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At your Service
Feeding Frontline Heroes
As the COVID-19 pandemic began to get its grip on local communities this spring, people began to look for ways to help those in need. Matt Glennon, a lifelong Milford resident and local attorney, created a Go Fund Me page to generate funds to buy meals from local restaurants to be delivered to essential service workers. His idea was conceived as a way to help many friends and relatives who are healthcare practitioners and first responders, and from his experience working in the restaurant field which helped pay his way through law school. He knew how hard restauranteurs work, the long hours they put in, and the small profit margins they often realize.
Glennon opened the Go Fund Me page on March 20th. “With COVID-19 causing shutdowns across the country, the Milford restaurants that make our city so great and

Matt Glennon delivers breakfast from Little Lasse’s to Diego Brito for D Company, 102nd Infantry of the CT National Guard.
that we all love will be facing tough times. Simultaneously, many workers will be putting their health on the line to treat the sick and ensure our essential services continue to be delivered. Let’s come together and kill two birds with one stone—support our local businesses and those keeping us safe,” he said at the time.
A cadre of friends donned face masks and gloves and made the first deliveries on March 24th. As word of the fund spread, the initial goal of $10,000 was quickly surpassed. It currently stands at over $16,000 from generous donations ranging from $5 to $1000.
As the state begins to slowly open back up,
Glennon will shift to “phase two” of his plan, purchasing gift cards from local eateries to be distributed to other service workers, such as grocery and postal employees.
“It felt great to get out into the community and see the positive impact of a small gesture like making a purchase or providing a meal,” said Glennon, adding that once the page is closed any remaining funds will be donated to a charity that supports laid off restaurant workers or essential service providers.
To read more about the fund, or donate, please visit gofundme.com/f/msjzsc. —Susan Glennon

Ben Eisenhandler and Matt Glennon deliver Liberty Rock Tavern fare to the Milford Fire Department.
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