2 minute read

AEl poder de ayudar a otros a prosperar The power to help others prosper

Finalmente, todo ello debe concretarse en ofrecer oportunidades de crecimiento y avance, es decir; que los empleados sientan que hay oportunidades de seguir a por más en la organización, gracias a su esfuerzo, gracias a la asignación de tareas desafiantes, el liderazgo de proyectos y la participación en iniciativas especiales.

Como alguna vez dijo el escritor norteamericano Robert Collier: “El éxito es la suma de pequeños esfuerzos repetidos un día sí y otro también”.

it is essential for growth and development. It

In addition to knowing how to motivate their work teams, one of the innate abilities that a leader must have is to help others grow and that each of them can reach their maximum potential, since they must be very clear that the prosperity of its employees is essential to the success of the organization.

One of the most basic ways to get started is by setting clear objectives, goals that are challenging but achievable, that can motivate employees to do their best and improve their performance. In this way, you can also identify areas where employees need help and training.

On the other hand, it is important that leaders are able to provide constructive feedback, as is important to adopt it as a regular activity. It is for this reason that, when talking about it, the leader must be specific and concrete in his comment, and must focus clearly on the behavior and performance, not on the person. Another way to help others is by promoting the learning and continuous development of employees in companies.

This can include formal training, coaching, mentoring, and on-the-job learning. By providing learning opportunities, managers can help employees acquire new skills and knowledge and improve in their daily activities. In the same way, it is necessary that prosperity be promoted from the creation of a positive work environment, in which everyone can raise morale, motivation and commitment.

Leaders must work to create a positive work environment, fostering collaboration, respect and recognition, and that they always have the tools and resources they need to do their jobs effectively.

Finally, all this must materialize in offering opportunities for growth and advancement, that is; that employees feel that there are opportunities to continue for more in the organization, thanks to their effort, thanks to the assignment of challenging tasks, project leadership and participation in special initiatives. As the American writer Robert Collier once said: “Success is the sum of small efforts repeated every other day.”

Por Redaccion Red Latina

El recientemente establecido St. Louis Tech Council, lanzó la STL TechWeek que contó con más de 30 eventos gratuitos durante la semana del 24 al 28 de abril. STL TechWeek se estableció para activar la comunidad tecnológica de St. Louis y apoyar la movilidad ascendente en los campos STEM. Con casi 5000 registros, STL TechWeek causó revuelo desde su inicio.

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