Red.Ish Magazine July 2015

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Red.Ish magazine would like to wholeheartedly thank the contributors to the magazine for supporting us by providing their stories, expert advice, information tips and business research. When others believe in your vision, it is easy to keep pushing to make a little business idea emerge into a phenomenal concept. We are forever appreciative of your belief in us. So here, we offer you a huge shout out and we are your biggest fan. Thank you…

“I must admit I was terrible starting off. I think people were just showing up because they liked me.” (laughs) The confirmations from the conference calls were affirmation for which path he should journey into greatness. He noticed that people wanted and needed to hear what he had to say. With no formal training in public speaking, no training or educational background in writing or coaching, besides being a true and selfless advocate…

Judge K.A. Gauff- Courting with Chance page 15

Silee K. Williams Interview page 59

Gerard Brown – Business Coach and Consultant Tray Kearney – Founder of Women2Women Talk Show Lawrence McGee – CEO of New Kings Youth Foundation Angela McClain – CEO & Founder of AM Editing and Freelance Writer Red.Ish Magazine Editor Lisa Porter – Magazine Journalist & Business Education Writer at Red.Ish Magazine Te’Mika Chatman – CEO at Build You and Your Wealth Isabel Lopez Starck – Transformational Life and Business Coach at Isabel Starck Ed Blunt – Owner of My Life University and Bluntartistry Diana Jerry – Health & Wellness Coach Melinda Hunt – CEO of Mylin Travel Experience Domonique Garis – CEO of Creative Minds Silee K. Williams – Silee Williams Enterprise LLC Tia Johnson – Owner of The Powder Room Nicole Narvaez Manns – Founder/Owner of Nikki’s Magic Wand Sydney Harrison – Chief of Circuit Court Prince George’s County Phylicia Brown – Founder of Women Empowering Women…The Network Association

Courting with Chance is about Karen A. Gauff reconciling her memories with her mother’s ninety-six page manuscript found after her mother’s death. In the care of a mother who battled mental illness, Karen was fortunate to have survived neglect, sexual perversion and violence while spending most of …

This Nikki’s Magic Wand journey has been quite a roller coaster ride, with super high highs and some pretty sad lows. When I first had the idea, I felt it’s value right away (I mean, it was a cosmetic device designed to get all of your leftover product from small tubes and containers. Who wouldn’t want that?) but I had ZERO idea how to get that idea…

Tia Johnson Where is the Support Page 61

Nicole Mann’s – Nikki Magic Wand Page 11

Domonique Garis Interview page49

Garis grew up middle class, but in an instant found herself without her father due to infidelity and a mother who was diagnosed with a brain tumor. She did not have the upbringing of success and wealth knowledge; however, she gained the street knowledge behind what it takes to make it in this world and ran with her skills. Having leadership, management, customer service and social networking under her belt, she decided she wanted to become an entrepreneur. And not just an entrepreneur, but a successful entrepreneur

I had the idea to create my own hair and skin products made entirely of natural oils and butters. Now today I have hair, skin and face oil, along with body butter. I have an idea of a good soap mix as well that I have not pursued just yet. I don’t want to create too many products without having a good customer base. This leads into the real issue at hand, support.

As the owner of two businesses, one in graphic design and another, an association, distinction works in our favor as far as branding and strategy goes. However, it is not enough. There is a secret element when it comes to a successful business, which can be wrapped up intelligently in one word. Consistency. When you see this word, it is not about being the best or the most qualified in business. Consistency leans more towards being predictable and providing reliable results to the customer or client during each interaction.

2. The way your team treats clients and customers. You may not want to believe this but who you have working under you are a direct representation of your business and, of course, you as the owner. Although, this might not be true, you have to look at this from the customer’s perspective in order to gain growth in business. What you and your team have to say and do for customers will determine their repeat business with your brand, as well as referrals. And we all know that referrals are the number one business growth tactics in history. Customer must know that they are top priority when they come in to your business space. So it will behoove you, business owner, to develop standard consistent procedures for day to day interaction with customers, helping to build on that constant foundation needed.

Perspective: A customer comes in to your space of business, and at the same time was provided a great product, along with a great service. They come back a second time, and received the same great service and product. So what’s the point? As a business owner you must realize what this customer is trying to say to you and about your business. If you cannot already understand where I am going, it is high time you subscribe to Red.Ish Magazine; a source that will continue to help you grow in your business success with great tips and resources. But the customer returns due to your businesses level of consistency. The first visit pretty much sets the benchmark for customer experience. The second visit will confirm, or not confirm consistency for the customer or client. Each customer, whether consciously or sub-consciously, forms a judgement spot-on on whether or not they are gaining value based on your product, and determining if the service will remain consistent with every interaction. So grab them on every encounter.

How to Achieve Consistency

Here are three areas to focus on, maintain, and develop accordingly. 1.

The way your business looks. It really does not matter the physical location of your business i.e. home based, landmark, or online. When you are in a position to provide a visual impression to people, it is inevitable that you will be immediately judged by what they see. This is – in the eyes of the customer – a sure way of how you will conduct business on a day to day basis. So if they see disorganization, you best believe, the customers thought process would be that you would not be able to help them meet their needs in customer assistance. So make sure your presentation is inviting, professional, and consistent.

Cont’d. Business Tip

Take an in-depth look in and around your business. What are clear identifiable elements that make up consistency in your business brand? The Point: Consistency creates your businesses reputation, believe it or not, and it is what your business can develop on (positive or negative). Without consistency this means you are constantly learning in your business, revamping something that is not jiving, or disorganized in many aspects of your business needs to the point of not being able to produce a consistent environment for customers and clients. These are indicators for customers, alarming them of a product or service they do not want or need. And as businessprenuers, we do not need that reputation. So How Do You Develop Consistency For Your Important Business?

3. Keeping promises to your customers is definitely a determining deal breaker. Never make promises you cannot keep, but rather strive to meet or exceed the customer’s expectations each interaction. When there are standard consistent procedures in place, this is actually a very easy process to uphold; especially in service delivery. Consistent standards will minimize disorganization, learning curves, and things falling into cracks in business matters. Yet, standard consistent procedures will maximize you and your team’s ability to provide consistency with customers each and every time. Remember, people will always have a choice in the matter as far as services rendered. Why not jumpstart your business client retention by creating standards for long-term consistency and build on that reputation needed for business growth so that you are not competing so much with others in the area. Other related business tips and topics: Ensure that you have a concrete plan (Details coming in Red.Ish August issue) Stay focused and be smart about the decisions you make Don’t be afraid to join with other businesses – this will only expand your business and clientele base even more You are your brand and your business is a part of you

I’ve been right where you are right now. Whether you have an idea and haven’t done anything about it or you got started and stopped, trust me, I’ve been there. This Nikki’s Magic Wand journey has been quite a roller coaster ride, with super high highs and some pretty sad lows. When I first had the idea, I felt it’s value right away (I mean, it was a cosmetic device designed to get all of your leftover product from small tubes and containers. Who wouldn’t want that?) but I had ZERO idea how to get that idea from my head to something I could hold in my hand. Many times when I couldn’t figure out what to do next, I did nothing. Doing nothing can be so unnerving because you feel that you’re wasting the idea, the time you’ve already spent and money you’ve already invested. I sat the idea down for almost a full year after a big rejection. I was focused on a new position at my 9 to 5 and Nikki’s Magic Wand seemed to overwhelming to take on. Having to learn EVERYTHING about running a business just seemed like way too much to do so I did nothing. Well, a few things happened to get me off of my butt. Someone offered me a super low amount of money for the idea and even though I didn’t know how to get it off the ground, I knew that it was a VERY valuable idea with the potential to be quite lucrative. Also, in that same vein, I couldn’t fathom the idea of someone beating me to the finish line with this. Oh no, that would never work. So, I picked it up again and took baby steps. I promised myself to do something toward the business every single day, even if it was just to make a to do list. Little by little I became more productive, learned more and gained more skills. As time passed, I became more confident, which made me more assertive in my communications with people related to the business.

If you don’t take anything else away from this story, remember this: YOU MUST BELIEVE IN WHAT YOU’RE DOING 100%. This is key because there will undoubtedly be obstacles along the way that will threaten to knock you off course. Only through knowing and truly believing that your idea is a great one, can you keep going and forge on. In the lowest times, when it seemed no one wanted a Wand, I never wavered from believing that it was something that people needed and would want. I am happy to share that after taking those baby steps, Nikki’s Magic Wand ended up at NY Fashion Week, winning a contest on and even selling out in a 6 minute segment on air on QVC. Hard work, always being willing to learn something new, and truly, honestly believing that your product or service is the very best will get you to the winner’s circle every time. Stay the Course and You Will WIN!!! Let’s GO!

Nikki 412-901-1908

Hobbypreneur to Entrepreneur

Starting out in business can be frightening. Especially when you go "all in". Which is why I meet so many "Hobbypreneur's" in my business. After all, isn't it a safe way to try something out while still paying the bills with your day job? The answer is Yes.....and....No. Like most things there are pros and cons. Deciding which resonate with you the most will ultimately help you decide which path to take. For the purpose of keeping this article specific and helpful, I am going to be speaking to those who are currently dreaming of turning their side gig into their full time career. Because, although they are few and far between, I have met Hobbypreneur's who are completely content with doing what they're doing for little to no money. The overwhelming majority desire to earn a decent living and many of those would be ECSTATIC if their Hobby paid off and they could do what they love ALL THE TIME.

The first step would be to take a really cold hard look at your hobby and ask yourself if you really desire to do this day in and day out regardless of anything else. Most people answer a resounding YES here. But I urge you to take a look at doing the thing you love all day everyday, but also realize that turning your hobby into a business means at some point you need to start looking at it like a business. Treat your hobby like a business and you'll get paid. Treat your hobby as a hobby, don't expect it to pay the bills. That means planning, goals, creation, work, meetings, financials, sales, the list goes on. It's a sore spot to consider but taking the time now to discover this can ultimately save you from turning your hobby into a chore.

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