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Learning Enhancement
Senior School The Learning Enhancement Department is Work committed to providing students with learning support based on their individual needs. This year, the Department supported students who accessed the Academic Assistance Program (AAP), students with English as an Additional Language (EAL), students within subject classes and assisted teachers to identify, plan and support learning in the classroom.
Students who enrolled in EAL are required to study a Unit of work in each term, ending the Unit with an assessment task. At the end of each semester, students are awarded a bandscale score (1-8) based on their language proficiency across the four microskills: listening, reading, speaking, and writing. There is a total of 8 bandscales, where 1 is a beginner user of English and 8 is a competent user of English. The bandscale scores are then shown in the students’ report cards each semester. A range of topics have been covered in 2021, for example, analysing persuasion in media texts, persuasive speaking, analysing digital texts, exploring different perspectives, examining representations of Australia’s peoples, histories, and cultures. Students have also enhanced their language skills through online interactive activities such as Quizlet Live and Quizzes. Spelling and vocabulary building has also been a focus of the cohort.
Together, our Learning Enhancement Department strives to support the diverse learners of Redeemer Lutheran College.