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Readers’ Letters
My wife Maureen McCoy Riley and I look forward to receiving Milford Living Magazine. The past issue (Winter 2021) was especially wonderful in reading the article on Stanley Kavan, his history and The Delicious Little Book of Love, Laughter, and Tears. I went to grammar and high school with his children. I remember a crystal sculpture that Johnny Mathis had sent to Mr. Kavan for Christmas in 1960. It was so nice to see that Mr. Kavan is well, active, and writing. Like most World War II heroes, he was humble in his service. Thank you so much for this well-deserved article, and way to go Mr. Kavan! —William and Maureen Riley, Capistraino Beach, CA Thank you for sharing your memories with us! We appreciate and celebrate our Milford seniors throughout the magazine whenever we can. It is the stories passed from generation to generation that help to keep the rich history of the community we share alive for future generations.
Why not interview Bob Christopher? He is 99 years old, a journalist and a photographer who still has stories from all around the world. —Hedwige L. Keupper, Milford, CT We were saddened to hear of the passing of Mr. Christopher in December 2020. He will be missed by the many that knew him. We enjoyed his visits to our offices and the uplifting stories he shared with all of us. A world traveler for most of his life, Bob was included in the Autumn 2008 issue of Milford Living. His inspiring words, “Love what you do, and do what you love,” were the hallmark of a life well lived.
Drop us a line… Please send your comments, contributions, suggestions, and questions to Milford Living Magazine P.O. Box 2387, Milford, CT 06460 or email our publisher at: suzanne@milfordliving.com