November 2024 Newsletter

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The Harvest Home Concert is Redeemer’s musical celebration of Thanksgiving, a quintessentially American holiday, a celebration that crosses all barriers. The diverse music of the concert is designed to appeal to a broad audience, including those who might not attend a church service As a gift to the community, the concert is presented free of charge. We celebrate

FAMILY are those closest to us, related by blood or by choice, gathered around our table or living in cherished memory.

FEAST can be a festive table or a simple meal received and shared with gratitude, feeding the body and the spirit; famine comes in many forms.

HARVEST is collaborative, dependent on our effort as well as communities, systems, and circumstances that are entirely beyond our control.

HOME can be a place or a person, as much destination as where we are from, where we are welcomed, known, and loved.



Join us on Sunday, November 10th, as we celebrate Lutheran Towers again this year. Connected via a bridge over Juniper St., Lutheran Towers has provided not just a roof over our 200+ seniors' heads but a warm and nurturing environment that fosters a sense of belonging and well-being for over fifty years Ms Betty Stewart “Purple Betty” will share her story during the services, and we’ll have the opportunity to meet other residents, including Robert West.

Known for his iconic artwork of Atlanta landmarks and railroad art, Robert West has been a resident of Lutheran Towers for more than six years and is using his talents to “give back” to the vibrant community that has become his family over the past several years.

West is donating print #1 in a limited series of 21 prints of his painting “ Fabulous,” for a silent auction “Fabulous” portrays the historic Fox Theatre at night, illuminated by its iconic neon signage The marquee advertises an evening event, capturing a bustling street scene with people dressed for a formal occasion, walking under the glow of the theatre’s lights.

The rich architectural details of the Fox Theatre are highlighted, including its distinctive towers and ornate entrance, which are set against a backdrop of the city skyline and an evening sky filled with stars. The wet street reflects the lights, adding vibrancy and depth to the scene. This artwork evokes a sense of elegance and nostalgia, blending modern touches with a classic, timeless setting

Be sure to visit the Sims Atrium to see the donated artwork and meet Mr. West. Bids will be accepted until November 30 via an online auction at eranTowersFabulous


For 13 years, Redeemer members have had the opportunity to shop for the girls of Wellspring Living! These children (ages 12 – 17) have been sexually trafficked and are on a path of restoration with God’s grace and the care of Wellspring Living. On the back of each ornament on the Angel Tree in Sims Atrium will be a suggested gift card Gift cards in any amount will be used for the girls’ school and craft supplies, meals, clothing, special outings, or for stocking the boutique where the girls can “shop” for special items as rewards for scholastic achievement. Write the value on your gift cards and place them in the box by the tree. The tree will be available from November 17 through December 15 Thank you, Kathy Hill and the women of Northside Circle for the creation of the ornaments. For questions, contact Charissa Schultz or Amy Carpenter via Realm


We have resettled an unprecedented number of refugees this year of 600+. As the weather turns cold, purchasing coats for every family member can be a significant expense. We are working to gather coats for all clients who have arrived this year. If you are able to donate even one coat, it would greatly impact families of 9 or 11 who face the need for hundreds of dollars in warm clothing.

Coat Drive

Tags with names, gender, age, and size will be available on our Hope Tree starting November 15. If you prefer to make a monetary donation to the Hope Tree Christmas fund, we will use those funds to purchase the necessary winter coats.

The Lutheran Community Food Ministry will host its annual “A Time to Share.” This event features a special Thanksgiving meal prepared by Chef Isaiah, with turkey and all the fixings. In addition, several of our partners, including Hope Through Soap, will provide showers, grooming, and fresh clothing To volunteer, please contact Stephanie Hart at


Baptism at Redeemer

Greetings! If you or someone you know is expecting a child or interested in baptism at Redeemer at any age, we would love to celebrate this special milestone with your family! We have several dates available. Here are some details:

At Redeemer, we hold Baptism Festivals, special Sundays designated for baptisms when several families may be celebrating a baptism at the same time. Please inquire for more details on how scheduling works and to get the Baptism registration form.

Upcoming Festival Dates

Sunday, December 29 at either service

Sunday, February 16 at either service

Saturday, April 19, 2023 at the Family Easter Vigil Service, 11 am or the evening Easter Vigil Service at 7 pm

Sunday, May 25, 2023 at either service


Baptismisasacramentcelebratedincommunity.Groupingupbaptismson certaindaysallowsustouseaspecialliturgyfocusedonbaptismandtruly highlightitasaspecialevent,ratherthanitbeingafootnotetoaservicewitha differentfocus.

Also,it'sfun!It'sagreatwaytogettoknowotherfamilies,andyourchildwillgrow upwithfriendsatRedeemerwhosharetheirbaptismanniversary-aspecialbond thatcanfollowthemthroughoutlife.

In Christ, Deacon Mary Houck (she/her) Director of Children and Family Ministries 770-778-7085


Christmas Program and Family Advent Celebration

Rehearsals Nov. 3, 10, 17, and 24 during Sunday School Dress Rehearsal on Saturday, December 7 from 9:30-11:30 AM Program on Sunday, December 8 at 10 AM (cast call at 9:30)

WeareonceagaincollaboratingwiththeRedeemer Children'sMusicprogramtoengageallourSunday SchoolkidsinthestoryofJesus'birth.Then,there willbrunchandAdventactivitiesforthewhole familyinSimsAtrium.Whetherornotyourchildis intheprogram,wehopeyou’lljoinus!

ThisisagreatwaytostarttheChristmasseason groundedinfaithandtakehomesometoolsto keepthatfocusthroughoutDecember.Allages welcome;noRSVPrequired.Bringafriend!

We Need You!

Thechildren’sSundaySchoolTeamisstartingareviewofourSunday Schoolcurriculumandanexplorationofotheroptions.We’vebeenusing andenjoyingthiscurriculumforabout10years,anditistimetomake sureit’sstillthebestoptionforourkids.We’llstartmeetingmonthly(in ahybridformat)inJanuarytodiscuss,andanychangeswouldbe implementedforthe25-26schoolyear.We’dlovetohaveyourinput! ContactDeaconMarytosignup.

Save the Date!



VBS!: June2-6,2025

Grateful Hearts

Rejoicing Spirits Worship



ThismonthatRejoicingSpirits,wegivethanksjoyfullyforallGodhasdoneforus Apractice ofgratitudecanremakeourheartsandmindswhentheworldmakesusfeellacking.

Wemeetat10:15amonselectSundaymorningsinRudisillHall Allagesandabilitiesare welcome RejoicingSpiritsisa'non-hushing'servicewhereeveryonecanbethemselves OurNovemberservicewillbehybrid.YoucanjoinworshipdirectlyatthisZoomlink.

It’s that time of the year – the Youth are selling Kringles for our major yearly fundraiser. We will be taking orders Nov. 3, 10, & 17.

Price: $18 each, 3 for $47, (plus $3 processing for card payments).

Orders will be available for pickup on Dec. 8 & 15. !


Joinustoviewanddiscussthefilm: SEEINGTHROUGHTHEWALLMeetingOurselvesinPalestine andIsrael

ExperiencethestoryofmembersofaJewishCongregation whoaccompanytheirRabbionatourofIsraelandPalestine. ManywallsseparatePalestiniansandIsraelis-wallsof concrete,ofmistrust,ofignorance,offear.

HostedbyAlisaNorvelleandMaryPeterson,membersofthe SoutheasternSynodAdvocacyteamforSumud:ForJustice inPalestineandIsrael

NOV 10 10 AM

Rudisill Hall

Happenings in November

Christmas Eve 2024

11:00 am German Church Atlanta Service

Traditional worship in the German language with Holy Communion

1:00 pm Worship Worship includes traditional carols with Holy Communion.

3:00 pm Family and Children’s Service

A Christmas message with lessons and carols for children with Holy Communion.

*6:00 pm Jazz Service Worship begins with the prelude featuring the Redeemer Jazz Trio with Holy Communion.

*8:00 and *11:00 pm Christmas Services

The celebration begins with a musical prelude of instrumental and choir music. Services include traditional carols with Holy Communion.

*Prelude begins 30 minutes prior to service.

Sunday, December 29

One service at 10 am

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