Phyllis Wade President
Gabriele “Sissy” Gifford Vice President
Kat Julius Secretary
Diana Palma Treasurer
Pastor Patti Axel Melodee Davis
Bridget Radford
Arlette F. Stansbury
Alice Schunemann
Christeen Yerby
Barbara Schwanebeck Convention Registrar
Linda Few AV Administrator Communication Team
Louise Iconis Facebook Admin Communication Team
Kathy Hill Triennial Promoter
Janice Hawkins Lutheran World Relief Key Leader
Sue Tyler SE Synod Liaison
The Weaver is a quarterly publication of the SE Synod of the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In each issue we highlight WELCA women, and their activities, missions and ministries throughout our four state demographic – Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama and Tennessee.
The Weaver represents a tapestry of the stories of gifted and multi--talented women that will strengthen us, offer us various experiences and struggles we all face, with views that may challenge us and educational tools designed to enhance our ministries and our togetherness as a people It is our earnest prayer that the Weaver will inspire you to always be your best, do your best, and be a blessing to all people
Our readers are encouraged to submit announcements, church ministry events, articles and photos for publication consideration As a faith-based publication, all advertisements are subject to review and approval by the Weaver Editorial Staff.
For more information and submission instructions, please contact the Editor-in-Chief Linda Few at 404-556-5858 or by email
Printed copies of The Weaver are available by subscription only.
The Weaver
Linda Few
Louise Iconis Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor
As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit,
We commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.
WHAT’S HAPPENING... 3 From the SES-WELCA President 4 News From the Treasurer 5 Call to 2024 Convention 7 Katie’s Table for 2024 8 Lutheran World Relief Update 9 Synod Assembly Discipleship Project 10 Spring Cluster Meeting Recaps
Greetings From the SES-WELCA President
“The Stars Fell on Alabama” is the title of: a jazz song composed by Frank Perkins with lyrics by Mitchell Parish in 1939; a book published also published in 1934 by Carl Carnes which refers to the spectacular occurrence of the Leonid meteor shower in November 1833, and a 2021 indie movie about a successful Hollywood agent who returns to Alabama for the first time since leaving 15 years ago.
What does this have to do with us? When we gather in Huntsville for this year’s Convention, stars will once again fall on Alabama. This time it will be WELCA stars. How does your WELCA star shine? Are you a leader, a financial supporter, an encourager, an event planner or doer? How does your Congregational Unit shine? What ministries--local, synodical, national, or global does your Unit support?
I have been blessed to attend three Spring Cluster Meetings. Each one was unique and meaningful and had one thing in common—women who are willing to share their gifts and abilities with their WELCA sisters. I know that this trait is not limited to the 3 Cluster Meetings I attended. I know that there are women in all our Clusters who are willing to shine like the stars God created them to be
As we continue to prepare for our Convention in Huntsville, please consider sharing your “star light” with your sisters across the Southeastern Synod WELCA by submitting your nomination form to serve on our WELCA Board We will be electing a Vice President, Secretary, and 4 Board Members. I hope to see each of your in Huntsville as we all shine like the stars God created us to be!
Your sister in Christ,
Phyllis Wade President, Southeastern Synod WELCA
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News from the Treasurer
by Diana Palma, SES-WELCA Treasurer
Thank you WELCA ladies for your support! As our new year begins on February 1, 2024, your new WELCA Board Members and Conference Planning Committee members have great hope and determination to serve our faithful congregations as we encourage each other to grow and thrive Our nine clusters/conferences of Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, and Tennessee will begin this year with uplifting programs all around our synod in March and April
Our leaders are planning meetings to share the missions we will support this year plus September convention details as they develop Last year, your donations helped us take a step closer to our SES WELCA’s renown history of vibrant fellowship and generosity. I am very grateful to those who have already responded this year! Your prayerful attention to giving is critically important. Here are three ways you can help NOW:
#1 - Send your regular offerings as your group meets monthly or quarterly (see form A) Checks payable to: SES WELCA (with Memo Line detail)
#2 - Plan to attend you Cluster/Conference meetings to learn more about our 2024-25 Convention, new mission projects and submit your individual registrations and & offerings. Information will includes: Katie’s Table. Love Offering, In-Kind Offering and New Mission Growth and Fellowship Projects.
#3 - Pre-register for the 2024 Convention in Huntsville at the extended 2023 rate of $200.00 (See registration form on back pages of The Weaver). Registration form should be submitted to Diana Palma with pre-payment.
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“Created To Shine Like Stars” 2024 Call to Convention
September 20-22, 2024
Your Southeastern Synod Women of the ELCA (WELCA) Board and our Host Cluster, 7-Diaspora, are excited to invite you to our 36th Annual Convention to be held at the Embassy Suites in Huntsville, Alabama, Friday, September 20, 2024, through Sunday, September 22, 2024. This year’s theme is “Created to Shine Like Stars” based on Daniel 12:3.
The ladies in our Host Cluster have been very busy planning a fun and exciting even for you So please encourage the women in your unit to attend the convention and extend a personal invitation to the young women (ages 14-35). We want everyone to have the opportunity to “shine” as we worship together, study God’s Word, attend workshops, have time for fellowship, and conduct the business of this star-filled community of women. This year’s business will include electing a vice-president, secretary, and board members this year. Please prayerfully consider shining like a star and serving this community of women. Note that changes to the bylaws allows up to two people from a congregation to serve on the board if one serves as an officer, and one serves as a board member.
We will also approve the budget for fiscal year February 1, 2025, through January 31, 2026. If you have any other business to bring before the organization, please consider submitting a resolution Please contact Phyllis Wade at for information on how to write a resolution. Each congregational or special unit of the Southeastern Synod Women of the ELCA is entitled to one voting member. It is very important that all congregations be represented as we conduct the business of our organization because only voting members can vote on any business brought before the convention.
We have several general scholarships of $100 that may be used toward your registration fee There is also the Whitney Hill Memorial Fund which provides $100 for a young woman 35 or under, and the Caroline P. Gammell Memorial Fund for a woman over the age of 65 Scholarships are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. The deadline to apply for a scholarship is July 1, 2024. Please contact Phyllis Wade at for an application Names and information submitted for scholarships are kept strictly confidential
Please note that you will need to make your hotel reservations directly with the Embassy Suites by calling 1- 256-539-7373 Hotel reservations must be made no later than August 19, 2024, for the group rate which starts at $169.00 per night. Rates are based on the number of persons and can accommodate up to 4 people. Room rates include breakfast and 2 complimentary glasses of wine in the evening Come join us and help us create a constellation of WELCA stars!
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Sweet Home Alabama
2024 Southeastern Synod WELCA Convention
by Kathy Sieja, 2024 Convention Chair
Since the convention this year is going to be in Huntsville, Alabama, we in Diaspora Cluster have been busy for a few months now preparing for a gathering that will be an experience worthy of the lofty theme we have been given. We are getting more excited each time another piece of this huge puzzle begins to come together, and are amazed at all of the creative and interesting ideas that are being suggested for this event.
As you know, our city is known for the NASA Space Program, the Space Center, Space Camp, and all things aeronautical, so be ready to learn some new things, meet some people who will awe you, and have an overall delightful couple of days. The Embassy Suites in Huntsville is located across the street from our historical Big Spring Park, and we hope you will find time to wander around and enjoy our family-oriented downtown. Our days at the Convention will be busy, and filled with many of the things you look forward to every year, plus opportunities to attend some workshops that are unique and will hopefully appeal to your own creative, musical, and spiritual selves. Be ready to be inspired by our guest speaker, Jan Davis, who is an astronaut and author who flew on three Space Shuttle missions She will have her memoir, Air Born: Two Generations in Flight, available to purchase and have autographed. Saturday evening at the banquet, The Hogan Family will entertain us with their joyful singing motivating plenty of toe-tapping
We are looking forward to welcoming Bishop Kevin Strickland, our Churchwide Representative, Ginger Cutrell, as well as each one of you to our amazing 2024 SESWELCA Convention in Huntsville this September. The earlier you register, the better it will be for us, but you have until mid-August before registration closes. Meanwhile, have a great summer, and we’ll see you in September!
2024 - Remembering the Dearly Departed
At this year’s convention in September, a special recognition will be given to those WELCA members who passed away during the past year. A video will be produced to remember are departed sisters. If you have any WELCA members who departed in 2024, please email the following information (and a photo in jpg format if available) – with the subject heading “Departed Saints” to Melodee Davis at and Linda Few at
Name of the Deceased
Date of death (if specific is not known – please indicate month and year OR at least year)
Name of Congregation
Cluster name/number
For questions or additional information, contact Melodee Davis at 770-354-1609.
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SES WELCA Faith Building Tips for 2024-2025
2024 will bring us the ability to practice the fellowship of Grace-Filled Living! We will provide an exciting and uplifting convention to feed your faith life in September. In preparation to be our best selves, here is a monthly checklist of Faith Building Tips!
Encourage all you know to register for convention before th early bird rate expires.
Begin your Silent Auction project.
Be on the look out for the Summer Edition of the Weaver Work on your Silent Auction Project
Prepare your Katie’s Table Grab Bag
Finish all your convention preparations
Remind any late birds to register before August 31
Contact Diana Palma by text at 404 667-6290 with any questions to make our 2024 LAUNCH PLAN a success!
Get Ready for Katie’s Table 2024
At this year’s Convention, Katie’s Table will be selling grab bags. It harkens back to yesteryear when a 25 or 50 cent grab bag held so much promise of unimaginable joy candy and other goodies. For $5 you can relive the anticipation, the expectant hope of good things to be had We are asking for units to donate 10 -15 bags. You can fill them with baubles, lotions and potions, snacks and candy. Don’t forget candy
If you have some spare cash, put that in a bag or two –ones, fives, even a ten If one person gets a bag with $10 everyone will be wanting to buy bags hoping to get some cash If you have an item that won’t fit in a bag, a book for example, we will have a display table for those items. You will need to put a slip of paper in the bag to let them know that they have won a book (or whatever oversized item you chose). All bags should be brown lunch bags. We don’t want one group of bags being chosen over another group We don’t want any, “Oh, those brown bags don’t have anything good in them.” We are excited about this Katie’s Table. We think it will be fun and profitable.
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It’s Ingathering Time!
Lutheran World Relief Update
It is time to prepare for our Lutheran World Relief Ingatherings! There will be 7 locations in the Southeastern Synod to drop off your LWR Mission Quilts & Kits. The dates for loading the trucks are August 23 and 24, 2024. Please check the Ingathering list in this Weaver for exact dates and times at the location nearest to you. There are additional instructions for packing and labeling your boxes on the 2024 Church Reporting Form Please have this form filled out when you arrive to drop off your donations at the truck. Information for each Ingathering is also available on the LWR website ( under the link “Find an Ingathering”.
Some important things to remember are:
by Janice Hawkins, LWR Key Leader
Label each box with type of item and quantity in the box, Church name with city & state, and the box weight in lbs. (be sure your box weighs LESS than 40 lbs.)
WR is still working on developing a new Quilt & Kit tracking system General tracking statistics from 2023 are available on the poster available on the LWR website under resources. You can print this for display as an 8.5 x 11 document or order one in poster size for display DO NOT include toothpaste in Personal Care kits-this is due to international shipping restrictions. Don’t worry-LWR gives a tube of toothpaste to everyone receiving a Personal Care Kit.
LWR is no longer accepting Fleece blankets. They are also not accepting any quilts made with fleece or fleece of any type in kits. Fleece has been determined to be harmful to the environment.
On February 7, 2024, an important video called “Understanding the new 2024 Quilt & Kit Ministry Guide” was released It is filled with inspiring stories, vital information for your ministry, and updated recommendations.
Please take a moment and listen to this video:
Understanding the new Quilt & Kit Ministry Guide | Lutheran World Relief
Understanding the new Quilt & Kit Ministry Guide (
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WELCA Synod Assembly Discipleship Project
WELCA has been asked to provide a “Discipleship Opportunity” (service project) at this year’s Synod Assembly by having the supplies needed to assembly Personal Care Kits for Lutheran World Relief (LWR). We are asking you to send 10-12 dark-colored, light- or medium-weight bath towels with your voting members to Synod Assembly. We will have the other supplies including boxes.
For Our Congregational Units
Some important guidelines from LWR to remember: Be sure to shop for dark-colored, light- or medium-weight towels, which are easier for Kit recipients to hand wash and air dry, take up less storage space and are considerably less expensive than the fluffier towels we may prefer to use. Bath towels vary in size. The 52” X 27” size listed in the guidelines is the maximum size 20” x 40” is a good guideline for a minimum size. Walmart and Target usually have lower cost towels that meet these guidelines. If your congregation is an Ingathering location this year, it would help us tremendously if your voting members could bring some of the packed boxes home with them
Keep the Tabs Coming!
Congregational Units are asked to start collecting your pop tabs now for submission at the 2024 SES -WELCA Convention in Huntsville, AL. WELCA has been a supporter of Ronald McDonald House project for many years. Each year, attendees at convention add their collection of pop tabs to the giant Ronald McDonald House and then the donations are delivered to the children’s House program in the host convention city.
Ronald McDonald House programs, located near top children’s hospitals, are a home away from home that provide comfort, support and resources to families who travel far from home for the medical care their child needs. Parents can stay close to their hospitalized child and benefit from the comforts of home without incurring hotel and food costs. The donated tabs will be recycled and the proceeds will be given to the Ronald McDonald House programs to benefit families everywhere So, let’s keep the tabs coming!
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From Across the Synod 2024 Spring Cluster Meetings
Cluster 2
submitted by Debie Lundell - Recorder
Cluster 2 met on April 13, 2024, at St. John Lutheran Church, in Griffin, GA, with 4 churches represented Welcome and worship was led by Vicar Roxann Thompson, followed by a business meeting, including a report by WELCA Board Rep, Diana Palma. Diana shared messages about our upcoming convention in Huntsville and greetings from Phyllis Wade, President. To highlight this year’s Katie’s Table project, Treasure Bags, Diana prepared 4 sample bags and selected recipients at random Samples in the bags included simple goodies and one special gift in each.
Trinity Cluster 3
After lunch, and conversations about how we could grow our programs, the Keynote Speaker address was given by Mary Lee Harms, Resident Service Coordinator of the Christian Service Center Dr Kelly Glow, last year’s motivational speaker at our convention, held a book signing for the attendees and a brief talk The two workshops for the afternoon included a project for “Star Making” to celebrate our convention theme for this year, “Created to Shine Like Stars” and “Mat Making” for the Homeless.
submitted by Louise Iconis - Recorder
Twenty-four women and two men from Cluster 3 met at Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Atlanta, Georgia on Saturday, April 27 for our annual Spring Meeting. After registration, we had some time for fellowship as we enjoyed a cup of coffee and some snacks. For the business section of our meeting, we re-elected Hollis Williams as our Member-at-Large for another three years. Christeen Yerby, our board representative, installed Hollis along with Linda Few, Cluster Coordinator, and Louise Iconis, Cluster Recorder.
After a Call to Convention in September and planning for more cluster events, we presented a new logo – designed by Linda Few – for the Trinity Cluster that identifies us as “Bees and Butterflies” – WE3.” Orders were placed for t-shirts with the new logo to wear at the convention in Huntsville
After lunch, Pastor Nyahaley Labor from Emmanuel and Pastor Beverly Brown Shaw from Atonement, (our Trinity Cluster Chaplain) who had attended a synodical event that morning joined the meeting We were informed that Muriel Williams, a long-time member of Emmanuel and a past synodical board member, had just passed away. We immediately began to lament and memorialize Muriel remembering all the times spent in service and fellowship done with the Women of the ELCA.
Pastor Nyahaley and Pastor Beverly conducted a Prayer and Anointing service where everyone was anointed with oil and was prayed over with a laying on of hands. A special prayer circle was created and we surrounded and prayed over Louise Iconis, who had suffered a medical crisis. Many tears and hugs were exchanged as we adjourned the meeting, gathered our belongings and headed home somberly, yet with great hope for the future.
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Magi Cluster 4
submitted by Janice Hawkins - Coordinator
The Spring Gathering of Magi Conference 4 was held at Trinity Lutheran Church, Lilburn, GA on April 20, 2024 There were 14 registered attendees from 3 churches: Trinity, Christ Lutheran, and Living Grace. Joining us after registration were Pastor Katie Christie (Trinity) and Holly Thornton (program speaker). The theme was “Created to Shine Like Stars” based on Daniel 12:3, which is also this year’s convention theme.
After breakfast provided by Christ Lutheran, Janice Hawkins opened the business portion of the meeting.The 3 congregational units shared how WELCA works in their churches and discussed any successes and struggles they might be having. Bath towels brought by the ladies were also collected. These will be used for assembling personal care kits at Synod Assembly Election for Member-at-Large then took place. Susan Cordial from Christ Lutheran was nominated and approved unanimously for the position of Cluster 4 Member-at-Large The Cluster 4 Synod Liaison Melodee Davis recognized Margery Kellar as the out-going Member-at-Large and then installed Susan Cordial as Member-at-Large and Janice Hawkins for another year as Cluster Coordinator.
Melodee presented the Call to Convention, registration details, and this year's theme "Created to Shine Like Stars" which will be Huntsville, Alabama on September 20-22, 2024; an appeal to consider serving on the WELCA Synod Board This year's convention business will include electing a vice-president, secretary, and 3 Board members. Melodee also introduced what will be available at the Katie's table fundraiser Each congregation is asked to bring at least 10-15 grab bags that will sell for $5 each Holly Thornton provided a wonderful program about Bible journaling. Her handout included tips about where to get specific journaling Bibles, markers, artwork, etc. and recommended some private Facebook groups, Pinterest, and Instagram sites that offer advice and ideas on this subject. Pastor Katie Christie presented a short Bible study based on Daniel 12:3 and how we can shine like stars. Lunch was served by the ladies at Trinity (total cost covered by a Thrivent Action Team card). Our worship service followed Pastor Katie Christie presided and delivered a wonderful homily.
Diaspora Cluster 7 submitted by Roberta
Stamp, Coordinator
On Saturday, March 9, twenty-seven women representing 5 churches in the Diaspora Cluster gathered at Shades Valley Lutheran Church in Birmingham, Alabama for a day of Christian fellowship The theme for the day was “Created to Shine Like Stars” based on our convention theme. Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. Daniel 12:3
The day started in the chapel with welcoming remarks by Roberta Stamp, Cluster Coordinator. This was followed by a dialogue on what it means to shine like stars, written by Glenda Emigh, and presented by Paula McMillan and Mary Yarbrough of Faith Lutheran Church.
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Gulf Shores Cluster 9 submitted by Mary Baker, Member at Large
We all went to Fellowship Hall to make Scandinavian Fabric Stars led by Anne Scholl, our Happy Quilters coordinator. After a fabulous lunch, a business meeting was held with updates from Sissy Gifford our SES WELCA Board Rep and Kathy Sieja (St Marks Lutheran) who is the convention chair this year hosted by our cluster in Huntsville this September.
The day concluded with a short worship service with communion in the chapel officiated by Pastor. Corey Lange All went away uplifted, refreshed, and shining like stars!
Cluster 9 met on March 16, 2024, at Grace Gulf Shores Lutheran Church. Welcome and worship was led by Pastor Marcia Schultz, followed by Bible Study and Keynote Speaker, Mary Lee Harms, of the Christian Service Center.
After Lunch, Kat Julius, WELCA Board Rep, opened the business meeting with 36 members in attendance. Kat shared messages and greetings from Phyllis Wade, WELCA President. Topics discussed were 2024-25 Elections to be decided at our Convention in September, the towels requested for Synod Assembly project in June, Katie’s table project for this year, Treasure Bags, and recipients of Love offering this year.
Dr. Cynthia Ryder was elected Member at Large for next year. The meeting ended with the “We are Created to Shine like Stars” litany and prayers.
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Phyllis Wade, President Leadership Training
Gabriele “Sissy” Gifford, Vice President Justice (Chair)
Cluster7 Diaspora Board Rep
Kat Julius, Secretary Stewardship
Cluster 9 Gulf Coast Board Rep
Diana Palma, Treasurer Justice
Cluster 2 Good N.E.W.S Board Rep
Pastor Patti Axel,Justice Cluster 1 Ebenezer Board Rep
Melodee Davis, Discipleship (Chair)
Cluster 4 Magi Board Rep
Bridget Radford, Discipleship
Cluster6 Agape Board Rep
Arlette Stansbury, Discipleship
Cluster 8 The King Board Rep
Alice Schunemann, Stewardship
Cluster 5 Mission Board Rep
Christeen Yerby, Stewardship (Chair)
Cluster 3 Trinity Board Rep
2023-2024 Executive Board Southeastern Synod
Barbara Schwanebeck Convention Registrar
Linda Few Newsletter Editor-in-Chief, AV Administrator
Louise Iconis Newsletter Managing Editor, Facebook Admin
Kathy Hill Triennial Promoter
Janice Hawkins Lutheran World Relief Key Leader
Sue Tyler SE Synod Liaison
Need help setting up a ZOOM meeting for your cluster or congregational unit? Or maybe you want to hold a monthly Bible Study like Cluster 3 or start a craft workshop?
SES WELCA has a ZOOM account which is available to congregational units, clusters or synodical committees. Send a Request form (available at seswelca weebly com ZOOM C o o r d i n a t o r , C h r i s t e e n Ye r b y , a t Shewill schedule the meeting and send you the link to invite others to your event
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The Weaver
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The Weaver is published four times per year The cost of a one-year mail subscription is $10.00 or you may subscribe for the FREE email version contacting the Managing Editor at
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The Weaver Spring 2024 Volume 6 Issue 1
1540 Diplomat Drive Cumming, GA 30041