Issue 1, Vol. CIV

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of Washington & Jefferson College

Red & Black Washington, Penna.

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Page 7 Roommate Worries Don’t judge your roommate based on what they post on their Facebook; but what if you aren’t getting along with your roommate?


T h u r s day , S e p t e m b e r 6 , 2 0 1 2

Matriculation, Convocation Opens 232 Academic Year

Page 13 50 Things Instead of 50 Shades

E.L. James Fans Beware


Today, Scattered Storms High: 86° Low: 59°

Tomorrow, Partly Cloudy High: 84° Low: 57°

Saturday, Scattered Storms High: 74° Low: 59°

Sunday, Few Showers High: 71° Low: 53°

Number Crunching 62%

of Americans say work has a significant impact on stress levels.


of Americans name money as the number one factor that affects their stress levels. source: The Washington Post


Campus-News ...................... 1-9 Arts....................................... 10-13 Opinions.............................. 14-17 Sports................................... 18-20 PLEASE RECYCLE THIS PAPER

Jacqueline Radin/ Red&Black

The Washington & Jefferson College community came together Monday Sept. 3 to usher in another Convocation ceremony, this time for the entering class of 2016. With the completion of both the Matriculation and Convocation ceremonies, W&J opened with its 232 academic year. SEE CEREMONIES, PAGE 2

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