Update Saturday Nov 25, 2023

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We had a wonderful Commitment Sunday celebration on Reformation and an excellent response to our stewardship appeal, "Let the Vineyards be Fruitful." If you have not pledged yet, you can submit your pledge of support in a number of ways: Mail the commitment card you received in the mail back to the church. Deposit your commitment card in the offering plate on Sunday. Go to the Giving Page on our website. Email your pledge directly to our Financial Secretary with your pledge amount by the week, month, or year. If you did not receive a Commitment Packet, please let us know. Link to 2024 Brochure

Link to: submit prayer requests Livestream Zoom Communion following postlude

Join us for Worship this Sunday | 9 am & 11 am Christ the King Sunday Pastor Jenny McLellan, preaching The theme of the Day: On this final Sunday of the church year our gospel is Jesus’ great story of judgment. In the end, the faithful are those who served Christ by ministering to those who are poor, hungry, naked, sick, or estranged. In the first reading God is the shepherd who seeks the lost, weak, and injured and feeds them with justice. We gather this day to celebrate the reign of Christ and his victory over death, yet we await the consummation of all things yet to come. Acknowledging Christ as our merciful ruler, we go forth that his reign may be known in our loving words and deeds.

Thank you to our Nomination Committee for their leadership through the 2023 election process and to those willing to be nominated: your fellow members indeed value your gifts. Congratulations to the following Redeemer members on their election to our Congregation Council beginning in 2024: Jeff Elkins, Anne Ridenhour, Janet Preston, Terry Longstreth, and Pat Cornwell. They will be installed Sunday, December 3. We thank God for blessing Redeemer with these committed leaders and ask for your prayers and support for them as they work on your behalf.

Congregational Notice Official Notice of Congregational Meeting CONGREGATIONAL MEETING: December 10, 2023, following both worship services Zoom links enabling remote attendance will be sent to members on Saturday, December 9, 2023. Purposes of this meeting: Congregational approval of amendments to the Redeemer constitution approved

and recommended by the Congregation Council Congregational approval of Redeemer's budget for 2024

-------------------------------------------------Recommended Constitutional Changes. The Congregational Council, at the recommendation of the Constitution and CR Committee, has passed a resolution to propose changes to the Redeemer (ELCR) Constitution. These changes include new language and clarifications to ensure Redeemer’s constitutional language is consistent with changes passed by the ELCA in 2022 in the “model” constitution for ELCA congregations. In addition, the Congregation Council is recommending changes to clarify the comprehensiveness of the annual budget. A list of the recommended changes can be seen in this document[Link] The full recommended changes can be seen in this document [Link] Approval of these amendments requires a majority vote of the voting members attending and voting at the meeting. The ELCA changes will become effective upon approval at this congregation meeting. The amendment proposed by the Redeemer Congregation Council (C12.05.c) will require a ratification vote (2/3 majority) at the congregation's Annual Meeting in March 2024. Comments or questions about the amendments can be sent to C&CR Committee chairs Dawn Adamson (djadamson82@icloud.com) or Ed Kuehn ( edkuehn@mindspring.com).

​Congregational Budget for 2024. Please also join us following the 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM Worship Services on Sunday, Nov, 26th, or Dec. 3rd for Listening Posts to discuss the 2024 Proposed Budget. Members of the Church Council, the Finance Team and the Church Staff will be on hand to review the document and answer questions. You can attend in person in Rudisill Hall or feel free to join the conversation online via Zoom. The Zoom link can be found here.

Giving Trees Angel Tree for the Girls of Wellspring Living Sims Atrium Today through December 10 Redeemer members will have the opportunity to shop for the girls of Wellspring Living – children (ages 12 – 17) who have been sexually trafficked and who are on a path a of restoration. On each ornament is a suggested gift card. Gift cards in any amount will be used for the girls’ school and craft supplies, meals, clothing, special outings, or for stocking the boutique where the girls can “shop” for special items as rewards for scholastic achievement. Write the value on your gift cards and place them in the box by the tree. Questions? Contact Amy Carpenter Goshen Valley Gift Drive Sims Atrium today through December 10 Help us create a Merry Christmas for the girls and boys living under Goshen Valley’s care. You can donate items in two ways: · donate gifts using the Amazon list, which will ship items directly to Goshen Valley · donate household items using tags on the giving tree in Sims Atrium and bring the items to church with you. This drive is hosted by the Children and Family Ministries Team. Speak to Dn. Mary with questions.

Inspiritus Hope Tree Sims Atrium The weather is turning cold and purchasing a coat for every person in a family is a large expense. We are trying to gather coats for every client who has arrived this year. If you are able to donate even one coat, it would make a huge impact on a family of 9 or 11 who are looking at needing hundreds of dollars in warm clothing. Tags with names, gender, age and size can be found on our Hope Tree. If you prefer to make a monetary donation to the Hope Tree Christmas fund, we will use the funds to purchase the winter coats needed.

Children & Family Children’s Christmas Program Stars! Angels! Shepherds! Kings! (and Queens!) We preparing again for our children’s Christmas Program this year with our favorite songs and costumes! This is a meaningful way for our kids to make the good news of this ancient and beautiful story fresh each year. Rehearsals will be during Sunday School on November 5, November 12, and November 26, with a required Dress Rehearsal on Saturday, December 2: 9:30-11:00 am. The performance will be on Sunday, December 3: 10 am (9:30 'call time' for performers). Ages 2- 5th grade are welcome. To register, fill out the Sunday School form. If you have already registered for Sunday School, no additional registration is needed.

Youth Kringles -Thanks for supporting our youth to attend the ELCA Youth Gathering 2024 in New Orleans! Our Kringles will be ready to be distributed on Sunday, December 3-December 17. We may have some extras, but those will be on a first come-first serve basis. Feel free to use the link to continue to donate. Link to support Youth Christmas Party will be Sunday, December 3. Enjoy some pre-hangout time before lunch followed by games and lots of fun as we celebrate the holiday season together! Please RSVP by Sunday, November 26 for planning purposes. J.O.Y. Choir J.O.Y is an ensemble for Just Our Youth, grades 6-12. We meet on Sunday mornings 9:00-9:30 am. Joining voices in fellowship and praise, you will make friends and memories while serving God, our congregation and community. Register here

Sunday Morning Faith Formation God's Voice in Music, Harmony, and Tonality explores the spiritual connection between music and divine communication. Led by Ed Scherlacher 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM | Room 121 & Zoom 9/10/23 - 12/17/23 Weekly Class

​Be Still and Journey A women's group led by Pat Cornwell shares their lives of faith and is currently discussing "The Heart of Christianity" by Marcus Borg 9:45 gather | Room 119

​Conversation Study | Conference room Pr Jonathan's class uses the book by Brian McLaren called ‘We Make the Road by Walking’ which offers the opportunity each week to look at a scripture reading and using reflection present an introduction/reorientation to the Christian Faith. Please note that there is NO reading required to participate, nor is this a book study. It’s simply an opportunity to gather and grow together.

Special Adult forum on Sunday, December 10 Guest speaker, Rev. Dr. Mae Elise Cannon "Crisis in the Middle East" 10 am | Rudisill Hall Rev. Dr. Mae Elise Cannon will share about the work of Churches for Middle East Peace.

Faith Formation Tuesday morning Bible Study led by David Ott 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM | Reception Room/ Zoom All are invited! Tuesdays | 5 PM | Zoom Led by Pastor Jonathan Study of A People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn

Thursday afternoon Bible Study Thursdays | 3 – 4:00 PM | Reception Room/ Zoom Dig deep into the Gospel of Matthew, chapter by chapter, as we explore theological and contextual themes. Sweet treats and coffee will be provided. Bibles will be available, or you can bring your own preferred Bible.

Wednesdays at Redeemer Community Meal in partnership with Lutheran Community Food Ministry As a new partnership this year, our Wednesday Night Dinner will be provided by Lutheran Community Food Ministry. This will allow us to provide a free, nutritious meal to anyone who wishes. If you can, please make a generous donation (perhaps what you would spend on a family dinner at home) to support this daily feeding ministry. Cash and credit cards are accepted. Dinner will be served at 5:00 PM. Early Bird Bible Study led by David Ott Wednesdays | 4 PM | Reception/ Zoom Study of Exodus Children and Youth Music Ministries

Seraphim Choir | 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM | Room 204 Redeemer Ringers | 7:00 PM – 7:30 PM | Room 202 Pastor’s Class led by Pastor Mark 6 PM | Rudisill Hall & Zoom Reading the Gospel of John Through Palestinian Eyes Christians from diverse cultural, religious, and political contexts have been studying the Gospel of John for almost two thousand years. Rev Yohanna Katanacho invites us to encounter the text anew, this time from the perspective of a twenty-first century Palestinian Christian. Challenging the claim that Christ belongs to a particular denomination, nation, or race, Katanacho presents the Gospel of John as introducing a new world order defined not by race or nationality, but by suffering and love. Worship – Evening Prayer | 7 pm

Save the Date Register Today: Keystone Christmas Celebration Thursday Dec. 7th 11:30-2 pm Sanctuary and Sims Atrium Celebrate Christmas with one another with a brief worship service with communion and a message from Pastor Jenny McLellan followed by a catered lunch. Register here or call the church 404-874-8664. Let us know if you need transportation.

Save the Date Christmas Program- You’re Invited! Our Children's Christmas Program is back! This year it will be held on Sunday, December 3rd at 10 am in the sanctuary. After the program, there is brunch in the Sims Atrium for the whole congregation and Advent activities for kids and their families. Please plan to attend the program and support our kids as they tell this ancient and beautiful story in their own way.

Blue Christmas on December 3rd "Service of Lament, Hope, and Healing" | 4 pm | Sanctuary In a season of great cheer, drop the pretense and come before God as you are: raw, lonely, sad, angry, whatever you're feeling come. Come and draw near to God and the hope we have in Jesus.

December 10th Bethlehem Village and Live Nativity (BVLN) on The Redeemer Green

Please consider playing a part in this outreach gift to Atlanta on December 10th (rain date Dec 17th). Visit the Bethlehem Village Table, in the Sims Atrium for information and to volunteer in any capacity. Questions anytime: contact Don Noland (dfnoland@gmail.com), Janet Preston (janethaury@gmail.com), or Terry Longstreth (terrylongstreth@mindspring.com)

Sunday, December 10, 11:00 am Advent Lessons and Carols This seasonal service of scriptures and carols will be presented by Redeemer’s children and adult choirs. The lessons and music will reinforce the Advent themes of hope, peace, joy, and love. The service will not have a sermon, but will include scripture, music, and communion.

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