Grid Magazine December 2014 [#068]

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Puff Piece


The joy of knowing where your food—and holiday gifts—come from


heese curls. So crunchy, so airy. Covering my fingers with a salty orange dust that I would lick off even in the presence of the Queen. I do my best not to buy them because moderation doesn’t work. Once I’m in the presence of these fluorescent marvels, it’s a race to the bottom of the bag, and it’s a race I always win. It’s a hollow victory, though, and regret creeps in before the orange stains on my fingers—and my shirt, jeans, friends, etc.—fade. As I throw the bag away, I’m reminded of Michael Pollan’s 2006 book, The Omnivore’s Dilemma. In it, Pollan traces the origins of four different meals, one from a fast food restaurant, one from Whole Foods, one from a small-scale farm, and another where he does all of the hunting and gathering himself. The message embedded in the book is that every meal you eat has a story. The story of my cheese curls, certainly a testament to man’s ingenuity and creativity, is a secret to me. I have vague imaginings of gigantic machines, thundering rhythmically and endlessly, but can’t really take the origin story back any further than the truck that pulled up to the Wawa. One of Pollan’s follow-up books to The Omnivore’s Dilemma was Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual. The intention of the book was a practical one, to distill the wisdom of his bestseller to help guide people to make good decisions when buying food. For example, “Don’t eat breakfast cereals that change the color of the milk” and “Don’t buy food where you buy your gasoline.” These rules proved effective for food, and we can apply the same logic to shopping for other items, too. In the spirit of Food Rules, here are seven questions to consider when buying gifts: Is the business owned by a person, or a publicly traded corporation? Can you, or the person who is selling something to you, speak knowledgeably about where and how the product you are considering buying is made? Are the materials used of a high quality and produced conscientiously? If you are buying from a company, are their employees treated well? Is what I’m buying going to make Philadelphia a more or less interesting and prosperous city?

Alex Mulcahy 215.625.9850 ext. 102 managing editor

Sara Schwartz 215.625.9850 ext. 103 art director

Danni Sinisi 215.625.9850 ext. 112 distribution / ad sales

Jesse Kerns 215.625.9850 ext. 100 Drew Brightbill 215.625.9850 ext. 114 copy editor

Andrew Bonazelli writers

Are the businesses members of organizations such as Sustainable Business Network or Fair Food? Will consuming this product leave an orange residue on your fingers that makes it impossible to hide what you’ve eaten?

Bernard Brown Brian Rademaekers Emily Teel junior designer

Corey Jameson interns

Shopping locally won’t be as hard as you think, and it will be more fun than you can imagine. You hold in your hands 72-page magazine of local and sustainable coverage, including a ninepage gift-giving guide, and the Sustainable Business Network Directory, which lists over 400 local businesses. It’s difficult to believe now, but a fear we had when launching Grid was that we would be able to fill our pages every month. It turns out the “problem” we have is the opposite; Philadelphia, you are too awesome to be contained in one magazine. On behalf of everyone here at Grid, we hope you have a wonderful holiday season, and we look forward to serving you in 2015!

Francis Dumlao Jenine Pilla photographers

Jen Britton Jared Gruenwald Gene Smirnov illustrators

Greg Christman Daniel Kaye Kathleen White director of operations and strategic partnerships

Heather Shayne Blakeslee published by

alex j. mulcahy, Publisher

Red Flag Media 1032 Arch Street, 3rd Floor Philadelphia, PA 19107 215.625.9850 g r i d p h i l ly . c o m

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Lending a Hand Library activist engages her community with an award-winning garden story by Frances Dumlao On a typical Saturday morning, Sheila Washington can be EVERYDAY found in the garden at the HadHERO dington Branch of the Free Library of Philadelphia, watering flowers and teaching children about caring for plants. The garden opened in 2009 with a few rose bushes to beautify the neighborhood library, seated on top of a hill. As the President of the Friends of the Haddington Library, Washington organized volunteers to revitalize the acre and a quarter of land that the library sits on, and it is now filled with roses, azaleas and lilacs. The garden became the pride of the neighborhood when it was recognized by the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society with the Community Greening Honoree Award in 2011. The 61-year-old retired bookkeeper joined the Friends organization after protesting to save the Haddington branch from closure due to budget cuts in 2008. The library remained open and Washington and the Friends have been supporting it through fundraisers, organizing volunteers to help in the garden, and community services such as Teen Café, an after school program where children ages 7 to 16 can work on homework and play games, as well as participate in educational and anti-bullying activities. Washington concedes that maintaining a garden is not easy, but she adds that seeing children lend a hand in the garden and inspire the neighborhood residents to plant flowers in their


In 2008, when Michael Nutter took office and announced the beginning of the Mayor's Office of Sustainability, it may have seemed like a permanent fixture in city government. But it wasn't the case until Nov. 4, when Philadelphia voters overwhelmingly approved a measure that wrote the office into the city's Charter. Director of Sustainability Katherine Gajewski is looking forward to continuing the work: “Approving a permanent Office of Sustainability shows that Philadelphians value the great work currently underway and want city government to continue focusing on sustainability planning.”


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Sheila Washington joined Friends of the Haddington Library after protesting to save it from closure in 2008.

own yard is what keeps her motivated. “It really makes you feel good that you’re helping something that really helps so many people,” she says. When Erica Smith Fichman, TreePhilly Program Manager at Philadelphia Parks and Recreation, was looking for community members to partner with to set up their free tree giveaway program, Washington was recommended by a Parks and Recreation staff member. The dedicated library volunteer was up for the task and has helped with TreePhilly for four seasons since 2012, giving away a total of 466 trees in the Haddington and Overbrook communities. “At the events, I always put [Washington] right up front at registration so she can be the friendly face that people see as soon as they come to the event,” Smith Fichman says. Rebekah Ray, former librarian at the Haddington Library, has worked with Washington since May 2011, running community events and educational programs at Teen Café. “Sheila is


Frankford Watershed

A $155,000 Delaware Watershed Conservation Program grant, (through the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation), allowed the Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed Partnership to plant more than 300 trees and shrubs at the Abington Friends School in Abington Township in mid-October. Planted with help from the Pennsylvania Environmental Council, Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, Washington Gas Energy Services and Sterling Planet, as well as student and community volunteers, the trees and shrubs will protect 25,000 square feet of stream buffer along 500 feet of Jenkintown Creek, preventing polluted runoff from entering the water.

persistent, reliable and persistent. Yes, I did mean to say that twice,” Ray says, smiling. Washington secures donations to ensure free snacks and art supplies for the children while also applying for grants and testifying at city council meetings to advocate library support. “She’s more than a volunteer,” says Haddington branch manager Frank Bonifante. “The Friends are really library activists.” Before retiring, Washington had lived as far as California and Texas, and yet found herself returning to her childhood neighborhood, choosing a house next to the library. “By traveling the country, you really appreciate Philadelphia,” says Washington, characterizing Philadelphia as a sophisticated, well-read city that cares for its libraries. Washington encourages any retirees or anybody not working to volunteer at their local libraries. “Meet your neighbors. Help out,” she says. “It really is worthwhile.”


Community Corps Through a Philadelphia Community Corps job-training program, former convicts are learning how to revitalize communities by deconstructing or soft-stripping abandoned properties. More than a month into its first project, the nonprofit corporation dedicated to revitalizing blighted neighborhoods is working at 2124 W. Chew Ave. in Philadelphia’s Logan neighborhood through a partnership with Philadelphia Salvage Company. During the deconstruction process, 90 percent of materials can be salvaged and diverted from landfills.

p hoto by Jared Gruenwa ld

IN · SIGHT Venice Island Address: 1 Rector Street Hours: 1 to 9:30 p.m.

East side of the Schuylkill Open to all ages

Drier Ground In the works for the better part of a decade, Venice Island opened in early October. The five-acre site is sandwiched between the Lock and Cotton Street bridges in Manayunk, and lies downhill of Manayunk’s stormwater flow, which resulted in storm-induced flooding and combined sewer overflows (CSOs). To address this problem, the Philadelphia Water Department and Philadelphia Parks and Recreation collaborated with the Manayunk Development Corporation to demolish the existing Venice Island Recreation Center and rebuild to include an underground basin that can temporarily store up to four million gallons of stormwater runoff and a pump house with a sloping green roof. The site’s other green infrastructure includes a rain garden, porous pavement and tree trenches. The $45 million project, which was developed by local landscape architecture firm Andropogon Associates, also boasts a 250-seat theater, a spray park, an outdoor amphitheater, a basketball court, multi-purpose meeting spaces and public art. Buell Kratzer and Powell (BKP) was the architect for the Performing Arts Center, and Hazen and Sawyer was the architect for the pump house. “People from all over the City and the region will come here to take part in weekend events, see a show, get a little exercise or even learn about how the city is addressing stormwater management,” said Mayor Michael A. Nutter. “This project is the result of a collective vision to transform this site into an incredible community asset.” p hotos cou rt esy T h e PHILAD E LPH I A WAT E R D E PA RT M E NT

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Bug Net

An innovative project studies urban insect biodiversity written by bernard brown • photos by jen britton


ost of the things I catch are drowning or dead,” says Isabelle Betancourt, curatorial assistant of Entomology at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, as we stood next to Swann Fountain in Logan Circle, surrounded by some of Center City’s great landmarks: the Academy itself, the Franklin Institute, the Free Library and the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul. Some may picture entomologists dressed like 19th century explorers, decked out in khaki with pith helmets and butterfly nets. Betancourt was dressed like a casual office worker—sweater and jeans—the day in early October that I accompanied her. As for her sampling equipment, Betancourt carried two collecting vials and “a fishnet that I borrowed from my fish at home.”

I pulled off my shoes and socks, rolled up my pants, and followed Betancourt into the Swann Fountain. She stalked through the water, dipping the net to pick up any bugs she found. I managed to strain a few bumblebees out of the water with my fingers and add them to the day’s haul. An urban fountain isn’t a typical field site,

but it made perfect sense for a frustrated entomologist stuck working indoors. “This was just an idea I came up with when I was having lunch out in Logan Square ... I was going outside and thinking what kind of insect project could I do,” Betancourt says. “I missed doing field work, working here at the Academy with the collections, and so one day I was walking by the fountain, and I saw an insect float by, and that gave me the idea.” Betancourt sampled the fountain three times a week from May to November of 2013, and again this year starting in April. By October, she had found up to 300 species of insects. Back in her office, Betancourt showed me more vials of insects, in addition to glass-topped

Isabelle Betancourt fished bugs out of Swann Fountain three times a week.


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drawers of mounted specimens—rows of nondescript flies and beetles, as well as more impressive critters like cicada killer wasps and green conehead katydids—all of which met their fate in the waters of Swann Fountain. Betancourt was particularly proud of a tiny, brilliantly blue-green insect, a species of cuckoo wasp. Cuckoo wasps are kleptoparasites that, like their namesake birds, lay their eggs in the nests of other species. The cuckoo bird’s nestlings muscle the host species’ babies out of the way to be raised by their unwittingly adoptive parents. The cuckoo wasp’s larvae eats the paralyzed insects left by the host wasp for its own offspring. This particular species was new to the Academy’s collection, an impressive feat given that the Academy has over 107,000 species of insects. In mid-October, Betancourt left her position to take a job in Borneo studying orangutans. The Academy has no immediate plans to continue the sampling project, but Swann Fountain isn’t going anywhere, and the collection of insects Betancourt found in Center City can serve as a reference point for future research. “That’s very important,” she says. “The ability to replicate it, to compare over time, so 10 years from now someone can



Check out the Philadelphia-based American Entomological society Volunteer with the Academy of Natural Science’s Entomology Department volunteer/sign-up or contact volunteer coordinator Lois Kuter at .

collect again and see how things have changed.” Other urban entomology research continues at the Academy. An Academy sampling project at Eastern State Penitentiary has been running since 2011, and, according to Entomology Curatorial Assistant Greg Cowper, the Penitentiary has invited the Academy back for 2015. bernard brown is an amateur field herper and bureaucrat. He writes about urban natural history and sustainable eating.

The tiny, brilliantly blue-green cuckoo wasp was new to the Academy’s collection. Found and photographed by Betancourt.

Two SEPTA lines running all night long, all weekend long.


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Hard-Working Mussels

A new effort brings the mysterious mussel back to a Philadelphia waterway story and photos by brian rademaekers


hen you think of mussels in Philadelphia, your first thought might be of ordering moules-frites, Belgium’s signature dish, from Monk’s Café. Ecologist Danielle Kreeger and a team of volunteers is trying to add another association. They want you to think of the Tacony-Frankford Creek, whose swampy terminus is at the Delaware River in Northeast Philadelphia, where the once plentiful mussel is being reintroduced. In late August, Kreeger and her helpers took coolers with 50 mussels, scrubbed clean and fitted with tiny radio transmitters, to the creek. Carefully selecting spots along the streambed where they’ll be able to weather storm surges, Kreeger, a scientist working for the nonprofit Partnership for the Delaware Estuary (PDE), and her team gently placed them in small clusters. A GPS location and basic water quality data were recorded at each new mussel bed. The mussels will be monitored periodically. If the mussels survive, Kreeger and others will measure shell growth to determine how healthy the new beds are. Kreeger is clearly an enthusiast—she uses words like “sexy” when talking about their lifecycle—but there are very practical reasons for hoping the mussels are here to stay. They possess a natural power to filtrate water and stabilize stream bottoms, making local wa12

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terways healthier both ecologically and as a source for drinking water. The lack of mussels in the Tacony-Frankford Creek made the stream a desirable target for the reintroduction of the hardy Elliptio complanata species, Kreeger says. She and her staff harvested the mussels from a massive bed in “a secret location” along the Delaware. Kreeger discovered the bed of approximately 4 million mussels in 2009, and documented seven different species living there, including two that were thought to have vanished from Pennsylvania waters. Federal regulations bar researchers from publicizing the locations of such mussel beds, and Kreeger says there are real threats from shell collectors and poachers looking for fishing bait. Although there is much historical evidence to suggest that mussles thrived in these waters, previous documentation on the Tacony is limited to a survey conducted in 1919. Standing on the bank of the creek just off of Rising Sun Avenue with a dripping bag of mussels, Kreeger contemplated how profound that data gap is when trying to figure the new arrivals’ historical context. “They might have been lost here in 1960s or they might have been lost in the 1940s, for all we know,” says Kreeger. “These guys might be the first mussels in the stream in almost a hundred years.”

The lack of mussels in the Tacony-Frankford Creek made the stream a desirable target for the reintroduction of the hardy Elliptio complanata species. At left, mussels fitted with GPS locators will be monitored.

While the timeline of the stream’s mussel loss remains a mystery, likely culprits in their disappearance are myriad, and mostly fall under the umbrella of what Kreeger calls “habitat degradation.” Dams are especially harmful for freshwater mussels due to the impact on their complex mating needs. Unlike the marine mussels coveted by restaurants, freshwater species depend on a specific host fish to carry their young upstream. Without the help of fish, the mussels can’t move beyond already established beds, and inbred populations become genetically vulnerable. For the mussels seeded along the Tacony Creek in August, the host fish happens to be the American eel. “However they do it, these mussels have developed a sense where they can say, ‘Oh, that’s an eel; I’m going to spit my babies out at an eel.’ We don’t know how they can sense it. But an Alewife Floater, one of the species we have in the region, needs an alewife [a shad cousin]. The Eastern Pearlshell needs a brook trout. They can’t use another fish, and we don’t really understand anything about that. We don’t even know for

some of our native freshwater mussel species what the host fish are,” says Kreeger. For her, mysteries like this make freshwater mussels a thrilling species to study. With some 300 freshwater species in North America, 75 percent of which Kreeger describes as imperiled, there’s plenty of work to be done. “There’s a lot of cool things about these guys that we don’t know about, things that are just starting to be discovered,” says Kreeger. “For example, there’s no cell malignancy in a freshwater mussel. So, just for cancer research, we’d hate to lose some of these species that might help us solve some of the riddles with that disease. They also filter pathogens like giardia and salmonella and keep our water clean.” Kreeger believes that, as more is understood about freshwater mussels, their ability to improve water sources will make them an important part of conservation efforts. “Every one of


these mussels is going to filter about 10 gallons of water every day during the summer, and collectively, a healthy bed of mussels functions like a water treatment plant,” she says. “Mussels beds can be 50 to 100 years old, so when you rebuild a mussel bed—hopefully in Tacony—they’re going to do that good work for our water for decades.” Already, Kreeger noted, the Philadelphia Water Department has expressed interest in mussel beds for their role in water filtration, and played a role in conducting mussel surveys on local waterways. “We’re looking at using mussels in habitat restoration along the tidal Delaware and tidal tributaries,” adds Lance Butler, a biologist with the Philadelphia Water Department. “Another place we’re exploring the role of mussels is in wastewater wetlands, because if you have active mussels there to help process the water even

more, obviously the water coming out into the Delaware is going to be even cleaner.” From the perspective of the Tookany/TaconyFrankford Watershed Partnership, the long-running survey and restoration project has been a rich opportunity to engage and educate residents—one of the primary functions of the nonprofit group, which receives funding from the city and other municipalities. That their volunteers could help to bring back a once-vital species is especially exciting, says Executive Director Julie Slavet. “It’s an opportunity to talk to residents about the tools that are out there to clean the creek,” says Slavet. “You go out there with the goal of surveying mussels, but you also get to talk to people about things like the biggest source of pollution being runoff, and that we have to worry about sediment … it’s just another way to open up and engage people about what’s damaging our creeks.”

Want to help out with projects like the mussel surveying and reseeding? The Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed Partnership has a variety of opportunities for residents, community organizations, schools and businesses to get involved with improving the health of the stream. Find out more at or by emailing or calling 215-744-1853.

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1:23 PM

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It’s worth remembering the particular joy of pressing something homemade into the hands of a friend. 16

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Gift Course

This holiday season, ditch the pre-made treats and make something from the heart story and photo by emily teel


ast winter, a friend gave me a jar of tomato jam. It was delicious, but the fact that it was an unexpected treat made it even sweeter. It served as a reminder of the particular joy of pressing something homemade into the hands of a friend. Here are three recipes that make it easy, and they work just as well for assembling a contribution to a holiday potluck. To make homemade crackers a snap, use a pasta maker to roll out the dough. Apple cider cranberry mustard makes a charming gift alongside a chunk of cheddar, and this easy tapenade goes from ingredients to jars—or table—in minutes. emily teel is a food freelancer dedicated to sustainable, delicious food in Philadelphia. See more of her work at .

Rustic Crackers active time: one hour yields: nine big crackers 2 1

cups all-purpose flour (250 grams) cup rye (102 grams) or one cup spelt flour (115 grams) 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon sugar ¾ cup water ¼ cup olive oil Toppings (optional): Flaky sea salt Dukkah Za’atar Coarse ground pepper Fennel, caraway, sesame or poppy seeds

Heat oven to 425ºF. Mix dry ingredients, and then add wet ingredients until a soft, smooth dough forms. On a well-floured surface, pat dough into a disk and divide into nine portions. Using a pasta machine set on the widest setting, begin rolling three portions into wide, oblong shapes, decreasing the width of the setting on each successive pass through the machine until the dough is 1/16 of an inch or thinner. As you complete rolling each portion, transfer it to a baking sheet and jab several times with the tines of a fork to prevent the dough from puffing while baking. For smaller crackers, use a pizza or cookie cutters to cut squares or other shapes. To top your crackers, spray the surface of the rolled dough with water (or pat it on gently with wet hands) and sprinkle liberally with toppings.

Bake until the edges begin to brown and crackers smell toasty, five to 15 minutes depending on thickness. Repeat the process with all remaining dough portions. Allow crackers to cool completely and store them in an airtight container. Break into pieces and serve.

Apple Cider Mustard with Cranberries active time: 45 minutes yields: a generous two cups, enough to fill five 4-ounce jars 1 1 ¼ ¼ ¼ 2 1 ¼ ½ ½ ¼

pint apple cider cup (5 ounces) dried cranberries cup brown or red mustard seeds cup yellow mustard seeds cup apple cider vinegar tablespoons ground dry mustard tablespoon brown sugar teaspoon garlic powder teaspoon black pepper teaspoon salt teaspoon ground allspice

In a container with a lid, pour one third of the cider over dried cranberries and allow them to soak, covered, at room temperature for two to four hours. Meanwhile, in a separate container, soak mustard seeds in remaining cider until seeds have thoroughly plumped and cider is mostly absorbed, at least four hours and up to overnight. Drain cranberries, reserving cider. Drain mustard seeds, reserving cider, and add seeds

to the bowl of a food processor. Process until the mustard is somewhat broken down and looks somewhat pasty, but still studded with seeds. Add reserved cider as needed to help it blend. Once the mixture has reached your desired consistency, add soaked cranberries, pulsing to incorporate. Transfer the mixture to a saucepan. Add remaining cider, dry mustard, sugar, garlic, black pepper, salt and allspice, and bring to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring constantly as the mixture will scorch easily. Reduce heat to medium and cook mustard, stirring frequently, until it takes on a glossy appearance, about five minutes. Remove from heat and cool. Portion into jars and store in the refrigerator.

Tip: This mustard will likely taste harsh and unbalanced at first, but the flavors will meld as it sits. Planning to gift it? Mix it up at least a week beforehand.

Fig & Olive Tapenade active time: 15 minutes Yields: two cups, enough to fill two 8-ounce jars ½ 1¾ ½ 1

pound dried mission figs (about 2 dozen) cups pitted Kalamata olives (10 ounces) teaspoon black pepper tablespoon fresh rosemary leaves, stripped from 1 sprig ¼ cup and one tablespoon balsamic vinegar Salt to taste

Trim tough stems from figs and place into the bowl of a food processor. Pulse to chop and then allow the processor to run, reducing the figs to a paste. Check olives to ensure that all are properly pitted, then add them to the processor along with pepper and rosemary. Process until well combined, adding balsamic vinegar 1 tablespoon at a time to help loosen the mixture. Taste the mixture and add salt if necessary. Store in refrigerator.

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Today, more than ever before, our waterways are under environmental stress. Each new roadway, residential development, office park, or shopping mall creates additional obstacles for the earth’s natural water filtration process. More and more, homeowners and businesses are required — or choose — to limit their impervious coverage and EP Henry’s ECO line of Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavers provides beautiful and functional solutions. Our ECO pErmEablE pavErs: • bring beauty and functionality to sustainable design, allowing rainwater to recharge the ground, reducing stormwater runoff, and helping the environment • qualify as a Best Management Practice (BMP) for stormwater management and can help earn points towards LEED certification • include the most stylish and versatile permeable pavement systems on the market today

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10/10/14 11:08 AM



Brand Positioning Brand Architecture Brand Development Triple Value Proposition Naming and Tagline Development Messaging and Brand Story Development Visual Strategy Corporate Identity Icons and Infographics

The power of your brand lies in its promise to enlighten, engage and sustain our world. As responsible graphic designers, we can refresh your brand authentically and sustainably. 15% OFF NEW SUSTAINABLE GRAPHIC DESIGN PROJECTS FOR FELLOW CERTIFIED B CORPORATIONS



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Welcome to the 2015 Sustainable Business Network Directory This annual directory is a resource to guide your support and patronage of locally owned triple-bottom-line businesses throughout the year. Our members are businesses that believe in fair wages and fair trade; give back to their communities through donations; volunteer hours and event hosting; and whose practices and products are in sync—not at odds—with the environment. The more than 400 businesses in this directory offer a wide range of services and products, and include consulting firms; breweries, restaurants and caterers; health and wellness organizations; retail shops and wholesalers; and architectural, landscape design and maintenance firms. Our members can help you meet your personal and business needs in a

contributing to our very important work of advancing a thriving and green local economy.

sustainable way. By patronizing these locally owned value-driven businesses, you are supporting the growth of a more robust sustainable economy in the Greater Philadelphia region. So, enjoy viewing this directory today, and refer to it throughout the year when making purchasing decisions. In doing so, you'll be

JOIN US! SBN is a nonprofit membership organization that, for the past 13 years, has worked to advance a more just and sustainable local economy. When you sign up for membership, you: ► Network throughout the year with a community of like-minded businesses at our regular events ► Increase your visibility and brand awareness via inclusion in our annual print directory, our online directory, social media platforms and newsletters ► Learn from industry experts and other sustainable business owners at our regular workshops and conferences ► Improve your financial bottom line with Memberto-Member savings ► Participate in campaigns promoting local businesses first and advocating for public policies that are beneficial to local, sustainable and small businesses

Sign up for membership by visiting membership or call 215-922-7400 ext.104



2015 sustainable business DIRECTORY


With warm regards, Jamie Gauthier, Executive Director, Sustainable Business Network of Greater Philadelphia.

From the

EXecutive director

The Sustainable Business Directory is compiled by SBN, produced by Grid and published by Red Flag Media, 1032 Arch St., 3rd Fl. Philadelphia, PA 19107 member HIGHLIGHTs Throughout this directory you'll find SBN members answering the question: Why do you shop locally?

Did you know?

The dollars you spend at a locally owned business get reinvested three times more in your community than the dollars you spend elsewhere. This “local multiplier effect” means that your dollars have triple the positive affect in your community.

Also ...

Students and other individuals can join SBN as non-business Members, and access resources and attend events for free. IN THIS DIRECTORY: Level One: Listing only (no description) Level Two: Listing + description Level Three & Four: Listing, description & logo

certified b corporations Listings with this mark are Certified B Corporations


Alex Mulcahy managing editor

Sara Schwartz art director

Danni Sinisi ad sales & distribution

Drew Brightbill Jesse Kerns Cover Illustration by Greg Christman


Thank you to our sponsors for your financial contributions to SBN. Your investment makes it possible for us to build a just, green and thriving economy in the Greater Philadelphia region.

Contents aBOUT sbn ��������������������������������������4 sbn Initiatives ������������������������������7 Arts �����������������������������������������������9 Art Consulting �������������������������������������� 9 Gallery �������������������������������������������������� 9 Photography ����������������������������������������� 9 Beverage ���������������������������������������9 Brewery / Distillery / Winery ���������������� 9 Coffee ��������������������������������������������������� 9 Business Services ������������������������9 Accounting & Bookkeeping ������������������� 9 Banking ���������������������������������������������� 10 Business Services ������������������������������ 10 Consulting Services, Coaching & Training ��������������������������� 10 Economic, Community & Business Development �������������������� 10 Financial Planning & Advising ������������ 11 Graphic Design & Web Design ������������ 12 Green Packaging �������������������������������� 12 Insurance �������������������������������������������� 14 Legal Services ������������������������������������ 14 Locksmith ������������������������������������������� 14 Marketing, Communications & Public Relations ������������������������������ 14 Meeting Centers & Co-Working Spaces ������������������������� 14 Networks �������������������������������������������� 15 Office Supplies & Printing Services ����������������������������� 15 Software / Technology ������������������������ 16 Sustainability Consulting �������������������� 16 Education ������������������������������������ 16 Colleges, Schools & Universities �������� 16 Environmental Education & Advocacy ����������������������������������������� 17 Media & Publication ��������������������������� 17 Video / Film ���������������������������������������� 17 Energy ����������������������������������������� 17 Renewable Energy ������������������������������ 17 Entertainment ��������������������������� 17 Events ������������������������������������������������� 18 Museums & Cultural Institutions ������� 18 Music �������������������������������������������������� 18


Food ��������������������������������������������� 18 Baked Goods / Desserts ��������������������� 18 Cafes ��������������������������������������������������� 18 Catering ���������������������������������������������� 19 Cooperatives ��������������������������������������� 19 Farms & Local Food Systems ������������� 20 Food Education ����������������������������������� 20 Food Manufacturing ���������������������������� 20 Markets ���������������������������������������������� 20 Restaurants & Bars ���������������������������� 20 Green Buildings & Sustainable Landscapes ����������� 21 Architecture / Design / Build �������������� 21 Civil Engineering & Site Planning ������� 22 Cleaning Products & Services ������������ 22 Contractors ����������������������������������������� 23 Environmental Consulting & Remediation ������������������������������������ 23 Green Roofs ���������������������������������������� 23 Interior Design & Home Renovation ���������������������������� 24 Landscape Architecture & Landscaping ������������������������������������ 24 Lighting ���������������������������������������������� 26 Material Supply & Native Nurseries ����������������������������� 26 Real Estate ����������������������������������������� 27 Health & Lifestyle ��������������������� 27 Acupuncture ��������������������������������������� 27 Bicycles & Transportation ������������������ 27 Family Services ���������������������������������� 27 Holistic Health / Wellness Centers ����� 27 Pet Care ���������������������������������������������� 27 Salon / Spas / Beauty ������������������������� 27 Retail, Clothing & Accessories ����������������������������� 28 Apparel ����������������������������������������������� 28 Arts & Gifts ����������������������������������������� 28 Books �������������������������������������������������� 28 Florists ����������������������������������������������� 28 Furniture/Housewares ����������������������� 28 Jewelry & Textiles ����������������������������� 29 waste ������������������������������������������� 29 Compost ��������������������������������������������� 29 Services ���������������������������������������������� 29 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ������������������� 30

2015 sustainable business DIRECTORY



Education isn’t about storing facts. It’s about thinking for yourself.

Mainstream education is failing your child. Replace it. With a re-imagined, reinvigorated, more inspired curriculum that mixes artistic thinking with scientific thinking, yielding original thinkers. Prepared for life.



2015 sustainable business DIRECTORY



Green Stormwater Infrastructure Partners: The Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) Partners are working to advance the region’s GSI Industry, GSI innovation, and the local businesses whose services and products relate to GSI. We are accomplishing this through advocacy, education, networking, intra-industry relationship-building, and professional development. GSI Partners are SBN Members and include locally owned engineering firms; landscape architects; landscape design, build and maintenance firms; contractors; and material suppliers who are committed to green stormwater infrastructure. Join the GSI Partners and become a part of the unified voice for industry professionals shaping the growth and direction of the region's GSI industry.

GSI Partners find value and stay engaged throughout the year by: ► ► ► ►

Networking with other industry professionals and stakeholders via regular events and meetings Staying informed of relevant policies and procedures, and having the opportunity to provide feedback Increasing your visibility by being listed in SBN's online searchable database of GSI Partners Taking advantage of continuing education grants to support ongoing professional development

Interested in becoming a GSI Partner? Contact Anna Shipp at or 215-922-7400 ext. 107.

Partners Aquarius Supply Awbury Landscape Services Azavea Belcher Roofing Corporation Bially Formulators Brenton Landscape Architects Cedar Run Landscapes Cerulean, LLC David Brothers Landscape Service and Native Plant Nursery Dooley’s Landscaping and Tree Care Service E-Built EP Henry Green Homeworks GreenWeaver Landscapes, LLC Home Science, LLC Infrastructure Solution Services (ISS Builds) Land Stewards, LLC Lentzcaping Locating Utility Infrastructure Services (LUIS) Locus Partners

Meliora Design Native REALM Naturescapes Landscape Specialists Nocella & Co. Contractors Octoraro Native Plant Nursery Organic Mechanic Soil Company, LLC Pennsylvania Horticultural Society Philadelphia Green Roofs PowerCorpsPHL Re:Vision Architecture Rodriguez Consulting, LLC Roofmeadow Ruggiero Plante Land Design SHIFT_DESIGN SMP Architects TEND Landscape, Inc. The RBA Group Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed Partnership Torrado Construction Urban Ecoforms Urban Engineers Urban Jungle Viridian Landscape Studio

Rain Check: Rain Check is an exciting Philadelphia Water Department program that helps residents manage stormwater and beautify their homes. Participants can choose between having a downspout planter, rain garden, or porous paving installed at a reduced rate, or receive a free rain barrel. The Sustainable Business Network is proud to be working with the Philadelphia Water Department and the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society to engage local businesses to install these green stormwater management tools. Rain Check supports Philadelphia’s Green City, Clean Waters program, which is working in neighborhoods across the city to add green features and keep excess stormwater out of sewers. In addition to helping our environment, participation in this program supports SBN’s mission to advance a more local and sustainable economy. For more information about Rain Check, visit

The SBN/EnergySage Solar Marketplace: The Sustainable Business Network of Greater Philadelphia is working with local solar installers, city government, and environmental advocates to bring solar to homes and businesses in the Philadelphia region. As part of this effort, SBN has partnered with EnergySage to offer you a simple and easy way to go solar—the Solar Marketplace.

Why use the SBN/EnergySage Marketplace Solar does more than save you money—going solar also creates local jobs and preserves our natural resources. And now, it's never been easier to shop for solar systems with confidence. ► Get instant estimates ► See your customized solar savings potential ► Select from pre-screened installers ► Compare quotes online ► Pick the best quote for you and save with solar For more information on the SBN/Energy Sage Solar Marketplace, visit


2015 sustainable business DIRECTORY



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2015 sustainable business DIRECTORY


Independent, Family-owned Garden Center growing with the Community since 1943.

ARTS / BEVERAGE / BUSINESS SERVICES “ Shopping locally has a positive economic

impact in my community. It creates the jobs that keep more money circulating in the local economy, which leads to improved neighborhoods and overall quality of life.� William Barton Owner / Philadelphia Brewing Company Member since: 2007 / Years in business: 7

Arts Art Consulting Art Appraisal Firm, LLC Art Appraisal Firm is a professional, unbiased art appraisal service that provides a written opinion of value upon which customers can confidently base financial decisions. Contact: Cindy Charlseton-Rosenberg Phone: 215-346-2799 P.O. Box 8904 Elkins Park, PA 19027

Gallery Paradigm Gallery + Studio Contact: Sara McCorriston Phone: 267-266-0073 746 S. 4th St., 1st Fl. Philadelphia, PA 19147

Thomas Lift, LLC & Gallery Eleven One Contact: Ronja Butler Phone: 856-745-3894 339 N. Front St., Ste. B Camden, NJ 08102

Twenty-Two Gallery Contact: Shawn Murray Phone: 215-772-1911 Fax: 215-772-0797 236 S. 22nd St. Philadelphia, PA 19103

Photography Andy Smith Photography Andy Smith Photography is a fine art nature photography company that offers a small window into the vast array of natural beauty on earth. Contact: Andy Smith Phone: 610-644-1504 402 Conestoga Rd. Devon, PA 19333

Beverage Brewery / Distillery / Wine Art in the Age Contact: Olivia Carb Phone: 215-922-2600 116 N. 3rd St. Philadelphia, PA 19106

Blue Mountain Vineyards Contact: Dallas Drummond Phone: 215-238-9022 512 N. 12th St. Philadelphia, PA

Philadelphia Brewing Company With a commitment to sustainability, community and keeping it local, Philadelphia Brewing Co. provides the freshest beer in town. Contact: William Barton Phone: 215-427-2739 Fax: 215-427-2730 2440 Frankford Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19125

Philly Homebrew Outlet Contact: James McMillan Phone: 215-755-4556 1447 N. American St. Philadelphia, PA 19122

Yards Brewing Company A 100 percent wind-powered brewery with a tasting room for events, parties and tours, Yards, brews what it loves, loves what it brews, and does it in the most environmentally friendly way it can. Contact: Zack Artz Phone: 215-634-2600 Fax: 215-634-3600 901 N. Delaware Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19123

Coffee Between Friends Roasting Company Contact: Husein Noorani Phone: 610-618-2365 122 Sutton Rd. Ardmore, PA 19003

One Village Coffee One Village Coffee is a local specialty coffee company committed to the highest quality of fresh, hand-roasted coffee and to sustainable practices. Contact: Steve Hackman Phone: 215-721-4818 18 Cassel Rd. Souderton, PA 18964

Business Services Accounting & Bookkeeping Accounting Technology Accounting Technology helps businesses and nonprofits choose, set up and create report designs in an accounting system that matches your needs and budget. Contact: Stanley Pokras Phone: 267-968-0407 6621 N. 10th St. Philadelphia, PA 19126

Bee Bergvall & Co. Certified Public Accountants Contact: Liz Vibber Phone: 215-343-2727 Fax: 215-343-8080 936 Easton Rd., P.O. Box 754 Warrington, PA 18976

Breathe, LLC Contact: Michael-Ann Matticoli Phone: 215-850-4022 148 N. 3rd St. Philadelphia, PA 19106

Excellence Accounting and Tax Services, LLC Contact: Priscila Santos Phone: 215-667-8839 Fax: 215-695-2376 3396-8 Miller St., Ste. 200 Philadelphia, PA 19134

Philly Fair Trade Roasters, LLC Contact: Joseph Cesa Phone: 267-270-2563 Fax: 215-592-7395 171 W. Wyoming Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19140

The Monkey & The Elephant Contact: Lisa Miccolis Phone: 484-343-3709 1227 N. 4th St. Philadelphia, PA 19122


Freedom Merchants Corp. Freedom Merchants provides merchant accounts and related services to sustainably minded businesses across the region, enabling them to grow their revenues responsibly. Contact: Ben Prusky Phone: 212-931-9064 1420 Walnut St., Ste. 1216 Philadelphia, PA 19102

2015 sustainable business DIRECTORY



BUSINESS SERVICES Business Services Kregel & Company CPA The Kregel & Company team has worked with hundreds of business owners to help them get organized and set up for success, including taking care of taxes, managing the books, or providing a bit of smart business advice. Contact: Scott Kregel Phone: 215-703-3098 Fax: 215-703-3093 200 Barr Harbor Dr., Ste. 400 Conshohocken, PA 19428

The Bottom Line Inc. Contact: Walter Moyer Phone: 215-238-0230 Fax: 215-701-7538 1315 Walnut St., Ste. 717 or 5111 Wayne Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19107

TMS II, LLC Professional accounting, tax and consulting firm TMS II provides CFO/Controller services, business advisory and management services, financial coaching, bookkeeping and tax services. Contact: Michele Schina Phone: 215-315-3969 Fax: 815-301-6547 520 S. 3rd St. Philadelphia, PA 19147

Banking Conestoga Bank Conestoga Bank is a preferred lender with the Sustainable Business Network and a pioneer in online banking initiatives, including mobile deposit and text banking. A trusted Philadelphia bank for over 120 years, Conestoga Bank offers checking accounts for both consumers and businesses. Contact: Ron Bernas Phone: 610-321-6900 165 Pottstown Pike Chester Springs, PA 19425

Valley Green Bank Contact: Lesley Seitchik Phone: 215-242-3550 Fax: 215-242-4632 7226 Germantown Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19119



Entrepreneur Works (f/k/a Philadelphia Development Partnership-PDP) Contact: Leslie Benoliel Phone: 215-545-3100 Fax: 215-925-2485 The Bourse Building, 111 S. Independence Mall East, Ste. 810 Philadelphia, PA 19106

Philadelphia Council AFL-CIO Contact: Patrick J. Eiding Phone: 215-665-9800 Fax: 215-665-1973 22 S. 22nd St., 2nd Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103

Consulting Services, Coaching & Training Annie Hart, Consulting for Change Contact: Annie Hart Phone: 215-381-0303 25 W. Southampton Ave. 1st Fl. Philadelphia, PA 19118

Blue Door Group Contact: Susanna Gilbertson Phone: 215-528-0942 Fax: 506 S. 48th St. Philadelphia, PA 19143

Bracken Leadership Contact: Colleen Bracken Phone: 215-439-7733 414 W. Price St. Philadelphia, PA 19144

EcoInnovate Contact: Allen Hall Phone: 610-304-3771 214 Pine St. Philadelphia, PA 19106

Elaine Feldman, PE, LEED AP Contact: Elaine Feldman Phone: 610-399-4581 Fax: 610-399-4581 929 S. High St., Ste. 185 West Chester, PA 19382

2015 sustainable business DIRECTORY


Ethos Communications Contact: Cindy Mehallow Phone: 215-867-1900 790 Newtown Yardley Rd., Ste. 425 Newtown, PA 18940

Florence Moyer, LLC Contact: Florence Moyer Phone: 610-937-1472 5200 Hilltop Drive BB9 Brookhaven, PA 19015

Leaderful Edge Contact: Dr. Joni Carley Phone: 610-566-9927 910 Twyckenham Rd. Media, PA 19063

Leading with Intention Contact: Lisa Kramer Phone: 484-351-8849 205 Sherwood Ln. Conshohocken, PA 19428

Strategy Arts Strategy Arts provides consulting services to support the development, communication, and implementation of strategy and organizational change. Its strategic planning experts, facilitators and artists combine creative and analytical techniques with visual communications to provide engaging and collaborative planning programs. Contact: Rachel Stalnaker Phone: 610-701-7050 Fax: 484-693-1360 P.O. Box 2052 West Chester, PA 19380

YourPerformanceBreakthrough. com (EEO Balance Corporation) Author of the book Recharge, Refuel, and Re-energize: The Conscious Entrepreneur's Guide to Taking Back Control of Your Time and Energy, Erin Owen draws on Eastern wisdom in coaching individuals and groups on time management and personal organization. Contact: Erin Owen info@yourperformance Phone: 215-771-8968 Fax: 732-753-6252 1126 N. 4th St. Philadelphia, PA 19123

Economic, Community & Business Development AdminService, Inc. Contact: Claus Sproll Phone: 888-511-4110 Fax: 610-917-9101 317 Church St. Phoenixville, PA 19460

B Lab B Lab is a nonprofit organization that serves a global movement to redefine success in business so that all companies compete not only to be the best in the world, but the best for the world. Contact: Heather Van Dusen Phone: 610-293-0299 Fax: 610-296-8289 155 E. Lancaster Ave., 2nd Fl. Wayne, PA 19087

Full Circle Social Enterprizes Contact: Latir Ndure Phone: 732-744-6897 1618 Brown St. Philadelphia, PA 19130

JEVS Human Services Founded in 1941, JEVS Human Services helps people overcome quality-of-life challenges by focusing on individuals with physical, intellectual/developmental and emotional challenges as well as those facing adverse socioeconomic conditions. Contact: Joseph Cipolla

Phone: 215-854-1799 Fax: 215-854-1880 1845 Walnut St., 7th Fl. Philadelphia, PA 19103

Keep Philadelphia Beautiful Contact: Michelle Feldman Phone: 215-854-4000 1315 Walnut St., Ste. 320 Philadelphia, PA 19107

Keystone Development Center Contact: Peggy Fogarty Phone: 717-733-0522 200 Trinity Rd. York, PA 17408


“ My wife and I have an informal competition

The Enterprise Center

to see how we can find ways to purchase as many of our needs along the [South Street West] corridor, including holiday gifts. As retail shops are just starting to emerge, it's been tough, but getting easier. �

The Enterprise Center provides access to capital, building capacity, business education and economic development opportunities to highpotential, minority entrepreneurs. Through its portfolio of businessacceleration initiatives, TEC seeks to better position minority enterprises to compete in the local, regiona and global economies. Contact: Iola Harper Phone: 215-895-4005 4548 Market St. Philadelphia, PA 19139

Marcus Iannozzi Principal / Message Agency Member since: 2009 / Years in business: Almost 20, LLC Kitchen Table Consultants/ JRI Consulting Contact: Jennifer Brodsky 112 Righters Ferry Rd. Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004

Marcus Reinvestment Strategies Contact: Paul Marcus Phone: 267-209-0450 35 Thompson St. Bordentown, NJ 08505

National Foundry Products, Inc. Contact: Steve Weinberg Phone: 215-753-2627 ext. 3 Fax: 215-753-2671 111 W. Mt. Airy Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19119

People's Emergency Center Contact: Kira Strong Phone: 215-382-7522 325 N. 39th St. Philadelphia, PA 19104

Philadelphia Association of Community Development Corporations (PACDC) As a citywide membership association of CDCs and affiliate organizations, the PACDC is dedicated to helping community development groups provide the most effective support for their targeted neighborhoods through public policy and advocacy. Contact: Beth McConnell Phone: 215-732-5829

Contact: Gregory Panos Phone: 484-685-0565 Fax: 888-726-8645 120 N. Church St., Ste. 207 West Chester, PA 19380

1315 Walnut St., Ste. 1600 Philadelphia, PA 19107

Philadelphia Works, Inc. Philadelphia Works connects employers to a skilled workforce and helps individuals develop the skills needed to thrive in the workplace. Contact: Barbara Allen Phone: 215-963-2100 Fax: 215-567-7171 1617 JFK Blvd., 13th Fl. Philadelphia, PA 19103

PowerCorpsPHL PowerCorpsPHL is a workforce development initiative for young adults with barriers to employment. Corps members support Philadelphia Parks and Recreation and the Philadelphia Water Department in land and facilities management, watershed restoration and green stormwater infrastructure maintenance. Contact: Carolyn Caton

Phone: 267-314-3207 267 City Hall Philadelphia, PA 19107

Untours Foundation Untours Foundation works to alleviate poverty by providing lowinterest loans to individuals and organizations who create employment, housing, and valuable goods and services in economically challenged communities, fueling projects that are environmentally and economically pioneering. Contact: Brian Taussig-Lux Phone: 610-565-5242 Fax: 610-565-5142 415 E. Jasper St. Media, PA 19063

Urban Affairs Coalition Contact: Lucy Kerman Phone: 215-851-0110 Fax: 215-851-0514 1207 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19107

Praxis Consulting Group, Inc. Contact: Alix Rabin Phone: 215-753-0303 Fax: 215-753-0305 9 W. Highland Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19118

Contact: James R. Burnett Phone: 215-452-0100 Fax: 215-452-0101 5200 Warren St. Philadelphia, PA 19131

Susan Christian Consulting

Women's Business Development Center The Women's Business Development Center offers entrepreneurial training, counseling, Womens' Business Enterprise certification, networking programs

WORC WORC promotes social and economic self-sufficiency for low-income, underemployed and dislocated women, and their families, covering marketing, management, and financing for startup and existing small businesses. Contact: Lynne Cutler Phone: 215-564-5500 Fax: 215-564-0933 2010 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19103

Financial Planning & Advising Abacus Wealth Partners Abacus is a national fee-only wealth management and financial planning firm with a core value on the promotion of purpose-driven wealth. Contact: Gregory Aloia Phone: 267-519-6922 Fax: 215-656-4281 1818 Market St., Ste. 3740 Philadelphia, PA 19103

Auctus Wealth Management Contact: Lara Coviello Phone: 215-854-0400 704 N. 23rd St. Philadelphia, PA 19130

Harvey C. Sacks, JD, Financial Advisor, Ameriprise

West Philadelphia Financial Services Institution

Contact: Susan Christian Phone: 215-438-2125 Fax: 215-438-3775 28 W. Haines St. Philadelphia, PA 19144

and services. While the center is dedicated to the economic empowerment of women, services are open to all. Contact: Geri Swift Phone: 215-790-9232 Fax: 215-790-9231 1315 Walnut St., Ste. 1116 Philadelphia, PA 19107


Contact: Harvey C. Sacks harvey.c.sacks Phone: 215-802-2509 Fax: 215-940-7902 1515 Market St., Ste. 714 Philadelphia, PA 19102

Providence Investment Management Co. Contact: Harry Urian Phone: 610-544-0890 Fax: 610-544-4836 1489 Baltimore Pike, Ste. 214 Springfield, PA 19064

2015 sustainable business DIRECTORY



BUSINESS SERVICES The Regional Bankruptcy Center of Southeastern PA, P.C. Contact: Roger Ashodian Phone: 620-446-6800 Fax: 610-446-6808 101 West Chester Pike, Ste. 1A Havertown, PA 9083

Sostenica Contact: Alan J. Wright Phone: 610-399-5228 Fax: 610-399-6621 1019 Ashley Rd. West Chester, PA 19382

Graphic Design & Web Design

Humid Creative Agency Humid is a product, branding and interactive agency that specializes in the action sports and outdoor lifestyle markets. Contact: Josh Baker Phone: 484-351-8641 1958 Butler Pike, Ste. 200 Conshohocken, PA 19428

Hypno Design, Inc. Contact: Richard Cardona Phone: 856-802-9003 60 E. Main St. Moorestown, NJ 08057


P'unk Avenue

Contact: Laryssa Kwoczak Phone: 215-645-2796 2727 Clayton St. Philadelphia, PA 19152

Contact: Geoff DiMasi Phone: 215-755-1330 1168 E. Passyunk Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19147

Message Agency

Sarah Shaak Creative

Contact: Marcus Iannozzi Phone: 215-546-6496 Fax: 215-827-5140 1533 South St. Philadelphia, PA 19146

Contact: Sarah Shaak Phone: 610-212-3384 4343 Pechin St. Philadelphia, PA 19128

Pinnacle Performance Partners

Contact: Sierra Skidmore Phone: 215-307-3275 4335 Pine St. Philadelphia, PA 19104

From full-scale websites to logos and branding and promotional materials, Pinnacle offers a wide range of services designed to help business owners seize control of their marketplace, growing sales and increasing profit margins through marketing strategies. Contact: Eirini Dovas

Phone: 215-543-6180 2424 E. York St., Unit 320 Philadelphia, PA 19125

Pixel Parlor Contact: Andrew Nicholas Phone: 215-370-7305 2424 E. York St., Ste. 215 Philadelphia, PA 19125

Skidmutro Creative Partners

munity, provides employment opportunities and builds economic stability in our neighborhoods. Walking down a city block with local shops, unique businesses and bustling people is one of the greatest things about urban living.” Mia Levesque

TEACH Information Technology, LLC TEACH IT is a full services information technology company providing services that include web design, ecommerce, mobile websites, mobile apps, video and social media. Contact: John Spencer Phone: 215-804-9176 Fax: 215-242-5522 150 Monument Rd., 2nd Fl. Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004

Contact: Fredrick Yavorsky Phone: 215-884-1862 Fax: 215-884-3697 817 Fox Chase Rd. Jenkintown, PA 19046

WFGD Studio Contact: Marcella Coffey Phone: 215-413-9140 Fax: 215-413-9143 The Cast Iron Building 718 Arch St., Ste. 100 Philadelphia, PA 19106

Co-Owner / YIKES, Inc. Member since: 2003 / Years in business: 18



2015 sustainable business DIRECTORY


YIKES provides smart, effective, custom-designed web solutions for businesses and nonprofit organizations. It specializes in WordPress, PHP and ColdFusion web development and custom front-end design. SBN members are eligible for a five percent discount off most services. Contact: Jodie E. Saueraker Phone: 215-238-8801 Fax: 215-238-8802 204 E. Girard Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19125

Green Packaging Be Satori

Twist Communications, LLP

“ Shopping locally creates a vibrant com-


Contact: Mariagrazia LaFauci Phone: 267-992-6283 Fax: 267-318-7962 920 Spruce St., Ste. 6 Philadelphia, PA 19107

Global Packaging Inc. Global Packaging is proud to be certified as a Sustainable Green Printer. Global supplies printed packaging in bags, stand-up pouches and rollstock to some of the world’s largest consumer products goods companies. Its markets include diaper/healthcare packaging, frozen foods, bakery items, and towel and tissue overwraps. Contact: Debbie Hobbs Phone: 484-831-1118 Fax: 484-362-2118 209 Brower Ave., P.O. Box 187 Oaks, PA 19456

Maxwell-McKenney Inc. Contact: Matthew McKenney Phone: 856-310-0700 116 White Horse Pike Haddon Heights, NJ 08035

Save Some Green Contact: Judah Press Phone: 215-454-2258 2005 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19103


planters & vessels from salvaged green lumber

You can’t afford to fumble! DELIVERING


Nestled among rolling hills, Paradocx Vineyard grows on 100 acres of fertile farmland in Landenberg, PA. Sun, soil and meticulous attention to detail combine to produce small lots of select vinifera wine. The four co-owners and friends of Paradocx Vineyard invite you to become part of our farm family by enjoying our wines. Come experience our award-winning wines available by the Flight, by the glass, by the bottle and even some by the can or pouch. Wine making begins with Farming, one of the oldest professions in the world. Paradocx is proud to be a “Farmer First” Winery, offering our wine in a CSA format. Community Supported Agriculture. Landenberg, PA • Kennett Square, PA Garnet Valley, PA • Philadelphia, PA

Paradocx Vineyard

Winning Legal and Political Strategies City Licenses & Permits | Zoning Code Violations | Contract Bids Legislation | Campaign Finance

Our Triple Bottom Line ORGANIC FAIRTRADE DELICIOUS! • 267.270.2563 Find our coffee online or at area cafes and markets


2015 sustainable business DIRECTORY




Marketing, Communications & Public Relations

Union Packaging, LLC.

Gerben Law Firm, PLLC


Union Packaging is a leading paperboard manufacturer dedicated to making FDA-compliant folding cartons in the Quick Service Restaurant market utilizing flexographic printing capabilities as well as high-speed folding/gluing machines. Contact: Mike Pearson Phone: 610-622-7001 Fax: 610-622-7006 6250 Baltimore Pike Yeadon, PA 19050

Contact: Josh Gerben trademark-attorney/philadelphia/ Phone: 267-908-3338 1650 Market St., Ste. 3600 Philadelphia, PA 19103

Often able to meet tight deadlines, ab.editing is a world-class writing, editing and proofreading service serving nonprofits, environmentally responsible businesses, and ESL students and professionals. Contact: Alan Biehn Phone: 215-287-5439 6801 Sprague St. Philadelphia, PA 19119

Vegware Contact: Matt McKenney Phone: 800-233-4912 ext. 304 Fax: 856-310-0707 116 White Horse Pike Haddon Heights, NJ 08035

Zee Green Bags Contact: John Zeiger Phone: 215-385-3933 3900 Skippack Pike Skippack, PA 19474

Insurance Betsy Spivak Insurance Services, LLC Contact: Betsy J. Spivak Phone: 267-318-7081 Fax: 267-348-4161 2424 E. York St., Ste. 311 Philadelphia, PA 19125

Total Benefit Solutions Inc. Total Benefit Solutions specializes in employee benefits of all types, offering an experienced employee benefits firm available for year-round services and a dedicated support staff to handle your everyday needs. Contact: Ed MacConnell Phone: 215-355-2121 Fax: 888-287-3186 427 E. Street Rd. Feasterville, PA 19053



JustLaws JustLaws delivers significant legislative victories for nonprofits, unions, businesses and concerned citizens; helps local small businesses and MBEs/WBEs win major contract bids with government agencies; and forges strong alliances between responsible developers and community groups. Contact: Steve Masters, Esq. Phone: 484-483-3344 Fax: 215-710-8787 621 W. Mount Airy Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19119

Kleinbard Bell & Brecker LLP Contact: Mary Beth Gray Phone: 215-496-7255 Fax: 215-568-0140 One Liberty Place 1650 Market St., 46th Fl. Philadelphia, PA 19103

Manko, Gold, Katcher & Fox, LLP Manko, Gold, Katcher & Fox, LLP concentrates its practice in environmental, energy and land use law and litigation, representing clients ranging from Fortune 100 corporations to small, privately held enterprises in the Mid-Atlantic Region and nationwide. Contact: John Kirk Phone: 484-430-5700 Fax: 484-430-5711 401 City Ave., Ste. 401 Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004

Locksmith American Best Locksmith Contact: Michael Novak Contact: 877-340-3344 2727 Philmont Ave. #112 Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006

2015 sustainable business DIRECTORY


AtmosFi AtmosFi provides local businesses the ability to know who their customers are and how they interact with their business. This creates a channel for businesses to connect directly with their customers, convert new customers to loyal ones and build stronger relationships with all customers. Contact: Ryan Oliveira Phone: 201-230-2193

Harmelin Media Contact: Joanne Harmelin Phone: 610-668-7900 525 Rigthers Ferry Rd. Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004

Majux Marketing Contact: Bernie Clark Phone: 215-983-2642 2029 Walnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19103

Michael Kleiner Public Relations and Web Design Michael Kleiner Public Relations and Web Design works to keep the customer's professional image consistent across public relations, websites and apps, offering creative, innovative outside-the-box ideas for authors, small businesses and special events. Contact: Michael Kleiner Phone: 215-704-2397 Fax: 215-247-6523 Philadelphia, PA 19119

Barber Gale Group BarberGale provides sustainable brand development and creative design solutions for companies that market environmentally positive, fiscally sound and socially responsible products, services and corporate values. Designing compassionate, prosperous and sustainable brands makes the work worth doing. Contact: Cynthia Gale Phone: 610-705-3606 Fax: 610-705-3565 172 N. Hanover St. Pottstown, PA 19464

Brave Genius Contact: David Whitaker Phone: 267-281-3551 1227 N. 4th St. Philadelphia, PA 19123

Cardenas Grant Communications Contact: Luz Cardenas Virilli Phone: 215-854-4089 Fax: 215-965-9617 Two Penn Center Plaza, Ste. 200 Philadelphia, PA 19102

Open Haus Studio, LLC Open Haus Studio is a creative agency that specializes in branding, marketing, advertising and design. Contact: Heather Hunt-Casper Phone: 484-604-0805 619 W. Miner St. West Chester, PA 19382

Paige Wolf Media & Public Relations Contact: Paige Wolf Phone: 215-413-3790 Fax: 215-413-2095 419 S. 12th St. Philadelphia, PA 19147

reed | group Contact: Ted Reed Phone: 215-564-2835 Fax: 215-564-2894 Two Penn Center, 1500 JFK Blvd., Ste. 711 Philadelphia, PA 19102

BUSINESS SERVICES Strategic Communications and Planning Contact: John Beilenson Phone: 610-687-5495 Fax: 610-687-5496 34 West Ave., Ste. E Wayne, PA 19087

The W2 Group Contact: Phil Walker Phone: 215-805-0927 20 E. Mount Airy Ave., 2nd Fl. Philadelphia, PA 19119

Meeting Centers & Co-Working Spaces

“ Developing relationships with local value-

The Hub Centers for Meeting and Collaboration The HUB offers three locations, including the Hub Cira Centre, the only privately owned LEED Certified Meeting and Event Center in the world, in which 100 percent of its energy consumption is wind power. Contact: NormaJean Frumento Phone: 267-519-5250 Fax: 215-561-8093 30 S. 17th St., 14th Fl. Philadelphia, PA 19103 Hub locations: 30 S. 17th St., Ste. 1410 2929 Arch St. 2001 Market St.

CityCoHo/Philly Nexus CityCoHo is a co-working business, partnered with the Sustainability Nexus and focused on providing extraordinary shared space to extraordinary emerging communities. Phone: 215-278-2400 2401 Walnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19103

Friends Center For 150 years, Friends Center has been a gathering place for groups working for social change, offering meeting, event and office spaces renovated to LEED Platinum, and updated with high speed internet and audio and video conferencing. Contact: Patricia McBee Phone: 215-241-7000 Fax: 215-241-7028 1501 Cherry St. Philadelphia, PA 19102

Impact Hub Part innovation playground, part business accelerator and part community workspace, the Impact Hub offers members a unique ecosystem of resources, inspiration and collaboration opportunities to grow impact. Contact: Alexis Walker 1227 N. 4th St. Philadelphia PA, 19122


Chester County Chamber of Business & Industry Chester County Chamber of Business & Industry's mission is to be a memberdriven chamber of influence, providing effective connections that enhance advocacy, business development and community investment in the Chester County area and surrounding region. Contact: Patrick Hayakawa Phone: 610-725-9100 ext. 20 1600 Paoli Pike Malvern, PA 19355

Delaware Valley Green Building Council DVGBC, a chapter of the U.S. Green Building Council, is a network of dynamic leaders and progressive thinkers focused on the mission of advancing and supporting sustainable and environmentally responsible planning, design, construction and operation of

Hermann Moser Principal / Land Stewards LLC Member since: 2003 / Years in business: 14

the region's buildings, landscapes, cities and communities, mindful of the legacy left for future generations. Contact: Alex Yarde

Benjamin's Desk Benjamin's Desk is a co-working space that offers flexible memberships, state-of-the-art workspaces and conference rooms, premier event spaces and a diverse community of members. Contact: Michael Maher Phone: 267-765-2070 1701 Walnut St., 7th and 8th Fls. Philadelphia, PA 19103

based businesses extends beyond mere professional connections and profit margins to building partnerships with those who share a commitment to social equity and environmental stewardship.�

Phone: 215-399-5790 Fax: 215-564-1719 2401 Walnut St., Ste. 103 Philadelphia, PA 19130

expanding offering of recycled and green products for the office, restaurant, hotel, church and home. Contact: Stephen Baker Phone: 800-641-1117 Contact: 717-846-3806 631 S. Pine St. York, PA 17403

Kelly + Partners, Inc. Greater Philadelphia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Greater Philadelphia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce develops, promotes and advocates for Hispanic Business in the Greater Philadelphia region. Contact: Yocasta Lora Phone: 215-790-3852 Fax: 215-790-3840 The Bellevue, 200 South Broad St., Ste. 700 Philadelphia, PA 19102

Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce of Philadelphia Contact: Sandra Markovic Phone: 215-790-3785 Fax: 215-790-3888 200 S. Broad St., Ste. 700 Philadelphia, PA 19102

Office Supplies & Printing Services GreenLine Paper Company, Inc. Owned and operated by environmentalists, GreenLine Paper Company offers a constantly


Contact: Jimmy Shin Phone: 215-569-3600 Fax: 215-569-8030 1500 Market St., Concourse Level Philadelphia, PA 19102

Lap Distributors Lap Distributors is a full-service janitorial and food service disposable supplier, carrying recyclable paper goods, recycled trash liners, biodegradeable food service disposables, Design for the Environment (DfE) certified chemicals, mostly sourced locally. Contact: Paul Lapinson Phone: 215-744-4000 Fax: 215-744-5717 3515 Amber St. Philadelphia, PA 19134

Magagna & Company Contact: Nancy Magagna Phone: 610-941-2758 Fax: 610-941-2990 200 Barr Harbor Dr., Ste. 400 West Conshohocken, PA 19428

2015 sustainable business DIRECTORY





Promoting recycled paper and maintaining an environmentally responsible workplace, Paper Crane Press printing company has served Philadelphia-area arts, nonprofit and progressive communities since 1986. Contact: Matthew Horwitz Phone: 610-358-9496 Fax: 610-358-1844 2 New Rd., Ste. 129 Aston, PA 19014

Contact: JoAnn Garbin Phone: 267-648-1244 1208 S. 3rd St. Philadelphia, PA 19147

Penn Jersey Paper Co. Penn Jersey Paper Co. is a distributor of quality products in packaging, paper, janitorial chemicals, janitorial equipment, food equipment, tabletop supplies and kitchen supplies. Contact: Glenn Harbison Phone: 215-671-9800 Fax: 215-618-0770 9355 Blue Grass Rd. Philadelphia, PA 19114

Akil Marsh MilkCrate Philly MilkCrate is an app that makes it easy to go green by connecting customers with local sustainable businesses in their neighborhoods, with a mission to make it easy for people to live more sustainably. Contact: Morgan Berman Phone: 215-460-4456 211 N. 13th St., 8th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19107

s2s Communications

Software / Technology Azavea

Zivtech, LLC

Software development firm Azavea specializes in creating web and mobile software for geography and mapping. Expertise in land conservation, planning, cultural resources, elections, crime analysis, visualization and data mining. Contact: Robert Cheetham Phone: 215-925-2600 Fax: 215-925-2663 340 N. 12th St., Ste. 402 Philadelphia, PA 19107

Using the program Drupal, the premier open source Content Management System (CMS), ZivTech makes it easy for non-technical people to complete highly complex online tasks. Contact: Alex Urevick-Ackelsberg Phone: 215-922-2692 Fax: 215-525-4324 1315 Walnut St., Ste. 1500 Philadelphia, PA 19107

Contact: Blake Wrigley Phone: 610-367-0421 ext. 105 Fax: 610-367-1584 1090 N. Reading Ave. Boyertown, PA 19512

Sustainability Consulting

Interpret Green Contact: Craig Johnson craig.johnson@interpretgreen. com Phone: 215-482-6600 Fax: 215-482-0600 1100 Livezey Ln. Philadelphia, PA 19119



to keep dollars in Philadelphia. Local spending does more to support our community and public services.” Managing Partner / Solar States

s2s Communications installs and proactively monitors and manages internet connectivity for corporate customers, offering service verification, installation, on-going monitoring and management. Contact: Lauren Perry Phone: 856-780-3710 Fax: 215-754-4485 3000 Atrium Way, Ste. 530 Mount Laurel, NJ 08054

Wrigley's Business Products and Services

“ I shop locally because it's important

Forsei Consulting Forsei is a social and environmental business consulting firm that provides small businesses with the resources necessary to help them act on their good intentions of implementing social and environmental programs.

2015 sustainable business DIRECTORY


Member since: 2008 / Years in business: 6

Contact: Maria Allison Phone: 215-432-0298 Philadelphia, PA

Sustrana, LLC Contact: Jennifer Anderson Phone: 610-651-2870 15 North Devon Blvd., Ste. 200 Devon, PA 19333

Education Colleges, Schools & Universities

Community College of Philadelphia, Corporate Solutions Corporate Solutions at Community College of Philadelphia is the region's premier gateway for employers looking to increase their competitive advantage by offering employees the opportunity to gain new professional skills or strengthen existing ones. Contact: Waverly Coleman Phone: 215-496-6158 Fax: 267-299-5950 1751 Callowhill St., Rm. C1-13 Philadelphia, PA 19130

Creative Research and Evaluation Services Contact: Sukey Blanc Phone: 267-825-1258 Fax: 214-848-0620 6651 Wayne Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19119

EVX Team Contact: Ann Cohen Phone: 215-471-2960 or 215-817-4951 Fax: 215-483-7704 The Workshop School, 221 S. Hanson St. Philadelphia, PA 19139

Fox School of Business & Management, Temple University Established in 1918, the Fox School of Business, Temple University has a distinguished tradition of preparing business leaders, professionals and entrepreneurs for successful careers. Accredited by AACSB International—Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business—the Fox School offers BBA, MBA, Executive MBA, International MBA, MBA/MS, MS and PhD programs on campuses throughout the region and around the world. Contact: Lynne Andersson Phone: 215-204-5088 Alter Hall, 1801 Liacouras Walk Philadelphia, PA 19122

Kimberton Waldorf School Contact: Allyn Weiser Phone: 610-933-3635 Fax: 610-935-6985 410 W. Seven Stars Rd., P.O. Box 350 Kimberton, PA 19442

energy Pennsylvania Horticultural Society

Penn State Brandywine Penn State Brandywine is a fairtrade campus offering degree and certificate programs, including environmental training programs in business essentials, landscape architecture, stormwater management and environmental topics. Contact: Margaret Bacheler Phone: 610-892-1306 25 Yearsley Mill Rd. Media, PA 19063

Saint Mary's Nursery School Contact: Andrea Mosko Phone: 215-386-0321 Fax: 215-386-9290 3916 Locust Wk. Philadelphia, PA 19104

The Waldorf School of Philadelphia

Red Flag Media

The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society motivates people to improve the quality of life and create a sense of community through horticulture. Contact: Glen Abrams

Phone: 215-988-8800 Fax: 215-988-8810 100 N. 20th St., 5th Fl. Philadelphia, PA 19103

Sustainable Choices Contact: Dottie Baumgarten Phone: 215-870-5650 145 Harrison Ave. Glenside, PA 19038

The GREEN Program Contact: Brady Halligan Phone: 215-796-7860 Impact Hub, 1227 N. 4th St. Philadelphia, PA 19122

Red Flag Media publishes Grid, Philadelphia's sustainability magazine. RFM offers design and editorial services, and works with partners in the Philadelphia community to create eye-catching, dynamic and professional publications. Contact: Alex Mulcahy Phone: 215-625-9850, ext. 102 Fax: 215-625-9967 1032 Arch St., 3rd Fl. Philadelphia, PA 19107

Weekly Press University City Review Contact: Claudia Christian Phone: 215-222-2374 Fax: 215-222-2378 218 S. 45th St. Philadelphia, PA 19104

Women's Yellow Pages of Greater Philadelphia Women's Yellow Pages of Greater Philadelphia is the No. 1 resource for finding women in business in the Greater Philadelphia area. Contact: Ellen Fisher Phone: 610-446-4747 Fax: 610-853-6353 P.O. Box 1002 Havertown, PA 19083

The Waldorf School of Philadelphia is a young, modern, urban, organic school in the heart of Mt. Airy offering a vibrant learning community. Contact: Alex Borders Phone: 215-248-1662 7500 Germantown Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19119

Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed Partnership

The Workshop School



The Workshop School's mission is to unleash the creative and intellectual potential of young people. Contact: Anne Cohen Phone: 215-471-2960 or 215-650-6850 Fax: 215-483-7704 221 S. Hanson St. Philadelphia, PA 19139

Contact: Mark Birdsall Phone: 610-321-9876 ext. 105 Fax: 610-321-0995 707 Eagleview Blvd., Ste. 105 Exton, PA 19341

Contact: Michael Schewisheimer Phone: 215-848-0594 Fax: 215-848-6255 6368 Germantown Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19144

Environmental Education & Advocacy Clean Air Council Clean Air Council is dedicated to protecting everyone's right to breathe clean air. Contact: Martin Hage Phone: 215-567-4004 Fax: 215-567-5791 135 S. 19th St., Ste. 300 Philadelphia, PA 19103

Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed Partnership's mission is to improve the health and vitality of the TTF watershed. Contact: Julie Slavet Phone: 215-744-1853 4500 Worth St. Philadelphia, PA 19124

Video / Film

Urban Tree Connection Contact: Skip Weiner Phone: 215-877-7203 5125 Woodbine Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19131

Media & Publication Philadelphia Public School Notebook Contact: Paul Socolar Phone: 215-951-0330 ext. 2107 Fax: 215-951-0342 3721 Midvale Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19129

Carrier Class Green Infrastructure designs and installs solar electric, solar thermal, and innovative off-grid solar power products and projects. Contact: James Innes Phone: 267-419-8496 Fax: 215-565-2746 400 Stenton Ave., Ste. 214 Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462

Clean Markets, LLC Clean Markets is focused on growing market share for clean energy solutions and environmentally sustainable technologies. Contact: Ellen Lutz Phone: 215-381-2925 Fax: 215-248-2381 40 W. Evergreen Ave., Ste. 101 Philadelphia, PA 19118

Community Energy, Inc. Contact: Amy Failing Phone: 484-654-2464 ext. 130 Three Radnor Corporate Center, 100 Matsonford Rd., Ste. 300 Radnor, PA 19087

Customized Energy Solutions Contact: Ariel Lager Phone: 215-875-9440 Fax: 215-875-9490 1528 Walnut St., 22nd Fl. Philadelphia, PA, 19102

Exact Solar Contact: Mark Bortman

Phone: 267-825-0918 1655 Fairfield Rd. Yardley, PA 19067

Lowry EcoSolutions, LLC

Energy Renewable Energy Alternative Energy Inc. Contact: Bill Finch Phone: 484-593-4262 Fax: 484-593-4262 107 Wooded Acres Ln. Downingtown, PA 19335

Carrier Class Green Infrastructure


Contact: Eric Lowry Phone: 484-416-0161 Fax: 484-840-5263 109 St. Pauls Rd. Ardmore, PA 19003

Main Line Security & Energy Services Contact: Drew Melman Phone: 610-971-9710 Fax: 610-795-7385 P.O. Box 603 Wynnewood, PA 19096 2015 sustainable business DIRECTORY



Entertainment Passive House Academy Contact: Tomas O'Leary

Phone: 646-233-1365 131 Union St. Brooklyn, NY 11231

Practical Energy Solutions Practical Energy Solutions works with businesses, schools and municipalities in taking a stepped approach to energy initiatives. Contact: Paul Spiegel Phone: 610-430-1382 Fax: 610-430-1375 101 E. Evans St., Ste. 2 West Chester, PA 19380

“ [I shop locally because ] these places re-

Entertainment Events Brandywine Events, LLC

Solar States Solar States supports local jobs and clean air by installing solar systems on homes, schools and commercial buildings in the Philadelphia area. Contact: Akil Marsh

Phone: 215-939-6699 ext. 402 1400 N. American St., Ste. 401 Philadelphia, PA 19122

The Energy Co-op The Energy Co-op is a nonprofit, member-owned cooperative providing renewable electricity, biodiesel and heating oil to households, businesses, nonprofits and municipalities. Contact: Angela Kassahun Phone: 215-413-2122 Fax: 215-413-2140 1315 Walnut St., Ste. 1000 Philadelphia, PA 19107



Mary Seton Corboy

Contact: Lou Marrocco Phone: 484-571-9468 1501 N. Providence Rd. Media, PA 19603

CIO / Greensgrow Philadelphia Project Member since: 2009 / Years in business: 16

Poseybooth One-of-a kind open-air photobooth Poseybooth specializes in creating memories. Contact: Nicole Hutnyk Phone: 215-327-2059 242 N. 3rd St. Philadelphia, PA 19106

Rushforth Solar, LLC Contact: Jan Marie Rushforth Phone: 610-520-1968 Fax: 610-520-1969 3700 Darby Rd. Bryn Mawr, PA 19010

mind me of where I grew up, where there was a butcher and a barbershop and Pete the shoe repair man at the corner. I had a relationship with those people.”

Rolling Barrel Events Rolling Barrel Events is a full-service event planning and brand management firm with a passion for showcasing regionally-sourced products. Contact: Jenna Greb Phone: 610-292-0880 P.O. Box 61 Bridgeport, PA 19405

TicketLeap Helping bring great ideas to life, TicketLeap is on a mission to help more people to create and share events. Contact: Christine Dragon Phone: 877-849-5327 ext. 115 2401 Walnut St., Ste. 602 Philadelphia, PA 19103

Witty Gritty Marketing & Events Contact: Michelle Freeman Phone: 267-738-5709 1227 N. 4 St. Philadelphia, PA 19122

2015 sustainable business DIRECTORY


Museums & Cultural Institutions The Academy of Natural Sciences Founded in 1812, the Academy of Natural Sciences is America’s oldest natural history museum, and a world leader in biodiversity and environmental research. The Academy carries out its mission to encourage and cultivate the sciences by exploring the remarkable diversity of our natural world and sharing these discoveries with the public through innovative exhibits, publications and educational programming. Contact: Roland Wall Phone: 215-299-1108 Fax: 215-299-1079 1900 Ben Franklin Pkwy. Philadelphia, PA 19102

Awbury Arboretum Once the private enclave of an extended Quaker family, Awbury Arboretum has been open to the public free of charge as a public park and arboretum for nearly 100 years. Its 55-acre historic landscape now stands as a green oasis in a densely populated urban environment. Contact: Chris Carrington

Phone: 215-849-2855 1 Awbury Rd. Philadelphia, PA 19138

The German Society of Pennsylvania The German Society of Pennsylvania is a nonprofit organization devoted to furthering the understanding of German and German-American contributions to the growth of American history and culture from the past to the present, and into the future.

Contact: Tony Michels Phone: 302-345-5672 Fax: 215-627-5297 611 Spring Garden St. Philadelphia, PA 19123

Philadelphia Chamber Music Society PCMS presents a rich and compelling variety of chamber music and recital programs performed by international and Philadelphia-based artists at affordable prices, while promoting new music and music education, collaborating with cultural and educational institutions and providing high-quality customer service to our audiences. Contact: Erik Petersons Phone: 215-569-8080 1528 Walnut St., Ste. 301 Philadelphia, PA 19102

Philadelphia Zoo The Philadelphia Zoo's mission to advance discovery, understanding and stewardship of the natural world through compelling exhibition of animals and plants is supported by its animal exhibits, health-care facilities, and awardwinning education and conservation programs. Contact: Valerie Peckham Phone: 215-243-5347 Fax: 215-243-0219 3400 W. Girard Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19104

Music Les Professionnels Contact: Drew Kramer Philadelphia, PA

food Songwriters Conspiracy Contact: Denis Sadler Phone: 484-319-9913 743 Highspire Rd. Glenmoore, PA 19343

Food Baked Goods / Desserts Beiler’s Donuts and Salads Contact: Kevin Beiler Phone: 267-318-7480 51 N. 12th St. Philadelphia, PA, 19107

Chilly Philly Ice Cream Contact: Coleman Poses Phone: 215-510-1750 Fax: 267-200-0400 7035 Greene St. Philadelphia, PA 19119

The Franklin Fountain Contact: Ryan Berley Phone: 215-627-1899 116 Market St. Philadelphia, PA 19106

Little Baby's Ice Cream Contact: Pete Angevine

Cafes Down Dog Healing Cafe Contact: Kei Kurimoto Phone: 215-305-8201 1001 S. 10th St., 1st Fl. Philadelphia, PA 19147

Lovers & Madmen Coffee Contact: Mark Mills Phone: 215-243-9851 28 S. 40th St. Philadelphia, PA 19104

Contact: Amy Edelman Contact: 215-248-9235 7725 Germantown Ave. PhiladelphiaPA19118

Philly Muffin Contact: Pete Merzbacher 4905 N. 5th St. Philadelphia, PA 19120

Weckerly's Ice Cream

The Random Tea Room & Curiosity Shop Contact: Rebecca Goldschmidt Phone: 267-639-2442 713 N. 4th St. Philadelphia, PA 19123

Catering 12th Street Catering 12th Street Catering is dedicated to an unparalleled level of innovation and a sustainable way of doing business by using timetested recipes and fresh ingredients to bring creativity to all levels of catered events. Contact: Michele Leff Phone: 215-386-8595 Fax: 215-386-8598 3312 Spring Garden St. Philadelphia, PA 19104

Birchtree Catering Birchtree Catering focuses on fresh, local food and sustainable creative events, carrying a full line of biodegradable wares including plates, cups and cutlery, and we join efforts as much as possible with Bennett Compost to reduce waste. Contact: Allegra Fasnacht Phone: 215-744-9489 Globe Dye Works 4500 Worth St. Philadelphia, PA 19124

Contact: Andrew Satinsky

Cosmic Catering

Contact: Peg A. Botto Phone: 215-978-0900 1 Boathouse Row Philadelphia, PA 19130

Phone: 215-882-9958 Philadelphia, PA 19124

Philadelphia Catering Company

Feast Your Eyes' commitment to sustainability began years ago and continues today. Nationally known for its buffet and design work, Feast Your Eyes specializes in on-and-off premise events and hosting parties. Contact: Lynn Buono Phone: 215-634-3002 Fax: 215-634-3424 1750 N. Front St. Philadelphia, PA 19122

Contact: Alan DeCecco Phone: 215-468-0518 Fax: 215-468-0818 2019 S. 26th St. Philadelphia, PA 19145

Joshua's Catering and Natural Foods

Phone: 267-867-8567 2311 Frankford Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19125

Night Kitchen Bakery

Feast Your Eyes Catering

Streetside BBQ Contact: Demond Mullen Phone: 215-821-7665 905 E. Wadsworth Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19150

Contact: David B. Hall Phone: 215-887-8796 Fax: 215-887-8919 804 Oak Lane Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19126

Zea May's

Lafiya Foods


Contact: Kenneth Okugbeni Phone: 267-565-7311 Fax: 267-507-7094 1227 N. 4th St. Philadelphia, PA 19122

Mugshots Farm-toOffice Catering Mugshots is a socially conscious cafĂŠ with three locations in Philadelphia, featuring a fair-trade drink menu and a locally grown food menu consisting of homemade pastries, soups, salads, sandwiches and desserts. Also offering sustainable catering services using biodegradable and compostable disposables. Contact: Angela Vendetti Phone: 267-514-7145 1925 Fairmount Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19120

Organic Planet Handcrafted Foods Lindsay Gilmour is a personal chef and cooking teacher specializing in delicious foods that strengthen and heal. Also offers consultanting services on local foods issues and marketing. Contact: Lindsay Gilmour Phone: 215-696-9780 223 W. Hortter St. 1st Fl. Philadelphia, PA 19119


Contact: Sue Wasserkrug Phone: 267-738-6500 Twitter: @ZeaMaysKitchen Philadelphia, PA 19103

Mariposa Food Co-op Mariposa Food Co-op strives to provide access to and information about food, especially healthy, locally grown or sustainably produced products. Its primary activity is running a food co-op owned by those who shop there. Contact: Jamila Medley Phone: 215-729-2121 4824 Baltimore Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19143

Swarthmore Co-op Started by Swarthmore residents over 76 years ago, the Swarthmore Co-op is principally owned by the cooperative's shareholding customers, and exists for the benefit and vitality of the local community. Contact: Marc BrownGold Phone: 610-543-9805 Fax: 610-543-6028 341 Dartmouth Ave. Swarthmore, PA 19081

Weavers Way Co-op A community-owned and community-active market, Weavers Way Co-op carries reasonably priced, fresh, organic, fair-trade and locally grown foods and other unique products. Membership is open; all are welcome. Contact: Glenn Bergman Phone: 215-843-2350 559 Carpenter Ln. Philadelphia, PA 19119

2015 sustainable business DIRECTORY



FOOD Farms & Local Food Systems Common Market Philadelphia, Inc. Contact: Leah Pillsbury Contact: 215-275-3435 428 E. Erie Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19134

Farm to City Contact: Bob Pierson Phone: 215-733-9599 Contact: 267-233-0015 1315 Walnut St., Ste. 1526 Philadelphia, PA 19107

Greensgrow Farms Contact: Mary Seton Corboy Phone: 215-427-2702 Fax: 215-475-4670 2501 E. Cumberland St. Mailing: 2503 E. Firth St. Philadelphia, PA 19125

Harvest Local Foods Contact: Mary Ann Ford Phone: 484-461-7884 Fax: 484-461-7886 303 Windermere Ave. Lansdowne, PA 19050

Food Education

Real Food Works Contact: David Navarro Phone: 215-789-9353 224 N. Juniper St. Philadelphia, PA 19107

Valley Shepherd Creamery Contact: Rebecca Foxman Phone: 267-639-3309 51 N. 12th St. Philadelphia, PA 19107

Wyebrook Farm Contact: Dean Carlson Contact: 610-942-7481 150 Wyebroook Rd. Honey Brook, PA 19344



more connected to my community and the source of the goods and services I use. When I buy locally, I feel as though I am making a more direct and positive contribution to people’s lives.”

Chew Philly Food Tours Contact: Elyse Castillo Phone: 855-243-9215 4312 Main St. Philadelphia, PA 19128

The Humane League Contact: Rachel Atcheson Phone: 617-877-3589 1601 Walnut St., Ste. 502 Philadelphia, PA 19102

Jennifer Anderson Principal and co-founder / Sustrana

Food Manufacturing & Processing

Member since: 2010 / Years in business: 4

1732 Meats Contact: Ari Miller Phone: 267-879-7214 Lansdowne, PA 19050

Cobblestone Krautery Contact: David Siller cobblestonekrautery/home Phone: 267-319-2733 451 Park Ave. Westville, NJ 08093

Philly Foodworks Contact: Dylan Baird Phone: 240-350-3067

“ Shopping locally makes me feel

John and Kira's Chocolates

Kimberton Whole Foods

Contact: John Doyle Phone: 215-324-9222 Fax: 215-893-4915 163 W. Wyoming Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19140

Family-owned, independent whole food store Kimberton Whole Foods has four locations and offers a fine selection of organic and natural foods and gourmet specialties. Kimberton's Natural Cafe offers herbs, homeopathy and supplements, as well as bath and beauty items. Contact: Briana Brant Phone: 610-935-1444 Fax: 610-935-1677 2140 Kimberton Rd., P.O. Box 760 Kimberton, PA 19442

Koliyan Ltd. Contact: Moulika Anna Hitchens Phone: 267-536-5672 806 S. 6th St. Philadelphia, PA 19147

Door to Door Organics Tristate Door to Door Organics partners with farmers to bring fresh, organic produce and natural groceries right to your doorstep. Also offering to help customers create seasonally inspired meals. Contact: Charles Minguez Phone: 484-833-1122 8039 Easton Rd. Ottsville, PA 18942

Helen's Pure Foods and Michele's Original Contact: Richard Goldberg Phone: 215-379-6433 Fax: 215-663-5340 301 Ryers Ave. Cheltenham, PA 19012

2015 sustainable business DIRECTORY


Really Fresh Vegan Really Fresh Vegan provides customers with fresh, organic, chemical free, non-GMO and preservative-free foods and beverages. Launching catering services soon. Contact: Dorinda Hampton

Phone: 267-971-7520 716 Staghorn Dr. New Castle, DE 19720

Markets Harvest Market Natural Foods Contact: Holly Tyson

Phone: 302-234-6779 7417 Lancaster Pike Hockessin, DE 19707

Martindale's Natural Market Contact: Debbie Formica Phone: 610-543-6811 Fax: 610-544-2310 1172 Baltimore Pike Springfield, PA 19064

Milk & Honey Market Contact: Annie Baum-Stein Phone: 215-387-MILK Philadelphia, PA 19103

Reading Terminal Market Philadelphia's historic indoor farmers market Reading Terminal Market offers Amish specialties, fresh produce, meats, seafood and poultry, unique, handmade pottery, jewelry and crafts from around the world. Contact: Paul Steinke Phone: 215-922-2317 Fax: 215-922-2040 51 N. 12th St. Philadelphia, PA 19107


Charlie was a sinner. Charlie was a sinner. offers signature cocktails paired with unique small plates that are perfect for sharing and a healthy vegan menu. Contact: Dina Marie Alemagna Phone: 267-758-5372 131 S. 13th St. Philadelphia, PA 19107

Day by Day Catering Day by Day Catering's lunch and brunch restaurant delivers freshly prepared food to offices, universities and residents. From elegant wedding catering in Philadelphia to corporate box lunches, staff creates a custom menu that suits an event's tastes and needs. Contact: Pollina Binkley

Phone: 215-564-5540 2101 Sansom St. Philadelphia, PA 19103

Earth - Bread + Brewery, LLC Restaurant and brewpub Earth Bread + Brewery serves flatbread pizzas, house-made beer, local and imported beer and wine, with a focus on local and sustainable products. Contact: Peggy Zwerver Phone: 215-242-6666 Fax: 215-242-2205 7136 Germantown Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19119

Kennett Restaurant

Wursthaus Schmitz

E-built, Inc.

Contact: Johnny Della Polla

Contact: Beate Green

E-Built is a full service design-build and general contracting firm with a focus on sustainable practices. It specializes in a variety of projects in residential, commercial and institutional sectors. Contact: James Maransky

wursthaus-schmitz Phone: 215-922-4287 512 N. 12th St. Philadelphia, PA 19107

Phone: 267-687-1426 848 S. 2nd St. Philadelphia, PA 19147

R2L Built on the belief that everything modern needs firm roots in the past, R2L recalls the elegance of a bygone time and celebrates the excitement of what's to come. With an eye to the future, Chef Daniel Stern takes traditional American flavors and gives them a modern twist, resulting in his unique interpretation of creative American cuisine. Contact: Daniel Stern Phone: 215-564-5337 Liberty Two Place, 50 S. 16th St., 37th Fl. Philadelphia, PA 19102

Shorty's Sunflower Cafe

Architecture / Design / Build A. Sanderson Architectural Contact: Shannon Pendleton

Phone: 609-933-4762 P.O. Box 306 Bryn Athyn, PA 19009

Bancroft Green Contact: Scott Seibert

Contact: George Bieber

Contact: Laura Blau

Contact: Sheri Wade Phone: 215-238-1888 701 S. 4th St. Philadelphia, PA 19147

Valanni Restaurant

Buckminster Green

Contact: Nikki Keyser Phone: 215-790-9494 1229 Spruce St. Philadelphia, PA 19107

Contact: Kenny Grono

Phone: 267-519-3564 Fax: 267-639-9272 P.O. Box 63815 Philadelphia, PA 19147

Phone: 484-432-2692 958 N. 5th St. Philadelphia, PA 19123

Contact: Micah Hanson

Contact: Alan Henderson

Phone: 617-320-1222 Fax: 602-865-7668 501 W. Prospect Ave. North Wales, PA 19454

Phone: 215-510-2880 2229 E. Huntingdon St. Philadelphia, PA 19125

Hugh Lofting Timber Framing, Inc.

DIGSAU Contact: Jeff Goldstein

Phone: 215-627-0808 Fax: 267-775-3397 340 N. 12th St., Ste. 421 Philadelphia, PA 19107

Contact: Amy Cornelius Phone: 610-202-2555 Fax: 610-925-0782 P.O. Box 4 Kennett Square, PA 19348


Daedalus Design Build

White Dog Cafe is known for its unusual blend of award-winning contemporary American cuisine, civic engagement and environmental sustainability. Contact: Tamas Szene Phone: 215-386-9224 Fax: 215-386-1185 3420 Sansom St. Philadelphia, PA 19104

Green Homeworks Inc. is a design-build contracting firm focusing on energy efficiency and sustainable building practices. It specializes in project management services for home and business owners, and has extensive experience in stormwater management, specifically green roof design, installation and maintenance. Contact: Zhenya Fomin Phone: 215-224-4546 1934 W. Girard Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19130


White Dog Cafe

Green Homeworks, Inc.

Contact: Robin Bieber Phone: 855-883-9990 Fax: 610-514-9003 2882 Newark Rd. West Grove, PA 19390


Southwark Restaurant & Bar

Phone: 215-925-5559 Fax: 215-261-6073 1247 E. Columbia Ave., Unit 1 Philadelphia, PA 19125

Green Robin Homes

Phone: 215-313-8892 P.O. Box 29738 Philadelphia, PA 19119

Phone: 610-970-5111 1494 N. Charlotte St. Pottstown, PA 19464

HipCityVeg HipCityVeg provides high quality food fresh and fast, trying to be kind to the earth by sourcing local and organic whenever possible, composting food and packaging waste and the building and design of stores. Contact: Dina Marie Alemagna Phone: 267-928-2135 Locations in: 127 S. 18th St. & 214 S. 40th St. Philadelphia, PA

Green Buildings & Sustainable Landscapes


Hugh Lofting Timber Framing designs, crafts and raises timberframed homes, commercial buildings, barns and outdoor structures. Also provide construction management and green consulting services, committed to building with reclaimed and FSC materials and using environmentally aware finishes.

2015 sustainable business DIRECTORY



GREEN BUILDINGS & SUSTAINABLE LANDSCAPES Contact: Hugh Lofting Phone: 610-444-5382 Fax: 610-444-2371 339 Lamborntown Rd. West Grove, PA 19390

SMP Architects

Integral Group

Phone: 215-985-4410 Fax: 215-985-4430 1600 Walnut St., 2nd Fl. Philadelphia, PA 19103

Contact: Bungane Mehlomakulu

Phone: 703-310-1090 225 Reinekers Ln., Ste. 200 Alexandria, VA 22314

Mershon Design, LLC Contact: Bill Craig

Phone: 267-243-9455 1932 Spruce St. Philadelphia, PA 19103

Ramla Benaissa Architects, LLC Ramla Benaissa Architects is a multidisciplinary design firm with experience in residential, educational, commercial, institutional and hospitality. Contact: Ramla Benaissa

Attention to environmental concerns and historic, cultural and architectural contexts are the hallmarks of SMP Architects. Contact: Jane Rath

Wu & Associates is an awardwinning design-build and general construction firm specializing in LEED sustainable building and historic preservation. Featuring an in-house staff of architects, engineers and LEED professionals who are passionate about preserving our irreplaceable resources. Contact: Katherine Ng

Phone: 856-857-1639 Fax: 856-857-1729 597 Deer Rd. Cherry Hill, NJ 08034

Civil Engineering & Site Planning

Phone: 215-568-4808 Fax: 215-568-4805 1900 Market St., Ste. 625 Philadelphia, PA 19103

Engineering Design Studio, LLC Contact: Charles Chelotti

Re:Vision is a green architecture and sustainability/LEED consulting practice founded in 2001, specializing in green building projects that take less from the planet and give more to people. Contact: Jennifer Rezeli

Phone: 856-203-7447 Fax: 856-379-3567 200 Federal St., Ste. 203 Camden, NJ 08103

Working in the Philadelphia region and nationwide, Meliora Environmental Design is a civil engineering firm specializing in sustainable site design and water resources planning. Projects include new construction and redevelopment sites, as well as landscape restoration in stormwater retrofits and urban and natural areas and emphasizing Low Impact Development (LID). Contact: Michele Adams

Phone: 215-482-1133 133 Grape St. Philadelphia, PA 19127

Shift_Design, LLC Shift_Design creates and manufactures environmentally attuned products that enable the creation of garden environments that respond to ecological imperatives, are aesthetically modern, and are tailored to work as modular systems. Contact: Mario Gentile

Phone: 215-221-4840 853 N. 21st St. Philadelphia, PA 19130 22


that I live in. I enjoy the camaraderie of the merchants and other customers when I enter these businesses, and investing my dollars locally creates jobs for my neighbors.” Alden R. Zove President / Cedar Run Landscapes

Wu & Associates, Inc.

Re:Vision Architecture

“ I shop locally to support the community

Meliora Environmental Design, LLC

Phone: 610-933-0123 Fax: 610-933-0188 259 Morgan St. Phoenixville, PA 19460

2015 sustainable business DIRECTORY


Member since: 2008 / Years in business: 34 years

Rodriguez Consulting, LLC

Urban Engineers

Rodriguez Consulting is a regional leader that provides innovative engineering and geo-spatial solutions for our nation's infrastructure, incorporating creative applications of technology. Contact: Louis Rodriguez

Founded in 1960, Urban Engineers is a privately owned (ESOP), ISO 9001:2008-certified, multidisciplinary design, construction management, construction inspection, planning and environmental consulting firm. Contact: Cody Lowry

Phone: 215-839-8087 1301 N. 2nd St., Ste. 7 Philadelphia, PA 19122

Phone: 215-922-8080 530 Walnut St., 14th Fl. Philadelphia, PA 19106

Ruggiero Plante Land Design

Cleaning Products & Services

Ruggiero Plante Land Design is a landscape architecture, civil engineering and land surveying company that excels at all technical stormwater designs, including green roofs to rain gardens and infiltration beds. Contact: Cesira Ruggiero

Phone: 215-508-3900 Fax: 215-508-3800 4220 Main St. Philadelphia, PA 19127

The RBA Group The RBA Group is a multidisciplinary firm of engineers, landscape architects, planners, urban designers, environmental specialists and architects, with an extensive design portfolio encompassing green stormwater management design, greenway trails, roadways, parks and wetlands throughout the northeast. Contact: Michael Connor

Phone: 215-259-2776 1315 Walnut St., Ste. 900 Philadelphia, PA 19107

Cleancoating, LLC Contact: Michael Holbert

Phone: 215-236-1965 34 Brewerytown Ct. Philadelphia, PA 19121 Clean It Supply offers janitorial, home and office cleaning supplies. SBN members are eligible for a 10 percent discount on cleaning products. Contact: Dan Dillon

Phone: 800-998-3295 Fax: 610-539-5292 705 General Washington Ave., Ste. 703 Jeffersonville, PA 19403


Morrison Custom Concrete

Effluential Synergies, LLC

Contact: Paul Belcher

Contact: Larry Coates Phone: 610-529-4023 57 Hamilton Cir. Philadelphia, PA 19130

Contact: Mark Morrison

Contact: William Toffey

Phone: 484-712-5958 45 Lyons Ln. Coatesville, PA 19320

Naturally Clean

Torrado Construction Co., Inc.

Phone: 215-821-2006 Fax: 208-692-5406 9001 Verree Rd. Philadelphia, PA 19115

Contact: Tiffany Davies

Phone: 484-364-1357 Fax: 610-873-2104 116 E. Lancaster Ave. Downingtown, PA 19335

Torrado Construction Company is a privately held general construction firm specializing in commercial construction, renovations and rehabilitations, concrete, removal services and painting services. Contact: Luis Torrado


Contact: Laura Lomax

Phone: 877-206-1550 200 Highpoint Dr., Ste. 215 Chalfont, PA 18917


Phone: 215-426-6600 Fax: 215-426-7955 3311-13 E. Thompson St. Philadelphia, PA 19134

Environmental Consulting & Remediation

Nocella & Co. Contractors

Home Science, LLC Home Science specializes in sustainability as it applies to home performance and the whole-house as a system, performing energy audits, general home inspections, and stormwater property assessments. Contact: Douglas DeMers

Phone: 215-300-0107 1924 N. Mutter St. Philadelphia, PA 19122

MaGrann Associates

Bially Formulators is a formulations consulting company that uses biobased materials and methods to efficiently deliver water and nutrients to the root systems of plants. Also uses natural and organic materials to create soil amendments that are safe and effective for agricultural use and for stormwater BMPs. Contact: Paul Bially Phone: 609-206-3267 157 Bridgeton Pike, Ste. 200 #123 Mullica Hill, NJ 08062

Contact: 215-789-6277 Contact: 215-339-0202 1 Crescent Dr., Ste. 200 Philadelphia, PA 19112

Cerulean, LLC Contact: Susan Harris Phone: 484-928-0020 816 Dowlin Forge Rd. Downingtown, PA 19335

Contact: Robert McKenzie Phone: 484-467-1314 Fax: 610-225-0732 123 Pennsylvania Ave. Wayne, PA 19087

Conservation Economics

Sustainable Transitions.US

Contact: Clifford David, Jr.

Phone: 484-558-0586 1016 Stone Bridge Rd. Lower Gwynedd, PA 19002

Contact: Larry Menkes Phone: 267-992-8020 741 Clifford St. Warminster, PA 18974

MCS Inc.


Green Roofs

Contact: Chris Sztenderowicz

Contact: Dean Kitagawa

Phone: 856-629-1044 1971 N. Black Horse Pike Williamstown, NJ 08094

Phone: 888-855-1925 50 Rices MIll Rd. Glenside, PA 19038

As a premier contractor for infrastructure and utility services with 20+ years experience, Infrastructure Solution Services takes great pride in exceeding the expectations of our client using experience, skill and contacts to offer top-quality from start to finish. Contact: Peter Burns

Contact: 484-704-7201 1533 Skippack Pike Blue Bell, PA 19422

Locating Utility Infrastructure Services (LUIS) Locating Utility Infrastructure Services is a commercial, industrial and residential subsurface utilitylocating company, helping protect companies from the dangers of underground utilities. Contact: Luis Berrios

Phone: 215-207-8964 Fax: 215-207-9098 1510 Cecil B. Moore Ave., Ste. 301 Philadelphia, PA 19121

Phone: 856-562-6871 162 Stagecoach Rd. Sicklerville, NJ 08081

Philadelphia Green Roofs, LLC

Residential Mold Services Contact: Jaclyn Rhoads Phone: 484-494-3090 Fax: 267-604-0220 301 Harrison Ave. Norwood, PA 19074

RM Green Environmental Services, LLC

As accredited green roof professionals, Philadelphia Green Roofs designs, installs and maintains all types of green roof systems: planted-in-place, modular, pre-vegetated mat or a hybrid. Projects are designed to suit the site, proposed use, budget and for compliance with stormwater regulations. Contact: Jeanne Weber jeanne@philadelphiagreenroofs. com

Phone: 610-563-3801 1074 Hares Hill Rd. Phoenixville, PA 19460

Roofmeadow Roofmeadow is a green roof civil engineering firm focused on longterm quality assurance for all of our projects. A green roof that is designed, managed and warranted by Roofmeadow is unmatched for its long term performance, viability and aesthetic appeal. Contact: Melissa Muroff

Belcher Roofing Corporation Belcher Roofing Corporation is a full-service roofing contractor looking to take advantage of new and exciting green roof opportunities.

Nocella & Co. Contractors have been keeping water in its place and out of yours for almost a century by developing simple and creative water management devices for use on buildings. Our efforts include products for deicing frozen drains, re-directing stormwater, the installation and maintenance of green roofs and most recently, storage and detention of stormwater on rooftops. Contact: Ray Nocella

Contact: Mark MaGrann

Bially Formulators, LLC

Infrastructure Solution Services (ISS Builds)

Phone: 215-362-5400 ext. 335 Fax: 215-362-9338 111 Commerce Dr. Montgomeryville, PA 18936


Phone: 215-247-8784 Fax: 215-247-4659 7135 Germantown Ave., 2nd Fl. Philadelphia, PA 19119

2015 sustainable business DIRECTORY




neighbors and our local economy. I find that in my neighborhood it helps create the kinds of personal relationships and sense of community that is often missing in commerce.” Pete Angevine Co-founder /Little Baby’s Ice Cream Member since: 2012 / Years in business: 4

Phone: 484-494-6453 552 Holmes Rd. Morton, PA 19070

Power Home Remodeling Group

Brenton Landscape Architecture

Family-owned and privately held since 1992, Power Home Remodeling Group is the nation's fourth-largest exterior home remodeling company focused on energy efficient windows, siding, doors, roofing and attic insulation. Contact: Bennett Andelman Phone: 610-874-5000 ext. 2245 Fax: 610-874-5030 2501 Seaport Dr. First Fl. Chester, PA 19013

Providing leadership in sustainable site design and planning for over 20 years, Brenton Landscape Architecture's clients include leading architects, nonprofits and individuals. Contact: Charles Brenton

Ramsey Builders, LLC

Full service landscape design, installation and maintenance company Cedar Run Landscapes' work includes planting, patios, water features, lighting, rain water harvesting systems and rain gardens, using natural materials to create sustainable, exciting outdoor environments. Contact: Alden R. Zove

Contact: Jeff Ramsey

Urban Ecoforms

Janiczek Homes

Urban Ecoforms is a comprehensive design to build firm specializing in managing stormwater in an urban environment. Contact: Zachary Morris Phone: 484-816-6161 409 Wallace St. Philadelphia, PA 19123

Contact: Liz McCue

Interior Design & Home Renovation Calfayan Construction Associates, Inc.

Phone: 610-975-4464 Fax: 610-229-4987 P.O. Box 416 Wayne, PA 19087

Renewal Sustainable Environments, LLC

Joshua Construction, Inc.

Phone: 484-558-0311 134 N. Wayne Ave., Ste. 104 Wayne, PA 19087

Contact: Tracy Rollins

Phone: 215-219-3411 5500 Crowson St. Philadelphia, PA 19144

Contact: Laura Calfayan

Kat Robbins Interiors

Contact: Kat Robbins

Phone: 215-947-5170 Fax: 215-947-9234 2528 Huntingdon Pike Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006

down2earth interior design, llc

Phone: 610-291-4220 Fax: 610-296-9023 108 Reveille Rd. Wayne, PA 19087

Contact: Amy Cuker

Nolan Painting, Inc

Contact: Kevin Nolan Phone: 610-449-5061 181 W. Hillcrest Ave. Havertown, PA 19083

Phone: 215-690-4328 7604 Spring Ave. Elkins Park, PA 19027

Generation 3 Electric Generation 3 Electric specializes in repairing and servicing electrical wiring and lighting for residential buildings in the Philadelphia area. Contact: Bill Lutz

Palandro, LLC: Sustainable Flooring

Tintco Window Tinting As Philadelphia's Premier Authorized Huper Optik Dealer, Tintco Window Tinting specializes in energy-saving window film installations. By installing window film on your home, building, or adding it as a retrofit to a current project, the company helps customers and clients enjoy the sun. Contact: Daniel Clites

Phone: 215-205-3455 900 Greenwich St. Philadelphia, PA 19147

Phone: 215-653-0707 Fax: 215-653-7222 1054 Horsham Rd. North Wales, PA 19454

David Brothers Landscape Service and Native Plant Nursery David Brothers Landscape Service and Native Plant Nursery specializes in native plants, and as a full-service company, offers design, installation, arbor work, landscape management and masonry services to the greater Philadelphia area. Also offers installation of Green Roofs throughout Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware.

Phone: 610-584-1550 Fax: 610-584 8815 Whitehall and Bean Rds. Worcester, PA 19490

Blue Trillium Contact: Bryn Richard

Contact: Glynis Tart

Landscape Architecture & Landscaping


Cedar Run Landscapes Inc.

Donald Pell Gardens

Phone: 610-874-3101 792 Parkway Dr. Broomall, PA 19008

2015 sustainable business DIRECTORY

Phone: 215-370-2655 23 West Gowen Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19119

Verden Interior Design Studio, LLC

Contact: Chris Palandro

Phone: 215-478-6421 1257 S. 26th St. Philadelphia, PA 19146


Contact: Lynne Templeton

Phone: 215-360-6722 Fax: 215-848-7373 4000 Gypsy Ln., Unit 533 Philadelphia, PA 19129


Phone: 484-212-3139 370 Hopewell Rd. Elverson, PA 19520

Contact: Donald Pell

Phone: 610-917-1385 Fax: 610-917-9941 104 Ridge Rd. Phoenixville, PA 19460

Dooley's Landscaping & Tree Care Service Contact: Mae Dooley

Phone: 215-849-5013 941 E. Price St. Philadelphia, PA 19138

READY FOR A REFRESHING CPA EXPERIENCE? At Kregel & Company, we believe that providing a refreshing CPA experience is just as important as the results of our work. Four Tower Bridge 200 Barr Harbor Dr., Suite 400 Conshohocken, PA 19428 Phone: 610-717-4001

Village Centre Office Suites 121 N. Main St., Suite 310 Souderton, PA 18964 Phone: 215-703-3098


Journey to Sustainability Friday, March 27, 2015 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Keynote Speaker: Mary Evelyn Tucker, Senior Lecturer and Research Scholar at Yale University Speaker: Jim Merkel, Global Living Project Several workshops will be offered on green business practices, organic agriculture, and other sustainability topics.

Sponsor and partner opportunities available. For the current schedule and to register:


2015 sustainable business DIRECTORY




Phone: 215-724-1247 4934 Larchwood Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19143

Graceful Gardens Contact: Grace Wicks

Phone: 215-913-7156 Fax: 215-386-1185 114 W. Highland Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19118

GreenWeaver Landscapes, LLC GreenWeaver Landscapes is a full-service landscape company that specializes in environmentally friendly landscaping, maintenance and design for both commercial and residential customers. Contact: Jennifer Nichols

landscape architecture, master planning, capacity building and civic engagement. Contact: Danielle DiLeo Kim

Phone: 215-382-4826 213 Saint Marks Square Philadelphia, PA 19104

Native REALM Within the greater Philadelphia area, Native REALM designs and maintains stormwater management ecosystems that provide habitat for wildlife and an amenity for people, delivering solutions that reduce water costs, sewer fees and the use of pesticides, while also increasing property values and rental income. Contact: Andrew Kirkpatrick

Phone: 215-539-9027 311 W. Durham St. Philadelphia, PA 19119

Phone: 610-358-8900 P.O. Box 225 Lenni, PA 19052

Naturescapes Landscape Specialists, Ltd.

Land Stewards, LLC Land Stewards is an ecological landscape design firm committed to environmentally sound landscape design and management. Contact: Hermann Moser

Phone: 215-536-4440 Fax: 215-536-0454 130 S. 9th St. Quakertown, PA 18951

Digs Contact: Anna Prinzo

Naturescapes creates outdoor spaces where people and nature can commune, designing and installing naturalistic, low maintenance gardens year-round. Also create ponds, patios, pathways, walls, walkways, perennial gardens and energy-efficient landscape lighting. Contact: John Fridy

Phone: 610-640-0164 451 Darby-Paoli Rd. Paoli, PA 19301

SALT Design Studio

Phone: 267-908-3447 1120 N. 3rd St. Philadelphia, PA 19123

Lentzcaping, Inc. Lentzcaping is a full-service residential and commercial install company specializing in the design and installation of conventional, as well as unique landscapes, hardscapes, putting greens and water features. Contact: John Voit

Phone: 215-343-6041 2139 Bristol Rd. Warrington, PA 18976

Locus Partners Locus Partners has a multidisciplinary approach to urban design, combining



Contact: Sara Schuh

Phone: 610-667-5048 Fax: 215-989-4473 178 Summit Ln., Ste. B Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004

Tiny Terra Ferma

Close the Loop, LLC

Contact: Annie Scott

Contact: Rita J. Lacey Phone: 570-629-8414 Fax: 570-213-4254 773 Upper Middle Creek Rd. Kunkletown, PA 18058 Phone: 267-225-DIRT 3478 4324 Main St. Philadelphia, PA 19127

Viridian Landscape Studio Viridian Landscape Studio heals ecological systems while making beautiful places for people. It delivers professional landscape architecture and ecological planning services from master planning through construction administration. Contact: Tavis Dockwiller Phone: 215-482-7973 3868 Terrace St. Philadelphia, PA 19128

Lighting Aelux

North Creek Nurseries, Inc.

Independence LED

Octoraro Native Plant Nursery

Independence LED lighting manufactures industry leading linear LED products, producing top-quality lighting products, and offering comprehensive support services. Contact: Charlie Szoradi Phone: 484-588-5406 Fax: 267-295-8459 487 Devon Park Dr. Wayne, PA 19087

Material Supply & Native Nurseries Aquarius Supply, Inc.

TEND is a landscape architectural consulting firm specializing in the living systems of landscapes, plants and soils with an eye toward long-term stewardship. Contact: Julie Snell Phone: 267-317-6552 c/o CultureWorks of Greater Philadelphia, 1315 Walnut St. Ste. 320 Philadelphia, PA 19107

For over 38 years, Aquarius Supply has served landscape and irrigation professionals throughout the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic and Delmarva Regions, with expertise in irrigation, landscape lighting, garden ponds and drainage. Contact: Andrew Tinari


EP Henry is a family-owned and operated manufacturer of American-made concrete products in North America, supplying Hardscaping™ and architectural concrete masonry products to homeowners and businesses. Contact: Marianne Anzaldo Phone: 856-845-6200 Fax: 856-845-0023 201 Park Ave., P.O. Box 615 Woodbury, NJ 08096

Aelux is an industry leader in lighting and controls that retrofits for commercial and industrial customers. Contact: Chris Herner Phone: 866-44-AELUX 2842 Mt. Carmel Ave. Glenside, PA 19038

TEND Landscape, Inc.

2015 sustainable business DIRECTORY

EP Henry

Phone: 610-277-9764 852 E. Main St. Norristown, PA 19401

Contact: Kevin Staso Phone: 610-255-0100 Fax: 610-255-4762 388 N. Creek Rd. Landenberg, PA 19350

Octoraro Native Plant Nursery is a wholesale nursery specializing in Mid-Atlantic native woody plants. Contact: Jim MacKenzie

Phone: 717-529-3160 Fax: 717-529-4099 6126 Street Rd. Kirkwood, PA 17536

Primex Garden Center Contact: Jennifer Hendricks

Phone: 215-887-7500 Fax: 215-887-7509 435 W. Glenside Ave. Glenside, PA 19038

Redbud Native Plant Nursery Contact: Catherine Smith Phone: 610-358-4300 Fax: 610-358-3330 1214 N. Middletown Rd. Glen Mills, PA 19342


The Organic Mechanics Soil Company, LLC

WellPoint Oriental Medicine

The Organic Mechanics Soil Company is a wholesale manufacturer of premium, organic, peat-free potting soil with a philosophy that embraces environmental sustainability as a core value. Contact: Mark T. F. Highland Phone: 610-380-4598 Fax: 866-928-1171 P.O. Box 272 Modena, PA

Bloomgarden, Ostroff & Associates

Phone: 267-687-5655 Fax: 267-687-5656 2014 Fairmount Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19130

Contact: Ellen Ostroff, LCSW Phone: 215-545-1175 Fax: 215-592-4190 255 S. 17th St. Medical Tower Bldg., Ste. 2100 Philadelphia, PA 19103

Contact: Adam Schreiber

Bicycles & Transportation

Claudia Listens, LLC Contact: Claudia Apfelbaum

Bilenky Cycle Works Urban Jungle Urban Jungle is a full-service greening company whose mission is to create sustainable urban environments, and offers clients a retail garden center that provides all of the products that are suited to their challenging environment. Contact: Curt Alexander

Phone: 215-952-0811 Fax: 215-952-0992 1526 E. Passyunk Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19148

Real Estate

Kaiserman Company, Inc.

Bilenky Cycle Works is more than just a shop; it’s an enduring institution committed to enhancing the world of cycling, one hand-built frame at a time. Contact: Bina Bilenky Trahan Phone: 215-740-7068 5319 N. 2nd St. Philadelphia, PA 19120

Phone: 215-317-8855 411 W. Stafford St. Philadelphia, PA 19144

DewMotorCoachEvents, LLC

Parent to Child and Therapy Associates

Contact: Wayne Dorsey Phone: 267-254-2864 4918 Hazel Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19143

Firth & Wilson

Kaiserman Company has been actively developing and managing real estate in Philadelphia and across the Delaware Valley since the 1920s. Contact: Max Kaiserman

Contact: David Wilson Phone: 267-318-7285 933 Spring Garden St. Philadelphia, PA 19123

Hybrid Cycles

Phone: 215-546-2665 201 S. 18th St., Ste. 300 Philadelphia, PA 19103

Health & Lifestyle Acupuncture Empirical Point Acupuncture Contact: Sharon Sherman Phone: 215-247-7100 40 W. Evergreen Ave., Ste. 112 Philadelphia, PA 19118

Contact: Jim Wylie Phone: 484-753-3581 126 E. Gay St. West Chester, PA 19380

Riders' Club Cooperative Riders' Club Cooperative provides customized transportation solutions for those who choose not to drive, seniors and those with disabilities. Contact: Paxton Wray Phone: 215-836-1376 Fax: 215-836-9708 P.O. Box 523 Flourtown, PA 19031

services, monuments, reception areas and events and programs. Contact: Prianka Setty Phone: 610-664-1591 Fax: 610-668-2781 225 Belmont Ave. Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004

Holistic Health / Wellness Centers Back to Life Wellness Center Contact: Terrie Lewine Phone: 215-928-8898 Fax: 215-928-8899 208 Fairmount Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19123

Germantown Life Enrichment Center Contact: Maurice Walls Phone: 215-844-3281 Philadelphia, PA 19144

Stillpoint Holistic Studio Contact: Ula Katsoulis Phone: 646-645-5207 100 S. Broad St., Ste. 2223 Philadelphia, PA 19110

Contact: Kathryn Snyder Phone: 215-450-5271 Fax: 215-733-0951 1722 Pine St., 1st Fl. Philadelphia, PA 19103

The Reiki School and Clinic

Rising Moon Birth Services

The Wellnest

Contact: Kate Aseron Phone: 610-469-4905 Fax: 484-985-8061 4 Springwood Ln. Chester Springs, PA 19425 Phone: 215-829-0339 822 Pine St., Ste. 4B Philadelphia, PA 19107

Society Hill Reproductive Medicine

The Monster Minders Dog Walking & Pet Sitting

Contact: Maureen Kelly, M.D. Phone: 215-829-8110 Fax: 215-829-8119 822 Pine St., Ste. 4B Philadelphia, PA 19107

Contact: Alexandra Difilippo Phone: 215-238-0659 727 S. 4th St. 2nd Fl. Philadelphia, PA 19147

Pet Care

Contact: Carrie Maria Phone: 215-925-1119 916 League St. Philadelphia, PA 19147

Salon / Spas / Beauty West Laurel Hill Cemetery

DePaul Beauty and Alchemy

West Laurel Hill is a 187-acre nonprofit, non-denominational cemetery. Services include funeral services, cemetery services, cremation services and scattering, green and Jewish burial and funeral

Contact: Victoria DePaul Phone: 856-816-3431 Philadelphia, PA


2015 sustainable business DIRECTORY



RETAIL, CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES Onehunted Eviama Life Spa Decades of experience and a holistic mission make Eviama the region’s first green destination for well-being and beauty. Contact: Penny Ordway Phone: 215-545-3344 Fax: 215-545-1133 109 S. 13 St., Ste. 2 Philadelphia, PA 19107

Verde: A Salon by Kevin Gatto Contact: Kevin Gatto Phone: 856-858-0911 4 Powell Ln. Collingswood, NJ 08108

Contact: Ike Ewell Phone: 215-432-7396 7149 Boyer St. Philadelphia,PA 19119

Smak Parlour Contact: Katie Lubieski Phone: 215-625-4551 219 Market St. Philadelphia, PA 19106

Wild Mantle Contact: Avi Fox Phone: 610-639-7480 Ardmore, PA 19003

Wardrobe Boutique

ReTAIL, Clothing & Accessories Apparel Circle Thrift Contact: Martha Grace Phone: 215-423-1222 2233 Frankford Ave. Philadelphia,PA 19125

Dansko Dansko has provided innovative comfort footwear while standing at the forefront of sustainable and ethical business practices. Contact: Marc Vettori Phone: 610-869-8335 ext. 1154 33 Federal Rd. West Grove, PA 19390

Duke & Winston Duke & Winston is a clothing and dog line by Seun Olubodun and his English Bulldog that strives to create products that meet the expectations for quality and style, and sourcing and producing products made in the USA or in the Philadelphia area. Contact: Seun Olubodun Phone: 267-639-5594 1822 Chesnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19139



A recycled women's clothing and accessory store that benefits the Career Wardrobe, a nonprofit that helps women transition to work. Contact: Nicole Falcone Phone: 215-568-2660 Fax: 215-568-5998 1822 Spring Garden St., 2nd Fl. Philadelphia, PA 19130

Arts & Gifts Karen Singer Tileworks, Inc. Contact: Karen Singer Phone: 215-849-7010 Fax: 215-849-7012 90 E. Church Ln. Philadelphia, PA 19144

Occasionette Contact: Sara Selepouchin Villari Phone: 215-465-1704 1825 E. Passyunk Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19148

VIX Emporium Contact: Emily Conroy Dorn Phone: 215-471-7700 5009 Baltimore Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19143

VZWraps Contact: Isabelle Vesey Phone: 484-424-9727 24 N. Bryn Mawr Ave., Ste. 286 Bryn Mawr, PA 19010

2015 sustainable business DIRECTORY



Keys to the Attic, LLC

Head House Books

Contact: Catherine Jennings Phone: 267-324-3681: 314 E. Girard Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19125

Founded in 2005 because no community is complete without the inspiration and idea exchange that only a locally owned, independent bookstore can provide. Contact: Richard Dewyngaert Phone: 215-923-9525 619 S. 2nd St. Philadelphia, PA 19147

More Than Old Contact: Beth Gibson Phone: 215-922-0246 Fax: 215-232-1407 144-146 N. 3rd St. Philadelphia, PA 19106

Penn Book Center

Northern Finch

Contact: Ashley Montague Phone: 215-222-7600 Fax: 215-222-7610 130 S. 34th St. Philadelphia, PA 19147

Artists, designers and engineers committed to blending innovative design with green materials. Contact: Saige Robb Philadelphia,. PA 19147


Siw Thai Silk, Inc.

Falls Flowers, LLC A full-service floral boutique dedicated to serving the East Falls and Greater Philadelphia region. Handcrafted floral arrangements are made-to-order. Contact: Peicha Chang Phone: 215-888-1754 3421 Conrad St. Philadelphia, PA 19129


Contact: Susan Firestone Phone: 215-295-6198 4 N. Cir. Yardley, PA 19067

Springhouse Custom Furnishings Contact: Anne Joyce Phone: 610-388-7075 419 Baltimore Pike Chadds Ford, PA 19317

Bog Berry Dryer Balls Contact: Brooke Petry Phone: 267-269-4136 1311 S. Broad St., Apt. 1R Philadelphia, PA 19147

Catch & Release Merchants Contact: Melissa Colosi Phone: 267-319-1844 1832 Frankford Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19125

The East Coast Organic Mattress Store, Inc. Offering 16 organic mattresses from seven manufacturers. Contact: Dennis and Leora Hornick Phone: 484-851-3636 1075 Main St. Hellertown, PA 18055

Furniture From The Barn Designs, builds and hand-finishes country chic furniture pieces from reclaimed barn wood. Contact: Kelly Kelly Phone: 610-932-1122 191 Greenhouse Rd. Nottingham, PA 19362

Uhuru Furniture and Collectibles Selling quality used furniture, collectibles, antiques and household items, Uhuru Furniture and Collectibles supports nonprofit African People's Education and Defense Fund.

WASTE Contact: Alison Hoehne Phone: 215-546-9616 832 N. Broad St. Philadelphia, PA 19130

Jewelry & Textiles

other compostables from restaurants, schools, homes and businesses. Contact: Lee Meinicke Phone: 215-703-7645 250 Batleson Rd. Ambler, PA 19002

Bario-Neal 1-800 COMPOST

Contact: Anna Bario Phone: 215-454-2164 700 S. 6th St., First Fl. Philadelphia, PA 19147

Contact: Kanti Somani Phone: 610-656-1000 Fax: 800-675-0478 124 Leon Ave. Norwood, PA 19074

Bennett Compost Contact: Timothy Bennett Phone: 215-520-2406 Philadelphia, PA 19146

Philly Compost, Inc. Picks up food waste and

Sustainable Waste Solutions

Contact: Maurice M. Sampson II Phone: 215-843-2138 Fax: 215-843-2085 P.O. Box 25246 Philadelphia, PA 19119

Provider of environmentally friendly commercial and industrial waste handling solutions. Contact: Dieter Scheel Phone: 215-723-7723 684 Forman Rd. Souderton, PA 18964

Contact: Adam Schlachter Phone: 813-416-7127 Fax: 813-464-7779 222 N. Bethlehem Pike Fort Washington, PA 19034

Condor Technologies, Inc.


Niche Waste Reduction & Recycling Systems, Inc.

Reduce Your Waste, LLC



5070 B Central Hwy. Pennsauken, NJ 08109

Contact: Joe Cardella Phone: 610-618-0920 12737 Elnora Rd. Philadelphia, PA 19154

Magnum Computer Recycling Contact: John Martorano Phone: 856-333-0991:

Waste Oil Recyclers, Inc.

Revolution Recovery, LLC A full-service hauling and recycling company for construction, industrial, bulk and specialty materials. Contact: Fern Gookin Phone: 215-333-6505 Fax: 215-333-6437 7333 Milnor St. Philadelphia, PA 19136

Waste Oil Recyclers offers a collection service of used cooking oil while guaranteeing that every drop of oil is used domestically as fuel, paying clients for their oil. Contact: Brenda McNeil Phone: 610-505-0250 Fax: 866-412-2853 P.O. Box 257 Modena, PA 19385


clients + people + projects

inc Specializing in health insurance, benefits and Medicare supplements. Edward T. MacConnell CES, CBC, CHRS Certified Healthcare Reform Specialist Marketplace FFMID:edmac812 NPN 2032257 THE OFFICIAL BROKER OF THE SBN 427 E. Street Road Feasterville, PA 19053 (215) 355-2121 800.232.4596 Founded 1960 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified | Employee Owned


2015 sustainable business DIRECTORY



Acknowledgements Thank you to our Members, Funders and Sponsors for your financial contributions to SBN. Your investment makes it possible for us to continue our work to build a just, green and thriving economy in the Greater Philadelphia region.

Board of Directors: Judy Wicks, Founder Good Morning Beautiful Business, LLC

Iola Harper The Enterprise Center

Lee Meinicke, Co-Chair, Board of Directors

Mark Mills, Lovers and Madmen Coffee Paul Speigel, Practical Energy Solutions

Colleen Bracken, Co-Chair, Board of Directors Bracken Leadership

Charlie Szoradi, Green and Save

Leslie Benoliel, Entrepreneur Works

Steve Masters, JustLaws

Susan Firestone Siw Thai Silk

JoAnn Garbin , KnowE Cliff David, Conservation Economics

Elizabeth Babson Drink Biddle & Reath LLP

Lynne Andersson, Temple University


SBN Staff:

Julia Abreu, Maria Allison, Jennifer Anderson, Morgan Berman, Sydney Bynum, Bryant Carter, William Foley, Ryan Gawens, Lyndsay Gilmore, Cameron Griffith, Michael Hamann, Elizabeth James, Ed Jenkins, Nicole Koedyker Akil Marsh, Tiffany Rolfing, Ken Rosso, Harvey Sacks, Jodie Saueraker, Judy Wicks, Max Zahniser

Jamie Gauthier, Executive Director Anna Shipp, Green Stormwater Infrastructure Partners, Project Manager Lacey Dickinson, Membership Manager Chelsea Dickey, Office & Program Assistant Mike Daly, Membership & Communications Associate Chris Hershberger-Esh, Green Stormwater Infrastructure Partners, Program Associate

We create sustainable sources of revenue for landowners.



2015 sustainable business DIRECTORY





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SOWING THE SEEDS OF SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION Sustainability is more than just a goal—it’s part of our mission. That’s why our top-ranked Innovation and Entrepreneurship Institute (IEI) provides powerful support to sustainablyminded students. Students like Dylan Baird, who created Neighborhood Farms, an urban farming business that supplies healthy food options and unites communities in underprivileged areas of Philadelphia. Baird and Neighborhood Farms took home the grand prize at the 2013 Be Your Own Boss Bowl®, Temple IEI’s innovative business plan competition, and grew a successful sustainable business. Through rigorous academics, cuttingedge consulting services, and the lucrative Be Your Own Boss Bowl®, Fox and IEI offer unique opportunities to grow your ideas—and yourself. MAKE AN IMPACT ON THE WORLD. Discover how Fox can help at

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bookkeeping • business plans • operations

Is your bike gathering dust? You’ve got the wrong bike! . West Chester, PA . D ece m b e r 20 14

g r i d p h i l m


Visit our new location in Chestnut Hill 8607 Germantown Ave

Try Philly's Best Chocolates Visit our store in Reading Terminal Market and choose from a selection of locally made confections that include John & Kira's, Eclat, Love Bar, Neuchatel Truffles, Asher's, Lore's Chocolates and our newest additions from

Tradestone Confections.

We love Tradestone’s Rum Raisin; this treat starts with sweet raisins, soaked in Caribbean rum until plump. The boozy raisins meet their match in dark chocolate ganache. Cheers!

Sawmill, woodworking, furniture, & restoration

215-843-4299 photo by Jason Varney

Reading Terminal Market

GET A JOB with


Are you a bike-riding, garden-growing, veggie-composting, design enthusiast who has a passion for print? Grid is seeking a talented and versatile designer who will create page layouts for our award-winning, sustainability focused monthly magazine. Applications due Dec. 22. Full details on Please send cover letter and résumé in a combined PDF, as well as a link to your online portfolio. EMAIL

to join our team.


g ri d p hi l

d ec em be r 2014

his year is going to be different. Gone will be the frantic, feverish, last-minute purchases of generic gifts from soul-sucking big box stores that leave you feeling as empty as a parking lot at midnight. No, this year we are all going to buy locally. We’re going to stroll our city’s streets and meet the artists and artisans—or the curators who work with them— who make us unlike any city in the world. We’re going to take our time and think about what we give, learn the stories of where our gifts come from and how they are made. We’re going to give more deeply.

Find the perfect gift while exploring your city photos by gene smirnov & hand type by kathleen white

But relax: Just like buying an apple from a farmer like Ben Wenk of Three Springs Fruit Farm at the Headhouse Farmers Market, it’s a joyous experience. You don’t even need to think about how you are helping the local economy, even as you are. Focus instead on buying quality goods for the people you love with a story you can tell. You’ll remember what you gave, and more importantly, those on your list will remember what they received.

We had no problem filling these pages with homewares, clothing, food and everything in between, but our list is far from comprehensive. This year we tried to highlight newer enterprises, so don’t forget about the local mainstays you’ve supported for years. A special thank you to the hosts of the photo shoots: Moon & Arrow, Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, Green Aisle Grocery, City Planter, and Cloth—their generosity is another reminder of the value of community. D ece m b e r 20 14

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d ec em be r 20 14

Polka dot corduroy shirt: Gitman Bros. adapted its Oxford shirt into a cut for women. $122, Art in the Age

Bulky hooded cowl by Only Meesh (navy): Hand crocheted and very soft. $40, shop/OnlyMeesh

Penfield women's Kasson jacket (navy) $200, Art in the Age

Indigo patchwork print dress by Gitman Bros. $180, Art in the Age

Vintage Pendleton wool shirt: $84, Moon + Arrow

Black chambray tie by The Hill-side $85, Art in the Age

Norman Porter NP-01: Jeans made with the finest quality denims— and each rivet is hand hammered. $250, Art in the Age.

Fingerless gloves by Sardine Clothing Co.: Made of reclaimed cashmere. $32, Vix Emporium

Military baseball jacket by Fidelity Sportswear (maroon) $290, Art in the Age

Gold rings with moon accent $24, Art in the Age

Standard belt by Norman Porter $85, Art in the Age

Hidden City Kensington milk bottle shirt by Hog Island Press $20,

Philly Eyeworks Love Park frame in tangerine: Easy-to-wear cat-eye frames. $149, Innervision Eyewear Hair barrettes by Michelle Haber: Made from upcycled fabric scraps. $6 per set, Knack

Large crescent necklace $86, Moon + Arrow

Organic woven linen tote by Arden and James. $100, Moon + Arrow

Vintage silk crochet cardigan $42, Moon + Arrow Jesse Jeans by Imogene and Willie $180, Art in the Age

Philly Eyeworks Olde City frame in emerald: Made of combination of plastic and metal, and works well for both men and women. $149, Innervision Eyewear

Seersucker button-up shirt by Gitman Bros.: Deep navy shirt from Pennsylvania shirt makers. $120, Art in the Age

thank you to our models, freelance journalist Emily Teel and Solar States Managing Partner Akil Marsh

D ece m b e r 20 14

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d ec em be r 20 14

Kilim pillow cover: Featuring unique pattern cut from vintage wool kilims. $55, Linden and Lee

Aeriums by Stitch Prism Prices vary, Nice Things Handmade

Turkish towel with mustard band $28, Linden and Lee Tourbillion bowl by Felt + Fat $62, Upcycled bottle pendant light by Salvage+Craft $95 , Art in the Age. Reclaimed vinyl journal by Vinylux $16, Nice Things Handmade Assorted vintage books: Price varies, Brickbat Books

Illustrated cactus pillow by Amelie Mancini: Screen printed with non-toxic ink on linen. $76, Moon + Arrow

Vintage blue ceramic pear $8, Era Atomica

Vintage perched owl statue $12, Era Atomica

Jonathan's Honey Stick: Ten percent of sales go toward education and study of Colony Collapse Disease. $10, Moon + Arrow

Jonathan's assorted wooden utensils $6 to $46, Moon + Arrow

Terrarium vases by Copper + Torch $46 to $76, Moon + Arrow

Pot-holders by Smithbridge Road $12 at Vix Emporium

The Laurel bowl by Felt + Fat: Designed and made by hand in Kensington. $60,

Malleable Tumbler by Felt + Fat $32,

Refurbished mid-centu- ry lamp with cork shade $120, Moon + Arrow Olla plant holder by Vivo Walls $100, Art in the Age Subtle tumblers (small, medium and large) by Felt + Fat L $36, M $30, S $20, set, $80,

Dishtowels from The Kitchen Garden Series by Heidi Barr: 25 percent of the sale price is donated to Henry Got Crops & East Park Revitalization Alliance. $20, Moon + Arrow

Beeswax candles $10-$14, Moon + Arrow Birch candle holders by Vermont Birch $14 each, $26 pair, Moon + Arrow

thanks to love ‘n fresh flowers for creating the incredible autumnal arrangement. Give their Organic Flower CSA to a special someone this holiday season. D ece m b e r 20 14

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Oopsie Daisy Pretty Pleats Dress & skinny leggings (navy) by Zutano $31 & $15.95, Cloth Cos We Do! Kid shirt by Hog Island Press (blue) $20, Cloth

Little Changes hand-knit wool booties, hat & mittens set $35, Cloth Little Changes hand-knit baby booties $15, Cloth

Upcycled merino wool cashmere hat by Babee Greens: Made by upcyling either 100 percent merino wool or 100 percent cashmere sweaters. $23.95, Cloth E&S baby booties and pageboy cap by Beverly Ritter $35, Cloth Tiny Town Little Dress & skinny leggings (teal) by Zutano $29 & $15.95, Cloth

Vintage toy car $22, Moon + Arrow Baby Bum Balm by Soapbox Holistics $9, Cloth 28

Punkin Butt Natural Teething Oil $6.99, Cloth

Rainbow Regatta wooden toy: Hand-cut and made to order $29, Knack

Wild Things Romper by Zutano $31, Cloth

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dec em be r 20 14

Upcycled wool diaper cover by Babee Greens: Diaper covers made from upcycled soft wool sweaters. $34.95, Cloth

Upcycled Cashmere Longies by Babee Greens: Absorbent, soft and contain natural water-proofing lanolin, serving as both a cloth diaper cover and pants. $32.95, Cloth

Onesie with bird appliquĂŠ by Sardine Clothing Co.: Made from 100 percent reclaimed fabrics on reclaimed/secondhand garment. $15, Vix Emporium

Hand-knit dress with ribbon belt by Christine Szczesniak: Hand-knit using soft cotton yarn with a satin ribbon. $45, Knack

Vintage Guatemalan overalls $34, Moon + Arrow

Brown corduroy vest by Megan Slaboda: Made from soft, previously loved corduroy and cotton. $35, Knack

WolfKitten bandana bibs: Handmade from vintage fabrics. $15 , Cloth

Color Sorting wooden bowls by Mama May i: Each set is handpainted with a nontoxic soy-based pigment and comes with six bowls. $26,

Assorted children's books Prices vary, Cloth

Pocket Place childrens toy by Mama May i $16,

Stuffed fox by Arden & James: Made from organic painters' linen and tea-dyed muslin. $68, Moon + Arrow

There Once Was a Crooked Rainbow wooden toy by Mama

May i: Hand-cut and coated with a nontoxic watercolor wash. $65,

Story Starters by Mama May i: A beautiful collection of hand-stamped images, picture dice, tin and pocket Moleskine. $25,

Sculpted number book by George & Allie: Made from Reader's Digest reproductions of classics. $20, Knack

Doodle kit by Dop Dop Designs: Crayon book with a pad of paper and eight crayons. $22, Vix Emporium

Doll by Arden & James: Made from organic painter's linen, upcycled vintage fabric and leather. $50, Moon + Arrow

Lacing Friends - Hedgehog by Mama may i: $25,

thanks to love ‘n fresh flowers for creating this lively arrangement for us.

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Urban Garden Bar by John & Kira: Made of Guajillo chili peppers from urban gardens, almonds and 62 percent dark Valrhona chocolate. $8, Green Aisle Grocery Mast Brothers Almond and Sea Salt Chocolate bar $9, Green Aisle Grocery

Lancaster Farm Fresh sauerkraut $8, Green Aisle Grocery Pollock’s Kefir Pop’s Kefir Kit: Comes with a mason jar, a flip-top bottle, a recipe book and ingredients. $45,

Epic Pickles Epicante $8, Fair Food Farmstand

Rival Brothers coffee $11.75 to $16.75, Rival Bros Coffee Roasters

Mirtilli Wild Bilberry Nectar $12, Green Aisle Grocery

Righteous Felon Jerky Cartel $9, Fair Food Farmstand

Green Aisle’s French Lavender Honey $10, Green Aisle Grocery

Side Project Jerky $10, Fair Food Farmstand

Saint Lucifer Spice: Blend of garlic, salt, vinegar and fiery habanero peppers. $8, Green Aisle Grocery

PB&Jams Hot or Not $6.95, Green Aisle Grocery

Tait Farm Foods’ Sour Cherry Jam $10, Green Aisle Grocery

Cocktail Crate Mixers: In fun flavors like Sriracha Margarita or Lavender Bloom. $12, Green Aisle Grocery

Parable Flavors Spice Blend (A Gringo in Juarez): Small-batch seasoning blends. $12, Fair Food Farmstand

Fever Tree ginger beer $7, Green Aisle Grocery

Random Tea Room organic tea blends $10, Fair Food Farmstand


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Philadelphia Bee Co. Honey $18, Green Aisle Grocery

Mini Happy Birthday Cake $3.50, The Baker's Jar

Carrot Cake $5, The Baker's Jar

Strawberry Rhubarb Jam by Spruce Hill Preserves: Made the old-fashioned way, with chopped or puréed fresh fruit, lemon juice, herbs, spices, organic sugar and/or honey. $6.50,

Soom Chocolate Tahini Spread: Perfect for spreading, dipping or baking. $9.99 at Fair Food Farmstand

Organic Mountain Rose Spices: Add a flavor kick to holiday meals. $6, Green Aisle Grocery

Punch Drunk Hot Sauce: A favorite among pepper heads, this hot sauce packs a punch with ghost peppers, smoked garlic, Victory Storm King Stout, and raw cacao. $5.99, Fair Food Farmstand

Lemon Drop Pepper Hot Sauce: Not the lemon you're thinking of— there’s a Peruvian pepper called a lemon drop, too. $8, Green Aisle Grocery

Subarashii Kudamono Asian Pear Blossom Honey: The light, sweet flavor of Subarashii Kudamono Asian Pear Blossom Honey makes it a natural partner for Doe Run Farm's Dragonfly cheese. $10.25 & $24.99 per lb., both at Fair Food Farmstand

Rip Rap Baking’s Seeded Bakery Crackers: Rip Rap Baking’s Seeded Bakery Crackers pairs well with Mill Creek Farm's Blue Bell cheese. $6.75 & $28.99 lb., both at Fair Food Farmstand

Marble Plate by Felt + Fat: Available in 11.5" for $64; 9.5" for $54; 8" for $45, Art in the Age

Cherry cutting board by Farmhaus: 18" x 14" x 3", $165 & Art in the Age

D ece m b e r 20 14

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Body Lotion & Goat’s Milk Soap by Hope Hill Lavender Farm $12, $5,

Stinky Girl Hair Powder/Dry Shampoo $11, Vix Emporium

Perfume by Anjolie $29 at Vix Emporium

Stinky Girl Cream Deodorant $10, Fair Food Farmstand

Face Cleanser and Face Oil by Meow Meow Tweet $25, $25, Omoi Zakka Shop

Baltimore Avenue Burgundy nail polish by Philly Loves Lacquer $12, Vix Emporium

Lavender soy candle by Hope Hill Lavender Farm $5,

Whipped Shea Body Butter by Volta $14, Vix Emporium

Beard & Mustache Comb by Hannah Simons $10, Nice Things Handmade

Cilantro Soap by Volta $6, Vix Emporium

Tea by Telegraphic Tree $6, Vix Emporium

Olliver's Beard Oil $20, Nice Things Handmade &


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d ec em be r 2014

OLEN & ROXANN GRIMES PROPRIETORS HOURS Mon: Noon-6, Tues - Thurs: 10-6:30, Fri - Sat: 10-8, Sun: 10-4


HOURS Mon: Noon-6, Tues - Thurs: 10-6:30, Fri - Sat: 10-8, Sun: 10-4

Be sure to visit... Be sure to County’s visit... Chester

ChoiceCounty’s Source Chester for Mushrooms Choice Source Featuring Fresh Kennett Square Mushrooms, Gourmet for Mushrooms Mushroom Food Products, Snack N Shrooms and more! Featuring Fresh Kennett Square Mushrooms, Gourmet Mushroom Food Products, Snack N Shrooms and more!

Moriah’s Horse Powered Farm & C.S.A. C.S.A. Shares available for Spring 2015

Open 7 days • 1st Fridays until 9pm

(610) 444-8484

Open 7 days • 1st Fridays until 9pm

(610 ) 444-8484 114 West State Street, Kennett Square, PA 19348 114 West State Street, Kennett Square, PA 19348

Contact: Moriah Bilenky Owner and Manager 215-384-3239 3500 Coventryville Rd. Pottstown PA 19465

March 21 - Celebrate the first day of Spring with Launch of Moriah’s Horse Powered Farm with local music, food and drink on the farm.



Vegan Scrapple “Traditional Style”

SOY-FREE & GLUTEN-FREE Made in West Chester, PA Using Local Farms & Mills Organic, Certifed Organic & Non-GMO Ingredients

e finest sustainably raised fruits and specialty vegetables available at Headhouse Farmers Market (Sundays 10-2) and at like-minded stores and restaurants throughout the city. FROM OUR FARM TO YOUR HOME 717.677.7186


D ece m b e r 20 14

g r i d p h i l m



Moss Is Boss Make-and-Take

A complement to the Moss Is Boss lectures on Nov. 7 and 14, this workshop, led by Chanticleer horticulturist Przemek Walczak, includes demonstrations on propagating and cultivating moss, along with a hands-on moss project to take home.


→→ Fri., Nov. 21, 10 a.m. to noon and 1 to 3 p.m. $31

for members, $35 for non-members. Barnes Arboretum, 300 N. Latches Ln., Merion Station, Pa. Registration required; to register, visit or call 215-278-7200



The Sustainable Business Network (SBN) is working with a coalition of stakeholders to get homeowners to go solar. The initiative, called Solar Philly, is organizing groups of homeowners in Northwest Philadelphia to use their collective buying power to equip their properties with solar systems. This is a tour of a solar home in Flourtown, Pennsylvania. Space is limited. →→ Sat., Nov. 22, 2 to 3 p.m.; 3:15 to 4:15 p.m. 48 College Ave., Flourtown, Pa.

Goodbye, Winter Blues

Taught by Vishnu of the Hidden Health Center, this class will discuss the biopsycho connections to digestion according to Ayurvedic and Yogic Science, and will delve into its relevance to maintaining health through the holidays, as well as into the depths of winter where depression so easily sets in. Using local and seasonal ingredients, participants will be provided with a box full of remedies to help reduce the winter blues. Space is limited to 12.


→→ Fri., Nov. 21, 7:15 to 9:30 p.m. $30. Down Dog Healing Cafe, 1001 S. 10th St. downdoghealing. com/events



Solar NW Philly Solar Home Tour

Earthship Workshop

Learn Earthship building techniques with an emphasis on catchwater, a largescale man-made device for catching surface runoff and channelling it to reservoirs. Workshop ticket includes evening lecture by Jonah Reynolds, Earthship Biotect.



Learn-to-Skate at Dilworth Park

The Rothman Institute Ice Rink at Dilworth Park will offer four week Learnto-Skate lessons Sunday mornings. First session dates: Nov. 23, Nov. 30, Dec. 7, Dec. 14. Second session dates: Jan. 4, Jan. 11, Jan. 18 and Jan. 25. Third session: Feb. 1, Feb. 8, Feb. 15 and Feb. 22.


→→ Sun., Nov. 23, 9:30 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. Cost: $60

for four weeks’s lessons. The Rothman Institute Ice Rink at Dilworth Park, Broad and Market Sts. Email to sign up.


Black Friday Celebration

Join the Land Conservancy for Southern Chester County for a walk through the woodlands of Bucktoe Creek Preserve listening for owls in the night. Enjoy a warm snack at the end of the hike.


→→ Fri., Nov. 28, 10 a.m. to noon. $5 for TLC members, $10 →→ Sat., Nov. 22 to Sun., Nov. 23. $50 for both days,

$25 for Saturday evening lecture, $30 for one day workshop. Silver Lake Earthship, 1001 Bath Rd., Bristol, Pa.

for non-members. Bucktoe Creek Preserve, 432 Sharp Rd., Avondale, Pa. To register, visit


Dinosaur Days

Celebrate dinosaurs and their closest living relatives—birds—with a holiday weekend of family fun at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University. Dinosaur Days continues through Sun., Nov. 30.


PENCIL IT IN! To have your event considered for publication in Grid, email Submissions are due on the 19th of every month. For a full list of calendar events, visit

→→ Fri., Nov. 28, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Free with museum

admission. The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, 1900 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy.


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Holiday Garden Railway Celebration

Take a trip through the Morris Arboretum’s Garden Railway, a quarter-mile track where model trains ride across bridges and through tunnels in the Arboretum’s winter garden. Be serenaded by the Classic Carolers, an acappella, costumed quartet, as you explore the trail lined with Philadelphia-area landmarks. Adults and kids will also have the opportunity to make their own ornament to bring home.


→→ Sat. Nov. 29, 1 to 3 p.m. $8 for children under three,

$14 for seniors, $16 for adults. Morris Arboretum, 100 E. Northwestern Ave. arboretum


Franklin Flea Holiday Market

Fifty vendors of vintage, handmade and great food will set up next to the newly opened 100,000-square-foot Century 21 department store for Franklin Flea’s Holiday Market. Seasonal goods and gifts will be available for purchase.


→→ Sat. Nov. 29. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Free. The Historic Strawbridge’s Building, 801 Market St.


CultureWorks Community Book Club CultureWorks staff and members are inviting the public to their monthly book club and casual lunch. Participants will read topics that investigate happiness. This month’s book is Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek. Grab a copy, pick up lunch and come chat about it.


→→ Mon., Dec. 1, noon to 1 p.m. Free. CultureWorks

Coworking Space, The Philadelphia Building, 1315 Walnut St., Ste. 320. To RSVP, email zlifton@ . p h oto cou rt esy o f solar stat es

dec 01

Monday Restoration Volunteer Workday

Get some fresh air and exercise while helping maintain the beauty and biodiversity of our forest. Be a steward of the land by helping the Schuylkill Center remove invasive plants, plant native species and clean up trails. Long pants and sturdy boots recommended. No experience necessary; gloves, tools and instruction provided. Please bring a water bottle. Water refills and snacks are provided. →→ Mon., Dec. 1, 9 to 11 a.m. Schuylkill Center for

Environmental Education, 8480 Hagy’s Mill Rd.


Friday Night Lights

Take a nighttime trip through the Morris Arboretum’s Garden Railway, a quarter mile track where model trains ride across bridges and through tunnels in the Arboretum’s winter garden. The trail is lined with replicas of buildings and Philadelphia-area landmarks made of natural materials, such as bark and pine cones and decorated with holiday lights.


→→ Fri., Dec. 5, 12, 19, 26. 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. Cost $3

to $16. Morris Arboretum, 100 E. Northwestern Ave. To purchase tickets visit morrisarboretum.



Vacant Land 201: Legal Land Access for Community Gardens and Open Space

The Garden Justice Legal Initiative of the Public Interest Law Center of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Horticultural Society and the Healthy Foods Green Spaces coalition are teaming up to get into the nitty-gritty of legal land access and preservation for gardens, farms and other communitymanaged open spaces. Topics to be discussed will include vacant land ownership, the land bank, sidelots and more. Bring property addresses and all your questions. →→ Tues., Dec. 2. 5 to 7:30 p.m. Free. Pennsylvania

Horticultural Society, 100 N. 20th St. Reservations at



→→ Wed., Dec. 3, 6 to 7:30 p.m. 1500 Walnut St.,

2nd Floor Conference Room. To register, visit:

04 & 05

05 & 06

Using fresh-cut greens from the Barnes Arboretum and unusual natural decorative elements, learn simple techniques to create a custom wreath.

→→ Fri., Dec. 5 & Sat., Dec. 6, 10 a.m. to noon, $79

for members, $88 for non-members. Barnes Arboretum, 2025 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy.


Evergreen Exploration

Join the Land Conservancy for Southern Chester County for a walk around Bucktoe Creek Preserve, identifying evergreens and learning about their distinct characteristics. Find out why evergreen trees keep their leaves and how to distinguish between pines, firs and other evergreens.


Green Holiday Wreath-Making Workshops

Create a festive wreath with freshly cut greens. Please bring pruners and plastic dish gloves. The Scott Arboretum will supply all other materials. Bring in your wreath frames from previous years to donate to the Holiday Greens Sale. Limited to 20 per session. →→ Thurs., Dec. 4, 2 to 4:30 p.m. & 6:30 to 9 p.m.,

Fri., Dec. 5, 9:30 a.m. to noon & 1:30 to 4 p.m. $40 for members, $50 for non-members. The Scott Arboretum, Wister Center, Gillespie Room, 500 College Ave., Swarthmore, Pa.

→→ Sat., Dec. 6, 10 a.m. to noon, $10 for TLC members,

$15 for non-members. Bucktoe Creek Preserve, 432 Sharp Rd., Avondale, Pa.



Botanical Cocktail Hour & Vine Weaving Salon with WE THE WEEDS

Spend an evening with LandLab artists Zya S. Levy and Kaitlin Pomerantz of WE THE WEEDS. Sip invasive plant cocktails and infusions with the artists and special botanical guests while chatting about global plant migration, and the ecological and cultural roles of non-native species. Participate in the handson creation of invasive plant weavings, which will go towards a WE THE WEEDS sculptural installation in spring 2015. →→ Sat., Dec. 6, 4 to 6 p.m. Free. The Schuylkill

Wreath-Making Workshop

Bicycle Coalition Volunteer Night

Meet members of the Bicycle Coalition and fellow engaged bicyclists. Depending on the needs of the month, volunteer nights can include event and outreach training, envelope-stuffing or data collection training. Some months include special guests to talk about hotbutton bicycling topics. You need to attend at least one volunteer night in order to help us at events. Pizza will be served.




Holiday Wreath-Making Workshop

Two separate sessions of wreathmaking—one includes a light breakfast buffet, the other a light lunch buffet. This holiday event will feature winter fun and holiday crafts for the whole family. Supplies provided.


→→ Sat., Dec. 6. 10 a.m. to noon; 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Cost $30 for adults, $10 for children, $75 family package. Wissahickon Environmental Center, 300 W. Northwestern Ave. Email marley@fow. org to register.

Center for Environmental Education, 8480 Hagy’s Mill Rd.


The Humane League Holiday Gala

This evening will feature inspirational speakers, a silent auction, desserts and beverages, and a chance to learn how support for the Human League has helped animals over the last year. The special VIP dinner before the event will give attendees a chance to speak intimately with the League’s leadership and guest speakers over a vegan meal at Tequilas.


→→ Sat., Dec. 6, 5:30 to 10 p.m. $50 regular ticket,

$200 for VIP Dinner at Tequilas. Philadelphia Ethical Society Building, 1901 S. Rittenhouse Sq.



Mill Creek Urban Farm’s Annual Grow Strong Benefit Party

Educational West Philadelphia urban farm Mill Creek Farm is hosting its eighth annual Grow Strong Benefit Party at Bartram’s Garden, featuring local music, food, drinks and silent auction. The event will benefit the farm’s food justice and environmental education programs. →→ Sun., Dec. 7, 4:30 to 8 p.m. Tickets are $25

in advance, $30 at the door. Coach House at Bartram’s Garden, 5400 Lindbergh Ave.



Ingredients for Health: Seasonal Eats for Sustainable Living

The Penn Glee club will treat visitors to holiday-themed and seasonal songs at the Morris Arboretum’s Garden Railway. Get in the holiday spirit while viewing the quarter-mile track where model trains ride past reproductions of Philadelphia-area landmarks.

Consider it a triple threat to your health: the accessibility, convenience and low cost of highly processed food can easily influence meal-planning and trump purchasing fresh, in-season produce. Let a registered dietitian and chef from Cancer Treatment Centers of America help guide you through selecting and preparing the winter season’s produce offerings.

→→ Sat. Dec. 6, 2 p.m. $7 for children under three,

→→ Tues., Dec. 9. 6 p.m. Central Library branch,



Penn Glee Club at Morris Arboretum’s Garden Railway

$14 seniors, $16 adults. Morris Arboretum, 100 E. Northwestern Ave.

Free Library of Philadelphia, 1901 Vine St. 215-686-5322.

D ecem b er 20 14




Creating Kissing Balls for the Holiday Season

This program will be a part of the annual holiday party and monthly meeting of the Horticultural Society of South Jersey. Before mistletoe, there were kissing balls. Popular during the colonial days in America and the Victorian era in England, kissing balls were hung as part of a home’s holiday decoration. Visit the website for a list of items to bring to make the kissing ball. →→ Tues., Dec. 9, 7 to 9 p.m. Free. Carman Tilelli Hall, 820 Mercer St., Cherry Hill, N.J.

dec 10

Emily Dickinson & Beatrix Potter: A Tale of Two Gardeners

Marta McDowell will delve into the life of poet Emily Dickinson and children’s book writer Beatrix Potter. Dickinson studied botany and was a skilled gardener while Potter was an early advocated for sustainable agriculture and a naturalist. Part of the weekly lecture series “Connections Beyond Our Garden—Talks on People, Plants and Place.” Registration and payment required. →→ Wed., Dec. 10, 2 p.m. $15 for members, $20

for non-members. Morris Arboretum Widener Visitor Center, 100 E. Northwestern Ave. online.


Grid/SBN Holiday Party

Celebrate the holidays with food, drinks and the great company of Grid and the Sustainable Business Network.



Holiday WreathMaking Workshop

Learn to make beautiful holiday wreaths. Everyone will make a wreath to take home. Greensgrow supplies the frames, greens and decorations, such as fall fruits, pine cones, bows and ornaments. $35 fee includes your wreath frame, wire, and greens; decorations extra.

05 dec

Fairmount Park Holly Trolley Tours

Enjoy the tradition of touring the Fairmount Park historic houses during the holiday season, when each home takes a unique approach to yuletide adornments. Tours depart from and return to the Art Museum’s West Entrance led by knowledgeable and engaging guides. Ticket price includes transportation and admission to the sites.


→→ Fri., Dec. 12, 10 a.m. to noon, and Sun., Dec.

14, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. $30 for Philadelphia Museum of Art members, $38 for non-members. Philadelphia Museum of Art, 2600 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy.


Make Your Own Candles

Candles play a big role in many of the winter holidays. Make your own candles to use during this darker season, or give them away as a gift in the spirit of the season. Note, this is an outdoor program. Please register in advance.


→→ Fri., Dec. 5. 6 to 8 p.m. $35. Greensgrow

Farms, 2501 E. Cumberland St. 215-427-2702.


Crafty Balboa Holiday

Looking for handmade holiday gifts? The sixth annual fair will showcase unique, high-quality and affordable handcrafted goods from 60+ vendors, including prints, bath products, housewares, knits, clothing, ceramics, toys, accessories and more. The first 50 shoppers will receive a tote filled with special items from all vendors. Crafty Balboa Holiday coincides with second Saturday on Passyunk Avenue, during which area shops and restaurants feature deals, tastings and art openings.


→→ Sat., Dec. 13, 1 p.m. $2. Wissahickon →→ Thurs., Dec. 11, 7 to 9 p.m. $5. Reading Terminal Market, 12th and Arch Sts. sbnphilly.ticketleap. com/holiday-party/details

Environmental Center, 300 W. Northwestern Ave. To register: , 215-685-9285.

→→ Sat., Dec. 13. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Free. SS. Neumann

Goretti High School, 1736 10th St., entrance at 11th and Moore.

MILO K., Hermit Crab


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illustrati o n by Daniel Kay e / P hoto courtesy o f G reensgrow



Celebrate the arrival of winter at this festival, in partnership with the Philadelphia School. As the earth takes its turn towards the winter solstice, look above and explore the stars. Create star ornaments and crafts, take a twilight walk and join the live animal show to check out nocturnal and wintery animals. As darkness sets in, enjoy a bonfire and s’mores under the stars, and use our telescope for a closer look at the night sky. The Franklin Institute’s chief astronomer, Derrick Pitts, will help attendees discover the wonders of a starry night.



Go West! Craft Fest Holiday Edition

The Go West! Craft Fest returns with a holiday edition featuring more than 50 local artisans, craftspeople and small businesses. Crafts will feature unique wares made in the Philadelphia region, including jewelry, clothing, paper goods, homewares and children’s items.


→→ Sun., Dec. 14, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Rotunda, 4014 Walnut St.


GMO-Free Cookie Exchange


Winter Solstice Celebration

An outdoor celebration for the changing of the seasons, with observation of the night sky, hot chocolate around a bonfire, and decorating and lighting an evergreen.


→→ Sun. Dec. 21, 5 to 7 p.m. $5 members; $10 non-

members; kids under 12 free. Stateline Woods Preserve, 814 Merrybell Ln., Kennett Square, Pa.


Stone Soup

Bring a batch of your favorite nonGMO cookies to share (along with an ingredients list), and leave with a variety pack.

Participants of all ages are asked to bring a vegetable to contribute to the soup. While it simmers, the group will hike.

→→ Thurs., Dec. 18, 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. Collingswood

→→ Sat., Dec. 27, 11 a.m. Free. Wissahickon Environmental



→→ Sat., Dec. 13, 3 to 8 p.m. $7. The Schuylkill Center

for Environmental Education, 8480 Hagy’s Mill Rd.

Library, 771 Haddon Ave., Collingswood, N.J. RSVP at .

Center, 300 W. Northwestern Ave. To register, email or call 215-685-9285

D ecem b er 20 14


Dust to Dust

A local project commemorates the loss of a beloved home in Mantua by Robert Blackson


f you’re like me and you live in Philadelphia, chances are you did not build your own home. So, what you call “your” kitchen or “your” bedroom was actually someone else’s kitchen and bedroom before you moved in. Imagine flipping through a complete stranger’s photo album filled with cherished pictures of Thanksgiving dinners and shoveling out the car in front of the house, but the house they’re in front of is now yours. And the Thanksgiving dinner was going on in what is now “your” dining room. I think about this a lot: the recycling of our homes and the gradual accumulation of personal histories they have silently sheltered over generations. This simple premise is the basis of a project I’ve been involved in called Funeral for a Home. As director of Temple Contemporary at Tyler School of Art, I began working on this project over a year ago with artists Billy and Steven Du-

fala, public historian Patrick Grossi and Temple Contemporary’s Assistant Director Sarah Biemiller. We shared a singular purpose—to find a house imminently scheduled for demolition and arrange its funeral, the same way we do for our loved ones. When we started house-hunting last summer, I was naively optimistic that we would be spoiled for choice. The math fueled my delusion. Between 1895 and 1920, Philadelphia was enjoying an unprecedented housing boom. In a city once globally recognized for its industry, the housing industry was one of its largest. Over this 25-year span, Philadelphia was building, on average, 10 row homes a day. In the wake of this market and Philadelphia’s subsequent depopulation, the city, like many of its lapsed industrial rivals, simply has more houses than people to fill them. With a current vacancy count of over 40,000 homes,

many in sad states of neglect and abandonment, our “City of Homes” has become its own burden. Despite this, it took months of pounding the pavement and steady research before we found the right home. Its address was 3711 Melon Street, and it stood in the proud African-American neighborhood of Mantua. To be honest, the remarkable thing about this modest two-story row home was just how unremarkable it was. When we found it, it was just a small house on a quiet block that—like hundreds, if not thousands, of other houses across the United States—was scheduled to be demolished. Another crumbling Philadelphia row home slated for demo is sadly not a news story. But I think what made this project worth talking about is the emotional and historic value this house served. Our “home going” celebration May 31 this summer commemorated the lives this home touched over its nearly 150 year lifespan and provided a window into Mantua’s potential for residentinitiated redevelopment. To commemorate the life of 3711 Melon Street, Temple Contemporary published a book that chronicles the history of Mantua and situates the overarching intentions of Funeral for a Home within a national context of urban neighborhood preservation. The book traces the genealogy of the Philadelphia row home from its European roots to the ubiquitous vernacular architectural style that now saturates our city. Along with 3711 Melon’s obituary, the book also documents Mantua’s funeral service for the home. These multiple perspectives have been lovingly designed together as a humble and lasting tribute to the places we call home. When our project historian Patrick Grossi asked lifetime Mantua community activist Rev. Dr. Andrew Jenkins how he felt about the devastating loss of houses in his neighborhood, he simply replied, “I’ve run out of tears.” The poet and funeral director Thomas Lynch once wrote, “Mourning is romance in reverse.” And what I think he means by this is that you can’t grieve for something unless you have loved it first. Part of Funeral for a Home’s strength comes from the fact that so many of us do love the places we call home. I know this is true for 3711 Melon Street. Robert Blackson is the director of Temple Contemporary at Tyler School of Art. Funeral for a Home is now a fully illustrated, hardback publication including essays by Patrick Grossi, Bernard Herman, Andrew Hurley, Thomas Lynch, and Sue Bell Yank. It is available from Temple Contemporary for $15. Call 215-777-9138 or email to order. To learn more about the Funeral for a Home project, visit .

Each month, Dispatch features personal reflections on adventures in sustainability. Have a story you’d like to share? E-mail 38

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DEC Em be r 2014

illustrati o n by Kathleen White

Winter CSA begins dec. 6

Holiday Bazaar

Thanksgiving farmstand

Shop late! November 22 & 25

2501 E. Cumberland street

December 6, 7, 13 & 14

Winter Hours Start Dec 4 thurs & fri 12–8 • Sat & sun 10-4 Holiday Trees • Greenery • Gifts

Factory Outlet Store Hours Tuesday - Friday • 10–6 Saturday • 11–5

Beer, Cider, Growlers, Pint Glasses, Bottle Openers, Hats, T-shirts, Bank Bottles, Bibs, Gift Certificates & More!

2440 Frankford Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19125

calling on behalf of the wild

A Penn MES grad coordinates resources to preserve our wild places.

Moses Katkowski Master of Environmental Studies ‘12, University of Pennsylvania To find out how Moses is bringing oysters back to the Delaware Bay, visit

As a kid in rural Chester County, the limits of Moses Katkowski’s backyard were just as far as he could walk. “We had a nature preserve behind our house, and I spent hours walking the stream to see how far I could go. That solitude, freedom, exploration became really important to me.”

Photos courtesty of The Nature Conservancy

Staff from Penn’s MES Program are here to answer your questions face-to-face on the second Wednesday of each month. Walk right in.

Years later, while taking a botany course in college, Moses’ dedication to wild places was reawakened, and he switched his major to environmental education. His mid-course change led him to a job with the Nature Conservancy right after graduation. “After a few years at the Conservancy, I wanted to expand what I could do within it. I chose the Penn’s Master of Environmental Studies program because it was geared towards professionals in my field.” The program quickly broadened his horizons. “I’ve never liked to focus on one thing, and the diversity of classes, from policy to field ecology, brought all my interests together.” Now, Moses brings these diverse stakeholders together on behalf of marine habitats as a Marine Conservation Coordinator. “One day I may be talking to a regulator, the next to a college student or contractor. The Master of Environmental Studies program got me ready to work with people with very different experiences— all towards the same goal.”


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