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Daybreaks for Lent and Easter
A Guide to Lent and Jesus’ Resurrection
Daybreaks: Daily Reflections for Lent and Easter features the work of inspiring spiritual authors, including Sr. Dianne Bergant, CSA; Fr. Mark G. Boyer; Paula D’Arcy; Kenneth Davis, OFM; Mary Katharine Deeley; John F. Kavanaugh, SJ; Patricia Livingston; Mark C. McCann; Bishop Robert F. Morneau; Fr. Ron Rolheiser, OMI; James S. Torrens, SJ; Rev. Paul Turner; and many others.
Daybreaks authors focus on a theme, offering Scripture passages, meditations, and reflections daily to open our hearts and deepen our relationship with God during the Lent and Easter seasons.
Un Nuevo Comienzo: Reflexiones diarias para Cuaresma y Pascua feature the writings of Carmen Aguinaco; Sr. Dianne Bergant, CSA; Fr. Mark G. Boyer; Juan Calderon, OAR; Fernando Pascual; Fr. Ron Rolheiser, OMI; Rev. Paul Turner; and Lupita Vital.
Daybreaks: Daily Reflections for Lent and Easter are sixty-four pages and $2.99 per copy. Quantity discounts are available.
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Daily Reflections for Lent And Easter
Prepare your hearts and minds for the glory of Christ’s resurrection with Daybreaks meditations for the Lent and Easter seasons. Enrich your Lenten penitence with inspiring ideas for this salvific time.
Conventual Franciscan Kenneth G. Davis is an expert on sin. Since God is an expert on forgiveness, the two get along pretty well. Fr. Davis also talks a lot about the faith, so it is fortunate that as a priest he is called to do so. It is even more fortunate that a lot of people talk with him, since it was within the crucible of that dialogue that these meditations were prepared.
64-page booklet 9780764-828508 $2.99 Now $1.99 Sale ends June 30, 2024