3 minute read
College Pastor
Well, what a year 2021 has been. Australia has experienced a range of scenarios around the ongoing COVID19 pandemic journey. For a time, as 2021 began, with the rollout of COVID vaccines, life appeared to be returning to some form of “normality” with school sport, cultural and extra-curricular activities up and running. We were able to present our Musical, “Little Women” to full theatre audiences. We were able to hold Junior School and Senior School Chapel and Assemblies with students and staff, and we were strategising ways to return to including parents at these gatherings.
Then we were introduced to a new term – the “Delta Variant”. This highly contagious strain of the COVID19 virus has seen life around the globe impacted by soaring numbers of those contracting the virus. Australia was also impacted significantly by the “Delta Variant” resulting in lockdowns, restrictions, mask wearing, online learning and quarantines. Different approaches around managing the outbreaks applied by different State Premiers also brought additional challenges.
Where is God in all of this? Isn’t God supposed to be in control?
Sometimes it can appear as though God is hiding away somewhere while we are left to deal with the realities of life. This is not a new perception. Martin Luther, who lived during a time when life was impacted by diseases like the plague along with other challenges, reflected on situations in which God appears to be hidden away somewhere. He uses the term “Deus absconditus”, which is a Latin term meaning “God hidden”. In reflecting on this, Luther referred to the many subtle ways God, despite the way things may appear, is always present and continuing to care for people, bringing to life the grace and love which is God’s very nature. Often, God is present in places, people and circumstances where people do expect God to be.
From the College Pastor
“Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Isn’t his mother’s name Mary, and aren’t his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas? Aren’t all his sisters with us? Where then did this man get all these things?” And they took offense at him.
Matthew 13:55-57
“Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Isn’t his mother’s name Mary, and aren’t his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas? Aren’t all his sisters with us?
Even Jesus did not meet the expectations many had with regard to encountering and experiencing the presence of God, a presence that can be more readily perceived through the eyes of Faith.
God’s Word, again and again, confirms God’s promise of being present with us, despite the way things may often appear. The often “still, small voice” is God with us.
2021 at Redeemer saw a number of special celebrations giving thanks for our wonderful multicultural community here at the College. One of these highlights involved the celebration of the Lunar New Year in which the gifts and talents of many of our students were shared through a morning of celebration. The celebration concluded with a traditional Lion Dance which delighted so many, especially our Junior School children.
Another highlight saw the celebration of World Week. This involved a week of learning about the cultural uniqueness of others and sampling some traditional cultural cuisine including Thai and Indian food. World Week concluded with a whole College celebration of the gifts and talents God gives through dance, singing and musicianship. We were all deeply moved to see so many of our students dressed in traditional costume each reading a verse of a Psalm in their own languages.
And so, we give thanks to God for another year of learning and growing through the challenges and blessings that are a part of life in a Lutheran School.