3 minute read
Staff 2021
Mrs Tanya Crooks (Principal) Mr Anthony Vassallo (Business Manager) Mr Denis Mercier-Lee (Deputy Principal) Pastor Brenton Altmann (College Pastor) Mr Adam Ayling (Acting Teaching & Learning Coord P-6) Mr Aaron Hardke (Director of Teaching & Learning P-12) Mrs Jenny Ludwig (Teaching & Learning Coord Middle Years 7-9) Mrs Nikki McKenzie (Head of Admissions & Marketing) Ms Lisa Robinson (Head of Junior School) Mrs Anastasia Strong (Head of Senior School) Mrs Nicole Wolf (Deputy Business Manager)
Mrs Sharon Johnston (Accounts Officer) Mrs Cassie Lui Toeava (Accounts Officer) Mrs Judy Newby (Human Relations / Finance Officer) Miss Bec Pennisi (Admissions & Marketing Officer) Mrs Kathryn Pincott (Accounts Officer) Mrs Deb Turner (Compliance & Operations Officer) Mrs Lydia Wang (Enrolments Assistant)
Mrs Laurelle Bailey-McBryde (PA to Dir. Teaching & Learning P-12) Miss Elizabeth Barredo (Junior School Reception) Mrs Catherine Carnarvon (PA to Head of Junior School) Mrs Larissa Handcock (PA to Head of Senior School) Mrs Laura Moran (Senior School Reception) Mrs Paula White (PA to Principal & Deputy Principal)
Mrs Tina Ellis (Learning Enhancement 7-12) Mr David Law (Performance Music) Mrs Julie Logan (HPE 7-12) Mr Darryl MacDonald (Japanese P-12) Ms Stephanie Mackie (Head of Careers & VET) Ms Steffany Mylonas (Enterprise 7-12) Mr Bruce Nicholls (Industrial Technology 7-12) Ms Mihalia Pappas (Science 7-12) Mrs Claire Preston (Music P-12) Mrs Kelly Redhead-Adelt (Creative Arts 6-12) Mrs Gaye Ruthenberg (Christian Studies P-12) Mr Stephen Sisson (Maths 7-12) Mr Julian Wenke (Humanities 7-12) Mrs Kate Wilkinson (Lifestyle Tech 7-12) Miss Tamara Zingelmann (English 7-12)
Mr Andrew Kemp (IT Manager) Mr Maulik Kashiyani Mr Lachlan Stock
Ms Helen Cadwallader (Learning Enhancement Coordinator - Junior School) Mrs Ruth Evans Mrs Nicole Humphrey Mrs Manisha Arora Mrs Katherine Baber Mrs Jacqui Baxter Mrs Julie Gore Mrs Sonja Ravallese Mrs Sarah Say
Mr Ross Groch (Caretaker) Mr Austin Mingham (Grounds) Mr Douglas Rutledge (Grounds)
Mrs Geena Barnes (OSHC Director) Miss Holly Barnes (OSHC Assistant Director + Educational Leader) Miss Clare Terry (Group Leader) Miss Charlotte Albietz Miss Isabelle Bunker Mrs Claire Chen Miss Bridie Clarke Miss Georgia Dunster Mr Yohan Fernando Miss Shae Godfrey Mr Michael Heard Mrs Feifei Huang Miss Zoe King Miss Ellie Knijnenburg Mr Jeremy Lie Mrs Kaitlyn Lie Miss Mariah Marchitto Miss Georgia Matthews Mr Pacey Mazzer Miss Juliet Newby Miss Keyra Saunders Mr Daniel Stainer Miss Nicole Taddeo Mr Andreas Theodorou Miss Zoe Trimble Miss Talula Van Keimpema Miss Alexandra (Sasha) Weir Mr Nathan Wolf Mr Nathan Wren
Mr Anthony Jeffes (Lavarack) Mrs Mellissa Hughes (Wilson) Mr Andrew Marshall (Junior School) Mrs Julie Robinson (Year 7) Mr Grant Symons (Ramsay) Mrs Kylie Wright (Mansfield)
Ms Sue Warren (Head of Library Services) Ms Theresa Cumming (Teacher Librarian P-6) Miss Amelia Burkitt Ms Cheryl Kung Miss Gemma Leibinger
Mr Luke Curran (Head of Sport) Mr Geoff Logan (Junior School Sports Coordinator) Ms Mikhaela Donnelly (Deputy Head of Sport) Miss Mikaela DiSavia Mrs Danielle Hinton Mrs Angie Lindsay Mr Philip Tonkin
Miss Brooke Anderson Mr Christopher Anderson Mrs Heidi Barnes Mrs Christina Bianchi Ms Rebeka Blackwell Mrs Renee Brattan Mrs Rebecca Coppo Mrs Leah Cox Mrs Jodie Dart Ms Hanka Dearling Mrs Amanda Deighton Miss Emily Dixon Mr Bradley Duffy Mrs Fiona Elliott Mrs Ann Etchells Mrs Christie Fleming Ms Josephine Grigg Mrs Jillian Hunt Mrs Amanda Johansen Miss Maddie Jones Mrs Julie Lavin Miss Lydia Leong Mr Jeff Li Mrs Lu Liu Ms Amanda Losurdo Mr Tim MacLean Mr Michael McClune Miss Hannah Nixon Ms Dianne O’Brien Mrs Kylee O’Neill Mr Jono Pukallus Mr Anton Rayner Mr Stefan Richards Mrs Tamara Rogers Mr Brendan Roome Ms Marita Ropelin Mrs Jemma Rowney Ms Jamie Rudd Mr Jason Smith Ms Paige Stiller Miss Emma Tamai Mrs Stephanie Taylor Ms Christene Wall Ms Linda Tonkin Ms Sonya Van der Walt Mr Nathan Weil Miss Kapa Wu Mr David Yu
Mrs Beverley Atkinson (Junior School) Mrs Sharon Davey (Visual Art) Mrs Jacqueline Ginnivan (Creative Art) Mrs Anchalee Grice (Junior School) Mrs Kirstine Harper (Music & Admin. Assistant) Mrs Kym Head (Junior School) Mrs Susan Hose (Lifestyle Technologies) Ms Loretta Lee (Junior School) Mrs Christine Montgomery (Junior School) Mr Russell Phillips (Industrial Technologies) Miss Cheryl Tsan (Laboratory Attendant) Mrs Jennifer Wong (Junior School)
Mrs Teri Grandin (Tuckshop Manager) Mr Ming Chen Miss Tracey Houghton Ms Julia McKeogh
Ms Debbie Green (Student Counsellor) Mrs Amy Masson (College Nurse) Mrs Rachael Stelzer (Lay Chaplain)