This year's Stewardship Appeal is "Created to be Generous." We serve a generous God who held nothing back in sending Jesus to redeem the world. In response, we are called to give ourselves back to God, using all that God has given us in grateful and appropriate ways. Every day we have the opportunity to grow in the generous use of God's good gifts.
This month we want to take some time to thank everyone who helps Redeemer remain strong and vibrant as we witness to the power and grace of our Lord. We also wish to invite each and every person to grow and nurture their discipleship through the mission and ministries of Lutheran Church of the Redeemer.
I am so grateful for your faithful support of our church and your commitment to be a disciple for Christ.
In this packet you will find some important information:
• A brochure describing the impact your gifts have had and some of our 2025 mission goals
• A commitment card for the coming year on which you can record your financial pledge of support
• An envelope to be used when you bring your commitment card to church on Commitment Sunday, October 27. You can also send this commitment by mail or submit it online at
Please study the material carefully in the packet as you prepare your intention of giving. Then come to church on Commitment Sunday (October 27, Reformation Day) to take part in our special dedication worship. Again, thank you for your support as we continue to Grow Faithfully and Serve Boldly together.
In Christ,
The Rev. Mark H Larson Senior Pastor