Children and Family ministries had another full year of programming including Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Summer camping, and a variety of Fellowship events. • Our Young Adults Group continues to grow in participation and leadership throughout our congregation. • Our new Sunday Schedule with a dedicated Faith Formation hour has created more adult faith formation opportunities.
SERVING BOLDLY: 28% of our Budget Lutheran Church of the Redeemer is a caring church. We support our members when they are struggling and we are an active force for good in the world. Redeemer has a rich history of action and advocacy throughout metropolitan Atlanta, the impact of which remains central to our identity today.
2023 Highlights • A number of new Personal Care Teams have been formed to respond quickly to the needs of anyone who is struggling. • Our Wellness Ministry developed a year-long focus on Mental Health and Suicide Awareness. • Our Lutheran Community Food Ministry streamlined its operations to improve the experience for both our volunteers and guests. • Our Lutheran Community Food Ministry also partnered with our Wednesday Night Community Meal. • We supported nearly twenty local ministry partners as well as our Core Spiritual Partners. • Redeemer remains the Southeastern Synod's largest supporter of the world-wide mission of the ELCA. • In partnership with Midtown Alliance, we hosted our first ever Block Party, Groovin' Down in Midtown, which introduced Redeemer to over 200 of our neighbors.
Building our Future: 37% of our budget Seven generations of generous Redeemer members have blessed us with the properties and beautiful spaces we use to worship, learn, and serve.. As we care for our legacy building, we do so with an eye towards future development and expanded mission possibilities
2023 Highlights • We continued our Master Planning process with a report expected this fall. • Major work on the Sims Atrium roof was completed. • We initiated a much-needed upgrade and overhaul of our world-class pipe organ.
2021 Plans 2024
GOALS Telling our Story Saying good bye to beloved staff members is always difficult. While we wish them well in the future, we know we will miss them. But such changes also present an opportunity to reexamine how we are organized for mission. One area that we have wanted to expand, but have not had the resources to do so, has been Communication and Evangelism. God is doing great things here at Redeemer, but we have not been able to get that word out to our community and our region. We have just begun to use the vast technological resources available to us. In a world that is often so divisive, Redeemer has a vital message to share: God welcomes you here!
Releasing our Gifts Another area we have long wanted to expand is in terms of member engagement. Member engagement is critical to a vibrant, serving church and needs to be expanded A Volunteer coordinator who could connect people's gifts and passions with opportunities for service could help us multiply the ways we reach others with the good news of Jesus Christ.
BUILDING COMMUNITY As our Groovin' Down in Midtown block party demonstrated, there is a real hunger for community and connection in our neighborhood. With so many new people joining our congregation, as well as others returning from the pandemic absence, there is also a desire to reconnect in our own community. Providing more opportunities simply to come together to enjoy one another's company and meet new people will go a long way towards getting the story of what God is doing through Redeemer out into the world.
IMAGINING OUR FUTURE As 2023 comes to a conclusion, we can expect to the see specific options for the development of our facilities from our Master Planning Project. In 2024 we will move to implementation phase as we look for a development partner who shares our values and begin to identify next steps.
CARING FOR OUR PRESENT Even as we imagine our future, we need to prudently take care of our resources in the present. We look forward to the completion of the upgrade of our Letourneau Pipe Organ. The sanctuary is also in need of additional upgrades to our electric service and our sound system. It is also a good time to consider a fresh coat of paint! Please pray and consider how you can support our congregation with your gifts of time, talent, and treasure. Please join us for a Reformation Celebration on October 29 when we will receive your pledge and say Thank You for your generosity.
Why Pledge? People who are new to Redeemer may wonder about pledging financial support for our mission ahead of time. Even some lifelong Lutherans have questions about this unique spiritual practice.
What is a pledge? A pledge is basically a promise between you and God shared with the church for the purpose of being more faithful, accountable, and generous. Each year, we ask every member to pray and consider how they will support the mission of Jesus Christ in this place through the offering of their time, talent and financial resources in the coming year. It is not a legally binding contract and can always be changed if your circumstances change.
What is the spiritual purpose of a making a financial pledge? Pledging helps us embrace the spiritual gift of generosity. Created in the image of our generous God, we are made to reflect God’s generosity. And God calls us to become partners in God’s work in the world through our gifts. As we grow in generosity, we grow in godliness and discipleship.
Why is pledging considered a spiritual discipline? Like prayer, scripture reading, fasting, and service, the practice of giving regularly and intentionally helps us grow in faith and mature spiritually. It serves as a continual reminder of God’s claim on our lives. It requires us to put our own needs and wants into proper perspective, to set aside our own interests for the sake of God and others.
How are pledges used? The congregation's Finance Team and Church council uses the pledges we receive to estimate our resources for ministry for the coming year.
First, begin by giving thanks and remembering that everything around us ultimately derives from God. Especially when times are uncertain, we have the assurance that God is always by our side. Thoughtfully and prayerfully consider with your family the meaning and purpose of Redeemer’s mission. The best way to determine the amount of one's pledge is to determine a percentage of one's income you want to return to God. Biblically a tithe (10%) is a suggested guide. But no matter the percentage or amount, it is the act of pledging that is important. There are three simple ways to make your pledge: • Go on-line at • Return the Estimate of Giving card from your Stewardship packet on or before Commitment Sunday, October 29. • Email your pledge to • If you’re able to remember Redeemer in your estate planning, make a note on your Estimate of Giving and we will contact you. Another way to support our mission is through your gift of time. Please go to our website to explore the many ways you can connect and serve. We thank you for your continued faithfulness and support for Lutheran Church of the Redeemer. Remember, it is because of of your generosity that our vineyard continues to be fruitful.
731 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta, GA 30308 | (404) 874-8664 |
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