RedSeven Marketing Magazine #009 Q3/4 2018

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RedSeven Marketing Magazine Issue #009

Become the best version of yourself 09




Celebrating 18 Years

Becoming the Best Version of Yourself

Matt Nicholson and Monument Promotions

Boondocks Weekender

in busines with Fran

We discuss self

We discuss fluidity,

Boondocks festival to

and James of Mantra

development and the

consistency and team

celebrate and unwind

Marketing Group

spirit of the entrepreneur

work with the rapidly

Celebrating 18 years

rising star


We head to the


Our contributors Francis Colam Chief Editor

Fran is Chief Operations Officer for Mantra Marketing working with people and companies to help the business become more efficient and profitable.

Alex Rae

Art Director / Designer Alex is the Managing Director of Bristol based film production company Falcon Productions.

Rose Lucas Editor / Author

Rose studied at the University of Bristol where she obtained a BA in English Literature, before moving to London to study at Identity School of Acting and continue her work as a writer/ editor.

Nic Kane Photographer

Nic is a Bristol-based photographer specialising in the commercial, events and fitness sectors.



In this issue Introduction 003 Owners Meeting Celebrating 18 Years with Mantra

005 011

The Entreprenur Academy


Self Development


Matt Nicholson & Monument Promotions


Mark & Enigma Promotions


Stateside w/ Rob from RedSeven


Making Waves in Mumbai


Festivals and Travel Section


March Ski Trip


The Mantra Weekender


Ibiza September


The Context of the Entrepreneur


Photo Pool


Office List




Introduction “As we hit the halfway point of 2018, it’s time to reflect upon what the year has brought so far.”

Welcome to the summer edition of our Magazine

the heat of the business world, set yourself clear

- and what a summer it is turning out to be! With

intentions for the next few months. Be proud of

the sun high in the sky, smiles on our faces and

your development and keep a keen eye on your

half of the year still stretching out ahead of us, it

own development, not just in a stats sense, but

is time to celebrate our achievements and raise a

in terms of the self. Look around at the network of

glass to each other. We're stronger than ever and

colleagues that are so willing to lend a hand, and

with promotions happening every quarter, new

take a moment to recognise the limitless support

companies opening left, right and centre and the

that underpins the company - it’s a special thing.

team continuing to expand, we are truly flying high. With strong foundations in place, begin to push In this edition we focus on self-development.

yourself. Notice where your comfort zone lies where

The higher up we climb in the industry, the more

you sit within it and start to test your boundaries.

opportunity there is for teaching others. The more

In this line of work, the parameters within which the

opportunity there is for teaching others, the greater

‘Entrepreneur’ exists - more than exists, ​thrives - a​

the insight into ourselves. With the newly opened

re constantly shifting. Use this to your advantage.

Entrepreneur Academy and mentor-schemes in

Be fluid, open and ready for change. Prepare

place, we are dedicated to ensuring that our team

yourself and be ready to step outside your comfort

are able to work to their full potential. We look at

zone as you sprint forward into the summer...

the benefits of learning about ourselves through sharing knowledge with others and begin to locate where and when we are operating at our optimum level of self. Our guys are continually at the top of their game running seminars and meetings abroad, and despite the glorious weather here in the UK (a rare thing), we are as passionate as ever about jumping on a plane and filling our time with travel. With trips to Ibiza, the ski-trip, business trips to Florida, Mumbai and the chance to win an adventure abroad a regular offering here, you can look forward to exercising


your itchy feet and stretching your Entrepreneurial skills abroad as well as on your doorstep. As we hit the halfway point of 2018, it’s time to

Five countries - fifty cities five years

reflect upon what the year has brought us so far. Have you managed to keep to those resolutions you shouted from the rooftops with such aplomb as the clock struck midnight on January 1st? How close to hitting your goals have you been so far? And what are your ambitions for the remainder of this year? As we pause to breathe in the sweet summer air, shake out the springtime and fully embrace





Owner's Meeting De Vere Hotel, Wotton House, Guildford

"A combination of business and pleasure, these meetings are a staple part of each quarter here at Mantra, ensuring that we move forwards with a sense of cohesion and a feeling of camaraderie."



building. The meeting runs over two days,


and in this time we each run a topic, have

we get everyone

the chance to catch up with other Owners

together for an

as well as taking a much needed opportunity

Owner’s Meeting.

for relaxation, with a BBQ on the terrace and



a drinks reception to accompany us through


the long summer evenings. A combination of


business and pleasure, these meetings are

July at the De Vere Hotel, Wotton House in

a staple part of each quarter here at Mantra,

Guildford. The hotel was stunning, situated

ensuring that we move forwards with a sense


of cohesion and a feeling of camaraderie.


very here

was a



time held




out with an indoor pool, restaurant and tennis courts. The Owner’s Meetings are an opportunity for us to check in with each other in a relaxed environment, to strategize for the next quarter and ensure that we are all on the same page. At the moment we are concentrating on growth and expansion across the board. It has been a busy few months, and our focus now is to develop the next group through extensive training and a stress on the importance of team












CELEBRATING 18 YEARS of MANTRA "I wouldn’t say that I had many skills, much finesse or technique when I first started, but I can say that I was determined to suc- JAMES BUCKLEY - FOUNDER / CEO - MANTRA MARKETING GROUP -


head of their anniver-

beyond my wildest dreams, really. It was daunting,



but equally exciting. I had no idea what I was doing!

years in business with

But I was operating from a sort of ‘nothing ventured

Mantra, I caught up with

nothing gained’ outlook, without which I probably


wouldn’t have ended up where I am today’.



James Chief



Officer, Fran Colam to

A couple of years down the line, and with the com-


pany continuing to expand, James began looking





they’ve come and what lies ahead.


for someone to head the recruitment side of things. It was during this stage that Fran Colam joined the

Mantra Marketing was initially established by

company, ‘He needed someone ambitious, so we

James back in 2000 after he was recruited by a

started working together in Bristol’. Neither Fran,

friend to work for a similar company where he found

nor James, knew just how far the company would

that he progressed well. He began to find success

evolve, but one thing was certain, they both had

in an industry, that ‘in all honesty I never had any

extremely high standards and oodles of drive.

ambitions’ to work in. As time progressed and I re-

Fran describes how James is ‘super ambitious,

alised I was succeeding, I thought I’d run with it’. He

fast paced and expects a lot. He pushes me and

spent 18 months working in the field, before taking

pushes the guys’ which made for a fantastic work-

the plunge and setting up a company of his own -

ing atmosphere back then, and still does today, ‘He

Mantra - and things have grown at an extraordinary

puts everyone else first and as a result of that the

rate since then. ‘It was certainly an unexpected

company moves forwards’.

venture and one that has grown and progressed

"We can make such a difference to other people, which is why it’s so rewarding." - FRAN COLAM / COO - MANTRA MARKETING GROUP -








with the help of Fran and some fresh new recruits, Mantra began to find its feet within the industry. This process of growth






learning on the job, a certain element of risk-taking and a whole lot of passion and determination. James himself is the first to admit that he wasn’t the epitome of the average ‘Entrepreneur’ when he first began his venture into this industry - ‘I wouldn’t say that I had many skills, much finesse or technique when I first started, but I can

‘The underlying components that create a ‘working dynamic’ are really

say that I was determined to succeed’. It is important to partner knowledge with a strong sense of passion, drive...and well,

what sets the company up for success

personality! Not all successful Entrepreneurs

of failure.’

were born that way - it is a process of


development that requires a lot of nurturing, the ability to learn from mistakes along the way and most of all, a positive mindset. The manner in which Mantra has evolved is really the product of an amazing group effort. I asked both Fran and James how they found working together and whether or not they realised early on that this was going to be a successful business partnership. Fran explains how, ‘we have a similar vision for the company; we set the same goals, but we also compliment each other in terms of our personalities and our ways of working which I think is important. We balance each other out. James is the sort of person who will walk into a room and be the energy, and I guess I’m the one who helps facilitate things. We’ve got different energies so between us we cover all bases; it’s a very good working dynamic in that sense, one that has served us extremely well over the years’. The underlying components that create a ‘working dynamic’ are really what sets the company up for success or failure. It’s simple, really - if there is a strong sense of cohesion, positivity, drive and sense of togetherness on a roots level, then that will filter through to the business side of things. Fran goes on to describe how her and James ‘lead by example’, therefore ‘the working relationship that we promote is picked up and put into play by the company as a whole. We are a family. Our values filter down through the business and consequently this creates a strong sense of cohesion - it’s something that we are very proud of’. James and Fran compliment each other well in terms of their skill and their energy and this is a huge part of why Mantra has done so well. With friendship at the heart of the company they have a strong foundation from which to grow, and with generosity aplenty, the sky's the limit.



‘It’s not a case of distinguishing between work and life, it’s a way of life. I feel really in line with my purpose; operating in a state of flow when you’re happy and you’re enjoying what you’re doing is when you are most creative and can be your best self.’



I never imagined this is how things would turn out - I thought we would be running one office, probably in Bristol where we first started and that would be that. To think now that we have offices worldwide - we are operating in Belarus, Spain, all over the UK and in Russia where I work every other week - is extraordinary. I had no idea I would be flying to Russia every week, let’s put it that way! - JAMES BUCKLEY -

"There is always more to learn, new people to meet, fresh skills to acquire. That never stops. I’m learning as much as I’m teaching’" - JAMES BUCKLEY -

Whilst they may operate on slightly different

philosophy of the company that has ensured

frequencies, one thing is certain, when

that these people have ​ stayed​working

asked what they are most proud of, both

for Mantra? Fran explains how they have

Entrepreneurs land on the same answer -

always wanted to make Mantra the best

helping other people fulfil their potential.

possible environment for anyone to work in.

It’s not a self-serving endeavour. It’s not

Her personal philosophy is, ‘you have one

all materialism and money, and it certainly

life, it’s short, you have to love what you do.

isn’t a case of one-upmanship here. Whilst

I absolutely don’t want to be one of those

both parties are aware of the benefits of

people that watches the clock and counts

financial gain in terms of it allowing them to

down the minutes until they can leave work

lead full lives, enabling them to travel and

and go home. That’s not what it’s about for

to support their families - both James and

me. My work is who I am!’. The culture that her

Fran have children - when it comes to their

and James wanted to create was one where

achievements, both look back with pride

the work doesn’t feel like ‘work’, but instead is

when they they reflect on how far their guys

part of a wider process of self-development

have come. James elaborates on this notion,

and growth, resulting in the high retention

stating, ‘Yes, I’m proud of how far we’ve come,

rate and glowing success stories of their

but it’s more a pride in terms of the team we

teams. Fran said she was driving home last

have built. The people who work with us

night and had a moment where she just

and the community we have at Mantra is

wanted to text James and say, ‘I just love our

so strong. It’s a really cool way of life, and

job!’, and that says it all really! With genuine

it’s really the people that make it. Everyone

passions running through the business, the

gets on with one another, we all have each

formula is simple, and their success is a result

other’s backs and in this way it’s incredibly

of what have been quite natural evolutions in

supportive, and incredibly good fun! They are

the company.

a literal manifestation of our core values, and I am incredibly grateful and incredibly proud of our team’. It’s about making a difference to other people’s lives, providing them with an opportunity and watching them flourish

‘As Mantra started to develop a

as a result. Fran expands on this, stating

personality of its own, strengthened

that ‘I think what I’m most proud of is helping

its identity and consequently began

other people to fulfil their potential. Helping them live out a life that they perhaps never thought they could. I don’t necessarily mean

making waves within the industry, the number of recruits grew and grew’

just in financial terms - although, being able to live nice lives, buy houses and travel the world is one of the perks of the job - but more in terms of the confidence and self-belief that the work encourages them to develop. We’ve got guys that we’ve nurtured from the very start who are now running their own businesses, something they never dreamed would have been possible at the start, so that’s really wonderful to see. To be able to facilitate such self-development is really why I do this’. As Mantra started to develop a personality of its own, strengthened its identity and consequently began making waves within the industry, the number of recruits grew and grew. I asked its founders what it is about their workplace that continues to attract the ‘right’ people. Not only this, but furthermore If a company is defined by those who work within it, what is it about the





simply in a logistical manner, but in terms

down, toast their achievements and reflect

themselves in the founding of of multiple new


of their own time management and sense

upon their success. The trips provide them

companies under the umbrella of Mantra,

of selves. I am told that it all boils down to

with the space to celebrate each other’s

with RedSeven, 1to1, Black Stag, Monument

communication - ‘We communicate all the

achievements and to enjoy what we they

Promotions to name but a few of the



created. Fran states how ‘it is important to

success stories over the years. With offices

means that even when I’m here in the UK

take a step back, not just when we’re doing

all over the UK as well as in Russia, Spain

and James is over in Russia, we can still

well, but also when things have been dif-

and Belarus, Mantra have certainly begun

FaceTime and run meetings. I’ve trained

ficult....and when things are difficult, we fall

establish a global presence. I asked Fran

half of the Russian team via FaceTime, it’s

back on the strong network and community

why there was such a focus on expanding

extraordinary.’ James explains how they

that we have created’.

internationally, and what it is that draws

run quarterly organisational meetings ‘with​

them to work abroad. She explains how

everyone,​meaning those that have been in

In terms of self-development, I asked both

their business works in every country. They

the company for a week, to those who have

Entrepreneurs if they feel different now to

market products, and those products are

been working with us for 10 years’ - and that

the people who invested themselves, their

global, therefore they are global business.

has really helped them stay on track, mark

time and their energy into a the company

Furthermore, they are able to teach any

their progress and ensure that everyone is

18 years ago. James’s response was that he

nationality because of the systems that they

on the same page. They also plan for the

is ‘still learning - probably just as much as I

use, therefore it’s quite a straightforward

year as a whole and set a theme for this

was 18 years ago. There is always more to

transposition. ‘Of course you have to be

to add an extra layer of cohesion. But what

learn, new people to meet, fresh skills to ac-

adaptable and open to making alterations

about when it comes to their personal lives,

quire. That never stops. I’m learning as much

here and there based on the context, the

how do they ensure that they have time for

as I’m teaching’. And finally, the advice that

country, the people involved... but really it

themselves and their families? James said

they would offer anyone else starting out in

all comes down to communication’. Fran

he is forced to make time! He has learned on

the industry now is that ‘people come first’.

explains how ‘essentially our way of working

the job how to navigate between work and

James and Fran are the glue that hold Man-

and our ‘formula’ has remained constant’,

life, colleagues and family, and to balance the

tra together, and they place a huge amount

even when the context has changed. For

two - ‘I used to be disorganised, but I’ve felt

of gravitas on developing and sustaining re-

example, when they opened in Spain, they

myself change and morph into someone who

lationships. Fran describes how ‘we couldn’t



has to be organised. There’s no two ways

do this without each other. Sometimes,

differently...people would have three-course

about it. I have list upon list upon list. That

when you’re financially up against a wall,

lunches and operate in a far more laissez-

shift has been a result of how the business

when things are tough, it all comes down to

faire manner... So instead of indulging a

has developed, but also from having a family,

treating people the right way, looking after

feud, they celebrated their differences and

having an amazing social life, and travelling

each other and pulling through as a com-

decided to bring the meeting to the lunches

lots’. For a self-confessed ‘non-workaholic’,

pany. Never underestimate the importance

- the best of both! A certain amount of open-

James has found a lifestyle that is as much

of manners, kindness and support’. James

mindedness and a willingness to learn from

about going out and having fun as it is working

emphasises the importance of working hard,

others seem to be qualities that have stood

hard; for him, running the company has been

but playing hard on top of that, ensuring that

Mantra in fantastic stead, thus far, and in

about finding ‘ways to compartmentalise, to

you have fun through it all. And their plan for

terms of blurring the boundaries between

be incredibly productive with the hours in my

the future? The 5-year plan is to be operat-

work and play, the ability to combine the two

day. I’ve learned to get up earlier, to maximise

ing in 5 different countries by 2023, but their

is something that many of the team members

my time and make the most out of every

overall ambition is to ‘keep offering people

I’ve spoken to within the company are adept

aspect of my life’. Enjoying yourself whilst

opportunities’ - there is no limit on that one

at. Fran tells me that ‘Today the guys are at

working hard is exactly the sort of advice we

- and something that really shines through

the races, and yes, they’ll discuss business,

can all raise a glass (or three) to! And when

is the sense of community that they have at

but they’ll also have a drink and enjoy

it comes to family, it’s simple: ‘When you’ve

Mantra. That is what sets them apart: ‘We are

themselves, enjoy each other’s company’,

got a family, you have to make time for that

a business with a heart.’

how ‘the dynamic that they establish as

side of your life. Sometimes your career can

friends will filter through to their cooperation

complement other aspects of your life, but

in the workplace’. Her and James both have

it’s ultimately down to you to prioritise what’s

families, but they will go camping together

right for you and make it work’.










and hang out as mates. She says that she ‘wants to emphasise that it’s not all about

Reaching 18 years of Mantra is a good

being ‘serious’ and ‘professional’ all the time.

opportunity to pause, reflect and take in how

Obviously we have to manage our time very

far the company has grown since the year

carefully, especially now that the business

2000. In an age where we are constantly

is growing, but that’s just a case of planning

encouraged to look forwards, to jump to the

ahead and we plan about a year in advance

next thing and to ‘improve’, it is particularly

of where we’re at. We will check in with each

important to go against the grain and to

other and ensure that we’re in sync even if

take a breath to review your own progress.

we’re not in the same place at the same time'.

The Mantra festival, the ski-trips and the holidays are a fantastic opportunity to do

I asked them how they find managing

just that, and Fran and James ensure that

these different strands of temporality, not

their team have ample time to let their hair



"It’s about making a difference to other people’s lives, providing them with an opportunity and watching them flourish as a result.." - FRAN COLAM -





The Entrepreneur Academy Helping our team unlock their full potential and be the best they can be





we opened our very own




already it is off to a flying start. Between us, we place a strong

focus on nurturing and developing our teams , across the board. Of course it is exciting to recruit new team members and watch how they inject a new energy into the business; however, what is most rewarding for us is seeing those people grow. We recognise their potential and help them to achieve things






possible. That is what we are about. Support, confidence





Entrepreneur Academy is a manifestation of our core values, and acts as a formal space within which we are able to train our teams and invest time in them and their learning. Within the Academy, we offer seminars, meetings, opportunities for our teams to further educate themselves in the world of business and sales. We not only hold events in the South West, but also offer various opportunities in London, so our guys have the chance to venture slightly further afield and absorb inspiration from other Crew Leaders and Business Owners. Our Facebook page is a fantastic way to keep in sync with each other, and with other businesses operating all over the country. We run a Facebook live every week and The Academy has already been party to three fantastic successes this year, so a huge congratulations to: Chance Cowie, Daniel How and Charlotte Vass.







Self Development:

Becoming the Best Version of Yourself 'I am learning just as much as i am teaching' - JAMES BUCKLEY -






dictionary sense of the word, an Entrepreneur is


defined as ‘a person who sets up a business or

simply come alive in the

businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope



of profit’. In its simplest form, this is true; however,

it. In fact, who are we to

what does this word mean to you? Doesn’t the

define the parameters of

word itself - the title - evoke far more than just

such a ‘workplace’? In this

someone that ‘hopes for profit’. The true spirit of

industry, the work itself becomes something more

the Entrepreneur is greater than that. When we

than just a job. It is a way of life.

begin to dissect the word itself, it becomes more





than just a name, it is a way of being. It has a drive,

In evading the rigidity of what we might understand

a momentum and a purpose.

to be a ‘working day’ - book-ended by snatches of time outside of the 9-5 in which we ‘live’ our

The difference between simply assuming a job-

actual lives - the average day for the Entrepreneur

title, and ‘Entrepreneur’ being something we

becomes a space in which there is no separation

understand in a fuller, all-encompassing sense, I

between work and life; they are one. Within this

think has something to do with the ego. When one

frame, it is interesting to track the development

is able to move on from simply ticking the dictionary

of the self; to notice the parts of oneself that are

definition box - ‘hoping for profits’ - and instead

brought to the surface depending on context, and

begins to embody the spirit of the Entrepreneur,

to check-in with the progress one has made, not

not only in terms of numbers and figures but in

just in business terms but in terms of selfhood.

all aspects of life, then one can begin to grow. In



the pursuit of a career, if one is striving simply

fuels the business and vice versa. A sort of co-

for titular recognition, then at some point things

existence forms between the two worlds, one that

are going to begin to dissipate. It is important to

is coalesced in the term, ‘Entrepreneur’.

set goals in order to track one’s development, of





course it is; however, when hitting these goals When we think of what we know to be true about the word, ’Entrepreneur’, we think of it as a title, no? A job-title? Or is it something more? In the

becomes our sole purpose, and we start to equate possession of a Title with success, we are falling short of ourselves.




We often understand progress in a linear format - depending on what

to consider self-development in terms of other people as well as

sort of learner you are this can be visual or it can even be through our

something that, by definition, revolves around the self. Consider your

verbal communication, in the ‘language of success’ - and this goes to

impact on other people, the way in which people respond to you, and

explain the tendency we have to set ourselves quarterly goals as we

in turn the response you receive from them.

strive to occupy a new space and new positions within a company. However, it is important to recognise what is driving you forwards - is

I spoke to Mark Widnell from Enigma Promotions about the sense of

it the (public) glory of gaining a title, or is it the (private) satisfaction of

community within this line of work, and here’s what he had to say:

hitting a certain criteria? This isn’t to say that being motivated by an accolade is wrong as such, but be sure to keep a grasp on the greater meaning of such an accolade. What does it truly mean to be a Crew Leader, or an Owner? How have you developed in yourself to garner such a role? Begin to analyse the qualities you have cultivated in order to be able to conduct yourself in such a manner. These titles exist to aid our understanding of progression, not to encourage a hierarchy. Competition is healthy - to an extent - but try not to let the ego take over as you feel yourself move forwards. Keep a grasp on the true nature of the work, and what it is about this world that inspires you. Remember where you started, what you have learned and how you have managed to implement these skills in everyday life. When we remove the ego, our work becomes about other people rather than just the self. It is therefore interesting


‘​What is so refreshing about this industry is that everyone is willing to lend a hand, to help each other. Coming from a previous workplace where that wasn’t the case, where people were - on the contrary - quite suspicious of you if you offered to help, the atmosphere and the working dynamic that exists here is incredibly supportive. That’s really special’.

There is so much advice that is readily available, so draw upon it. Share your skills, help others and be open to receiving help. That extends across the country and across the world, with advancements in technology, we are able to share ideas and experiences with other business worldwide - which is extraordinary, really. In sharing your abilities with others, you are encouraged to re-assess and re-evaluate your own skill set, the areas in which you are strong and those that you need to work on. It’s an extremely useful arena in which to track your self-development. In teaching others, we learn most about ourselves.

‘​What is so refreshing about this industry is that everyone is willing to lend a hand, to help each other. Coming from a previous workplace where that wasn’t the case, where people were - on the contrary - quite suspicious of you if you offered to help, the atmosphere and the working dynamic that exists here is incredibly supportive. That’s really special ’

Self Development: Being the Best Version of Yourself 'Get back what you give out'






As Entrepreneurs, you are always operating in the


public sphere, it’s all about communication and


tapping into how and why something is engaging,


what translates and’s really about analysing


relationships and methods of communication and

therefore endeavour to

that comes from a wider emotional intelligence. It’s

find the humanity and

interesting to fine-tune your ability to affect another

the heart in the business.

person through your language, your body language,

Perhaps we can learn most about ourselves in

your actions. I guess this is finding the heart in the

teaching other people, and isn’t that essentially

business, the humanity. The ‘character’ of success.

what we do when we build a company? We build

What does it mean? What does it look like? What does

a team of people, share knowledge, and grow

it feel like?


work a

to-person one




together. Think about when you are working at your optimum level, when you are most engaged, present, articulate and track the response you receive from your colleagues. I asked Rob of RedSeven Marketing whether he found that learned more about himself when teaching other people? This was his response:

It all comes back to self-development: how you develop as a businessman/woman and how you develop as a person and therefore how those two align. Where and when they crossover to produce an optimum result. How often do we check in with ourselves and really analyse how far we have come,

‘It’s a different approach - when you are travelling

what we have learned, and how that has altered

and presenting to a group of people, you are

our being? In an industry where travel and cross-

presenting a certain type of self. Your best self.

global communication is encouraged, the context

Your most persuasive self. There’s an art to public

of the Entrepreneur is something that is continually

speaking, and that is a huge part of becoming a

changing. There are no boundaries within which one

successful Entrepreneur. The ability to hold a room

is able or not able to operate. A true Entrepreneur

and to impart knowledge in a successful manner.

does not switch off his or her ‘work’ ethic when

I’ve been running a business for 5 years now, but the

they switch off the light to their office; on the

idea of travelling to America to teach other people how to run a business was something I’d never really thought about. To know now that I’m in a position where I’m doing that is a wake up call to how far I’ve come and how much I have developed, almost without realising it. I don’t normally think of it like that but actually yeah, looking back and seeing how far I’ve come is useful in moving forwards. Tracking the progress of the self, alongside the progress of the business.’

contrary they are operate in a constant state of awareness whereby they are awake and open to opportunities, they are present. To be present is to be in the moment, to channel your attention on the here and now. Be that a meeting, an interaction or even your journey to and from ‘work’, they are ready for anything; that is to say they exist in a state of preparedness. This isn't to say that there is no opportunity for relaxation or ‘switching off’, but instead one is open to the opportunities and inspiration that may come their way, wherever or whenever that may be.


developing your business



Matt Nicholson and Monument Promotions Checking in with Matt Nicholson as Monument Promotions continues to thrive. With much to celebrate over at Monument Promotions, I grabbed 5 minutes with Business Owner, Matt Nicholson to check-in with him on the exceptional growth of his company

How’s it been going? We’ve been going from strength to strength. When we last spoke, I had been focussed on establishing a solid team of guys, and since then have been concentrating on growing those individuals. The business has sort of experienced a few evolutions as those people have matured. Every quarter, the business seems to become a new sort of animal....there is a sense of fluidity and an element of the unknown as we venture forwards.

Tell us a bit about your plans for expansion over the rest of the year...what’s the trajectory looking like?

We hit a big PB last week - 380 sales - and we’ve now got two Assistant Owners working here, those being Chance Cowie and Charlotte Vass. We’re looking to open up another three offices over the next 6 months. At the moment, it’s about making sure we have a solid team in place, one that is prepared for the expansion that wilI happen over the rest of this year. This essentially means focussing on developing and improving the guys so that they are ready to run their own offices

me is a sort of fail-safe way of ensuring that he’s ready to do it on his own; I can make sure - first hand - that he is doing everything he needs to be doing so the transition is a lot smoother. I am going away and leaving him to it for a week or so over the summer, so that will be a good opportunity for him to run the office and prove himself in this new role.

How are you feeling about the rapid expansion Monument has experienced?

There are areas in which we can improve, but there are also things that I know that we do well. I think it’s important for us to grow with the same standards, awareness and attention to detail that we already have in place now. It’s important not to lose those things as you get bigger.

How are you feeling at this stage of running a business? Are you where you imagined you’d be or have you exceeded your expectations?

when the time comes.

I think we’re where we wanted to be - with the situation growing so

Tell us a bit about how you've been mentoring your AO's

the business evolves a step ahead of me and then I have to catch up,

and how they've taken to their new role

Chance has been working really closely with me, so he will be opening his office in the next 10 weeks. This process of him working alongside

quickly, I am continually pushed out of my comfort zone. It’s almost like which lends itself to quick progressions and a strong working dynamic I’m kept on my toes, I’m learning, I’m improving. I think that’s sort of part and parcel of growing a business quickly.




Outside of your comfort zone is where you learn the most, and I would imagine that this sense of playing catch up with the business is one that creates an amazing energy across the company. How have you found that you’ve developed? Have you noticed changes in yourself since teaching other people?

I think you quickly learn what you need to do to keep the ball in the air. The areas where you can improve become very apparent. The business works in cycles - whether you’re teaching people to sell or teaching people to build a team - regardless of the topic, the methods that you employ stay the same. It’s a case of noticing the areas in which you can develop your learning as opposed to spending too much time reflecting on yourself. I think an important realisation, as the business grows, is that you can’t do everything yourself. It’s important to be able to teach others and allow yourself to delegate.

I guess it’s a process of observation to pinpoint the areas that you need to improve. It’s all about communication, so if you are able to cultivate your communication skills to the extent that you are able to teach in a productive and successful manner, then you’re on the road to success.

Yes - in this industry we are constantly developing our communication skills. Whether that’s speaking in topics, delivering a talk or speaking one to one with someone - these moments can be equally as important - it’s a skill. It’s like driving a car, you start off with an awareness of what needs to be done, and you’re very conscious of this; whereas, once


you settle into your stride, it becomes second nature and you don’t have to think about h ​ ow​you are communicating, you automatically know how to do it. Competency comes with experience, but another thing is that when you’re running your own company, you've got a lot of freedom. You quickly find out what you enjoy doing, where your passion lies and what you’re good at! That’s where running a company becomes enjoyable and you start to build momentum - from your own observations and the feedback you receive from others, you become more aware of the areas in which your skills lie. You can be surprised by your own abilities which is nice!

I think the ability to recognise when you are operating at your optimum level, when you are presenting the best version of yourself, is part of what makes a successful Entrepreneur. It can be a wonderful thing when you realise how far you’ve come. Sometimes this is during a moment of reflection, but it can often come as a surprise when you notice qualities that you now possess that you perhaps didn't have at the start.

Totally - you know, when I was asked to run a topic for the first time I was probably quite nervous! But then you realise, sort of halfway through, not only am I doing this, but I’m actually quite good at it. I guess that is where you do learn a lot about yourself. In a lot of other jobs, you’re never put in a position where you’re working outside of your comfort zone. I think in that sense we are lucky to work in this way.

Mark and Enigma Promotions ‘I had to learn on a much more ad-hoc basis, which was useful in a different way. I was certainly out of my comfort zone, but that can be a fantastic space for creativity.’ - MARK WIDNELL / ENIGMA PROMOTIONS -

recently opened Enigma Promotions! They may be based in

What is your approach to growing the business? How do you operate inside of this framework?

a small countryside town, but they are making waves on the

The whole industry is a numbers game. Operating in a state

North Devon coast. I caught up with him to hear all about the

of persuasion and trying to build a company of people who

new business venture.

are right for Enigma can be frustrating; however, I think I

Congratulations to Mark Widnell over in Barnstaple, who has

Congratulations, Mark! Tell us a bit about the process of establishing Enigma... I had already been running an office for a year prior to opening my own, so I sort of did it back to front. In that sense, it has been quite a smooth transition. We started out on residential, and over the last 4 months we’ve moved into events. My territory before was quite narrow. I had been chatting to Matt Nicholson about his line of work, decided to spend some time with him in the Events sector and soon realised that it would work well down in Devon. We moved into Events and have quadrupled our sales on a weekly basis! Moving into Events has helped boost sales, and therefore it has meant that our retention rate in terms of our team, has been stronger. We’ve got a small but solid team now which is great. We’re between 50-70 acquisitions a week so looking to raise that to 100 / week and recruit a few more guys.


work in a slightly different way to some of the other Owners. Because there’s a cap on the amount of people I can recruit - the upper limit of the business - instead of always pushing forwards forwards forwards, I do the inverse and work on strengthening from the base up. If I can ensure that the person who is making the lowest number of sales a week is still hitting £500/week then I know that the company as a whole is doing well. It’s a different approach, but one that works for us. It’s all relative. I’ve just had 3 new people start working with us, and by the end of July I’m aiming to have a 15-strong company. That will be our maximum, really, and so from that point onwards we will work on branching out, encouraging our recruits to move up the company until they are promoted to the point of opening sub-offices in other locations - expanding out rather than up.



continued... I guess it’s about adapting the formula and systems that

It’s interesting to see how the mentor/recruit dynamic operates. For

you know work well and transposing them to a format that is

example, over at Monument Promotions, you’ve got Chance working

relevant to your company. As an Entrepreneur, part of the skill

directly alongside Matt Nicholson - the Owner - so from a training per-

set is the re-appropriation of core techniques and systems, to

spective, to learn first-hand how the business operates and to be right

assert ownership over your way of working?

in the thick of it is hugely beneficial for him. I had to learn on a much

Absolutely - I would say it is important to nurture the team that you

more ad-hoc basis, which was useful in a different way. I was certainly

have, to grow the business not simply in terms of numbers, but in

out of my comfort zone, but that can be a fantastic space for creativity.

terms of the developing each individual within that team. It’s about quality not quantity. Some of the other Owners hire en-mass, which to

There’s a fine balance between risk-taking and being reckless,

the outside eye might look as if they are making a much higher turn-

and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone for learning

over; however their outgoings will also be much greater due to the size

purposes...How have you navigated this space?

of the team they have working for them. My company is much smaller,

Although I have taken a risk, my overheads are so low that I know that

but relatively we are doing very well. It’s important to look at the mar-

even if it’s just me, I can still break-even. The risk factor is actually quite

gin, not just the end figure, when assessing sales.

low, despite having opened the office in an unconventional way. Knowing that there is a cap on my business means that I know that I need

Have you noticed differences in yourself? Is this where you

to advance the company by making it very lean. In some ways, that’s

imagined you’d be in your career?

a useful thing. It’s not always beneficial to operate in such an open-

Honestly, no! I worked for a bank before, then I opened a hotel which

ended context and knowing your limits can actually be an important

I ran for 5 years which was exciting, and then I hit the stage where I

part of developing as an Entrepreneur. Be present. Settle in to what

started to reconsider my career. Working in this industry was only ever

you have. It’s not all about the next thing.

going to be a part-time thing for me until I realised the extent of what I could achieve here - I loved the sense of urgency it gave me. I wanted

What keeps you inspired?

to open an office, and what was refreshing was that there was nothing

The last three weeks have been amazing - it’s an exciting time - we

holding me back. I knew I had to engineer myself a career, and a role

made it onto the Bulletin after only being open for 3 weeks. For such

that worked for me, and so I built this company from scratch. Enigma

a small area down in Devon, we are making a big impact. What keeps

Promotions is proof that you can achieve anything if you put your mind

me inspired is my sense of competition. I play lots of sport in my spare

to it, it’s something that I never imagined I would do but that I’m very

time, so that sense of drive and momentum comes from an inherent

proud of.

sense of play and drive to succeed. Competition can be a good thing if exercised in the right way.

How have you found that you learn best? Do you think there’s greater value in learning from first-hand experience, through mentor-schemes for example?



We head Stateside with Rob from RedSeven



Stateside Education

'I think it’s important to reward my


arlier this year, Rob from

and offer advice. Rob took some of the top



performers in his team, and they jetted off to

Stateside to deliver a

Florida. I caught up with him back in the UK

programme to various

to hear all about the experience of delivering



such a lecture abroad...






manage your finances.

How do you find delivering something


like this? Do you find it nerve-wracking

guys for their achievements, to

countries as a result of the supplier that

or is that where you’re most comfort-

celebrate their work and their efforts.

they use to source new clients. One of those


countries is America. With the company

Public Speaking is not one of my strengths,

having experienced unprecedented growth

but having had to do it for years now - some-

recently, there’s been a shift in the way in

times to an audience of 2000 people - well,

which they operate, so Rob and a couple

let me tell you it only gets easier after that!

of others flew out there to share their skills

I really enjoy sharing knowledge with other

It makes for a positive working atmosphere'.





people. It can be quite scary, but I think that when you get to a position where you’re able to share your skill set with other people in another country, there’s something very exciting about that. When you are travelling abroad and presenting to a group of people, you are presenting a certain type of self your best self - your most persuasive self. There’s an art to public speaking, and that is a huge part of becoming a successful Entrepreneur. The ability to hold a room and to share knowledge. Who did you take with you and did you find it was a good opportunity to bond? So I was out there primarily to run that topic, but I decided that it was a good opportunity for my company as well - to take others with me and offer it as a reward for how hard my guys have worked. The trip was a great opportunity to get to know them better, for us to bond and to enjoy some time away. I took one of our Team Leaders, Dale Trinder, and also one of our Assistant Owners, Charlotte Vass. Take us through your itinerary... We had two days of meetings, so we got to meet different Business Owners and experts in the industry which was great. This was followed by two days of sightseeing so we went jet-skiing, saw some dolphins - the dolphins were literally swimming alongside us whilst we were jet-skiing! We rented a Ford Mustang and drove to Orlando, went to Universal Studios... it was amazing. Whenever I go away for business, I always like to incorporate some down time for my team. Yes, the business is the reason why we travel, but it would be



'Entrepreneurship, there is a large crossover in terms of purpose, aligning your purpose in life with that of your work'.

a wasted opportunity if we didn't also make time for sightseeing, relaxing and recharging out batteries as well - that’s just as impor-

'There’s an art to public speaking, and that is a huge part of becoming a successful Entrepreneur'.

tant. I think it’s important to reward my guys for their achievements, to celebrate their work and their efforts. It makes for a positive working atmosphere. We flew business class which with BA which was quite cool - we each had our own bed, was a real treat. I wanted to give my team a taste of what the future holds for them if they keep working hard. Obviously it’s not all about material gain, but succeeding in this industry opens up a hell of a lot of opportunity in all aspects of life. It’s nice to be in a position where I’m able to reward my guys for their efforts, to say thank you. Sounds like a trip they won’t forget. Why is it important to you to combine work and travel? I think that there’s a tendency, especially when things are full-on at work, to just talk about the work; a trip away is a good chance to form relationships - working relationships - that are fully fleshed out and robust as a result of spending quality time with each other. With Entrepreneurship, there is a large crossover in terms of purpose, aligning your purpose in life with that of your work. I think that travelling can help support that, but it also gives you a much needed break. It’s important to have fun! Have you found that you’ve changed your methods of communication over time? You get out what you put in. It’s simple. I think that in this line of work, if you are sending out a positive energy, you are making an effort and presenting a top version of yourself, then it manifests itself in your work and how other people respond to you. There are certain meetings that I run, certain interactions I have where I know I

Tracking the progress of the self, alongside the progress of the business

am operating at my optimum level of self - I

certainly has an affect on how you perceive yourself and your confidence.

can track that, I am aware of that, I’m on a roll - the results that you get from people are noticeably better. It’s cultivating those


elements of your personality and exercising an acute awareness of self, I guess.



'I think that there’s a tendency, especially when things are full-on at work, to just talk about the work; a trip away is a good chance to form relationships - working relationships'.

When you travel, you’re still being

can hold yourself back. In that sense it can

‘productive’ as it were, you’re literally

also be the worst thing about the industry!

moving forwards, but you have the

I would say that a positive mindset and a

time to think, to be, to catch up with

passion for this life is a prerequisite of going

yourself. Everyone is always looking

into Entrepreneurship.

ahead, so it’s important to take the time to ‘land’ and to exercise an element of

It all comes back to self-development:

mindfulness. Do you find that you have

how you develop as a businessman/

the time for this?

woman and how you develop as a

You have to make time. With Entrepreneurship,

person and therefore how those two

there’s always something you could be doing.

align to produce an optimum result,

You never have that satisfaction of ‘my job is

would you agree?

done’, now I can relax. There’s always further

Yes, it’s a people business. It’s face-to-face,

to go. There’s never a ‘good’ time to travel, for

so when you're selling to a customer, it’s

example, but you make the time.

important to be on top form. This extends to how you engage with your work colleagues

How do you maintain a positive mental

as well. The energy I give out to my guys, the

attitude and keep yourself driven?

atmosphere and the company culture that

I think it’s understanding that within this

we have established stems from the manner

industry, if you don’t have that drive and

in which we engage with each other. I try

that laser focus, you’re not going to achieve

and treat my team as I would my customers,

your goals. We don’t have a 9-5, check-in and

in a way. That’s what works for us and the

check-out lifestyle. The best thing about this

dynamic of RedSeven.

industry is that it’s down to you. You have agency. You are absolutely in charge of your success and you are the only person that


Universal Studios Orlando, Florida Opened on June 7, 1990, the park's theme is the entertainment industry, in particular movies and television.


Making Waves in Mumbai Roddy and Callum explore India


ack in May this year, two of

the four of them managed to hit 70 sales. Congratulations

our team members - Roddy

were in order and so they hopped on a plane and travelled

Barker and Callum Wallace

across the globe to Mumbai, India, for a jam-packed week



of business and pleasure. Whilst there, they gained an


insight into the working world of two huge companies, the

afield. We offer a variety of opportunities every year for

first being the firm that manages credit cards for Ferrari,

team members to win trips abroad, and on this occasion

and the second being ICICI, the third largest bank in India.




opportunity slightly

the task was to reach the highest number of sales during the quarter. The competition itself happened to fall during

To travel with work is possibly one of the most insightful

the week of the ‘Beast from the East’, sending major cities

combinations of experience one can be gifted with. The

into lockdown and blocking off roads as a result of the

shift in perspective, the opportunity to meet and learn

heavy snow.

from others with completely different backgrounds from you, the utter focus and passion that emerges from having


Roddy is based in Glasgow, and despite the difficult

a ‘time limit’ on the trip...all of the above work towards

working conditions, managed to beat every single team

injecting new life, new knowledge and fresh energy not

across the UK and achieving a personal best in the

only into the business, but towards the self-development

process. He and his small team showed incredible spirit

of the Entrepreneur. Roddy expands upon this, reflecting

- working in -5 degrees for 11 hours a day - and between

upon the chance he was given to travel even further afield




Taj Mahal, Agra, India

‘Having the ability to travel for work is

a visit from King George V back in 1911, before

amazing. A real privilege. So having the

eventually being built out of stone and used

opportunity to travel to somewhere with such

as an exit for British soldiers leaving India

a different culture, but with an insight into the

in 1947 - fascinating to see. Our afternoon

same industry - the methods and systems in

was spent exploring more of the city before

place - was invaluable. Regardless of how

we headed over to the Raj Hotel, one of

long you’ve been doing your work, it’s still

the swankiest hotels in Mumbai. It truly was

important to take a step-back and reflect

ornate, with marble pillars and designer

upon. Your place in the bigger picture.’

shops on the ground floor, so naturally we headed straight to Louis Vuitton and kitted

To leave one’s ‘home’, to venture out of

ourselves out from head to toe....

one’s comfort zone and into the unknown is rather a big experience, but isn’t it during

...rather, we headed straight to the bar! It

these moments - moments where we aren’t

was then that we heard a lot of commotion

completely in control, where we don’t quite

and saw crowds gathering outside. We

know how we will respond - that we learn the

started to wonder what on earth was going

most about ourselves? We spoke to Roddy

on, and were soon informed that we were

and Callum about their 6 days in the city;

in the presence of the Indian Cricket Team

from the heat of Mumbai to the heat of the

(until this point we’d had no idea we were in

food, the inspirational figures they met and

the company of sporting royalty!). Finishing

the words of wisdom that they brought back

up around 6pm, we were introduced to the

with them....

one of the Business Owners, a gentleman called Kishore, who took us for dinner at his

Part 1 - No Time for Jet Lag

local curry house - it was delicious! Whilst

The moment we stepped off the plane, the

there, we met the top Assistant Owners

heat was relentless. We arrived at 3am,

and Crew Leaders. It was really lovely, and

managed to find our Hotel Rep, slept for a

actually hugely beneficial to meet them in

few hours and then it began! With no time for

a casual, relaxed environment, over dinner.

jet-lag, we were straight down for breakfast

It’s important to build a relationship in an

at 830am and then off out into the city for

informal context. Getting to know someone’s

a jam-packed day of sightseeing. First up

background - where they’re from, where

was the Gateway to India - initially built out

they studied, what has shaped them - is an

of papier-mache to as to be ready in time for

important part of establishing a successful business




majority of the team had studied Engineering at University and it transpired that the transferable skills they had cultivated over the course of that particular degree were especially useful in this industry. The openness of conversations outside of the ‘office’ environment lends itself to greater insights; there is more space for discussions to branch out and therefore more of an opportunity to delve deeper into the personality behind the business. It’s extremely important for both parties to establish a connection that isn’t simply based around trade and numbers. The team finished up around 1am, went to bed and were up and back in the office for 8am, ready for their first full working day. Part 2 - Create Your Own Lane Our second day began with as much gusto as the first and we were tumbled straight



'Regardless of how long you’ve been doing your work, it’s still important to take a step-back and reflect upon your position. Your place in the bigger picture.’

into a Tuk-Tuk and onto the road. Watching how they drive is really how the culture works. Everyone knows where they’re going, everyone creates their own lane (never mind sticking in line with other people, create your own space), honks their horn to let others know they’re there, and most of all never takes their foot off the pedal. There is a constant - if slightly erratic - sense of moving forward. It’s wild, it’s alive, it’s energised, and it works! The roads are actually rather a good metaphor for how the businesses operate over there. When we were in the car for the first time, it was a little bit ‘white knuckle’, our hearts pounding and sweat emerging from every pore. But the second time we were on the road, it was just so liberating and the atmosphere sort of embodiment of where we were ‘at’, in many respects. We were thrown straight into the hub of it all. It sounds daft, but you move from what feels like a neardeath experience, to soon realising that actually no-one is getting hurt around you, everyone knows exactly what they’re doing, and you just roll with it. Everyone was quite apprehensive about the culture shock, the journeys in the Tuk Tuks being just one part of that....but I didn’t have any expectations, big or small, about what our experience would be like. You know, we’d heard that on one side you’d have mass poverty, and on the other side of the street (literally) mass wealth. It is quite a stark contrast, and therefore quite a bizarre context to operate in, but you just have to take it in your stride. Day 3 - The Sales Begin The first office visited belonged to Sukesh and VP Saiprakash. Watching how the sales

Having the opportunity to travel to somewhere with such a different culture, but with an insight into the same industry - the methods and systems in place - was invaluable.

team operated was phenomenal; they would go in with so much confidence and confidence in their ability, it was extraordinary. Obviously


at home we work in a residential context, but going into an expensive location and working with high-end clients, and seeing how they use their confidence to ‘gain entry’, it really was inspiring to watch. I think that was my biggest take away from the trip, the manner in which they conducted themselves, the confidence and ease that everyone seemed to ooze.



' Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone ' - NEALE DONALD WALSCH -



New Dehli India How the kings in the 17th century used to measure time and seasons.

The way in which you can mould and shape how you present yourself to your clients, the






energy, your attitude and your confidence, is as important as what you know. You might have all the information, but if you can’t communicate it to other people, then it’s redundant in this industry. This all boils down to an acute understanding of communication, and a strong sense of self-awareness. There is a fine line that lies between confidence and arrogance, the difference being one feeds the ego and one fuels a business. Roddy describes how the Business Owners out there have found the right balance: They truly understand the opportunity that they have. It’s quite a poor country, therefore those that have managed to work their way up, and have been given the opportunity to work in this sector really appreciate it. They really understand the value of money. You hear endless success stories about businessmen moving up and up and up, opening office after office, and the drive / ambition that underpins this success comes from a true understanding and appreciation of the privilege of money. They don’t over indulge. They’re very clever with it. It was very humbling to see. How they run their business isn’t so much about titles - ‘Owner’, ‘Crew Leader’ etc. it’s about the criteria. If you’re hitting the criteria then you’re embodying what it truly means to possess that title. Your level of work is manifested in your actions and it becomes much more than just a Name. The way in which people see promotions over here - where it is about achieving a title actually lends itself to quite a different way of working in terms of progression. It is one that is perhaps more egocentric....whereas, if the title itself is removed, and replaced simply with the criteria required to hit that level of the business, then it becomes less about the glory - the pride in being able to wear the name badge - and more about the work. It’s a much more rounded way of working, more honest and less hierarchical. Part 3 - Sagar and His Team The above attitude is one that is set in place by those at the top, and it was



There is a simple but effective work ethic and ethos and it is this that carries them forwards

evident how much the office looked up to

work like you. Embrace it. Cultivate yourself

with him after 20 years. The business and

Sagar (the second Owner that we met). He

and your skills. Be the best version of yourself

their approach has stayed the same and

was actually very nonchalant in his way of

you can be. Roddy describes the different

has stayed pure over 2 decades. Despite

working in that he simply works hard and

approaches they came into contact with:

the growth and success, the essence of the company hasn’t been diluted.

follows a clear systemic approach. He’s pushing for Organisational Head within the

One Owner was very much about self-

next three years, and believes that if he can

education, motivation, being a Lion in a Jungle

India really was the most mind-expanding and

develop his owners with the mindset that

and being the best you can be, whereas

educational trip I’ve ever been on. It was really

they are working towards hitting a criteria,

Sagar was much more about following a

inspiring and broadened my perspective of

not a title, then the atmosphere shifts and

systematic approach. He concentrated on

the business world no-end. To be there in

the work comes first. Everyone is given the

his transferable skills and wasn’t so focussed

the heart and the heat of it all makes such

same opportunity, the difference lies in each

on an ‘end goal’. It was a real melting pot of

a difference. It becomes something tangible.

individual’s intensity of work.

heart soul, logic, reason and passion - that

You can feel the the passion and energy in

was what made the trip so exciting!

the room - it’s visceral, alive, energetic and exciting!

When we first walked into Sagar’s office he was really laying into his team about how

And then there was Tony Fernandez... the

they had underperformed over the last few

country head of India. He also oversees four

days. He was breaking them down to build

or five other countries. He is such a character.

them back up again and was very open about

He’s kind of like a James Bond which sounds

it. Being slightly awkward Brits, we were

ridiculous but is the best way I can describe

anxious that we shouldn’t be present for this;

him. Everyone hangs on his every word. His

however, he insisted we stay and that it was

way of presenting himself is well crafted, he

fine, it was ‘just the process’. He re-educated

knows how to hold a room, hold his company,

them and every single team member moved

and to ensure that people listen to him...But

from looking like they wanted the ground to

he also just sat there in a t-shirt, a pair of

open up and swallow them, to a state of re-

pink shorts and his leg in a cast in one of the

empowerment. We saw them perform that

swankiest hotels in India! He certainly does

day, and it was like they had come full circle

it his own way. We spent the afternoon sat

- pretty amazing to see.

there eating sushi and oysters and listening to his advice:

India is one extreme to the other - in the UK, it would be very stiff-upper lip, one-on-one,

All you’ve to do is keep it really simple. It all

slightly tentative - but actually their response

made sense and was straight to the point.

to this was actually quite unemotional. It was

He said he knows lots of wealthy people, and

very rational and logical which lends itself

hangs around with some of the wealthiest

to a quick turnaround, (again, no ego to be

families in Mumbai, but really I’d just prefer

dented, therefore a quick bounce back). I

to be in the pub and have a pint’. He knows

think if that happened with anyone in the

himself. He’s aware of the glamour of the

UK, there might be tears and tantrums and

world, but doesn’t get caught up in it. He

embarrassment, but actually to be able to

doesn’t get swept away by the glitz and

take criticism in a constructive manner, use


it, digest it and quickly move on to move

extraordinarily wealthy and swimming in

forward is a hugely important character trait

high-end circles.






in a businessman or woman. He said the way he’s always looked at it is Part 4 - The Personality of the Business

that he doesn’t want to be domesticated.

Whilst there is often a clear system at the

He wants to be like a feral cat. If a cat is

core of every successful business, remember

domesticated and he goes outside, he’s not

that within that there is still space for you to

going to last very long. A feral cat can exist

implement your own way of working. Whilst it

in a domesticated environment, but when he

is important to follow a strong format, it is also

goes outside he’s in his element and he will

as important to bring your own personality to

survive. He never sits on his laurels. The first

your work. That is what will stand you apart

two people he interviewed are still working

from the rest. You are you. No-one else can

with him after 20 years. The essence of the


Festivaks and Travel Section We promote a healthy combination of travelling for work, holding meetings abroad, offering holidays and business trips all over the world as incentives, thereby encouraging an expansive mindset when it comes to sharing knowledge. With offices in Russia, Spain and in the UK, and plans to continue expanding globally, we are strong advocates for developing international relationships and truly appreciate the opportunity for development, not just in terms of business, but in terms of the self, that travelling offers.




Ski Trip - March Val D'Isere / French Alps

Back in March, we jetted off to the Val D’Isere for four days of hitting the slopes and soaking up the fresh air of the French Alps. It really was stunning, and a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the flying successes of our team. We took a group of our highest achievers, those that we see a bright future in....regardless of their ability on the slopes! Whilst there, we stayed at the beautiful CLub Med Hotel and made sure to indulge in some Apres-ski, as well as celebrating Nina from RedSeven's birthday - a fantastic time was had by all.

The Mantra Weekender Malmesbury / Cotswolds


To celebrate such a fantastic year so far, we headed to Boondock’s Festival to let our hair down and celebrate the community we have built between us. What better way to come together than to spend the weekend sharing stories over sharing beer whilst soaking up the fresh air of the great outdoors. We spent the weekend camping together, donning our brightest festival gear and dancing until the sun came up over the stunning West Country hills. We were lucky enough to occupy our own section of the festival, with our own tipis and fire-pits; Boondocks is all about finding your Tribe, and we have certainly found ours here . We are a community. We work together, travel together...and party together. We hope you all had a fantastic weekend!




















see you all again next year -x-


Ibiza - September

Balearic Islands - Spain

Looking ahead to September (and the end of the long summer months woe!) we thought it was important to plan a trip away to soften the blow... so come 23-26th September we will be flying away to Ibiza for a weekend of rest and relaxation. After the heat of the summer, we will be using this weekend as a chance to wind down, cool-off and rejuvenate our minds and our bodies. We will be staying at the Hard Rock Hotel and incorporating some team-building activities into the weekend as well ensuring there is ample time spent in the spa....we can’t wait to share it with you.



The Context of the Entrepreneur With


world as they share their perspectives on everything from work and

communication at the heart of it all, what better way to ensure that









business to mindfulness and culture. You really do get out what you

you are making use of your train journeys, flights and car rides than to

put in, so start making the most of your time. Be productive and make

broaden your perspectives, increase your breadth of vocabulary and

use of that half an hour off. Sit back, relax, and let someone else do

read! Or if reading isn't your forte, then plug into a podcast and start

the talking...

engaging your brain in new ways. Listen to people from all over the


How to Have a Good Day

By: Angela Duckworth


By: Jonah Berger

Everbody Matters

The Extraordinary Power of Caring for Your People Like Family

By: Bob Chapman


' Listen to people from all over the world as they share their perspectives on everything from work and business to mindfulness and culture '

Never Eat Alone


And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time







Earn Your Happy By: Lori Harder

She Did it Her Way By: Amanda Boleyn

The Adam Buxton Podcast By: Adam Buxton

Wired Podcast By: Dawn Marrs Ortiz & Traci Reuter

Exponent By: James Allworth & Ben Thompson

How i Built This By: NPR

By: Keith Ferazzi


Photo Pool

A selection of some of our favourite photos from Q2



















































Charlotte Vass

Mark Widnell

RedSeven Advertising

Enigma Promotions

Chance Howie

Roddy Barker

Monument Promotions

B2B Marketing

Dale Trinder

Megan Ward

RedSeven Marketing


Daniel How

John Lamara

Monument Promotions


Assistant Owner Lvl 4

Assistant Owner

Crew Leader

Crew Leader

Business Owner

Business Owner

Business Owner

Business Owner

The support network we have in place here at Mantra is second to none, and this is evidenced in the above successes, - just a small insight into the progress we are making as a company. We grow the business from the inside out, and we look forward to seeing what the summer holds. Good luck everyone!


Q2 Funds Raised UK £310,712.40

Office List 2018


Our UK, Scottish, Spanish and Russian office list. Please be sure to visit our social media channels for future developments




Mantra Marketing Group James Buckley / Francis Colam

JB Company Jasmine Suleymanova Krasnodar website coming soon

We Love Sales Nicci Flynn Glasgow

Magic Magomed Parizhev Krasnodar website coming soon

Atlas Promotions Ujla Mohammed / Callum Wallace Edinburgh

ZIMA Albina Zigangirova Moscow website coming soon

B23 Marketing Roddy Barker Glasgow website coming soon

Vio Organisation Veronica Ovechkina Moscow website coming soon

Rise Marketing John Lamara Glasgow website coming soon

Asana Marketing Group Aidar Zamaletdinov Moscow

Vertex Promotions Darren Walker Carlisle website coming soon

First Group Albina Fazlieva Moscow

Novus Marketing Megan Ward Aberdeen website coming soon

Leela Promotions Aparna Rakesh Plymouth

RedSeven Marketing Robert Cotterell Swindon

1 to 1 Advertising Mark Twitchin Bristol

Engima Mark Widnel Barnstaple website coming soon

Monument Promotions Matt Nicholson Swindon

Fairview Advertising David Hebblethwaite Ipswich

SPAIN Force Marketing Rebeca Perez Madrid

Yuppie Timur Konovalov Moscow

World Marketing Radik Kamalov St Petersburg

EMDI Marketing Nelson Pereira Reus


“I think it's possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary” - ELON MUSK / ENTREPRENEUR -

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