4 minute read
Ramsay Head of House
From the Ramsay Head of House
Thank you to the Home Group teachers of Ramsay House for the care, support and guidance they have provided to students throughout 2021. I would also like to thank the Captains of 2021, Shae Godfrey and Dayna Ekundayo, for their outstanding support, dedication and initiative provided during Carnivals, House Assemblies and Home Group activities. I am very proud of the cohesive way in which the Captains worked together and the level of dedication they applied to making the year fun and exciting for Ramsay students and staff.
In Ecclesiastes, King Solomon wrote:
“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labour: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.” Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Ramsay staff and students demonstrated wonderful unity and support of one another throughout 2021. During Term 1, Home Group teachers and students were involved in a range of activities that enabled participants to get to know one another, creating a culture of support and encouragement. Students and staff had a wonderful time preparing for, and competing at, the Swimming Carnival. Students and staff created a range of props and signs to reflect the ‘Under the Sea’ theme, producing an amazing atmosphere, while singing and chanting our war cries. Ramsay’s effort and unity were rewarded with overall First place in swimming events and Second place in House Spirit.
Term 2 was action packed with the Cross Country Carnival, Pavement Art, Athletics Carnival and an Inter-Home Group Trivia Competition. The theme for the Cross Country Carnival was Mario Cart. Ramsay students and staff created a car that included a real steering wheel and customised, laser cut number plates. Signs were made, along with a yellow super star for every student in Ramsay to wave while singing war cries. Ramsay’s efforts were rewarded with overall First place in Cross Country races and House Spirit.
Ramsay students worked wonderfully together to create beautiful artwork for Pavement Art. The theme in 2021 was “Untold History” and Ramsay students produced some very powerful pieces that explored topics such as the stolen generation and the creation of State and Territory borders. Ramsay came Third overall, but a special mention must go to our Year 12 team who won best overall artwork. Our ‘Superheroes’ themed Athletics Carnival saw Ramsay staff and students create a motorbike, signs and a yellow mask for every student in the House. Students and staff demonstrated wonderful unity and enthusiasm to begin the day by marching down Simpfendorfer Drive and onto the oval, while singing our war cries. Students gave their best effort in all events and had a lot of fun while supporting and encouraging one another. Ramsay came First overall for Carnival events and Second for House Spirit.
Term 3 commenced with teams of twelve students and one staff member from each House competing in the RecyKle competition. Teams worked together to ride for as many kilometres as they could on a stationary fitness bike in a thirty-minute period. All money raised from the event went to Leprosy Mission Australia. I was extremely proud of the Ramsay team who rode for 41.2km and tied in First place with Wilson House. The Home Group challenge for Term 3 was for each Home Group to create a photo board that could be displayed in their Home Group room. Students were given a variety of photo challenges that required the inclusion of as many students as possible in a variety of locations around the Senior School. It was wonderful to see students out of their classrooms and genuinely enjoying each other’s company.
Term 4 saw the transition of Year 7 students into Home Groups. It was wonderful to see Home Groups plan a range of activities that allowed the Year 7 students to feel welcomed and comfortable in their new class. Furthermore, it was heart-warming to see Senior Students act as mentors for the Year 7 students and be their support person first thing in the morning, and at various times throughout the day. The InterHouse Challenge for Term 4 was Handball. This was a wonderful event that fostered the transition of Year 7 students and enabled all students to get out of their classrooms and do some physical activity first thing in the morning.
In conclusion, 2021 was a year of enormous growth and character building for the staff and students of Ramsay House. Our hard work, unity and dedication was rewarded with winning the House Shield. I would like to give my heartfelt appreciation to the staff and students of Ramsay House for helping to create wonderful memories that we can all cherish. I wish the departing Year 12 students all the best with their future endeavours. Please know that you will always be a part of the Ramsay family. God bless,