Red & Black
The Free
s t u d e n t n e w s pa p e r o f w a s h i n g t o n a n d j e f f e r s o n c o l l e g e w j r e da n d b l ac k . c o m W a s h i n g t o n , P e n n s y lva n i a April 30, 2021
WHAT’S IN THIS WEEK’S PAPER... CURRENT EVENTS President Biden began his daily briefing on this day by informing the military leaders in attendance of his plan to bring back all American troops stationed in Afghanistan by Sept. 11, 2021, the 20-year anniversary of the terrorist attack 9/11. -P.8
While the creation and preservation of national parks is widely regarded as a “win” for environmentalists, it’s important to recognize the simultaneous racist history of these actions. -P.11
OPINIONS Physicians such as Dr. Risa Hashino quickly took to platforms like Instagram to spread facts and truths about the realities of why the [Johnson & Johnson] vaccine was paused in order to prevent vaccine hesitancy from heightening and anti-vaxxer “I told you so” mentalities from stoking fear. -P.14
[Garrett Barilar ‘21] can now call himself a PAC champion, as he won the entire tournament, helping his team secure the second-place spot. -P.17
Men’s Soccer Upsets Grove City in PAC Semi PAGE 19