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Christian Studies
Here at Redeemer, we see Christian Studies as one of the many contributors to the whole education of the whole person, providing opportunity for the student’s spiritual development. We hope that through the Christian Studies experience, students engage on a journey in the search for personal meaning; a meaning which will include the on-going process of knowing God and being known by God.
It is important to learn about different religions because…
…it broadens our understanding of people and questions about faith. …it helps us view life from other people’s perspectives. …it increases cultural awareness and understanding of global complexities. …it enables us to have a greater understanding of what people believe which will limit any prejudices or assumptions that may be made in ignorance.
Peace is difficult to achieve because…
…people’s attitudes and beliefs can differ based on religion and social status. …people are not satisfied with what they own. They wish to have more.
People find meaning and purpose through…
…recognising their own gifts, talents and strengths and how they can use them to achieve personal goals, embrace their own beliefs and values and to find and pursue their own passions. …God or their beliefs on the world. Sometimes they can find meaning and purpose through their own experiences.

I have learnt that God’s creation…
…is more than just creating the world, but creating every individual’s personality, and feelings. …is what we need to live life. He is the reason we are able to live freely today.
My story is important because…
…I know I am a child of God. God created me and put me in this world for a reason. ...I need a sense of belonging. To live life happily. Being a child of God is special to me. …I can help the world and I know that God loves me unconditionally and he will forgive me.
It is important to know who lives in my community because…
…we can support each other. …it can help us to feel more empathy and accepting towards other people.
The topic of social justice taught me…
…to respect others and to not take everything for granted. …about the struggles of others and issues present in society. …that there is so much happening in the world that we don’t know much about.